2016-07-19 12:14:32 -05:00
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#include "config.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
2016-07-19 12:55:16 -05:00
#include <Poco/Exception.h>
2016-07-19 12:14:32 -05:00
#include <Poco/FileStream.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPCookie.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPBasicCredentials.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTMLForm.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPRequest.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPRequestHandler.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPServer.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPServerParams.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPServerRequest.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPServerResponse.h>
2016-07-19 12:55:16 -05:00
#include <Poco/Net/NameValueCollection.h>
2016-07-19 12:14:32 -05:00
#include <Poco/Net/NetException.h>
#include <Poco/Net/SecureServerSocket.h>
#include <Poco/Net/WebSocket.h>
#include <Poco/RegularExpression.h>
#include <Poco/Runnable.h>
#include <Poco/StreamCopier.h>
#include <Poco/StringTokenizer.h>
#include <Poco/URI.h>
#include <Poco/Util/ServerApplication.h>
#include <Poco/Util/Timer.h>
#include "Common.hpp"
#include "FileServer.hpp"
#include "LOOLWSD.hpp"
using Poco::FileInputStream;
using Poco::Net::HTMLForm;
using Poco::Net::HTTPRequest;
using Poco::Net::HTTPResponse;
using Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest;
using Poco::Net::HTTPServerResponse;
2016-07-19 12:55:16 -05:00
using Poco::Net::NameValueCollection;
2016-07-19 12:14:32 -05:00
using Poco::Net::HTTPBasicCredentials;
using Poco::StreamCopier;
using Poco::Util::Application;
bool FileServerRequestHandler::isAdminLoggedIn(HTTPServerRequest& request, HTTPServerResponse& response)
const auto& config = Application::instance().config();
const auto sslKeyPath = config.getString("ssl.key_file_path", "");
2016-07-19 12:55:16 -05:00
NameValueCollection cookies;
2016-07-19 12:14:32 -05:00
2016-07-19 12:55:16 -05:00
const std::string jwtToken = cookies.get("jwt");
2016-07-19 12:14:32 -05:00
Log::info("Verifying JWT token: " + jwtToken);
JWTAuth authAgent(sslKeyPath, "admin", "admin", "admin");
if (authAgent.verify(jwtToken))
Log::trace("JWT token is valid");
return true;
Log::info("Invalid JWT token, let the administrator re-login");
2016-07-19 12:55:16 -05:00
catch (const Poco::Exception& exc)
Log::info("No existing JWT cookie found");
2016-07-19 12:14:32 -05:00
2016-07-19 12:55:16 -05:00
// If no cookie found, or is invalid, let admin re-login
2016-07-19 12:14:32 -05:00
const auto user = config.getString("admin_console.username", "");
const auto pass = config.getString("admin_console.password", "");
if (user.empty() || pass.empty())
Log::error("Admin Console credentials missing. Denying access until set.");
return false;
HTTPBasicCredentials credentials(request);
if (credentials.getUsername() == user &&
credentials.getPassword() == pass)
const std::string htmlMimeType = "text/html";
// generate and set the cookie
JWTAuth authAgent(sslKeyPath, "admin", "admin", "admin");
const std::string jwtToken = authAgent.getAccessToken();
Poco::Net::HTTPCookie cookie("jwt", jwtToken);
2016-07-28 07:28:40 -05:00
2016-07-19 12:14:32 -05:00
return true;
Log::info("Wrong admin credentials.");
return false;
void FileServerRequestHandler::handleRequest(HTTPServerRequest& request, HTTPServerResponse& response)
Poco::URI requestUri(request.getURI());
2016-07-22 21:52:33 -05:00
Log::trace("Fileserver request: " + requestUri.toString());
2016-07-19 12:14:32 -05:00
requestUri.normalize(); // avoid .'s and ..'s
std::vector<std::string> requestSegments;
if (requestSegments.size() < 1)
throw Poco::FileNotFoundException("Invalid URI request: [" + requestUri.toString() + "].");
const auto& config = Application::instance().config();
const std::string loleafletHtml = config.getString("loleaflet_html", "loleaflet.html");
const std::string endPoint = requestSegments[requestSegments.size() - 1];
if (endPoint == loleafletHtml)
preprocessFile(request, response);
if (request.getMethod() == HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET)
if (endPoint == "admin.html" ||
endPoint == "adminSettings.html" ||
endPoint == "adminAnalytics.html")
if (!FileServerRequestHandler::isAdminLoggedIn(request, response))
throw Poco::Net::NotAuthenticatedException("Invalid admin login");
const auto path = Poco::Path(LOOLWSD::FileServerRoot, getRequestPathname(request));
const auto filepath = path.absolute().toString();
if (filepath.find(LOOLWSD::FileServerRoot) != 0)
// Accessing unauthorized path.
throw Poco::FileAccessDeniedException("Invalid or forbidden file path: [" + filepath + "].");
2016-07-22 02:18:19 -05:00
const std::size_t extPoint = endPoint.find_last_of('.');
2016-07-19 12:14:32 -05:00
if (extPoint == std::string::npos)
throw Poco::FileNotFoundException("Invalid file.");
const std::string fileType = endPoint.substr(extPoint + 1);
std::string mimeType;
if (fileType == "js")
mimeType = "application/javascript";
else if (fileType == "css")
mimeType = "text/css";
else if (fileType == "html")
mimeType = "text/html";
else if (fileType == "svg")
mimeType = "image/svg+xml";
mimeType = "text/plain";
response.sendFile(filepath, mimeType);
catch (const Poco::Net::NotAuthenticatedException& exc)
Log::error("FileServerRequestHandler::NotAuthenticated: " + exc.displayText());
response.set("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"online\"");
catch (const Poco::FileAccessDeniedException& exc)
Log::error("FileServerRequestHandler: " + exc.displayText());
response.setContentLength(0); // TODO return some 403 page?
catch (const Poco::FileNotFoundException& exc)
Log::error("FileServerRequestHandler: " + exc.displayText());
response.setContentLength(0); // TODO return some 404 page?
std::string FileServerRequestHandler::getRequestPathname(const HTTPServerRequest& request)
Poco::URI requestUri(request.getURI());
// avoid .'s and ..'s
std::string path(requestUri.getPath());
// convert version back to a real file name
Poco::replaceInPlace(path, std::string("/loleaflet/" LOOLWSD_VERSION_HASH "/"), std::string("/loleaflet/dist/"));
return path;
void FileServerRequestHandler::preprocessFile(HTTPServerRequest& request, HTTPServerResponse& response) throw(Poco::FileAccessDeniedException)
HTMLForm form(request, request.stream());
2016-08-29 00:23:37 -05:00
const auto host = ((LOOLWSD::isSSLEnabled() || LOOLWSD::isSSLTermination()) ? "wss://" : "ws://") + (LOOLWSD::ServerName.empty() ? request.getHost() : LOOLWSD::ServerName);
2016-07-27 23:56:09 -05:00
const auto path = Poco::Path(LOOLWSD::FileServerRoot, getRequestPathname(request));
Log::debug("Preprocessing file: " + path.toString());
2016-07-19 12:14:32 -05:00
2016-07-29 07:42:43 -05:00
if (!Poco::File(path).exists())
Log::error("File [" + path.toString() + "] does not exist.");
response.setContentLength(0); // TODO return some 404 page?
2016-07-27 23:56:09 -05:00
std::string preprocess;
FileInputStream file(path.toString());
StreamCopier::copyToString(file, preprocess);
2016-07-19 12:14:32 -05:00
2016-07-27 23:56:09 -05:00
const std::string& accessToken = form.get("access_token", "");
const std::string& accessTokenTtl = form.get("access_token_ttl", "");
2016-07-19 12:14:32 -05:00
2016-07-27 23:56:09 -05:00
// As of now only alphanumeric characters are allowed in access token
// Sanitize user input before replacing
Poco::RegularExpression re("[a-zA-Z0-9_]*", Poco::RegularExpression::RE_ANCHORED);
if (!re.match(accessToken, 0, 0) || !re.match(accessTokenTtl, 0, 0))
throw Poco::FileAccessDeniedException("Invalid access token provided. Only alphanumeric and _ are allowed ");
2016-07-19 12:14:32 -05:00
2016-07-27 23:56:09 -05:00
Poco::replaceInPlace(preprocess, std::string("%ACCESS_TOKEN%"), accessToken);
Poco::replaceInPlace(preprocess, std::string("%ACCESS_TOKEN_TTL%"), accessTokenTtl);
Poco::replaceInPlace(preprocess, std::string("%HOST%"), host);
Poco::replaceInPlace(preprocess, std::string("%VERSION%"), std::string(LOOLWSD_VERSION_HASH));
2016-07-19 12:14:32 -05:00
2016-07-27 23:56:09 -05:00
2016-07-19 12:14:32 -05:00
2016-07-27 23:56:09 -05:00
std::ostream& ostr = response.send();
ostr << preprocess;
2016-07-19 12:14:32 -05:00
2016-07-28 03:24:25 -05:00
Log::info("FileServer ctor.");
2016-07-19 12:14:32 -05:00
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