
353 lines
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Raw Normal View History

/// <reference path="./refs/globals.ts"/>
/// <reference path="./helper/util.ts"/>
/// <reference path="../src/core/Rectangle.ts"/>
var assert = require('assert').strict;
interface ExpectedRectangle {
x1?: number,
x2?: number,
width?: number,
y1?: number,
y2?: number,
height?: number,
area?: number,
// rounded versions
rx1?: number,
rx2?: number,
rwidth?: number,
ry1?: number,
ry2?: number,
rheight?: number,
rarea?: number,
eps: number,
function assertRectangle(actual: cool.Rectangle, expected: ExpectedRectangle) {
// x-coordinate
if (expected.x1 !== undefined)
assertFloat(actual.getX1(), expected.x1, expected.eps, 'Wrong x1');
if (expected.x2 !== undefined)
assertFloat(actual.getX2(), expected.x2, expected.eps, 'Wrong x2');
if (expected.width !== undefined)
assertFloat(actual.getWidth(), expected.width, expected.eps, 'Wrong width');
if (expected.rx1 !== undefined)
assertFloat(actual.getPxX1(), expected.rx1, expected.eps, 'Wrong rounded x1');
if (expected.rx2 !== undefined)
assertFloat(actual.getPxX2(), expected.rx2, expected.eps, 'Wrong rounded x2');
if (expected.rwidth !== undefined)
assertFloat(actual.getPxWidth(), expected.rwidth, expected.eps, 'Wrong rounded width');
// y-coordinate
if (expected.y1 !== undefined)
assertFloat(actual.getY1(), expected.y1, expected.eps, 'Wrong y1');
if (expected.y2 !== undefined)
assertFloat(actual.getY2(), expected.y2, expected.eps, 'Wrong y2');
if (expected.height !== undefined)
assertFloat(actual.getHeight(), expected.height, expected.eps, 'Wrong height');
if (expected.ry1 !== undefined)
assertFloat(actual.getPxY1(), expected.ry1, expected.eps, 'Wrong rounded y1');
if (expected.ry2 !== undefined)
assertFloat(actual.getPxY2(), expected.ry2, expected.eps, 'Wrong rounded y2');
if (expected.rheight !== undefined)
assertFloat(actual.getPxHeight(), expected.rheight, expected.eps, 'Wrong rounded height');
// area
if (expected.area !== undefined)
assertFloat(actual.getArea(), expected.area, expected.eps, 'Wrong area');
if (expected.rarea !== undefined)
assertFloat(actual.getPxArea(), expected.rarea, expected.eps, 'Wrong rounded area');
const x1 = 3.4;
const y1 = 6.3;
const width = 2.3;
const height = 8.2;
const eps = 0.01;
describe('Validity of Rectangle', function () {
it('Invalid rectangle', function () {
let invalidRect = new cool.Rectangle(3, 4, -1, 10);
assert.ok(!invalidRect.isValid(), 'Rectangle should be invalid');
invalidRect = new cool.Rectangle(3, 4, 1, -10);
assert.ok(!invalidRect.isValid(), 'Rectangle should be invalid');
it('Valid rectangle', function () {
const validRect = new cool.Rectangle(3, 4, 1, 10);
assert.ok(validRect.isValid(), 'Rectangle should be valid');
describe('construction test', function () {
it('construct', function () {
const rect = cool.createRectangle(x1, y1, width, height);
assertRectangle(rect, {
x1: x1,
x2: x1 + width,
width: width,
y1: y1,
y2: y1 + height,
height: height,
rx1: Math.round(x1),
rx2: Math.round(x1 + width),
rwidth: Math.round(x1 + width) - Math.round(x1),
ry1: Math.round(y1),
ry2: Math.round(y1 + height),
rheight: Math.round(y1 + height) - Math.round(y1),
area: width * height,
rarea: (Math.round(x1 + width) - Math.round(x1)) * (Math.round(y1 + height) - Math.round(y1)),
eps: eps,
describe('coordinate API tests', function () {
const coords = ['x', 'y'];
coords.forEach(function (coord: string) {
const isX = coord === 'x';
const isY = !isX;
describe(coord + '-coordinate API tests', function () {
it(isX ? 'setX1' : 'setY1', function () {
const rect = cool.createRectangle(x1, y1, width, height);
const newC1 = 1.3;
const newSize = (isX ? width + x1: height + y1) - newC1;
isX ? rect.setX1(newC1) : rect.setY1(newC1);
const newX1 = isX ? newC1 : x1;
const newY1 = isY ? newC1 : y1;
const newWidth = isX ? newSize : width;
const newHeight = isY ? newSize : height;
assertRectangle(rect, {
x1: newX1,
x2: x1 + width,
width: newWidth,
y1: newY1,
y2: y1 + height,
height: newHeight,
rx1: Math.round(newX1),
rx2: Math.round(x1 + width),
rwidth: Math.round(x1 + width) - Math.round(newX1),
ry1: Math.round(newY1),
ry2: Math.round(y1 + height),
rheight: Math.round(y1 + height) - Math.round(newY1),
area: newWidth * newHeight,
rarea: (Math.round(x1 + width) - Math.round(newX1))
* (Math.round(y1 + height) - Math.round(newY1)),
eps: eps,
it(isX ? 'setX2' : 'setY2', function () {
const rect = cool.createRectangle(x1, y1, width, height);
const newC2 = 10.3;
const newSize = newC2 - (isX ? x1 : y1);
isX ? rect.setX2(newC2) : rect.setY2(newC2);
const newX2 = isX ? newC2 : (x1 + width);
const newY2 = isY ? newC2 : (y1 + height);
const newWidth = isX ? newSize : width;
const newHeight = isY ? newSize : height;
assertRectangle(rect, {
x1: x1,
x2: newX2,
width: newWidth,
y1: y1,
y2: newY2,
height: newHeight,
rx1: Math.round(x1),
rx2: Math.round(newX2),
rwidth: Math.round(newX2) - Math.round(x1),
ry1: Math.round(y1),
ry2: Math.round(newY2),
rheight: Math.round(newY2) - Math.round(y1),
area: newWidth * newHeight,
rarea: (Math.round(newX2) - Math.round(x1))
* (Math.round(newY2) - Math.round(y1)),
eps: eps,
it(isX ? 'setWidth' : 'setHeight', function () {
const rect = cool.createRectangle(x1, y1, width, height);
const newSize = 1.4;
const newC2 = (isX ? x1 : y1) + newSize;
isX ? rect.setWidth(newSize) : rect.setHeight(newSize);
const newX2 = isX ? newC2 : (x1 + width);
const newY2 = isY ? newC2 : (y1 + height);
const newWidth = isX ? newSize : width;
const newHeight = isY ? newSize : height;
assertRectangle(rect, {
x1: x1,
x2: newX2,
width: newWidth,
y1: y1,
y2: newY2,
height: newHeight,
rx1: Math.round(x1),
rx2: Math.round(newX2),
rwidth: Math.round(newX2) - Math.round(x1),
ry1: Math.round(y1),
ry2: Math.round(newY2),
rheight: Math.round(newY2) - Math.round(y1),
area: newWidth * newHeight,
rarea: (Math.round(newX2) - Math.round(x1))
* (Math.round(newY2) - Math.round(y1)),
eps: eps,
it('setArea (Preserve ' + (isX ? 'height' : 'width') + ')', function () {
const rect = cool.createRectangle(x1, y1, width, height);
const newArea = 20.4;
const newWidth = isX ? (newArea / height) : width;
const newHeight = isY ? (newArea / width) : height;
const newX2 = isX ? (x1 + newWidth) : (x1 + width);
const newY2 = isY ? (y1 + newHeight) : (y1 + height);
rect.setArea(newArea, isX /* preserveHeight */);
assertRectangle(rect, {
x1: x1,
x2: newX2,
width: newWidth,
y1: y1,
y2: newY2,
height: newHeight,
rx1: Math.round(x1),
rx2: Math.round(newX2),
rwidth: Math.round(newX2) - Math.round(x1),
ry1: Math.round(y1),
ry2: Math.round(newY2),
rheight: Math.round(newY2) - Math.round(y1),
area: newWidth * newHeight,
rarea: (Math.round(newX2) - Math.round(x1)) * (Math.round(newY2) - Math.round(y1)),
eps: eps,
it('moveBy', function () {
const rect = cool.createRectangle(x1, y1, width, height);
const dc = 1.3;
const newX1 = isX ? (x1 + dc) : x1;
const newX2 = isX ? (x1 + width + dc) : (x1 + width);
const newY1 = isY ? (y1 + dc) : y1;
const newY2 = isY ? (y1 + height + dc) : (y1 + height);
isX ? rect.moveBy(dc, 0) : rect.moveBy(0, dc);
assertRectangle(rect, {
x1: newX1,
x2: newX2,
width: width,
y1: newY1,
y2: newY2,
height: height,
rx1: Math.round(newX1),
rx2: Math.round(newX2),
rwidth: Math.round(newX2) - Math.round(newX1),
ry1: Math.round(newY1),
ry2: Math.round(newY2),
rheight: Math.round(newY2) - Math.round(newY1),
area: width * height,
rarea: (Math.round(newX2) - Math.round(newX1)) * (Math.round(newY2) - Math.round(newY1)),
eps: eps,
it('moveTo', function () {
const rect = cool.createRectangle(x1, y1, width, height);
const newC1 = 50.3;
const newX1 = isX ? newC1 : x1;
const newX2 = newX1 + width;
const newY1 = isY ? newC1 : y1;
const newY2 = newY1 + height;
isX ? rect.moveTo(newC1, y1) : rect.moveTo(x1, newC1);
assertRectangle(rect, {
x1: newX1,
x2: newX2,
width: width,
y1: newY1,
y2: newY2,
height: height,
rx1: Math.round(newX1),
rx2: Math.round(newX2),
rwidth: Math.round(newX2) - Math.round(newX1),
ry1: Math.round(newY1),
ry2: Math.round(newY2),
rheight: Math.round(newY2) - Math.round(newY1),
area: width * height,
rarea: (Math.round(newX2) - Math.round(newX1)) * (Math.round(newY2) - Math.round(newY1)),
eps: eps,
}); // describe(coord + '-coordinate API tests'
}); // coords.forEach
}); // root describe