<sys_template_pathdesc="Path to a template tree with shared libraries etc to be used as source for chroot jails for child processes."type="path"relative="true"default="systemplate"></sys_template_path>
<lo_template_pathdesc="Path to a LibreOffice installation tree to be copied (linked) into the jails for child processes. Should be on the same file system as systemplate."type="path"relative="false"default="/opt/collaboraoffice5.0"></lo_template_path>
<child_root_pathdesc="Path to the directory under which the chroot jails for the child processes will be created. Should be on the same file system as systemplate and lotemplate. Must be an empty directory."type="path"relative="true"default="jails"></child_root_path>
<lo_jail_subpathdesc="Relative path where the LibreOffice installation will be copied inside a jail."type="path"relative="true"default="lo">lo</lo_jail_subpath>
<file_server_root_pathdesc="Path to the directory that should be considered root for the file server. This should be the directory containing loleaflet."type="path"relative="true"default="../loleaflet/../"></file_server_root_path>
<num_prespawn_childrendesc="Number of child processes to keep started in advance and waiting for new clients."type="uint"default="1">1</num_prespawn_children>
<loleaflet_htmldesc="Allows UI customization by replacing the single endpoint of loleaflet.html"type="string"default="loleaflet.html">loleaflet.html</loleaflet_html>