/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include "ClientSession.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "DocumentBroker.hpp" #include "LOOLWSD.hpp" #include "Storage.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace LOOLProtocol; using Poco::Path; static std::mutex SessionMapMutex; static std::unordered_map> SessionMap; ClientSession::ClientSession(const std::string& id, const std::shared_ptr& docBroker, const Poco::URI& uriPublic, const bool readOnly, const std::string& hostNoTrust) : Session("ToClient-" + id, id, readOnly), _docBroker(docBroker), _uriPublic(uriPublic), _isDocumentOwner(false), _state(SessionState::DETACHED), _keyEvents(1), _clientVisibleArea(0, 0, 0, 0), _clientSelectedPart(-1), _tileWidthPixel(0), _tileHeightPixel(0), _tileWidthTwips(0), _tileHeightTwips(0), _kitViewId(-1), _hostNoTrust(hostNoTrust), _isTextDocument(false) { const size_t curConnections = ++LOOLWSD::NumConnections; LOG_INF("ClientSession ctor [" << getName() << "], current number of connections: " << curConnections); // populate with random values. for (auto it : _clipboardKeys) rotateClipboardKey(false); // get timestamp set setState(SessionState::DETACHED); } // Can't take a reference in the constructor. void ClientSession::construct() { std::unique_lock lock(SessionMapMutex); SessionMap[getId()] = shared_from_this(); } ClientSession::~ClientSession() { const size_t curConnections = --LOOLWSD::NumConnections; LOG_INF("~ClientSession dtor [" << getName() << "], current number of connections: " << curConnections); std::unique_lock lock(SessionMapMutex); SessionMap.erase(getId()); } static const char *stateToString(ClientSession::SessionState s) { switch (s) { case ClientSession::SessionState::DETACHED: return "detached"; case ClientSession::SessionState::LOADING: return "loading"; case ClientSession::SessionState::LIVE: return "live"; case ClientSession::SessionState::WAIT_DISCONNECT: return "wait_disconnect"; } return "invalid"; } void ClientSession::setState(SessionState newState) { LOG_TRC("ClientSession: transition from " << stateToString(_state) << " to " << stateToString(newState)); // we can get incoming messages while our disconnection is in transit. if (_state == SessionState::WAIT_DISCONNECT) { if (newState != SessionState::WAIT_DISCONNECT) LOG_WRN("Unusual race - attempts to transition from " << stateToString(_state) << " to " << stateToString(newState)); return; } switch (newState) { case SessionState::DETACHED: assert(_state == SessionState::DETACHED); break; case SessionState::LOADING: assert(_state == SessionState::DETACHED); break; case SessionState::LIVE: assert(_state == SessionState::LIVE || _state == SessionState::LOADING); break; case SessionState::WAIT_DISCONNECT: assert(_state == SessionState::LOADING || _state == SessionState::LIVE); break; } _state = newState; _lastStateTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); } bool ClientSession::disconnectFromKit() { assert(_state != SessionState::WAIT_DISCONNECT); auto docBroker = getDocumentBroker(); if (_state == SessionState::LIVE && docBroker) { setState(SessionState::WAIT_DISCONNECT); #ifndef IOS LOG_TRC("request/rescue clipboard on disconnect for " << getId()); // rescue clipboard before shutdown. docBroker->forwardToChild(getId(), "getclipboard"); #endif // handshake nicely; so wait for 'disconnected' docBroker->forwardToChild(getId(), "disconnect"); return false; } return true; // just get on with it } // Allow 20secs for the clipboard and disconnection to come. bool ClientSession::staleWaitDisconnect(const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point &now) { if (_state != SessionState::WAIT_DISCONNECT) return false; return std::chrono::duration_cast(now - _lastStateTime).count() >= 20; } void ClientSession::rotateClipboardKey(bool notifyClient) { if (_wopiFileInfo && _wopiFileInfo->getDisableCopy()) return; if (_state == SessionState::WAIT_DISCONNECT) return; _clipboardKeys[1] = _clipboardKeys[0]; _clipboardKeys[0] = Util::rng::getHardRandomHexString(16); LOG_TRC("Clipboard key on [" << getId() << "] set to " << _clipboardKeys[0] << " last was " << _clipboardKeys[1]); if (notifyClient) sendTextFrame("clipboardkey: " + _clipboardKeys[0]); } std::string ClientSession::getClipboardURI(bool encode) { if (_wopiFileInfo && _wopiFileInfo->getDisableCopy()) return ""; std::string encodedFrom; Poco::URI wopiSrc = getDocumentBroker()->getPublicUri(); wopiSrc.setQueryParameters(Poco::URI::QueryParameters()); std::string encodeChars = ",/?:@&=+$#"; // match JS encodeURIComponent Poco::URI::encode(wopiSrc.toString(), encodeChars, encodedFrom); std::string proto = (LOOLWSD::isSSLEnabled() || LOOLWSD::isSSLTermination()) ? "https://" : "http://"; std::string meta = proto + _hostNoTrust + "/lool/clipboard?WOPISrc=" + encodedFrom + "&ServerId=" + LOOLWSD::HostIdentifier + "&ViewId=" + std::to_string(getKitViewId()) + "&Tag=" + _clipboardKeys[0]; if (!encode) return meta; std::string metaEncoded; Poco::URI::encode(meta, encodeChars, metaEncoded); return metaEncoded; } bool ClientSession::matchesClipboardKeys(const std::string &/*viewId*/, const std::string &tag) { if (tag.empty()) { LOG_ERR("Invalid, empty clipboard tag"); return false; } // FIXME: check viewId for paranoia if we can. for (auto &it : _clipboardKeys) if (it == tag) return true; return false; } void ClientSession::handleClipboardRequest(DocumentBroker::ClipboardRequest type, const std::shared_ptr &socket, const std::string &tag, const std::shared_ptr &data) { // Move the socket into our DocBroker. auto docBroker = getDocumentBroker(); docBroker->addSocketToPoll(socket); if (_state == SessionState::WAIT_DISCONNECT) { LOG_TRC("Clipboard request " << tag << " for disconnecting session"); if (docBroker->lookupSendClipboardTag(socket, tag, false)) return; // the getclipboard already completed. if (type == DocumentBroker::CLIP_REQUEST_SET) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n" << "Date: " << Util::getHttpTimeNow() << "\r\n" << "User-Agent: " << WOPI_AGENT_STRING << "\r\n" << "Content-Length: 0\r\n" << "\r\n"; socket->send(oss.str()); socket->shutdown(); } else // will be handled during shutdown { LOG_TRC("Clipboard request " << tag << " queued for shutdown"); _clipSockets.push_back(socket); } } std::string specific; if (type == DocumentBroker::CLIP_REQUEST_GET_RICH_HTML_ONLY) specific = " text/html"; if (type != DocumentBroker::CLIP_REQUEST_SET) { LOG_TRC("Session [" << getId() << "] sending getclipboard" + specific); docBroker->forwardToChild(getId(), "getclipboard" + specific); _clipSockets.push_back(socket); } else // REQUEST_SET { // FIXME: manage memory more efficiently. LOG_TRC("Session [" << getId() << "] sending setclipboard"); if (data.get()) { docBroker->forwardToChild(getId(), "setclipboard\n" + *data); // FIXME: work harder for error detection ? std::ostringstream oss; oss << "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" << "Date: " << Util::getHttpTimeNow() << "\r\n" << "User-Agent: " << WOPI_AGENT_STRING << "\r\n" << "Content-Length: 0\r\n" << "\r\n"; socket->send(oss.str()); socket->shutdown(); } else { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n" << "Date: " << Util::getHttpTimeNow() << "\r\n" << "User-Agent: " << WOPI_AGENT_STRING << "\r\n" << "Content-Length: 0\r\n" << "\r\n"; socket->send(oss.str()); socket->shutdown(); } } } void ClientSession::handleIncomingMessage(SocketDisposition &disposition) { // LOG_TRC("***** ClientSession::handleIncomingMessage()"); if (UnitWSD::get().filterHandleRequest( UnitWSD::TestRequest::Client, disposition, *this)) return; Session::handleIncomingMessage(disposition); } bool ClientSession::_handleInput(const char *buffer, int length) { LOG_TRC(getName() << ": handling incoming [" << getAbbreviatedMessage(buffer, length) << "]."); const std::string firstLine = getFirstLine(buffer, length); const std::vector tokens = LOOLProtocol::tokenize(firstLine.data(), firstLine.size()); std::shared_ptr docBroker = getDocumentBroker(); if (!docBroker || docBroker->isMarkedToDestroy()) { LOG_ERR("No DocBroker found, or DocBroker marked to be destroyed. Terminating session " << getName()); return false; } if (tokens.size() < 1) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=empty kind=unknown"); return false; } LOOLWSD::dumpIncomingTrace(docBroker->getJailId(), getId(), firstLine); if (LOOLProtocol::tokenIndicatesUserInteraction(tokens[0])) { // Keep track of timestamps of incoming client messages that indicate user activity. updateLastActivityTime(); docBroker->updateLastActivityTime(); } if (tokens[0] == "loolclient") { if (tokens.size() < 2) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=loolclient kind=badprotocolversion"); return false; } const std::tuple versionTuple = ParseVersion(tokens[1]); if (std::get<0>(versionTuple) != ProtocolMajorVersionNumber || std::get<1>(versionTuple) != ProtocolMinorVersionNumber) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=loolclient kind=badprotocolversion"); return false; } // Send LOOL version information sendTextFrame("loolserver " + LOOLWSD::getVersionJSON()); // Send LOKit version information sendTextFrame("lokitversion " + LOOLWSD::LOKitVersion); // Send clipboard key rotateClipboardKey(true); return true; } if (tokens[0] == "jserror") { LOG_ERR(std::string(buffer, length)); return true; } else if (tokens[0] == "load") { if (getDocURL() != "") { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=load kind=docalreadyloaded"); return false; } return loadDocument(buffer, length, tokens, docBroker); } else if (tokens[0] != "canceltiles" && tokens[0] != "tileprocessed" && tokens[0] != "clientzoom" && tokens[0] != "clientvisiblearea" && tokens[0] != "outlinestate" && tokens[0] != "commandvalues" && tokens[0] != "closedocument" && tokens[0] != "versionrestore" && tokens[0] != "downloadas" && tokens[0] != "getchildid" && tokens[0] != "gettextselection" && tokens[0] != "paste" && tokens[0] != "insertfile" && tokens[0] != "key" && tokens[0] != "textinput" && tokens[0] != "windowkey" && tokens[0] != "mouse" && tokens[0] != "windowmouse" && tokens[0] != "windowgesture" && tokens[0] != "partpagerectangles" && tokens[0] != "ping" && tokens[0] != "renderfont" && tokens[0] != "requestloksession" && tokens[0] != "resetselection" && tokens[0] != "save" && tokens[0] != "saveas" && tokens[0] != "savetostorage" && tokens[0] != "selectgraphic" && tokens[0] != "selecttext" && tokens[0] != "setclientpart" && tokens[0] != "selectclientpart" && tokens[0] != "moveselectedclientparts" && tokens[0] != "setpage" && tokens[0] != "status" && tokens[0] != "statusupdate" && tokens[0] != "tile" && tokens[0] != "tilecombine" && tokens[0] != "uno" && tokens[0] != "useractive" && tokens[0] != "userinactive" && tokens[0] != "paintwindow" && tokens[0] != "windowcommand" && tokens[0] != "signdocument" && tokens[0] != "asksignaturestatus" && tokens[0] != "uploadsigneddocument" && tokens[0] != "exportsignanduploaddocument" && tokens[0] != "rendershapeselection" && tokens[0] != "removesession" && tokens[0] != "renamefile" && tokens[0] != "resizewindow" && tokens[0] != "removetextcontext" && tokens[0] != "dialogevent" && tokens[0] != "completefunction") { LOG_ERR("Session [" << getId() << "] got unknown command [" << tokens[0] << "]."); sendTextFrame("error: cmd=" + tokens[0] + " kind=unknown"); return false; } else if (getDocURL() == "") { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=" + tokens[0] + " kind=nodocloaded"); return false; } else if (tokens[0] == "canceltiles") { docBroker->cancelTileRequests(shared_from_this()); return true; } else if (tokens[0] == "commandvalues") { return getCommandValues(buffer, length, tokens, docBroker); } else if (tokens[0] == "closedocument") { // If this session is the owner of the file & 'EnableOwnerTermination' feature // is turned on by WOPI, let it close all sessions if (isDocumentOwner() && _wopiFileInfo && _wopiFileInfo->getEnableOwnerTermination()) { LOG_DBG("Session [" << getId() << "] requested owner termination"); docBroker->closeDocument("ownertermination"); } else if (docBroker->isDocumentChangedInStorage()) { LOG_DBG("Document marked as changed in storage and user [" << getUserId() << ", " << getUserName() << "] wants to refresh the document for all."); docBroker->stop("documentconflict " + getUserName()); } return true; } else if (tokens[0] == "versionrestore") { if (tokens.size() > 1 && tokens[1] == "prerestore") { // green signal to WOPI host to restore the version *after* saving // any unsaved changes, if any, to the storage docBroker->closeDocument("versionrestore: prerestore_ack"); } } else if (tokens[0] == "partpagerectangles") { // We don't support partpagerectangles any more, will be removed in the // next version sendTextFrame("partpagerectangles: "); return true; } else if (tokens[0] == "ping") { std::string count = std::to_string(docBroker->getRenderedTileCount()); sendTextFrame("pong rendercount=" + count); return true; } else if (tokens[0] == "renderfont") { return sendFontRendering(buffer, length, tokens, docBroker); } else if (tokens[0] == "status" || tokens[0] == "statusupdate") { assert(firstLine.size() == static_cast(length)); return forwardToChild(firstLine, docBroker); } else if (tokens[0] == "tile") { return sendTile(buffer, length, tokens, docBroker); } else if (tokens[0] == "tilecombine") { return sendCombinedTiles(buffer, length, tokens, docBroker); } else if (tokens[0] == "save") { if (isReadOnly()) { LOG_WRN("The document is read-only, cannot save."); } else { int dontTerminateEdit = 1; if (tokens.size() > 1) getTokenInteger(tokens[1], "dontTerminateEdit", dontTerminateEdit); // Don't save unmodified docs by default. int dontSaveIfUnmodified = 1; if (tokens.size() > 2) getTokenInteger(tokens[2], "dontSaveIfUnmodified", dontSaveIfUnmodified); std::string extendedData; if (tokens.size() > 3) { getTokenString(tokens[3], "extendedData", extendedData); std::string decoded; Poco::URI::decode(extendedData, decoded); extendedData = decoded; } constexpr bool isAutosave = false; constexpr bool isExitSave = false; docBroker->sendUnoSave(getId(), dontTerminateEdit != 0, dontSaveIfUnmodified != 0, isAutosave, isExitSave, extendedData); } } else if (tokens[0] == "savetostorage") { int force = 0; if (tokens.size() > 1) getTokenInteger(tokens[1], "force", force); if (docBroker->saveToStorage(getId(), true, "" /* This is irrelevant when success is true*/, true)) { docBroker->broadcastMessage("commandresult: { \"command\": \"savetostorage\", \"success\": true }"); } } else if (tokens[0] == "clientvisiblearea") { int x; int y; int width; int height; if (tokens.size() != 5 || !getTokenInteger(tokens[1], "x", x) || !getTokenInteger(tokens[2], "y", y) || !getTokenInteger(tokens[3], "width", width) || !getTokenInteger(tokens[4], "height", height)) { // Be forgiving and log instead of disconnecting. // sendTextFrame("error: cmd=clientvisiblearea kind=syntax"); LOG_WRN("Invalid syntax for '" << tokens[0] << "' message: [" << firstLine << "]."); return true; } else { _clientVisibleArea = Util::Rectangle(x, y, width, height); resetWireIdMap(); return forwardToChild(std::string(buffer, length), docBroker); } } else if (tokens[0] == "setclientpart") { if(!_isTextDocument) { int temp; if (tokens.size() != 2 || !getTokenInteger(tokens[1], "part", temp)) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=setclientpart kind=syntax"); return false; } else { _clientSelectedPart = temp; resetWireIdMap(); return forwardToChild(std::string(buffer, length), docBroker); } } } else if (tokens[0] == "selectclientpart") { if(!_isTextDocument) { int part; int how; if (tokens.size() != 3 || !getTokenInteger(tokens[1], "part", part) || !getTokenInteger(tokens[2], "how", how)) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=selectclientpart kind=syntax"); return false; } else { return forwardToChild(std::string(buffer, length), docBroker); } } } else if (tokens[0] == "moveselectedclientparts") { if(!_isTextDocument) { int nPosition; if (tokens.size() != 2 || !getTokenInteger(tokens[1], "position", nPosition)) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=moveselectedclientparts kind=syntax"); return false; } else { return forwardToChild(std::string(buffer, length), docBroker); } } } else if (tokens[0] == "clientzoom") { int tilePixelWidth, tilePixelHeight, tileTwipWidth, tileTwipHeight; if (tokens.size() != 5 || !getTokenInteger(tokens[1], "tilepixelwidth", tilePixelWidth) || !getTokenInteger(tokens[2], "tilepixelheight", tilePixelHeight) || !getTokenInteger(tokens[3], "tiletwipwidth", tileTwipWidth) || !getTokenInteger(tokens[4], "tiletwipheight", tileTwipHeight)) { // Be forgiving and log instead of disconnecting. // sendTextFrame("error: cmd=clientzoom kind=syntax"); LOG_WRN("Invalid syntax for '" << tokens[0] << "' message: [" << firstLine << "]."); return true; } else { _tileWidthPixel = tilePixelWidth; _tileHeightPixel = tilePixelHeight; _tileWidthTwips = tileTwipWidth; _tileHeightTwips = tileTwipHeight; resetWireIdMap(); return forwardToChild(std::string(buffer, length), docBroker); } } else if (tokens[0] == "tileprocessed") { std::string tileID; if (tokens.size() != 2 || !getTokenString(tokens[1], "tile", tileID)) { // Be forgiving and log instead of disconnecting. // sendTextFrame("error: cmd=tileprocessed kind=syntax"); LOG_WRN("Invalid syntax for '" << tokens[0] << "' message: [" << firstLine << "]."); return true; } auto iter = std::find_if(_tilesOnFly.begin(), _tilesOnFly.end(), [&tileID](const std::pair& curTile) { return curTile.first == tileID; }); if(iter != _tilesOnFly.end()) _tilesOnFly.erase(iter); else LOG_INF("Tileprocessed message with an unknown tile ID"); docBroker->sendRequestedTiles(shared_from_this()); return true; } else if (tokens[0] == "removesession") { if (tokens.size() > 1 && (_isDocumentOwner || !isReadOnly())) { std::string sessionId = Util::encodeId(std::stoi(tokens[1]), 4); docBroker->broadcastMessage(firstLine); docBroker->removeSession(sessionId); } else LOG_WRN("Readonly session '" << getId() << "' trying to kill another view"); } else if (tokens[0] == "renamefile") { std::string encodedWopiFilename; if (tokens.size() < 2 || !getTokenString(tokens[1], "filename", encodedWopiFilename)) { LOG_ERR("Bad syntax for: " << firstLine); sendTextFrame("error: cmd=renamefile kind=syntax"); return false; } std::string wopiFilename; Poco::URI::decode(encodedWopiFilename, wopiFilename); docBroker->saveAsToStorage(getId(), "", wopiFilename, true); return true; } else if (tokens[0] == "dialogevent") { return forwardToChild(firstLine, docBroker); } else if (tokens[0] == "completefunction") { int temp; if (tokens.size() != 2 || !getTokenInteger(tokens[1], "index", temp)) { LOG_WRN("Invalid syntax for '" << tokens[0] << "' message: [" << firstLine << "]."); return true; } else { return forwardToChild(std::string(buffer, length), docBroker); } } else { if (tokens[0] == "key") _keyEvents++; if (!filterMessage(firstLine)) { const std::string dummyFrame = "dummymsg"; return forwardToChild(dummyFrame, docBroker); } else if (tokens[0] != "requestloksession") { return forwardToChild(std::string(buffer, length), docBroker); } else { assert(tokens[0] == "requestloksession"); return true; } } return false; } bool ClientSession::loadDocument(const char* /*buffer*/, int /*length*/, const std::vector& tokens, const std::shared_ptr& docBroker) { if (tokens.size() < 2) { // Failed loading ends connection. sendTextFrame("error: cmd=load kind=syntax"); return false; } _viewLoadStart = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); LOG_INF("Requesting document load from child."); try { std::string timestamp, doctemplate; int loadPart = -1; parseDocOptions(tokens, loadPart, timestamp, doctemplate); std::ostringstream oss; oss << "load"; oss << " url=" << docBroker->getPublicUri().toString();; if (!getUserId().empty() && !getUserName().empty()) { std::string encodedUserId; Poco::URI::encode(getUserId(), "", encodedUserId); oss << " authorid=" << encodedUserId; encodedUserId = ""; Poco::URI::encode(LOOLWSD::anonymizeUsername(getUserId()), "", encodedUserId); oss << " xauthorid=" << encodedUserId; std::string encodedUserName; Poco::URI::encode(getUserName(), "", encodedUserName); oss << " author=" << encodedUserName; encodedUserName = ""; Poco::URI::encode(LOOLWSD::anonymizeUsername(getUserName()), "", encodedUserName); oss << " xauthor=" << encodedUserName; } if (!getUserExtraInfo().empty()) { std::string encodedUserExtraInfo; Poco::URI::encode(getUserExtraInfo(), "", encodedUserExtraInfo); oss << " authorextrainfo=" << encodedUserExtraInfo; //TODO: could this include PII? } oss << " readonly=" << isReadOnly(); if (loadPart >= 0) { oss << " part=" << loadPart; } if (getHaveDocPassword()) { oss << " password=" << getDocPassword(); } if (!getLang().empty()) { oss << " lang=" << getLang(); } if (!getWatermarkText().empty()) { std::string encodedWatermarkText; Poco::URI::encode(getWatermarkText(), "", encodedWatermarkText); oss << " watermarkText=" << encodedWatermarkText; oss << " watermarkOpacity=" << LOOLWSD::getConfigValue("watermark.opacity", 0.2); } if (!getDocOptions().empty()) { oss << " options=" << getDocOptions(); } if (_wopiFileInfo && !_wopiFileInfo->getTemplateSource().empty()) { oss << " template=" << _wopiFileInfo->getTemplateSource(); } return forwardToChild(oss.str(), docBroker); } catch (const Poco::SyntaxException&) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=load kind=uriinvalid"); } return false; } bool ClientSession::getCommandValues(const char *buffer, int length, const std::vector& tokens, const std::shared_ptr& docBroker) { std::string command; if (tokens.size() != 2 || !getTokenString(tokens[1], "command", command)) return sendTextFrame("error: cmd=commandvalues kind=syntax"); std::string cmdValues; if (docBroker->tileCache().getTextStream(TileCache::StreamType::CmdValues, command, cmdValues)) return sendTextFrame(cmdValues); return forwardToChild(std::string(buffer, length), docBroker); } bool ClientSession::sendFontRendering(const char *buffer, int length, const std::vector& tokens, const std::shared_ptr& docBroker) { std::string font, text; if (tokens.size() < 2 || !getTokenString(tokens[1], "font", font)) { return sendTextFrame("error: cmd=renderfont kind=syntax"); } getTokenString(tokens[2], "char", text); TileCache::Tile cachedTile = docBroker->tileCache().lookupCachedStream(TileCache::StreamType::Font, font+text); if (cachedTile) { const std::string response = "renderfont: " + Poco::cat(std::string(" "), tokens.begin() + 1, tokens.end()) + "\n"; return sendTile(response, cachedTile); } return forwardToChild(std::string(buffer, length), docBroker); } bool ClientSession::sendTile(const char * /*buffer*/, int /*length*/, const std::vector& tokens, const std::shared_ptr& docBroker) { try { TileDesc tileDesc = TileDesc::parse(tokens); tileDesc.setNormalizedViewId(getHash()); docBroker->handleTileRequest(tileDesc, shared_from_this()); } catch (const std::exception& exc) { LOG_ERR("Failed to process tile command: " << exc.what()); return sendTextFrame("error: cmd=tile kind=invalid"); } return true; } bool ClientSession::sendCombinedTiles(const char* /*buffer*/, int /*length*/, const std::vector& tokens, const std::shared_ptr& docBroker) { try { TileCombined tileCombined = TileCombined::parse(tokens); tileCombined.setNormalizedViewId(getHash()); docBroker->handleTileCombinedRequest(tileCombined, shared_from_this()); } catch (const std::exception& exc) { LOG_ERR("Failed to process tilecombine command: " << exc.what()); // Be forgiving and log instead of disconnecting. // return sendTextFrame("error: cmd=tile kind=invalid"); } return true; } bool ClientSession::forwardToChild(const std::string& message, const std::shared_ptr& docBroker) { return docBroker->forwardToChild(getId(), message); } bool ClientSession::filterMessage(const std::string& message) const { bool allowed = true; std::vector tokens(LOOLProtocol::tokenize(message, ' ')); // Set allowed flag to false depending on if particular WOPI properties are set if (tokens[0] == "downloadas") { std::string id; if (getTokenString(tokens[2], "id", id)) { if (id == "print" && _wopiFileInfo && _wopiFileInfo->getDisablePrint()) { allowed = false; LOG_WRN("WOPI host has disabled print for this session"); } else if (id == "export" && _wopiFileInfo && _wopiFileInfo->getDisableExport()) { allowed = false; LOG_WRN("WOPI host has disabled export for this session"); } } else { allowed = false; LOG_WRN("No value of id in downloadas message"); } } else if (tokens[0] == "gettextselection" || tokens[0] == ".uno:Copy") { if (_wopiFileInfo && _wopiFileInfo->getDisableCopy()) { allowed = false; LOG_WRN("WOPI host has disabled copying from the document"); } } else if (isReadOnly()) { // By default, don't allow anything allowed = false; if (tokens[0] == "userinactive" || tokens[0] == "useractive" || tokens[0] == "saveas") { allowed = true; } else if (tokens[0] == "uno") { if (tokens[1] == ".uno:ExecuteSearch") { allowed = true; } } } return allowed; } void ClientSession::setReadOnly() { Session::setReadOnly(); // Also inform the client sendTextFrame("perm: readonly"); } int ClientSession::getPollEvents(std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point /* now */, int & /* timeoutMaxMs */) { LOG_TRC(getName() << " ClientSession has " << _senderQueue.size() << " write message(s) queued."); int events = POLLIN; if (_senderQueue.size()) events |= POLLOUT; return events; } void ClientSession::performWrites() { LOG_TRC(getName() << " ClientSession: performing writes."); std::shared_ptr item; if (_senderQueue.dequeue(item)) { try { const std::vector& data = item->data(); if (item->isBinary()) { Session::sendBinaryFrame(data.data(), data.size()); } else { Session::sendTextFrame(data.data(), data.size()); } } catch (const std::exception& ex) { LOG_ERR("Failed to send message " << item->abbr() << " to " << getName() << ": " << ex.what()); } } LOG_TRC(getName() << " ClientSession: performed write."); } void ClientSession::postProcessCopyPayload(std::shared_ptr payload) { // Insert our meta origin if we can payload->rewriteDataBody([=](std::vector& data) { size_t pos = Util::findInVector(data, "\n"; data.insert(data.begin() + pos, origin.begin(), origin.end()); return true; } else { LOG_DBG("Missing generator in textselectioncontent/clipboardcontent payload."); return false; } }); } bool ClientSession::handleKitToClientMessage(const char* buffer, const int length) { const auto payload = std::make_shared(buffer, length, Message::Dir::Out); LOG_TRC(getName() << ": handling kit-to-client [" << payload->abbr() << "]."); const std::string& firstLine = payload->firstLine(); const std::shared_ptr docBroker = _docBroker.lock(); if (!docBroker) { LOG_ERR("No DocBroker to handle kit-to-client message: " << firstLine); return false; } const bool isConvertTo = static_cast(_saveAsSocket); #if !MOBILEAPP LOOLWSD::dumpOutgoingTrace(docBroker->getJailId(), getId(), firstLine); #endif const auto& tokens = payload->tokens(); if (tokens[0] == "unocommandresult:") { const std::string stringMsg(buffer, length); LOG_INF(getName() << ": Command: " << stringMsg); const size_t index = stringMsg.find_first_of('{'); if (index != std::string::npos) { const std::string stringJSON = stringMsg.substr(index); Poco::JSON::Parser parser; const Poco::Dynamic::Var parsedJSON = parser.parse(stringJSON); const auto& object = parsedJSON.extract(); if (object->get("commandName").toString() == ".uno:Save") { const bool success = object->get("success").toString() == "true"; std::string result; if (object->has("result")) { const Poco::Dynamic::Var parsedResultJSON = object->get("result"); const auto& resultObj = parsedResultJSON.extract(); if (resultObj->get("type").toString() == "string") result = resultObj->get("value").toString(); } // Save to Storage and log result. docBroker->saveToStorage(getId(), success, result); if (!isCloseFrame()) forwardToClient(payload); return true; } } else { LOG_WRN("Expected json unocommandresult. Ignoring: " << stringMsg); } } else if (tokens[0] == "error:") { std::string errorCommand; std::string errorKind; if (getTokenString(tokens[1], "cmd", errorCommand) && getTokenString(tokens[2], "kind", errorKind) ) { if (errorCommand == "load") { LOG_WRN("Document load failed: " << errorKind); if (errorKind == "passwordrequired:to-view" || errorKind == "passwordrequired:to-modify" || errorKind == "wrongpassword") { if (isConvertTo) { Poco::Net::HTTPResponse response; response.setStatusAndReason(Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED); response.set("X-ERROR-KIND", errorKind); _saveAsSocket->send(response); // Conversion failed, cleanup fake session. LOG_TRC("Removing save-as ClientSession after conversion error."); // Remove us. docBroker->removeSession(getId()); // Now terminate. docBroker->stop("Aborting saveas handler."); } else { forwardToClient(payload); } return false; } } else { LOG_WRN(errorCommand << " error failure: " << errorKind); } } } else if (tokens[0] == "curpart:" && tokens.size() == 2) { //TODO: Should forward to client? int curPart; return getTokenInteger(tokens[1], "part", curPart); } else if (tokens[0] == "setpart:" && tokens.size() == 2) { if(!_isTextDocument) { int setPart; if(getTokenInteger(tokens[1], "part", setPart)) { _clientSelectedPart = setPart; resetWireIdMap(); } else if (stringToInteger(tokens[1], setPart)) { _clientSelectedPart = setPart; resetWireIdMap(); } else return false; } } #if !MOBILEAPP else if (tokens.size() == 3 && tokens[0] == "saveas:") { std::string encodedURL; if (!getTokenString(tokens[1], "url", encodedURL)) { LOG_ERR("Bad syntax for: " << firstLine); // we must not return early with convert-to so that we clean up // the session if (!isConvertTo) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=saveas kind=syntax"); return false; } } std::string encodedWopiFilename; if (!isConvertTo && !getTokenString(tokens[2], "filename", encodedWopiFilename)) { LOG_ERR("Bad syntax for: " << firstLine); sendTextFrame("error: cmd=saveas kind=syntax"); return false; } // Save-as completed, inform the ClientSession. std::string wopiFilename; Poco::URI::decode(encodedWopiFilename, wopiFilename); // URI constructor implicitly decodes when it gets std::string as param Poco::URI resultURL(encodedURL); if (resultURL.getScheme() == "file") { std::string relative(resultURL.getPath()); if (relative.size() > 0 && relative[0] == '/') relative = relative.substr(1); // Rewrite file:// URLs, as they are visible to the outside world. const Path path(docBroker->getJailRoot(), relative); if (Poco::File(path).exists()) { // Encode path for special characters (i.e '%') since Poco::URI::setPath implicitly decodes the input param std::string encodedPath; Poco::URI::encode(path.toString(), "", encodedPath); resultURL.setPath(encodedPath); } else { // Blank for failure. LOG_DBG("SaveAs produced no output in '" << path.toString() << "', producing blank url."); resultURL.clear(); } } LOG_TRC("Save-as URL: " << resultURL.toString()); if (!isConvertTo) { // Normal SaveAs - save to Storage and log result. if (resultURL.getScheme() == "file" && !resultURL.getPath().empty()) { // this also sends the saveas: result LOG_TRC("Save-as path: " << resultURL.getPath()); docBroker->saveAsToStorage(getId(), resultURL.getPath(), wopiFilename, false); } else sendTextFrame("error: cmd=storage kind=savefailed"); } else { // using the convert-to REST API // TODO: Send back error when there is no output. if (!resultURL.getPath().empty()) { const std::string mimeType = "application/octet-stream"; std::string encodedFilePath; Poco::URI::encode(resultURL.getPath(), "", encodedFilePath); LOG_TRC("Sending file: " << encodedFilePath); const std::string fileName = Poco::Path(resultURL.getPath()).getFileName(); Poco::Net::HTTPResponse response; if (!fileName.empty()) response.set("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + fileName + "\""); HttpHelper::sendFile(_saveAsSocket, encodedFilePath, mimeType, response); } // Conversion is done, cleanup this fake session. LOG_TRC("Removing save-as ClientSession after conversion."); // Remove us. docBroker->removeSession(getId()); // Now terminate. docBroker->stop("Finished saveas handler."); } return true; } #endif else if (tokens.size() == 2 && tokens[0] == "statechanged:") { std::vector stateTokens(LOOLProtocol::tokenize(tokens[1], '=')); if (stateTokens.size() == 2 && stateTokens[0] == ".uno:ModifiedStatus") { docBroker->setModified(stateTokens[1] == "true"); } else { // Set the initial settings per the user's request. const std::pair unoStatePair = Util::split(tokens[1], '='); if (!docBroker->isInitialSettingSet(unoStatePair.first)) { docBroker->setInitialSetting(unoStatePair.first); if (unoStatePair.first == ".uno:TrackChanges") { if ((unoStatePair.second == "true" && _wopiFileInfo && _wopiFileInfo->getDisableChangeTrackingRecord() == WopiStorage::WOPIFileInfo::TriState::True) || (unoStatePair.second == "false" && _wopiFileInfo && _wopiFileInfo->getDisableChangeTrackingRecord() == WopiStorage::WOPIFileInfo::TriState::False)) { // Toggle the TrackChanges state. LOG_DBG("Forcing " << unoStatePair.first << " toggle per user settings."); forwardToChild("uno .uno:TrackChanges", docBroker); } } else if (unoStatePair.first == ".uno:ShowTrackedChanges") { if ((unoStatePair.second == "true" && _wopiFileInfo && _wopiFileInfo->getDisableChangeTrackingShow() == WopiStorage::WOPIFileInfo::TriState::True) || (unoStatePair.second == "false" && _wopiFileInfo && _wopiFileInfo->getDisableChangeTrackingShow() == WopiStorage::WOPIFileInfo::TriState::False)) { // Toggle the ShowTrackChanges state. LOG_DBG("Forcing " << unoStatePair.first << " toggle per user settings."); forwardToChild("uno .uno:ShowTrackedChanges", docBroker); } } } } } else if (tokens[0] == "textselectioncontent:") { postProcessCopyPayload(payload); return forwardToClient(payload); } else if (tokens[0] == "clipboardcontent:") { #if !MOBILEAPP // Most likely nothing of this makes sense in a mobile app // FIXME: Ash: we need to return different content depending // on whether this is a download-everything, or an individual // 'download' and/or providing our helpful / user page. // for now just for remote sockets. LOG_TRC("Got clipboard content of size " << payload->size() << " to send to " << _clipSockets.size() << " sockets in state " << stateToString(_state)); postProcessCopyPayload(payload); size_t header; for (header = 0; header < payload->size();) if (payload->data()[header++] == '\n') break; const bool empty = header >= payload->size(); // final cleanup ... if (!empty && _state == SessionState::WAIT_DISCONNECT && (!_wopiFileInfo || !_wopiFileInfo->getDisableCopy())) LOOLWSD::SavedClipboards->insertClipboard( _clipboardKeys, &payload->data()[header], payload->size() - header); for (auto it : _clipSockets) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" << "Last-Modified: " << Util::getHttpTimeNow() << "\r\n" << "User-Agent: " << WOPI_AGENT_STRING << "\r\n" << "Content-Length: " << (empty ? 0 : (payload->size() - header)) << "\r\n" << "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n" << "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\r\n" << "\r\n"; auto socket = it.lock(); if (!empty) { oss.write(&payload->data()[header], payload->size() - header); socket->setSocketBufferSize(std::min(payload->size() + 256, size_t(Socket::MaximumSendBufferSize))); } socket->send(oss.str()); socket->shutdown(); LOG_INF("Queued " << (empty?"empty":"clipboard") << " response for send."); } #endif _clipSockets.clear(); return true; } else if (tokens[0] == "disconnected:") { LOG_INF("End of disconnection handshake for " << getId()); docBroker->finalRemoveSession(getId()); return true; } if (!isDocPasswordProtected()) { if (tokens[0] == "tile:") { assert(false && "Tile traffic should go through the DocumentBroker-LoKit WS."); } else if (tokens[0] == "status:") { setState(ClientSession::SessionState::LIVE); docBroker->setLoaded(); #if !MOBILEAPP Admin::instance().setViewLoadDuration(docBroker->getDocKey(), getId(), std::chrono::duration_cast(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - _viewLoadStart)); #endif // Wopi post load actions if (_wopiFileInfo && !_wopiFileInfo->getTemplateSource().empty()) { std::string result; LOG_DBG("Saving template [" << _wopiFileInfo->getTemplateSource() << "] to storage"); docBroker->saveToStorage(getId(), true, result); } for(auto &token : tokens) { // Need to get the initial part id from status message int part = -1; if(getTokenInteger(token, "current", part)) { _clientSelectedPart = part; resetWireIdMap(); } // Get document type too std::string docType; if(getTokenString(token, "type", docType)) { _isTextDocument = docType.find("text") != std::string::npos; } // Store our Kit ViewId int viewId = -1; if(getTokenInteger(token, "viewid", viewId)) _kitViewId = viewId; } // Forward the status response to the client. return forwardToClient(payload); } else if (tokens[0] == "commandvalues:") { const std::string stringMsg(buffer, length); const size_t index = stringMsg.find_first_of('{'); if (index != std::string::npos) { const std::string stringJSON = stringMsg.substr(index); Poco::JSON::Parser parser; const Poco::Dynamic::Var result = parser.parse(stringJSON); const auto& object = result.extract(); const std::string commandName = object->has("commandName") ? object->get("commandName").toString() : ""; if (commandName == ".uno:CharFontName" || commandName == ".uno:StyleApply") { // other commands should not be cached docBroker->tileCache().saveTextStream(TileCache::StreamType::CmdValues, stringMsg, commandName); } } } else if (tokens[0] == "invalidatetiles:") { assert(firstLine.size() == static_cast(length)); // First forward invalidation bool ret = forwardToClient(payload); handleTileInvalidation(firstLine, docBroker); return ret; } else if (tokens[0] == "invalidatecursor:") { assert(firstLine.size() == static_cast(length)); const size_t index = firstLine.find_first_of('{'); const std::string stringJSON = firstLine.substr(index); Poco::JSON::Parser parser; const Poco::Dynamic::Var result = parser.parse(stringJSON); const auto& object = result.extract(); const std::string rectangle = object->get("rectangle").toString(); std::vector rectangleTokens(LOOLProtocol::tokenize(rectangle, ',')); int x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0; if (rectangleTokens.size() > 2 && stringToInteger(rectangleTokens[0], x) && stringToInteger(rectangleTokens[1], y)) { if (rectangleTokens.size() > 3) { stringToInteger(rectangleTokens[2], w); stringToInteger(rectangleTokens[3], h); } docBroker->invalidateCursor(x, y, w, h); } else { LOG_ERR("Unable to parse " << firstLine); } } else if (tokens[0] == "renderfont:") { std::string font, text; if (tokens.size() < 3 || !getTokenString(tokens[1], "font", font)) { LOG_ERR("Bad syntax for: " << firstLine); return false; } getTokenString(tokens[2], "char", text); assert(firstLine.size() < static_cast(length)); docBroker->tileCache().saveStream(TileCache::StreamType::Font, font+text, buffer + firstLine.size() + 1, length - firstLine.size() - 1); return forwardToClient(payload); } } else { LOG_INF("Ignoring notification on password protected document: " << firstLine); } // Forward everything else. return forwardToClient(payload); } bool ClientSession::forwardToClient(const std::shared_ptr& payload) { if (isCloseFrame()) { LOG_TRC(getName() << ": peer began the closing handshake. Dropping forward message [" << payload->abbr() << "]."); return true; } enqueueSendMessage(payload); return true; } void ClientSession::enqueueSendMessage(const std::shared_ptr& data) { const std::shared_ptr docBroker = _docBroker.lock(); // If in the correct thread - no need for wakeups. if (docBroker) docBroker->assertCorrectThread(); const std::string command = data->firstToken(); std::unique_ptr tile; if (command == "tile:") { // Avoid sending tile if it has the same wireID as the previously sent tile tile.reset(new TileDesc(TileDesc::parse(data->firstLine()))); auto iter = _oldWireIds.find(tile->generateID()); if(iter != _oldWireIds.end() && tile->getWireId() != 0 && tile->getWireId() == iter->second) { LOG_INF("WSD filters out a tile with the same wireID: " << tile->serialize("tile:")); return; } } LOG_TRC(getName() << " enqueueing client message " << data->id()); size_t sizeBefore = _senderQueue.size(); size_t newSize = _senderQueue.enqueue(data); // Track sent tile if (tile) { traceTileBySend(*tile, sizeBefore == newSize); } } Authorization ClientSession::getAuthorization() const { Poco::URI::QueryParameters queryParams = _uriPublic.getQueryParameters(); // prefer the access_token for (auto& param: queryParams) { if (param.first == "access_token") { std::string decodedToken; Poco::URI::decode(param.second, decodedToken); return Authorization(Authorization::Type::Token, decodedToken); } } for (auto& param: queryParams) { if (param.first == "access_header") { std::string decodedHeader; Poco::URI::decode(param.second, decodedHeader); return Authorization(Authorization::Type::Header, decodedHeader); } } return Authorization(); } void ClientSession::addTileOnFly(const TileDesc& tile) { _tilesOnFly.push_back({tile.generateID(), std::chrono::steady_clock::now()}); } void ClientSession::clearTilesOnFly() { _tilesOnFly.clear(); } void ClientSession::removeOutdatedTilesOnFly() { // Check only the beginning of the list, tiles are ordered by timestamp bool continueLoop = true; while(!_tilesOnFly.empty() && continueLoop) { auto tileIter = _tilesOnFly.begin(); double elapsedTimeMs = std::chrono::duration_cast(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - tileIter->second).count(); if(elapsedTimeMs > TILE_ROUNDTRIP_TIMEOUT_MS) { LOG_WRN("Tracker tileID " << tileIter->first << " was dropped because of time out (" << elapsedTimeMs << " ms). Tileprocessed message did not arrive in time."); _tilesOnFly.erase(tileIter); } else continueLoop = false; } } size_t ClientSession::countIdenticalTilesOnFly(const TileDesc& tile) const { size_t count = 0; std::string tileID = tile.generateID(); for(auto& tileItem : _tilesOnFly) { if(tileItem.first == tileID) ++count; } return count; } Util::Rectangle ClientSession::getNormalizedVisibleArea() const { Util::Rectangle normalizedVisArea; normalizedVisArea.setLeft(std::max(_clientVisibleArea.getLeft(), 0)); normalizedVisArea.setTop(std::max(_clientVisibleArea.getTop(), 0)); normalizedVisArea.setRight(_clientVisibleArea.getRight()); normalizedVisArea.setBottom(_clientVisibleArea.getBottom()); return normalizedVisArea; } void ClientSession::onDisconnect() { LOG_INF(getName() << " Disconnected, current number of connections: " << LOOLWSD::NumConnections); const std::shared_ptr docBroker = getDocumentBroker(); LOG_CHECK_RET(docBroker && "Null DocumentBroker instance", ); docBroker->assertCorrectThread(); const std::string docKey = docBroker->getDocKey(); try { // Connection terminated. Destroy session. LOG_DBG(getName() << " on docKey [" << docKey << "] terminated. Cleaning up."); docBroker->removeSession(getId()); } catch (const UnauthorizedRequestException& exc) { LOG_ERR("Error in client request handler: " << exc.toString()); const std::string status = "error: cmd=internal kind=unauthorized"; LOG_TRC("Sending to Client [" << status << "]."); sendMessage(status); } catch (const std::exception& exc) { LOG_ERR("Error in client request handler: " << exc.what()); } try { if (isCloseFrame()) { LOG_TRC("Normal close handshake."); // Client initiated close handshake // respond with close frame shutdown(); } else if (!SigUtil::getShutdownRequestFlag()) { // something wrong, with internal exceptions LOG_TRC("Abnormal close handshake."); closeFrame(); shutdown(WebSocketHandler::StatusCodes::ENDPOINT_GOING_AWAY); } else { LOG_TRC("Server recycling."); closeFrame(); shutdown(WebSocketHandler::StatusCodes::ENDPOINT_GOING_AWAY); } } catch (const std::exception& exc) { LOG_WRN(getName() << ": Exception while closing socket for docKey [" << docKey << "]: " << exc.what()); } } void ClientSession::dumpState(std::ostream& os) { Session::dumpState(os); os << "\t\tisReadOnly: " << isReadOnly() << "\n\t\tisDocumentOwner: " << isDocumentOwner() << "\n\t\tstate: " << stateToString(_state) << "\n\t\tkeyEvents: " << _keyEvents // << "\n\t\tvisibleArea: " << _clientVisibleArea << "\n\t\tclientSelectedPart: " << _clientSelectedPart << "\n\t\ttile size Pixel: " << _tileWidthPixel << "x" << _tileHeightPixel << "\n\t\ttile size Twips: " << _tileWidthTwips << "x" << _tileHeightTwips << "\n\t\tkit ViewId: " << _kitViewId << "\n\t\thost (un-trusted): " << _hostNoTrust << "\n\t\tisTextDocument: " << _isTextDocument << "\n\t\tclipboardKeys[0]: " << _clipboardKeys[0] << "\n\t\tclipboardKeys[1]: " << _clipboardKeys[1] << "\n\t\tclip sockets: " << _clipSockets.size(); std::shared_ptr socket = getSocket().lock(); if (socket) { uint64_t sent, recv; socket->getIOStats(sent, recv); os << "\n\t\tsent/keystroke: " << (double)sent/_keyEvents << "bytes"; } os << "\n"; _senderQueue.dumpState(os); } void ClientSession::handleTileInvalidation(const std::string& message, const std::shared_ptr& docBroker) { docBroker->invalidateTiles(message, getHash()); // Skip requesting new tiles if we don't have client visible area data yet. if(!_clientVisibleArea.hasSurface() || _tileWidthPixel == 0 || _tileHeightPixel == 0 || _tileWidthTwips == 0 || _tileHeightTwips == 0 || (_clientSelectedPart == -1 && !_isTextDocument)) { return; } // Visible area can have negative value as position, but we have tiles only in the positive range Util::Rectangle normalizedVisArea = getNormalizedVisibleArea(); std::pair result = TileCache::parseInvalidateMsg(message); int part = result.first; Util::Rectangle& invalidateRect = result.second; // We can ignore the invalidation if it's outside of the visible area if(!normalizedVisArea.intersects(invalidateRect)) return; if( part == -1 ) // If no part is specified we use the part used by the client part = _clientSelectedPart; int normalizedViewId = getHash(); std::vector invalidTiles; if(part == _clientSelectedPart || _isTextDocument) { // Iterate through visible tiles for(int i = std::ceil(normalizedVisArea.getTop() / _tileHeightTwips); i <= std::ceil(normalizedVisArea.getBottom() / _tileHeightTwips); ++i) { for(int j = std::ceil(normalizedVisArea.getLeft() / _tileWidthTwips); j <= std::ceil(normalizedVisArea.getRight() / _tileWidthTwips); ++j) { // Find tiles affected by invalidation Util::Rectangle tileRect (j * _tileWidthTwips, i * _tileHeightTwips, _tileWidthTwips, _tileHeightTwips); if(invalidateRect.intersects(tileRect)) { invalidTiles.emplace_back(normalizedViewId, part, _tileWidthPixel, _tileHeightPixel, j * _tileWidthTwips, i * _tileHeightTwips, _tileWidthTwips, _tileHeightTwips, -1, 0, -1, false); TileWireId oldWireId = 0; auto iter = _oldWireIds.find(invalidTiles.back().generateID()); if(iter != _oldWireIds.end()) oldWireId = iter->second; invalidTiles.back().setOldWireId(oldWireId); invalidTiles.back().setWireId(0); } } } } if(!invalidTiles.empty()) { TileCombined tileCombined = TileCombined::create(invalidTiles); tileCombined.setNormalizedViewId(normalizedViewId); docBroker->handleTileCombinedRequest(tileCombined, shared_from_this()); } } void ClientSession::resetWireIdMap() { _oldWireIds.clear(); } void ClientSession::traceTileBySend(const TileDesc& tile, bool deduplicated) { const std::string tileID = tile.generateID(); // Store wireId first auto iter = _oldWireIds.find(tileID); if(iter != _oldWireIds.end()) { iter->second = tile.getWireId(); } else { // Track only tile inside the visible area if(_clientVisibleArea.hasSurface() && tile.getTilePosX() >= _clientVisibleArea.getLeft() && tile.getTilePosX() <= _clientVisibleArea.getRight() && tile.getTilePosY() >= _clientVisibleArea.getTop() && tile.getTilePosY() <= _clientVisibleArea.getBottom()) { _oldWireIds.insert(std::pair(tileID, tile.getWireId())); } } // Record that the tile is sent if (!deduplicated) addTileOnFly(tile); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */