/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * The main entry point for the LibreOfficeKit process serving * a document editing session. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define LOK_USE_UNSTABLE_API #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ChildProcessSession.hpp" #include "Common.hpp" #include "IoUtil.hpp" #include "LOKitHelper.hpp" #include "LOOLProtocol.hpp" #include "QueueHandler.hpp" #include "Unit.hpp" #include "UserMessages.hpp" #include "Util.hpp" #define LIB_SOFFICEAPP "lib" "sofficeapp" ".so" #define LIB_MERGED "lib" "mergedlo" ".so" typedef int (LokHookPreInit) (const char *install_path, const char *user_profile_path); using namespace LOOLProtocol; using Poco::Exception; using Poco::File; using Poco::Net::NetException; using Poco::Net::HTTPClientSession; using Poco::Net::HTTPResponse; using Poco::Net::HTTPRequest; using Poco::Net::WebSocket; using Poco::Path; using Poco::Process; using Poco::Runnable; using Poco::StringTokenizer; using Poco::Thread; using Poco::Timestamp; using Poco::Util::Application; using Poco::URI; namespace { typedef enum { COPY_ALL, COPY_LO, COPY_NO_USR } LinkOrCopyType; LinkOrCopyType linkOrCopyType; std::string sourceForLinkOrCopy; Path destinationForLinkOrCopy; bool shouldCopyDir(const char *path) { switch (linkOrCopyType) { case COPY_NO_USR: // bind mounted. return strcmp(path,"usr"); case COPY_LO: return strcmp(path, "program/wizards") && strcmp(path, "sdk") && strcmp(path, "share/basic") && strcmp(path, "share/gallery") && strcmp(path, "share/Scripts") && strcmp(path, "share/template") && strcmp(path, "share/config/wizard") && strcmp(path, "share/config/wizard"); default: // COPY_ALL return true; } } int linkOrCopyFunction(const char *fpath, const struct stat* /*sb*/, int typeflag, struct FTW* /*ftwbuf*/) { if (strcmp(fpath, sourceForLinkOrCopy.c_str()) == 0) return 0; assert(fpath[strlen(sourceForLinkOrCopy.c_str())] == '/'); const char *relativeOldPath = fpath + strlen(sourceForLinkOrCopy.c_str()) + 1; Path newPath(destinationForLinkOrCopy, Path(relativeOldPath)); switch (typeflag) { case FTW_F: case FTW_SLN: File(newPath.parent()).createDirectories(); if (link(fpath, newPath.toString().c_str()) == -1) { Log::syserror("link(\"" + std::string(fpath) + "\",\"" + newPath.toString() + "\") failed. Exiting."); std::_Exit(Application::EXIT_SOFTWARE); } break; case FTW_D: { struct stat st; if (stat(fpath, &st) == -1) { Log::syserror("stat(\"" + std::string(fpath) + "\") failed."); return 1; } if (!shouldCopyDir(relativeOldPath)) { Log::trace("skip redundant paths " + std::string(relativeOldPath)); return FTW_SKIP_SUBTREE; } File(newPath).createDirectories(); struct utimbuf ut; ut.actime = st.st_atime; ut.modtime = st.st_mtime; if (utime(newPath.toString().c_str(), &ut) == -1) { Log::syserror("utime(\"" + newPath.toString() + "\") failed."); return 1; } } break; case FTW_DNR: Log::error("Cannot read directory '" + std::string(fpath) + "'"); return 1; case FTW_NS: Log::error("nftw: stat failed for '" + std::string(fpath) + "'"); return 1; default: Log::error("nftw: unexpected type: '" + std::to_string(typeflag)); assert(false); break; } return 0; } void linkOrCopy(const std::string& source, const Path& destination, LinkOrCopyType type) { linkOrCopyType = type; sourceForLinkOrCopy = source; if (sourceForLinkOrCopy.back() == '/') sourceForLinkOrCopy.pop_back(); destinationForLinkOrCopy = destination; if (nftw(source.c_str(), linkOrCopyFunction, 10, FTW_ACTIONRETVAL) == -1) Log::error("linkOrCopy: nftw() failed for '" + source + "'"); } void dropCapability(cap_value_t capability) { cap_t caps; cap_value_t cap_list[] = { capability }; caps = cap_get_proc(); if (caps == nullptr) { Log::syserror("cap_get_proc() failed."); std::_Exit(1); } char *capText = cap_to_text(caps, nullptr); Log::trace("Capabilities first: " + std::string(capText)); cap_free(capText); if (cap_set_flag(caps, CAP_EFFECTIVE, sizeof(cap_list)/sizeof(cap_list[0]), cap_list, CAP_CLEAR) == -1 || cap_set_flag(caps, CAP_PERMITTED, sizeof(cap_list)/sizeof(cap_list[0]), cap_list, CAP_CLEAR) == -1) { Log::syserror("cap_set_flag() failed."); std::_Exit(1); } if (cap_set_proc(caps) == -1) { Log::syserror("cap_set_proc() failed."); std::_Exit(1); } capText = cap_to_text(caps, nullptr); Log::trace("Capabilities now: " + std::string(capText)); cap_free(capText); cap_free(caps); } } class Connection: public Runnable { public: Connection(std::shared_ptr session, std::shared_ptr ws) : _session(session), _ws(ws), _stop(false), _joined(false) { Log::info("Connection ctor in child for " + _session->getId()); } ~Connection() { Log::info("~Connection dtor in child for " + _session->getId()); stop(); join(); } std::shared_ptr getWebSocket() const { return _ws; } std::shared_ptr getSession() { return _session; } void start() { _thread.start(*this); } bool isRunning() { return _thread.isRunning(); } void stop() { _stop = true; } void join() { // The thread is joinable only once. std::unique_lock lock(_threadMutex); if (!_joined) { _thread.join(); _joined = true; } } void run() override { Util::setThreadName("kit_ws_" + _session->getId()); Log::debug("Thread started."); try { auto queue = std::make_shared(); QueueHandler handler(queue, _session, "kit_queue_" + _session->getId()); Thread queueHandlerThread; queueHandlerThread.start(handler); std::shared_ptr session = _session; IoUtil::SocketProcessor(_ws, [&queue](const std::vector& payload) { queue->put(payload); return true; }, [&session]() { session->closeFrame(); }, [&queueHandlerThread]() { return TerminationFlag && queueHandlerThread.isRunning(); }); queue->clear(); queue->put("eof"); queueHandlerThread.join(); if (session->isCloseFrame()) { Log::trace("Normal close handshake."); _ws->shutdown(); } else { Log::trace("Abnormal close handshake."); _ws->shutdown(WebSocket::WS_ENDPOINT_GOING_AWAY, SERVICE_UNAVALABLE_INTERNAL_ERROR); } } catch (const Exception& exc) { Log::error() << "Connection::run: Exception: " << exc.displayText() << (exc.nested() ? " (" + exc.nested()->displayText() + ")" : "") << Log::end; } catch (const std::exception& exc) { Log::error(std::string("Connection::run: Exception: ") + exc.what()); } catch (...) { Log::error("Connection::run:: Unexpected exception"); } Log::debug("Thread finished."); } private: Thread _thread; std::shared_ptr _session; std::shared_ptr _ws; std::atomic _stop; std::mutex _threadMutex; std::atomic _joined; }; /// A document container. /// Owns LOKitDocument instance and connections. /// Manages the lifetime of a document. /// Technically, we can host multiple documents /// per process. But for security reasons don't. /// However, we could have a loolkit instance /// per user or group of users (a trusted circle). class Document { public: /// We have two types of password protected documents /// 1) Documents which require password to view /// 2) Document which require password to modify enum class PasswordType { ToView, ToModify }; Document(LibreOfficeKit *loKit, const std::string& jailId, const std::string& docKey, const std::string& url) : _multiView(std::getenv("LOK_VIEW_CALLBACK")), _loKit(loKit), _jailId(jailId), _docKey(docKey), _url(url), _loKitDocument(nullptr), _docPassword(""), _isDocPasswordProvided(false), _isDocPasswordProtected(false), _docPasswordType(PasswordType::ToView), _isLoading(0), _clientViews(0) { Log::info("Document ctor for url [" + _url + "] on child [" + _jailId + "] LOK_VIEW_CALLBACK=" + std::to_string(_multiView) + "."); } ~Document() { Log::info("~Document dtor for url [" + _url + "] on child [" + _jailId + "]. There are " + std::to_string(_clientViews) + " views."); // Flag all connections to stop. for (auto aIterator : _connections) { aIterator.second->stop(); } // Destroy all connections and views. for (auto aIterator : _connections) { try { // stop all websockets if (aIterator.second->isRunning()) { std::shared_ptr ws = aIterator.second->getWebSocket(); if (ws) { ws->shutdownReceive(); aIterator.second->join(); } } } catch(NetException& exc) { Log::error() << "Document::~Document: " << exc.displayText() << (exc.nested() ? " (" + exc.nested()->displayText() + ")" : "") << Log::end; } } // Destroy all connections and views. _connections.clear(); // TODO. check what is happening when destroying lokit document, // often it blows up. // Destroy the document. if (_loKitDocument != nullptr) { try { _loKitDocument->pClass->destroy(_loKitDocument); } catch (const std::exception& exc) { Log::error() << "Document::~Document: " << exc.what() << Log::end; } } } const std::string& getUrl() const { return _url; } bool createSession(const std::string& sessionId, const unsigned intSessionId) { std::unique_lock lock(_mutex); try { const auto& it = _connections.find(intSessionId); if (it != _connections.end()) { // found item, check if still running if (it->second->isRunning()) { Log::warn("Session [" + sessionId + "] is already running."); return true; } // Restore thread. TODO: Review this logic. Log::warn("Session [" + sessionId + "] is not running. Restoring."); _connections.erase(intSessionId); } Log::info() << "Creating " << (_clientViews ? "new" : "first") << " view for url: " << _url << " for sessionId: " << sessionId << " on jailId: " << _jailId << Log::end; // Open websocket connection between the child process and the // parent. The parent forwards us requests that it can't handle (i.e most). HTTPClientSession cs("", MASTER_PORT_NUMBER); cs.setTimeout(0); const auto childUrl = std::string(CHILD_URI) + "sessionId=" + sessionId + "&jailId=" + _jailId + "&docKey=" + _docKey; HTTPRequest request(HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET, childUrl); HTTPResponse response; auto ws = std::make_shared(cs, request, response); ws->setReceiveTimeout(0); auto session = std::make_shared(sessionId, ws, _loKitDocument, _jailId, [this](const std::string& id, const std::string& uri, const std::string& docPassword, bool isDocPasswordProvided) { return onLoad(id, uri, docPassword, isDocPasswordProvided); }, [this](const std::string& id) { onUnload(id); }); auto thread = std::make_shared(session, ws); const auto aInserted = _connections.emplace(intSessionId, thread); if (aInserted.second) { thread->start(); } else { Log::error("Connection already exists for child: " + _jailId + ", session: " + sessionId); } Log::debug("Connections: " + std::to_string(_connections.size())); return true; } catch (const std::exception& ex) { Log::error("Exception while creating session [" + sessionId + "] on url [" + _url + "] - '" + ex.what() + "'."); return false; } } /// Purges dead connections and returns /// the remaining number of clients. /// Returns -1 on failure. size_t purgeSessions() { std::vector> deadSessions; size_t num_connections = 0; { std::unique_lock lock(_mutex, std::defer_lock); if (!lock.try_lock()) { // Not a good time, try later. return -1; } for (auto it = _connections.cbegin(); it != _connections.cend(); ) { if (!it->second->isRunning()) { deadSessions.push_back(it->second->getSession()); it = _connections.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } num_connections = _connections.size(); } // Don't destroy sessions while holding our lock. // We may deadlock if a session is waiting on us // during callback initiated while handling a command // and the dtor tries to take its lock (which is taken). deadSessions.clear(); return num_connections; } /// Returns true if at least one *live* connection exists. /// Does not consider user activity, just socket status. bool hasConnections() { // -ve values for failure. return purgeSessions() != 0; } /// Returns true if there is no activity and /// the document is saved. bool canDiscard() { //TODO: Implement proper time-out on inactivity. return !hasConnections(); } /// Set Document password for given URL void setDocumentPassword(int nPasswordType) { Log::info() << "setDocumentPassword: passwordProtected=" << _isDocPasswordProtected << " passwordProvided=" << _isDocPasswordProvided << " password='" << _docPassword << "'" << Log::end; if (_isDocPasswordProtected && _isDocPasswordProvided) { // it means this is the second attempt with the wrong password; abort the load operation _loKit->pClass->setDocumentPassword(_loKit, _jailedUrl.c_str(), nullptr); return; } // One thing for sure, this is a password protected document _isDocPasswordProtected = true; if (nPasswordType == LOK_CALLBACK_DOCUMENT_PASSWORD) _docPasswordType = PasswordType::ToView; else if (nPasswordType == LOK_CALLBACK_DOCUMENT_PASSWORD_TO_MODIFY) _docPasswordType = PasswordType::ToModify; Log::info("Caling _loKit->pClass->setDocumentPassword"); if (_isDocPasswordProvided) _loKit->pClass->setDocumentPassword(_loKit, _jailedUrl.c_str(), _docPassword.c_str()); else _loKit->pClass->setDocumentPassword(_loKit, _jailedUrl.c_str(), nullptr); Log::info("setDocumentPassword returned"); } private: static void KitCallback(int nType, const char* pPayload, void* pData) { Document* self = reinterpret_cast(pData); Log::trace() << "Document::KitCallback " << LOKitHelper::kitCallbackTypeToString(nType) << " [" << (pPayload ? pPayload : "") << "]." << Log::end; if (self) { std::unique_lock lock(self->_mutex); for (auto& it: self->_connections) { if (it.second->isRunning()) { auto session = it.second->getSession(); auto sessionLock = session->getLock(); switch (nType) { case LOK_CALLBACK_STATUS_INDICATOR_START: session->sendTextFrame("statusindicatorstart:"); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_STATUS_INDICATOR_SET_VALUE: session->sendTextFrame("statusindicatorsetvalue: " + std::string(pPayload)); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_STATUS_INDICATOR_FINISH: session->sendTextFrame("statusindicatorfinish:"); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_DOCUMENT_PASSWORD: case LOK_CALLBACK_DOCUMENT_PASSWORD_TO_MODIFY: self->setDocumentPassword(nType); break; } // Ideally, there would be only one *live* connection at this point of time // So, just get the first running one and break out. // TODO: Find a better way to find the correct connection. break; } } } } static void ViewCallback(int , const char* , void* ) { //TODO: Delegate the callback. } static void DocumentCallback(int nType, const char* pPayload, void* pData) { Log::trace() << "Document::DocumentCallback " << LOKitHelper::kitCallbackTypeToString(nType) << " [" << (pPayload ? pPayload : "") << "]." << Log::end; Document* self = reinterpret_cast(pData); if (self) { std::unique_lock lock(self->_mutex); for (auto& it: self->_connections) { if (it.second->isRunning()) { auto session = it.second->getSession(); if (session) { session->loKitCallback(nType, pPayload); } } } } } /// Load a document (or view) and register callbacks. LibreOfficeKitDocument* onLoad(const std::string& sessionId, const std::string& uri, const std::string& docPassword, bool isDocPasswordProvided) { Log::info("Session " + sessionId + " is loading. " + std::to_string(_clientViews) + " views loaded."); std::unique_lock lock(_mutex); while (_isLoading) { _cvLoading.wait(lock); } // Flag and release lock. ++_isLoading; lock.unlock(); try { load(sessionId, uri, docPassword, isDocPasswordProvided); } catch (const std::exception& exc) { Log::error("Exception while loading [" + uri + "] : " + exc.what()); } // Done loading, let the next one in (if any). lock.lock(); ++_clientViews; --_isLoading; _cvLoading.notify_one(); return _loKitDocument; } void onUnload(const std::string& sessionId) { const unsigned intSessionId = Util::decodeId(sessionId); const auto it = _connections.find(intSessionId); if (it == _connections.end() || !it->second || !_loKitDocument) { // Nothing to do. return; } auto session = it->second->getSession(); auto sessionLock = session->getLock(); std::unique_lock lock(_mutex); Log::info("Session " + sessionId + " is unloading. Erasing connection."); _connections.erase(it); --_clientViews; Log::info("Session " + sessionId + " is unloading. " + std::to_string(_clientViews) + " views will remain."); if (_multiView && _loKitDocument) { Log::info() << "Document [" << _url << "] session [" << sessionId << "] unloaded, leaving " << _clientViews << " views." << Log::end; const auto viewId = _loKitDocument->pClass->getView(_loKitDocument); _loKitDocument->pClass->registerCallback(_loKitDocument, nullptr, nullptr); _loKitDocument->pClass->destroyView(_loKitDocument, viewId); } } private: LibreOfficeKitDocument* load(const std::string& sessionId, const std::string& uri, const std::string& docPassword, bool isDocPasswordProvided) { const unsigned intSessionId = Util::decodeId(sessionId); const auto it = _connections.find(intSessionId); if (it == _connections.end() || !it->second) { Log::error("Cannot find session [" + sessionId + "]."); return nullptr; } auto session = it->second->getSession(); if (_loKitDocument == nullptr) { // This is the first time we are loading the document Log::info("Loading new document from URI: [" + uri + "] for session [" + sessionId + "]."); if (LIBREOFFICEKIT_HAS(_loKit, registerCallback)) { _loKit->pClass->registerCallback(_loKit, KitCallback, this); _loKit->pClass->setOptionalFeatures(_loKit, LOK_FEATURE_DOCUMENT_PASSWORD | LOK_FEATURE_DOCUMENT_PASSWORD_TO_MODIFY); } // Save the provided password with us and the jailed url _isDocPasswordProvided = isDocPasswordProvided; _docPassword = docPassword; _jailedUrl = uri; _isDocPasswordProtected = false; Log::debug("Calling documentLoad"); _loKitDocument = _loKit->pClass->documentLoad(_loKit, uri.c_str()); Log::debug("documentLoad returned"); if (_loKitDocument == nullptr) { Log::error("Failed to load: " + uri + ", error: " + _loKit->pClass->getError(_loKit)); // Checking if wrong password or no password was reason for failure. if (_isDocPasswordProtected) { if (!_isDocPasswordProvided) { std::string passwordFrame = "passwordrequired:"; if (_docPasswordType == PasswordType::ToView) passwordFrame += "to-view"; else if (_docPasswordType == PasswordType::ToModify) passwordFrame += "to-modify"; session->sendTextFrame("error: cmd=load kind=" + passwordFrame); } else session->sendTextFrame("error: cmd=load kind=wrongpassword"); } return nullptr; } if (_multiView) { Log::info("Loading view to document from URI: [" + uri + "] for session [" + sessionId + "]."); const auto viewId = _loKitDocument->pClass->createView(_loKitDocument); _loKitDocument->pClass->registerCallback(_loKitDocument, ViewCallback, reinterpret_cast(intSessionId)); Log::info() << "Document [" << _url << "] view [" << viewId << "] loaded, leaving " << (_clientViews + 1) << " views." << Log::end; } else { _loKitDocument->pClass->registerCallback(_loKitDocument, DocumentCallback, this); } } else { // Check if this document requires password if (_isDocPasswordProtected) { if (!isDocPasswordProvided) { std::string passwordFrame = "passwordrequired:"; if (_docPasswordType == PasswordType::ToView) passwordFrame += "to-view"; else if (_docPasswordType == PasswordType::ToModify) passwordFrame += "to-modify"; session->sendTextFrame("error: cmd=load kind=" + passwordFrame); return nullptr; } else if (docPassword != _docPassword) { session->sendTextFrame("error: cmd=load kind=wrongpassword"); return nullptr; } } } return _loKitDocument; } private: const bool _multiView; LibreOfficeKit* const _loKit; const std::string _jailId; const std::string _docKey; const std::string _url; std::string _jailedUrl; LibreOfficeKitDocument *_loKitDocument; // Document password provided std::string _docPassword; // Whether password was provided or not bool _isDocPasswordProvided; // Whether document is password protected bool _isDocPasswordProtected; // Whether password is required to view the document, or modify it PasswordType _docPasswordType; std::mutex _mutex; std::condition_variable _cvLoading; std::atomic_size_t _isLoading; std::map> _connections; std::atomic_size_t _clientViews; }; namespace { void symlinkPathToJail(const Path jailPath, const std::string &loTemplate, const std::string &loSubPath) { Path symlinkSource(jailPath, Path(loTemplate.substr(1))); File(symlinkSource.parent()).createDirectories(); std::string symlinkTarget; for (auto i = 0; i < Path(loTemplate).depth(); i++) symlinkTarget += "../"; symlinkTarget += loSubPath; Log::debug("symlink(\"" + symlinkTarget + "\",\"" + symlinkSource.toString() + "\")"); if (symlink(symlinkTarget.c_str(), symlinkSource.toString().c_str()) == -1) { Log::syserror("symlink(\"" + symlinkTarget + "\",\"" + symlinkSource.toString() + "\") failed"); throw Exception("symlink() failed"); } } } void lokit_main(const std::string& childRoot, const std::string& sysTemplate, const std::string& loTemplate, const std::string& loSubPath, bool noCapabilities) { // Reinitialize logging when forked. Log::initialize("kit"); Util::rng::reseed(); assert(!childRoot.empty()); assert(!sysTemplate.empty()); assert(!loTemplate.empty()); assert(!loSubPath.empty()); // We only host a single document in our lifetime. std::shared_ptr document; // Ideally this will be a random ID, but forkit will cleanup // our jail directory when we die, and it's simpler to know // the jailId (i.e. the path) implicitly by knowing our pid. static const std::string pid = std::to_string(Process::id()); static const std::string jailId = pid; Util::setThreadName("loolkit"); Log::debug("Process started."); Util::setTerminationSignals(); Util::setFatalSignals(); std::string instdir_path; Path jailPath; bool bRunInsideJail = !noCapabilities; try { if (bRunInsideJail) { instdir_path = "/" + loSubPath + "/program"; jailPath = Path::forDirectory(childRoot + "/" + jailId); Log::info("Jail path: " + jailPath.toString()); File(jailPath).createDirectories(); // Create a symlink inside the jailPath so that the absolute pathname loTemplate, when // interpreted inside a chroot at jailPath, points to loSubPath (relative to the chroot). symlinkPathToJail(jailPath, loTemplate, loSubPath); // Font paths can end up as realpaths so match that too. char *resolved = realpath(loTemplate.c_str(), NULL); if (resolved) { if (strcmp(loTemplate.c_str(), resolved)) symlinkPathToJail(jailPath, std::string(resolved), loSubPath); free (resolved); } Path jailLOInstallation(jailPath, loSubPath); jailLOInstallation.makeDirectory(); File(jailLOInstallation).createDirectory(); // Copy (link) LO installation and other necessary files into it from the template. bool bLoopMounted = false; if (getenv("LOOL_BIND_MOUNT")) { Path usrSrcPath(sysTemplate, "usr"); Path usrDestPath(jailPath, "usr"); File(usrDestPath).createDirectory(); std::string mountCommand = std::string("loolmount ") + usrSrcPath.toString() + std::string(" ") + usrDestPath.toString(); Log::debug("Initializing jail bind mount."); bLoopMounted = !system(mountCommand.c_str()); Log::debug("Initialized jail bind mount."); } linkOrCopy(sysTemplate, jailPath, bLoopMounted ? COPY_NO_USR : COPY_ALL); linkOrCopy(loTemplate, jailLOInstallation, COPY_LO); // We need this because sometimes the hostname is not resolved const auto networkFiles = {"/etc/host.conf", "/etc/hosts", "/etc/nsswitch.conf", "/etc/resolv.conf"}; for (const auto& filename : networkFiles) { const auto etcPath = Path(jailPath, filename).toString(); const File networkFile(filename); if (networkFile.exists() && !File(etcPath).exists()) { networkFile.copyTo(etcPath); } } Log::debug("Initialized jail files."); // Create the urandom and random devices File(Path(jailPath, "/dev")).createDirectory(); if (mknod((jailPath.toString() + "/dev/random").c_str(), S_IFCHR | S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH, makedev(1, 8)) != 0) { Log::syserror("mknod(" + jailPath.toString() + "/dev/random) failed."); } if (mknod((jailPath.toString() + "/dev/urandom").c_str(), S_IFCHR | S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH, makedev(1, 9)) != 0) { Log::syserror("mknod(" + jailPath.toString() + "/dev/urandom) failed."); } Log::info("chroot(\"" + jailPath.toString() + "\")"); if (chroot(jailPath.toString().c_str()) == -1) { Log::syserror("chroot(\"" + jailPath.toString() + "\") failed."); std::_Exit(Application::EXIT_SOFTWARE); } if (chdir("/") == -1) { Log::syserror("chdir(\"/\") in jail failed."); std::_Exit(Application::EXIT_SOFTWARE); } dropCapability(CAP_SYS_CHROOT); dropCapability(CAP_MKNOD); dropCapability(CAP_FOWNER); Log::debug("Initialized jail nodes, dropped caps."); } else // noCapabilities set { Log::info("Using template " + loTemplate + " as install subpath - skipping jail setup"); instdir_path = "/" + loTemplate + "/program"; } LibreOfficeKit* loKit = lok_init_2(instdir_path.c_str(), "file:///user"); if (loKit == nullptr) { Log::error("LibreOfficeKit initialization failed. Exiting."); std::_Exit(Application::EXIT_SOFTWARE); } Log::info("Process is ready."); // Open websocket connection between the child process and WSD. HTTPClientSession cs("", MASTER_PORT_NUMBER); cs.setTimeout(0); HTTPRequest request(HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET, std::string(NEW_CHILD_URI) + "pid=" + pid); HTTPResponse response; auto ws = std::make_shared(cs, request, response); ws->setReceiveTimeout(0); const std::string socketName = "ChildControllerWS"; IoUtil::SocketProcessor(ws, [&socketName, &ws, &document, &loKit](const std::vector& data) { std::string message(data.data(), data.size()); if (UnitKit::get().filterKitMessage(ws, message)) return true; Log::debug(socketName + ": recv [" + LOOLProtocol::getAbbreviatedMessage(message) + "]."); StringTokenizer tokens(message, " ", StringTokenizer::TOK_IGNORE_EMPTY | StringTokenizer::TOK_TRIM); if (TerminationFlag) { Log::debug("Too late, we're going down"); } else if (tokens[0] == "session") { const std::string& sessionId = tokens[1]; const unsigned intSessionId = Util::decodeId(sessionId); const std::string& docKey = tokens[2]; std::string url; URI::decode(docKey, url); Log::info("New session [" + sessionId + "] request on url [" + url + "]."); if (!document) { document = std::make_shared(loKit, jailId, docKey, url); } // Validate and create session. if (!(url == document->getUrl() && document->createSession(sessionId, intSessionId))) { Log::debug("CreateSession failed."); } } else if (document && document->canDiscard()) { TerminationFlag = true; } else { Log::info("Bad or unknown token [" + tokens[0] + "]"); } return true; }, []() {}, [&document]() { if (document && document->canDiscard()) TerminationFlag = true; return TerminationFlag; }); // Clean up jail if we created one if (bRunInsideJail && !jailPath.isRelative()) { // In theory we should here do Util::removeFile("/", true), because we are inside the // chroot jail, and all of it can be removed now when we are exiting. (At least the root // of the chroot jail probably would not be removed even if we tried, so we still would // need to complete the cleanup in loolforkit.) // But: It is way too risky to actually do that (effectively, "rm -rf /") as it would // trash a developer's machine if something goes wrong while hacking and debugging and // the process isn't in a chroot after all when it comes here. // So just remove what we can reasonably safely assume won't exist as global pathnames // on a developer's machine, loSubpath (typically "/lo") and JAILED_DOCUMENT_ROOT // ("/user/docs/"). Log::info("Removing '/" + loSubPath + "'"); Util::removeFile("/" + loSubPath, true); Log::info("Removing '" + std::string(JAILED_DOCUMENT_ROOT) + "'"); Util::removeFile(std::string(JAILED_DOCUMENT_ROOT), true); } } catch (const Exception& exc) { Log::error() << exc.name() << ": " << exc.displayText() << (exc.nested() ? " (" + exc.nested()->displayText() + ")" : "") << Log::end; } catch (const std::exception& exc) { Log::error(std::string("Exception: ") + exc.what()); } // Sleep a second here in case we get a fatal signal just when about to finish up, which sadly // seems to happen often, so that handleFatalSignal() in Util.cpp has time to produce a // backtrace. sleep(1); Log::info("Process finished."); std::_Exit(Application::EXIT_OK); } /// Initializes LibreOfficeKit for cross-fork re-use. bool globalPreinit(const std::string &loTemplate) { const std::string libSofficeapp = loTemplate + "/program/" LIB_SOFFICEAPP; const std::string libMerged = loTemplate + "/program/" LIB_MERGED; std::string loadedLibrary; void *handle; if (File(libMerged).exists()) { handle = dlopen(libMerged.c_str(), RTLD_GLOBAL|RTLD_NOW); if (!handle) { Log::error("Failed to load " + libMerged + ": " + std::string(dlerror())); return false; } loadedLibrary = libMerged; } else { if (File(libSofficeapp).exists()) { handle = dlopen(libSofficeapp.c_str(), RTLD_GLOBAL|RTLD_NOW); if (!handle) { Log::error("Failed to load " + libSofficeapp + ": " + std::string(dlerror())); return false; } loadedLibrary = libSofficeapp; } else { Log::error("Neither " + libSofficeapp + " or " + libMerged + " exist."); return false; } } LokHookPreInit* preInit = (LokHookPreInit *)dlsym(handle, "lok_preinit"); if (!preInit) { Log::error("No lok_preinit symbol in " + loadedLibrary + ": " + std::string(dlerror())); return false; } if (preInit((loTemplate + "/program").c_str(), "file:///user") != 0) { Log::error("lok_preinit() in " + loadedLibrary + " failed"); return false; } return true; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */