- milar to Redth's FiredTVLauncher with REAL HOME BUTTON CLICK DETECTION
- (and no "amazon home is top-application"-detection).
- Even double-home-clicks are captured!!
- Completely configurable which app is started on startup-, home-button-single-click or home-button-double-click.
- Default: Starts itself on FireTV-Startup.
- Default: Starts itself when Home-Button is single-clicked.
- Default: Starts amazon home when Home-Button is double-clicked (actually does nothing as amazon home is the default action for home-button clicks).
- You can e.g. start Kodi on double-click and FireStarter on single-click.
- Also possible is to keep up the default behaviour (" - No Action - ") on a single-click (amazon home is starting) and to open e.g. FireStar