/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "config.h" // This is the main source for the loolwsd program. LOOL uses several loolwsd processes: one main // parent process that listens on the TCP port and accepts connections from LOOL clients, and a // number of child processes, each which handles a viewing (editing) session for one document. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Admin.hpp" #include "Auth.hpp" #include "Common.hpp" #include "Exceptions.hpp" #include "FileServer.hpp" #include "IoUtil.hpp" #include "LOOLProtocol.hpp" #include "LOOLSession.hpp" #include "LOOLWSD.hpp" #include "MasterProcessSession.hpp" #include "QueueHandler.hpp" #include "Storage.hpp" #include "UserMessages.hpp" #include "Util.hpp" #include "Unit.hpp" #include "UnitHTTP.hpp" using namespace LOOLProtocol; using Poco::Exception; using Poco::File; using Poco::FileOutputStream; using Poco::IOException; using Poco::Net::HTMLForm; using Poco::Net::HTTPRequest; using Poco::Net::HTTPRequestHandler; using Poco::Net::HTTPRequestHandlerFactory; using Poco::Net::HTTPResponse; using Poco::Net::HTTPServer; using Poco::Net::HTTPServerParams; using Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest; using Poco::Net::HTTPServerResponse; using Poco::Net::MessageHeader; using Poco::Net::NameValueCollection; using Poco::Net::PartHandler; using Poco::Net::SecureServerSocket; using Poco::Net::ServerSocket; using Poco::Net::Socket; using Poco::Net::SocketAddress; using Poco::Net::WebSocket; using Poco::Net::WebSocketException; using Poco::Path; using Poco::Process; using Poco::ProcessHandle; using Poco::StreamCopier; using Poco::StringTokenizer; using Poco::TemporaryFile; using Poco::Thread; using Poco::ThreadPool; using Poco::URI; using Poco::Util::Application; using Poco::Util::HelpFormatter; using Poco::Util::IncompatibleOptionsException; using Poco::Util::MissingOptionException; using Poco::Util::Option; using Poco::Util::OptionSet; using Poco::Util::ServerApplication; using Poco::XML::AutoPtr; using Poco::XML::DOMParser; using Poco::XML::DOMWriter; using Poco::XML::Element; using Poco::XML::InputSource; using Poco::XML::Node; using Poco::XML::NodeList; int ClientPortNumber = DEFAULT_CLIENT_PORT_NUMBER; /// New LOK child processes ready to host documents. //TODO: Move to a more sensible namespace. static bool DisplayVersion = false; static bool NoCapsForKit = false; static std::vector> newChildren; static std::mutex newChildrenMutex; static std::condition_variable newChildrenCV; static std::map> docBrokers; static std::mutex docBrokersMutex; // Sessions to pre-spawned child processes that have connected but are not yet assigned a // document to work on. static std::mutex AvailableChildSessionMutex; static std::condition_variable AvailableChildSessionCV; static std::map> AvailableChildSessions; #if ENABLE_DEBUG static int careerSpanSeconds = 0; #endif static void forkChildren(const int number) { assert(!newChildrenMutex.try_lock()); // check it is held. if (number > 0) { const std::string aMessage = "spawn " + std::to_string(number) + "\n"; Log::debug("MasterToForKit: " + aMessage.substr(0, aMessage.length() - 1)); IoUtil::writeFIFO(LOOLWSD::ForKitWritePipe, aMessage); } } static void preForkChildren() { std::unique_lock lock(newChildrenMutex); int numPreSpawn = LOOLWSD::NumPreSpawnedChildren; UnitWSD::get().preSpawnCount(numPreSpawn); --numPreSpawn; // ForKit always spawns one child at startup. forkChildren(numPreSpawn); } static std::shared_ptr getNewChild() { std::unique_lock lock(newChildrenMutex); const int available = newChildren.size(); int balance = LOOLWSD::NumPreSpawnedChildren; if (available == 0) { Log::error("No available child. Sending spawn request to forkit and failing."); } else { balance -= available - 1; } if (balance > 0) forkChildren(balance); const auto timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds(CHILD_TIMEOUT_SECS * 1000); if (newChildrenCV.wait_for(lock, timeout, [](){ return !newChildren.empty(); })) { auto child = newChildren.back(); newChildren.pop_back(); return child; } return nullptr; } /// Handles the filename part of the convert-to POST request payload. class ConvertToPartHandler : public PartHandler { std::string& _filename; public: ConvertToPartHandler(std::string& filename) : _filename(filename) { } virtual void handlePart(const MessageHeader& header, std::istream& stream) override { // Extract filename and put it to a temporary directory. std::string disp; NameValueCollection params; if (header.has("Content-Disposition")) { std::string cd = header.get("Content-Disposition"); MessageHeader::splitParameters(cd, disp, params); } if (!params.has("filename")) return; Path tempPath = Path::forDirectory(TemporaryFile().tempName() + Path::separator()); File(tempPath).createDirectories(); tempPath.setFileName(params.get("filename")); _filename = tempPath.toString(); // Copy the stream to _filename. std::ofstream fileStream; fileStream.open(_filename); StreamCopier::copyStream(stream, fileStream); fileStream.close(); } }; /// Handle a public connection from a client. class ClientRequestHandler: public HTTPRequestHandler { private: static bool waitBridgeCompleted(const std::shared_ptr& clientSession, const std::shared_ptr& docBroker) { int retries = 5; bool isFound = false; // Wait until the client has connected with a prison socket. std::shared_ptr prisonSession; std::unique_lock lock(AvailableChildSessionMutex); Log::debug() << "Waiting for client session [" << clientSession->getId() << "] to connect." << Log::end; while (!TerminationFlag && retries-- && !isFound) { AvailableChildSessionCV.wait_for( lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(COMMAND_TIMEOUT_MS), [&isFound, &clientSession] { return (isFound = AvailableChildSessions.find(clientSession->getId()) != AvailableChildSessions.end()); }); if (!isFound) { Log::info() << "Retrying client permission... " << retries << Log::end; // request again new URL session const std::string message = "request " + clientSession->getId() + " " + docBroker->getDocKey() + '\n'; Log::trace("MasterToBroker: " + message.substr(0, message.length()-1)); IoUtil::writeFIFO(LOOLWSD::ForKitWritePipe, message); } } if (isFound) { Log::debug("Waiting child session permission, done!"); prisonSession = AvailableChildSessions[clientSession->getId()]; AvailableChildSessions.erase(clientSession->getId()); clientSession->setPeer(prisonSession); prisonSession->setPeer(clientSession); Log::debug("Connected " + clientSession->getName() + " - " + prisonSession->getName() + "."); } return isFound; } /// Handle POST requests. /// Always throw on error, do not set response status here. /// Returns true if a response has been sent. static bool handlePostRequest(HTTPServerRequest& request, HTTPServerResponse& response, const std::string& id) { Log::info("Post request: [" + request.getURI() + "]"); StringTokenizer tokens(request.getURI(), "/?"); if (tokens.count() >= 2 && tokens[1] == "convert-to") { std::string fromPath; ConvertToPartHandler handler(fromPath); HTMLForm form(request, request.stream(), handler); const std::string format = (form.has("format") ? form.get("format") : ""); bool sent = false; if (!fromPath.empty()) { if (!format.empty()) { Log::info("Conversion request for URI [" + fromPath + "]."); // Request a kit process for this doc. auto child = getNewChild(); if (!child) { // Let the client know we can't serve now. throw std::runtime_error("Failed to spawn lokit child."); } auto uriPublic = DocumentBroker::sanitizeURI(fromPath); const auto docKey = DocumentBroker::getDocKey(uriPublic); auto docBroker = std::make_shared(uriPublic, docKey, LOOLWSD::ChildRoot, child); // This lock could become a bottleneck. // In that case, we can use a pool and index by publicPath. std::unique_lock lock(docBrokersMutex); //FIXME: What if the same document is already open? Need a fake dockey here? Log::debug("New DocumentBroker for docKey [" + docKey + "]."); docBrokers.emplace(docKey, docBroker); // Load the document. std::shared_ptr ws; auto session = std::make_shared(id, LOOLSession::Kind::ToClient, ws, docBroker, nullptr); auto sessionsCount = docBroker->addSession(session); lock.unlock(); Log::trace(docKey + ", ws_sessions++: " + std::to_string(sessionsCount)); if (!waitBridgeCompleted(session, docBroker)) { // Let the client know we can't serve now. throw std::runtime_error("Failed to connect to lokit child."); } // Now the bridge between the client and kit processes is connected // Let messages flow std::string encodedFrom; URI::encode(docBroker->getPublicUri().getPath(), "", encodedFrom); const std::string load = "load url=" + encodedFrom; session->handleInput(load.data(), load.size()); // Convert it to the requested format. Path toPath(docBroker->getPublicUri().getPath()); toPath.setExtension(format); const std::string toJailURL = "file://" + std::string(JAILED_DOCUMENT_ROOT) + toPath.getFileName(); std::string encodedTo; URI::encode(toJailURL, "", encodedTo); std::string saveas = "saveas url=" + encodedTo + " format=" + format + " options="; session->handleInput(saveas.data(), saveas.size()); // Send it back to the client. //TODO: Should have timeout to avoid waiting forever. Poco::URI resultURL(session->getSaveAs()); if (!resultURL.getPath().empty()) { const std::string mimeType = "application/octet-stream"; response.sendFile(resultURL.getPath(), mimeType); sent = true; } lock.lock(); sessionsCount = docBroker->removeSession(id); if (sessionsCount == 0) { Log::debug("Removing DocumentBroker for docKey [" + docKey + "]."); docBrokers.erase(docKey); } } // Clean up the temporary directory the HTMLForm ctor created. Path tempDirectory(fromPath); tempDirectory.setFileName(""); Util::removeFile(tempDirectory, /*recursive=*/true); } if (!sent) { //TODO: We should differentiate between bad request and failed conversion. throw BadRequestException("Failed to convert and send file."); } return true; } else if (tokens.count() >= 2 && tokens[1] == "insertfile") { Log::info("Insert file request."); response.set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); response.set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, OPTIONS"); response.set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept"); std::string tmpPath; ConvertToPartHandler handler(tmpPath); HTMLForm form(request, request.stream(), handler); if (form.has("childid") && form.has("name")) { const std::string formChildid(form.get("childid")); const std::string formName(form.get("name")); // protect against attempts to inject something funny here if (formChildid.find('/') == std::string::npos && formName.find('/') == std::string::npos) { Log::info() << "Perform insertfile: " << formChildid << ", " << formName << Log::end; const std::string dirPath = LOOLWSD::ChildRoot + formChildid + JAILED_DOCUMENT_ROOT + "insertfile"; File(dirPath).createDirectories(); std::string fileName = dirPath + Path::separator() + form.get("name"); File(tmpPath).moveTo(fileName); return false; } } } else if (tokens.count() >= 4) { Log::info("File download request."); // The user might request a file to download //TODO: Check that the user in question has access to this file! const std::string dirPath = LOOLWSD::ChildRoot + tokens[1] + JAILED_DOCUMENT_ROOT + tokens[2]; std::string fileName; URI::decode(tokens[3], fileName); const std::string filePath = dirPath + Path::separator() + fileName; Log::info("HTTP request for: " + filePath); File file(filePath); if (file.exists()) { response.set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); HTMLForm form(request); const std::string mimeType = form.has("mime_type") ? form.get("mime_type") : "application/octet-stream"; response.sendFile(filePath, mimeType); //TODO: Cleanup on error. Util::removeFile(dirPath, true); return true; } } throw BadRequestException("Invalid or unknown request."); } /// Handle GET requests. static void handleGetRequest(HTTPServerRequest& request, std::shared_ptr& ws, const std::string& id) { Log::info("Starting GET request handler for session [" + id + "]."); // Remove the leading '/' in the GET URL. std::string uri = request.getURI(); if (uri.size() > 0 && uri[0] == '/') { uri.erase(0, 1); } // indicator to the client that document broker is searching std::string status("statusindicator: find"); ws->sendFrame(status.data(), (int) status.size()); const auto uriPublic = DocumentBroker::sanitizeURI(uri); const auto docKey = DocumentBroker::getDocKey(uriPublic); std::shared_ptr docBroker; // This lock could become a bottleneck. // In that case, we can use a pool and index by publicPath. std::unique_lock docBrokersLock(docBrokersMutex); // Lookup this document. auto it = docBrokers.find(docKey); if (it != docBrokers.end()) { // Get the DocumentBroker from the Cache. Log::debug("Found DocumentBroker for docKey [" + docKey + "]."); docBroker = it->second; assert(docBroker); } else { // Request a kit process for this doc. auto child = getNewChild(); if (!child) { // Let the client know we can't serve now. Log::error("Failed to get new child. Client cannot serve now."); throw WebSocketErrorMessageException(SERVICE_UNAVALABLE_INTERNAL_ERROR); } // Set one we just created. Log::debug("New DocumentBroker for docKey [" + docKey + "]."); docBroker = std::make_shared(uriPublic, docKey, LOOLWSD::ChildRoot, child); docBrokers.emplace(docKey, docBroker); } // Validate the URI and Storage before moving on. docBroker->validate(uriPublic); Log::debug("Validated [" + uriPublic.toString() + "]."); // For ToClient sessions, we store incoming messages in a queue and have a separate // thread that handles them. This is so that we can empty the queue when we get a // "canceltiles" message. auto queue = std::make_shared(); auto session = std::make_shared(id, LOOLSession::Kind::ToClient, ws, docBroker, queue); auto sessionsCount = docBroker->addSession(session); docBrokersLock.unlock(); Log::trace(docKey + ", ws_sessions++: " + std::to_string(sessionsCount)); // indicator to a client that is waiting to connect to lokit process status = "statusindicator: connect"; ws->sendFrame(status.data(), (int) status.size()); if (!waitBridgeCompleted(session, docBroker)) { // Let the client know we can't serve now. Log::error(session->getName() + ": Failed to connect to lokit process. Client cannot serve now."); throw WebSocketErrorMessageException(SERVICE_UNAVALABLE_INTERNAL_ERROR); } // Now the bridge beetween the client and kit process is connected // Let messages flow status = "statusindicator: ready"; ws->sendFrame(status.data(), (int) status.size()); QueueHandler handler(queue, session, "wsd_queue_" + session->getId()); Thread queueHandlerThread; queueHandlerThread.start(handler); IoUtil::SocketProcessor(ws, [&queue](const std::vector& payload) { queue->put(payload); return true; }, []() { return TerminationFlag; }); if (docBroker->getSessionsCount() == 1 && !session->_bLoadError) { Log::info("Shutdown of the last session, saving the document before tearing down."); // Use auto-save to save only when there are modifications since last save. // We also need to wait until the save notification reaches us // and Storage persists the document. // Note: technically, there is a race between these two (we should // hold the broker lock before issueing the save and waiting,) // but in practice this shouldn't happen. if (docBroker->autoSave(true) && !docBroker->waitSave(COMMAND_TIMEOUT_MS)) { Log::error("Auto-save before closing failed."); } } else { Log::info("Clearing the queue."); queue->clear(); } Log::info("Finishing GET request handler for session [" + id + "]. Joining the queue."); queue->put("eof"); queueHandlerThread.join(); docBrokersLock.lock(); sessionsCount = docBroker->removeSession(id); Log::trace(docKey + ", ws_sessions--: " + std::to_string(sessionsCount)); if (sessionsCount == 0) { Log::debug("Removing DocumentBroker for docKey [" + docKey + "]."); docBrokers.erase(docKey); Log::info("Removing complete doc [" + docKey + "] from Admin."); Admin::instance().rmDoc(docKey); } } /// Sends back the WOPI Discovery XML. /// The XML needs to be preprocessed to stamp the correct URL etc. /// Returns true if a response has been sent. static bool handleGetWOPIDiscovery(HTTPServerRequest& request, HTTPServerResponse& response) { std::string discoveryPath = Path(Application::instance().commandPath()).parent().toString() + "discovery.xml"; if (!File(discoveryPath).exists()) { discoveryPath = LOOLWSD_DATADIR "/discovery.xml"; } const std::string mediaType = "text/xml"; const std::string action = "action"; const std::string urlsrc = "urlsrc"; const std::string uriValue = (LOOLWSD::SSLEnabled ? "https://" : "http://") + (LOOLWSD::ServerName.empty() ? request.getHost() : LOOLWSD::ServerName) + "/loleaflet/dist/loleaflet.html?"; InputSource inputSrc(discoveryPath); DOMParser parser; AutoPtr docXML = parser.parse(&inputSrc); AutoPtr listNodes = docXML->getElementsByTagName(action); for (unsigned long it = 0; it < listNodes->length(); ++it) { static_cast(listNodes->item(it))->setAttribute(urlsrc, uriValue); } std::ostringstream ostrXML; DOMWriter writer; writer.writeNode(ostrXML, docXML); response.set("User-Agent", "LOOLWSD WOPI Agent"); response.setContentLength(ostrXML.str().length()); response.setContentType(mediaType); response.setChunkedTransferEncoding(false); std::ostream& ostr = response.send(); ostr << ostrXML.str(); Log::debug("Sent discovery.xml successfully."); return true; } public: void handleRequest(HTTPServerRequest& request, HTTPServerResponse& response) override { if (UnitWSD::get().filterHandleRequest( UnitWSD::TestRequest::TEST_REQ_CLIENT, request, response)) return; handleClientRequest(request,response); } static void handleClientRequest(HTTPServerRequest& request, HTTPServerResponse& response) { const auto id = LOOLWSD::GenSessionId(); Util::setThreadName("client_ws_" + id); Log::debug("Thread started."); bool responded = false; try { if (request.getMethod() == HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET && request.getURI() == "/hosting/discovery") { // http://server/hosting/discovery responded = handleGetWOPIDiscovery(request, response); } else if (!(request.find("Upgrade") != request.end() && Poco::icompare(request["Upgrade"], "websocket") == 0)) { responded = handlePostRequest(request, response, id); } else { auto ws = std::make_shared(request, response); try { responded = true; // After upgrading to WS we should not set HTTP response. handleGetRequest(request, ws, id); } catch (const WebSocketErrorMessageException& exc) { Log::error(std::string("ClientRequestHandler::handleRequest: WebSocketErrorMessageException: ") + exc.what()); try { const std::string msg = std::string("error: ") + exc.what(); ws->sendFrame(msg.data(), msg.size()); // abnormal close frame handshake ws->shutdown(WebSocket::WS_ENDPOINT_GOING_AWAY, exc.what()); } catch (const std::exception& exc2) { Log::error(std::string("ClientRequestHandler::handleRequest: exception while sending WS error message: ") + exc2.what()); } } } } catch (const Exception& exc) { Log::error() << "ClientRequestHandler::handleRequest: PocoException: " << exc.displayText() << (exc.nested() ? " (" + exc.nested()->displayText() + ")" : "") << Log::end; response.setStatusAndReason(HTTPResponse::HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE); } catch (const UnauthorizedRequestException& exc) { Log::error(std::string("ClientRequestHandler::handleRequest: UnauthorizedException: ") + exc.what()); response.setStatusAndReason(HTTPResponse::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED); } catch (const BadRequestException& exc) { Log::error(std::string("ClientRequestHandler::handleRequest: BadRequestException: ") + exc.what()); response.setStatusAndReason(HTTPResponse::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST); } catch (const std::exception& exc) { Log::error(std::string("ClientRequestHandler::handleRequest: Exception: ") + exc.what()); response.setStatusAndReason(HTTPResponse::HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE); } if (!responded) { response.setContentLength(0); response.send(); } Log::debug("Thread finished."); } }; /// Handle requests from prisoners (internal). class PrisonerRequestHandler: public HTTPRequestHandler { public: static bool waitBridgeCompleted(const std::shared_ptr& prisonSession) { // time to live, if the kit process cannot connect to a client session. int ttl = 180; bool isFound = true; // Wait until the prison has connected with a client socket. Log::debug() << "Waiting for prison session [" << prisonSession->getId() << "] to connect." << Log::end; while (!TerminationFlag && (isFound = AvailableChildSessions.find(prisonSession->getId()) != AvailableChildSessions.end()) && ttl--) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(POLL_TIMEOUT_MS)); Log::debug() << "Sleeping prison session [" << prisonSession->getId() << "] to connect." << Log::end; } return isFound; } void handleRequest(HTTPServerRequest& request, HTTPServerResponse& response) override { if (UnitWSD::get().filterHandleRequest( UnitWSD::TestRequest::TEST_REQ_PRISONER, request, response)) return; handlePrisonerRequest(request, response); } static void handlePrisonerRequest(HTTPServerRequest& request, HTTPServerResponse& response) { Util::setThreadName("prison_ws"); Log::debug("Child connection with URI [" + request.getURI() + "]."); assert(request.serverAddress().port() == MASTER_PORT_NUMBER); if (request.getURI().find(NEW_CHILD_URI) == 0) { // New Child is spawned. const auto params = Poco::URI(request.getURI()).getQueryParameters(); Poco::Process::PID pid = -1; for (const auto& param : params) { if (param.first == "pid") { pid = std::stoi(param.second); } } if (pid <= 0) { Log::error("Invalid PID in child URI [" + request.getURI() + "]."); return; } Log::info("New child [" + std::to_string(pid) + "]."); auto ws = std::make_shared(request, response); std::unique_lock lock(newChildrenMutex); newChildren.emplace_back(std::make_shared(pid, ws)); Log::info("Have " + std::to_string(newChildren.size()) + " " + (newChildren.size() == 1 ? "child" : "children") + "."); newChildrenCV.notify_one(); UnitWSD::get().newChild(ws); return; } if (request.getURI().find(CHILD_URI) != 0) { Log::error("Invalid request URI: [" + request.getURI() + "]."); return; } std::string sessionId; std::string jailId; std::string docKey; try { const auto params = Poco::URI(request.getURI()).getQueryParameters(); for (const auto& param : params) { if (param.first == "sessionId") { sessionId = param.second; } else if (param.first == "jailId") { jailId = param.second; } else if (param.first == "docKey") { docKey = param.second; } } Util::setThreadName("prison_ws_" + sessionId); // Misleading debug message, we obviously started already a while ago and have done lots // of stuff already. Log::debug("Thread started."); Log::debug("Child socket for SessionId: " + sessionId + ", jailId: " + jailId + ", docKey: " + docKey + " connected."); std::shared_ptr docBroker; { // This lock could become a bottleneck. // In that case, we can use a pool and index by publicPath. std::unique_lock lock(docBrokersMutex); // Lookup this document. auto it = docBrokers.find(docKey); if (it != docBrokers.end()) { // Get the DocumentBroker from the Cache. docBroker = it->second; assert(docBroker); } else { // The client closed before we started, // or some early failure happened. Log::error("Failed to find DocumentBroker for docKey [" + docKey + "] while handling child connection for session [" + sessionId + "]."); throw std::runtime_error("Invalid docKey."); } } docBroker->load(jailId); auto ws = std::make_shared(request, response); auto session = std::make_shared(sessionId, LOOLSession::Kind::ToPrisoner, ws, docBroker, nullptr); std::unique_lock lock(AvailableChildSessionMutex); AvailableChildSessions.emplace(sessionId, session); Log::info() << " mapped " << session << " jailId=" << jailId << ", id=" << sessionId << " into _availableChildSessions, size=" << AvailableChildSessions.size() << Log::end; lock.unlock(); AvailableChildSessionCV.notify_one(); const auto uri = request.getURI(); // Jail id should be the PID, beacuse Admin need it to calculate the memory Poco::Process::PID pid; try { pid = std::stoi(jailId); } catch (std::invalid_argument& exc) { assert(false); } Log::info("Adding doc " + docKey + " to Admin"); Admin::instance().addDoc(docKey, pid, docBroker->getFilename(), sessionId); if (waitBridgeCompleted(session)) { ws->shutdown(); throw WebSocketException("Failed to connect to client session", WebSocket::WS_ENDPOINT_GOING_AWAY); } Log::debug("Connected " + session->getName() + "."); // Now the bridge beetween the prison and the client is connected // Let messages flow UnitWSD::get().onChildConnected(pid, sessionId); IoUtil::SocketProcessor(ws, [&session](const std::vector& payload) { return session->handleInput(payload.data(), payload.size()); }, []() { return TerminationFlag; }); } catch (const Exception& exc) { Log::error() << "PrisonerRequestHandler::handleRequest: Exception: " << exc.displayText() << (exc.nested() ? " (" + exc.nested()->displayText() + ")" : "") << Log::end; } catch (const std::exception& exc) { Log::error(std::string("PrisonerRequestHandler::handleRequest: Exception: ") + exc.what()); } if (!jailId.empty()) { Log::info("Removing doc " + docKey + " from Admin"); Admin::instance().rmDoc(docKey, sessionId); } Log::debug("Thread finished."); } }; class ClientRequestHandlerFactory: public HTTPRequestHandlerFactory { public: ClientRequestHandlerFactory(FileServer& fileServer) : _fileServer(fileServer) { } HTTPRequestHandler* createRequestHandler(const HTTPServerRequest& request) override { Util::setThreadName("client_req_hdl"); auto logger = Log::info(); logger << "Request from " << request.clientAddress().toString() << ": " << request.getMethod() << " " << request.getURI() << " " << request.getVersion(); for (HTTPServerRequest::ConstIterator it = request.begin(); it != request.end(); ++it) { logger << " / " << it->first << ": " << it->second; } logger << Log::end; // Routing // FIXME: Some browsers (all?) hit for /favicon.ico. Create a nice favicon and add to routes Poco::URI requestUri(request.getURI()); std::vector reqPathSegs; requestUri.getPathSegments(reqPathSegs); HTTPRequestHandler* requestHandler; // File server if (reqPathSegs.size() >= 1 && reqPathSegs[0] == "loleaflet") { requestHandler = _fileServer.createRequestHandler(); } // Admin WebSocket Connections else if (reqPathSegs.size() >= 1 && reqPathSegs[0] == "adminws") { requestHandler = Admin::createRequestHandler(); } // Client post and websocket connections else { requestHandler = new ClientRequestHandler(); } return requestHandler; } private: FileServer& _fileServer; }; class PrisonerRequestHandlerFactory: public HTTPRequestHandlerFactory { public: HTTPRequestHandler* createRequestHandler(const HTTPServerRequest& request) override { Util::setThreadName("prsnr_req_hdl"); auto logger = Log::info(); logger << "Request from " << request.clientAddress().toString() << ": " << request.getMethod() << " " << request.getURI() << " " << request.getVersion(); for (HTTPServerRequest::ConstIterator it = request.begin(); it != request.end(); ++it) { logger << " / " << it->first << ": " << it->second; } logger << Log::end; return new PrisonerRequestHandler(); } }; std::atomic LOOLWSD::NextSessionId; int LOOLWSD::ForKitWritePipe = -1; std::string LOOLWSD::Cache = LOOLWSD_CACHEDIR; std::string LOOLWSD::SysTemplate; std::string LOOLWSD::LoTemplate; std::string LOOLWSD::ChildRoot; std::string LOOLWSD::LoSubPath = "lo"; std::string LOOLWSD::ServerName; std::string LOOLWSD::FileServerRoot; std::string LOOLWSD::AdminCreds; bool LOOLWSD::AllowLocalStorage = false; bool LOOLWSD::SSLEnabled = #if ENABLE_SSL true; #else false; #endif static std::string UnitTestLibrary; unsigned int LOOLWSD::NumPreSpawnedChildren = 0; LOOLWSD::LOOLWSD() { } LOOLWSD::~LOOLWSD() { } void LOOLWSD::initialize(Application& self) { if (geteuid() == 0) { throw std::runtime_error("Do not run as root. Please run as lool user."); } if (!UnitWSD::init(UnitWSD::UnitType::TYPE_WSD, UnitTestLibrary)) { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to load wsd unit test library."); } // Load default configuration files, if present. if (loadConfiguration() == 0) { // Fallback to the default path. const std::string configPath = LOOLWSD_CONFIGDIR "/loolwsd.xml"; loadConfiguration(configPath); } // This overrides whatever is in the config file, // which forces admins to set this flag on the command-line. config().setBool("storage.filesystem[@allow]", AllowLocalStorage); if (!AdminCreds.empty()) { // Set the Admin Console credentials, if provided. StringTokenizer tokens(AdminCreds, "/", StringTokenizer::TOK_IGNORE_EMPTY | StringTokenizer::TOK_TRIM); if (tokens.count() == 2) { config().setString("admin_console_username", tokens[0]); config().setString("admin_console_password", tokens[1]); } } // Allow UT to manipulate before using configuration values. UnitWSD::get().configure(config()); if (Cache.empty()) { Cache = getPathFromConfig("tile_cache_path"); } if (SysTemplate.empty()) { SysTemplate = getPathFromConfig("sys_template_path"); } if (LoTemplate.empty()) { LoTemplate = getPathFromConfig("lo_template_path"); } if (ChildRoot.empty()) { ChildRoot = getPathFromConfig("child_root_path"); } if (LoSubPath.empty()) { LoSubPath = getPathFromConfig("lo_jail_subpath"); } if (ServerName.empty()) { ServerName = config().getString("server_name"); } if (FileServerRoot.empty()) { FileServerRoot = getPathFromConfig("file_server_root_path"); } if (NumPreSpawnedChildren == 0) { // Default to 10 children. NumPreSpawnedChildren = config().getUInt("num_prespawn_children", 10); } StorageBase::initialize(); ServerApplication::initialize(self); } #if ENABLE_SSL void LOOLWSD::initializeSSL() { const auto ssl_cert_file_path = getPathFromConfig("ssl.cert_file_path"); Log::info("SSL Cert file: " + ssl_cert_file_path); const auto ssl_key_file_path = getPathFromConfig("ssl.key_file_path"); Log::info("SSL Key file: " + ssl_key_file_path); const auto ssl_ca_file_path = getPathFromConfig("ssl.ca_file_path"); Log::info("SSL CA file: " + ssl_ca_file_path); Poco::Crypto::initializeCrypto(); Poco::Net::initializeSSL(); Poco::Net::Context::Params sslParams; sslParams.certificateFile = ssl_cert_file_path; sslParams.privateKeyFile = ssl_key_file_path; sslParams.caLocation = ssl_ca_file_path; // Don't ask clients for certificate sslParams.verificationMode = Poco::Net::Context::VERIFY_NONE; Poco::SharedPtr consoleHandler = new Poco::Net::KeyConsoleHandler(true); Poco::SharedPtr invalidCertHandler = new Poco::Net::ConsoleCertificateHandler(true); Poco::Net::Context::Ptr sslContext = new Poco::Net::Context(Poco::Net::Context::SERVER_USE, sslParams); Poco::Net::SSLManager::instance().initializeServer(consoleHandler, invalidCertHandler, sslContext); // Init client Poco::Net::Context::Params sslClientParams; // TODO: Be more strict and setup SSL key/certs for owncloud server and us sslClientParams.verificationMode = Poco::Net::Context::VERIFY_NONE; Poco::SharedPtr consoleClientHandler = new Poco::Net::KeyConsoleHandler(false); Poco::SharedPtr invalidClientCertHandler = new Poco::Net::AcceptCertificateHandler(false); Poco::Net::Context::Ptr sslClientContext = new Poco::Net::Context(Poco::Net::Context::CLIENT_USE, sslClientParams); Poco::Net::SSLManager::instance().initializeClient(consoleClientHandler, invalidClientCertHandler, sslClientContext); } #endif void LOOLWSD::uninitialize() { ServerApplication::uninitialize(); } void LOOLWSD::defineOptions(OptionSet& optionSet) { ServerApplication::defineOptions(optionSet); optionSet.addOption(Option("help", "", "Display help information on command line arguments.") .required(false) .repeatable(false)); optionSet.addOption(Option("version", "", "Display version information.") .required(false) .repeatable(false)); optionSet.addOption(Option("port", "", "Port number to listen to (default: " + std::to_string(DEFAULT_CLIENT_PORT_NUMBER) + ")," " must not be " + std::to_string(MASTER_PORT_NUMBER) + ".") .required(false) .repeatable(false) .argument("port number")); optionSet.addOption(Option("cache", "", "Path to a directory where to keep the persistent tile cache (default: " + std::string(LOOLWSD_CACHEDIR) + ").") .required(false) .repeatable(false) .argument("directory")); optionSet.addOption(Option("systemplate", "", "Path to a template tree with shared libraries etc to be used as source for chroot jails for child processes.") .required(false) .repeatable(false) .argument("directory")); optionSet.addOption(Option("lotemplate", "", "Path to a LibreOffice installation tree to be copied (linked) into the jails for child processes. Should be on the same file system as systemplate.") .required(false) .repeatable(false) .argument("directory")); optionSet.addOption(Option("childroot", "", "Path to the directory under which the chroot jails for the child processes will be created. Should be on the same file system as systemplate and lotemplate.") .required(false) .repeatable(false) .argument("directory")); optionSet.addOption(Option("losubpath", "", "Relative path where the LibreOffice installation will be copied inside a jail (default: '" + LoSubPath + "').") .required(false) .repeatable(false) .argument("relative path")); optionSet.addOption(Option("fileserverroot", "", "Path to the directory that should be considered root for the file server (default: '../loleaflet/').") .required(false) .repeatable(false) .argument("directory")); optionSet.addOption(Option("numprespawns", "", "Number of child processes to keep started in advance and waiting for new clients.") .required(false) .repeatable(false) .argument("number")); optionSet.addOption(Option("admincreds", "", "Admin 'username/password' used to access the admin console.") .required(false) .repeatable(false) .argument("directory")); optionSet.addOption(Option("allowlocalstorage", "", "When true will allow highly insecure loading of files from local storage.") .required(false) .repeatable(false)); #if ENABLE_DEBUG optionSet.addOption(Option("unitlib", "", "Unit testing library path.") .required(false) .repeatable(false) .argument("unitlib")); optionSet.addOption(Option("nocaps", "", "Use a non-privileged forkit for valgrinding.") .required(false) .repeatable(false) .argument("nocaps")); optionSet.addOption(Option("careerspan", "", "How many seconds to run.") .required(false) .repeatable(false) .argument("seconds")); #endif } void LOOLWSD::handleOption(const std::string& optionName, const std::string& value) { ServerApplication::handleOption(optionName, value); if (optionName == "help") { displayHelp(); std::exit(Application::EXIT_OK); } else if (optionName == "version") DisplayVersion = true; else if (optionName == "port") ClientPortNumber = std::stoi(value); else if (optionName == "cache") Cache = value; else if (optionName == "systemplate") SysTemplate = value; else if (optionName == "lotemplate") LoTemplate = value; else if (optionName == "childroot") ChildRoot = value; else if (optionName == "losubpath") LoSubPath = value; else if (optionName == "fileserverroot") FileServerRoot = value; else if (optionName == "numprespawns") NumPreSpawnedChildren = std::stoi(value); else if (optionName == "admincreds") AdminCreds = value; else if (optionName == "allowlocalstorage") AllowLocalStorage = true; #if ENABLE_DEBUG else if (optionName == "unitlib") UnitTestLibrary = value; else if (optionName == "nocaps") NoCapsForKit = true; else if (optionName == "careerspan") careerSpanSeconds = std::stoi(value); #endif } void LOOLWSD::displayHelp() { HelpFormatter helpFormatter(options()); helpFormatter.setCommand(commandName()); helpFormatter.setUsage("OPTIONS"); helpFormatter.setHeader("LibreOffice On-Line WebSocket server."); helpFormatter.format(std::cout); } Process::PID LOOLWSD::createForKit() { Process::Args args; args.push_back("--losubpath=" + LOOLWSD::LoSubPath); args.push_back("--systemplate=" + SysTemplate); args.push_back("--lotemplate=" + LoTemplate); args.push_back("--childroot=" + ChildRoot); args.push_back("--clientport=" + std::to_string(ClientPortNumber)); if (UnitWSD::get().hasKitHooks()) args.push_back("--unitlib=" + UnitTestLibrary); if (DisplayVersion) args.push_back("--version"); std::string forKitPath = Path(Application::instance().commandPath()).parent().toString() + "loolforkit"; if (NoCapsForKit) { forKitPath = forKitPath + std::string("-nocaps"); args.push_back("--nocaps"); } Log::info("Launching forkit process: " + forKitPath + " " + Poco::cat(std::string(" "), args.begin(), args.end())); ProcessHandle child = Process::launch(forKitPath, args); return child.id(); } int LOOLWSD::main(const std::vector& /*args*/) { Log::initialize("wsd"); if (DisplayVersion) Util::displayVersionInfo("loolwsd"); #if ENABLE_SSL initializeSSL(); #endif char *locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, nullptr); if (locale == nullptr || std::strcmp(locale, "C") == 0) setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.utf8"); Util::setTerminationSignals(); Util::setFatalSignals(); if (access(Cache.c_str(), R_OK | W_OK | X_OK) != 0) { Log::syserror("Unable to access cache [" + Cache + "] please make sure it exists, and has write permission for this user."); return Application::EXIT_SOFTWARE; } // We use the same option set for both parent and child loolwsd, // so must check options required in the parent (but not in the // child) separately now. Also check for options that are // meaningless for the parent. if (SysTemplate.empty()) throw MissingOptionException("systemplate"); if (LoTemplate.empty()) throw MissingOptionException("lotemplate"); if (ChildRoot.empty()) throw MissingOptionException("childroot"); else if (ChildRoot[ChildRoot.size() - 1] != Path::separator()) ChildRoot += Path::separator(); if (FileServerRoot.empty()) FileServerRoot = Path(Application::instance().commandPath()).parent().parent().toString(); FileServerRoot = Poco::Path(FileServerRoot).absolute().toString(); Log::debug("FileServerRoot: " + FileServerRoot); if (ClientPortNumber == MASTER_PORT_NUMBER) throw IncompatibleOptionsException("port"); if (AdminCreds.empty()) { Log::warn("No admin credentials set via 'admincreds' command-line argument. Admin Console will be disabled."); } const Path pipePath = Path::forDirectory(ChildRoot + Path::separator() + FIFO_PATH); if (!File(pipePath).exists() && !File(pipePath).createDirectory()) { Log::error("Failed to create pipe directory [" + pipePath.toString() + "]."); return Application::EXIT_SOFTWARE; } const std::string pipeLoolwsd = Path(pipePath, FIFO_LOOLWSD).toString(); Log::debug("mkfifo(" + pipeLoolwsd + ")"); if (mkfifo(pipeLoolwsd.c_str(), 0666) < 0 && errno != EEXIST) { Log::syserror("Failed to create fifo [" + pipeLoolwsd + "]."); return Application::EXIT_SOFTWARE; } const Process::PID forKitPid = createForKit(); if (forKitPid < 0) { Log::error("Failed to spawn loolforkit."); return Application::EXIT_SOFTWARE; } // Init the Admin manager Admin::instance().setForKitPid(forKitPid); // Init the file server FileServer fileServer; // Configure the Server. // Note: TCPServer internally uses the default // ThreadPool to dispatch connections. // The capacity of the default ThreadPool // is increased to match MaxThreads. // We must have sufficient available threads // in the default ThreadPool to dispatch // connections, otherwise we will deadlock. auto params1 = new HTTPServerParams(); params1->setMaxThreads(MAX_SESSIONS); auto params2 = new HTTPServerParams(); params2->setMaxThreads(MAX_SESSIONS); // Start a server listening on the port for clients #if ENABLE_SSL SecureServerSocket svs(ClientPortNumber); #else ServerSocket svs(ClientPortNumber); #endif ThreadPool threadPool(NumPreSpawnedChildren*6, MAX_SESSIONS * 2); HTTPServer srv(new ClientRequestHandlerFactory(fileServer), threadPool, svs, params1); srv.start(); // And one on the port for child processes SocketAddress addr2("", MASTER_PORT_NUMBER); ServerSocket svs2(addr2); HTTPServer srv2(new PrisonerRequestHandlerFactory(), threadPool, svs2, params2); srv2.start(); if ( (ForKitWritePipe = open(pipeLoolwsd.c_str(), O_WRONLY) ) < 0 ) { Log::syserror("Failed to open pipe [" + pipeLoolwsd + "] for writing."); return Application::EXIT_SOFTWARE; } Log::debug("open(" + pipeLoolwsd + ", WRONLY) = " + std::to_string(ForKitWritePipe)); preForkChildren(); time_t last30SecCheck = time(NULL); #if ENABLE_DEBUG time_t startTimeSpan = last30SecCheck; #endif int status = 0; while (!TerminationFlag) { UnitWSD::get().invokeTest(); const pid_t pid = waitpid(forKitPid, &status, WUNTRACED | WNOHANG); if (pid > 0) { if (forKitPid == pid) { if (WIFEXITED(status)) { Log::info() << "Child process [" << pid << "] exited with code: " << WEXITSTATUS(status) << "." << Log::end; break; } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { std::string fate = "died"; if (WCOREDUMP(status)) fate = "core-dumped"; Log::error() << "Child process [" << pid << "] " << fate << " with " << Util::signalName(WTERMSIG(status)) << Log::end; break; } else if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) { Log::info() << "Child process [" << pid << "] stopped with " << Util::signalName(WSTOPSIG(status)) << Log::end; } else if (WIFCONTINUED(status)) { Log::info() << "Child process [" << pid << "] resumed with SIGCONT." << Log::end; } else { Log::warn() << "Unknown status returned by waitpid: " << std::hex << status << "." << Log::end; } } else { Log::error("An unknown child process died, pid: " + std::to_string(pid)); } } else if (pid < 0) { Log::syserror("waitpid failed."); // No child processes if (errno == ECHILD) { TerminationFlag = true; continue; } } else // pid == 0, no children have died { if (!std::getenv("LOOL_NO_AUTOSAVE")) { if (time(nullptr) >= last30SecCheck + 30) { try { std::unique_lock docBrokersLock(docBrokersMutex); for (auto& brokerIt : docBrokers) { brokerIt.second->autoSave(false); } } catch (const std::exception& exc) { Log::error("Exception: " + std::string(exc.what())); } last30SecCheck = time(nullptr); } } sleep(WSD_SLEEP_SECS); } #if ENABLE_DEBUG if (careerSpanSeconds > 0 && time(nullptr) > startTimeSpan + careerSpanSeconds) { Log::info(std::to_string(time(nullptr) - startTimeSpan) + " seconds gone, finishing as requested."); TerminationFlag = true; } #endif } // stop the service, no more request srv.stop(); srv2.stop(); // close all websockets threadPool.joinAll(); // Terminate child processes Log::info("Requesting child process " + std::to_string(forKitPid) + " to terminate"); Util::requestTermination(forKitPid); for (auto& child : newChildren) { child->close(true); } // Wait for forkit process finish waitpid(forKitPid, &status, WUNTRACED); close(ForKitWritePipe); Log::info("Cleaning up childroot directory [" + ChildRoot + "]."); std::vector jails; File(ChildRoot).list(jails); for (auto& jail : jails) { const auto path = ChildRoot + jail; Log::info("Removing jail [" + path + "]."); Util::removeFile(path, true); } #if ENABLE_SSL Poco::Net::uninitializeSSL(); Poco::Crypto::uninitializeCrypto(); #endif Log::info("Process [loolwsd] finished."); int returnValue = Application::EXIT_OK; UnitWSD::get().returnValue(returnValue); return returnValue; } void UnitWSD::testHandleRequest(TestRequest type, UnitHTTPServerRequest& request, UnitHTTPServerResponse& response) { switch (type) { case TestRequest::TEST_REQ_CLIENT: ClientRequestHandler::handleClientRequest(request, response); break; case TestRequest::TEST_REQ_PRISONER: PrisonerRequestHandler::handlePrisonerRequest(request, response); break; default: assert(false); break; } } POCO_SERVER_MAIN(LOOLWSD) /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */