/// /// /// var assert = require('assert').strict; describe('SheetGeometry public methods tests', function () { // To debug tests for some/one particular zoom levels, add to this array. var runOnlyForZooms: number[] = []; var runTestData = testData; if (runOnlyForZooms.length) { runTestData = testData.filter(testDataForZoom => runOnlyForZooms.includes(testDataForZoom.zoom)); } runTestData.forEach(function(testDataForZoom) { describe('Document zoom level = ' + testDataForZoom.zoom, function () { testsForDocZoom(testDataForZoom); }); }); }); describe('SheetGeometry bugfix tests', function () { describe('update: On ungroup groups key will have an empty string - should not skip parsing', function () { var sgObj = { commandName: ".uno:SheetGeometryData", maxtiledcolumn: "1023", maxtiledrow: "500000", columns: { sizes: "1280:1023 ", hidden: "0:1023 ", filtered: "0:1023 ", groups: "" }, rows: { sizes: "256:1048575 ", hidden: "0:1048575 ", filtered: "0:1048575 ", groups: "10:14:0:1, 13:9:0:1, 17:4:1:1, " } }; var tileSizePx = 256; // Important: this mirrors how it is done in CanvasTileLayer.js var tileWidthTwips = Math.round(tileSizePx * 15 / zoomToAbsScale(10)); var tileHeightTwips = tileWidthTwips; var sg = new cool.SheetGeometry(sgObj, tileWidthTwips, tileHeightTwips, tileSizePx, 0); it('correctness of getRowGroupLevels() before ungroup', function () { assert.equal(sg.getRowGroupLevels(), 3); }); it('correctness of getRowGroupLevels() after ungroup', function () { sgObj.rows.groups = ""; sg.update(sgObj, true, 0); assert.equal(sg.getRowGroupLevels(), 0); }); }); }); function zoomToAbsScale(level: number): number { return Math.pow(1.2, level - 10); } function testsForDocZoom(testDataForZoom: TestDataForZoom) { var tileSizePx = 256; // Important: this mirrors how it is done in CanvasTileLayer.js var tileWidthTwips = Math.round(tileSizePx * 15 / zoomToAbsScale(testDataForZoom.zoom)); var tileHeightTwips = tileWidthTwips; // To debug tests for some/one particular part levels, add to this array. var runOnlyForParts: number[] = []; var runPartsData = testDataForZoom.partsTestData; if (runOnlyForParts.length) { runPartsData = testDataForZoom.partsTestData.filter(partTestData => runOnlyForParts.includes(partTestData.part)); } runPartsData.forEach(function(partTestData) { var part = partTestData.part; var partTestDesc = ' part#' + part + ' - ' + partTestData.description; var sg = new cool.SheetGeometry(partTestData.sheetgeometrymsg, tileWidthTwips, tileHeightTwips, tileSizePx, part); var viewBoundsTwips = testDataForZoom.viewBoundsTwips; sg.setViewArea(viewBoundsTwips.min, viewBoundsTwips.getSize()); describe('Tests for' + partTestDesc, function () { testsForPart(partTestData, part, testDataForZoom.zoom, sg); }); }); } function testsForPart(partTestData: PartTestData, part: number, zoom: number, sg: cool.SheetGeometry) { it('correctness of getPart()', function () { assert.equal(sg.getPart(), part); }); it('correctness of getViewColumnRange()', function () { var colrange = sg.getViewColumnRange(); assert.deepEqual(colrange, partTestData.viewCellArea.columnrange); }); it('correctness of getViewRowRange()', function () { var rowrange = sg.getViewRowRange(); assert.deepEqual(rowrange, partTestData.viewCellArea.rowrange); }); it('correctness of getRowData()', function () { var possize = sg.getRowData(partTestData.rowData.rowIndex); assert.deepEqual(possize, partTestData.rowData.possize); }); it('correctness of getColumnGroupLevels()', function () { var levels = sg.getColumnGroupLevels(); assert.equal(levels, partTestData.colGroupLevels); }); it('correctness of getRowGroupLevels()', function () { var levels = sg.getRowGroupLevels(); assert.equal(levels, partTestData.rowGroupLevels); }); it('correctness of getColumnGroupsDataInView()', function () { var groups = sg.getColumnGroupsDataInView(); assert.deepEqual(groups, partTestData.colGroupsInView); }); it('correctness of getRowGroupsDataInView()', function () { var groups = sg.getRowGroupsDataInView(); assert.deepEqual(groups, partTestData.rowGroupsInView); }); it('correctness of getTileTwipsAtZoom()', function () { var ttwipsAtZoom = sg.getTileTwipsAtZoom(partTestData.tileTwipsAtZoom.inputPoint, partTestData.tileTwipsAtZoom.zoomScale); assert.deepEqual(ttwipsAtZoom, partTestData.tileTwipsAtZoom.outputPoint); }); it('correctness of getTileTwipsPointFromPrint()', function () { var ttwips = sg.getTileTwipsPointFromPrint(partTestData.printTwipsToTile.inputPoint); assert.deepEqual(ttwips, partTestData.printTwipsToTile.outputPoint); }); it('correctness of getPrintTwipsPointFromTile()', function () { // Use the data for getTileTwipsPointFromPrint. var ptwips = sg.getPrintTwipsPointFromTile(partTestData.printTwipsToTile.outputPoint); assert.deepEqual(ptwips, partTestData.printTwipsToTile.inputPoint); }); it('correctness of getTileTwipsSheetAreaFromPrint()', function () { var ptwips = sg.getTileTwipsSheetAreaFromPrint(partTestData.printTwipsSheetAreatoTile.inputArea); assert.deepEqual(ptwips, partTestData.printTwipsSheetAreatoTile.outputArea); }); it('correctness of getSize()', function () { var sheetSizeCorePixels = sg.getSize('corepixels'); assert.deepEqual(sheetSizeCorePixels, partTestData.sheetSize.corePixels, 'Incorrect sheet size returned in core-pixels'); var sheetSizeTileTwips = sg.getSize('tiletwips'); assert.deepEqual(sheetSizeTileTwips, partTestData.sheetSize.tileTwips, 'Incorrect sheet size returned in tile-twips'); var sheetSizePrintTwips = sg.getSize('printtwips'); assert.deepEqual(sheetSizePrintTwips, partTestData.sheetSize.printTwips, 'Incorrect sheet size returned in print-twips'); }); it('correctness of getCellRect()', function () { var cellRectData = partTestData.cellRectData; var cellBounds = sg.getCellRect(cellRectData.col, cellRectData.row, cellRectData.zoomScale); assert.deepEqual(cellBounds, cellRectData.cpixBoundsAtZoom, 'Incorrect cell bounds at zoom returned'); var selfZoomScale = zoomToAbsScale(zoom); cellBounds = sg.getCellRect(cellRectData.col, cellRectData.row, selfZoomScale); assert.deepEqual(cellBounds, cellRectData.cpixBoundsAtSelfZoom, 'Incorrect cell bounds at self zoom returned'); }); it('correctness of getCellFromPos()', function () { var cellRectData = partTestData.cellRectData; var midPoint = cellRectData.cpixBoundsAtSelfZoom.getCenter(true); var cell = sg.getCellFromPos(midPoint, 'corepixels'); assert.deepEqual(cell, new cool.Point(cellRectData.col, cellRectData.row), 'Incorrect cell indices at self zoom returned'); }); it('correctness of getSnapDocPosX() and getSnapDocPosY()', function () { var cellRectData = partTestData.cellRectData; var midPoint = cellRectData.cpixBoundsAtSelfZoom.getCenter(true); var cellX = sg.getSnapDocPosX(midPoint.x, 'corepixels'); assert.deepEqual(cellX, cellRectData.cpixBoundsAtSelfZoom.min.x, 'Incorrect cellX at self zoom returned'); var cellY = sg.getSnapDocPosY(midPoint.y, 'corepixels'); assert.deepEqual(cellY, cellRectData.cpixBoundsAtSelfZoom.min.y, 'Incorrect cellY at self zoom returned'); }); }