/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Common.hpp" #include "LOOLProtocol.hpp" #include "TraceFile.hpp" #include "Util.hpp" #include "test/helpers.hpp" /// Stress testing and performance/scalability benchmarking tool. class Stress: public Poco::Util::Application { public: Stress(); ~Stress() {} static bool NoDelay; unsigned _numClients; std::string _serverURI; protected: void defineOptions(Poco::Util::OptionSet& options) override; void handleOption(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) override; int main(const std::vector& args) override; }; using namespace LOOLProtocol; using Poco::Net::HTTPClientSession; using Poco::Net::HTTPRequest; using Poco::Net::HTTPResponse; using Poco::Runnable; using Poco::Thread; using Poco::URI; using Poco::Util::Application; using Poco::Util::HelpFormatter; using Poco::Util::Option; using Poco::Util::OptionSet; /// Connection class with WSD. class Connection { public: static std::unique_ptr create(const std::string& serverURI, const std::string& documentURL, const std::string& sessionId) { Poco::URI uri(serverURI); std::unique_lock lock(Mutex); // Load a document and get its status. std::cout << "NewSession [" << sessionId << "]: " << uri.toString() << "... "; Poco::Net::HTTPRequest request(Poco::Net::HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET, "/lool/ws/" + documentURL); Poco::Net::HTTPResponse response; auto ws = helpers::connectLOKit(uri, request, response, "loolStress "); std::cerr << "Connected.\n"; return std::unique_ptr(new Connection(documentURL, sessionId, ws)); } void send(const std::string& data) const { helpers::sendTextFrame(_ws, data, _sessionId + ' '); } private: Connection(const std::string& documentURL, const std::string& sessionId, std::shared_ptr& ws) : _documentURL(documentURL), _sessionId(sessionId), _ws(ws) { } private: const std::string _documentURL; const std::string _sessionId; std::shared_ptr _ws; static std::mutex Mutex; }; std::mutex Connection::Mutex; /// Main thread class to replay a trace file. class Worker: public Runnable { public: Worker(Stress& app, const std::string& traceFilePath) : _app(app), _traceFile(traceFilePath) { } void run() override { try { doRun(); } catch (const Poco::Exception &e) { std::cerr << "Error: " << e.name() << ' ' << e.message() << std::endl; } catch (const std::exception &e) { std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } private: void doRun() { auto epochFile(_traceFile.getEpoch()); auto epochCurrent(std::chrono::steady_clock::now()); for (;;) { const auto rec = _traceFile.getNextRecord(); if (rec.Dir == TraceFileRecord::Direction::Invalid) { // End of trace file. break; } const auto deltaCurrent = std::chrono::duration_cast(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - epochCurrent).count(); const auto deltaFile = rec.TimestampNs - epochFile; const auto delay = (Stress::NoDelay ? 0 : deltaFile - deltaCurrent); if (delay > 0) { if (delay > 1e6) { std::cerr << "Sleeping for " << delay / 1000 << " ms.\n"; } std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::microseconds(delay)); } if (rec.Dir == TraceFileRecord::Direction::Event) { // Meta info about about an event. static const std::string NewSession("NewSession: "); static const std::string EndSession("EndSession: "); if (rec.Payload.find(NewSession) == 0) { const auto& uri = rec.Payload.substr(NewSession.size()); auto it = _sessions.find(uri); if (it != _sessions.end()) { // Add a new session. if (it->second.find(rec.SessionId) != it->second.end()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: session [" << rec.SessionId << "] already exists on doc [" << uri << "]\n"; } else { it->second.emplace(rec.SessionId, Connection::create(_app._serverURI, uri, rec.SessionId)); } } else { std::cerr << "New Document: " << uri << "\n"; _childToDoc.emplace(rec.Pid, uri); _sessions[uri].emplace(rec.SessionId, Connection::create(_app._serverURI, uri, rec.SessionId)); } } else if (rec.Payload.find(EndSession) == 0) { const auto& uri = rec.Payload.substr(EndSession.size()); auto it = _sessions.find(uri); if (it != _sessions.end()) { std::cerr << "EndSession [" << rec.SessionId << "]: " << uri << "\n"; it->second.erase(rec.SessionId); if (it->second.empty()) { std::cerr << "End Doc [" << uri << "].\n"; _sessions.erase(it); _childToDoc.erase(rec.Pid); } } else { std::cerr << "ERROR: Doc [" << uri << "] does not exist.\n"; } } } else if (rec.Dir == TraceFileRecord::Direction::Incoming) { auto docIt = _childToDoc.find(rec.Pid); if (docIt != _childToDoc.end()) { const auto& uri = docIt->second; auto it = _sessions.find(uri); if (it != _sessions.end()) { const auto sessionIt = it->second.find(rec.SessionId); if (sessionIt != it->second.end()) { // Send the command. sessionIt->second->send(rec.Payload); } } else { std::cerr << "ERROR: Doc [" << uri << "] does not exist.\n"; } } else { std::cerr << "ERROR: Unknown PID [" << rec.Pid << "] maps to no active document.\n"; } } epochCurrent = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); epochFile = rec.TimestampNs; } } private: Stress& _app; TraceFileReader _traceFile; /// LOK child process PID to Doc URI map. std::map _childToDoc; /// Doc URI to _sessions map. _sessions are maps of SessionID to Connection. std::map>> _sessions; }; bool Stress::NoDelay = false; Stress::Stress() : _numClients(1), #if ENABLE_SSL _serverURI("" + std::to_string(DEFAULT_CLIENT_PORT_NUMBER)) #else _serverURI("" + std::to_string(DEFAULT_CLIENT_PORT_NUMBER)) #endif { } void Stress::defineOptions(OptionSet& optionSet) { Application::defineOptions(optionSet); optionSet.addOption(Option("help", "", "Display help information on command line arguments.") .required(false).repeatable(false)); optionSet.addOption(Option("nodelay", "", "Replay at full speed disregarding original timing.") .required(false).repeatable(false)); optionSet.addOption(Option("clientsperdoc", "", "Number of simultaneous clients on each doc.") .required(false).repeatable(false) .argument("concurrency")); optionSet.addOption(Option("server", "", "URI of LOOL server") .required(false).repeatable(false) .argument("uri")); } void Stress::handleOption(const std::string& optionName, const std::string& value) { Application::handleOption(optionName, value); if (optionName == "help") { HelpFormatter helpFormatter(options()); helpFormatter.setCommand(commandName()); helpFormatter.setUsage("OPTIONS"); helpFormatter.setHeader("LibreOffice On-Line tool."); helpFormatter.format(std::cout); std::exit(Application::EXIT_OK); } else if (optionName == "nodelay") Stress::NoDelay = true; else if (optionName == "clientsperdoc") _numClients = std::max(std::stoi(value), 1); else if (optionName == "server") _serverURI = value; else { std::cerr << "Unknown option: " << optionName << std::endl; exit(1); } } int Stress::main(const std::vector& args) { std::vector> clients(_numClients * args.size()); if (args.size() == 0) { std::cerr << "Usage: loolstress " << std::endl; std::cerr << " Trace files may be plain text or gzipped (with .gz extension)." << std::endl; std::cerr << " --help for full arguments list." << std::endl; return Application::EXIT_NOINPUT; } unsigned index = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) { std::cout << "Arg: " << args[i] << std::endl; for (unsigned j = 0; j < _numClients; ++j, ++index) { clients[index].reset(new Thread()); clients[index]->start(*(new Worker(*this, args[i]))); } } for (const auto& client : clients) { client->join(); } return Application::EXIT_OK; } POCO_APP_MAIN(Stress) /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */