* Brief description of environment variables * LOOL_DEBUG if set handles a fatal signal by printing a message containing the PID and waiting 30 seconds to allow a 'sudo gdb' to be attached. LOOL_LOGLEVEL set the log level & verbosity to - values of are one of: none (turns off logging), fatal, critical, error, warning, notice, information, debug, trace LOOL_NO_AUTOSAVE if set avoids automatic saving of the document being edited. SLEEPFORDEBUGGER sleep seconds in the broken process after starting in order to allow a 'sudo gdb' session to 'attach ' to them. SLEEPKITFORDEBUGGER sleep seconds in each kit process instance after forking, to allow a 'sudo gdb' session to attach and debug that process. LOOL_WS_DELAY sleep atleast seconds when sending and receiving websocket frames LOOL_WS_JITTER Maximum Jitter in millseconds which is added to delay in websocket communication.