#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # use strict; my @input = ; my %emitters; my $log_start_date; my $log_start_time; my @log_start; my @events; my %last_times; # $time for last key my %last_event_idx; # $events[$idx] for last key # Google Chrome Trace Event Format if set my $json = 1; sub escape($) { my $str = shift; $str =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; if ($json) { $str =~ s/\t/\\t/g; $str =~ s/\"/\\"/g; # json - and html } else { $str =~ s/\$/\\\$/g; $str =~ s/\'/\\'/g; $str =~ s/\"/\\"/g; $str =~ s/\&/&/g; $str =~ s/\#/#/g; $str =~ s/\>/>/g; $str =~ s/\ 'Initialize wsd.', type => 'INF', emitter => '^coolwsd$', start => 'Initializing wsd.\.*', end => 'Listening to prisoner connections.*' }, { name => 'initialize forkit', type => 'INF', emitter => '^forkit$', start => 'Initializing frk.\.*', end => 'ForKit process is ready.*' }, { # Load emitter => "^lokit_", start => 'Loading url.*for session', end => '^Document loaded in .*ms$' }, { # Save - save to a local file. name => 'save to local', emitter => '^docbroker', start => '^Saving doc', end => 'unocommandresult:.*commandName.*\.uno:Save.*success' }, { # Save - to storage name => 'save to storage', emitter => '^docbroker', start => '^Saving to storage docKey', end => '^(Saved docKey.* to URI)|(Save skipped as document)', } ); # Idle events my @idleend_types = ( '^Poll completed' ); my @idlestart_types = ( '^Document::ViewCallback end\.' ); my %pair_starts; my %proc_names; sub match_list($@) { my $message = shift; while (my $match = shift) { if ($message =~ m/$match/) { return 1; } } return 0; } sub get_event_type($$$) { my ($type, $emitter, $message) = @_; return 'idle_end' if (match_list($message, @idleend_types)); return 'idle_start' if (match_list($message, @idlestart_types)); return ''; } sub consume($$$$$$$$$) { my ($lineno, $proc, $pid, $tid, $time, $emitter, $type, $message, $line) = @_; $pid = int($pid); $tid = int($tid); # print STDERR "$emitter, $type, $time, $message, $line\n"; $time = offset_microsecs($lineno, $time) if ($json); # microseconds from start # accumulate all threads / processes if (!defined $emitters{$emitter}) { $emitters{$emitter} = (scalar keys %emitters) + 1; if ($json) { push @events, "{\"name\": \"thread_name\", \"thread_sort_index\": -$tid, \"ph\": \"M\", \"pid\": $pid, \"tid\": $tid, \"args\": { \"name\" : \"$emitter\" } }"; } } if (!defined $proc_names{$pid}) { $proc_names{$pid} = 1; if ($json) { push @events, "{\"name\": \"process_name\", \"process_sort_index\": -$pid, \"ph\": \"M\", \"pid\": $pid, \"args\": { \"name\" : \"$proc\" } }"; } } if ($type eq 'PROF') { # sw::DocumentTimerManager m_aFireIdleJobsTimer: stop 0.047 ms if ($message =~ m/^(.*): stop ([\d\.]+) ms$/) { my $dur_ms = $2; my $dur_us = $dur_ms * 1000.0; my $msg = $1; $time = $time - $dur_us; push @events, "{\"pid\":$pid, \"tid\":$tid, \"ts\":$time, \"dur\":$dur_us, \"ph\":\"X\", \"name\":\"$msg\", \"args\":{ \"ms\":$dur_ms } }"; } else { die "Unknown prof message: '$message' at line $lineno"; } return; } my $handled = 0; foreach my $match (@event_pairs) { next if (defined $match->{type} && $type ne $match->{type}); next if (defined $match->{emitter} && !($emitter =~ m/$match->{emitter}/)); my $start = $match->{start}; my $end = $match->{end}; my $key; $key = $type if (defined $match->{type}); $key .= $emitter.$start; if ($message =~ m/$start/s) { # print STDERR "matched start $key -> $message vs. $start\n"; defined $pair_starts{$key} && die "key $key - event $start ($end) starts and fails to finish at line: $lineno"; $pair_starts{$key} = $time; last; } elsif ($message =~ m/$end/s) { # print STDERR "matched end $key -> $message vs. $end\n"; defined $pair_starts{$key} || die "key $key - event $start ($end) ends but failed to start at line: $lineno"; my $content_e = escape($start . $line); my $title_e = escape($match->{name}); my $start_time = $pair_starts{$key}; my $end_time = $time; if ($json) { my $dur = $end_time - $start_time; my $ms = int ($dur / 1000.0); push @events, "{\"pid\":$pid, \"tid\":$tid, \"ts\":$start_time, \"dur\":$dur, \"ph\":\"X\", \"name\":\"$title_e\", \"args\":{ \"ms\":$ms } }"; } else { my $id = (scalar @events) + 1; push @events, "{id: $id, group: $emitters{$emitter}, ". "start: new Date('$log_start_date $start_time'), ". "end: new Date('$log_start_date $end_time'), ". "content: '$content_e', title: '$title_e'}"; } $pair_starts{$key} = undef; last; } } my $content_e = escape($message. " " . $line); if ($json) { my $event_type = get_event_type($type, $emitter, $message); # join events to the last time my $dur = 100; # 0.1ms default my $key = "$pid-$tid"; if (defined($last_times{$key})) { $dur = $time - $last_times{$key}; my $idx = $last_event_idx{$key}; $dur = 1 if ($event_type eq 'idle_end' && $dur > 1); $events[$idx] =~ s/\"dur\":10/\"dur\":$dur/; } $last_times{$key} = $time; $last_event_idx{$key} = scalar @events; my $json_type = "\"ph\":\"X\", \"s\":\"p\""; my $replace_dur = 10; $replace_dur = 1 if ($event_type eq 'idle_start'); # miss the regexp push @events, "{\"pid\":$pid, \"tid\":$tid, \"ts\":$time, \"dur\":$replace_dur, $json_type, \"name\":\"$content_e\" }"; } else { my $id = (scalar @events) + 1; push @events, "{id: $id, group: $emitters{$emitter}, ". "start: new Date('$log_start_date $time'), ". "end: new Date('$log_start_date $time)') + new Date(1), ". "content: '$content_e', title: ''}"; } } sub parseProfileFrames($$$$$) { my ($lineno, $proc, $pid, $emitter, $message) = @_; my @lines = split(/\n/, $message); foreach my $line (@lines) { next if ($line =~ m/start$/); # all data we need is in the end. if ($line =~ m/^(\d+)\s+(\d+)\.(\d+)\s+(.*$)/) { my ($tid, $secs, $fractsecs, $realmsg) = ($1, $2, $3, $4); # print STDERR "Profile frame '$line'\n"; # FIXME: silly to complicate and then re-parse this I guess ... my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime($secs); my $time = sprintf("%.2d:%.2d:%09.6f", $hour, $min, "$sec.$fractsecs"); # print STDERR "time '$time' from '$secs' - " . time() . "\n"; consume($lineno, $proc, $pid, $tid, $time, $emitter, 'PROF', $realmsg, ''); } } } # Open in chrome://tracing sub emit_json() { my $events_json = join(",\n", @events); print STDOUT << "JSONEND" { "traceEvents": [ $events_json ], "displayTimeUnit":"ms", "meta_user": "online", "meta_cpu_count" : 8 } JSONEND ; } sub emit_js() { my @groups; foreach my $emitter (sort { $emitters{$a} <=> $emitters{$b} } keys %emitters) { push @groups, "{id: $emitters{$emitter}, content: '$emitter'}"; } my $groups_json = join(",\n", @groups); my $items_json = join(",\n", @events); my $start_time = "2019-03-27 04:34:57.807344"; my $end_time = "2019-03-27 04:35:28.911621"; print STDOUT <<"HTMLEND" Online timeline / profile

Online timeline / profile

HTMLEND ; } # wsd-29885-29885 2019-03-27 ... if ($input[0] =~ m/^\S+\s([\d-]+)\s+([\d:\.]+)\s+/) { $log_start_date = $1; $log_start_time = $2; @log_start = splittime(0, $2); print STDERR "reading log from $log_start_date / $log_start_time\n"; } else { die "Malformed log line or no input: $input[0]"; } # parse all the lines my $lineno = 0; while (my $line = $input[$lineno++]) { my ($pevent, $pdetail); $line =~ s/\r*\n*//g; # wsd-26974-26974 2019-03-27 03:45:46.735736 [ coolwsd ] INF Initializing wsd. Local time: Wed 2019-03-27 03:45:46+0000. Log level is [8].| common/Log.cpp:191 if ($line =~ m/^(\w+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+\[\s+(\S+)\s+\]\s+(\S+)\s+(.+)\|\s+(\S+)$/) { consume($lineno, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8); } elsif ($line =~ m/^(\w+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+\[\s+(\S+)\s+\]\s+(\S+)\s+(.+)$/) { # split lines ... my ($proc, $pid, $tid, $time, $emitter, $type, $message, $line) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7); while (my $next = $input[$lineno++]) { # ... | kit/Kit.cpp:1272 if ($next =~ m/^(.*)\|\s+(\S+)$/) { $message = $message . $1; $line = $2; last; } else { $message = $message . $next; } } # Profile frames are special if ($type eq 'TRC' && $emitter eq 'lo_startmain' && $message =~ /.*Document::GlobalCallback PROFILE_FRAME.*/) { parseProfileFrames($lineno, $proc, $pid, $emitter, $message); } else { consume($lineno, $proc, $pid, $tid, $time, $emitter, $type, $message, $line); } } else { die "Poorly formed line on " . ($lineno - 1) . " - is logging.file.flush set to true ? '$line'\n"; } } if ($json) { emit_json(); } else { emit_js(); }