/* global cy Cypress expect */ var mobileWizardIdleTime = 1250; // Loading the test document directly in Collabora Online. // Parameters: // fileName - test document file name (without path) // subFolder - sub folder inside data folder (e.g. writer, calc, impress) // noFileCopy - whether to create a copy of the test file before run the test. // By default, we create a copy to have a clear test document // but when we open the same document with another user (multi-user tests), // then we intend to open the same document without modification. function loadTestDocNoIntegration(fileName, subFolder, noFileCopy) { cy.log('Loading test document with a local build - start.'); cy.log('Param - fileName: ' + fileName); cy.log('Param - subFolder: ' + subFolder); cy.log('Param - noFileCopy: ' + noFileCopy); // Get a clean test document, by creating a copy of it in the workdir // We overwrite this copy everytime we run a new test case. if (noFileCopy !== true) { if (subFolder === undefined) { cy.task('copyFile', { sourceDir: Cypress.env('DATA_FOLDER'), destDir: Cypress.env('WORKDIR'), fileName: fileName, }); } else { cy.task('copyFile', { sourceDir: Cypress.env('DATA_FOLDER') + subFolder + '/', destDir: Cypress.env('WORKDIR') + subFolder + '/', fileName: fileName, }); } } // We generate the URI of the document. var URI = 'http://localhost'; if (Cypress.env('INTEGRATION') === 'php-proxy') { URI += '/richproxy/proxy.php?req='; } else { URI += ':' + Cypress.env('SERVER_PORT'); } if (subFolder === undefined) { URI += '/loleaflet/' + Cypress.env('WSD_VERSION_HASH') + '/loleaflet.html?lang=en-US&file_path=file://' + Cypress.env('WORKDIR') + fileName; } else { URI += '/loleaflet/' + Cypress.env('WSD_VERSION_HASH') + '/loleaflet.html?lang=en-US&file_path=file://' + Cypress.env('WORKDIR') + subFolder + '/' + fileName; } cy.log('Loading: ' + URI); cy.visit(URI, { onLoad: function(win) { win.onerror = cy.onUncaughtException; }}); cy.log('Loading test document with a local build - end.'); } // Loading the test document inside a Nextcloud integration. // Parameters: // fileName - test document file name (without path) // subFolder - sub folder inside data folder (e.g. writer, calc, impress) // subsequentLoad - whether we load a test document for the first time in the // test case or not. It's important because we need to sign in // with the username + password only for the first time. function loadTestDocNextcloud(fileName, subFolder, subsequentLoad) { cy.log('Loading test document with nextcloud - start.'); cy.log('Param - fileName: ' + fileName); cy.log('Param - subFolder: ' + subFolder); cy.log('Param - subsequentLoad: ' + subsequentLoad); // Ignore exceptions comming from nextlcoud. Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', function() { return false; }); upLoadFileToNextCloud(fileName, subFolder, subsequentLoad); // Open test document cy.get('tr[data-file=\'' + fileName + '\']') .click(); cy.get('iframe#richdocumentsframe') .should('be.visible', {timeout : Cypress.config('defaultCommandTimeout') * 2.0}); cy.wait(10000); // We create global aliases for iframes, so it's faster to reach them. cy.get('iframe#richdocumentsframe') .its('0.contentDocument').should('exist') .its('body').should('not.be.undefined') .then(cy.wrap).as('richdocumentsIFrameGlobal'); cy.get('@richdocumentsIFrameGlobal') .find('iframe#loleafletframe') .its('0.contentDocument').should('exist') .its('body').should('not.be.undefined') .then(cy.wrap).as('loleafletIFrameGlobal'); // Let's overwrite get() and contains() methods, because they don't work // inside iframes. We need to find the iframes first and find the related // DOM elements under them. // https://www.cypress.io/blog/2020/02/12/working-with-iframes-in-cypress/ var getIframeBody = function(level) { if (level === 1) { return cy.get('@richdocumentsIFrameGlobal'); } else if (level === 2) { return cy.get('@loleafletIFrameGlobal'); } }; Cypress.Commands.overwrite('get', function(originalFn, selector, options) { var iFrameLevel = Cypress.env('IFRAME_LEVEL'); if ((iFrameLevel === '1' || iFrameLevel === '2') && !selector.startsWith('@')) if (selector === 'body') return getIframeBody(parseInt(iFrameLevel)); else return getIframeBody(parseInt(iFrameLevel)).find(selector, options); else return originalFn(selector, options); }); Cypress.Commands.overwrite('contains', function(originalFn, selector, content, options) { if (Cypress.env('IFRAME_LEVEL') === '2') return cy.get('#document-container').parent().wrap(originalFn(selector, content, options)); else return originalFn(selector, content, options); }); // The IFRAME_LEVEL environment variable will indicate // in which iframe we have. cy.get('iframe#richdocumentsframe') .then(function() { Cypress.env('IFRAME_LEVEL', '2'); }); cy.log('Loading test document with nextcloud - end.'); } // Hide NC's first run wizard, which is opened by the first run of // nextcloud. When we run cypress in headless mode, NC don't detect // that we already used it and so it always opens this wizard. function hideNCFirstRunWizard() { // Hide first run wizard if it's there cy.wait(2000); // Wait some time to the wizard become visible, if it's there. cy.get('body') .then(function(body) { if (body.find('#firstrunwizard').length !== 0) { cy.get('#firstrunwizard') .then(function(wizard) { wizard.hide(); }); } }); } // Upload a test document into Nexcloud and open it. // Parameters: // fileName - test document file name (without path) // subFolder - sub folder inside data folder (e.g. writer, calc, impress) // subsequentLoad - whether we load a test document for the first time in the // test case or not. It's important because we need to sign in // with the username + password only for the first time. function upLoadFileToNextCloud(fileName, subFolder, subsequentLoad) { cy.log('Uploading test document into nextcloud - start.'); cy.log('Param - fileName: ' + fileName); cy.log('Param - subFolder: ' + subFolder); cy.log('Param - subsequentLoad: ' + subsequentLoad); // Open local nextcloud installation cy.visit('http://localhost/nextcloud/index.php/apps/files'); // Log in with cypress test user / password (if this is the first time) if (subsequentLoad !== true) { cy.get('input#user') .clear() .type('cypress_test'); cy.get('input#password') .clear() .type('cypress_test'); cy.get('input#submit-form') .click(); cy.get('.button.new') .should('be.visible'); // Wait for free space calculation before uploading document cy.get('#free_space') .should('not.have.attr', 'value', ''); hideNCFirstRunWizard(); // Remove all existing file, so we make sure the test document is removed // and then we can upload a new one. cy.get('#fileList') .then(function(filelist) { if (filelist.find('tr').length !== 0) { cy.waitUntil(function() { cy.get('#fileList tr:nth-of-type(1) .action-menu.permanent') .click(); cy.get('.menuitem.action.action-delete.permanent') .click(); cy.get('#uploadprogressbar') .should('not.be.visible'); return cy.get('#fileList') .then(function(filelist) { return filelist.find('tr').length === 0; }); }, {timeout: 60000}); } }); } else { // Wait for free space calculation before uploading document cy.get('#free_space') .should('not.have.attr', 'value', ''); hideNCFirstRunWizard(); } cy.get('tr[data-file=\'' + fileName + '\']') .should('not.exist'); // Upload test document var fileURI = ''; if (subFolder === undefined) { fileURI += fileName; } else { fileURI += subFolder + '/' + fileName; } doIfOnDesktop(function() { cy.get('input#file_upload_start') .attachFile({ filePath: 'desktop/' + fileURI, encoding: 'binary' }); }); doIfOnMobile(function() { cy.get('input#file_upload_start') .attachFile({ filePath: 'mobile/' + fileURI, encoding: 'binary' }); }); cy.get('#uploadprogressbar') .should('not.be.visible'); cy.get('tr[data-file=\'' + fileName + '\']') .should('be.visible'); cy.log('Uploading test document into nextcloud - end.'); } // Used for interference testing. We wait until the interfering user loads // its instance of the document and starts its interfering actions. // So we can be sure the interference actions are made during the test // user does the actual test steps. function waitForInterferingUser() { cy.get('#tb_actionbar_item_userlist', { timeout: Cypress.config('defaultCommandTimeout') * 2.0 }) .should('be.visible'); cy.wait(10000); } // Loading the test document inside Collabora Online (directly or via some integration). // Parameters: // fileName - test document file name (without path) // subFolder - sub folder inside data folder (e.g. writer, calc, impress) // noFileCopy - whether to create a copy of the test file before run the test. // By default, we create a copy to have a clear test document // but when we open the same document with another user (multi-user tests), // then we intend to open the same document without modification. // subsequentLoad - whether we load a test document for the first time in the // test case or not. It's important for nextcloud because we need to sign in // with the username + password only for the first time. function loadTestDoc(fileName, subFolder, noFileCopy, subsequentLoad) { cy.log('Loading test document - start.'); cy.log('Param - fileName: ' + fileName); cy.log('Param - subFolder: ' + subFolder); cy.log('Param - noFileCopy: ' + noFileCopy); cy.log('Param - subsequentLoad: ' + noFileCopy); // We set the mobile screen size here. We could use any other phone type here. doIfOnMobile(function() { cy.viewport('iphone-6'); }); if (Cypress.env('INTEGRATION') === 'nextcloud') { loadTestDocNextcloud(fileName, subFolder, subsequentLoad); } else { loadTestDocNoIntegration(fileName, subFolder, noFileCopy); } // Wait for the document to fully load cy.get('.leaflet-canvas-container canvas', {timeout : Cypress.config('defaultCommandTimeout') * 2.0}); // Wait until anything is drawn on tile canvas. canvasShouldNotBeFullWhite('.leaflet-canvas-container canvas'); // With php-proxy the client is irresponsive for some seconds after load, because of the incoming messages. if (Cypress.env('INTEGRATION') === 'php-proxy') { cy.wait(10000); } // Wait for the sidebar to open. if (Cypress.env('INTEGRATION') !== 'nextcloud') { doIfOnDesktop(function() { cy.get('#sidebar-panel') .should('be.visible'); // Check that the document does not take the whole window width. cy.window() .then(function(win) { cy.get('#document-container') .should(function(doc) { expect(doc).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(doc[0].getBoundingClientRect().right).to.be.lessThan(win.innerWidth * 0.95); }); }); // Check also that the inputbar is drawn in Calc. doIfInCalc(function() { canvasShouldNotBeFullWhite('#calc-inputbar .inputbar_canvas'); }); }); } if (Cypress.env('INTERFERENCE_TEST') === true) { waitForInterferingUser(); } cy.log('Loading test document - end.'); } // Assert that NO keyboard input is accepted (i.e. keyboard should be HIDDEN). function assertNoKeyboardInput() { cy.get('textarea.clipboard') .should('have.attr', 'data-accept-input', 'false'); } // Assert that keyboard input is accepted (i.e. keyboard should be VISIBLE). function assertHaveKeyboardInput() { cy.get('textarea.clipboard') .should('have.attr', 'data-accept-input', 'true'); } // Assert that we have cursor and focus on the text area of the document. function assertCursorAndFocus() { cy.log('Verifying Cursor and Focus - start'); if (Cypress.env('INTEGRATION') !== 'nextcloud') { // Active element must be the textarea named clipboard. cy.document().its('activeElement.className') .should('be.eq', 'clipboard'); } // In edit mode, we should have the blinking cursor. cy.get('.leaflet-cursor.blinking-cursor') .should('exist'); cy.get('.leaflet-cursor-container') .should('exist'); assertHaveKeyboardInput(); cy.log('Verifying Cursor and Focus - end'); } // Select all text via CTRL+A shortcut. function selectAllText() { cy.log('Select all text - start'); typeIntoDocument('{ctrl}a'); textSelectionShouldExist(); cy.log('Select all text - end'); } // Clear all text by selecting all and deleting. function clearAllText() { cy.log('Clear all text - start'); assertCursorAndFocus(); // Trigger select all selectAllText(); // Then remove typeIntoDocument('{del}'); textSelectionShouldNotExist(); cy.log('Clear all text - end'); } // Check that the clipboard text matches with the specified text. // Parameters: // expectedPlainText - a string, the clipboard container should have. function expectTextForClipboard(expectedPlainText) { doIfInWriter(function() { cy.get('#copy-paste-container p') .then(function(pItem) { if (pItem.children('font').length !== 0) { cy.get('#copy-paste-container p font') .should('have.text', expectedPlainText); } else { cy.get('#copy-paste-container p') .should('have.text', expectedPlainText); } }); }); doIfInCalc(function() { cy.get('#copy-paste-container pre') .should('have.text', expectedPlainText); }); doIfInImpress(function() { cy.get('#copy-paste-container pre') .should('have.text', expectedPlainText); }); } // Check that the clipboard text matches with the // passed regular expression. // Parameters: // regexp - a regular expression to match the content with. // https://docs.cypress.io/api/commands/contains.html#Regular-Expression function matchClipboardText(regexp) { doIfInWriter(function() { cy.contains('#copy-paste-container p font', regexp) .should('exist'); }); doIfInCalc(function() { cy.contains('#copy-paste-container pre', regexp) .should('exist'); }); doIfInImpress(function() { cy.contains('#copy-paste-container pre', regexp) .should('exist'); }); } function beforeAll(fileName, subFolder, noFileCopy, subsequentLoad) { loadTestDoc(fileName, subFolder, noFileCopy, subsequentLoad); } // This method is intended to call after each test case. // We use this method to close the document, before step // on to the next test case. // Parameters: // fileName - test document name (we can check it on the admin console). // testState - whether the test passed or failed before this method was called. function afterAll(fileName, testState) { cy.log('Waiting for closing the document - start.'); if (Cypress.env('INTEGRATION') === 'nextcloud') { if (testState === 'failed') { Cypress.env('IFRAME_LEVEL', ''); return; } if (Cypress.env('IFRAME_LEVEL') === '2') { // Close the document, with the close button. doIfOnMobile(function() { cy.get('#tb_actionbar_item_closemobile') .click(); cy.get('#mobile-edit-button') .should('be.visible'); cy.get('#tb_actionbar_item_closemobile') .then(function(item) { cy.wrap(item) .click(); Cypress.env('IFRAME_LEVEL', ''); }); }); doIfOnDesktop(function() { cy.get('#closebutton') .then(function(item) { cy.wrap(item) .click(); Cypress.env('IFRAME_LEVEL', ''); }); }); cy.get('#filestable') .should('be.visible'); cy.get('#filestable') .should('not.have.class', 'hidden'); cy.wait(3000); // Remove the document cy.get('tr[data-file=\'' + fileName + '\'] .action-menu.permanent') .click(); cy.get('.menuitem.action.action-delete.permanent') .click(); cy.get('tr[data-file=\'' + fileName + '\']') .should('not.exist'); } // For php-proxy admin console does not work, so we just open // localhost and wait some time for the test document to be closed. } else if (Cypress.env('INTEGRATION') === 'php-proxy') { cy.visit('http://localhost/', {failOnStatusCode: false}); cy.wait(5000); } else { if (Cypress.env('INTERFERENCE_TEST') === true) { typeIntoDocument('{ctrl}s'); cy.wait(2000); } // Make sure that the document is closed cy.visit('http://admin:admin@localhost:' + Cypress.env('SERVER_PORT') + '/loleaflet/dist/admin/admin.html'); // https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/9207 if (testState === 'failed') { cy.wait(5000); return; } cy.get('#uptime') .should('not.have.text', '0'); // We have all lines of document infos as one long string. // We have PID number before the file names, with matching // also on the PID number we can make sure to match on the // whole file name, not on a suffix of a file name. var regex = new RegExp('[0-9]' + fileName); cy.get('#docview', { timeout: Cypress.config('defaultCommandTimeout') * 2.0 }) .invoke('text') .should('not.match', regex); } cy.log('Waiting for closing the document - end.'); } // Initialize an alias to a negative number value. It can be useful // when we use an alias as a variable and later we intend to set it // to a non-negative value. // Parameters: // aliasName - a string, expected to be used as alias. function initAliasToNegative(aliasName) { cy.log('Initializing alias to a negative value - start.'); cy.log('Param - aliasName: ' + aliasName); cy.get('#copy-paste-container') .invoke('offset') .its('top') .as(aliasName); cy.get('@' + aliasName) .should('be.lessThan', 0); cy.log('Initializing alias to a negative value - end.'); } // Initialize an alias to an empty string. It can be useful // when we use an alias as a variable and later we intend to // set it to a non-empty string. // Parameters: // aliasName - a string, expected to be used as alias. function initAliasToEmptyString(aliasName) { cy.log('Initializing alias to empty string - start.'); cy.log('Param - aliasName: ' + aliasName); // Do an empty slice to generate empty string cy.get('#copy-paste-container') .invoke('css', 'display') .invoke('slice', '0', '0') .as(aliasName); cy.get('@' + aliasName) .should('be.equal', ''); cy.log('Initializing alias to empty string - end.'); } // Run a code snippet if we are inside Calc. function doIfInCalc(callback) { cy.get('#document-container') .then(function(doc) { if (doc.hasClass('spreadsheet-doctype')) { callback(); } }); } // Run a code snippet if we are *NOT* inside Calc. function doIfNotInCalc(callback) { cy.get('#document-container') .then(function(doc) { if (!doc.hasClass('spreadsheet-doctype')) { callback(); } }); } // Run a code snippet if we are inside Impress. function doIfInImpress(callback) { cy.get('#document-container') .then(function(doc) { if (doc.hasClass('presentation-doctype')) { callback(); } }); } // Run a code snippet if we are *NOT* inside Impress. function doIfNotInImpress(callback) { cy.get('#document-container') .then(function(doc) { if (!doc.hasClass('presentation-doctype')) { callback(); } }); } // Run a code snippet if we are inside Writer. function doIfInWriter(callback) { cy.get('#document-container') .then(function(doc) { if (doc.hasClass('text-doctype')) { callback(); } }); } // Run a code snippet if we are *NOT* inside Writer. function doIfNotInWriter(callback) { cy.get('#document-container') .then(function(doc) { if (!doc.hasClass('text-doctype')) { callback(); } }); } // Types text into elem with a delay in between characters. // Sometimes cy.type results in random character insertion, // this avoids that, which is not clear why it happens. // Parameters: // selector - a CSS selector to query a DOM element to type in. // text - a text, what we'll type char-by-char. // delayMs - delay in ms between the characters. function typeText(selector, text, delayMs=0) { for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { cy.get(selector) .type(text.charAt(i)); if (delayMs > 0) cy.wait(delayMs); } } // Check whether an img DOM element has only white colored pixels or not. // Parameters: // selector - a CSS selector to query the img DOM element. // fullWhite - this specifies what we expect here, that the image is full white // or on the contrary. function imageShouldNotBeFullWhiteOrNot(selector, fullWhite = true) { cy.log('Check whether an image is full white or not - start.'); cy.log('Param - selector: ' + selector); cy.log('Param - fullWhite: ' + fullWhite); expect(selector).to.have.string('img'); cy.get(selector) .should(function(images) { var img = images[0]; // Create an offscreen canvas to check the image's pixels var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = img.width; canvas.height = img.height; canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); // Ignore a small zone on the edges, to ignore border. var ignoredPixels = 2; var pixelData = context.getImageData(ignoredPixels, ignoredPixels, img.width - 2 * ignoredPixels, img.height - 2 * ignoredPixels).data; var allIsWhite = true; for (var i = 0; i < pixelData.length; ++i) { allIsWhite = allIsWhite && pixelData[i] == 255; } if (fullWhite) expect(allIsWhite).to.be.true; else expect(allIsWhite).to.be.false; }); cy.log('Check whether an image is full white or not - end.'); } // Check whether an img DOM element consist of only white pixels. function imageShouldBeFullWhite(selector) { imageShouldNotBeFullWhiteOrNot(selector, true); } // Check whether an img DOM element has any non-white pixels. function imageShouldNotBeFullWhite(selector) { imageShouldNotBeFullWhiteOrNot(selector, false); } // Check whether a canvas DOM element has only white colored pixels or not. // Parameters: // selector - a CSS selector to query the canvas DOM element. // fullWhite - this specifies what we expect here, that the canvas is full white // or on the contrary. function canvasShouldBeFullWhiteOrNot(selector, fullWhite = true) { cy.log('Check whether a canvas is full white or not - start.'); cy.log('Param - selector: ' + selector); cy.log('Param - fullWhite: ' + fullWhite); expect(selector).to.have.string('canvas'); cy.get(selector) .should(function(canvas) { var context = canvas[0].getContext('2d'); var pixelData = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas[0].width, canvas[0].height).data; var allIsWhite = true; for (var i = 0; i < pixelData.length; ++i) { allIsWhite = allIsWhite && pixelData[i] == 255; } if (fullWhite) expect(allIsWhite).to.be.true; else expect(allIsWhite).to.be.false; }); cy.log('Check whether a canvas is full white or not - end.'); } // Check whether a canvas DOM element consist of only white pixels. function canvasShouldBeFullWhite(selector) { canvasShouldBeFullWhiteOrNot(selector, true); } // Check whether a canvas DOM element has any non-white pixels. function canvasShouldNotBeFullWhite(selector) { canvasShouldBeFullWhiteOrNot(selector, false); } // Waits until a DOM element becomes idle (does not change for a given time). // It's useful to handle flickering on the UI, which might make cypress // tests unstable. If the UI flickers, we can use this method to wait // until it settles and the move on with the test. // Parameters: // selector - a CSS selector to query a DOM element to wait on to be idle. // content - a string, a content selector used by cy.contains() to select the correct DOM element. // waitingTime - how much time to wait before we say the item is idle. function waitUntilIdle(selector, content, waitingTime = mobileWizardIdleTime) { cy.log('Waiting item to be idle - start.'); cy.log('Param - selector: ' + selector); cy.log('Param - content: ' + content); cy.log('Param - waitingTime: ' + waitingTime); var item; // We check every 'waitOnce' time whether we are idle. var waitOnce = 250; // 'idleSince' variable counts the idle time so far. var idleSince = 0; if (content) { // We get the initial DOM item first. cy.contains(selector, content, { log: false }) .then(function(itemToIdle) { item = itemToIdle; }); cy.waitUntil(function() { cy.wait(waitOnce, { log: false }); return cy.contains(selector, content, { log: false }) .then(function(itemToIdle) { if (Cypress.dom.isDetached(item[0])) { cy.log('Item was detached after ' + (idleSince + waitOnce).toString() + ' ms.'); item = itemToIdle; idleSince = 0; } else { idleSince += waitOnce; } return idleSince > waitingTime; }); }); } else { // We get the initial DOM item first. cy.get(selector, { log: false }) .then(function(itemToIdle) { item = itemToIdle; }); cy.waitUntil(function() { cy.wait(waitOnce, { log: false }); return cy.get(selector, { log: false }) .then(function(itemToIdle) { if (Cypress.dom.isDetached(item[0])) { cy.log('Item was detached after ' + (idleSince + waitOnce).toString() + ' ms.'); item = itemToIdle; idleSince = 0; } else { idleSince += waitOnce; } return idleSince > waitingTime; }); }); } cy.log('Waiting item to be idle - end.'); } // Waits for the DOM element to be idle and clicks on it afterward. // This is a workaround to avoid 'item detached from DOM' // failures caused by GUI flickering. // GUI flickering might mean bad design, but // until it's fixed we can use this method. // Known GUI flickering: // * mobile wizard // IMPORTANT: don't use this if there is no flickering. // Use simple click() instead. This method is much slower. // Parameters: // selector - a CSS selector to query a DOM element to wait on to be idle. // content - a string, a content selector used by cy.contains() to select the correct DOM element. // waitingTime - how much time to wait before we say the item is idle. function clickOnIdle(selector, content, waitingTime = mobileWizardIdleTime) { cy.log('Clicking on item when idle - start.'); waitUntilIdle(selector, content, waitingTime); if (content) { cy.contains(selector, content) .click(); } else { cy.get(selector) .click(); } cy.log('Clicking on item when idle - end.'); } // Waits for the DOM element to be idle and types into it afterward. // See also the comments at clickOnIdle() method. // Parameters: // selector - a CSS selector to query a DOM element to wait on to be idle. // input - text to be typed into the selected DOM element. // waitingTime - how much time to wait before we say the item is idle. function inputOnIdle(selector, input, waitingTime = mobileWizardIdleTime) { cy.log('Type into an input item when idle - start.'); waitUntilIdle(selector, undefined, waitingTime); cy.get(selector) .clear() .type(input) .type('{enter}'); cy.log('Type into an input item when idle - end.'); } // Run a code snippet if we are in a mobile test. function doIfOnMobile(callback) { cy.window() .then(function(win) { if (win.navigator.userAgent === 'cypress-mobile') { callback(); } }); } // Run a code snippet if we are in a desktop test. function doIfOnDesktop(callback) { cy.window() .then(function(win) { if (win.navigator.userAgent === 'cypress') { callback(); } }); } // Move the cursor in the given direction and wait until it moves. // Parameters: // direction - the direction the cursor should be moved. // possible valude: up, down, left, right, home, end // modifier - a modifier to the cursor movement keys (e.g. 'shift' or 'ctrl'). // checkCursorVis - whether to check the cursor visibility after movement. // cursorSelector - selector for the cursor DOM element (document cursor is the default). function moveCursor(direction, modifier, checkCursorVis = true, cursorSelector = '.leaflet-overlay-pane .blinking-cursor') { cy.log('Moving text cursor - start.'); cy.log('Param - direction: ' + direction); cy.log('Param - modifier: ' + modifier); cy.log('Param - checkCursorVis: ' + checkCursorVis); cy.log('Param - cursorSelector: ' + cursorSelector); // Get the original cursor position. if (direction === 'up' || direction === 'down' || (direction === 'home' && modifier === 'ctrl') || (direction === 'end' && modifier === 'ctrl')) { getCursorPos('top', 'origCursorPos', cursorSelector); } else if (direction === 'left' || direction === 'right' || direction === 'home' || direction === 'end') { getCursorPos('left', 'origCursorPos', cursorSelector); } // Move the cursor using keyboard input. var key = ''; if (modifier === 'ctrl') { key = '{ctrl}'; } else if (modifier === 'shift') { key = '{shift}'; } if (direction === 'up') { key += '{uparrow}'; } else if (direction === 'down') { key += '{downarrow}'; } else if (direction === 'left') { key += '{leftarrow}'; } else if (direction === 'right') { key += '{rightarrow}'; } else if (direction === 'home') { key += '{home}'; } else if (direction === 'end') { key += '{end}'; } typeIntoDocument(key); // Make sure the cursor position was changed. cy.get('@origCursorPos') .then(function(origCursorPos) { cy.get(cursorSelector) .should(function(cursor) { if (direction === 'up' || direction === 'down' || (direction === 'home' && modifier === 'ctrl') || (direction === 'end' && modifier === 'ctrl')) { expect(cursor.offset().top).to.not.equal(origCursorPos); } else if (direction === 'left' || direction === 'right' || direction === 'end' || direction === 'home') { expect(cursor.offset().left).to.not.equal(origCursorPos); } }); }); // Cursor should be visible after move, because the view always follows it. if (checkCursorVis === true) { cy.get(cursorSelector) .should('be.visible'); } cy.log('Moving text cursor - end.'); } // Type something into the document. It can be some text or special characters too. function typeIntoDocument(text) { cy.log('Typing into document - start.'); cy.get('textarea.clipboard') .type(text, {force: true}); cy.log('Typing into document - end.'); } // Get cursor's current position. // Parameters: // offsetProperty - which offset position we need (e.g. 'left' or 'top'). // aliasName - we create an alias with the queried position. // cursorSelector - selector to find the correct cursor element in the DOM. function getCursorPos(offsetProperty, aliasName, cursorSelector = '.leaflet-overlay-pane .blinking-cursor') { initAliasToNegative(aliasName); cy.get(cursorSelector) .invoke('offset') .its(offsetProperty) .as(aliasName); cy.get('@' + aliasName) .should('be.greaterThan', 0); } // We make sure we have a text selection.. function textSelectionShouldExist() { cy.log('Make sure text selection exists - start.'); cy.get('.leaflet-selection-marker-start') .should('exist'); cy.get('.leaflet-selection-marker-end') .should('exist'); // One of the marker should be visible at least (if not both). cy.get('.leaflet-selection-marker-start, .leaflet-selection-marker-end') .should('be.visible'); cy.log('Make sure text selection exists - end.'); } // We make sure we don't have a text selection.. function textSelectionShouldNotExist() { cy.log('Make sure there is no text selection - start.'); cy.get('.leaflet-selection-marker-start') .should('not.exist'); cy.get('.leaflet-selection-marker-end') .should('not.exist'); cy.log('Make sure there is no text selection - end.'); } module.exports.loadTestDoc = loadTestDoc; module.exports.assertCursorAndFocus = assertCursorAndFocus; module.exports.assertNoKeyboardInput = assertNoKeyboardInput; module.exports.assertHaveKeyboardInput = assertHaveKeyboardInput; module.exports.selectAllText = selectAllText; module.exports.clearAllText = clearAllText; module.exports.expectTextForClipboard = expectTextForClipboard; module.exports.matchClipboardText = matchClipboardText; module.exports.afterAll = afterAll; module.exports.initAliasToNegative = initAliasToNegative; module.exports.initAliasToEmptyString = initAliasToEmptyString; module.exports.doIfInCalc = doIfInCalc; module.exports.doIfInImpress = doIfInImpress; module.exports.doIfInWriter = doIfInWriter; module.exports.doIfNotInCalc = doIfNotInCalc; module.exports.doIfNotInImpress = doIfNotInImpress; module.exports.doIfNotInWriter = doIfNotInWriter; module.exports.beforeAll = beforeAll; module.exports.typeText = typeText; module.exports.imageShouldBeFullWhite = imageShouldBeFullWhite; module.exports.imageShouldNotBeFullWhite = imageShouldNotBeFullWhite; module.exports.canvasShouldBeFullWhite = canvasShouldBeFullWhite; module.exports.canvasShouldNotBeFullWhite = canvasShouldNotBeFullWhite; module.exports.clickOnIdle = clickOnIdle; module.exports.inputOnIdle = inputOnIdle; module.exports.waitUntilIdle = waitUntilIdle; module.exports.doIfOnMobile = doIfOnMobile; module.exports.doIfOnDesktop = doIfOnDesktop; module.exports.moveCursor = moveCursor; module.exports.typeIntoDocument = typeIntoDocument; module.exports.upLoadFileToNextCloud = upLoadFileToNextCloud; module.exports.getCursorPos = getCursorPos; module.exports.textSelectionShouldExist = textSelectionShouldExist; module.exports.textSelectionShouldNotExist = textSelectionShouldNotExist;