/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */ /* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include "Unit.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Log.hpp" #include "Util.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include UnitKit *GlobalKit = nullptr; UnitWSD *GlobalWSD = nullptr; UnitTool *GlobalTool = nullptr; UnitBase** UnitBase::GlobalArray = nullptr; int UnitBase::GlobalIndex = -1; char* UnitBase::UnitLibPath = nullptr; void* UnitBase::DlHandle = nullptr; UnitBase::TestOptions UnitBase::GlobalTestOptions; UnitBase::TestResult UnitBase::GlobalResult = UnitBase::TestResult::Ok; namespace { std::thread TimeoutThread; std::mutex TimeoutThreadMutex; std::condition_variable TimeoutConditionVariable; } // namespace /// Controls whether experimental features/behavior is enabled or not. bool EnableExperimental = false; UnitBase** UnitBase::linkAndCreateUnit(UnitType type, const std::string& unitLibPath) { #if !MOBILEAPP DlHandle = dlopen(unitLibPath.c_str(), RTLD_GLOBAL|RTLD_NOW); if (!DlHandle) { LOG_ERR("Failed to load unit-test lib " << dlerror()); return nullptr; } // avoid std:string de-allocation during failure / exit. UnitLibPath = strdup(unitLibPath.c_str()); const char *symbol = nullptr; switch (type) { case UnitType::Wsd: { // Try the multi-test version first. CreateUnitHooksFunctionMulti* createHooksMulti = reinterpret_cast( dlsym(DlHandle, "unit_create_wsd_multi")); if (createHooksMulti) { UnitBase** hooks = createHooksMulti(); if (hooks) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Loaded UnitTest [" << unitLibPath << "] with: "; for (int i = 0; hooks[i] != nullptr; ++i) { if (i) oss << ", "; oss << hooks[i]->getTestname(); } LOG_INF(oss.str()); return hooks; } } // Fallback. symbol = "unit_create_wsd"; break; } case UnitType::Kit: symbol = "unit_create_kit"; break; case UnitType::Tool: symbol = "unit_create_tool"; break; } // Internal consistency sanity check. selfTest(); CreateUnitHooksFunction* createHooks = reinterpret_cast(dlsym(DlHandle, symbol)); if (!createHooks) { LOG_ERR("No " << symbol << " symbol in " << unitLibPath); return nullptr; } UnitBase* hooks = createHooks(); if (hooks) return new UnitBase* [2] { hooks, nullptr }; LOG_ERR("No wsd unit-tests found in " << unitLibPath); #else (void) type; (void) unitLibPath; #endif return nullptr; } void UnitBase::initTestSuiteOptions() { static const char* TestOptions = getenv("COOL_TEST_OPTIONS"); if (TestOptions == nullptr) return; StringVector tokens = StringVector::tokenize(std::string(TestOptions), ':'); for (const auto& token : tokens) { // Expect name=value pairs. const auto pair = Util::split(tokens.getParam(token), '='); // If there is no value, assume it's a filter string. if (pair.second.empty()) { const std::string filter = Util::toLower(pair.first); LOG_INF("Setting the 'filter' test option to [" << filter << ']'); GlobalTestOptions.setFilter(filter); } else if (pair.first == "keepgoing") { const bool keepgoing = pair.second == "1" || pair.second == "true"; LOG_INF("Setting the 'keepgoing' test option to " << keepgoing); GlobalTestOptions.setKeepgoing(keepgoing); } } } void UnitBase::filter() { const auto& filter = GlobalTestOptions.getFilter(); for (; GlobalArray[GlobalIndex] != nullptr; ++GlobalIndex) { const std::string& name = GlobalArray[GlobalIndex]->getTestname(); if (strstr(Util::toLower(name).c_str(), filter.c_str())) break; LOG_INF("Skipping test [" << name << "] per filter [" << filter << ']'); } } void UnitBase::selfTest() { assert(init(UnitType::Wsd, std::string())); assert(!UnitBase::get().isFinished()); assert(!UnitWSD::get().isFinished()); assert(GlobalArray); assert(GlobalIndex == 0); assert(&UnitBase::get() == GlobalArray[0]); delete GlobalArray[0]; delete[] GlobalArray; GlobalArray = nullptr; GlobalIndex = -1; GlobalKit = nullptr; GlobalWSD = nullptr; GlobalTool = nullptr; assert(init(UnitType::Kit, std::string())); assert(!UnitBase::get().isFinished()); assert(!UnitKit::get().isFinished()); assert(GlobalArray); assert(GlobalIndex == 0); assert(&UnitBase::get() == GlobalArray[0]); delete GlobalArray[0]; delete[] GlobalArray; GlobalArray = nullptr; GlobalIndex = -1; GlobalKit = nullptr; GlobalWSD = nullptr; GlobalTool = nullptr; } bool UnitBase::init(UnitType type, const std::string &unitLibPath) { #if !MOBILEAPP LOG_ASSERT(!get(type)); #else // The COOLWSD initialization is called in a loop on mobile, allow reuse if (get(type)) return true; #endif LOG_ASSERT(GlobalArray == nullptr); LOG_ASSERT(GlobalIndex == -1); GlobalArray = nullptr; GlobalIndex = -1; GlobalKit = nullptr; GlobalWSD = nullptr; GlobalTool = nullptr; if (!unitLibPath.empty()) { GlobalArray = linkAndCreateUnit(type, unitLibPath); if (GlobalArray == nullptr) { // Error is logged already. return false; } initTestSuiteOptions(); // Filter tests. GlobalIndex = 0; filter(); UnitBase* instance = GlobalArray[GlobalIndex]; if (instance) { rememberInstance(type, instance); TST_LOG_NAME("UnitBase", "Starting test #1: " << GlobalArray[GlobalIndex]->getTestname()); instance->initialize(); if (instance && type == UnitType::Kit) { std::unique_lock lock(TimeoutThreadMutex); TimeoutThread = std::thread( [instance] { Util::setThreadName("unit timeout"); std::unique_lock lock2(TimeoutThreadMutex); if (TimeoutConditionVariable.wait_for(lock2, instance->_timeoutMilliSeconds) == std::cv_status::no_timeout) { LOG_DBG(instance->getTestname() << ": Unit test finished in time"); } else { LOG_ERR(instance->getTestname() << ": Unit test timeout after " << instance->_timeoutMilliSeconds); instance->timeout(); } }); } return get(type) != nullptr; } } // Fallback. switch (type) { case UnitType::Wsd: rememberInstance(UnitType::Wsd, new UnitWSD("UnitWSD")); GlobalArray = new UnitBase* [2] { GlobalWSD, nullptr }; GlobalIndex = 0; break; case UnitType::Kit: rememberInstance(UnitType::Kit, new UnitKit("UnitKit")); GlobalArray = new UnitBase* [2] { GlobalKit, nullptr }; GlobalIndex = 0; break; case UnitType::Tool: rememberInstance(UnitType::Tool, new UnitTool("UnitTool")); GlobalArray = new UnitBase* [2] { GlobalTool, nullptr }; GlobalIndex = 0; break; default: assert(false); break; } return get(type) != nullptr; } UnitBase* UnitBase::get(UnitType type) { switch (type) { case UnitType::Wsd: return GlobalWSD; break; case UnitType::Kit: return GlobalKit; break; case UnitType::Tool: return GlobalTool; break; default: assert(false); break; } return nullptr; } void UnitBase::rememberInstance(UnitType type, UnitBase* instance) { assert(instance->_type == type); assert(GlobalWSD == nullptr); assert(GlobalKit == nullptr); assert(GlobalTool == nullptr); switch (type) { case UnitType::Wsd: GlobalWSD = static_cast(instance); break; case UnitType::Kit: GlobalKit = static_cast(instance); break; case UnitType::Tool: GlobalTool = static_cast(instance); break; default: assert(false); break; } } int UnitBase::uninit() { TST_LOG_NAME("UnitBase", "Uninitializing unit-tests: " << (GlobalResult == TestResult::Ok ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILED")); if (GlobalArray) { // By default, this will check _setRetValue and copy _retValue to the arg. // But we call it to trigger overrides and to perform cleanups. int retValue = GlobalResult == TestResult::Ok ? EX_OK : EX_SOFTWARE; if (GlobalArray[GlobalIndex] != nullptr) GlobalArray[GlobalIndex]->returnValue(retValue); if (retValue) GlobalResult = TestResult::Failed; for (int i = 0; GlobalArray[i] != nullptr; ++i) { delete GlobalArray[i]; } delete[] GlobalArray; GlobalArray = nullptr; } GlobalIndex = -1; free(UnitBase::UnitLibPath); UnitBase::UnitLibPath = nullptr; GlobalKit = nullptr; GlobalWSD = nullptr; GlobalTool = nullptr; // Close the DLL last, after deleting the test instances. if (DlHandle) dlclose(DlHandle); DlHandle = nullptr; return GlobalResult == TestResult::Ok ? EX_OK : EX_SOFTWARE; } void UnitBase::initialize() { assert(DlHandle != nullptr && "Invalid handle to set"); LOG_TST("==================== Starting [" << getTestname() << "] ===================="); _socketPoll->startThread(); } bool UnitBase::isUnitTesting() { return DlHandle; } void UnitBase::setTimeout(std::chrono::milliseconds timeoutMilliSeconds) { assert(!TimeoutThread.joinable() && "setTimeout must be called before starting a test"); _timeoutMilliSeconds = timeoutMilliSeconds; LOG_TST(getTestname() << ": setTimeout: " << _timeoutMilliSeconds); } UnitBase::~UnitBase() { LOG_TST(getTestname() << ": ~UnitBase: " << (failed() ? "FAILED" : "SUCCESS")); _socketPoll->joinThread(); } bool UnitBase::filterLOKitMessage(const std::shared_ptr& message) { return onFilterLOKitMessage(message); } bool UnitBase::filterSendWebSocketMessage(const char* data, const std::size_t len, const WSOpCode code, const bool flush, int& unitReturn) { const std::string message(data, len); if (Util::startsWith(message, "unocommandresult:")) { const std::size_t index = message.find_first_of('{'); if (index != std::string::npos) { try { const std::string stringJSON = message.substr(index); Poco::JSON::Parser parser; const Poco::Dynamic::Var parsedJSON = parser.parse(stringJSON); const auto& object = parsedJSON.extract(); if (object->get("commandName").toString() == ".uno:Save") { const bool success = object->get("success").toString() == "true"; std::string result; if (object->has("result")) { const Poco::Dynamic::Var parsedResultJSON = object->get("result"); const auto& resultObj = parsedResultJSON.extract(); if (resultObj->get("type").toString() == "string") result = resultObj->get("value").toString(); } if (onDocumentSaved(message, success, result)) return false; } } catch (const std::exception& exception) { LOG_TST("unocommandresult parsing failure: " << exception.what()); } } else { LOG_TST("Expected json unocommandresult. Ignoring: " << message); } } else if (Util::startsWith(message, "status:")) { if (onDocumentLoaded(message)) return false; } else if (message == "statechanged: .uno:ModifiedStatus=true") { if (onDocumentModified(message)) return false; } else if (message == "statechanged: .uno:ModifiedStatus=false") { if (onDocumentUnmodified(message)) return false; } else if (Util::startsWith(message, "statechanged:")) { if (onDocumentStateChanged(message)) return false; } else if (Util::startsWith(message, "error:")) { if (onDocumentError(message)) return false; } return onFilterSendWebSocketMessage(data, len, code, flush, unitReturn); } void UnitBase::exitTest(TestResult result, const std::string& reason) { // We could be called from either a SocketPoll (websrv_poll) // or from invokeTest (coolwsd main). std::lock_guard guard(_lock); if (isFinished()) { if (result != _result) LOG_TST("exitTest got " << name(result) << " but is already finished with " << name(_result)); return; } if (result == TestResult::Ok) { LOG_TST("SUCCESS: exitTest: " << name(result) << (reason.empty() ? "" : ": " + reason)); } else { LOG_TST("ERROR: FAILURE: exitTest: " << name(result) << (reason.empty() ? "" : ": " + reason)); if (GlobalResult == TestResult::Ok) GlobalResult = result; LOG_TST("Dumping state"); ::kill(getpid(), SIGUSR1); } _result = result; endTest(reason); _setRetValue = true; // Notify inheritors. onExitTest(result, reason); } void UnitBase::timeout() { // Don't timeout if we had already finished. if (isUnitTesting() && !isFinished()) { LOG_TST("ERROR: Timed out waiting for unit test to complete within " << _timeoutMilliSeconds); exitTest(TestResult::TimedOut); } } void UnitBase::returnValue(int& retValue) { if (_setRetValue) retValue = (_result == TestResult::Ok ? EX_OK : EX_SOFTWARE); } void UnitBase::endTest(const std::string& reason) { LOG_TST("Ending test by stopping SocketPoll [" << _socketPoll->name() << "]: " << reason); _socketPoll->joinThread(); // tell the timeout thread that the work has finished TimeoutConditionVariable.notify_all(); if (TimeoutThread.joinable()) TimeoutThread.join(); LOG_TST("==================== Finished [" << getTestname() << "] ===================="); } UnitWSD::UnitWSD(const std::string& name) : UnitBase(name, UnitType::Wsd) , _hasKitHooks(false) { } UnitWSD::~UnitWSD() { } void UnitWSD::defaultConfigure(Poco::Util::LayeredConfiguration& config) { // Force HTTP - helps stracing. config.setBool("ssl.enable", false); // Use http:// everywhere. config.setBool("ssl.termination", false); // Force console output - easier to debug. config.setBool("logging.file[@enable]", false); } void UnitWSD::lookupTile(int part, int mode, int width, int height, int tilePosX, int tilePosY, int tileWidth, int tileHeight, std::shared_ptr &tile) { if (isUnitTesting()) { if (tile) onTileCacheHit(part, mode, width, height, tilePosX, tilePosY, tileWidth, tileHeight); else onTileCacheMiss(part, mode, width, height, tilePosX, tilePosY, tileWidth, tileHeight); } } void UnitWSD::DocBrokerDestroy(const std::string& key) { if (isUnitTesting()) { onDocBrokerDestroy(key); if (!isFinished()) { // Not yet finished; don't start the next test just yet. return; } // We could be called from either a SocketPoll (websrv_poll) // or from invokeTest (coolwsd main). std::lock_guard guard(_lock); // Check if we have more tests, but keep the current index if it's the last. if (haveMoreTests()) { // We have more tests. ++GlobalIndex; filter(); // Clear the shortcuts. GlobalKit = nullptr; GlobalWSD = nullptr; GlobalTool = nullptr; if (GlobalArray[GlobalIndex] != nullptr && !SigUtil::getShutdownRequestFlag() && (_result == TestResult::Ok || GlobalTestOptions.getKeepgoing())) { rememberInstance(_type, GlobalArray[GlobalIndex]); LOG_TST("Starting test #" << GlobalIndex + 1 << ": " << GlobalArray[GlobalIndex]->getTestname()); if (GlobalWSD) GlobalWSD->configure(Poco::Util::Application::instance().config()); GlobalArray[GlobalIndex]->initialize(); } // Wake-up so the previous test stops. SocketPoll::wakeupWorld(); } } } UnitWSD& UnitWSD::get() { assert(GlobalWSD); return *GlobalWSD; } void UnitWSD::onExitTest(TestResult result, const std::string&) { if (haveMoreTests()) { if (result != TestResult::Ok && !GlobalTestOptions.getKeepgoing()) { LOG_TST("Failing fast per options, even though there are more tests"); #if !MOBILEAPP LOG_TST("Setting TerminationFlag as the Test Suite failed"); SigUtil::setTerminationFlag(); // and wake-up world. #else SocketPoll::wakeupWorld(); #endif return; } LOG_TST("Have more tests. Waiting for the DocBroker to destroy before starting them"); return; } // We are done with all the tests. TST_LOG_NAME("UnitBase", getTestname() << " was the last test. Finishing " << (GlobalResult == TestResult::Ok ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILED")); #if !MOBILEAPP LOG_TST("Setting TerminationFlag as there are no more tests"); SigUtil::setTerminationFlag(); // and wake-up world. #else SocketPoll::wakeupWorld(); #endif } UnitKit::UnitKit(const std::string& name) : UnitBase(name, UnitType::Kit) { } UnitKit::~UnitKit() {} UnitKit& UnitKit::get() { #if MOBILEAPP if (!GlobalKit) GlobalKit = new UnitKit("UnitKit"); #endif if (Util::isKitInProcess() && !GlobalKit) GlobalKit = new UnitKit("UnitKit"); assert(GlobalKit); return *GlobalKit; } void UnitKit::onExitTest(TestResult, const std::string&) { // coolforkit doesn't link with CPPUnit. // LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("UnitKit doesn't yet support multiple tests", !haveMoreTests()); // // We are done with all the tests. // TST_LOG_NAME("UnitBase", getTestname() // << " was the last test. Finishing " // << (GlobalResult == TestResult::Ok ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILED")); #if !MOBILEAPP // LOG_TST("Setting TerminationFlag as there are no more tests"); SigUtil::setTerminationFlag(); // and wake-up world. #else SocketPoll::wakeupWorld(); #endif } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */