create mount namespace with local uid 0 just before we need to do the mounts and create another with the original uid when done. The inner orig-uid probably doesn't amount to a whole lot in practice, but its more reassuring to run as not-0. Disconnect namespace config option from experimental, but continue to default off. Signed-off-by: Caolán McNamara <caolan.mcnamara@collabora.com> Change-Id: Ia68c1c1c0bc7a91eb158f5d189453b683fea0ef0
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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* Copyright the Collabora Online contributors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#pragma once
#include <Poco/Util/XMLConfiguration.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <common/Util.hpp>
#include <common/StateEnum.hpp>
#include <common/Session.hpp>
#include <common/ThreadPool.hpp>
#include <kit/KitQueue.hpp>
#include <wsd/TileDesc.hpp>
#include "Socket.hpp"
#include <LibreOfficeKit/LibreOfficeKit.hxx>
#include "ClientSession.hpp"
#include "DocumentBroker.hpp"
void lokit_main(
const std::string& childRoot, const std::string& jailId, const std::string& sysTemplate,
const std::string& loTemplate, bool noCapabilities, bool noSeccomp, bool useMountNamespaces,
bool queryVersionInfo, bool displayVersion,
int docBrokerSocket, const std::string& userInterface,
std::size_t numericIdentifier);
#ifdef IOS
void runKitLoopInAThread();
bool globalPreinit(const std::string& loTemplate);
/// Wrapper around private Document::ViewCallback().
void documentViewCallback(const int type, const char* p, void* data);
class Document;
class DeltaGenerator;
/// Descriptor class used to link a LOK
/// callback to a specific view.
struct CallbackDescriptor
CallbackDescriptor(Document* const doc, const int viewId)
: _doc(doc), _viewId(viewId)
Document* getDoc() const { return _doc; }
int getViewId() const { return _viewId; }
Document* const _doc;
const int _viewId;
/// User Info container used to store user information
/// till the end of process lifecycle - including
/// after any child session goes away
struct UserInfo
: _readOnly(false)
, _connected(false)
UserInfo(const std::string& userId, const std::string& userName,
const std::string& userExtraInfo, const std::string& userPrivateInfo, bool readOnly)
: _userId(userId)
, _userName(userName)
, _userExtraInfo(userExtraInfo)
, _userPrivateInfo(userPrivateInfo)
, _readOnly(readOnly)
, _connected(true)
const std::string& getUserId() const { return _userId; }
const std::string& getUserName() const { return _userName; }
const std::string& getUserExtraInfo() const { return _userExtraInfo; }
const std::string& getUserPrivateInfo() const { return _userPrivateInfo; }
bool isReadOnly() const { return _readOnly; }
bool isConnected() const { return _connected; }
void setDisconnected() { _connected = false; }
std::string _userId;
std::string _userName;
std::string _userExtraInfo;
std::string _userPrivateInfo;
bool _readOnly;
bool _connected;
/// We have two types of password protected documents
/// 1) Documents which require password to view
/// 2) Document which require password to modify
enum class DocumentPasswordType
/// Check the ForkCounter, and if non-zero, fork more of them accordingly.
void forkLibreOfficeKit(const std::string& childRoot, const std::string& sysTemplate,
const std::string& loTemplate, bool useMountNamespaces);
class Document;
/// The main main-loop of the Kit process
class KitSocketPoll final : public SocketPoll
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point _pollEnd;
std::shared_ptr<Document> _document;
static KitSocketPoll* mainPoll;
void drainQueue();
static void dumpGlobalState(std::ostream& oss);
static std::shared_ptr<KitSocketPoll> create();
static void cleanupChildProcess();
virtual void wakeupHook() override;
static KitSocketPoll* getMainPoll() { return mainPoll; }
struct ReEntrancyGuard
std::atomic<int>& _count;
ReEntrancyGuard(std::atomic<int>& count)
: _count(count)
~ReEntrancyGuard() { _count--; }
int kitPoll(int timeoutMicroS);
void setDocument(std::shared_ptr<Document> document) { _document = std::move(document); }
// unusual LOK event from another thread, push into our loop to process.
static bool pushToMainThread(LibreOfficeKitCallback callback, int type, const char* p,
void* data);
#ifdef IOS
static std::mutex KSPollsMutex;
static std::condition_variable KSPollsCV;
static std::vector<std::weak_ptr<KitSocketPoll>> KSPolls;
std::mutex terminationMutex;
std::condition_variable terminationCV;
bool terminationFlag;
class KitQueue;
class ChildSession;
/// A document container.
/// Owns LOKitDocument instance and connections.
/// Manages the lifetime of a document.
/// Technically, we can host multiple documents
/// per process. But for security reasons don't.
/// However, we could have a coolkit instance
/// per user or group of users (a trusted circle).
class Document final : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Document>
Document(const std::shared_ptr<lok::Office>& loKit, const std::string& jailId,
const std::string& docKey, const std::string& docId, const std::string& url,
const std::shared_ptr<WebSocketHandler>& websocketHandler, unsigned mobileAppDocId);
virtual ~Document();
const std::string& getUrl() const { return _url; }
/// Post the message - in the unipoll world we're in the right thread anyway
bool postMessage(const char* data, int size, const WSOpCode code) const;
bool createSession(const std::string& sessionId);
/// Purges dead connections and returns
/// the remaining number of clients.
/// Returns -1 on failure.
std::size_t purgeSessions();
void setDocumentPassword(int passwordType);
void renderTiles(TileCombined& tileCombined);
bool sendTextFrame(const std::string& message)
return sendFrame(message.data(), message.size());
bool sendFrame(const char* buffer, int length, WSOpCode opCode = WSOpCode::Text);
void alertNotAsync()
// load unfortunately enables inputprocessing in some cases.
if (processInputEnabled() && !_duringLoad)
notifyAll("error: cmd=notasync kind=failure");
void alertAllUsers(const std::string& cmd, const std::string& kind)
sendTextFrame("errortoall: cmd=" + cmd + " kind=" + kind);
/// Notify all views with the given message
bool notifyAll(const std::string& msg)
// Broadcast updated viewinfo to all clients.
return sendTextFrame("client-all " + msg);
unsigned getMobileAppDocId() const { return _mobileAppDocId; }
/// See if we should clear out our memory
void trimIfInactive();
void trimAfterInactivity();
// LibreOfficeKit callback entry points
static void GlobalCallback(const int type, const char* p, void* data);
static void ViewCallback(const int type, const char* p, void* data);
/// Helper method to broadcast callback and its payload to all clients
void broadcastCallbackToClients(const int type, const std::string& payload)
_queue->putCallback(-1, type, payload);
/// Request loading a document, or a new view, if one exists,
/// and register callbacks.
bool onLoad(const std::string& sessionId, const std::string& uriAnonym,
const std::string& renderOpts);
/// Unload a client session, which unloads the document
/// if it is the last and only.
void onUnload(const ChildSession& session);
/// Get a view ID <-> UserInfo map.
std::map<int, UserInfo> getViewInfo() { return _sessionUserInfo; }
int getEditorId() const { return _editorId; }
bool isDocPasswordProtected() const { return _isDocPasswordProtected; }
bool haveDocPassword() const { return _haveDocPassword; }
std::string getDocPassword() const { return _docPassword; }
DocumentPasswordType getDocPasswordType() const { return _docPasswordType; }
void updateActivityHeader() const;
bool joinThreads();
void startThreads();
bool forkToSave(const std::function<void()> &childSave, int viewId);
void handleSaveMessage(const std::string &msg);
/// Notify all views of viewId and their associated usernames
void notifyViewInfo();
std::shared_ptr<ChildSession> findSessionByViewId(int viewId);
void invalidateCanonicalId(const std::string& sessionId);
std::string getViewProps(const std::shared_ptr<ChildSession>& session);
void updateEditorSpeeds(int id, int speed);
// Get the color value for all author names from the core
std::map<std::string, int> getViewColors();
std::string getDefaultTheme(const std::shared_ptr<ChildSession>& session) const;
std::shared_ptr<lok::Document> load(const std::shared_ptr<ChildSession>& session,
const std::string& renderOpts);
bool forwardToChild(const std::string& prefix, const std::vector<char>& payload);
static std::string makeRenderParams(const std::string& renderOpts, const std::string& userName,
const std::string& spellOnline, const std::string& theme);
bool isTileRequestInsideVisibleArea(const TileCombined& tileCombined);
bool processInputEnabled() const;
/// A new message from wsd for the queue
void queueMessage(const std::string &msg) { _queue->put(msg); }
bool hasQueueItems() const { return _queue && !_queue->isEmpty(); }
bool hasCallbacks() const { return _queue && _queue->callbackSize() > 0; }
/// Should we get through the SocketPoll fast to process queus ?
bool needsQuickPoll() const
if (hasCallbacks())
return true;
if (hasQueueItems() && processInputEnabled())
return true;
return false;
// poll is idle, are we ?
void checkIdle();
void drainQueue();
void drainCallbacks();
void dumpState(std::ostream& oss);
/// Return access to the lok::Office instance.
std::shared_ptr<lok::Office> getLOKit() { return _loKit; }
/// Return access to the lok::Document instance.
std::shared_ptr<lok::Document> getLOKitDocument();
std::string getObfuscatedFileId() { return _obfuscatedFileId; }
bool isBackgroundSaveProcess() const { return _isBgSaveProcess; }
/// Save is async, so we need to set 'unmodified' while we are saving
/// but this can transition back to modified if save fails.
STATE_ENUM(ModifiedState, Modified, UnModifiedButSaving, UnModified);
ModifiedState getModified() const { return _modified; }
/// Lets us get notified whether a doc is modified during bgsave.
void forceDocUnmodifiedForBgSave(int viewId);
/// Restore the Document's 'modified' state if necessary
void updateModifiedOnFailedBgSave();
/// Let WSD know our true modified state affter bg save success.
void notifySyntheticUnmodifiedState();
/// Snoop document modified, and return true if filtering notification
bool trackDocModifiedState(const std::string &stateChanged);
/// Permanantly disable background save for this process
void disableBgSave(const std::string &reason);
/// Are we currently performing a load ?
bool isLoadOngoing() const { return _duringLoad > 0; }
void postForceModifiedCommand(bool modified);
/// Stops theads, flushes buffers, and exits the process.
void flushAndExit(int code);
std::shared_ptr<lok::Office> _loKit;
const std::string _jailId;
/// URL-based key. May be repeated during the lifetime of WSD.
const std::string _docKey;
/// Short numerical ID. Unique during the lifetime of WSD.
const std::string _docId;
const std::string _url;
const std::string _obfuscatedFileId;
std::string _jailedUrl;
std::string _renderOpts;
std::shared_ptr<lok::Document> _loKitDocument;
#ifdef __ANDROID__
static std::shared_ptr<lok::Document> _loKitDocumentForAndroidOnly;
std::shared_ptr<KitQueue> _queue;
// Connection to the coolwsd process
std::shared_ptr<WebSocketHandler> _websocketHandler;
// Connection a child background save process has to its parent: a precious thing.
std::weak_ptr<WebSocketHandler> _saveProcessParent;
ModifiedState _modified;
bool _isBgSaveProcess;
bool _isBgSaveDisabled;
// Document password provided
std::string _docPassword;
// Whether password was provided or not
bool _haveDocPassword;
// Whether document is password protected
bool _isDocPasswordProtected;
// Whether password is required to view the document, or modify it
DocumentPasswordType _docPasswordType;
std::atomic<bool> _stop;
ThreadPool _deltaPool;
std::unique_ptr<DeltaGenerator> _deltaGen;
std::condition_variable _cvLoading;
int _editorId;
bool _editorChangeWarning;
std::map<int, std::unique_ptr<CallbackDescriptor>> _viewIdToCallbackDescr;
SessionMap<ChildSession> _sessions;
/// The timestamp of the last memory trimming.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point _lastMemTrimTime;
std::map<int, std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point> _lastUpdatedAt;
std::map<int, int> _speedCount;
/// For showing disconnected user info in the doc repair dialog.
std::map<int, UserInfo> _sessionUserInfo;
#ifdef __ANDROID__
friend std::shared_ptr<lok::Document> getLOKDocumentForAndroidOnly();
const unsigned _mobileAppDocId;
int _duringLoad;
/// main function of the forkit process or thread
int forkit_main(int argc, char** argv);
/// Anonymize the basename of filenames, preserving the path and extension.
std::string anonymizeUrl(const std::string& url);
/// Anonymize usernames.
std::string anonymizeUsername(const std::string& username);
/// Ensure there is no fatal system setup problem
void consistencyCheckJail();
/// check how many theads we have currently
int getCurrentThreadCount();
/// Fetch the latest montonically incrementing wire-id
TileWireId getCurrentWireId(bool increment = false);
#ifdef __ANDROID__
/// For the Android app, for now, we need access to the one and only document open to perform eg. saveAs() for printing.
std::shared_ptr<lok::Document> getLOKDocumentForAndroidOnly();
extern _LibreOfficeKit* loKitPtr;
/// Check if URP is enabled
bool isURPEnabled();
/// Start a URP connection, checking if URP is enabled and there is not already an active URP session
bool startURP(std::shared_ptr<lok::Office> LOKit, void** ppURPContext);
/// Ensure all recorded traces hit the disk
void flushTraceEventRecordings();
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