Signed-off-by: Tomaž Vajngerl <tomaz.vajngerl@collabora.co.uk> Change-Id: I03706c3fb5c2da8e1a8ae103b74d13babebde35d
432 lines
16 KiB
432 lines
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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
* Copyright the Collabora Online contributors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#pragma once
#include "Session.hpp"
#include "Storage.hpp"
#include "SenderQueue.hpp"
#include "ServerURL.hpp"
#include "DocumentBroker.hpp"
#include <Poco/URI.h>
#include <Rectangle.hpp>
#include <deque>
#include <utility>
#include "Util.hpp"
class DocumentBroker;
/// Represents a session to a COOL client, in the WSD process.
class ClientSession final : public Session
ClientSession(const std::shared_ptr<ProtocolHandlerInterface>& ws,
const std::string& id,
const std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker>& docBroker,
const Poco::URI& uriPublic,
const bool isReadOnly,
const RequestDetails &requestDetails);
void construct();
virtual ~ClientSession();
void setReadOnly(bool bValue = true) override;
void sendFileMode(const bool readOnly, const bool editComments);
void setLockFailed(const std::string& sReason);
DETACHED, // initial
LOADING, // attached to a DocBroker & waiting for load
LIVE, // Document is loaded & editable or viewable.
WAIT_DISCONNECT // closed and waiting for Kit's disconnected message
/// Returns true if this session has loaded a view (i.e. we got status message).
bool isViewLoaded() const { return _state == SessionState::LIVE; }
/// returns true if we're waiting for the kit to acknowledge disconnect.
bool inWaitDisconnected() const { return _state == SessionState::WAIT_DISCONNECT; }
/// transition to a new state
void setState(SessionState newState);
void setDocumentOwner(const bool documentOwner) { _isDocumentOwner = documentOwner; }
bool isDocumentOwner() const { return _isDocumentOwner; }
/// Returns true iff the view is loaded and not disconnected
/// from either the client or the Kit.
bool isLive() const { return _state == SessionState::LIVE && !isCloseFrame(); }
/// Handle kit-to-client message.
bool handleKitToClientMessage(const std::shared_ptr<Message>& payload);
/// Integer id of the view in the kit process, or -1 if unknown
int getKitViewId() const { return _kitViewId; }
/// Disconnect the session and do final cleanup, @returns true if we should not wait.
bool disconnectFromKit();
// sendTextFrame that takes std::string and string literal.
using Session::sendTextFrame;
bool sendBinaryFrame(const char* buffer, int length) override
if (!isCloseFrame())
enqueueSendMessage(std::make_shared<Message>(buffer, length, Message::Dir::Out));
return true;
return false;
ClientDeltaTracker _tracker;
void resetTileSeq(const TileDesc &desc)
// no tile data - just notify the client the ids/versions updated
bool sendUpdateNow(const TileDesc &desc)
TileWireId lastSentId = _tracker.updateTileSeq(desc);
std::string header = desc.serialize("update:", "\n");
LOG_TRC("Sending update from " << lastSentId << " to " << header);
return sendTextFrame(header.data(), header.size());
bool sendTileNow(const TileDesc &desc, const Tile &tile)
TileWireId lastSentId = _tracker.updateTileSeq(desc);
std::string header;
if (tile->needsKeyframe(lastSentId) || tile->isPng())
header = desc.serialize("tile:", "\n");
header = desc.serialize("delta:", "\n");
// FIXME: performance - optimize away this copy ...
std::vector<char> output;
// copy in the header
std::memcpy(output.data(), header.data(), header.size());
bool hasContent = tile->appendChangesSince(output, tile->isPng() ? 0 : lastSentId);
LOG_TRC("Sending tile message: " << header << " lastSendId " << lastSentId << " content " << hasContent);
return sendBinaryFrame(output.data(), output.size());
bool sendBlob(const std::string &header, const Blob &blob)
// FIXME: performance - optimize away this copy ...
std::vector<char> output;
output.resize(header.size() + blob->size());
std::memcpy(output.data(), header.data(), header.size());
std::memcpy(output.data() + header.size(), blob->data(), blob->size());
return sendBinaryFrame(output.data(), output.size());
bool sendTextFrame(const char* buffer, const int length) override
if (!isCloseFrame())
enqueueSendMessage(std::make_shared<Message>(buffer, length, Message::Dir::Out));
return true;
return false;
void enqueueSendMessage(const std::shared_ptr<Message>& data);
/// Set the save-as socket which is used to send convert-to results.
void setSaveAsSocket(const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket)
_saveAsSocket = socket;
std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker> getDocumentBroker() const { return _docBroker.lock(); }
/// Exact URI (including query params - access tokens etc.) with which
/// client made the request to us
/// Note: This URI is unsafe - when connecting to existing sessions, we must
/// ignore everything but the access_token, and use the access_token with
/// the URI of the initial request.
const Poco::URI& getPublicUri() const { return _uriPublic; }
/// The access token of this session.
const Authorization& getAuthorization() const { return _auth; }
void invalidateAuthorizationToken()
LOG_DBG("Session [" << getId() << "] expiring its authorization token");
/// Set WOPI fileinfo object
void setWopiFileInfo(std::unique_ptr<WopiStorage::WOPIFileInfo>& wopiFileInfo) { _wopiFileInfo = std::move(wopiFileInfo); }
/// Get requested tiles waiting for sending to the client
std::deque<TileDesc>& getRequestedTiles() { return _requestedTiles; }
/// Mark a new tile as sent
void addTileOnFly(TileWireId wireId);
size_t getTilesOnFlyCount() const { return _tilesOnFly.size(); }
size_t getTilesOnFlyUpperLimit() const;
void removeOutdatedTilesOnFly(const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point &now);
void onTileProcessed(TileWireId wireId);
Util::Rectangle getVisibleArea() const { return _clientVisibleArea; }
/// Visible area can have negative value as position, but we have tiles only in the positive range
Util::Rectangle getNormalizedVisibleArea() const;
/// The client's visible area can be divided into a maximum of 4 panes.
enum SplitPaneName {
/// Returns true if the given split-pane is currently valid.
bool isSplitPane(const SplitPaneName) const;
/// Returns the normalized visible area of a given split-pane.
Util::Rectangle getNormalizedVisiblePaneArea(const SplitPaneName) const;
int getTileWidthInTwips() const { return _tileWidthTwips; }
int getTileHeightInTwips() const { return _tileHeightTwips; }
bool isTextDocument() const { return _isTextDocument; }
void setThumbnailSession(const bool val) { _thumbnailSession = val; }
void setThumbnailTarget(const std::string& target) { _thumbnailTarget = target; }
const std::string& getThumbnailTarget() const { return _thumbnailTarget; }
void setThumbnailPosition(const std::pair<int, int>& pos) { _thumbnailPosition = pos; }
const std::pair<int, int>& getThumbnailPosition() const { return _thumbnailPosition; }
bool thumbnailSession() { return _thumbnailSession; }
/// Do we recognize this clipboard ?
bool matchesClipboardKeys(const std::string &viewId, const std::string &tag);
/// Handle presentation info request
bool handlePresentationInfo(const std::shared_ptr<Message>& payload, const std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker>& docBroker);
/// Handle a clipboard fetch / put request.
void handleClipboardRequest(DocumentBroker::ClipboardRequest type,
const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> &socket,
const std::string &tag,
const std::shared_ptr<std::string> &data);
/// Create URI for transient clipboard content.
std::string getClipboardURI(bool encode = true);
/// Utility to create a publicly accessible URI.
std::string createPublicURI(const std::string& subPath, const std::string& tag, bool encode);
/// Adds and/or modified the copied payload before sending on to the client.
void postProcessCopyPayload(const std::shared_ptr<Message>& payload);
/// Removes the <meta name="origin" ...> tag which was added in
/// ClientSession::postProcessCopyPayload().
void preProcessSetClipboardPayload(std::string& payload);
/// Returns true if we're expired waiting for a clipboard and should be removed
bool staleWaitDisconnect(const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point &now);
/// Generate and rotate a new clipboard hash, sending it if appropriate
void rotateClipboardKey(bool notifyClient);
/// Generate an access token for this session via proxy protocol.
const std::string &getOrCreateProxyAccess();
void sendLockedInfo();
void sendRestrictionInfo();
/// Process an SVG to replace embedded file:/// media URIs with public http URLs.
std::string processSVGContent(const std::string& svg);
int getCanonicalViewId() { return _canonicalViewId; }
std::shared_ptr<ClientSession> client_from_this()
return std::static_pointer_cast<ClientSession>(shared_from_this());
/// SocketHandler: disconnection event.
void onDisconnect() override;
/// Does SocketHandler: have messages to send ?
bool hasQueuedMessages() const override;
/// SocketHandler: send those messages
void writeQueuedMessages(std::size_t capacity) override;
virtual bool _handleInput(const char* buffer, int length) override;
bool loadDocument(const char* buffer, int length, const StringVector& tokens,
const std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker>& docBroker);
bool getStatus(const char* buffer, int length,
const std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker>& docBroker);
bool getCommandValues(const char* buffer, int length, const StringVector& tokens,
const std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker>& docBroker);
bool sendTile(const char* buffer, int length, const StringVector& tokens,
const std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker>& docBroker);
bool sendCombinedTiles(const char* buffer, int length, const StringVector& tokens,
const std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker>& docBroker);
bool sendFontRendering(const char* buffer, int length, const StringVector& tokens,
const std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker>& docBroker);
bool forwardToChild(const std::string& message,
const std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker>& docBroker);
bool forwardToClient(const std::shared_ptr<Message>& payload);
/// Returns true if given message from the client should be allowed or not
/// Eg. in readonly mode only few messages should be allowed
bool filterMessage(const std::string& msg) const;
void dumpState(std::ostream& os) override;
/// Handle invalidation message coming from a kit and transfer it to a tile request.
void handleTileInvalidation(const std::string& message,
const std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker>& docBroker);
bool isTileInsideVisibleArea(const TileDesc& tile) const;
/// If this session is read-only because of failed lock, try to unlock and make it read-write.
bool attemptLock(const std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker>& docBroker);
std::string getIsAdminUserStatus() const;
std::weak_ptr<DocumentBroker> _docBroker;
/// URI with which client made request to us
const Poco::URI _uriPublic;
/// Authorization data - either access_token or access_header.
Authorization _auth;
/// Whether this session is the owner of currently opened document
bool _isDocumentOwner;
/// If it is allowed to try to switch from read-only to edit mode,
/// because it's read-only just because of transient lock failure.
bool _isLockFailed = false;
/// The socket to which the converted (saveas) doc is sent.
std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> _saveAsSocket;
/// The phase of our lifecycle that we're in.
SessionState _state;
/// Time of last state transition
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point _lastStateTime;
/// Wopi FileInfo object
std::unique_ptr<WopiStorage::WOPIFileInfo> _wopiFileInfo;
/// Count of key-strokes
uint64_t _keyEvents;
SenderQueue<std::shared_ptr<Message>> _senderQueue;
/// Visible area of the client
Util::Rectangle _clientVisibleArea;
/// Split position that defines the current split panes
int _splitX;
int _splitY;
/// Selected part of the document viewed by the client (no parts in Writer)
int _clientSelectedPart;
/// Selected mode of the presentation viewed by the client (in Impress)
int _clientSelectedMode;
/// Zoom properties of the client
int _tileWidthPixel;
int _tileHeightPixel;
int _tileWidthTwips;
int _tileHeightTwips;
/// The integer id of the view in the Kit process
int _kitViewId;
/// How to find our service from the client.
const ServerURL _serverURL;
/// Client is using a text document?
bool _isTextDocument;
/// Session used to generate thumbnail
bool _thumbnailSession;
/// Target used for thumbnail rendering
std::string _thumbnailTarget;
// Position used for thumbnail rendering
std::pair<int, int> _thumbnailPosition;
/// Rotating clipboard remote access identifiers - protected by GlobalSessionMapMutex
std::string _clipboardKeys[2];
/// wire-ids's of the in-flight tiles. Push by sending and pop by tileprocessed message from the client.
std::vector<std::pair<TileWireId, std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point>> _tilesOnFly;
/// Requested tiles are stored in this list, before we can send them to the client
std::deque<TileDesc> _requestedTiles;
/// Sockets to send binary selection content to
std::vector<std::weak_ptr<StreamSocket>> _clipSockets;
/// Time when loading of view started
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point _viewLoadStart;
/// Secure session id token for proxyprotocol authentication
std::string _proxyAccess;
/// Store last sent payload of form field button, so we can filter out redundant messages.
std::string _lastSentFormFielButtonMessage;
/// Epoch of the client's performance.now() function, as microseconds since Unix epoch
uint64_t _performanceCounterEpoch;
// Saves time from setting/fetching user info multiple times using zotero API
bool _isZoteroUserInfoSet = false;
/// the canonical id unique to the set of rendering properties of this session
int _canonicalViewId;
/// If server audit was already sent
bool _sentAudit;
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