Because the new-style tests are intrustive, the exception that CppUnit throws on assertion failures is caught and processed with the application logic, which is far from ideal, because it's very difficult to find the cause of failure. What we'd like is a way to control what happens when an test assertion fails, such that we can properly log/print the failure, and even break in the debugger. The new macros allow us to control the behavior at compile-time and have added flexibility. For now, they log an assertion failure before invoking the CPPUNIT macro, and support a compile-time directive to assert, which is useful for breaking in the debugger. Change-Id: If464ba246e3ec747f31496a4215cb73ef735dfaf Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/online/+/87625 Tested-by: Jenkins CollaboraOffice <jenkinscollaboraoffice@gmail.com> Reviewed-by: Michael Meeks <michael.meeks@collabora.com>
456 lines
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456 lines
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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#include <config.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <Poco/Net/AcceptCertificateHandler.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPRequest.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPResponse.h>
#include <Poco/Net/InvalidCertificateHandler.h>
#include <Poco/Net/SSLManager.h>
#include <Poco/RegularExpression.h>
#include <Poco/URI.h>
#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
#include <Common.hpp>
#include <Protocol.hpp>
#include <LOOLWebSocket.hpp>
#include <countloolkits.hpp>
#include <helpers.hpp>
using namespace helpers;
/// Tests the HTTP WebSocket API of loolwsd. The server has to be started manually before running this test.
class HTTPWSTest : public CPPUNIT_NS::TestFixture
const Poco::URI _uri;
Poco::Net::HTTPResponse _response;
// This test is failing
void testSaveOnDisconnect();
void testSavePassiveOnDisconnect();
void testReloadWhileDisconnecting();
void testInactiveClient();
void testViewInfoMsg();
void testUndoConflict();
: _uri(helpers::getTestServerURI())
// Just accept the certificate anyway for testing purposes
Poco::SharedPtr<Poco::Net::InvalidCertificateHandler> invalidCertHandler = new Poco::Net::AcceptCertificateHandler(false);
Poco::Net::Context::Params sslParams;
Poco::Net::Context::Ptr sslContext = new Poco::Net::Context(Poco::Net::Context::CLIENT_USE, sslParams);
Poco::Net::SSLManager::instance().initializeClient(nullptr, invalidCertHandler, sslContext);
void setUp()
void tearDown()
void HTTPWSTest::testSaveOnDisconnect()
const char* testname = "saveOnDisconnect ";
const std::string text = helpers::genRandomString(40);
TST_LOG("Test string: [" << text << "].");
std::string documentPath, documentURL;
getDocumentPathAndURL("hello.odt", documentPath, documentURL, testname);
int kitcount = -1;
std::shared_ptr<LOOLWebSocket> socket = loadDocAndGetSocket(_uri, documentURL, testname);
std::shared_ptr<LOOLWebSocket> socket2 = loadDocAndGetSocket(_uri, documentURL, testname);
sendTextFrame(socket2, "userinactive");
deleteAll(socket, testname);
sendTextFrame(socket, "paste mimetype=text/plain;charset=utf-8\n" + text, testname);
TST_LOG("Validating what we sent before disconnecting.");
// Check if the document contains the pasted text.
const std::string selection = getAllText(socket, testname);
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL("textselectioncontent: " + text, selection);
// Closing connection too fast might not flush buffers.
// Often nothing more than the SelectAll reaches the server before
// the socket is closed, when the doc is not even modified yet.
getResponseMessage(socket, "statechanged", testname);
kitcount = getLoolKitProcessCount();
// Shutdown abruptly.
TST_LOG("Closing connection after pasting.");
catch (const Poco::Exception& exc)
// Allow time to save and destroy before we connect again.
TST_LOG("Loading again.");
// Load the same document and check that the last changes (pasted text) is saved.
std::shared_ptr<LOOLWebSocket> socket = loadDocAndGetSocket(_uri, documentURL, testname);
// Should have no new instances.
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(kitcount, countLoolKitProcesses(kitcount));
// Check if the document contains the pasted text.
const std::string selection = getAllText(socket, testname, text);
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL("textselectioncontent: " + text, selection);
catch (const Poco::Exception& exc)
void HTTPWSTest::testSavePassiveOnDisconnect()
const char* testname = "savePassiveOnDisconnect ";
const std::string text = helpers::genRandomString(40);
TST_LOG("Test string: [" << text << "].");
std::string documentPath, documentURL;
getDocumentPathAndURL("hello.odt", documentPath, documentURL, testname);
int kitcount = -1;
std::shared_ptr<LOOLWebSocket> socket = loadDocAndGetSocket(_uri, documentURL, testname);
getResponseMessage(socket, "textselection", testname);
Poco::Net::HTTPRequest request(Poco::Net::HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET, documentURL);
std::shared_ptr<LOOLWebSocket> socket2 = connectLOKit(_uri, request, _response, testname);
deleteAll(socket, testname);
sendTextFrame(socket, "paste mimetype=text/plain;charset=utf-8\n" + text, testname);
getResponseMessage(socket, "textselection:", testname);
// Check if the document contains the pasted text.
const std::string selection = getAllText(socket, testname);
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL("textselectioncontent: " + text, selection);
// Closing connection too fast might not flush buffers.
// Often nothing more than the SelectAll reaches the server before
// the socket is closed, when the doc is not even modified yet.
getResponseMessage(socket, "statechanged", testname);
kitcount = getLoolKitProcessCount();
// Shutdown abruptly.
TST_LOG("Closing connection after pasting.");
socket->shutdown(); // Should trigger saving.
catch (const Poco::Exception& exc)
// Allow time to save and destroy before we connect again.
TST_LOG("Loading again.");
// Load the same document and check that the last changes (pasted text) is saved.
std::shared_ptr<LOOLWebSocket> socket = loadDocAndGetSocket(_uri, documentURL, testname);
getResponseMessage(socket, "textselection", testname);
// Should have no new instances.
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(kitcount, countLoolKitProcesses(kitcount));
// Check if the document contains the pasted text.
const std::string selection = getAllText(socket, testname);
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL("textselectioncontent: " + text, selection);
catch (const Poco::Exception& exc)
void HTTPWSTest::testReloadWhileDisconnecting()
const char* testname = "reloadWhileDisconnecting ";
std::string documentPath, documentURL;
getDocumentPathAndURL("hello.odt", documentPath, documentURL, testname);
std::shared_ptr<LOOLWebSocket> socket = loadDocAndGetSocket(_uri, documentURL, testname);
deleteAll(socket, testname);
sendTextFrame(socket, "paste mimetype=text/plain;charset=utf-8\naaa bbb ccc", testname);
// Closing connection too fast might not flush buffers.
// Often nothing more than the SelectAll reaches the server before
// the socket is closed, when the doc is not even modified yet.
getResponseMessage(socket, "statechanged", testname);
const int kitcount = getLoolKitProcessCount();
// Shutdown abruptly.
TST_LOG("Closing connection after pasting.");
// Load the same document and check that the last changes (pasted text) is saved.
TST_LOG("Loading again.");
socket = loadDocAndGetSocket(_uri, documentURL, testname);
// Should have no new instances.
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(kitcount, countLoolKitProcesses(kitcount));
// Check if the document contains the pasted text.
const std::string expected = "aaa bbb ccc";
const std::string selection = getAllText(socket, testname, expected);
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("textselectioncontent: ") + expected, selection);
catch (const Poco::Exception& exc)
void HTTPWSTest::testInactiveClient()
const char* testname = "inactiveClient ";
std::string documentPath, documentURL;
getDocumentPathAndURL("hello.odt", documentPath, documentURL, testname);
std::shared_ptr<LOOLWebSocket> socket1 = loadDocAndGetSocket(_uri, documentURL, "inactiveClient-1 ");
// Connect another and go inactive.
TST_LOG_NAME("inactiveClient-2 ", "Connecting second client.");
std::shared_ptr<LOOLWebSocket> socket2 = loadDocAndGetSocket(_uri, documentURL, "inactiveClient-2 ", true);
sendTextFrame(socket2, "userinactive", "inactiveClient-2 ");
// While second is inactive, make some changes.
deleteAll(socket1, "inactiveClient-1 ");
// Activate second.
sendTextFrame(socket2, "useractive", "inactiveClient-2 ");
SocketProcessor("Second ", socket2, [&](const std::string& msg)
const auto token = LOOLProtocol::getFirstToken(msg);
// 'window:' is e.g. 'window: {"id":"4","action":"invalidate","rectangle":"0, 0,
// 0, 0"}', which is probably fine, given that other invalidations are also
// expected.
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("unexpected message: " + msg,
token == "cursorvisible:" ||
token == "graphicselection:" ||
token == "graphicviewselection:" ||
token == "invalidatecursor:" ||
token == "invalidatetiles:" ||
token == "invalidateviewcursor:" ||
token == "setpart:" ||
token == "statechanged:" ||
token == "textselection:" ||
token == "textselectionend:" ||
token == "textselectionstart:" ||
token == "textviewselection:" ||
token == "viewcursorvisible:" ||
token == "viewinfo:" ||
token == "editor:" ||
token == "context:" ||
token == "window:" ||
token == "tableselected:");
// End when we get state changed.
return (token != "statechanged:");
TST_LOG("Second client finished.");
catch (const Poco::Exception& exc)
void HTTPWSTest::testViewInfoMsg()
// Load 2 documents, cross-check the viewid received by each of them in their status message
// with the one sent in viewinfo message to itself as well as to other one
const std::string testname = "testViewInfoMsg-";
std::string docPath;
std::string docURL;
getDocumentPathAndURL("hello.odt", docPath, docURL, testname);
Poco::Net::HTTPRequest request(Poco::Net::HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET, docURL);
std::shared_ptr<LOOLWebSocket> socket0 = connectLOKit(_uri, request, _response, testname);
std::shared_ptr<LOOLWebSocket> socket1 = connectLOKit(_uri, request, _response, testname);
std::string response;
int part, parts, width, height;
int viewid[2];
// Load first view and remember the viewid
sendTextFrame(socket0, "load url=" + docURL);
response = getResponseString(socket0, "status:", testname + "0 ");
parseDocSize(response.substr(7), "text", part, parts, width, height, viewid[0]);
// Check if viewinfo message also mentions the same viewid
response = getResponseString(socket0, "viewinfo: ", testname + "0 ");
Poco::JSON::Parser parser0;
Poco::JSON::Array::Ptr array = parser0.parse(response.substr(9)).extract<Poco::JSON::Array::Ptr>();
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(1), array->size());
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr viewInfoObj0 = array->getObject(0);
int viewid0 = viewInfoObj0->get("id").convert<int>();
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(viewid[0], viewid0);
// Load second view and remember the viewid
sendTextFrame(socket1, "load url=" + docURL);
response = getResponseString(socket1, "status:", testname + "1 ");
parseDocSize(response.substr(7), "text", part, parts, width, height, viewid[1]);
// Check if viewinfo message in this view mentions
// viewid of both first loaded view and this view
response = getResponseString(socket1, "viewinfo: ", testname + "1 ");
Poco::JSON::Parser parser1;
array = parser1.parse(response.substr(9)).extract<Poco::JSON::Array::Ptr>();
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(2), array->size());
viewInfoObj0 = array->getObject(0);
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr viewInfoObj1 = array->getObject(1);
viewid0 = viewInfoObj0->get("id").convert<int>();
int viewid1 = viewInfoObj1->get("id").convert<int>();
if (viewid[0] == viewid0)
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(viewid[1], viewid1);
else if (viewid[0] == viewid1)
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(viewid[1], viewid0);
LOK_ASSERT_FAIL("Inconsistent viewid in viewinfo and status messages");
// Check if first view also got the same viewinfo message
const auto response1 = getResponseString(socket0, "viewinfo: ", testname + "0 ");
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(response, response1);
catch(const Poco::Exception& exc)
void HTTPWSTest::testUndoConflict()
const std::string testname = "testUndoConflict-";
Poco::JSON::Parser parser;
std::string docPath;
std::string docURL;
int conflict;
getDocumentPathAndURL("empty.odt", docPath, docURL, testname);
Poco::Net::HTTPRequest request(Poco::Net::HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET, docURL);
std::shared_ptr<LOOLWebSocket> socket0 = connectLOKit(_uri, request, _response, testname);
std::shared_ptr<LOOLWebSocket> socket1 = connectLOKit(_uri, request, _response, testname);
std::string response;
// Load first view
sendTextFrame(socket0, "load url=" + docURL, testname + "0 ");
response = getResponseString(socket0, "invalidatecursor:", testname + "0 ");
// Load second view
sendTextFrame(socket1, "load url=" + docURL, testname + "1 ");
response = getResponseString(socket1, "invalidatecursor:", testname + "1 ");
// edit first view
sendChar(socket0, 'A', skNone, testname + "0 ");
response = getResponseString(socket0, "invalidateviewcursor: ", testname + "0 ");
response = getResponseString(socket0, "invalidateviewcursor: ", testname + "0 ");
// edit second view
sendChar(socket1, 'B', skNone, testname + "1 ");
response = getResponseString(socket1, "invalidateviewcursor: ", testname + "1 ");
response = getResponseString(socket1, "invalidateviewcursor: ", testname + "1 ");
// try to undo first view
sendTextFrame(socket0, "uno .uno:Undo", testname + "0 ");
// undo conflict
response = getResponseString(socket0, "unocommandresult:", testname + "0 ");
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr objJSON = parser.parse(response.substr(17)).extract<Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr>();
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string(".uno:Undo"), objJSON->get("commandName").toString());
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("true"), objJSON->get("success").toString());
const Poco::Dynamic::Var parsedResultJSON = objJSON->get("result");
const auto& resultObj = parsedResultJSON.extract<Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr>();
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("long"), resultObj->get("type").toString());
LOK_ASSERT(Poco::strToInt(resultObj->get("value").toString(), conflict, 10));
LOK_ASSERT(conflict > 0); /*UNDO_CONFLICT*/
catch(const Poco::Exception& exc)
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