Ashod Nakashian 8a37738fdb wsd: documentation of DocumentBroker states
This details the design of the DocumentBroker
states and state-machines as they are to be
eventually implemented. Not everything described
is current, but the goal is to document what
the design ought to be, not what it is.

Change-Id: I938177812777af058b46c41a396407d0a083cbc4
Signed-off-by: Ashod Nakashian <>
2021-01-31 22:20:59 -05:00

748 lines
28 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
#pragma once
#include <csignal>
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <Poco/URI.h>
#include "Log.hpp"
#include "TileDesc.hpp"
#include "Util.hpp"
#include "net/Socket.hpp"
#include "net/WebSocketHandler.hpp"
#include "Storage.hpp"
#include "common/SigUtil.hpp"
#include "common/Session.hpp"
#include "Admin.hpp"
// Forwards.
class PrisonerRequestDispatcher;
class DocumentBroker;
struct LockContext;
class TileCache;
class Message;
class TerminatingPoll : public SocketPoll
TerminatingPoll(const std::string &threadName) :
SocketPoll(threadName) {}
bool continuePolling() override
return SocketPoll::continuePolling() && !SigUtil::getTerminationFlag();
#include "LOOLWSD.hpp"
/// A ChildProcess object represents a KIT process that hosts a document and manipulates the
/// document using the LibreOfficeKit API. It isn't actually a child of the WSD process, but a
/// grandchild. The comments loosely talk about "child" anyway.
class ChildProcess : public WSProcess
/// @param pid is the process ID of the child.
/// @param socket is the underlying Socket to the child.
ChildProcess(const pid_t pid,
const std::string& jailId,
const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket,
const Poco::Net::HTTPRequest &request) :
WSProcess("ChildProcess", pid, socket, std::make_shared<WebSocketHandler>(socket, request)),
ChildProcess(ChildProcess&& other) = delete;
virtual ~ChildProcess(){ ::close(_smapsFD); }
const ChildProcess& operator=(ChildProcess&& other) = delete;
void setDocumentBroker(const std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker>& docBroker);
std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker> getDocumentBroker() const { return _docBroker.lock(); }
const std::string& getJailId() const { return _jailId; }
void setSMapsFD(int smapsFD) { _smapsFD = smapsFD;}
int getSMapsFD(){ return _smapsFD; }
const std::string _jailId;
std::weak_ptr<DocumentBroker> _docBroker;
int _smapsFD;
class RequestDetails;
class ClientSession;
/// DocumentBroker is responsible for setting up a document in jail and brokering loading it from
/// Storage and saving it back.
/// Contains URI, physical path, etc.
/// There is one DocumentBroker object in the WSD process for each document that is open (in 1..n sessions).
/// The Document State:
/// The Document lifecycle is managed through
/// the DocumentState class, which encapsulates
/// the different stages of the Document's
/// main-sequence events:
/// To disambiguate between Storage and Core, we
/// use 'Download' for Reading from the Storage,
/// and 'Load' for Loading a document in Core.
/// Similarly, we 'Upload' to Storage after we
/// 'Save' the document in Core.
/// None: the Document doesn't exist, pending downloading.
/// Downloading: the Document is being downloaded from Storage.
/// Loading: the Document is being loaded into Core.
/// Live: Steady-state; the document is available (see below).
/// Destroying: End-of-life, marked to save/upload and destroy.
/// Destroyed: Unloading complete, destruction of class pending.
/// The Document Data State:
/// There are three locations to track:
/// 1) the Storage (wopi host)
/// 2) the Local file on disk (in jail)
/// 3) in memory (in Core).
/// We download the document from Storage to disk, then
/// we load it in memory (Core). From then on, we track the
/// state after modification (in memory), saving (to disk),
/// and uploading (to Storage).
/// Download: Storage -> Local
/// Load: Local -> Core
/// Save: Core -> Local
/// Upload: Local -> Storage
/// This is the state matrix during the key operations:
/// |-------------------------------------------|
/// | State | Storage | Local | Core |
/// |-------------|---------|---------|---------|
/// | Downloading | Reading | Writing | Idle |
/// | Loading | Idle | Reading | Writing |
/// | Saving | Idle | Writing | Reading |
/// | Uploading | Writing | Reading | Idle |
/// |-------------------------------------------|
/// Downloading is done synchronously, for now, but
/// is provisioned for async in the state machine.
/// Similarly, we could download asynchronously,
/// but there is little to gain by doing that,
/// since nothing much can happen without, or
/// before, loading a document.
/// The decision for Saving and Uploading are separate.
/// Without the user's intervention, we auto-save
/// when the user has been idle for some configurable
/// time, or when a certain configurable minimum time
/// has elapsed since the last save (regardless of user
/// activity). Once we get the save result from Core
/// (and ideally with success), we upload the document
/// immediately. Previously, this was a synchronous
/// process, which is now being reworked into an asynch.
/// The user can invoke both Save and Upload operations
/// however, and in more than one way.
/// Saving can of course be done by simply invoking the
/// command, which also uploads.
/// Forced Uploading has a narrower use-case: when the
/// Storage has a newer version of the document,
/// uploading fails with 'document conflict' error, which
/// the user can override by forcing uploading to Storage,
/// thereby overwriting the Storage version with the
/// current one.
/// Then there are the Save-As and Rename commands, which
/// only affect the document in Storage by invoking
/// the upload functionality with special headers.
/// When either of these operations fails, the next
/// opportunity to review potential actions is during
/// the next poll cycle.
/// To separate these two operations in code and in time,
/// we need to track the document version in each of
/// Core and Storage. That is, when the document is saved
/// a newer 'version number' is assigned, so that it would
/// be different from the 'version number' of the document
/// in Storage. The easiest way to achieve this is by
/// using the modified time on the file on disk. While
/// this has certain limitations, in practice it's a
/// good solution. We expect each time Core saves the
/// Document to disk, the file's timestamp will change.
/// Each time we Upload a version of the Document to
/// Storage, we track the local file's timestamp that we
/// uploaded. We then need to Upload only when the last
/// Uploaded timestamp is different from that on disk.
/// Although it's technically possible for the system
/// clock to change, it's unlikely for the timestamp to
/// be identical to the last Uploaded one, down to the
/// millisecond.
/// This way, if, say, Uploading fails after
/// Saving, if the subsequent Save fails, we don't skip
/// Uploading, since the Storage would still be outdated.
/// Similarly, if after Saving we fail to Upload, a
/// subsequent Save might yield 'unmodified' result and
/// fail to Save a new copy of the document. This should
/// not skip Uploading, since the document on disk is
/// still newer than the one in Storage.
/// Notice that we cannot compare the timestamp of the
/// file on disk to the timestamp returned from Storage.
/// For one, the Storage might not even provide a
/// timestamp (or a valid one). But more importantly,
/// the timestamp on disk might not be comparable to
/// that in Storage (due to timezone and/or precision
/// differences).
/// Two new managers are provisioned to mind about these
/// two domains: SaveManager and StorageManager.
/// SaveManager is reponsible for tracking the operations
/// between Core and local disk, while StorageManager
/// for those between Storage and local disk.
/// In practice, each represents and tracks the state of
/// the Document in Core and Storage, respectively.
class DocumentBroker : public std::enable_shared_from_this<DocumentBroker>
class DocumentBrokerPoll;
void setupPriorities();
/// How to prioritize this document.
enum class ChildType {
Interactive, Batch
static Poco::URI sanitizeURI(const std::string& uri);
/// Returns a document-specific key based
/// on the URI of the document.
static std::string getDocKey(const Poco::URI& uri);
/// Dummy document broker that is marked to destroy.
DocumentBroker(ChildType type,
const std::string& uri,
const Poco::URI& uriPublic,
const std::string& docKey,
unsigned mobileAppDocId = 0);
virtual ~DocumentBroker();
/// Called when removed from the DocBrokers list
virtual void dispose() {}
/// setup the transfer of a socket into this DocumentBroker poll.
void setupTransfer(SocketDisposition &disposition,
SocketDisposition::MoveFunction transferFn);
/// Flag for termination. Note that this doesn't save any unsaved changes in the document
void stop(const std::string& reason);
/// Hard removes a session by ID, only for ClientSession.
void finalRemoveSession(const std::string& id);
/// Create new client session
std::shared_ptr<ClientSession> createNewClientSession(
const std::shared_ptr<ProtocolHandlerInterface> &ws,
const std::string& id,
const Poco::URI& uriPublic,
const bool isReadOnly,
const RequestDetails &requestDetails);
/// Find or create a new client session for the PHP proxy
void handleProxyRequest(
const std::string& id,
const Poco::URI& uriPublic,
const bool isReadOnly,
const RequestDetails &requestDetails,
const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> &socket);
/// Thread safe termination of this broker if it has a lingering thread
void joinThread();
/// Notify that the load has completed
virtual void setLoaded();
/// If not yet locked, try to lock
bool attemptLock(const ClientSession& session, std::string& failReason);
bool isDocumentChangedInStorage() { return _documentChangedInStorage; }
bool isLastStorageUploadSuccessful() { return _lastStorageUploadSuccessful; }
/// Upload the document to Storage if it needs persisting.
/// Results are logged and broadcast to users.
void uploadToStorage(const std::string& sesionId, bool success, const std::string& result,
bool force);
/// UploadAs the document to Storage, with a new name.
/// @param uploadAsPath Absolute path to the jailed file.
void uploadAsToStorage(const std::string& sesionId, const std::string& uploadAsPath,
const std::string& uploadAsFilename, const bool isRename);
bool isModified() const { return _isModified; }
void setModified(const bool value);
/// Save the document if the document is modified.
/// @param force when true, will force saving if there
/// has been any recent activity after the last save.
/// @param dontSaveIfUnmodified when true, save will fail if the document is not modified.
/// @return true if attempts to save or it also waits
/// and receives save notification. Otherwise, false.
bool autoSave(const bool force, const bool dontSaveIfUnmodified = true);
Poco::URI getPublicUri() const { return _uriPublic; }
const std::string& getJailId() const { return _jailId; }
const std::string& getDocKey() const { return _docKey; }
const std::string& getFilename() const { return _filename; };
TileCache& tileCache() { return *_tileCache; }
bool hasTileCache() { return _tileCache != nullptr; }
bool isAlive() const;
/// Are we running in either shutdown, or the polling thread.
/// Asserts in the debug builds, otherwise just logs.
void assertCorrectThread() const;
/// Pretty print internal state to a stream.
void dumpState(std::ostream& os);
std::string getJailRoot() const;
/// Add a new session. Returns the new number of sessions.
std::size_t addSession(const std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>& session);
/// Removes a session by ID. Returns the new number of sessions.
std::size_t removeSession(const std::string& id);
/// Add a callback to be invoked in our polling thread.
void addCallback(const SocketPoll::CallbackFn& fn);
/// Transfer this socket into our polling thread / loop.
void addSocketToPoll(const std::shared_ptr<Socket>& socket);
void alertAllUsers(const std::string& msg);
void alertAllUsers(const std::string& cmd, const std::string& kind)
alertAllUsers("error: cmd=" + cmd + " kind=" + kind);
/// Sets the log level of kit.
void setKitLogLevel(const std::string& level);
/// Invalidate the cursor position.
void invalidateCursor(int x, int y, int w, int h)
_cursorPosX = x;
_cursorPosY = y;
_cursorWidth = w;
_cursorHeight = h;
void invalidateTiles(const std::string& tiles, int normalizedViewId)
// Remove from cache.
_tileCache->invalidateTiles(tiles, normalizedViewId);
void handleTileRequest(const StringVector &tokens,
const std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>& session);
void handleTileCombinedRequest(TileCombined& tileCombined,
const std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>& session);
void sendRequestedTiles(const std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>& session);
void cancelTileRequests(const std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>& session);
enum ClipboardRequest {
void handleClipboardRequest(ClipboardRequest type, const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> &socket,
const std::string &viewId, const std::string &tag,
const std::shared_ptr<std::string> &data);
static bool lookupSendClipboardTag(const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> &socket,
const std::string &tag, bool sendError = false);
bool isMarkedToDestroy() const { return _docState.isMarkedToDestroy() || _stop; }
bool handleInput(const std::vector<char>& payload);
/// Forward a message from client session to its respective child session.
bool forwardToChild(const std::string& viewId, const std::string& message);
int getRenderedTileCount() { return _debugRenderedTileCount; }
/// Ask the document broker to close. Makes sure that the document is saved.
void closeDocument(const std::string& reason);
/// Get the PID of the associated child process
pid_t getPid() const { return _childProcess ? _childProcess->getPid() : 0; }
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> getLock() { return std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(_mutex); }
void updateLastActivityTime();
/// Sends the .uno:Save command to LoKit.
bool sendUnoSave(const std::string& sessionId, bool dontTerminateEdit = true,
bool dontSaveIfUnmodified = true, bool isAutosave = false,
bool isExitSave = false, const std::string& extendedData = std::string());
/// Sends a message to all sessions
void broadcastMessage(const std::string& message) const;
/// Returns true iff an initial setting by the given name is already initialized.
bool isInitialSettingSet(const std::string& name) const;
/// Sets the initialization flag of a given initial setting.
void setInitialSetting(const std::string& name);
/// For testing only [!]
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>> getSessionsTestOnlyUnsafe();
/// Estimate memory usage / bytes
std::size_t getMemorySize() const;
/// Get URL for corresponding download id if registered, or empty string otherwise
std::string getDownloadURL(const std::string& downloadId);
/// Remove download id mapping
void unregisterDownloadId(const std::string& downloadId);
/// get the session id of a session that can write the document for save / locking.
std::string getWriteableSessionId() const;
void refreshLock();
/// Loads a document from the public URI into the jail.
bool download(const std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>& session, const std::string& jailId);
bool isLoaded() const { return _docState.hadLoaded(); }
std::size_t getIdleTimeSecs() const
const auto duration = (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - _lastActivityTime);
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(duration).count();
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> getDeferredLock() { return std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(_mutex, std::defer_lock); }
/// Called by the ChildProcess object to notify
/// that it has terminated on its own.
/// This happens either when the child exists
/// or upon failing to process an incoming message.
void childSocketTerminated();
void handleTileResponse(const std::vector<char>& payload);
void handleDialogPaintResponse(const std::vector<char>& payload, bool child);
void handleTileCombinedResponse(const std::vector<char>& payload);
void handleDialogRequest(const std::string& dialogCmd);
/// Shutdown all client connections with the given reason.
void shutdownClients(const std::string& closeReason);
/// This gracefully terminates the connection
/// with the child and cleans up ChildProcess etc.
void terminateChild(const std::string& closeReason);
/// Upload the doc to the storage.
void uploadToStorageInternal(const std::string& sesionId, bool success,
const std::string& result, const std::string& saveAsPath,
const std::string& saveAsFilename, const bool isRename,
const bool force);
struct StorageUploadDetails
const std::string uriAnonym;
const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point newFileModifiedTime;
const std::weak_ptr<class ClientSession> session;
const bool isSaveAs;
const bool isRename;
void handleUploadToStorageResponse(const StorageUploadDetails& details,
const StorageBase::UploadResult& uploadResult);
* Report back the save result to PostMessage users (Action_Save_Resp)
* @param success: Whether saving was successful
* @param result: Short message why saving was (not) successful
* @param errorMsg: Long error msg (Error message from WOPI host if any)
void broadcastSaveResult(bool success, const std::string& result = std::string(),
const std::string& errorMsg = std::string());
/// Broadcasts to all sessions the last modification time of the document.
void broadcastLastModificationTime(const std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>& session = nullptr) const;
/// True iff a save is in progress (requested but not completed).
bool isSaving() const { return _lastSaveResponseTime < _lastSaveRequestTime; }
/// True if we know the doc is modified or
/// if there has been activity from a client after we last *requested* saving,
/// since there are race conditions vis-a-vis user activity while saving.
bool isPossiblyModified() const { return isModified() || (_lastSaveRequestTime < _lastActivityTime); }
/// True iff there is at least one non-readonly session other than the given.
/// Since only editable sessions can save, we need to use the last to
/// save modified documents, otherwise we'll potentially have to save on
/// every editable session disconnect, lest we lose data due to racing.
bool haveAnotherEditableSession(const std::string& id) const;
/// Loads a new session and adds to the sessions container.
std::size_t addSessionInternal(const std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>& session);
/// Starts the Kit <-> DocumentBroker shutdown handshake
void disconnectSessionInternal(const std::string& id);
/// Forward a message from child session to its respective client session.
bool forwardToClient(const std::shared_ptr<Message>& payload);
/// The thread function that all of the I/O for all sessions
/// associated with this document.
void pollThread();
/// Sum the I/O stats from all connected sessions
void getIOStats(uint64_t &sent, uint64_t &recv);
/// Returns true iff this is a Convert-To request.
/// This is needed primarily for security reasons,
/// because we can't trust the given file-path is
/// a convert-to request or doctored to look like one.
virtual bool isConvertTo() const { return false; }
/// Seconds to live for, or 0 forever
std::chrono::seconds _limitLifeSeconds;
std::string _uriOrig;
/// What type are we: affects priority.
ChildType _type;
const Poco::URI _uriPublic;
/// URL-based key. May be repeated during the lifetime of WSD.
const std::string _docKey;
/// Short numerical ID. Unique during the lifetime of WSD.
const std::string _docId;
const std::string _childRoot;
std::shared_ptr<ChildProcess> _childProcess;
std::string _uriJailed;
std::string _uriJailedAnonym;
std::string _jailId;
std::string _filename;
/// The state of the document.
/// This regulates all other primary operations.
class DocumentState
/// Strictly speaking, these are phases that are directional.
/// A document starts as New and progresses towards Unloaded.
/// Upon error, intermediary states may be skipped.
enum class Status
None, //< Doesn't exist, pending downloading.
Downloading, //< Download from Storage to disk. Synchronous.
Loading, //< Loading the document in Core.
Live, //< General availability for viewing/editing.
Destroying, //< End-of-life, marked to destroy.
Destroyed //< Unloading complete, destruction pending.
static std::string toString(Status status)
#define CASE(X) \
case X: \
return #X;
switch (status)
#undef CASE
return "Unknown Document Status";
: _status(Status::None)
, _closeRequested(false)
, _loaded(false)
DocumentState::Status status() const { return _status; }
void setStatus(Status newStatus)
LOG_TRC("Setting DocumentState from " << toString(_status) << " to "
<< toString(newStatus));
assert(newStatus >= _status && "The document status cannot regress");
_status = newStatus;
/// True iff the document had ever loaded completely, without implying it's still loaded.
bool hadLoaded() const { return _loaded; }
/// True iff the document is fully loaded and available for viewing/editing.
bool isLive() const { return _status == Status::Live; }
/// Transitions to Status::Live, implying the document has loaded.
void setLive()
LOG_TRC("Setting DocumentState to Status::Live from " << toString(_status));
// assert(_status == Status::Loading
// && "Document wasn't in Loading state to transition to Status::Live");
_loaded = true;
/// Flags the document for unloading and destruction.
void markToDestroy() { _status = Status::Destroying; }
bool isMarkedToDestroy() const { return _status >= Status::Destroying; }
/// Flag document termination. Cannot be reset.
void setCloseRequested() { _closeRequested = true; }
bool isCloseRequested() const { return _closeRequested; }
Status _status;
std::atomic<bool> _closeRequested; //< Owner-Termination flag.
std::atomic<bool> _loaded; //< If the document ever loaded (check isLive to see if it still is).
/// The main state of the document.
DocumentState _docState;
/// Set to true when document changed in storage and we are waiting
/// for user's command to act.
bool _documentChangedInStorage;
/// Indicates whether the last uploadToStorage operation was successful.
bool _lastStorageUploadSuccessful;
/// The last time we tried saving, regardless of whether the
/// document was modified and saved or not.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point _lastSaveTime;
/// The last time we sent a save request to lokit.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point _lastSaveRequestTime;
/// The last time we received a response for a save request from lokit.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point _lastSaveResponseTime;
/// The document's last-modified time on storage.
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point _documentLastModifiedTime;
/// The jailed file last-modified time.
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point _lastFileModifiedTime;
/// All session of this DocBroker by ID.
SessionMap<ClientSession> _sessions;
/// If we set the user-requested initial (on load) settings to be forced.
std::set<std::string> _isInitialStateSet;
std::unique_ptr<StorageBase> _storage;
std::unique_ptr<TileCache> _tileCache;
std::atomic<bool> _isModified;
int _cursorPosX;
int _cursorPosY;
int _cursorWidth;
int _cursorHeight;
mutable std::mutex _mutex;
std::unique_ptr<DocumentBrokerPoll> _poll;
std::atomic<bool> _stop;
std::string _closeReason;
std::unique_ptr<LockContext> _lockCtx;
/// Versioning is used to prevent races between
/// painting and invalidation.
std::atomic<std::size_t> _tileVersion;
int _debugRenderedTileCount;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point _lastActivityTime;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point _threadStart;
std::chrono::milliseconds _loadDuration;
std::chrono::milliseconds _wopiLoadDuration;
/// Unique DocBroker ID for tracing and debugging.
static std::atomic<unsigned> DocBrokerId;
// Relevant only in the mobile apps
const unsigned _mobileAppDocId;
// Maps download id -> URL
std::map<std::string, std::string> _registeredDownloadLinks;
class ConvertToBroker final : public DocumentBroker
const std::string _format;
const std::string _sOptions;
std::shared_ptr<ClientSession> _clientSession;
/// Construct DocumentBroker with URI and docKey
ConvertToBroker(const std::string& uri,
const Poco::URI& uriPublic,
const std::string& docKey,
const std::string& format,
const std::string& sOptions);
virtual ~ConvertToBroker();
/// Move socket to this broker for response & do conversion
bool startConversion(SocketDisposition &disposition, const std::string &id);
/// Called when removed from the DocBrokers list
void dispose() override;
/// When the load completes - lets start saving
void setLoaded() override;
/// How many live conversions are running.
static std::size_t getInstanceCount();
/// Cleanup path and its parent
static void removeFile(const std::string &uri);
bool isConvertTo() const override { return true; }
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