This is meant to reduce lots of small allocations and instead have pointers into the single string for the various tokens instead. This has a few requirements, though: 1) It's no longer OK to modify the tokens, changing their length would invalidate the start/length of other tokens. Rework DocumentBroker::load() to avoid such mutation. 2) The iterators no longer expose zero-terminated strings, so Poco::cat() doesn't work anymore: add an own cat() instead and use that in e.g. ChildSession. The own cat() has the benefit that it won't read past the end of the array if the begin index is out of bounds to add more safety. (This nicely works towards killing Poco usage in general.) 3) If zero-terminated strings for all individual tokens is needed, a copy has to be made, as done in spawnProcess(). (For all of these requirements, the build fails if there are problems.) Change-Id: Iea40e4400e630b2d669f5c72aea85cb40edf9a2c Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/online/+/89711 Reviewed-by: Michael Meeks <michael.meeks@collabora.com> Tested-by: Jenkins CollaboraOffice <jenkinscollaboraoffice@gmail.com>
573 lines
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573 lines
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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#include <cassert>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "Exceptions.hpp"
#include <Protocol.hpp>
#define TILE_WIRE_ID
typedef uint32_t TileWireId;
typedef uint64_t TileBinaryHash;
/// Tile Descriptor
/// Represents a tile's coordinates and dimensions.
class TileDesc
TileDesc(int normalizedViewId, int part, int width, int height, int tilePosX, int tilePosY, int tileWidth,
int tileHeight, int ver, int imgSize, int id, bool broadcast)
: _normalizedViewId(normalizedViewId)
, _part(part)
, _width(width)
, _height(height)
, _tilePosX(tilePosX)
, _tilePosY(tilePosY)
, _tileWidth(tileWidth)
, _tileHeight(tileHeight)
, _ver(ver)
, _imgSize(imgSize)
, _id(id)
, _broadcast(broadcast)
, _oldWireId(0)
, _wireId(0)
if (_normalizedViewId < 0 ||
_part < 0 ||
_width <= 0 ||
_height <= 0 ||
_tilePosX < 0 ||
_tilePosY < 0 ||
_tileWidth <= 0 ||
_tileHeight <= 0 ||
_imgSize < 0)
throw BadArgumentException("Invalid tile descriptor.");
int getNormalizedViewId() const { return _normalizedViewId; }
void setNormalizedViewId(const int normalizedViewId) { _normalizedViewId = normalizedViewId; }
int getPart() const { return _part; }
int getWidth() const { return _width; }
int getHeight() const { return _height; }
int getTilePosX() const { return _tilePosX; }
int getTilePosY() const { return _tilePosY; }
int getTileWidth() const { return _tileWidth; }
int getTileHeight() const { return _tileHeight; }
int getVersion() const { return _ver; }
void setVersion(const int ver) { _ver = ver; }
int getImgSize() const { return _imgSize; }
void setImgSize(const int imgSize) { _imgSize = imgSize; }
int getId() const { return _id; }
bool getBroadcast() const { return _broadcast; }
void setOldWireId(TileWireId id) { _oldWireId = id; }
TileWireId getOldWireId() const { return _oldWireId; }
void setWireId(TileWireId id) { _wireId = id; }
TileWireId getWireId() const { return _wireId; }
bool operator==(const TileDesc& other) const
return _part == other._part &&
_width == other._width &&
_height == other._height &&
_tilePosX == other._tilePosX &&
_tilePosY == other._tilePosY &&
_tileWidth == other._tileWidth &&
_tileHeight == other._tileHeight &&
_id == other._id &&
_broadcast == other._broadcast &&
_normalizedViewId == other._normalizedViewId;
static bool rectanglesIntersect(int x1, int y1, int w1, int h1, int x2, int y2, int w2, int h2)
return x1 + w1 >= x2 &&
x1 <= x2 + w2 &&
y1 + h1 >= y2 &&
y1 <= y2 + h2;
bool intersectsWithRect(int x, int y, int w, int h) const
return rectanglesIntersect(getTilePosX(), getTilePosY(), getTileWidth(), getTileHeight(), x, y, w, h);
bool intersects(const TileDesc& other) const
return intersectsWithRect(other.getTilePosX(), other.getTilePosY(),
other.getTileWidth(), other.getTileHeight());
bool isAdjacent(const TileDesc& other) const
if (other.getPart() != getPart() ||
other.getWidth() != getWidth() ||
other.getHeight() != getHeight() ||
other.getTileWidth() != getTileWidth() ||
other.getTileHeight() != getTileHeight())
return false;
return intersects(other);
bool onSameRow(const TileDesc& other) const
if (other.getPart() != getPart() ||
other.getWidth() != getWidth() ||
other.getHeight() != getHeight() ||
other.getTileWidth() != getTileWidth() ||
other.getTileHeight() != getTileHeight() ||
other.getNormalizedViewId() != getNormalizedViewId())
return false;
return other.getTilePosY() + other.getTileHeight() >= getTilePosY() &&
other.getTilePosY() <= getTilePosY() + getTileHeight();
bool canCombine(const TileDesc& other) const
if (!onSameRow(other))
return false;
int gridX = getTilePosX() / getTileWidth();
int gridXOther = other.getTilePosX() / other.getTileWidth();
int delta = gridX - gridXOther;
// a 4k screen - is sixteen 256 pixel wide tiles wide.
if (delta < -16 || delta > 16)
return false;
return true;
/// Serialize this instance into a string.
/// Optionally prepend a prefix.
std::string serialize(const std::string& prefix = std::string(),
const std::string& suffix = std::string()) const
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << prefix
<< " nviewid=" << _normalizedViewId
<< " part=" << _part
<< " width=" << _width
<< " height=" << _height
<< " tileposx=" << _tilePosX
<< " tileposy=" << _tilePosY
<< " tilewidth=" << _tileWidth
<< " tileheight=" << _tileHeight
<< " oldwid=" << _oldWireId
<< " wid=" << _wireId;
// Anything after ver is optional.
oss << " ver=" << _ver;
if (_id >= 0)
oss << " id=" << _id;
if (_imgSize > 0)
oss << " imgsize=" << _imgSize;
if (_broadcast)
oss << " broadcast=yes";
oss << suffix;
return oss.str();
/// Deserialize a TileDesc from a tokenized string.
static TileDesc parse(const StringVector& tokens)
// We don't expect undocumented fields and
// assume all values to be int.
std::map<std::string, int> pairs;
// Optional.
pairs["ver"] = -1;
pairs["imgsize"] = 0;
pairs["id"] = -1;
TileWireId oldWireId = 0;
TileWireId wireId = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i)
if (LOOLProtocol::getTokenUInt32(tokens[i], "oldwid", oldWireId))
else if (LOOLProtocol::getTokenUInt32(tokens[i], "wid", wireId))
std::string name;
int value = -1;
if (LOOLProtocol::parseNameIntegerPair(tokens[i], name, value))
pairs[name] = value;
std::string s;
const bool broadcast = (LOOLProtocol::getTokenString(tokens, "broadcast", s) &&
s == "yes");
TileDesc result(pairs["nviewid"], pairs["part"], pairs["width"], pairs["height"],
pairs["tileposx"], pairs["tileposy"],
pairs["tilewidth"], pairs["tileheight"],
pairs["imgsize"], pairs["id"], broadcast);
return result;
/// Deserialize a TileDesc from a string format.
static TileDesc parse(const std::string& message)
return parse(LOOLProtocol::tokenize(message.data(), message.size()));
std::string generateID() const
std::ostringstream tileID;
tileID << getPart() << ":" << getTilePosX() << ":" << getTilePosY() << ":"
<< getTileWidth() << ":" << getTileHeight() << ":" << getNormalizedViewId();
return tileID.str();
int _normalizedViewId;
int _part;
int _width;
int _height;
int _tilePosX;
int _tilePosY;
int _tileWidth;
int _tileHeight;
int _ver; //< Versioning support.
int _imgSize; //< Used for responses.
int _id;
bool _broadcast;
TileWireId _oldWireId;
TileWireId _wireId;
/// One or more tile header.
/// Used to request the rendering of multiple
/// tiles as well as the header of the response.
class TileCombined
TileCombined(int normalizedViewId, int part, int width, int height,
const std::string& tilePositionsX, const std::string& tilePositionsY,
int tileWidth, int tileHeight, const std::string& vers,
const std::string& imgSizes,
const std::string& oldWireIds,
const std::string& wireIds) :
if (_part < 0 ||
_width <= 0 ||
_height <= 0 ||
_tileWidth <= 0 ||
_tileHeight <= 0)
throw BadArgumentException("Invalid tilecombine descriptor.");
StringVector positionXtokens(LOOLProtocol::tokenize(tilePositionsX, ','));
StringVector positionYtokens(LOOLProtocol::tokenize(tilePositionsY, ','));
StringVector imgSizeTokens(LOOLProtocol::tokenize(imgSizes, ','));
StringVector verTokens(LOOLProtocol::tokenize(vers, ','));
StringVector oldWireIdTokens(LOOLProtocol::tokenize(oldWireIds, ','));
StringVector wireIdTokens(LOOLProtocol::tokenize(wireIds, ','));
const size_t numberOfPositions = positionXtokens.size();
// check that the comma-separated strings have the same number of elements
if (numberOfPositions != positionYtokens.size() ||
(!imgSizes.empty() && numberOfPositions != imgSizeTokens.size()) ||
(!vers.empty() && numberOfPositions != verTokens.size()) ||
(!oldWireIds.empty() && numberOfPositions != oldWireIdTokens.size()) ||
(!wireIds.empty() && numberOfPositions != wireIdTokens.size()))
throw BadArgumentException("Invalid tilecombine descriptor. Unequal number of tiles in parameters.");
for (size_t i = 0; i < numberOfPositions; ++i)
int x = 0;
if (!LOOLProtocol::stringToInteger(positionXtokens[i], x))
throw BadArgumentException("Invalid 'tileposx' in tilecombine descriptor.");
int y = 0;
if (!LOOLProtocol::stringToInteger(positionYtokens[i], y))
throw BadArgumentException("Invalid 'tileposy' in tilecombine descriptor.");
int imgSize = 0;
if (!imgSizeTokens.empty() && !LOOLProtocol::stringToInteger(imgSizeTokens[i], imgSize))
throw BadArgumentException("Invalid 'imgsize' in tilecombine descriptor.");
int ver = -1;
if (!verTokens.empty() && !verTokens[i].empty() && !LOOLProtocol::stringToInteger(verTokens[i], ver))
throw BadArgumentException("Invalid 'ver' in tilecombine descriptor.");
TileWireId oldWireId = 0;
if (!oldWireIdTokens.empty() && !LOOLProtocol::stringToUInt32(oldWireIdTokens[i], oldWireId))
throw BadArgumentException("Invalid tilecombine descriptor.");
TileWireId wireId = 0;
if (!wireIdTokens.empty() && !LOOLProtocol::stringToUInt32(wireIdTokens[i], wireId))
throw BadArgumentException("Invalid tilecombine descriptor.");
_tiles.emplace_back(_normalizedViewId, _part, _width, _height, x, y, _tileWidth, _tileHeight, ver, imgSize, -1, false);
int getNormalizedViewId() const { return _normalizedViewId; }
int getPart() const { return _part; }
int getWidth() const { return _width; }
int getHeight() const { return _height; }
int getTileWidth() const { return _tileWidth; }
int getTileHeight() const { return _tileHeight; }
const std::vector<TileDesc>& getTiles() const { return _tiles; }
std::vector<TileDesc>& getTiles() { return _tiles; }
void setNormalizedViewId(int nViewId)
for (auto& tile : getTiles())
_normalizedViewId = nViewId;
/// Serialize this instance into a string.
/// Optionally prepend a prefix.
std::string serialize(const std::string& prefix = std::string(),
const std::string& suffix = std::string()) const
return serialize(prefix, suffix, _tiles);
std::string serialize(const std::string& prefix, const std::string &suffix,
const std::vector<TileDesc> &tiles) const
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << prefix
<< " nviewid=" << _normalizedViewId
<< " part=" << _part
<< " width=" << _width
<< " height=" << _height
<< " tileposx=";
for (const auto& tile : tiles)
oss << tile.getTilePosX() << ',';
oss.seekp(-1, std::ios_base::cur); // Seek back over last comma, overwritten below.
oss << " tileposy=";
for (const auto& tile : tiles)
oss << tile.getTilePosY() << ',';
oss.seekp(-1, std::ios_base::cur); // Ditto.
oss << " imgsize=";
for (const auto& tile : tiles)
oss << tile.getImgSize() << ','; // Ditto.
oss.seekp(-1, std::ios_base::cur);
oss << " tilewidth=" << _tileWidth
<< " tileheight=" << _tileHeight;
oss << " ver=";
for (const auto& tile : tiles)
oss << tile.getVersion() << ',';
oss.seekp(-1, std::ios_base::cur); // Ditto.
oss << " oldwid=";
for (const auto& tile : tiles)
oss << tile.getOldWireId() << ',';
oss.seekp(-1, std::ios_base::cur); // Ditto
oss << " wid=";
bool comma = false;
for (const auto& tile : tiles)
if (comma)
oss << ',';
oss << tile.getWireId();
comma = true;
oss << suffix;
return oss.str();
/// Deserialize a TileDesc from a tokenized string.
static TileCombined parse(const StringVector& tokens)
// We don't expect undocumented fields and
// assume all values to be int.
std::map<std::string, int> pairs;
std::string tilePositionsX;
std::string tilePositionsY;
std::string imgSizes;
std::string versions;
std::string oldwireIds;
std::string wireIds;
for (const auto& token : tokens)
std::string name;
std::string value;
if (LOOLProtocol::parseNameValuePair(tokens.getParam(token), name, value))
if (name == "tileposx")
tilePositionsX = value;
else if (name == "tileposy")
tilePositionsY = value;
else if (name == "imgsize")
imgSizes = value;
else if (name == "ver")
versions = value;
else if (name == "oldwid")
oldwireIds = value;
else if (name == "wid")
wireIds = value;
int v = 0;
if (LOOLProtocol::stringToInteger(value, v))
pairs[name] = v;
return TileCombined(pairs["nviewid"], pairs["part"], pairs["width"], pairs["height"],
tilePositionsX, tilePositionsY,
pairs["tilewidth"], pairs["tileheight"],
versions, imgSizes, oldwireIds, wireIds);
/// Deserialize a TileDesc from a string format.
static TileCombined parse(const std::string& message)
return parse(LOOLProtocol::tokenize(message.data(), message.size()));
static TileCombined create(const std::vector<TileDesc>& tiles)
std::ostringstream xs;
std::ostringstream ys;
std::ostringstream vers;
std::ostringstream oldhs;
std::ostringstream hs;
for (const auto& tile : tiles)
xs << tile.getTilePosX() << ',';
ys << tile.getTilePosY() << ',';
vers << tile.getVersion() << ',';
oldhs << tile.getOldWireId() << ',';
hs << tile.getWireId() << ',';
vers.seekp(-1, std::ios_base::cur); // Remove last comma.
return TileCombined(tiles[0].getNormalizedViewId(), tiles[0].getPart(), tiles[0].getWidth(), tiles[0].getHeight(),
xs.str(), ys.str(), tiles[0].getTileWidth(), tiles[0].getTileHeight(),
vers.str(), "", oldhs.str(), hs.str());
/// To support legacy / under-used renderTile
TileCombined(const TileDesc &desc)
_part = desc.getPart();
_width = desc.getWidth();
_height = desc.getHeight();
_tileWidth = desc.getTileWidth();
_tileHeight = desc.getTileHeight();
_normalizedViewId = desc.getNormalizedViewId();
std::vector<TileDesc> _tiles;
int _normalizedViewId;
int _part;
int _width;
int _height;
int _tileWidth;
int _tileHeight;
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