Ashod Nakashian 17cdf3766d wsd: test: improve the stability of UnitCopyPaste
The .uno:Copy command has to get executed before
we can read the clipboard. Since .uno commands
are executed asynchronously, it possible to
invoke getClipboard before having the data
copied into it, thereby failing the test.

Here we wait for the first sign that the
.uno commands have been executed, although
we can't know if they have finished or not.

This improves the test reliability significantly.

Change-Id: I7da1e4a32092c05dfb533571ea50d5edbc07f554
Signed-off-by: Ashod Nakashian <>
2021-04-27 08:09:49 -04:00

378 lines
15 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
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// Test various copy/paste pieces ...
#include <config.h>
#include "lokassert.hpp"
#include <Unit.hpp>
#include <UnitHTTP.hpp>
#include <helpers.hpp>
#include <sstream>
#include <wsd/LOOLWSD.hpp>
#include <common/Clipboard.hpp>
#include <wsd/ClientSession.hpp>
#include <net/WebSocketSession.hpp>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPResponse.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPServerRequest.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTMLForm.h>
#include <Poco/Net/StringPartSource.h>
#include <Poco/Util/LayeredConfiguration.h>
#include <test.hpp>
using namespace Poco::Net;
// Inside the WSD process
class UnitCopyPaste : public UnitWSD
: UnitWSD("UnitCopyPaste")
void configure(Poco::Util::LayeredConfiguration& config) override
// force HTTPS - to test harder
config.setBool("ssl.enable", true);
std::string getRawClipboard(const std::string &clipURIstr)
Poco::URI clipURI(clipURIstr);
HTTPResponse response;
HTTPRequest request(HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET, clipURI.getPathAndQuery());
std::unique_ptr<HTTPClientSession> session(helpers::createSession(clipURI));
session->setTimeout(Poco::Timespan(10, 0)); // 10 seconds.
std::istream& responseStream = session->receiveResponse(response);
return std::string(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(responseStream), {});
std::shared_ptr<ClipboardData> getClipboard(const std::string &clipURIstr,
HTTPResponse::HTTPStatus expected)
LOG_TST("getClipboard: connect to " << clipURIstr);
Poco::URI clipURI(clipURIstr);
HTTPResponse response;
HTTPRequest request(HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET, clipURI.getPathAndQuery());
std::unique_ptr<HTTPClientSession> session(helpers::createSession(clipURI));
session->setTimeout(Poco::Timespan(10, 0)); // 10 seconds.
LOG_TST("getClipboard: sent request: " << clipURI.getPathAndQuery());
try {
std::istream& responseStream = session->receiveResponse(response);
LOG_TST("getClipboard: HTTP get request returned reason: " << response.getReason());
if (response.getStatus() != expected)
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("clipboard status mismatches expected", expected,
return std::shared_ptr<ClipboardData>();
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("getClipboard: clipboard content-type mismatches expected",
auto clipboard = std::make_shared<ClipboardData>();
std::ostringstream oss;
LOG_TST("getClipboard: got response. State:\n" << oss.str());
return clipboard;
} catch (Poco::Exception &e) {
LOG_TST("Poco exception: " << e.message());
return std::shared_ptr<ClipboardData>();
bool assertClipboard(const std::shared_ptr<ClipboardData> &clipboard,
const std::string &mimeType, const std::string &content)
bool failed = false;
std::string value;
// allow empty clipboards
if (clipboard && mimeType.empty() && content.empty())
return true;
if (!clipboard || !clipboard->findType(mimeType, value))
LOG_TST("Error: missing clipboard or missing clipboard mime type '" << mimeType
<< '\'');
LOK_ASSERT_FAIL("Missing clipboard mime type");
failed = true;
else if (value != content)
LOG_TST("Error: clipboard content mismatch "
<< value.length() << " bytes vs. " << content.length() << " bytes. Clipboard:\n"
<< Util::dumpHex(value) << "Expected:\n"
<< Util::dumpHex(content));
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Clipboard content mismatch", content, value);
failed = true;
if (failed)
return false;
return true;
bool fetchClipboardAssert(const std::string &clipURI,
const std::string &mimeType,
const std::string &content,
HTTPResponse::HTTPStatus expected = HTTPResponse::HTTP_OK)
std::shared_ptr<ClipboardData> clipboard = getClipboard(clipURI, expected);
return assertClipboard(clipboard, mimeType, content);
catch (const ParseError& err)
LOG_TST("Error fetching clipboard: parse error: " << err.toString());
return false;
catch (const std::exception& ex)
LOG_TST("Error fetching clipboard: " << ex.what());
return false;
catch (...)
LOG_TST("Error fetching clipboard: unknown exception during read / parse");
return false;
return true;
bool setClipboard(const std::string &clipURIstr, const std::string &rawData,
HTTPResponse::HTTPStatus expected)
LOG_TST("connect to " << clipURIstr);
Poco::URI clipURI(clipURIstr);
std::unique_ptr<HTTPClientSession> session(helpers::createSession(clipURI));
Poco::URI clipURIPoco(clipURI);
HTTPRequest request(HTTPRequest::HTTP_POST, clipURIPoco.getPathAndQuery());
HTMLForm form;
form.set("format", "txt");
form.addPart("data", new StringPartSource(rawData, "application/octet-stream", "clipboard"));
HTTPResponse response;
std::stringstream actualStream;
try {
} catch (NoMessageException &) {
LOG_TST("Error: No response from setting clipboard.");
return false;
if (response.getStatus() != expected)
LOG_TST("Error: response for clipboard " << response.getStatus() << " != expected "
<< expected);
return false;
return true;
std::string getSessionClipboardURI(size_t session)
std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker> broker;
std::shared_ptr<ClientSession> clientSession;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker>> brokers = LOOLWSD::getBrokersTestOnly();
assert(brokers.size() > 0);
broker = brokers[0];
auto sessions = broker->getSessionsTestOnlyUnsafe();
assert(sessions.size() > 0 && session < sessions.size());
clientSession = sessions[session];
std::string tag = clientSession->getClipboardURI(false); // nominally thread unsafe
LOG_TST("Got tag '" << tag << "' for session " << session);
return tag;
std::string buildClipboardText(const std::string &text)
std::stringstream clipData;
clipData << "text/plain;charset=utf-8\n"
<< std::hex << text.length() << '\n'
<< text << '\n';
return clipData.str();
void invokeWSDTest() override
std::string testname = "copypaste ";
// NOTE: This code has multiple race-conditions!
// The main one is that the fetching of clipboard
// data (via fetchClipboardAssert) is done via
// independent HTTP GET requests that have nothing
// whatever with the long-lived WebSocket that
// processes all the client commands below.
// This suffers a very interesting race, which is
// that the getClipboard command may end up
// anywhere within the Kit queue, even before the
// other commands preceeding it in this test!
// As an example: in the 'Inject content' case we
// send .uno:Deselect, paste, .uno:SelectAll,
// .uno:Copy (all through the WebSocket), and an
// HTTP GET for the getClipboard. But, in DocBroker,
// the WebSocket commands might be interleaved with
// the getClipboard, such that the Kit might receive
// .uno:Deselect, paste, .uno:SelectAll, getClipboard,
// .uno:Copy! This has been observed in practice.
// There are other race-conditions, too.
// For example, even if Kit gets these commands in
// the correct order (i.e. getClipboard last, after
// .uno:Copy), getClipboard is executed immediately
// while all the .uno commands are queued for async
// execution. This means that when getClipboard is
// executed in Core, the .uno:Copy command might not
// have yet been executed and, therefore, will not
// contain the expected contents, failing the test.
// To combat these races, we drain the events coming
// from Core before we read the clipboard through
// getClipboard. This way we are reasonably in
// control of the state. Notice that the client
// code will suffer these races, if the getClipboard
// HTTP GET is done "too soon" after a copy, but
// that is unlikely in practice because the URL for
// getClipboard is generated as a link to the user,
// which is clicked to download the clipboard contents.
// Load a doc with the cursor saved at a top row.
// NOTE: This load a spreadsheet, not a writer doc!
std::string documentPath, documentURL;
helpers::getDocumentPathAndURL("empty.ods", documentPath, documentURL, testname);
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket = helpers::loadDocAndGetSession(
socketPoll(), Poco::URI(helpers::getTestServerURI()), documentURL, testname);
std::string clipURI = getSessionClipboardURI(0);
LOG_TST("Fetch empty clipboard content after loading");
if (!fetchClipboardAssert(clipURI, "", ""))
// Check existing content
LOG_TST("Fetch pristine content from the document");
helpers::sendTextFrame(socket, "uno .uno:SelectAll", testname);
helpers::sendAndDrain(socket, testname, "uno .uno:Copy", "statechanged:");
std::string oneColumn = "2\n3\n5\n";
if (!fetchClipboardAssert(clipURI, "text/plain;charset=utf-8", oneColumn))
LOG_TST("Open second connection");
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket2 = helpers::loadDocAndGetSession(
socketPoll(), Poco::URI(helpers::getTestServerURI()), documentURL, testname);
std::string clipURI2 = getSessionClipboardURI(1);
LOG_TST("Check no clipboard content on second view");
if (!fetchClipboardAssert(clipURI2, "", ""))
LOG_TST("Inject content through first view");
helpers::sendTextFrame(socket, "uno .uno:Deselect", testname);
std::string text = "This is some content?&*/\\!!";
helpers::sendTextFrame(socket, "paste mimetype=text/plain;charset=utf-8\n" + text, testname);
helpers::sendTextFrame(socket, "uno .uno:SelectAll", testname);
helpers::sendAndDrain(socket, testname, "uno .uno:Copy", "statechanged:");
std::string existing = "2\t\n3\t\n5\t";
if (!fetchClipboardAssert(clipURI, "text/plain;charset=utf-8", existing + text + '\n'))
LOG_TST("re-check no clipboard content");
if (!fetchClipboardAssert(clipURI2, "", ""))
LOG_TST("Push new clipboard content");
std::string newcontent = "1234567890";
helpers::sendAndWait(socket, testname, "uno .uno:Deselect", "statechanged:");
if (!setClipboard(clipURI, buildClipboardText(newcontent), HTTPResponse::HTTP_OK))
helpers::sendAndWait(socket, testname, "uno .uno:Paste", "statechanged:");
if (!fetchClipboardAssert(clipURI, "text/plain;charset=utf-8", newcontent))
LOG_TST("Check the result.");
helpers::sendTextFrame(socket, "uno .uno:SelectAll", testname);
helpers::sendAndDrain(socket, testname, "uno .uno:Copy", "statechanged:");
if (!fetchClipboardAssert(clipURI, "text/plain;charset=utf-8", existing + newcontent + '\n'))
LOG_TST("Setup clipboards:");
if (!setClipboard(clipURI2, buildClipboardText("kippers"), HTTPResponse::HTTP_OK))
if (!setClipboard(clipURI, buildClipboardText("herring"), HTTPResponse::HTTP_OK))
LOG_TST("Fetch clipboards:");
if (!fetchClipboardAssert(clipURI2, "text/plain;charset=utf-8", "kippers"))
if (!fetchClipboardAssert(clipURI, "text/plain;charset=utf-8", "herring"))
LOG_TST("Close sockets:");
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket 2",
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket 0",
sleep(1); // paranoia.
LOG_TST("Fetch clipboards after shutdown:");
if (!fetchClipboardAssert(clipURI2, "text/plain;charset=utf-8", "kippers"))
if (!fetchClipboardAssert(clipURI, "text/plain;charset=utf-8", "herring"))
LOG_TST("Clipboard tests succeeded");
UnitBase *unit_create_wsd(void)
return new UnitCopyPaste();
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