Szymon Kłos c94be3e5f8 formulabar: use IME with new contenteditable
It converts textarea into contenteditable div.
Input is handled by TextInput.js used for document
and already in the past for formulabar. Replaces
usage of keyevents which are not triggered with
eg. Japanese.

Fixes also #6737
Fixes on mobile #6767 requires:

New widget consists of text layer with visible content
and cursor layer with selections and cursor. When clicked
it focuses TextInput.js field for typing.

Signed-off-by: Szymon Kłos <>
Change-Id: Ieb7cf148a5aba80ab790e0b53c3a5ba27f166b73
2023-07-02 18:55:12 -04:00

233 lines
7.5 KiB

/* global cy expect Cypress require expect */
var helper = require('./helper');
// Click on the formula bar.
// mouseover is triggered to avoid leaving the mouse on the Formula-Bar,
// which shows the tooltip and messes up tests.
function clickFormulaBar() {
// The inputbar_container is 100% width, which
// can extend behind the sidebar. So we can't
// rely on its width. Instead, we rely on the
// canvas, which is accurately sized.
// N.B. Setting the width of the inputbar_container
// is futile because it messes the size of the canvas.
helper.doIfOnMobile(function() {
// Click on the first cell of the sheet (A1), we use the document
// top left corner to achive that, so it work's if the view is at the
// start of the sheet.
// Parameters:
// firstClick - this is the first click on the cell. It matters on mobile only,
// becasue on mobile, the first click/tap selects the cell, the second
// one makes the document to step in cell editing.
// dblClick - to do a double click or not. The result of double click is that the cell
// editing it triggered both on desktop and mobile.
function clickOnFirstCell(firstClick = true, dblClick = false) {
cy.log('Clicking on first cell - start.');
cy.log('Param - firstClick: ' + firstClick);
cy.log('Param - dblClick: ' + dblClick);
// Use the tile's edge to find the first cell's position
.then(function(items) {
var XPos = items[0].getBoundingClientRect().left + 10;
var YPos = items[0].getBoundingClientRect().top + 10;
if (dblClick)
cy.cGet('body').click(XPos, YPos).dblclick(XPos, YPos);
cy.cGet('body').click(XPos, YPos);
if (firstClick && !dblClick) {
.should(function (elem) {
} else {
cy.cGet('.cursor-overlay .blinking-cursor').should('be.visible');
helper.doIfOnDesktop(function() {
cy.cGet('input#addressInput').should('have.prop', 'value', 'A1');
cy.log('Clicking on first cell - end.');
// Double click on the A1 cell.
function dblClickOnFirstCell() {
clickOnFirstCell(false, true);
// Type some text into the formula bar.
// Parameters:
// text - the text the method type into the formula bar's intput field.
function typeIntoFormulabar(text) {
cy.log('Typing into formulabar - start.');
.then(function(cursor) {
if (!Cypress.dom.isVisible(cursor)) {
cy.cGet('#sc_input_window.formulabar').click(); // This probably shouldn't be here, but acceptformula doesn't get visible without a click.
cy.cGet('#sc_input_window.formulabar').should('have.class', 'focused');
helper.doIfOnMobile(function() {
helper.doIfOnDesktop(function() {
cy.log('Typing into formulabar - end.');
// Remove exisiting text selection by clicking on
// row headers at the center position, until a
// a row is selected (and text seletion is removed).
function removeTextSelection() {
cy.log('Removing text selection - start.');
cy.cGet('[id="test-div-row header"]')
.then(function(header) {
var rect = header[0].getBoundingClientRect();
var posX = (rect.right + rect.left) / 2.0;
var posY = ( + rect.bottom) / 2.0;
var moveY = 0.0;
cy.waitUntil(function() {
cy.cGet('body').click(posX, posY + moveY);
moveY += 1.0;
var regex = /A([0-9]+):(AMJ|XFD)\1$/;
return cy.cGet('input#addressInput')
.should('have.prop', 'value')
.then(function(value) {
return regex.test(value);
cy.log('Removing text selection - end.');
// Select the enitre sheet, using the select all button
// at the corner of the row and column headers.
// An additional thing, what this method do is remove
// preexisitng text selection. Otherwise with having the
// text selection, select all would select only the content
// of the currently edited cell instead of the whole table.
function selectEntireSheet() {
cy.log('Selecting entire sheet - start.');
cy.cGet('[id="test-div-corner header"]')
.then(function(items) {
var corner = items[0];
var XPos = (corner.getBoundingClientRect().right + items[0].getBoundingClientRect().left) / 2;
var YPos = items[0].getBoundingClientRect().bottom - 10;
cy.cGet('body').click(XPos, YPos);
helper.doIfOnMobile(function() {
var regex = /^A1:(AMJ|XFD)1048576$/;
.should('have.prop', 'value')
.then(function(value) {
return regex.test(value);
cy.log('Selecting entire sheet - end.');
// Select first column of a calc document.
// We try to achive this by clicking on the left end
// of the column headers. Of course if the first column
// has a very small width, then this might fail.
function selectFirstColumn() {
cy.cGet('[id="test-div-column header"]')
.then(function(items) {
var bounds = items[0].getBoundingClientRect();
var XPos = bounds.left + 10;
var YPos = ( + bounds.bottom) / 2;
cy.cGet('body').click(XPos, YPos);
cy.cGet('input#addressInput').should('have.prop', 'value', 'A1:A1048576');
function ensureViewContainsCellCursor() {
var sheetViewBounds = new helper.Bounds();
var sheetCursorBounds = new helper.Bounds();
helper.getOverlayItemBounds('#test-div-overlay-cell-cursor-border-0', sheetCursorBounds);
helper.getItemBounds('#test-div-tiles', sheetViewBounds);
cy.wrap(true).then(function () {
cy.log('ensureViewContainsCellCursor: cursor-area is ' + sheetCursorBounds.toString() + ' view-area is ' + sheetViewBounds.toString());
expect(sheetViewBounds.contains(sheetCursorBounds)).to.equal(true, 'view-area must contain cursor-area');
function assertDataClipboardTable(expectedData) {
cy.cGet('#copy-paste-container table td')
.should(function(cells) {
var data = [];
cy.cGet('#copy-paste-container tbody').find('td').each(($el) => {
.then(text => {
}).then(() => expect(data).to.deep.eq(expectedData));
function selectCellsInRange(range) {
cy.cGet('#tb_formulabar_item_address #addressInput')
.type(range + '{enter}');
module.exports.clickOnFirstCell = clickOnFirstCell;
module.exports.dblClickOnFirstCell = dblClickOnFirstCell;
module.exports.clickFormulaBar = clickFormulaBar;
module.exports.typeIntoFormulabar = typeIntoFormulabar;
module.exports.removeTextSelection = removeTextSelection;
module.exports.selectEntireSheet = selectEntireSheet;
module.exports.selectFirstColumn = selectFirstColumn;
module.exports.ensureViewContainsCellCursor = ensureViewContainsCellCursor;
module.exports.assertDataClipboardTable = assertDataClipboardTable;
module.exports.selectCellsInRange = selectCellsInRange;