Miklos Vajna 1dde430bcf wsd: spell out non-trivial autos to improve readability
Change-Id: I0e1f169fc39e5c722704e1cae487147d929f7350
2018-02-07 10:18:12 +01:00

691 lines
25 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
#include <config.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <zlib.h>
#include <security/pam_appl.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <Poco/DateTime.h>
#include <Poco/DateTimeFormat.h>
#include <Poco/DateTimeFormatter.h>
#include <Poco/Exception.h>
#include <Poco/FileStream.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTMLForm.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPBasicCredentials.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPCookie.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPRequest.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPResponse.h>
#include <Poco/Net/NameValueCollection.h>
#include <Poco/Net/NetException.h>
#include <Poco/Runnable.h>
#include <Poco/StreamCopier.h>
#include <Poco/StringTokenizer.h>
#include <Poco/URI.h>
#include "Auth.hpp"
#include <Common.hpp>
#include "FileServer.hpp"
#include "LOOLWSD.hpp"
#include <Log.hpp>
#include <Protocol.hpp>
using Poco::Net::HTMLForm;
using Poco::Net::HTTPBasicCredentials;
using Poco::Net::HTTPRequest;
using Poco::Net::HTTPResponse;
using Poco::Net::NameValueCollection;
using Poco::Util::Application;
std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::string, std::string>> FileServerRequestHandler::FileHash;
namespace {
int functionConversation(int /*num_msg*/, const struct pam_message** /*msg*/,
struct pam_response **reply, void *appdata_ptr)
*reply = (struct pam_response *)malloc(sizeof(struct pam_response));
(*reply)[0].resp = strdup(static_cast<char *>(appdata_ptr));
(*reply)[0].resp_retcode = 0;
bool isPamAuthOk(const std::string& user, const std::string& pass)
struct pam_conv localConversation { functionConversation, nullptr };
pam_handle_t *localAuthHandle = NULL;
int retval;
localConversation.appdata_ptr = const_cast<char *>(pass.c_str());
retval = pam_start("loolwsd", user.c_str(), &localConversation, &localAuthHandle);
if (retval != PAM_SUCCESS)
LOG_ERR("pam_start returned " << retval);
return false;
retval = pam_authenticate(localAuthHandle, 0);
if (retval != PAM_SUCCESS)
if (retval == PAM_AUTH_ERR)
LOG_ERR("PAM authentication failure for user \"" << user << "\".");
LOG_ERR("pam_authenticate returned " << retval);
return false;
LOG_INF("PAM authentication success for user \"" << user << "\".");
retval = pam_end(localAuthHandle, retval);
if (retval != PAM_SUCCESS)
LOG_WRN("pam_end returned " << retval);
return true;
bool FileServerRequestHandler::isAdminLoggedIn(const HTTPRequest& request,
HTTPResponse &response)
const auto& config = Application::instance().config();
const std::string sslKeyPath = config.getString("ssl.key_file_path", "");
NameValueCollection cookies;
const std::string jwtToken = cookies.get("jwt");
LOG_INF("Verifying JWT token: " << jwtToken);
JWTAuth authAgent(sslKeyPath, "admin", "admin", "admin");
if (authAgent.verify(jwtToken))
LOG_TRC("JWT token is valid");
return true;
LOG_INF("Invalid JWT token, let the administrator re-login");
catch (const Poco::Exception& exc)
LOG_INF("No existing JWT cookie found");
HTTPBasicCredentials credentials(request);
std::string userProvidedPwd = credentials.getPassword();
const std::string& userProvidedUsr = credentials.getUsername();
// If no cookie found, or is invalid, let admin re-login
const std::string user = config.getString("admin_console.username", "");
std::string pass = config.getString("admin_console.password", "");
const bool pam = config.getBool("admin_console.enable_pam", "true");
if (config.has("admin_console.secure_password"))
pass = config.getString("admin_console.secure_password");
// Extract the salt from the config
std::vector<unsigned char> saltData;
std::vector<std::string> tokens = LOOLProtocol::tokenize(pass, '.');
if (tokens.size() != 5 ||
tokens[0] != "pbkdf2" ||
tokens[1] != "sha512" ||
!Util::dataFromHexString(tokens[3], saltData))
LOG_ERR("Incorrect format detected for secure_password in config file."
<< "Use loolconfig to configure admin password.");
unsigned char userProvidedPwdHash[tokens[4].size() / 2];
PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC(userProvidedPwd.c_str(), -1,, saltData.size(),
sizeof userProvidedPwdHash, userProvidedPwdHash);
std::stringstream stream;
for (unsigned long j = 0; j < sizeof userProvidedPwdHash; ++j)
stream << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << static_cast<int>(userProvidedPwdHash[j]);
userProvidedPwd = stream.str();
pass = tokens[4];
LOG_ERR("The config file has admin_console.secure_password setting, "
<< "but this application was compiled with old OpenSSL version, "
<< "and this setting cannot be used. Falling back to plain text password or to PAM, if it is set.");
if (!pam && (user.empty() || pass.empty()))
LOG_ERR("Admin Console credentials missing. Denying access until set.");
return false;
bool authenticated = false;
if (userProvidedUsr == user && userProvidedPwd == pass)
authenticated = true;
if (!authenticated && pam)
authenticated = isPamAuthOk(userProvidedUsr, userProvidedPwd);
if (authenticated)
// generate and set the cookie
JWTAuth authAgent(sslKeyPath, "admin", "admin", "admin");
const std::string jwtToken = authAgent.getAccessToken();
Poco::Net::HTTPCookie cookie("jwt", jwtToken);
// bundlify appears to add an extra /dist -> dist/dist/admin
cookie.setSecure(LOOLWSD::isSSLEnabled() ||
LOG_INF("Wrong admin credentials.");
return authenticated;
void FileServerRequestHandler::handleRequest(const HTTPRequest& request, Poco::MemoryInputStream& message,
const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket)
bool noCache = false;
Poco::Net::HTTPResponse response;
Poco::URI requestUri(request.getURI());
LOG_TRC("Fileserver request: " << requestUri.toString());
requestUri.normalize(); // avoid .'s and ..'s
std::vector<std::string> requestSegments;
const std::string relPath = getRequestPathname(request);
// Is this a file we read at startup - if not; its not for serving.
if (requestSegments.size() < 1 || FileHash.find(relPath) == FileHash.end())
throw Poco::FileNotFoundException("Invalid URI request: [" + requestUri.toString() + "].");
const auto& config = Application::instance().config();
const std::string loleafletHtml = config.getString("loleaflet_html", "loleaflet.html");
const std::string endPoint = requestSegments[requestSegments.size() - 1];
if (endPoint == loleafletHtml)
preprocessFile(request, message, socket);
if (request.getMethod() == HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET)
if (endPoint == "admin.html" ||
endPoint == "adminSettings.html" ||
endPoint == "adminAnalytics.html")
noCache = true;
if (!FileServerRequestHandler::isAdminLoggedIn(request, response))
throw Poco::Net::NotAuthenticatedException("Invalid admin login");
// Ask UAs to block if they detect any XSS attempt
response.add("X-XSS-Protection", "1; mode=block");
// No referrer-policy
response.add("Referrer-Policy", "no-referrer");
// Do we have an extension.
const std::size_t extPoint = endPoint.find_last_of('.');
if (extPoint == std::string::npos)
throw Poco::FileNotFoundException("Invalid file.");
const std::string fileType = endPoint.substr(extPoint + 1);
std::string mimeType;
if (fileType == "js")
mimeType = "application/javascript";
else if (fileType == "css")
mimeType = "text/css";
else if (fileType == "html")
mimeType = "text/html";
else if (fileType == "png")
mimeType = "image/png";
else if (fileType == "svg")
mimeType = "image/svg+xml";
mimeType = "text/plain";
auto it = request.find("If-None-Match");
if (it != request.end())
// if ETags match avoid re-sending the file.
if (!noCache && it->second == "\"" LOOLWSD_VERSION_HASH "\"")
// TESTME: harder ... - do we even want ETag support ?
std::ostringstream oss;
Poco::DateTime now;
Poco::DateTime later(now.utcTime(), int64_t(1000)*1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 128);
oss << "HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified\r\n"
<< "Date: " << Poco::DateTimeFormatter::format(
now, Poco::DateTimeFormat::HTTP_FORMAT) << "\r\n"
<< "Expires: " << Poco::DateTimeFormatter::format(
later, Poco::DateTimeFormat::HTTP_FORMAT) << "\r\n"
<< "User-Agent: " << WOPI_AGENT_STRING << "\r\n"
<< "Cache-Control: max-age=11059200\r\n"
<< "\r\n";
response.set("User-Agent", HTTP_AGENT_STRING);
response.set("Date", Poco::DateTimeFormatter::format(Poco::Timestamp(), Poco::DateTimeFormat::HTTP_FORMAT));
bool gzip = request.hasToken("Accept-Encoding", "gzip");
const std::string *content;
if (std::getenv("LOOL_SERVE_FROM_FS"))
// Useful to not serve from memory sometimes especially during loleaflet development
// Avoids having to restart loolwsd everytime you make a change in loleaflet
const std::string filePath = Poco::Path(LOOLWSD::FileServerRoot, relPath).absolute().toString();
HttpHelper::sendFile(socket, filePath, mimeType, response, noCache);
if (gzip)
response.set("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
content = getCompressedFile(relPath);
content = getUncompressedFile(relPath);
if (!noCache)
// 60 * 60 * 24 * 128 (days) = 11059200
response.set("Cache-Control", "max-age=11059200");
response.set("ETag", "\"" LOOLWSD_VERSION_HASH "\"");
response.add("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff");
std::ostringstream oss;
const std::string header = oss.str();
LOG_TRC("#" << socket->getFD() << ": Sending " <<
(!gzip ? "un":"") << "compressed : file [" << relPath << "]: " << header);
catch (const Poco::Net::NotAuthenticatedException& exc)
LOG_ERR("FileServerRequestHandler::NotAuthenticated: " << exc.displayText());
// Unauthorized.
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "HTTP/1.1 401\r\n"
<< "Date: " << Poco::DateTimeFormatter::format(Poco::Timestamp(), Poco::DateTimeFormat::HTTP_FORMAT) << "\r\n"
<< "User-Agent: " << WOPI_AGENT_STRING << "\r\n"
<< "Content-Length: 0\r\n"
<< "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"online\"\r\n"
<< "\r\n";
catch (const Poco::FileAccessDeniedException& exc)
LOG_ERR("FileServerRequestHandler: " << exc.displayText());
// TODO return some 403 page?
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "HTTP/1.1 403\r\n"
<< "Date: " << Poco::DateTimeFormatter::format(Poco::Timestamp(), Poco::DateTimeFormat::HTTP_FORMAT) << "\r\n"
<< "User-Agent: " << WOPI_AGENT_STRING << "\r\n"
<< "Content-Length: 0\r\n"
<< "\r\n";
catch (const Poco::FileNotFoundException& exc)
LOG_ERR("FileServerRequestHandler: " << exc.displayText());
// 404 not found
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "HTTP/1.1 404\r\n"
<< "Date: " << Poco::DateTimeFormatter::format(Poco::Timestamp(), Poco::DateTimeFormat::HTTP_FORMAT) << "\r\n"
<< "User-Agent: " << WOPI_AGENT_STRING << "\r\n"
<< "Content-Length: 0\r\n"
<< "\r\n";
void FileServerRequestHandler::readDirToHash(const std::string &basePath, const std::string &path)
struct dirent *currentFile;
struct stat fileStat;
DIR *workingdir;
LOG_TRC("Pre-reading directory: " << basePath << path << "\n");
workingdir = opendir((basePath + path).c_str());
while ((currentFile = readdir(workingdir)) != nullptr)
if (currentFile->d_name[0] == '.')
const std::string relPath = path + '/' + currentFile->d_name;
stat ((basePath + relPath).c_str(), &fileStat);
if (S_ISDIR(fileStat.st_mode))
readDirToHash(basePath, relPath);
else if (S_ISREG(fileStat.st_mode))
LOG_TRC("Reading file: '" << basePath << relPath << " as '" << relPath << "'\n");
std::ifstream file(basePath + relPath, std::ios::binary);
z_stream strm;
strm.zalloc = Z_NULL;
strm.zfree = Z_NULL;
strm.opaque = Z_NULL;
std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf(new char[fileStat.st_size]);
std::string compressedFile;
std::string uncompressedFile;
do {[0], fileStat.st_size);
const long unsigned int size = file.gcount();
if (size == 0)
const long unsigned int compSize = compressBound(size);
char *cbuf = (char *)calloc(compSize, sizeof(char));
strm.next_in = (unsigned char *)&buf[0];
strm.avail_in = size;
strm.avail_out = compSize;
strm.next_out = (unsigned char *)&cbuf[0];
deflate(&strm, Z_FINISH);
const long unsigned int haveComp = compSize - strm.avail_out;
std::string partialcompFile(cbuf, haveComp);
std::string partialuncompFile(buf.get(), size);
compressedFile += partialcompFile;
uncompressedFile += partialuncompFile;
} while(true);
FileHash.emplace(relPath, std::make_pair(uncompressedFile, compressedFile));
void FileServerRequestHandler::initialize()
static const std::vector<std::string> subdirs = { "/loleaflet/dist" };
for(const auto& subdir: subdirs)
try {
readDirToHash(LOOLWSD::FileServerRoot, subdir);
} catch (...) {
LOG_ERR("Failed to read from directory " << subdir);
const std::string *FileServerRequestHandler::getCompressedFile(const std::string &path)
return &FileHash[path].second;
const std::string *FileServerRequestHandler::getUncompressedFile(const std::string &path)
return &FileHash[path].first;
std::string FileServerRequestHandler::getRequestPathname(const HTTPRequest& request)
Poco::URI requestUri(request.getURI());
// avoid .'s and ..'s
std::string path(requestUri.getPath());
// Convert version back to a real file name.
Poco::replaceInPlace(path, std::string("/loleaflet/" LOOLWSD_VERSION_HASH "/"), std::string("/loleaflet/dist/"));
return path;
void FileServerRequestHandler::preprocessFile(const HTTPRequest& request, Poco::MemoryInputStream& message, const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket)
const auto host = ((LOOLWSD::isSSLEnabled() || LOOLWSD::isSSLTermination()) ? "wss://" : "ws://") + (LOOLWSD::ServerName.empty() ? request.getHost() : LOOLWSD::ServerName);
const Poco::URI::QueryParameters params = Poco::URI(request.getURI()).getQueryParameters();
// Is this a file we read at startup - if not; its not for serving.
const std::string relPath = getRequestPathname(request);
LOG_DBG("Preprocessing file: " << relPath);
std::string preprocess = *getUncompressedFile(relPath);
HTMLForm form(request, message);
const std::string accessToken = form.get("access_token", "");
const std::string accessTokenTtl = form.get("access_token_ttl", "");
LOG_TRC("access_token=" << accessToken << ", access_token_ttl=" << accessTokenTtl);
const std::string accessHeader = form.get("access_header", "");
LOG_TRC("access_header=" << accessHeader);
// Escape bad characters in access token.
// This is placed directly in javascript in loleaflet.html, we need to make sure
// that no one can do anything nasty with their clever inputs.
std::string escapedAccessToken, escapedAccessHeader;
Poco::URI::encode(accessToken, "'", escapedAccessToken);
Poco::URI::encode(accessHeader, "'", escapedAccessHeader);
unsigned long tokenTtl = 0;
if (accessToken != "")
if (accessTokenTtl != "")
tokenTtl = std::stoul(accessTokenTtl);
catch(const std::exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("access_token_ttl must be represented as the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 UTC, when the token will expire");
LOG_WRN("WOPI host did not pass optional access_token_ttl");
Poco::replaceInPlace(preprocess, std::string("%ACCESS_TOKEN%"), escapedAccessToken);
Poco::replaceInPlace(preprocess, std::string("%ACCESS_TOKEN_TTL%"), std::to_string(tokenTtl));
Poco::replaceInPlace(preprocess, std::string("%ACCESS_HEADER%"), escapedAccessHeader);
Poco::replaceInPlace(preprocess, std::string("%HOST%"), host);
Poco::replaceInPlace(preprocess, std::string("%VERSION%"), std::string(LOOLWSD_VERSION_HASH));
const auto& config = Application::instance().config();
const std::string loleafletLogging = config.getString("loleaflet_logging", "false");
Poco::replaceInPlace(preprocess, std::string("%LOLEAFLET_LOGGING%"), loleafletLogging);
const std::string outOfFocusTimeoutSecs= config.getString("per_view.out_of_focus_timeout_secs", "60");
Poco::replaceInPlace(preprocess, std::string("%OUT_OF_FOCUS_TIMEOUT_SECS%"), outOfFocusTimeoutSecs);
const std::string idleTimeoutSecs= config.getString("per_view.idle_timeout_secs", "900");
Poco::replaceInPlace(preprocess, std::string("%IDLE_TIMEOUT_SECS%"), idleTimeoutSecs);
const std::string mimeType = "text/html";
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
<< "Date: " << Poco::DateTimeFormatter::format(Poco::Timestamp(), Poco::DateTimeFormat::HTTP_FORMAT) << "\r\n"
<< "Last-Modified: " << Poco::DateTimeFormatter::format(Poco::Timestamp(), Poco::DateTimeFormat::HTTP_FORMAT) << "\r\n"
<< "User-Agent: " << WOPI_AGENT_STRING << "\r\n"
<< "Cache-Control:max-age=11059200\r\n"
<< "ETag: \"" LOOLWSD_VERSION_HASH "\"\r\n"
<< "Content-Length: " << preprocess.size() << "\r\n"
<< "Content-Type: " << mimeType << "\r\n"
<< "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\r\n"
<< "X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block\r\n"
<< "Referrer-Policy: no-referrer\r\n";
std::ostringstream cspOss;
cspOss << "Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'; "
<< "frame-src 'self' blob:; "
<< "connect-src 'self' " << host << "; "
<< "script-src 'unsafe-inline' 'self'; "
<< "style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; "
<< "font-src 'self' data:; "
<< "object-src blob:; ";
std::string frameAncestor;
const auto it = request.find("Referer"); // Referer[sic]
if (it != request.end())
frameAncestor = it->second;
LOG_TRC("Picking frame ancestor from HTTP Referer header: " << frameAncestor);
else // Use WOPISrc value if Referer is absent
for (const auto& param : params)
if (param.first == "WOPISrc")
Poco::URI::decode(param.second, frameAncestor);
LOG_TRC("Picking frame ancestor from WOPISrc: " << frameAncestor);
// Keep only the origin, reject everything else
Poco::URI uriFrameAncestor(frameAncestor);
if (!frameAncestor.empty() && !uriFrameAncestor.getScheme().empty() && !uriFrameAncestor.getHost().empty())
frameAncestor = uriFrameAncestor.getScheme() + "://" + uriFrameAncestor.getHost() + ":" + std::to_string(uriFrameAncestor.getPort());
LOG_TRC("Final frame ancestor: " << frameAncestor);
// Replaced by frame-ancestors in CSP but some oldies don't know about that
oss << "X-Frame-Options: allow-from " << frameAncestor << "\r\n";
cspOss << "img-src 'self' data: " << frameAncestor << "; "
<< "frame-ancestors " << frameAncestor;
LOG_TRC("Denied frame ancestor: " << frameAncestor);
cspOss << "img-src 'self' data: ;";
oss << "X-Frame-Options: deny\r\n";
cspOss << "\r\n";
// Append CSP to response headers too
oss << cspOss.str();
// Setup HTTP Public key pinning
if ((LOOLWSD::isSSLEnabled() || LOOLWSD::isSSLTermination()) && config.getBool("ssl.hpkp[@enable]", false))
size_t i = 0;
std::string pinPath = "[" + std::to_string(i) + "]";
std::ostringstream hpkpOss;
bool keysPinned = false;
while (config.has(pinPath))
const std::string pin = config.getString(pinPath, "");
if (!pin.empty())
hpkpOss << "pin-sha256=\"" << pin << "\"; ";
keysPinned = true;
pinPath = "[" + std::to_string(++i) + "]";
if (keysPinned && config.getBool("ssl.hpkp.max_age[@enable]", false))
int maxAge = 1000; // seconds
maxAge = config.getInt("ssl.hpkp.max_age", maxAge);
catch (Poco::SyntaxException& exc)
LOG_WRN("Invalid value of HPKP's max-age directive found in config file. Defaulting to "
<< maxAge);
hpkpOss << "max-age=" << maxAge << "; ";
if (keysPinned && config.getBool("ssl.hpkp.report_uri[@enable]", false))
const std::string reportUri = config.getString("ssl.hpkp.report_uri", "");
if (!reportUri.empty())
hpkpOss << "report-uri=" << reportUri << "; ";
if (!hpkpOss.str().empty())
if (config.getBool("ssl.hpkp[@report_only]", false))
// Only send validation failure reports to reportUri while still allowing UAs to
// connect to the server
oss << "Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only: " << hpkpOss.str() << "\r\n";
oss << "Public-Key-Pins: " << hpkpOss.str() << "\r\n";
oss << "\r\n"
<< preprocess;
LOG_DBG("Sent file: " << relPath << ": " << preprocess);
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */