When deciding whether the file on disk needs uploading or not, we compare it with the last modified timestamp. For this to work they need to be different. When there is no file to upload (i.e. when there is nothing new to save), the timestamp we get is unix-time of 0. This is always different from 'now'. So we incorrectly think there is data to be uploaded when there isn't. Better to initialize the last modified timestamp to unix-time of 0, so in this case we correctly conclude that there is nothing to upload. Change-Id: I545e9021e9c76d009e08758342effaf3e9b964c7 Signed-off-by: Ashod Nakashian <ashod.nakashian@collabora.co.uk>
1340 lines
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1340 lines
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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#pragma once
#include <csignal>
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <utility>
#include <Poco/URI.h>
#include "Log.hpp"
#include "TileDesc.hpp"
#include "Util.hpp"
#include "net/Socket.hpp"
#include "net/WebSocketHandler.hpp"
#include "Storage.hpp"
#include "common/SigUtil.hpp"
#include "common/Session.hpp"
#include "Admin.hpp"
// Forwards.
class PrisonerRequestDispatcher;
class DocumentBroker;
struct LockContext;
class TileCache;
class Message;
/// A ChildProcess object represents a Kit process that hosts a document and manipulates the
/// document using the LibreOfficeKit API. It isn't actually a child of the WSD process, but a
/// grandchild. The comments loosely talk about "child" anyway.
class ChildProcess : public WSProcess
/// @param pid is the process ID of the child.
/// @param socket is the underlying Sockeet to the child.
ChildProcess(const pid_t pid,
const std::string& jailId,
const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket,
const Poco::Net::HTTPRequest &request) :
WSProcess("ChildProcess", pid, socket, std::make_shared<WebSocketHandler>(socket, request)),
ChildProcess(ChildProcess&& other) = delete;
virtual ~ChildProcess(){ ::close(_smapsFD); }
const ChildProcess& operator=(ChildProcess&& other) = delete;
void setDocumentBroker(const std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker>& docBroker);
std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker> getDocumentBroker() const { return _docBroker.lock(); }
const std::string& getJailId() const { return _jailId; }
void setSMapsFD(int smapsFD) { _smapsFD = smapsFD;}
int getSMapsFD(){ return _smapsFD; }
const std::string _jailId;
std::weak_ptr<DocumentBroker> _docBroker;
int _smapsFD;
class RequestDetails;
class ClientSession;
/// DocumentBroker is responsible for setting up a document in jail and brokering loading it from
/// Storage and saving it back.
/// Contains URI, physical path, etc.
/// There is one DocumentBroker object in the WSD process for each document that is open (in 1..n sessions).
/// The Document State:
/// The Document lifecycle is managed through
/// the DocumentState class, which encapsulates
/// the different stages of the Document's
/// main-sequence events:
/// To disambiguate between Storage and Core, we
/// use 'Download' for Reading from the Storage,
/// and 'Load' for Loading a document in Core.
/// Similarly, we 'Upload' to Storage after we
/// 'Save' the document in Core.
/// None: the Document doesn't exist, pending downloading.
/// Downloading: the Document is being downloaded from Storage.
/// Loading: the Document is being loaded into Core.
/// Live: Steady-state; the document is available (see below).
/// Destroying: End-of-life, marked to save/upload and destroy.
/// Destroyed: Unloading complete, destruction of class pending.
/// The Document Data State:
/// There are three locations to track:
/// 1) the Storage (wopi host)
/// 2) the Local file on disk (in jail)
/// 3) in memory (in Core).
/// We download the document from Storage to disk, then
/// we load it in memory (Core). From then on, we track the
/// state after modification (in memory), saving (to disk),
/// and uploading (to Storage).
/// Download: Storage -> Local
/// Load: Local -> Core
/// Save: Core -> Local
/// Upload: Local -> Storage
/// This is the state matrix during the key operations:
/// |-------------------------------------------|
/// | State | Storage | Local | Core |
/// |-------------|---------|---------|---------|
/// | Downloading | Reading | Writing | Idle |
/// | Loading | Idle | Reading | Writing |
/// | Saving | Idle | Writing | Reading |
/// | Uploading | Writing | Reading | Idle |
/// |-------------------------------------------|
/// Downloading is done synchronously, for now, but
/// is provisioned for async in the state machine.
/// Similarly, we could download asynchronously,
/// but there is little to gain by doing that,
/// since nothing much can happen without, or
/// before, loading a document.
/// The decision for Saving and Uploading are separate.
/// Without the user's intervention, we auto-save
/// when the user has been idle for some configurable
/// time, or when a certain configurable minimum time
/// has elapsed since the last save (regardless of user
/// activity). Once we get the save result from Core
/// (and ideally with success), we upload the document
/// immediately. Previously, this was a synchronous
/// process, which is now being reworked into an asynch.
/// The user can invoke both Save and Upload operations
/// however, and in more than one way.
/// Saving can of course be done by simply invoking the
/// command, which also uploads.
/// Forced Uploading has a narrower use-case: when the
/// Storage has a newer version of the document,
/// uploading fails with 'document conflict' error, which
/// the user can override by forcing uploading to Storage,
/// thereby overwriting the Storage version with the
/// current one.
/// Then there are the Save-As and Rename commands, which
/// only affect the document in Storage by invoking
/// the upload functionality with special headers.
/// When either of these operations fails, the next
/// opportunity to review potential actions is during
/// the next poll cycle.
/// To separate these two operations in code and in time,
/// we need to track the document version in each of
/// Core and Storage. That is, when the document is saved
/// a newer 'version number' is assigned, so that it would
/// be different from the 'version number' of the document
/// in Storage. The easiest way to achieve this is by
/// using the modified time on the file on disk. While
/// this has certain limitations, in practice it's a
/// good solution. We expect each time Core saves the
/// Document to disk, the file's timestamp will change.
/// Each time we Upload a version of the Document to
/// Storage, we track the local file's timestamp that we
/// uploaded. We then need to Upload only when the last
/// Uploaded timestamp is different from that on disk.
/// Although it's technically possible for the system
/// clock to change, it's unlikely for the timestamp to
/// be identical to the last Uploaded one, down to the
/// millisecond.
/// This way, if, say, Uploading fails after
/// Saving, if the subsequent Save fails, we don't skip
/// Uploading, since the Storage would still be outdated.
/// Similarly, if after Saving we fail to Upload, a
/// subsequent Save might yield 'unmodified' result and
/// fail to Save a new copy of the document. This should
/// not skip Uploading, since the document on disk is
/// still newer than the one in Storage.
/// Notice that we cannot compare the timestamp of the
/// file on disk to the timestamp returned from Storage.
/// For one, the Storage might not even provide a
/// timestamp (or a valid one). But more importantly,
/// the timestamp on disk might not be comparable to
/// that in Storage (due to timezone and/or precision
/// differences).
/// Two new managers are provisioned to mind about these
/// two domains: SaveManager and StorageManager.
/// SaveManager is reponsible for tracking the operations
/// between Core and local disk, while StorageManager
/// for those between Storage and local disk.
/// In practice, each represents and tracks the state of
/// the Document in Core and Storage, respectively.
class DocumentBroker : public std::enable_shared_from_this<DocumentBroker>
class DocumentBrokerPoll;
void setupPriorities();
/// How to prioritize this document.
enum class ChildType {
Interactive, Batch
/// Dummy document broker that is marked to destroy.
DocumentBroker(ChildType type,
const std::string& uri,
const Poco::URI& uriPublic,
const std::string& docKey,
unsigned mobileAppDocId = 0);
virtual ~DocumentBroker();
/// Called when removed from the DocBrokers list
virtual void dispose() {}
/// setup the transfer of a socket into this DocumentBroker poll.
void setupTransfer(SocketDisposition &disposition,
SocketDisposition::MoveFunction transferFn);
/// Flag for termination. Note that this doesn't save any unsaved changes in the document
void stop(const std::string& reason);
/// Hard removes a session by ID, only for ClientSession.
void finalRemoveSession(const std::string& id);
/// Create new client session
std::shared_ptr<ClientSession> createNewClientSession(
const std::shared_ptr<ProtocolHandlerInterface> &ws,
const std::string& id,
const Poco::URI& uriPublic,
const bool isReadOnly,
const RequestDetails &requestDetails);
/// Find or create a new client session for the PHP proxy
void handleProxyRequest(
const std::string& id,
const Poco::URI& uriPublic,
const bool isReadOnly,
const RequestDetails &requestDetails,
const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> &socket);
/// Thread safe termination of this broker if it has a lingering thread
void joinThread();
/// Notify that the load has completed
virtual void setLoaded();
/// Notify that the document has dialogs before load
virtual void setInteractive(bool value);
/// If not yet locked, try to lock
bool attemptLock(const ClientSession& session, std::string& failReason);
bool isDocumentChangedInStorage() { return _documentChangedInStorage; }
/// Invoked by the client to rename the document filename.
/// Returns an error message in case of failure, otherwise an empty string.
std::string handleRenameFileCommand(std::string sessionId, std::string newFilename);
/// Handle the save response from Core and upload to storage as necessary.
/// Also notifies clients of the result.
void handleSaveResponse(const std::string& sessionId, bool success, const std::string& result);
/// Check if uploading is needed, and start uploading.
/// The current state of uploading must be introspected separately.
void checkAndUploadToStorage(const std::string& sessionId);
/// Upload the document to Storage if it needs persisting.
/// Results are logged and broadcast to users.
void uploadToStorage(const std::string& sesionId, bool force);
/// UploadAs the document to Storage, with a new name.
/// @param uploadAsPath Absolute path to the jailed file.
void uploadAsToStorage(const std::string& sessionId, const std::string& uploadAsPath,
const std::string& uploadAsFilename, const bool isRename);
/// Uploads the document right after loading from a template.
/// Template-loading requires special handling because the
/// document changes once loaded into a non-template format.
void uploadAfterLoadingTemplate(const std::string& sessionId);
bool isModified() const { return _isModified; }
void setModified(const bool value);
/// Save the document if the document is modified.
/// @param force when true, will force saving if there
/// has been any recent activity after the last save.
/// @param dontSaveIfUnmodified when true, save will fail if the document is not modified.
/// @return true if attempts to save or it also waits
/// and receives save notification. Otherwise, false.
bool autoSave(const bool force, const bool dontSaveIfUnmodified = true);
/// Saves the document and stops if there was nothing to autosave.
void autoSaveAndStop(const std::string& reason);
bool isAsyncUploading() const;
Poco::URI getPublicUri() const { return _uriPublic; }
const std::string& getJailId() const { return _jailId; }
const std::string& getDocKey() const { return _docKey; }
const std::string& getFilename() const { return _filename; };
TileCache& tileCache() { return *_tileCache; }
bool hasTileCache() { return _tileCache != nullptr; }
bool isAlive() const;
/// Are we running in either shutdown, or the polling thread.
/// Asserts in the debug builds, otherwise just logs.
void assertCorrectThread() const;
/// Pretty print internal state to a stream.
void dumpState(std::ostream& os);
std::string getJailRoot() const;
/// Add a new session. Returns the new number of sessions.
std::size_t addSession(const std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>& session);
/// Removes a session by ID. Returns the new number of sessions.
std::size_t removeSession(const std::string& id);
/// Add a callback to be invoked in our polling thread.
void addCallback(const SocketPoll::CallbackFn& fn);
/// Transfer this socket into our polling thread / loop.
void addSocketToPoll(const std::shared_ptr<Socket>& socket);
void alertAllUsers(const std::string& msg);
void alertAllUsers(const std::string& cmd, const std::string& kind)
alertAllUsers("error: cmd=" + cmd + " kind=" + kind);
/// Sets the log level of kit.
void setKitLogLevel(const std::string& level);
/// Invalidate the cursor position.
void invalidateCursor(int x, int y, int w, int h)
_cursorPosX = x;
_cursorPosY = y;
_cursorWidth = w;
_cursorHeight = h;
void invalidateTiles(const std::string& tiles, int normalizedViewId)
// Remove from cache.
_tileCache->invalidateTiles(tiles, normalizedViewId);
void handleTileRequest(const StringVector &tokens,
const std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>& session);
void handleTileCombinedRequest(TileCombined& tileCombined,
const std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>& session);
void sendRequestedTiles(const std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>& session);
void cancelTileRequests(const std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>& session);
enum ClipboardRequest {
void handleClipboardRequest(ClipboardRequest type, const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> &socket,
const std::string &viewId, const std::string &tag,
const std::shared_ptr<std::string> &data);
static bool lookupSendClipboardTag(const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> &socket,
const std::string &tag, bool sendError = false);
/// True if any flag to unload or terminate is set.
bool isUnloading() const
return _docState.isMarkedToDestroy() || _stop || _docState.isUnloadRequested() ||
_docState.isCloseRequested() || SigUtil::getShutdownRequestFlag() ||
bool isMarkedToDestroy() const { return _docState.isMarkedToDestroy() || _stop; }
virtual bool handleInput(const std::vector<char>& payload);
/// Forward a message from client session to its respective child session.
bool forwardToChild(const std::string& viewId, const std::string& message);
int getRenderedTileCount() { return _debugRenderedTileCount; }
/// Ask the document broker to close. Makes sure that the document is saved.
void closeDocument(const std::string& reason);
/// Flag that we have been disconnected from the Kit and request unloading.
void disconnectedFromKit();
/// Get the PID of the associated child process
pid_t getPid() const { return _childProcess ? _childProcess->getPid() : 0; }
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> getLock() { return std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(_mutex); }
void updateLastActivityTime();
/// This updates the editing sessionId which is used for auto-saving.
void updateEditingSessionId(const std::string& viewId)
if (_lastEditingSessionId != viewId)
_lastEditingSessionId = viewId;
/// Sends the .uno:Save command to LoKit.
bool sendUnoSave(const std::string& sessionId, bool dontTerminateEdit = true,
bool dontSaveIfUnmodified = true, bool isAutosave = false,
bool isExitSave = false, const std::string& extendedData = std::string());
/// Sends a message to all sessions.
/// Returns the number of sessions sent the message to.
std::size_t broadcastMessage(const std::string& message) const;
/// Sends a message to all sessions except for the session passed as the param
void broadcastMessageToOthers(const std::string& message, const std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>& _session) const;
/// Broadcasts 'blockui' command to all users with an optional message.
void blockUI(const std::string& msg)
broadcastMessage("blockui: " + msg);
/// Broadcasts 'unblockui' command to all users.
void unblockUI()
broadcastMessage("unblockui: ");
/// Returns true iff an initial setting by the given name is already initialized.
bool isInitialSettingSet(const std::string& name) const;
/// Sets the initialization flag of a given initial setting.
void setInitialSetting(const std::string& name);
/// For testing only [!]
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>> getSessionsTestOnlyUnsafe();
/// Estimate memory usage / bytes
std::size_t getMemorySize() const;
/// Get URL for corresponding download id if registered, or empty string otherwise
std::string getDownloadURL(const std::string& downloadId);
/// Remove download id mapping
void unregisterDownloadId(const std::string& downloadId);
/// get the session id of a session that can write the document for save / locking.
std::string getWriteableSessionId() const;
void refreshLock();
/// Loads a document from the public URI into the jail.
bool download(const std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>& session, const std::string& jailId);
bool isLoaded() const { return _docState.hadLoaded(); }
bool isInteractive() const { return _docState.isInteractive(); }
std::size_t getIdleTimeSecs() const
const auto duration = (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - _lastActivityTime);
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(duration).count();
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> getDeferredLock() { return std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(_mutex, std::defer_lock); }
/// Called by the ChildProcess object to notify
/// that it has terminated on its own.
/// This happens either when the child exists
/// or upon failing to process an incoming message.
void childSocketTerminated();
void handleTileResponse(const std::vector<char>& payload);
void handleDialogPaintResponse(const std::vector<char>& payload, bool child);
void handleTileCombinedResponse(const std::vector<char>& payload);
void handleDialogRequest(const std::string& dialogCmd);
/// Invoked to issue a save before renaming the document filename.
void startRenameFileCommand();
/// Finish handling the renamefile command.
void endRenameFileCommand();
/// Shutdown all client connections with the given reason.
void shutdownClients(const std::string& closeReason);
/// This gracefully terminates the connection
/// with the child and cleans up ChildProcess etc.
void terminateChild(const std::string& closeReason);
/// Encodes whether or not uploading is needed.
enum class NeedToUpload
No, //< No need to upload, data up-to-date.
Yes, //< Data is out of date.
Force //< Force uploading, typically because always_save_on_exit is set.
/// Returns true if, for any reason, we need to upload.
/// This includes out-of-date Document in Storage or
/// always_save_on_exit.
NeedToUpload needToUploadToStorage() const;
/// Returns true iff the document on disk is newer than the one in Storage.
bool isStorageOutdated() const;
/// Upload the doc to the storage.
void uploadToStorageInternal(const std::string& sesionId, const std::string& saveAsPath,
const std::string& saveAsFilename, const bool isRename,
const bool force);
/// Handles the completion of uploading to storage, both success and failure cases.
void handleUploadToStorageResponse(const StorageBase::UploadResult& uploadResult);
* Report back the save result to PostMessage users (Action_Save_Resp)
* @param success: Whether saving was successful
* @param result: Short message why saving was (not) successful
* @param errorMsg: Long error msg (Error message from WOPI host if any)
void broadcastSaveResult(bool success, const std::string& result = std::string(),
const std::string& errorMsg = std::string());
/// Broadcasts to all sessions the last modification time of the document.
void broadcastLastModificationTime(const std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>& session = nullptr) const;
/// True if there has been activity from a client after we last *requested* saving,
/// since there are race conditions vis-a-vis user activity while saving.
bool haveActivityAfterSaveRequest() const
return _saveManager.lastSaveRequestTime() < _lastActivityTime;
/// True if we know the doc is modified or
/// if there has been activity from a client after we last *requested* saving,
/// since there are race conditions vis-a-vis user activity while saving.
bool isPossiblyModified() const
if (haveActivityAfterSaveRequest())
// Always assume possible modification when we have
// user input after sending a .uno:Save, due to racing.
return true;
if (_isViewFileExtension)
// ViewFileExtensions do not update the ModifiedStatus,
// but, we want a success save anyway (including unmodified).
return !_saveManager.lastSaveSuccessful();
// Regulard editable files, rely on the ModifiedStatus.
return isModified();
/// True iff there is at least one non-readonly session other than the given.
/// Since only editable sessions can save, we need to use the last to
/// save modified documents, otherwise we'll potentially have to save on
/// every editable session disconnect, lest we lose data due to racing.
bool haveAnotherEditableSession(const std::string& id) const;
/// Returns the number of active sessions.
/// This includes only those that are loaded and not waiting disconnection.
std::size_t countActiveSessions() const;
/// Loads a new session and adds to the sessions container.
std::size_t addSessionInternal(const std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>& session);
/// Starts the Kit <-> DocumentBroker shutdown handshake
void disconnectSessionInternal(const std::string& id);
/// Forward a message from child session to its respective client session.
bool forwardToClient(const std::shared_ptr<Message>& payload);
/// The thread function that all of the I/O for all sessions
/// associated with this document.
void pollThread();
/// Sum the I/O stats from all connected sessions
void getIOStats(uint64_t &sent, uint64_t &recv);
/// Returns true iff this is a Convert-To request.
/// This is needed primarily for security reasons,
/// because we can't trust the given file-path is
/// a convert-to request or doctored to look like one.
virtual bool isConvertTo() const { return false; }
/// Request manager.
/// Encapsulates common fields for
/// Save and Upload requests.
class RequestManager
: _lastRequestTime(now())
, _lastResponseTime(now())
, _lastRequestFailureCount(0)
/// Sets the time the last request was made to now.
void markLastRequestTime() { _lastRequestTime = now(); }
/// Returns the time the last request was made.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point lastRequestTime() const { return _lastRequestTime; }
/// How much time passed since the last request,
/// regardless of whether we got a response or not.
const std::chrono::milliseconds timeSinceLastRequest() const
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now() - _lastRequestTime);
/// True iff there is an active request and it has timed out.
bool hasLastRequestTimedOut(std::chrono::milliseconds timeoutMs) const
return isActive() && timeSinceLastRequest() >= timeoutMs;
/// Sets the time the last response was received to now.
void markLastResponseTime() { _lastResponseTime = now(); }
/// Returns the time the last response was received.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point lastResponseTime() const { return _lastResponseTime; }
/// How much time passed since the last response,
/// regardless of whether there is a newer request or not.
const std::chrono::milliseconds timeSinceLastResponse() const
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now() - _lastResponseTime);
/// Returns true iff there is an active request in progress.
bool isActive() const { return _lastResponseTime < _lastRequestTime; }
/// Sets the last request's result, either to success or failure.
/// And marks the last response time.
void setLastRequestResult(bool success)
if (success)
_lastRequestFailureCount = 0;
/// Indicates whether the last request was successful or not.
bool lastRequestSuccessful() const { return _lastRequestFailureCount == 0; }
/// Returns the number of failures in the previous requests. 0 for success.
std::size_t lastRequestFailureCount() const { return _lastRequestFailureCount; }
/// Helper to get the current time.
static std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point now()
return std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
/// The last time we started an a request.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point _lastRequestTime;
/// The last time we received a response.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point _lastResponseTime;
/// Counts the number of previous request that failed.
/// Note that this is interpretted by the request in question.
/// For example, Core's Save operation turns 'false' for success
/// when the file is unmodified, but that is still a successful result.
std::size_t _lastRequestFailureCount;
/// Responsible for managing document saving.
/// Tracks auto-saveing and its frequency.
/// Tracks the last save request and response times.
/// Tracks the local file's last modified time.
/// Tracks the time a save response was received.
class SaveManager final
: _autosaveInterval(std::chrono::seconds(30))
, _lastAutosaveCheckTime(RequestManager::now())
, _isAutosaveEnabled(std::getenv("COOL_NO_AUTOSAVE") == nullptr)
/// Return true iff auto save is enabled.
bool isAutosaveEnabled() const { return _isAutosaveEnabled; }
/// Returns true if we should issue an auto-save.
bool needAutosaveCheck() const
return isAutosaveEnabled()
&& std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(RequestManager::now()
- _lastAutosaveCheckTime)
>= _autosaveInterval;
/// Marks autosave check done.
void autosaveChecked() { _lastAutosaveCheckTime = RequestManager::now(); }
/// Called to postpone autosaving by at least the given duration.
void postponeAutosave(std::chrono::seconds seconds)
const auto now = RequestManager::now();
const auto nextAutosaveCheck = _lastAutosaveCheckTime + _autosaveInterval;
const auto postponeTime = now + seconds;
if (nextAutosaveCheck < postponeTime)
// Next autosave check will happen before the desired time.
// Let's postpone it by the difference.
const auto delay = postponeTime - nextAutosaveCheck;
_lastAutosaveCheckTime += delay;
LOG_TRC("Autosave check postponed by "
<< std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(delay));
/// Marks the last save request as now.
void markLastSaveRequestTime() { _request.markLastRequestTime(); }
/// Returns whether the last save was successful or not.
bool lastSaveSuccessful() const { return _request.lastRequestSuccessful(); }
/// Returns the number of previous save failures. 0 for success.
std::size_t saveFailureCount() const { return _request.lastRequestFailureCount(); }
/// Sets whether the last save was successful or not.
void setLastSaveResult(bool success) { _request.setLastRequestResult(success); }
/// Returns the last save request time.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point lastSaveRequestTime() const
return _request.lastRequestTime();
/// Marks the last save response as now.
void markLastSaveResponseTime() { _request.markLastResponseTime(); }
/// Returns the last save response time.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point lastSaveResponseTime() const
return _request.lastResponseTime();
/// Set the last modified time of the document.
void setLastModifiedTime(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point time)
_lastModifiedTime = time;
/// Returns the last modified time of the document.
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point getLastModifiedTime() const
return _lastModifiedTime;
/// True iff a save is in progress (requested but not completed).
bool isSaving() const { return _request.isActive(); }
/// True iff the last save request has timed out.
bool hasSavingTimedOut(std::chrono::milliseconds timeoutMs
= std::chrono::milliseconds(COMMAND_TIMEOUT_MS)) const
return _request.hasLastRequestTimedOut(timeoutMs);
/// The duration elapsed since we sent the last save request to Core.
std::chrono::milliseconds timeSinceLastSaveRequest() const
return _request.timeSinceLastRequest();
/// The duration elapsed since we received the last save response from Core.
std::chrono::milliseconds timeSinceLastSaveResponse() const
return _request.timeSinceLastResponse();
/// True if we aren't saving and the minimum time since last save has elapsed.
bool canSaveNow(std::chrono::milliseconds minTime) const
return !isSaving() && std::min(_request.timeSinceLastRequest(),
_request.timeSinceLastResponse()) >= minTime;
void dumpState(std::ostream& os, const std::string& indent = "\n ")
const auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
os << indent << "isSaving now: " << std::boolalpha << isSaving();
os << indent << "auto-save enabled: " << std::boolalpha << _isAutosaveEnabled;
os << indent << "auto-save interval: " << _autosaveInterval;
os << indent
<< "last auto-save check time: " << Util::getTimeForLog(now, _lastAutosaveCheckTime);
os << indent << "auto-save check needed: " << std::boolalpha << needAutosaveCheck();
os << indent
<< "last save request: " << Util::getTimeForLog(now, lastSaveRequestTime());
os << indent
<< "last save response: " << Util::getTimeForLog(now, lastSaveResponseTime());
os << indent << "since last save request: " << timeSinceLastSaveRequest();
os << indent << "since last save response: " << timeSinceLastSaveResponse();
os << indent
<< "file last modified time: " << Util::getTimeForLog(now, _lastModifiedTime);
os << indent << "last save timed-out: " << std::boolalpha << hasSavingTimedOut();
os << indent << "last save successful: " << lastSaveSuccessful();
os << indent << "save failure count: " << saveFailureCount();
/// Request tracking logic.
RequestManager _request;
/// The document's last-modified time.
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point _lastModifiedTime;
/// The number of seconds between autosave checks for modification.
const std::chrono::seconds _autosaveInterval;
/// The last autosave check time.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point _lastAutosaveCheckTime;
/// Whether auto-saving is enabled at all or not.
const bool _isAutosaveEnabled;
/// Represents an upload request.
class UploadRequest final
UploadRequest(std::string uriAnonym,
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point newFileModifiedTime,
const std::shared_ptr<class ClientSession>& session, bool isSaveAs,
bool isRename)
: _startTime(std::chrono::steady_clock::now())
, _uriAnonym(std::move(uriAnonym))
, _newFileModifiedTime(newFileModifiedTime)
, _session(session)
, _isSaveAs(isSaveAs)
, _isRename(isRename)
const std::chrono::milliseconds timeSinceRequest() const
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - _startTime);
const std::string& uriAnonym() const { return _uriAnonym; }
const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point& newFileModifiedTime() const
return _newFileModifiedTime;
std::shared_ptr<class ClientSession> session() const { return _session.lock(); }
bool isSaveAs() const { return _isSaveAs; }
bool isRename() const { return _isRename; }
const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point _startTime; //< The time we made the request.
const std::string _uriAnonym;
const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point _newFileModifiedTime;
const std::weak_ptr<class ClientSession> _session;
const bool _isSaveAs;
const bool _isRename;
/// Responsible for managing document uploading into storage.
class StorageManager final
: _lastUploadTime(RequestManager::now())
/// Marks the last time we attempted to upload, regardless of outcome, to now.
void markLastUploadTime() { _lastUploadTime = RequestManager::now(); }
// Gets the last time we attempted to upload.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point getLastUploadTime() const { return _lastUploadTime; }
/// Returns whether the last upload was successful or not.
bool lastUploadSuccessful() const { return _request.lastRequestSuccessful(); }
/// Sets whether the last upload was successful or not.
void setLastUploadResult(bool success) { _request.setLastRequestResult(success); }
/// Returns the number of previous upload failures. 0 for success.
std::size_t uploadFailureCount() const { return _request.lastRequestFailureCount(); }
/// Get the modified-timestamp of the local file on disk we last uploaded.
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point getLastUploadedFileModifiedTime() const
return _lastUploadedFileModifiedTime;
/// Set the modified-timestamp of the local file on disk we last uploaded.
void setLastUploadedFileModifiedTime(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point modifiedTime)
_lastUploadedFileModifiedTime = modifiedTime;
/// Set the last modified time of the document.
void setLastModifiedTime(const std::string& time) { _lastModifiedTime = time; }
/// Returns the last modified time of the document.
const std::string& getLastModifiedTime() const { return _lastModifiedTime; }
void dumpState(std::ostream& os, const std::string& indent = "\n ")
const auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
os << indent << "last upload time: " << Util::getTimeForLog(now, getLastUploadTime());
os << indent << "last upload was successful: " << lastUploadSuccessful();
os << indent << "upload failure count: " << uploadFailureCount();
os << indent << "last modified time: " << _lastModifiedTime;
os << indent << "last upload time: " << Util::getTimeForLog(now, _lastUploadTime);
os << indent
<< "file last modified: " << Util::getTimeForLog(now, _lastUploadedFileModifiedTime);
/// Request tracking logic.
RequestManager _request;
/// The last time we tried uploading, regardless of whether the
/// document was modified and a newer version saved
/// and uploaded or not. In effect, this tracks the time we
/// synchronized with Storage (i.e. the last time we either uploaded
/// or had nothing new to upload). It is redundant as it is
/// equivalent to the larger of 'Last Save Response Time' and
/// 'Last Storage Response Time', and should be removed.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point _lastUploadTime;
/// The modified-timestamp of the local file on disk we uploaded last.
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point _lastUploadedFileModifiedTime;
/// The modified time of the document in storage, as reported by the server.
std::string _lastModifiedTime;
/// Seconds to live for, or 0 forever
std::chrono::seconds _limitLifeSeconds;
std::string _uriOrig;
/// What type are we: affects priority.
ChildType _type;
const Poco::URI _uriPublic;
/// URL-based key. May be repeated during the lifetime of WSD.
const std::string _docKey;
/// Short numerical ID. Unique during the lifetime of WSD.
const std::string _docId;
std::shared_ptr<ChildProcess> _childProcess;
std::string _uriJailed;
std::string _uriJailedAnonym;
std::string _jailId;
std::string _filename;
/// The state of the document.
/// This regulates all other primary operations.
class DocumentState
/// Strictly speaking, these are phases that are directional.
/// A document starts as New and progresses towards Unloaded.
/// Upon error, intermediary states may be skipped.
enum class Status
None, //< Doesn't exist, pending downloading.
Downloading, //< Download from Storage to disk. Synchronous.
Loading, //< Loading the document in Core.
Live, //< General availability for viewing/editing.
Destroying, //< End-of-life, marked to destroy.
Destroyed //< Unloading complete, destruction pending.
/// The current activity taking place.
/// Meaningful only when Status is Status::Live, but
/// we may Save and Upload during Status::Destroying.
enum class Activity
None, //< No particular activity.
Rename, //< The document is being renamed.
SaveAs, //< The document format is being converted.
Conflict, //< The document is conflicted in storaged.
Save, //< The document is being saved, manually or auto-save.
Upload, //< The document is being uploaded to storage.
static std::string toString(Status status)
#define CASE(X) \
case X: \
return #X;
switch (status)
#undef CASE
return "Unknown Document Status";
static std::string toString(Activity activity)
#define CASE(X) \
case X: \
return #X;
switch (activity)
#undef CASE
return "Unknown Document Activity";
: _status(Status::None)
, _activity(Activity::None)
, _loaded(false)
, _closeRequested(false)
, _unloadRequested(false)
, _disconnected(false)
, _interactive(false)
DocumentState::Status status() const { return _status; }
void setStatus(Status newStatus)
LOG_TRC("Setting DocumentState from " << toString(_status) << " to "
<< toString(newStatus));
assert(newStatus >= _status && "The document status cannot regress");
_status = newStatus;
DocumentState::Activity activity() const { return _activity; }
void setActivity(Activity newActivity)
LOG_TRC("Setting Document Activity from " << toString(_activity) << " to "
<< toString(newActivity));
_activity = newActivity;
/// True iff the document had ever loaded completely, without implying it's still loaded.
bool hadLoaded() const { return _loaded; }
/// True iff the document is fully loaded and available for viewing/editing.
bool isLive() const { return _status == Status::Live; }
/// Transitions to Status::Live, implying the document has loaded.
void setLive()
LOG_TRC("Setting DocumentState to Status::Live from " << toString(_status));
// assert(_status == Status::Loading
// && "Document wasn't in Loading state to transition to Status::Live");
_loaded = true;
/// Flags the document for unloading and destruction.
void markToDestroy() { _status = Status::Destroying; }
bool isMarkedToDestroy() const { return _status >= Status::Destroying; }
/// Flag document termination. Cannot be reset.
void setCloseRequested() { _closeRequested = true; }
bool isCloseRequested() const { return _closeRequested; }
void setInteractive(bool value) { _interactive = value; }
bool isInteractive() const { return _interactive; }
/// Flag to unload the document. May be reset when a new view is opened.
void setUnloadRequested() { _unloadRequested = true; }
bool isUnloadRequested() const { return _unloadRequested; }
/// Flag that we are disconnected from the Kit. Irreversible.
void setDisconnected() { _disconnected = true; }
bool isDisconnected() const { return _disconnected; }
void dumpState(std::ostream& os, const std::string& indent = "\n ")
os << indent << "doc state: " << toString(status());
os << indent << "doc activity: " << toString(activity());
os << indent << "doc loaded: " << _loaded;
os << indent << "interactive: " << _interactive;
os << indent << "close requested: " << _closeRequested;
os << indent << "unload requested: " << _unloadRequested;
os << indent << "disconnected from kit: " << _disconnected;
Status _status;
Activity _activity;
std::atomic<bool> _loaded; //< If the document ever loaded (check isLive to see if it still is).
std::atomic<bool> _closeRequested; //< Owner-Termination flag.
std::atomic<bool> _unloadRequested; //< Unload-Requested flag, which may be reset.
std::atomic<bool> _disconnected; //< Disconnected from the Kit. Implies unloading.
bool _interactive; //< If the document has interactive dialogs before load
/// Transition to a given activity. Returns false if an activity exists.
bool startActivity(DocumentState::Activity activity)
if (activity == DocumentState::Activity::None)
LOG_DBG("Error: Cannot start 'None' activity.");
assert(!"Cannot start 'None' activity.");
return false;
if (_docState.activity() != DocumentState::Activity::None)
LOG_DBG("Error: Cannot start new activity ["
<< DocumentState::toString(activity) << "] while executing ["
<< DocumentState::toString(_docState.activity()) << ']');
assert(!"Cannot start new activity while executing another.");
return false;
return true;
/// Ends the current activity.
void endActivity()
LOG_DBG("Ending [" << DocumentState::toString(_docState.activity()) << "] activity.");
/// The main state of the document.
DocumentState _docState;
/// Set to true when document changed in storage and we are waiting
/// for user's command to act.
bool _documentChangedInStorage;
/// True for file that COOLWSD::IsViewFileExtension return true.
/// These files, such as PDF, don't have a reliable ModifiedStatus.
bool _isViewFileExtension;
/// Manage saving in Core.
SaveManager _saveManager;
/// The current upload request, if any.
/// For now we can only have one at a time.
std::unique_ptr<UploadRequest> _uploadRequest;
/// Manage uploading to Storage.
StorageManager _storageManager;
/// All session of this DocBroker by ID.
SessionMap<ClientSession> _sessions;
/// If we set the user-requested initial (on load) settings to be forced.
std::set<std::string> _isInitialStateSet;
std::unique_ptr<StorageBase> _storage;
std::unique_ptr<TileCache> _tileCache;
std::atomic<bool> _isModified;
int _cursorPosX;
int _cursorPosY;
int _cursorWidth;
int _cursorHeight;
mutable std::mutex _mutex;
std::unique_ptr<DocumentBrokerPoll> _poll;
std::atomic<bool> _stop;
std::string _closeReason;
std::unique_ptr<LockContext> _lockCtx;
std::string _renameFilename; //< The new filename to rename to.
std::string _renameSessionId; //< The sessionId used for renaming.
std::string _lastEditingSessionId; //< The last session edited, for auto-saving.
/// Versioning is used to prevent races between
/// painting and invalidation.
std::atomic<std::size_t> _tileVersion;
int _debugRenderedTileCount;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point _lastActivityTime;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point _threadStart;
std::chrono::milliseconds _loadDuration;
std::chrono::milliseconds _wopiDownloadDuration;
/// Unique DocBroker ID for tracing and debugging.
static std::atomic<unsigned> DocBrokerId;
// Relevant only in the mobile apps
const unsigned _mobileAppDocId;
// Maps download id -> URL
std::map<std::string, std::string> _registeredDownloadLinks;
class StatelessBatchBroker : public DocumentBroker
std::shared_ptr<ClientSession> _clientSession;
StatelessBatchBroker(const std::string& uri,
const Poco::URI& uriPublic,
const std::string& docKey)
: DocumentBroker(ChildType::Batch, uri, uriPublic, docKey)
virtual ~StatelessBatchBroker()
/// Cleanup path and its parent
static void removeFile(const std::string &uri);
class ConvertToBroker final : public StatelessBatchBroker
const std::string _format;
const std::string _sOptions;
/// Construct DocumentBroker with URI and docKey
ConvertToBroker(const std::string& uri,
const Poco::URI& uriPublic,
const std::string& docKey,
const std::string& format,
const std::string& sOptions);
virtual ~ConvertToBroker();
/// Move socket to this broker for response & do conversion
bool startConversion(SocketDisposition &disposition, const std::string &id);
/// When the load completes - lets start saving
void setLoaded() override;
/// Called when removed from the DocBrokers list
void dispose() override;
/// How many live conversions are running.
static std::size_t getInstanceCount();
bool isConvertTo() const override { return true; }
class RenderSearchResultBroker final : public StatelessBatchBroker
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<char>> _pSearchResultContent;
std::vector<char> _aResposeData;
std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> _socket;
RenderSearchResultBroker(std::string const& uri,
Poco::URI const& uriPublic,
std::string const& docKey,
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<char>> const& pSearchResultContent);
virtual ~RenderSearchResultBroker();
void setResponseSocket(std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> const & socket)
_socket = socket;
/// Execute command(s) and move the socket to this broker
bool executeCommand(SocketDisposition& disposition, std::string const& id);
/// Override method to start executing when the document is loaded
void setLoaded() override;
/// Called when removed from the DocBrokers list
void dispose() override;
/// Override to filter out the data that is returned by a command
bool handleInput(const std::vector<char>& payload) override;
/// How many instances are running.
static std::size_t getInstanceCount();
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */