Ashod Nakashian 7f19d809b1 wsd: skip busy docBrokers when cleaning up
When cleaning up DocumentBrokers we hold
the global DocBrokersMutex. So we need
to keep this lock as short as possible
to serve new requests.

However when a given DocBroker is locked
and busy, or worse deadlocked, we'd end
up blocking any new client connection.

So here we skip busy DocBrokers while
cleaning up.

Change-Id: I188c9abc34fd90c4ba388894b47c1ab08d185129
Reviewed-by: Ashod Nakashian <>
Tested-by: Ashod Nakashian <>
2017-02-10 07:12:45 +00:00

384 lines
12 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
#include <csignal>
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <Poco/URI.h>
#include "IoUtil.hpp"
#include "Log.hpp"
#include "LOOLWebSocket.hpp"
#include "TileDesc.hpp"
#include "Util.hpp"
#include "common/SigUtil.hpp"
// Forwards.
class DocumentBroker;
class StorageBase;
class TileCache;
class Message;
/// Represents a new LOK child that is read
/// to host a document.
class ChildProcess
/// @param pid is the process ID of the child.
/// @param ws is the control LOOLWebSocket to the child.
ChildProcess(const Poco::Process::PID pid, const std::shared_ptr<LOOLWebSocket>& ws) :
_thread = std::thread([this]() { this->socketProcessor(); });
LOG_INF("ChildProcess ctor [" << _pid << "].");
ChildProcess(ChildProcess&& other) = delete;
const ChildProcess& operator=(ChildProcess&& other) = delete;
if (_pid > 0)
LOG_DBG("~ChildProcess dtor [" << _pid << "].");
// No need for the socket anymore.
void setDocumentBroker(const std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker>& docBroker)
assert(docBroker && "Invalid DocumentBroker instance.");
_docBroker = docBroker;
void stop()
_stop = true;
if (isAlive())
LOG_DBG("Stopping ChildProcess [" << _pid << "]");
catch (const std::exception&)
// Already logged in sendTextFrame.
void close(const bool rude)
if (_pid < 0)
LOG_DBG("Closing ChildProcess [" << _pid << "].");
// First mark to stop the thread so it knows it's intentional.
// Shutdown the socket to break the thread if blocked on it.
if (_ws)
// Now should be quick to exit the thread; wait.
if (_thread.joinable())
catch (const std::exception& ex)
LOG_ERR("Error while closing child process: " << ex.what());
// Kill or abandon the child.
if (_pid != -1 && rude && kill(_pid, 0) != 0 && errno != ESRCH)
LOG_INF("Killing child [" << _pid << "].");
if (SigUtil::killChild(_pid))
LOG_ERR("Cannot terminate lokit [" << _pid << "]. Abandoning.");
_pid = -1;
Poco::Process::PID getPid() const { return _pid; }
/// Send a text payload to the child-process WS.
bool sendTextFrame(const std::string& data)
if (_ws)
LOG_TRC("DocBroker to Child: " << data);
_ws->sendFrame(, data.size());
return true;
catch (const std::exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("Failed to send child [" << _pid << "] data [" <<
data << "] due to: " << exc.what());
LOG_WRN("No socket between DocBroker and child to send [" << data << "]");
return false;
/// Check whether this child is alive and socket not in error.
/// Note: zombies will show as alive, and sockets have waiting
/// time after the other end-point closes. So this isn't accurate.
bool isAlive() const
return (_pid > 1 && _ws && kill(_pid, 0) == 0 &&
!_ws->poll(Poco::Timespan(0), Poco::Net::Socket::SelectMode::SELECT_ERROR));
catch (const std::exception&)
return false;
void socketProcessor();
Poco::Process::PID _pid;
std::shared_ptr<LOOLWebSocket> _ws;
std::weak_ptr<DocumentBroker> _docBroker;
std::thread _thread;
std::atomic<bool> _stop;
class ClientSession;
/// DocumentBroker is responsible for setting up a document
/// in jail and brokering loading it from Storage
/// and saving it back.
/// Contains URI, physical path, etc.
class DocumentBroker : public std::enable_shared_from_this<DocumentBroker>
static Poco::URI sanitizeURI(const std::string& uri);
/// Returns a document-specific key based
/// on the URI of the document.
static std::string getDocKey(const Poco::URI& uri);
/// Dummy document broker that is marked to destroy.
DocumentBroker(const std::string& uri,
const Poco::URI& uriPublic,
const std::string& docKey,
const std::string& childRoot,
const std::shared_ptr<ChildProcess>& childProcess);
/// Loads a document from the public URI into the jail.
bool load(std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>& session, const std::string& jailId);
bool isLoaded() const { return _isLoaded; }
void setLoaded() { _isLoaded = true; }
/// Save the document to Storage if needs persisting.
bool save(const std::string& sesionId, bool success, const std::string& result = "");
bool isModified() const { return _isModified; }
void setModified(const bool value);
/// Save the document if the document is modified.
/// @param force when true, will force saving if there
/// has been any recent activity after the last save.
/// @param waitTimeoutMs when >0 will wait for the save to
/// complete before returning, or timeout.
/// @return true if attempts to save or it also waits
/// and receives save notification. Otherwise, false.
bool autoSave(const bool force, const size_t waitTimeoutMs, std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lock);
Poco::URI getPublicUri() const { return _uriPublic; }
Poco::URI getJailedUri() const { return _uriJailed; }
const std::string& getJailId() const { return _jailId; }
const std::string& getDocKey() const { return _docKey; }
const std::string& getFilename() const { return _filename; };
TileCache& tileCache() { return *_tileCache; }
bool isAlive() const { return _childProcess && _childProcess->isAlive(); }
size_t getSessionsCount() const
return _sessions.size();
std::string getJailRoot() const;
/// Add a new session. Returns the new number of sessions.
size_t addSession(std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>& session);
/// Removes a session by ID. Returns the new number of sessions.
size_t removeSession(const std::string& id);
void alertAllUsers(const std::string& msg);
void alertAllUsers(const std::string& cmd, const std::string& kind)
alertAllUsers("error: cmd=" + cmd + " kind=" + kind);
/// Invalidate the cursor position.
void invalidateCursor(int x, int y, int w, int h)
_cursorPosX = x;
_cursorPosY = y;
_cursorWidth = w;
_cursorHeight = h;
void invalidateTiles(const std::string& tiles);
void handleTileRequest(TileDesc& tile,
const std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>& session);
void handleTileCombinedRequest(TileCombined& tileCombined,
const std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>& session);
void cancelTileRequests(const std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>& session);
void handleTileResponse(const std::vector<char>& payload);
void handleTileCombinedResponse(const std::vector<char>& payload);
/// Called before destroying any session.
/// This method calculates and sets important states of
/// session being destroyed. Returns true if session id
/// is the last editable session.
bool startDestroy(const std::string& id);
bool isMarkedToDestroy() const { return _markToDestroy; }
bool handleInput(const std::vector<char>& payload);
/// Forward a message from client session to its respective child session.
bool forwardToChild(const std::string& viewId, const std::string& message);
int getRenderedTileCount() { return _debugRenderedTileCount; }
void closeDocument(const std::string& reason);
/// Called by the ChildProcess object to notify
/// that it has terminated on its own.
/// This happens either when the child exists
/// or upon failing to process an incoming message.
void childSocketTerminated();
/// This gracefully terminates the connection
/// with the child and cleans up ChildProcess etc.
/// We must be called under lock and it must be
/// passed to us so we unlock before waiting on
/// the ChildProcess thread, which can take our lock.
void terminateChild(std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lock, const std::string& closeReason);
/// Get the PID of the associated child process
Poco::Process::PID getPid() const { return _childProcess->getPid(); }
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> getLock() { return std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(_mutex); }
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> getDeferredLock() { return std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(_mutex, std::defer_lock); }
void updateLastActivityTime();
std::size_t getIdleTimeSecs() const
const auto duration = (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - _lastActivityTime);
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(duration).count();
/// Sends the .uno:Save command to LoKit.
bool sendUnoSave(const bool dontSaveIfUnmodified);
/// Saves the document to Storage (assuming LO Core saved to local copy).
bool saveToStorage();
/// Forward a message from child session to its respective client session.
bool forwardToClient(const std::shared_ptr<Message>& payload);
const std::string _uriOrig;
const Poco::URI _uriPublic;
const std::string _docKey;
const std::string _childRoot;
const std::string _cacheRoot;
std::shared_ptr<ChildProcess> _childProcess;
Poco::URI _uriJailed;
std::string _jailId;
std::string _filename;
/// The last time we tried saving, regardless of whether the
/// document was modified and saved or not.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point _lastSaveTime;
/// The document's last-modified time on storage.
Poco::Timestamp _documentLastModifiedTime;
/// The jailed file last-modified time.
Poco::Timestamp _lastFileModifiedTime;
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<ClientSession> > _sessions;
std::unique_ptr<StorageBase> _storage;
std::unique_ptr<TileCache> _tileCache;
std::atomic<bool> _markToDestroy;
std::atomic<bool> _lastEditableSession;
std::atomic<bool> _isLoaded;
std::atomic<bool> _isModified;
int _cursorPosX;
int _cursorPosY;
int _cursorWidth;
int _cursorHeight;
mutable std::mutex _mutex;
std::condition_variable _saveCV;
std::mutex _saveMutex;
/// Versioning is used to prevent races between
/// painting and invalidation.
std::atomic<size_t> _tileVersion;
int _debugRenderedTileCount;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point _lastActivityTime;
static constexpr auto IdleSaveDurationMs = 30 * 1000;
static constexpr auto AutoSaveDurationMs = 300 * 1000;
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