
Collabora Online for Kubernetes

Helm chart for deploying Collabora Online in Kubernetes cluster

How to test this specific setup:

  1. Install Kubernetes cluster locally - minikube -
  2. Install helm -
  3. Prepare the namespace in local kubernetes cluster with this command :
kubectl create namespace collabora
  1. Install helm-chart using below command
helm install --namespace=collabora --generate-name collabora-online
  1. Finally spin the collabora-online pods in kubernetes
kubectl -n collabora describe service collabora-online

Some useful commands to check what is happening :

  • Where is this pods, are they ready ?
kubectl -n collabora get pod

example output :

NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
collabora-online-5fb4869564-dnzmk   1/1     Running   0          28h
collabora-online-5fb4869564-fb4cf   1/1     Running   0          28h
collabora-online-5fb4869564-wbrv2   1/1     Running   0          28h
  • What is the outside port that multiple loolwsd servers actually answering ?
minikube service --url collabora-online -n collabora

example output :

| NAMESPACE |       NAME       | TARGET PORT |          URL           |
| collabora | collabora-online |             | |

so for this example http:// address should only response as "OK" on a plain html page, it means that it is ready to be used by your WOPI-like host of your local setup


  • If you wish to dive into advanced settings of kubernetes deployment feel free to update values.yaml file to achieve that
  • Don't forget that you have to create the namespace (default is collabora) you specified in collabora-online/values.yaml file