Caolán McNamara ce0c11f09f cid#318866 can elide the temporary here
Signed-off-by: Caolán McNamara <>
Change-Id: I8a7bb1b6b8535ecbdae8deddc10f3c010db28897
2023-08-15 15:09:36 +02:00

1551 lines
61 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
#include <chrono>
#include <config.h>
#include "HttpRequest.hpp"
#include "Storage.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <cassert>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iconv.h>
#include <string>
#include <Poco/Exception.h>
#include <Poco/JSON/Object.h>
#include <Poco/JSON/Parser.h>
#include <Poco/Net/AcceptCertificateHandler.h>
#include <Poco/Net/Context.h>
#include <Poco/Net/DNS.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPClientSession.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPRequest.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPResponse.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPSClientSession.h>
#include <Poco/Net/KeyConsoleHandler.h>
#include <Poco/Net/NameValueCollection.h>
#include <Poco/Net/SSLManager.h>
#include <Poco/StreamCopier.h>
#include <Poco/URI.h>
#include "Auth.hpp"
#include <Common.hpp>
#include "Exceptions.hpp"
#include <Log.hpp>
#include <Unit.hpp>
#include <Util.hpp>
#include "ProofKey.hpp"
#include <common/FileUtil.hpp>
#include <common/JsonUtil.hpp>
#include <common/TraceEvent.hpp>
#include <NetUtil.hpp>
#include <CommandControl.hpp>
#include "HostUtil.hpp"
#ifdef IOS
#include <ios.h>
#elif defined(__ANDROID__)
#include "androidapp.hpp"
#elif defined(GTKAPP)
#include "gtk.hpp"
#elif defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__)
#include "wasmapp.hpp"
bool StorageBase::FilesystemEnabled;
bool StorageBase::SSLAsScheme = true;
bool StorageBase::SSLEnabled = false;
std::string StorageBase::getLocalRootPath() const
std::string localPath = _jailPath;
if (localPath[0] == '/')
// Remove the leading /
localPath.erase(0, 1);
// /chroot/jailId/user/doc/childId
const Poco::Path rootPath = Poco::Path(_localStorePath, localPath);
return rootPath.toString();
void StorageBase::initialize()
const auto& app = Poco::Util::Application::instance();
FilesystemEnabled = app.config().getBool("storage.filesystem[@allow]", false);
//parse only when there is no storage.wopi.alias_groups entry in config
if (!app.config().has("storage.wopi.alias_groups"))
// FIXME: should use our own SSL socket implementation here.
// Init client
Poco::Net::Context::Params sslClientParams;
// false default for upgrade to preserve legacy configuration
// in-config-file defaults are true.
SSLAsScheme = COOLWSD::getConfigValue<bool>("storage.ssl.as_scheme", false);
// Fallback to ssl.enable if not set - for back compatibility & simplicity.
SSLEnabled = COOLWSD::getConfigValue<bool>(
"storage.ssl.enable", COOLWSD::getConfigValue<bool>("ssl.enable", true));
char *StorageSSLEnabled = getenv("STORAGE_SSL_ENABLE");
if (StorageSSLEnabled != NULL)
if (!strcasecmp(StorageSSLEnabled, "true"))
SSLEnabled = true;
else if (!strcasecmp(StorageSSLEnabled, "false"))
SSLEnabled = false;
if (SSLEnabled)
sslClientParams.certificateFile = COOLWSD::getPathFromConfigWithFallback("storage.ssl.cert_file_path", "ssl.cert_file_path");
sslClientParams.privateKeyFile = COOLWSD::getPathFromConfigWithFallback("storage.ssl.key_file_path", "ssl.key_file_path");
sslClientParams.caLocation = COOLWSD::getPathFromConfigWithFallback("storage.ssl.ca_file_path", "ssl.ca_file_path");
sslClientParams.cipherList = COOLWSD::getPathFromConfigWithFallback("storage.ssl.cipher_list", "ssl.cipher_list");
sslClientParams.verificationMode = (sslClientParams.caLocation.empty() ? Poco::Net::Context::VERIFY_NONE : Poco::Net::Context::VERIFY_STRICT);
sslClientParams.loadDefaultCAs = true;
sslClientParams.verificationMode = Poco::Net::Context::VERIFY_NONE;
Poco::SharedPtr<Poco::Net::PrivateKeyPassphraseHandler> consoleClientHandler = new Poco::Net::KeyConsoleHandler(false);
Poco::SharedPtr<Poco::Net::InvalidCertificateHandler> invalidClientCertHandler = new Poco::Net::AcceptCertificateHandler(false);
Poco::Net::Context::Ptr sslClientContext = new Poco::Net::Context(Poco::Net::Context::CLIENT_USE, sslClientParams);
sslClientContext->disableProtocols(Poco::Net::Context::Protocols::PROTO_SSLV2 |
Poco::Net::Context::Protocols::PROTO_SSLV3 |
Poco::Net::SSLManager::instance().initializeClient(consoleClientHandler, invalidClientCertHandler, sslClientContext);
// Initialize our client SSL context.
sslClientParams.certificateFile, sslClientParams.privateKeyFile, sslClientParams.caLocation,
sslClientParams.caLocation.empty() ? ssl::CertificateVerification::Disabled
: ssl::CertificateVerification::Required);
if (!ssl::Manager::isClientContextInitialized())
LOG_ERR("Failed to initialize Client SSL.");
LOG_INF("Initialized Client SSL.");
FilesystemEnabled = true;
bool isLocalhost(const std::string& targetHost)
const std::string targetAddress = net::resolveHostAddress(targetHost);
if (net::isLocalhost(targetHost))
LOG_INF("WOPI host [" << targetHost << "] is on the same host as the WOPI client: \""
<< targetAddress << "\". Connection is allowed.");
return true;
LOG_INF("WOPI host [" << targetHost << "] is not on the same host as the WOPI client: \""
<< targetAddress << "\". Connection is not allowed.");
return false;
bool isTemplate(const std::string& filename)
std::vector<std::string> templateExtensions {".stw", ".ott", ".dot", ".dotx", ".dotm", ".otm", ".stc", ".ots", ".xltx", ".xltm", ".sti", ".otp", ".potx", ".potm", ".std", ".otg"};
for (auto & extension : templateExtensions)
if (Util::endsWith(filename, extension))
return true;
return false;
StorageBase::StorageType StorageBase::validate(const Poco::URI& uri, bool takeOwnership)
if (uri.isRelative() || uri.getScheme() == "file")
LOG_DBG("Public URI [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(uri.toString()) << "] is a file");
if (std::getenv("FAKE_UNAUTHORIZED"))
LOG_DBG("FAKE_UNAUTHORIZED envar is set, unauthorized uri ["
<< COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(uri.toString()) << ']');
return StorageBase::StorageType::Unauthorized;
if (FilesystemEnabled || takeOwnership)
LOG_DBG("Validated URI [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(uri.toString())
<< "] as FileSystem");
return StorageBase::StorageType::FileSystem;
LOG_DBG("Local Storage is disabled by default. Enable in the config file or on the "
"command-line to enable.");
else if (HostUtil::isWopiEnabled())
const auto& targetHost = uri.getHost();
if (HostUtil::allowedWopiHost(targetHost) || isLocalhost(targetHost))
LOG_DBG("Validated URI [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(uri.toString()) << "] as WOPI");
return StorageBase::StorageType::Wopi;
// check if the IP address is in the list of allowed hosts
const auto hostAddresses(Poco::Net::DNS::resolve(targetHost));
for (const auto& address : hostAddresses.addresses())
if (HostUtil::allowedWopiHost(address.toString()))
LOG_DBG("Validated URI [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(uri.toString()) << "] as WOPI");
return StorageBase::StorageType::Wopi;
LOG_DBG("No acceptable WOPI hosts found matching the target host ["
<< targetHost << "] in config for URI [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(uri.toString())
<< ']');
return StorageBase::StorageType::Unauthorized;
LOG_DBG("No Storage configured or invalid URI [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(uri.toString())
<< ']');
return StorageBase::StorageType::Unsupported;
std::unique_ptr<StorageBase> StorageBase::create(const Poco::URI& uri, const std::string& jailRoot,
const std::string& jailPath, bool takeOwnership)
// FIXME: By the time this gets called we have already sent to the client three
// 'statusindicator:' messages: 'find', 'connect' and 'ready'. We should ideally do the checks
// here much earlier. Also, using exceptions is lame and makes understanding the code harder,
// but that is just my personal preference.
std::unique_ptr<StorageBase> storage;
if (UnitBase::isUnitTesting() && UnitWSD::get().createStorage(uri, jailRoot, jailPath, storage))
if (storage)
LOG_INF("Storage create hooked via UnitWSD");
return storage;
const StorageBase::StorageType type = validate(uri, takeOwnership);
switch (type)
case StorageBase::StorageType::Unsupported:
LOG_ERR("Unsupported URI [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(uri.toString())
<< "] or no storage configured");
throw BadRequestException("No Storage configured or invalid URI " +
COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(uri.toString()) + ']');
case StorageBase::StorageType::Unauthorized:
LOG_ERR("No acceptable WOPI hosts found matching the target host [" << uri.getHost()
<< "] in config");
throw UnauthorizedRequestException(
"No acceptable WOPI hosts found matching the target host [" + uri.getHost() +
"] in config");
case StorageBase::StorageType::FileSystem:
return std::make_unique<LocalStorage>(uri, jailRoot, jailPath, takeOwnership);
case StorageBase::StorageType::Wopi:
return std::make_unique<WopiStorage>(uri, jailRoot, jailPath);
throw BadRequestException("No Storage configured or invalid URI " +
COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(uri.toString()) + ']');
std::atomic<unsigned> LocalStorage::LastLocalStorageId;
std::unique_ptr<LocalStorage::LocalFileInfo> LocalStorage::getLocalFileInfo()
const Poco::Path path = getUri().getPath();
LOG_DBG("Getting info for local uri [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(getUri().toString()) << "], path [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(path.toString()) << "].");
const FileUtil::Stat stat(path.toString());
const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point lastModified = stat.modifiedTimepoint();
setFileInfo(FileInfo(path.getFileName(), "LocalOwner",
// Set automatic userid and username.
const std::string userId = std::to_string(LastLocalStorageId++);
std::string userNameString;
if (user_name != nullptr)
userNameString = std::string(user_name);
if (userNameString.empty())
userNameString = "LocalUser#" + userId;
return std::make_unique<LocalStorage::LocalFileInfo>("LocalUser" + userId, userNameString);
std::string LocalStorage::downloadStorageFileToLocal(const Authorization& /*auth*/,
LockContext& /*lockCtx*/,
const std::string& /*templateUri*/)
// /chroot/jailId/user/doc/childId/file.ext
const std::string filename = Poco::Path(getUri().getPath()).getFileName();
setRootFilePath(Poco::Path(getLocalRootPath(), filename).toString());
LOG_INF("Public URI [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(getUri().getPath()) <<
"] jailed to [" << getRootFilePathAnonym() << "].");
// Despite the talk about URIs it seems that _uri is actually just a pathname here
const std::string publicFilePath = getUri().getPath();
if (!Poco::File(publicFilePath).exists())
LOG_ERR("Local file URI [" << publicFilePath << "] invalid or doesn't exist.");
throw BadRequestException("Invalid URI: " + getUri().toString());
if (!FileUtil::checkDiskSpace(getRootFilePath()))
throw StorageSpaceLowException("Low disk space for " + getRootFilePathAnonym());
if (_isTemporaryFile)
// Neither link nor copy, just move, it's a temporary file.
// Cleanup the directory after moving.
const std::string dir = Poco::Path(publicFilePath).parent().toString();
if (FileUtil::isEmptyDirectory(dir))
catch (const Poco::Exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("Failed to move [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(publicFilePath) << "] to ["
<< getRootFilePathAnonym() << "]: " << exc.displayText());
if (!FileUtil::Stat(getRootFilePath()).exists())
// Try to link.
LOG_INF("Linking " << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(publicFilePath) << " to "
<< getRootFilePathAnonym());
if (!Poco::File(getRootFilePath()).exists()
&& link(publicFilePath.c_str(), getRootFilePath().c_str()) == -1)
// Failed
LOG_INF("link(\"" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(publicFilePath) << "\", \""
<< getRootFilePathAnonym() << "\") failed. Will copy. Linking error: "
<< Util::symbolicErrno(errno) << ' ' << strerror(errno));
// Fallback to copying.
if (!FileUtil::Stat(getRootFilePath()).exists())
FileUtil::copyFileTo(publicFilePath, getRootFilePath());
_isCopy = true;
catch (const Poco::Exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("copyTo(\"" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(publicFilePath) << "\", \""
<< getRootFilePathAnonym() << "\") failed: " << exc.displayText());
// Now return the jailed path.
if (COOLWSD::NoCapsForKit)
return getRootFilePath();
return Poco::Path(getJailPath(), filename).toString();
return getRootFilePath();
#else // MOBILEAPP
// In the mobile app we use no jail
return getRootFilePath();
void LocalStorage::uploadLocalFileToStorageAsync(const Authorization& /*auth*/,
LockContext& /*lockCtx*/,
const std::string& /*saveAsPath*/,
const std::string& /*saveAsFilename*/,
bool /*isRename*/, const Attributes&, SocketPoll&,
const AsyncUploadCallback& asyncUploadCallback)
const std::string path = getUri().getPath();
// Assume failure by default.
UploadResult res = UploadResult(UploadResult::Result::FAILED, "Internal error");
LOG_TRC("Copying local file to local file storage (isCopy: " << _isCopy << ") for "
<< getRootFilePathAnonym());
// Copy the file back.
if (_isCopy && Poco::File(getRootFilePathUploading()).exists())
FileUtil::copyFileTo(getRootFilePathUploading(), path);
// update its fileinfo object. This is used later to check if someone else changed the
// document while we are/were editing it
LOG_TRC("New FileInfo modified time in storage " << getLastModifiedTime());
res = UploadResult(UploadResult::Result::OK);
catch (const Poco::Exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("copyTo(\"" << getRootFilePathAnonym() << "\", \"" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(path)
<< "\") failed: " << exc.displayText());
// Default UploadResult is failure.
if (asyncUploadCallback)
asyncUploadCallback(AsyncUpload(AsyncUpload::State::Complete, res));
Poco::Net::HTTPClientSession* StorageBase::getHTTPClientSession(const Poco::URI& uri)
bool useSSL = false;
if (SSLAsScheme)
// the WOPI URI itself should control whether we use SSL or not
// for whether we verify vs. certificates, cf. above
useSSL = uri.getScheme() != "http";
// We decoupled the Wopi communication from client communication because
// the Wopi communication must have an independent policy.
// So, we will use here only Storage settings.
useSSL = SSLEnabled || COOLWSD::isSSLTermination();
// We decoupled the Wopi communication from client communication because
// the Wopi communication must have an independent policy.
// So, we will use here only Storage settings.
Poco::Net::HTTPClientSession* session = useSSL
? new Poco::Net::HTTPSClientSession(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort(),
: new Poco::Net::HTTPClientSession(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort());
// Set the timeout to the configured value.
static int timeoutSec = COOLWSD::getConfigValue<int>("net.connection_timeout_secs", 30);
session->setTimeout(Poco::Timespan(timeoutSec, 0));
return session;
std::shared_ptr<http::Session> StorageBase::getHttpSession(const Poco::URI& uri)
bool useSSL = false;
if (SSLAsScheme)
// the WOPI URI itself should control whether we use SSL or not
// for whether we verify vs. certificates, cf. above
useSSL = uri.getScheme() != "http";
// We decoupled the Wopi communication from client communication because
// the Wopi communication must have an independent policy.
// So, we will use here only Storage settings.
useSSL = SSLEnabled || COOLWSD::isSSLTermination();
const auto protocol
= useSSL ? http::Session::Protocol::HttpSsl : http::Session::Protocol::HttpUnencrypted;
// Create the session.
auto httpSession = http::Session::create(uri.getHost(), protocol, uri.getPort());
static int timeoutSec = COOLWSD::getConfigValue<int>("net.connection_timeout_secs", 30);
return httpSession;
static void addStorageDebugCookie(Poco::Net::HTTPRequest& request)
(void) request;
if (std::getenv("COOL_STORAGE_COOKIE"))
Poco::Net::NameValueCollection nvcCookies;
StringVector cookieTokens = StringVector::tokenize(std::string(std::getenv("COOL_STORAGE_COOKIE")), ':');
if (cookieTokens.size() == 2)
nvcCookies.add(cookieTokens[0], cookieTokens[1]);
LOG_TRC("Added storage debug cookie [" << cookieTokens[0] << '=' << cookieTokens[1] << "].");
// access_token must be decoded
void addWopiProof(Poco::Net::HTTPRequest& request, const Poco::URI& uri,
const std::string& access_token)
for (const auto& header : GetProofHeaders(access_token, uri.toString()))
request.set(header.first, header.second);
std::map<std::string, std::string> GetQueryParams(const Poco::URI& uri)
std::map<std::string, std::string> result;
for (const auto& param : uri.getQueryParameters())
return result;
} // anonymous namespace
#endif // !MOBILEAPP
void LockContext::initSupportsLocks()
_supportsLocks = false;
if (_supportsLocks)
// first time token setup
_supportsLocks = true;
_lockToken = "cool-lock" + Util::rng::getHexString(8);
bool LockContext::needsRefresh(const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point &now) const
return _supportsLocks && _isLocked && _refreshSeconds > std::chrono::seconds::zero() &&
(now - _lastLockTime) >= _refreshSeconds;
void LockContext::dumpState(std::ostream& os) const
if (!_supportsLocks)
os << "\n LockContext:";
os << "\n locked: " << _isLocked;
os << "\n token: " << _lockToken;
os << "\n last locked: " << Util::getSteadyClockAsString(_lastLockTime);
void WopiStorage::initHttpRequest(Poco::Net::HTTPRequest& request, const Poco::URI& uri,
const Authorization& auth) const
request.set("User-Agent", WOPI_AGENT_STRING);
// TODO: Avoid repeated parsing.
std::map<std::string, std::string> params = GetQueryParams(uri);
const auto it = params.find("access_token");
if (it != params.end())
addWopiProof(request, uri, it->second);
// Helps wrt. debugging cluster cases from the logs
request.set("X-COOL-WOPI-ServerId", Util::getProcessIdentifier());
http::Request WopiStorage::initHttpRequest(const Poco::URI& uri, const Authorization& auth) const
http::Request httpRequest(uri.getPathAndQuery());
//FIXME: Hack Hack Hack! Use own version.
Poco::Net::HTTPRequest request;
initHttpRequest(request, uri, auth);
// Copy the headers, including the cookies.
for (const auto& pair : request)
httpRequest.header().set(pair.first, pair.second);
return httpRequest;
WopiStorage::getWOPIFileInfoForUri(Poco::URI uriObject, const Authorization& auth,
LockContext& lockCtx, unsigned redirectLimit)
ProfileZone profileZone("WopiStorage::getWOPIFileInfo", { {"url", _fileUrl} });
// update the access_token to the one matching to the session
const std::string uriAnonym = COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(uriObject.toString());
LOG_DBG("Getting info for wopi uri [" << uriAnonym << "].");
std::string wopiResponse;
std::chrono::milliseconds callDurationMs;
std::shared_ptr<http::Session> httpSession = getHttpSession(uriObject);
http::Request httpRequest = initHttpRequest(uriObject, auth);
const auto startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
LOG_TRC("WOPI::CheckFileInfo request header for URI [" << uriAnonym << "]:\n"
<< httpRequest.header());
const std::shared_ptr<const http::Response> httpResponse
= httpSession->syncRequest(httpRequest);
callDurationMs = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - startTime);
const http::StatusCode statusCode = httpResponse->statusLine().statusCode();
if (statusCode == http::StatusCode::MovedPermanently ||
statusCode == http::StatusCode::Found ||
statusCode == http::StatusCode::TemporaryRedirect ||
statusCode == http::StatusCode::PermanentRedirect)
if (redirectLimit)
const std::string& location = httpResponse->get("Location");
LOG_TRC("WOPI::CheckFileInfo redirect to URI [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(location) << "]");
Poco::URI redirectUriObject(location);
return getWOPIFileInfoForUri(redirectUriObject, auth, lockCtx, redirectLimit - 1);
LOG_WRN("WOPI::CheckFileInfo redirected too many times - URI [" << uriAnonym << "]");
// Note: we don't log the response if obfuscation is enabled, except for failures.
wopiResponse = httpResponse->getBody();
const bool failed = (httpResponse->statusLine().statusCode() != http::StatusCode::OK);
Log::StreamLogger logRes = failed ? Log::error() : Log::trace();
if (logRes.enabled())
logRes << "WOPI::CheckFileInfo " << (failed ? "failed" : "returned") << " for URI ["
<< uriAnonym << "]: " << httpResponse->statusLine().statusCode() << ' '
<< httpResponse->statusLine().reasonPhrase()
<< ". Headers: " << httpResponse->header()
<< (failed ? "\tBody: [" + wopiResponse + ']' : std::string());
if (failed)
if (httpResponse->statusLine().statusCode() == http::StatusCode::Forbidden)
throw UnauthorizedRequestException(
"Access denied, 403. WOPI::CheckFileInfo failed on: " + uriAnonym);
throw StorageConnectionException("WOPI::CheckFileInfo failed: " + wopiResponse);
catch (const Poco::Exception& pexc)
LOG_ERR("Cannot get file info from WOPI storage uri [" << uriAnonym << "]. Error: " <<
pexc.displayText() << (pexc.nested() ? " (" + pexc.nested()->displayText() + ')' : ""));
catch (const BadRequestException& exc)
LOG_ERR("Cannot get file info from WOPI storage uri [" << uriAnonym << "]. Error: " << exc.what());
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr object;
if (JsonUtil::parseJSON(wopiResponse, object))
if (COOLWSD::AnonymizeUserData)
LOG_DBG("WOPI::CheckFileInfo (" << callDurationMs << "): anonymizing...");
LOG_DBG("WOPI::CheckFileInfo (" << callDurationMs << "): " << wopiResponse);
std::size_t size = 0;
std::string filename, ownerId, lastModifiedTime;
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "Size", size);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "OwnerId", ownerId);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "BaseFileName", filename);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "LastModifiedTime", lastModifiedTime);
FileInfo fileInfo = FileInfo({filename, ownerId, lastModifiedTime});
if (COOLWSD::AnonymizeUserData)
Util::mapAnonymized(Util::getFilenameFromURL(filename), Util::getFilenameFromURL(getUri().toString()));
auto wopiInfo = std::make_unique<WopiStorage::WOPIFileInfo>(fileInfo, object, uriObject);
if (wopiInfo->getSupportsLocks())
// If FileUrl is set, we use it for GetFile.
_fileUrl = wopiInfo->getFileUrl();
return wopiInfo;
if (COOLWSD::AnonymizeUserData)
wopiResponse = "obfuscated";
LOG_ERR("WOPI::CheckFileInfo ("
<< callDurationMs
<< ") failed or no valid JSON payload returned. Access denied. Original response: ["
<< wopiResponse << "].");
throw UnauthorizedRequestException("Access denied. WOPI::CheckFileInfo failed on: " + uriAnonym);
std::unique_ptr<WopiStorage::WOPIFileInfo> WopiStorage::getWOPIFileInfo(const Authorization& auth,
LockContext& lockCtx)
return getWOPIFileInfoForUri(getUri(), auth, lockCtx, RedirectionLimit);
WopiStorage::WOPIFileInfo::WOPIFileInfo(const FileInfo& fileInfo,
const Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr& object,
const Poco::URI& uriObject)
: FileInfo(fileInfo)
, _hideUserList("false")
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "UserId", _userId);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "UserFriendlyName", _username);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "TemplateSaveAs", _templateSaveAs);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "TemplateSource", _templateSource);
// UserFriendlyName is used as the Author when loading the document.
// If it's missing, document loading fails. Since the UserFriendlyName
// field is optional in WOPI specs, it's often left out by integrators.
if (_username.empty())
_username = "UnknownUser"; // Default to something sensible yet friendly.
if (!_userId.empty())
_username += '_' + _userId;
LOG_ERR("WOPI::CheckFileInfo does not specify a valid UserFriendlyName for the current "
"user. Temporarily ["
<< _username << "] will be used until a valid name is specified.");
std::ostringstream wopiResponse;
// Anonymize key values.
if (COOLWSD::AnonymizeUserData)
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "ObfuscatedUserId", _obfuscatedUserId);
if (!_obfuscatedUserId.empty())
Util::mapAnonymized(getOwnerId(), _obfuscatedUserId);
Util::mapAnonymized(_userId, _obfuscatedUserId);
Util::mapAnonymized(_username, _obfuscatedUserId);
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr anonObject(object);
// Set anonymized version of the above fields before logging.
// Note: anonymization caches the result, so we don't need to store here.
if (COOLWSD::AnonymizeUserData)
anonObject->set("BaseFileName", COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(getFilename()));
// If obfuscatedUserId is provided, then don't log the originals and use it.
if (COOLWSD::AnonymizeUserData && _obfuscatedUserId.empty())
anonObject->set("OwnerId", COOLWSD::anonymizeUsername(getOwnerId()));
anonObject->set("UserId", COOLWSD::anonymizeUsername(_userId));
anonObject->set("UserFriendlyName", COOLWSD::anonymizeUsername(_username));
LOG_DBG("WOPI::CheckFileInfo: " << wopiResponse.str());
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "UserExtraInfo", _userExtraInfo);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "UserPrivateInfo", _userPrivateInfo);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "WatermarkText", _watermarkText);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "UserCanWrite", _userCanWrite);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "PostMessageOrigin", _postMessageOrigin);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "HidePrintOption", _hidePrintOption);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "HideSaveOption", _hideSaveOption);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "HideExportOption", _hideExportOption);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "HideRepairOption", _hideRepairOption);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "EnableOwnerTermination", _enableOwnerTermination);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "DisablePrint", _disablePrint);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "DisableExport", _disableExport);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "DisableCopy", _disableCopy);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "DisableInactiveMessages", _disableInactiveMessages);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "DownloadAsPostMessage", _downloadAsPostMessage);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "UserCanNotWriteRelative", _userCanNotWriteRelative);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "EnableInsertRemoteImage", _enableInsertRemoteImage);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "EnableRemoteLinkPicker", _enableRemoteLinkPicker);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "EnableShare", _enableShare);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "HideUserList", _hideUserList);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "SupportsLocks", _supportsLocks);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "SupportsRename", _supportsRename);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "UserCanRename", _userCanRename);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "BreadcrumbDocName", _breadcrumbDocName);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "FileUrl", _fileUrl);
// Update the scheme to https if ssl or ssl termination is on
if (Util::startsWith(_postMessageOrigin, "http://") &&
(COOLWSD::isSSLEnabled() || COOLWSD::isSSLTermination()))
_postMessageOrigin.replace(0, 4, "https");
LOG_DBG("Updating PostMessageOrigin scheme to HTTPS. Updated origin is now ["
<< _postMessageOrigin << ']');
bool isUserLocked = false;
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "IsUserLocked", isUserLocked);
if (config::getBool("feature_lock.locked_hosts[@allow]", false))
bool isReadOnly = false;
isUserLocked = false;
Poco::URI newUri(HostUtil::getNewLockedUri(uriObject));
const std::string host = newUri.getHost();
if (CommandControl::LockManager::hostExist(host))
isReadOnly = CommandControl::LockManager::isHostReadOnly(host);
isUserLocked = CommandControl::LockManager::isHostCommandDisabled(host);
LOG_INF("Could not find matching locked_host: " << host << ",applying fallback settings");
isReadOnly = config::getBool("feature_lock.locked_hosts.fallback[@read_only]", false);
isUserLocked =
config::getBool("feature_lock.locked_hosts.fallback[@disabled_commands]", false);
if (isReadOnly)
isUserLocked = true;
_userCanWrite = false;
LOG_DBG("Feature lock is enabled and " << host << " is in the list of read-only members. Therefore, document is set to read-only.");
bool booleanFlag = false;
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "IsUserRestricted", booleanFlag);
if (JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "DisableChangeTrackingRecord", booleanFlag))
_disableChangeTrackingRecord = (booleanFlag ? WOPIFileInfo::TriState::True : WOPIFileInfo::TriState::False);
if (JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "DisableChangeTrackingShow", booleanFlag))
_disableChangeTrackingShow = (booleanFlag ? WOPIFileInfo::TriState::True : WOPIFileInfo::TriState::False);
if (JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "HideChangeTrackingControls", booleanFlag))
_hideChangeTrackingControls = (booleanFlag ? WOPIFileInfo::TriState::True : WOPIFileInfo::TriState::False);
static const std::string overrideWatermarks
= COOLWSD::getConfigValue<std::string>("watermark.text", "");
if (!overrideWatermarks.empty())
_watermarkText = overrideWatermarks;
if (isTemplate(getFilename()))
_disableExport = true;
StorageBase::LockUpdateResult WopiStorage::updateLockState(const Authorization& auth,
LockContext& lockCtx, bool lock,
const Attributes& attribs)
if (!lockCtx._supportsLocks)
return LockUpdateResult::UNSUPPORTED;
Poco::URI uriObject(getUri());
Poco::URI uriObjectAnonym(getUri());
const std::string uriAnonym = uriObjectAnonym.toString();
const std::string wopiLog(lock ? "WOPI::Lock" : "WOPI::Unlock");
LOG_DBG(wopiLog << " requesting: " << uriAnonym);
std::unique_ptr<Poco::Net::HTTPClientSession> psession(getHTTPClientSession(uriObject));
Poco::Net::HTTPRequest request(Poco::Net::HTTPRequest::HTTP_POST,
initHttpRequest(request, uriObject, auth);
request.set("X-WOPI-Override", lock ? "LOCK" : "UNLOCK");
request.set("X-WOPI-Lock", lockCtx._lockToken);
if (!attribs.getExtendedData().empty())
request.set("X-COOL-WOPI-ExtendedData", attribs.getExtendedData());
request.set("X-LOOL-WOPI-ExtendedData", attribs.getExtendedData());
// IIS requires content-length for POST requests: see
Poco::Net::HTTPResponse response;
std::istream& rs = psession->receiveResponse(response);
std::ostringstream oss;
Poco::StreamCopier::copyStream(rs, oss);
std::string responseString = oss.str();
LOG_INF(wopiLog << " response: " << responseString <<
" status " << response.getStatus());
if (response.getStatus() == Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_OK)
lockCtx._isLocked = lock;
return LockUpdateResult::OK;
std::string sMoreInfo = response.get("X-WOPI-LockFailureReason", "");
if (!sMoreInfo.empty())
lockCtx._lockFailureReason = sMoreInfo;
sMoreInfo = ", failure reason: \"" + sMoreInfo + "\"";
if (response.getStatus() == Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED ||
response.getStatus() == Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_FORBIDDEN ||
response.getStatus() == Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
LOG_ERR("Un-successful " << wopiLog << " with expired token, HTTP status "
<< response.getStatus() << sMoreInfo
<< " and response: " << responseString);
return LockUpdateResult::UNAUTHORIZED;
LOG_ERR("Un-successful " << wopiLog << " with HTTP status " << response.getStatus()
<< sMoreInfo << " and response: " << responseString);
return LockUpdateResult::FAILED;
catch (const Poco::Exception& pexc)
LOG_ERR("Cannot " << wopiLog << " uri [" << uriAnonym << "]. Error: " <<
pexc.displayText() << (pexc.nested() ? " (" + pexc.nested()->displayText() + ')' : ""));
catch (const BadRequestException& exc)
LOG_ERR("Cannot " << wopiLog << " uri [" << uriAnonym << "]. Error: " << exc.what());
lockCtx._lockFailureReason = "Request failed";
return LockUpdateResult::FAILED;
/// uri format: http://server/<...>/wopi*/files/<id>/content
std::string WopiStorage::downloadStorageFileToLocal(const Authorization& auth,
LockContext& /*lockCtx*/,
const std::string& templateUri)
ProfileZone profileZone("WopiStorage::downloadStorageFileToLocal", { {"url", _fileUrl} });
if (!templateUri.empty())
// Download the template file and load it normally.
// The document will get saved once loading in Core is complete.
const std::string templateUriAnonym = COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(templateUri);
LOG_INF("WOPI::GetFile template source: " << templateUriAnonym);
return downloadDocument(Poco::URI(templateUri), templateUriAnonym, auth,
catch (const std::exception& ex)
LOG_ERR("Could not download template from [" + templateUriAnonym + "]. Error: "
<< ex.what());
throw; // Bubble-up the exception.
return std::string();
// First try the FileUrl, if provided.
if (!_fileUrl.empty())
const std::string fileUrlAnonym = COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(_fileUrl);
LOG_INF("WOPI::GetFile using FileUrl: " << fileUrlAnonym);
return downloadDocument(Poco::URI(_fileUrl), fileUrlAnonym, auth, RedirectionLimit);
catch (const StorageSpaceLowException&)
throw; // Bubble-up the exception.
catch (const std::exception& ex)
LOG_ERR("Could not download document from WOPI FileUrl [" + fileUrlAnonym
+ "]. Will use default URL. Error: "
<< ex.what());
// Try the default URL, we either don't have FileUrl, or it failed.
// WOPI URI to download files ends in '/contents'.
// Add it here to get the payload instead of file info.
Poco::URI uriObject(getUri());
uriObject.setPath(uriObject.getPath() + "/contents");
Poco::URI uriObjectAnonym(getUri());
uriObjectAnonym.setPath(COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(uriObjectAnonym.getPath()) + "/contents");
const std::string uriAnonym = uriObjectAnonym.toString();
LOG_INF("WOPI::GetFile using default URI: " << uriAnonym);
return downloadDocument(uriObject, uriAnonym, auth, RedirectionLimit);
catch (const std::exception& ex)
LOG_ERR("Cannot download document from WOPI storage uri [" + uriAnonym + "]. Error: "
<< ex.what());
throw; // Bubble-up the exception.
return std::string();
std::string WopiStorage::downloadDocument(const Poco::URI& uriObject, const std::string& uriAnonym,
const Authorization& auth, unsigned redirectLimit)
const auto startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::shared_ptr<http::Session> httpSession = getHttpSession(uriObject);
http::Request httpRequest = initHttpRequest(uriObject, auth);
setRootFilePath(Poco::Path(getLocalRootPath(), getFileInfo().getFilename()).toString());
if (!FileUtil::checkDiskSpace(getRootFilePath()))
throw StorageSpaceLowException("Low disk space for " + getRootFilePathAnonym());
LOG_TRC("Downloading from [" << uriAnonym << "] to [" << getRootFilePath()
<< "]: " << httpRequest.header());
const std::shared_ptr<const http::Response> httpResponse
= httpSession->syncDownload(httpRequest, getRootFilePath());
const std::chrono::milliseconds diff = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - startTime);
const http::StatusCode statusCode = httpResponse->statusLine().statusCode();
if (statusCode == http::StatusCode::OK)
// Log the response header.
LOG_TRC("WOPI::GetFile response header for URI [" << uriAnonym << "]:\n"
<< httpResponse->header());
else if (statusCode == http::StatusCode::MovedPermanently ||
statusCode == http::StatusCode::Found ||
statusCode == http::StatusCode::TemporaryRedirect ||
statusCode == http::StatusCode::PermanentRedirect)
if (redirectLimit)
const std::string& location = httpResponse->get("Location");
LOG_TRC("WOPI::GetFile redirect to URI [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(location) << ']');
Poco::URI redirectUriObject(location);
return downloadDocument(redirectUriObject, uriAnonym, auth, redirectLimit - 1);
throw StorageConnectionException("WOPI::GetFile [" + uriAnonym
+ "] failed: redirected too many times");
const std::string responseString = httpResponse->getBody();
LOG_ERR("WOPI::GetFile [" << uriAnonym << "] failed with Status Code: "
<< httpResponse->statusLine().statusCode());
throw StorageConnectionException("WOPI::GetFile [" + uriAnonym
+ "] failed: " + responseString);
// Successful
const FileUtil::Stat fileStat(getRootFilePath());
const std::size_t filesize = (fileStat.good() ? fileStat.size() : 0);
LOG_INF("WOPI::GetFile downloaded " << filesize << " bytes from [" << uriAnonym << "] -> "
<< getRootFilePathAnonym() << " in " << diff);
// Now return the jailed path.
if (COOLWSD::NoCapsForKit)
return getRootFilePath();
return Poco::Path(getJailPath(), getFileInfo().getFilename()).toString();
/// A helper class to invoke the AsyncUploadCallback
/// when it exits its scope.
/// By default it invokes the callback with a failure state.
class ScopedInvokeAsyncUploadCallback
ScopedInvokeAsyncUploadCallback(StorageBase::AsyncUploadCallback asyncUploadCallback)
: _asyncUploadCallback(std::move(asyncUploadCallback))
, _arg(StorageBase::AsyncUpload(
if (_asyncUploadCallback)
/// Set a new callback argument.
void setArg(StorageBase::AsyncUpload arg) { _arg = std::move(arg); }
StorageBase::AsyncUploadCallback _asyncUploadCallback;
StorageBase::AsyncUpload _arg;
void WopiStorage::uploadLocalFileToStorageAsync(const Authorization& auth, LockContext& lockCtx,
const std::string& saveAsPath,
const std::string& saveAsFilename,
const bool isRename, const Attributes& attribs,
SocketPoll& socketPoll,
const AsyncUploadCallback& asyncUploadCallback)
ProfileZone profileZone("WopiStorage::uploadLocalFileToStorage", { {"url", _fileUrl} });
// TODO: Check if this URI has write permission (canWrite = true)
// Always invoke the callback with the result of the async upload.
ScopedInvokeAsyncUploadCallback scopedInvokeCallback(asyncUploadCallback);
//TODO: replace with state machine.
if (_uploadHttpSession)
LOG_WRN("Upload is already in progress.");
const bool isSaveAs = !saveAsPath.empty() && !saveAsFilename.empty();
const std::string filePath(isSaveAs ? saveAsPath : getRootFilePathUploading());
const std::string filePathAnonym = COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(filePath);
const FileUtil::Stat fileStat(filePath);
if (!fileStat.good())
LOG_ERR("Cannot access file [" << filePathAnonym << "] to upload to wopi storage.");
UploadResult(UploadResult::Result::FAILED, "File not found.")));
const std::size_t size = (fileStat.good() ? fileStat.size() : 0);
Poco::URI uriObject(getUri());
uriObject.setPath(isSaveAs || isRename ? uriObject.getPath()
: uriObject.getPath() + "/contents");
const std::string uriAnonym = COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(uriObject.toString());
const std::string wopiLog(isSaveAs ? "WOPI::PutRelativeFile"
: (isRename ? "WOPI::RenameFile" : "WOPI::PutFile"));
LOG_INF(wopiLog << " uploading " << size << " bytes from [" << filePathAnonym
<< "] to URI via WOPI [" << uriAnonym << ']');
const auto startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
assert(!_uploadHttpSession && "Unexpected to have an upload http::session");
_uploadHttpSession = getHttpSession(uriObject);
http::Request httpRequest = initHttpRequest(uriObject, auth);
http::Header& httpHeader = httpRequest.header();
// must include this header except for SaveAs
if (!isSaveAs && lockCtx._supportsLocks)
httpHeader.set("X-WOPI-Lock", lockCtx._lockToken);
if (!isSaveAs && !isRename)
// normal save
httpHeader.set("X-WOPI-Override", "PUT");
httpHeader.set("X-COOL-WOPI-IsModifiedByUser", attribs.isUserModified() ? "true" : "false");
httpHeader.set("X-LOOL-WOPI-IsModifiedByUser", attribs.isUserModified() ? "true" : "false");
httpHeader.set("X-COOL-WOPI-IsAutosave", attribs.isAutosave() ? "true" : "false");
httpHeader.set("X-LOOL-WOPI-IsAutosave", attribs.isAutosave() ? "true" : "false");
httpHeader.set("X-COOL-WOPI-IsExitSave", attribs.isExitSave() ? "true" : "false");
httpHeader.set("X-LOOL-WOPI-IsExitSave", attribs.isExitSave() ? "true" : "false");
if (attribs.isExitSave())
httpHeader.set("Connection", "close"); // Don't maintain the socket if we are exiting.
if (!attribs.getExtendedData().empty())
httpHeader.set("X-COOL-WOPI-ExtendedData", attribs.getExtendedData());
httpHeader.set("X-LOOL-WOPI-ExtendedData", attribs.getExtendedData());
if (!attribs.isForced())
// Request WOPI host to not overwrite if timestamps mismatch
httpHeader.set("X-COOL-WOPI-Timestamp", getLastModifiedTime());
httpHeader.set("X-LOOL-WOPI-Timestamp", getLastModifiedTime());
// the suggested target has to be in UTF-7; default to extension
// only when the conversion fails
std::string suggestedTarget = '.' + Poco::Path(saveAsFilename).getExtension();
//TODO: Perhaps we should cache this descriptor and reuse, as iconv_open might be expensive.
iconv_t cd = iconv_open("UTF-7", "UTF-8");
if (cd == (iconv_t) -1)
LOG_ERR(wopiLog << " failed to initialize iconv for UTF-7 conversion, using ["
<< suggestedTarget << ']');
std::vector<char> input(saveAsFilename.begin(), saveAsFilename.end());
std::vector<char> buffer(8 * saveAsFilename.size());
char* in = &input[0];
std::size_t in_left = input.size();
char* out = &buffer[0];
std::size_t out_left = buffer.size();
if (iconv(cd, &in, &in_left, &out, &out_left) == (size_t) -1)
LOG_ERR(wopiLog << " failed to convert [" << saveAsFilename
<< "] to UTF-7, using [" << suggestedTarget << ']');
// conversion succeeded
suggestedTarget = std::string(&buffer[0], buffer.size() - out_left);
LOG_TRC(wopiLog << " converted [" << saveAsFilename << "] to UTF-7 as ["
<< suggestedTarget << ']');
if (isRename)
// rename file
httpHeader.set("X-WOPI-Override", "RENAME_FILE");
httpHeader.set("X-WOPI-RequestedName", suggestedTarget);
// save as
httpHeader.set("X-WOPI-Override", "PUT_RELATIVE");
httpHeader.set("X-WOPI-Size", std::to_string(size));
LOG_TRC("Save as: suggested target is '" << suggestedTarget << "'.");
httpHeader.set("X-WOPI-SuggestedTarget", suggestedTarget);
http::Session::FinishedCallback finishedCallback =
[=](const std::shared_ptr<http::Session>& httpSession)
// Retire.
assert(httpSession && "Expected a valid http::Session");
const std::shared_ptr<const http::Response> httpResponse = httpSession->response();
_wopiSaveDuration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - startTime);
LOG_TRC(wopiLog << " finished async uploading in " << _wopiSaveDuration);
WopiUploadDetails details = { filePathAnonym,
isRename };
// Handle the response.
const StorageBase::UploadResult res =
handleUploadToStorageResponse(details, httpResponse->getBody());
// Fire the callback to our client (DocBroker, typically).
asyncUploadCallback(AsyncUpload(AsyncUpload::State::Complete, res));
LOG_DBG(wopiLog << " async upload request: " << httpRequest.header().toString());
// Make the request.
_uploadHttpSession->asyncRequest(httpRequest, socketPoll);
AsyncUpload(AsyncUpload::State::Running, UploadResult(UploadResult::Result::OK)));
catch (const Poco::Exception& ex)
LOG_ERR(wopiLog << " cannot upload file to WOPI storage uri [" << uriAnonym
<< "]. Error: " << ex.displayText()
<< (ex.nested() ? " (" + ex.nested()->displayText() + ')' : ""));
catch (const std::exception& ex)
LOG_ERR(wopiLog << " cannot upload file to WOPI storage uri [" + uriAnonym + "]. Error: "
<< ex.what());
AsyncUpload::State::Error, UploadResult(UploadResult::Result::FAILED, "Internal error.")));
WopiStorage::handleUploadToStorageResponse(const WopiUploadDetails& details,
std::string responseString)
// Assume we failed, unless we have confirmation of success.
StorageBase::UploadResult result(UploadResult::Result::FAILED, responseString);
// Save a copy of the response because we might need to anonymize.
const std::string origResponseString = responseString;
const std::string wopiLog(details.isSaveAs
? "WOPI::PutRelativeFile"
: (details.isRename ? "WOPI::RenameFile" : "WOPI::PutFile"));
if (Log::infoEnabled())
if (COOLWSD::AnonymizeUserData)
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr object;
if (JsonUtil::parseJSON(responseString, object))
// Anonymize the filename
std::string url;
std::string filename;
if (JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "Url", url)
&& JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "Name", filename))
// Get the FileId form the URL, which we use as the anonymized filename.
std::string decodedUrl;
Poco::URI::decode(url, decodedUrl);
const std::string obfuscatedFileId = Util::getFilenameFromURL(decodedUrl);
obfuscatedFileId); // Identity, to avoid re-anonymizing.
const std::string filenameOnly = Util::getFilenameFromURL(filename);
Util::mapAnonymized(filenameOnly, obfuscatedFileId);
object->set("Name", COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(filename));
// Stringify to log.
std::ostringstream ossResponse;
responseString = ossResponse.str();
LOG_INF(wopiLog << " uploaded " << details.size << " bytes in " << _wopiSaveDuration
<< " from [" << details.filePathAnonym << "] -> [" << details.uriAnonym
<< "]: " << details.httpResponseCode << ' '
<< details.httpResponseReason << ": " << responseString);
if (details.httpResponseCode == http::StatusCode::OK)
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr object;
if (JsonUtil::parseJSON(origResponseString, object))
const std::string lastModifiedTime
= JsonUtil::getJSONValue<std::string>(object, "LastModifiedTime");
LOG_TRC(wopiLog << " returns LastModifiedTime [" << lastModifiedTime << "].");
if (details.isSaveAs || details.isRename)
const std::string name = JsonUtil::getJSONValue<std::string>(object, "Name");
LOG_TRC(wopiLog << " returns Name [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(name) << "].");
const std::string url = JsonUtil::getJSONValue<std::string>(object, "Url");
LOG_TRC(wopiLog << " returns Url [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(url) << "].");
result.setSaveAsResult(name, url);
LOG_ERR("Invalid or missing JSON in " << wopiLog << " HTTP_OK response.");
else if (details.httpResponseCode == http::StatusCode::PayloadTooLarge)
else if (details.httpResponseCode == http::StatusCode::Unauthorized ||
details.httpResponseCode == http::StatusCode::Forbidden ||
details.httpResponseCode == http::StatusCode::NotFound)
// The ms-wopi specs recognizes 401 and 404 for invalid token
// and file unknown/user unauthorized, respectively.
// We also handle 403 that some implementation use.
else if (details.httpResponseCode == http::StatusCode::Conflict)
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr object;
if (JsonUtil::parseJSON(origResponseString, object))
const unsigned coolStatusCode
= JsonUtil::getJSONValue<unsigned>(object, "COOLStatusCode");
if (coolStatusCode == static_cast<unsigned>(COOLStatusCode::DOC_CHANGED) ||
JsonUtil::getJSONValue<unsigned>(object, "LOOLStatusCode") ==
LOG_ERR("Invalid or missing JSON in " << wopiLog << " HTTP_CONFLICT response.");
// Internal server error, and other failures.
if (responseString.empty())
responseString = "No response received. Connection terminated or timed-out.";
LOG_ERR("Unexpected response to "
<< wopiLog << ". Cannot upload file to WOPI storage uri [" << details.uriAnonym
<< "]: " << details.httpResponseCode << ' ' << details.httpResponseReason
<< ": " << responseString);
catch (const Poco::Exception& pexc)
LOG_ERR("Cannot upload file to WOPI storage uri ["
<< details.uriAnonym << "]. Error: " << pexc.displayText()
<< (pexc.nested() ? " (" + pexc.nested()->displayText() + ')' : ""));
catch (const BadRequestException& exc)
LOG_ERR("Cannot upload file to WOPI storage uri [" + details.uriAnonym + "]. Error: "
<< exc.what());
return result;
#endif // !MOBILEAPP
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