Ashod Nakashian 3decba7eec wsd: specify the minimum bytes we can write to the socket
When writing to the socket, it's always more efficient
to fill the buffer up to the hardware limit for each
write. This is doubly important for efficiency with
SSL, due to the overhead of encrypting multiple
small buffers instead of one large one.

Currently we don't write more than one message
at a time, primarily due to limitations in
the Poco sockets in the unit-tests, which
have a hard time consuming multiple WS frames
with a single poll (subsequent calls to poll
doesn't enter signalled state until new data
arrives, possibly because the data is read and
buffered internally, making the whole scheme
of using poll unreliable and meaningless).

Change-Id: Ic2e2cf1babfb5ab4116efd93f392977ba234d92b
Signed-off-by: Ashod Nakashian <>
2021-04-27 17:48:23 -04:00

1108 lines
33 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
#include <config.h>
#include "NetUtil.hpp"
#include "Socket.hpp"
#include <cstring>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#ifdef __FreeBSD__
#include <sys/ucred.h>
#include <Poco/DateTime.h>
#include <Poco/DateTimeFormat.h>
#include <Poco/DateTimeFormatter.h>
#include <Poco/MemoryStream.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPRequest.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPResponse.h>
#include <Poco/URI.h>
#include <SigUtil.hpp>
#include "ServerSocket.hpp"
#include <net/SslSocket.hpp>
#include "WebSocketHandler.hpp"
#include <net/HttpRequest.hpp>
// Bug in pre C++17 where static constexpr must be defined. Fixed in C++17.
constexpr std::chrono::microseconds SocketPoll::DefaultPollTimeoutMicroS;
constexpr std::chrono::microseconds WebSocketHandler::InitialPingDelayMicroS;
constexpr std::chrono::microseconds WebSocketHandler::PingFrequencyMicroS;
std::atomic<bool> SocketPoll::InhibitThreadChecks(false);
std::atomic<bool> Socket::InhibitThreadChecks(false);
#define SOCKET_ABSTRACT_UNIX_NAME "0loolwsd-"
int Socket::createSocket(Socket::Type type)
int domain = AF_UNSPEC;
switch (type)
case Type::IPv4: domain = AF_INET; break;
case Type::IPv6: domain = AF_INET6; break;
case Type::All: domain = AF_INET6; break;
case Type::Unix: domain = AF_UNIX; break;
default: assert(!"Unknown Socket::Type"); break;
return socket(domain, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_NONBLOCK, 0);
return fakeSocketSocket();
static std::atomic<long> socketErrorCount;
bool StreamSocket::simulateSocketError(bool read)
if ((socketErrorCount++ % 7) == 0)
LOG_DBG("Simulating socket error during " << (read ? "read." : "write."));
errno = EAGAIN;
return true;
return false;
bool SslStreamSocket::simulateSocketError(bool read)
if ((socketErrorCount++ % 7) == 0)
LOG_DBG("Simulating socket error during " << (read ? "read." : "write."));
// Note: maintain the _sslWantsTo state so we poll on
// the right event as that requested by the last ssl API.
errno = EAGAIN;
return true;
return false;
// help with initialization order
namespace {
std::vector<int> &getWakeupsArray()
static std::vector<int> pollWakeups;
return pollWakeups;
std::mutex &getPollWakeupsMutex()
static std::mutex pollWakeupsMutex;
return pollWakeupsMutex;
SocketPoll::SocketPoll(const std::string& threadName)
: _name(threadName),
// Create the wakeup fd.
if (
::pipe2(_wakeup, O_CLOEXEC | O_NONBLOCK) == -1
fakeSocketPipe2(_wakeup) == -1
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to allocate pipe for SocketPoll [" + threadName + "] waking.");
LOG_DBG("New SocketPoll [" << _name << "] owned by " << Log::to_string(_owner));
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(getPollWakeupsMutex());
LOG_DBG("~SocketPoll [" << _name << "] destroying. Joining thread now.");
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(getPollWakeupsMutex());
auto it = std::find(getWakeupsArray().begin(),
if (it != getWakeupsArray().end())
_wakeup[0] = -1;
_wakeup[1] = -1;
bool SocketPoll::startThread()
// In a race, only the first gets in.
if (_threadStarted++ == 0)
_threadFinished = false;
_stop = false;
LOG_TRC("Creating thread for SocketPoll " << _name);
_thread = std::thread(&SocketPoll::pollingThreadEntry, this);
return true;
catch (const std::exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("Failed to start SocketPoll thread [" << _name << "]: " << exc.what());
_threadStarted = 0;
else if (isAlive())
// Most likely a programming error--use isAlive().
LOG_DBG("SocketPoll [" << _name << "] thread is already running.");
// This is most likely a programming error.
// There is no point in starting a new thread either,
// because the owner is unlikely to recover.
// If there is a valid use-case for restarting
// an expired thread, we should add a way to reset it.
LOG_ERR("SocketPoll [" << _name
<< "] thread has ran and finished. Will not start it again.");
return false;
void SocketPoll::joinThread()
if (isAlive())
if (_threadStarted && _thread.joinable())
if (_thread.get_id() == std::this_thread::get_id())
LOG_ERR("DEADLOCK PREVENTED: joining own thread!");
_threadStarted = 0;
void SocketPoll::pollingThreadEntry()
_owner = std::this_thread::get_id();
LOG_INF("Starting polling thread [" << _name << "] with thread affinity set to "
<< Log::to_string(_owner) << '.');
// Invoke the virtual implementation.
// Release sockets.
catch (const std::exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("Exception in polling thread [" << _name << "]: " << exc.what());
_threadFinished = true;
LOG_INF("Finished polling thread [" << _name << "].");
int SocketPoll::poll(int64_t timeoutMaxMicroS)
if (_runOnClientThread)
// perturb - to rotate errors among several busy sockets.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point now =
// The events to poll on change each spin of the loop.
setupPollFds(now, timeoutMaxMicroS);
const size_t size = _pollSockets.size();
int rc;
LOG_TRC("ppoll start, timeoutMicroS: " << timeoutMaxMicroS << " size " << size);
timeoutMaxMicroS = std::max(timeoutMaxMicroS, (int64_t)0);
struct timespec timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = timeoutMaxMicroS / (1000 * 1000);
timeout.tv_nsec = (timeoutMaxMicroS % (1000 * 1000)) * 1000;
rc = ::ppoll(&_pollFds[0], size + 1, &timeout, nullptr);
# else
int timeoutMaxMs = (timeoutMaxMicroS + 9999) / 1000;
LOG_TRC("Legacy Poll start, timeoutMs: " << timeoutMaxMs);
rc = ::poll(&_pollFds[0], size + 1, std::max(timeoutMaxMs,0));
# endif
LOG_TRC("SocketPoll Poll");
int timeoutMaxMs = (timeoutMaxMicroS + 9999) / 1000;
rc = fakeSocketPoll(&_pollFds[0], size + 1, std::max(timeoutMaxMs,0));
while (rc < 0 && errno == EINTR);
LOG_TRC("Poll completed with " << rc << " live polls max (" <<
timeoutMaxMicroS << "us)" << ((rc==0) ? "(timedout)" : ""));
// First process the wakeup pipe (always the last entry).
if (_pollFds[size].revents)
std::vector<CallbackFn> invoke;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);
// Clear the data.
int dump = ::read(_wakeup[0], &dump, sizeof(dump));
LOG_TRC("Wakeup pipe read");
int dump = fakeSocketRead(_wakeup[0], &dump, sizeof(dump));
// Copy the new sockets over and clear.
_newSockets.begin(), _newSockets.end());
// Update thread ownership.
for (auto &i : _newSockets)
// Extract list of callbacks to process
std::swap(_newCallbacks, invoke);
for (const auto& callback : invoke)
catch (const std::exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("Exception while invoking poll [" << _name <<
"] callback: " << exc.what());
catch (const std::exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("Exception while invoking poll [" << _name <<
"] wakeup hook: " << exc.what());
// This should only happen when we're stopping.
// FIXME: A few dozen lines above we have potentially inserted new elements in _pollSockets, so
// clearly its size can now be larger than what it was when we came to this function, which got
// saved in the size variable.
if (_pollSockets.size() != size)
return rc;
// Fire the poll callbacks and remove dead fds.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point newNow =
for (int i = static_cast<int>(size) - 1; i >= 0; --i)
SocketDisposition disposition(_pollSockets[i]);
_pollSockets[i]->handlePoll(disposition, newNow,
catch (const std::exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("Error while handling poll for socket #" <<
_pollFds[i].fd << " in " << _name << ": " << exc.what());
rc = -1;
if (!disposition.isContinue())
LOG_DBG("Removing socket #" << _pollFds[i].fd << " (of " <<
_pollSockets.size() << ") from " << _name);
_pollSockets.erase(_pollSockets.begin() + i);
return rc;
void SocketPoll::wakeupWorld()
for (const auto& fd : getWakeupsArray())
void SocketPoll::insertNewWebSocketSync(const Poco::URI& uri,
const std::shared_ptr<WebSocketHandler>& websocketHandler)
LOG_TRC("Connecting WS to " << uri.getHost());
const bool isSSL = uri.getScheme() != "ws";
if (isSSL)
LOG_ERR("Error: wss for client websocket requested but SSL not compiled in.");
http::Request req(uri.getPathAndQuery());
req.set("User-Foo", "Adminbits");
//FIXME: Why do we need the following here?
req.set("Accept-Language", "en");
req.set("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
req.set("Pragma", "no-cache");
const std::string port = std::to_string(uri.getPort());
if (websocketHandler->wsRequest(req, uri.getHost(), port, isSSL, *this))
LOG_DBG("Connected WS to " << uri.getHost());
LOG_ERR("Failed to connected WS to " << uri.getHost());
void SocketPoll::insertNewUnixSocket(
const std::string &location,
const std::string &pathAndQuery,
const std::shared_ptr<WebSocketHandler>& websocketHandler,
const int shareFD)
LOG_DBG("Connecting to local UDS " << location);
const int fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_NONBLOCK, 0);
struct sockaddr_un addrunix;
std::memset(&addrunix, 0, sizeof(addrunix));
addrunix.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
addrunix.sun_path[0] = '\0'; // abstract name
memcpy(&addrunix.sun_path[1], location.c_str(), location.length());
const int res = connect(fd, (const struct sockaddr*)&addrunix, sizeof(addrunix));
if (fd < 0 || (res < 0 && errno != EINPROGRESS))
LOG_ERR("Failed to connect to unix socket at " << location);
std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> socket
= StreamSocket::create<StreamSocket>(fd, true, websocketHandler);
if (!socket)
LOG_ERR("Failed to create socket unix socket at " << location);
LOG_DBG("Connected to local UDS " << location << " #" << socket->getFD());
http::Request req(pathAndQuery);
req.set("User-Foo", "Adminbits");
req.set("Sec-WebSocket-Key", websocketHandler->getWebSocketKey());
req.set("Sec-WebSocket-Version", "13");
//FIXME: Why do we need the following here?
req.set("Accept-Language", "en");
req.set("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
req.set("Pragma", "no-cache");
LOG_TRC("Requesting upgrade of websocket at path " << pathAndQuery << " #" << socket->getFD());
if (shareFD == -1)
Buffer buf;
req.writeData(buf, INT_MAX); // Write the whole request.
socket->sendFD(buf.getBlock(), buf.getBlockSize(), shareFD);
void SocketPoll::insertNewFakeSocket(
int peerSocket,
const std::shared_ptr<ProtocolHandlerInterface>& websocketHandler)
LOG_INF("Connecting to " << peerSocket);
int fd = fakeSocketSocket();
int res = fakeSocketConnect(fd, peerSocket);
if (fd < 0 || (res < 0 && errno != EINPROGRESS))
LOG_ERR("Failed to connect to the 'wsd' socket");
std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> socket;
socket = StreamSocket::create<StreamSocket>(fd, true, websocketHandler);
if (socket)
LOG_TRC("Sending 'hello' instead of HTTP GET for now");
LOG_ERR("Failed to allocate socket for client websocket");
void ServerSocket::dumpState(std::ostream& os)
os << '\t' << getFD() << "\t<accept>\n";
void SocketDisposition::execute()
// We should have hard ownership of this socket.
assert(_socket->getThreadOwner() == std::this_thread::get_id());
if (_socketMove)
// Drop pretentions of ownership before _socketMove.
if (!_toPoll) {
assert (isMove());
} else {
assert (isTransfer());
// Ensure the thread is running before adding callback.
auto pollCopy = _toPoll;
auto socket = _socket;
auto socketMoveFn = std::move(_socketMove);
_toPoll->addCallback([pollCopy, socket, socketMoveFn]()
_socketMove = nullptr;
_toPoll = nullptr;
void WebSocketHandler::dumpState(std::ostream& os)
os << (_shuttingDown ? "shutd " : "alive ");
os << std::setw(5) << _pingTimeUs/1000. << "ms ";
if (_wsPayload.size() > 0)
Util::dumpHex(os, _wsPayload, "\t\tws queued payload:\n", "\t\t");
os << '\n';
if (_msgHandler)
void StreamSocket::dumpState(std::ostream& os)
int64_t timeoutMaxMicroS = SocketPoll::DefaultPollTimeoutMicroS.count();
const int events = getPollEvents(std::chrono::steady_clock::now(), timeoutMaxMicroS);
os << '\t' << getFD() << '\t' << events << '\t'
<< _inBuffer.size() << '\t' << _outBuffer.size() << '\t'
<< " r: " << _bytesRecvd << "\t w: " << _bytesSent << '\t'
<< clientAddress() << '\t';
if (_inBuffer.size() > 0)
Util::dumpHex(os, _inBuffer, "\t\tinBuffer:\n", "\t\t");
_outBuffer.dumpHex(os, "\t\toutBuffer:\n", "\t\t");
void StreamSocket::send(Poco::Net::HTTPResponse& response)
response.set("Server", HTTP_SERVER_STRING);
response.set("Date", Util::getHttpTimeNow());
std::ostringstream oss;
bool StreamSocket::send(const http::Response& response)
if (response.writeData(_outBuffer))
return true;
return false;
bool StreamSocket::send(http::Request& request)
if (request.writeData(_outBuffer, getSendBufferCapacity()))
return true;
return false;
void SocketPoll::dumpState(std::ostream& os)
// FIXME: NOT thread-safe! _pollSockets is modified from the polling thread!
os << " Poll [" << _pollSockets.size() << "] - wakeup r: "
<< _wakeup[0] << " w: " << _wakeup[1] << '\n';
if (_newCallbacks.size() > 0)
os << "\tcallbacks: " << _newCallbacks.size() << '\n';
os << "\tfd\tevents\trsize\twsize\n";
for (auto &i : _pollSockets)
/// Returns true on success only.
bool ServerSocket::bind(Type type, int port)
// Enable address reuse to avoid stalling after
// recycling, when previous socket is TIME_WAIT.
//TODO: Might be worth refactoring out.
const int reuseAddress = 1;
constexpr unsigned int len = sizeof(reuseAddress);
::setsockopt(getFD(), SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuseAddress, len);
int rc;
assert (_type != Socket::Type::Unix);
if (_type == Socket::Type::IPv4)
struct sockaddr_in addrv4;
std::memset(&addrv4, 0, sizeof(addrv4));
addrv4.sin_family = AF_INET;
addrv4.sin_port = htons(port);
if (type == Type::Public)
addrv4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
addrv4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
rc = ::bind(getFD(), (const sockaddr *)&addrv4, sizeof(addrv4));
struct sockaddr_in6 addrv6;
std::memset(&addrv6, 0, sizeof(addrv6));
addrv6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
addrv6.sin6_port = htons(port);
if (type == Type::Public)
addrv6.sin6_addr = in6addr_any;
addrv6.sin6_addr = in6addr_loopback;
const int ipv6only = (_type == Socket::Type::All ? 0 : 1);
if (::setsockopt(getFD(), IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, (char*)&ipv6only, sizeof(ipv6only)) == -1)
LOG_SYS('#' << getFD() << " Failed set ipv6 socket to " << ipv6only);
rc = ::bind(getFD(), (const sockaddr *)&addrv6, sizeof(addrv6));
if (rc)
LOG_SYS('#' << getFD() << " Failed to bind to: "
<< (_type == Socket::Type::IPv4 ? "IPv4" : "IPv6") << " port: " << port);
LOG_TRC('#' << getFD() << " bind to: " << (_type == Socket::Type::IPv4 ? "IPv4" : "IPv6")
<< " port: " << port);
return rc == 0;
return true;
std::shared_ptr<Socket> ServerSocket::accept()
// Accept a connection (if any) and set it to non-blocking.
// There still need the client's address to filter request from POST(call from REST) here.
assert(_type != Socket::Type::Unix);
struct sockaddr_in6 clientInfo;
socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(clientInfo);
const int rc = ::accept4(getFD(), (struct sockaddr *)&clientInfo, &addrlen, SOCK_NONBLOCK);
const int rc = fakeSocketAccept4(getFD());
LOG_DBG("Accepted socket #" << rc << ", creating socket object.");
// Create a socket object using the factory.
if (rc != -1)
std::shared_ptr<Socket> _socket = createSocketFromAccept(rc);
char addrstr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
const void *inAddr;
if (clientInfo.sin6_family == AF_INET)
auto ipv4 = (struct sockaddr_in *)&clientInfo;
inAddr = &(ipv4->sin_addr);
auto ipv6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&clientInfo;
inAddr = &(ipv6->sin6_addr);
inet_ntop(clientInfo.sin6_family, inAddr, addrstr, sizeof(addrstr));
LOG_DBG("Accepted socket has family " << clientInfo.sin6_family <<
" address " << _socket->clientAddress());
return _socket;
return std::shared_ptr<Socket>(nullptr);
catch (const std::exception& ex)
LOG_ERR("Failed to create client socket #" << rc << ". Error: " << ex.what());
return nullptr;
int Socket::getPid() const
#ifdef __linux__
struct ucred creds;
socklen_t credSize = sizeof(struct ucred);
if (getsockopt(_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PEERCRED, &creds, &credSize) < 0)
LOG_SYS("Failed to get pid via peer creds on " << _fd);
return -1;
#elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
struct xucred creds;
socklen_t credSize = sizeof(struct xucred);
if (getsockopt(_fd, 0, LOCAL_PEERCRED, &creds, &credSize) < 0)
LOG_SYS("Failed to get pid via peer creds on " << _fd);
return -1;
return creds.cr_pid;
#error Implement for your platform
// Does this socket come from the localhost ?
bool Socket::isLocal() const
if (_clientAddress.size() < 1)
return false;
if (_clientAddress[0] == '/') // Unix socket
return true;
if (_clientAddress == "::1")
return true;
return _clientAddress.rfind("127.0.0.", 0);
std::shared_ptr<Socket> LocalServerSocket::accept()
const int rc = ::accept4(getFD(), nullptr, nullptr, SOCK_NONBLOCK);
LOG_DBG("Accepted prisoner socket #" << rc << ", creating socket object.");
if (rc < 0)
return std::shared_ptr<Socket>(nullptr);
std::shared_ptr<Socket> _socket = createSocketFromAccept(rc);
// Sanity check this incoming socket
#ifndef __FreeBSD__
#define CREDS_UID(c) c.uid
#define CREDS_GID(c) c.gid
#define CREDS_PID(c)
struct ucred creds;
socklen_t credSize = sizeof(struct ucred);
if (getsockopt(rc, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PEERCRED, &creds, &credSize) < 0)
LOG_SYS("Failed to get peer creds on " << rc);
return std::shared_ptr<Socket>(nullptr);
#define CREDS_UID(c) c.cr_uid
#define CREDS_GID(c) c.cr_groups[0]
#define CREDS_PID(c) c.cr_pid
struct xucred creds;
socklen_t credSize = sizeof(struct xucred);
if (getsockopt(rc, 0, LOCAL_PEERCRED, &creds, &credSize) < 0)
LOG_SYS("Failed to get peer creds on " << rc);
return std::shared_ptr<Socket>(nullptr);
uid_t uid = getuid();
uid_t gid = getgid();
if (CREDS_UID(creds) != uid || CREDS_GID(creds) != gid)
LOG_ERR("Peercred mis-match on domain socket - closing connection. uid: " <<
CREDS_UID(creds) << "vs." << uid << " gid: " << CREDS_GID(creds) << "vs." << gid);
return std::shared_ptr<Socket>(nullptr);
std::string addr("uds-to-pid-");
LOG_DBG("Accepted socket is UDS - address " << addr <<
" and uid/gid " << CREDS_UID(creds) << '/' << CREDS_GID(creds));
return _socket;
catch (const std::exception& ex)
LOG_ERR("Failed to create client socket #" << rc << ". Error: " << ex.what());
return std::shared_ptr<Socket>(nullptr);
/// Returns true on success only.
std::string LocalServerSocket::bind()
int rc;
struct sockaddr_un addrunix;
// snap needs a specific socket name
std::string socketAbstractUnixName(SOCKET_ABSTRACT_UNIX_NAME);
const char* snapInstanceName = std::getenv("SNAP_INSTANCE_NAME");
if (snapInstanceName && snapInstanceName[0])
socketAbstractUnixName = std::string("0snap.") + snapInstanceName + ".loolwsd-";
std::memset(&addrunix, 0, sizeof(addrunix));
addrunix.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
std::memcpy(addrunix.sun_path, socketAbstractUnixName.c_str(), socketAbstractUnixName.length());
addrunix.sun_path[0] = '\0'; // abstract name
const std::string rand = Util::rng::getFilename(8);
memcpy(addrunix.sun_path + socketAbstractUnixName.length(), rand.c_str(), 8);
rc = ::bind(getFD(), (const sockaddr *)&addrunix, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un));
LOG_SYS('#' << getFD() << " Bind to location " << std::string(&addrunix.sun_path[1])
<< " result - " << rc);
} while (rc < 0 && errno == EADDRINUSE);
if (rc >= 0)
return std::string(&addrunix.sun_path[1]);
return std::string();
// For a verbose life, tweak here:
#if 0
# define LOG_CHUNK(X) LOG_TRC(X)
# define LOG_CHUNK(X)
bool StreamSocket::parseHeader(const char *clientName,
Poco::MemoryInputStream &message,
Poco::Net::HTTPRequest &request,
MessageMap *map)
assert(!map || (map->_headerSize == 0 && map->_messageSize == 0));
// Find the end of the header, if any.
static const std::string marker("\r\n\r\n");
auto itBody = std::search(_inBuffer.begin(), _inBuffer.end(),
marker.begin(), marker.end());
if (itBody == _inBuffer.end())
LOG_TRC('#' << getFD() << " doesn't have enough data for the header yet.");
return false;
// Skip the marker.
itBody += marker.size();
if (map) // a reasonable guess so far
map->_headerSize = static_cast<size_t>(itBody - _inBuffer.begin());
map->_messageSize = map->_headerSize;
Log::StreamLogger logger = Log::info();
if (logger.enabled())
logger << '#' << getFD() << ": " << clientName << " HTTP Request: "
<< request.getMethod() << ' '
<< request.getURI() << ' '
<< request.getVersion();
for (const auto& it : request)
logger << " / " << it.first << ": " << it.second;
LOG_END(logger, true);
const std::streamsize contentLength = request.getContentLength();
const auto offset = itBody - _inBuffer.begin();
const std::streamsize available = _inBuffer.size() - offset;
if (contentLength != Poco::Net::HTTPMessage::UNKNOWN_CONTENT_LENGTH && available < contentLength)
LOG_DBG('#' << getFD() << ": Not enough content yet: ContentLength: " << contentLength
<< ", available: " << available);
return false;
if (map)
map->_messageSize += contentLength;
const std::string expect = request.get("Expect", "");
const bool getExpectContinue = Util::iequal(expect, "100-continue");
if (getExpectContinue && !_sentHTTPContinue)
LOG_TRC('#' << getFD() << " got Expect: 100-continue, sending Continue");
// FIXME: should validate authentication headers early too.
send("HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n",
sizeof("HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n") - 1);
_sentHTTPContinue = true;
if (request.getChunkedTransferEncoding())
// keep the header
if (map)
map->_spans.push_back(std::pair<size_t, size_t>(0, itBody - _inBuffer.begin()));
int chunk = 0;
while (itBody != _inBuffer.end())
auto chunkStart = itBody;
// skip whitespace
for (; itBody != _inBuffer.end() && isascii(*itBody) && isspace(*itBody); ++itBody)
; // skip.
// each chunk is preceeded by its length in hex.
size_t chunkLen = 0;
for (; itBody != _inBuffer.end(); ++itBody)
int digit = Util::hexDigitFromChar(*itBody);
if (digit >= 0)
chunkLen = chunkLen * 16 + digit;
LOG_CHUNK("Chunk of length " << chunkLen);
for (; itBody != _inBuffer.end() && *itBody != '\n'; ++itBody)
; // skip to end of line
if (itBody != _inBuffer.end())
itBody++; /* \n */;
// skip the chunk.
auto chunkOffset = itBody - _inBuffer.begin();
auto chunkAvailable = _inBuffer.size() - chunkOffset;
if (chunkLen == 0) // we're complete.
map->_messageSize = chunkOffset;
return true;
if (chunkLen > chunkAvailable + 2)
LOG_DBG("Not enough content yet in chunk " << chunk <<
" starting at offset " << (chunkStart - _inBuffer.begin()) <<
" chunk len: " << chunkLen << ", available: " << chunkAvailable);
return false;
itBody += chunkLen;
map->_spans.push_back(std::pair<size_t,size_t>(chunkOffset, chunkLen));
if (*itBody != '\r' || *(itBody + 1) != '\n')
LOG_ERR("Missing \\r\\n at end of chunk " << chunk << " of length " << chunkLen);
LOG_CHUNK("Chunk " << chunk << " is: \n" << Util::dumpHex("", "", chunkStart, itBody + 1, false));
return false; // TODO: throw something sensible in this case
LOG_CHUNK("Chunk " << chunk << " is: \n" << Util::dumpHex("", "", chunkStart, itBody + 1, false));
LOG_TRC("Not enough chunks yet, so far " << chunk << " chunks of total length " << (itBody - _inBuffer.begin()));
return false;
catch (const Poco::Exception& exc)
LOG_DBG('#' << getFD() << ": parseHeader exception caught with " << _inBuffer.size()
<< " bytes: " << exc.displayText());
// Probably don't have enough data just yet.
// TODO: timeout if we never get enough.
return false;
catch (const std::exception& exc)
LOG_DBG('#' << getFD() << ": parseHeader std::exception caught with " << _inBuffer.size()
<< " bytes: " << exc.what());
// Probably don't have enough data just yet.
// TODO: timeout if we never get enough.
return false;
return true;
bool StreamSocket::compactChunks(MessageMap *map)
assert (map);
if (!map->_spans.size())
return false; // single message.
LOG_CHUNK("Pre-compact " << map->_spans.size() << " chunks: \n" <<
Util::dumpHex("", "", _inBuffer.begin(), _inBuffer.end(), false));
char *first = &_inBuffer[0];
char *dest = first;
for (auto &span : map->_spans)
std::memmove(dest, &_inBuffer[span.first], span.second);
dest += span.second;
// Erase the duplicate bits.
size_t newEnd = dest - first;
size_t gap = map->_messageSize - newEnd;
_inBuffer.erase(_inBuffer.begin() + newEnd, _inBuffer.begin() + map->_messageSize);
LOG_CHUNK("Post-compact with erase of " << newEnd << " to " << map->_messageSize << " giving: \n" <<
Util::dumpHex("", "", _inBuffer.begin(), _inBuffer.end(), false));
// shrink our size to fit
map->_messageSize -= gap;
std::ostringstream oss;
LOG_TRC('#' << getFD() << " Socket state: " << oss.str());
return true;
bool StreamSocket::sniffSSL() const
// Only sniffing the first bytes of a socket.
if (_bytesSent > 0 || _bytesRecvd != _inBuffer.size() || _bytesRecvd < 6)
return false;
// 0x0000 16 03 01 02 00 01 00 01
return (_inBuffer[0] == 0x16 && // HANDSHAKE
_inBuffer[1] == 0x03 && // SSL 3.0 / TLS 1.x
_inBuffer[5] == 0x01); // Handshake: CLIENT_HELLO
#endif // !MOBILEAPP
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