Ashod Nakashian b53d353779 wsd: reduce debug and generally redundant logs
In 'debug' log-level we expect a detailed, but
still readable output. Having one area with
disproportionately large number of logs reduces
the overall utility of the log output.

This patch reduces a number of redundant log
entries, including errors that are already
logged. It also reduces the level of some
others from 'information' to 'debug' and
from 'debug' to 'trace'.

The goal is to make 'debug' level as useful as
possible to read the progress and be able to
understand what was going on, such that one is
able to decide which area to dig deeper into.
Then, trace level could be used to get more
insight into that area, if necessary. For
example, when investigating a test failure,
one first enables 'debug' logs and reads through.
Once a section between two debug entries is
identified as being of interest, enabling 'trace'
level logs becomes more productive as it's
now possible to easily reach the first DBG
entry and read through until the second one.

It's unfortunate that we don't have per-area
control for enabling/disabling logs, so it
is common to see more and more 'debug' log
entries added all around, making logs
less and less readable.

It is also a limitation of the levels we have
that we really only have 3 usable levels:
one, two, many. That is, 'information' for
the most important events, 'debug' for
technical details needed to investigate issues,
and 'trace' for everything else. ('warning'
and 'error' aren't really 'levels'; they have
semantics that makes them special-cases.)
So we have to avoid degrading one into the
other, or have differences without distinction.

If any of these entries are needed to be
displayed more frequently, changing them
back to 'debug' or even 'information' should
be done. Though for me they seem special
cases that don't benefit most log readings.

Change-Id: Id2c6a9dc027483b81a066b0b4b50a298c5eff449
Signed-off-by: Ashod Nakashian <>
2022-02-24 07:38:13 -05:00

1497 lines
58 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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#include <chrono>
#include <config.h>
#include "HttpRequest.hpp"
#include "Storage.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <cassert>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iconv.h>
#include <string>
#include <Poco/Exception.h>
#include <Poco/JSON/Object.h>
#include <Poco/JSON/Parser.h>
#include <Poco/Net/AcceptCertificateHandler.h>
#include <Poco/Net/Context.h>
#include <Poco/Net/DNS.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPClientSession.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPRequest.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPResponse.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPSClientSession.h>
#include <Poco/Net/KeyConsoleHandler.h>
#include <Poco/Net/NameValueCollection.h>
#include <Poco/Net/SSLManager.h>
#include <Poco/StreamCopier.h>
#include <Poco/URI.h>
#include "Auth.hpp"
#include <Common.hpp>
#include "Exceptions.hpp"
#include <Log.hpp>
#include <Unit.hpp>
#include <Util.hpp>
#include "ProofKey.hpp"
#include <common/FileUtil.hpp>
#include <common/JsonUtil.hpp>
#include <common/TraceEvent.hpp>
#include <NetUtil.hpp>
#include <CommandControl.hpp>
#ifdef IOS
#include <ios.h>
#elif defined(__ANDROID__)
#include "androidapp.hpp"
bool StorageBase::FilesystemEnabled;
bool StorageBase::WopiEnabled;
bool StorageBase::SSLAsScheme = true;
bool StorageBase::SSLEnabled = false;
Util::RegexListMatcher StorageBase::WopiHosts;
std::string StorageBase::getLocalRootPath() const
std::string localPath = _jailPath;
if (localPath[0] == '/')
// Remove the leading /
localPath.erase(0, 1);
// /chroot/jailId/user/doc/childId
const Poco::Path rootPath = Poco::Path(_localStorePath, localPath);
return rootPath.toString();
void StorageBase::initialize()
const auto& app = Poco::Util::Application::instance();
FilesystemEnabled = app.config().getBool("storage.filesystem[@allow]", false);
// Parse the WOPI settings.
WopiEnabled = app.config().getBool("storage.wopi[@allow]", false);
if (WopiEnabled)
for (size_t i = 0; ; ++i)
const std::string path = "[" + std::to_string(i) + ']';
const std::string host = app.config().getString(path, "");
if (!host.empty())
if (app.config().getBool(path + "[@allow]", false))
LOG_INF("Adding trusted WOPI host: [" << host << "].");
LOG_INF("Adding blocked WOPI host: [" << host << "].");
else if (!app.config().has(path))
// FIXME: should use our own SSL socket implementation here.
// Init client
Poco::Net::Context::Params sslClientParams;
// false default for upgrade to preserve legacy configuration
// in-config-file defaults are true.
SSLAsScheme = COOLWSD::getConfigValue<bool>("storage.ssl.as_scheme", false);
// Fallback to ssl.enable if not set - for back compatibility & simplicity.
SSLEnabled = COOLWSD::getConfigValue<bool>(
"storage.ssl.enable", COOLWSD::getConfigValue<bool>("ssl.enable", true));
char *StorageSSLEnabled = getenv("STORAGE_SSL_ENABLE");
if (StorageSSLEnabled != NULL)
if (!strcasecmp(StorageSSLEnabled, "true"))
SSLEnabled = true;
else if (!strcasecmp(StorageSSLEnabled, "false"))
SSLEnabled = false;
if (SSLEnabled)
sslClientParams.certificateFile = COOLWSD::getPathFromConfigWithFallback("storage.ssl.cert_file_path", "ssl.cert_file_path");
sslClientParams.privateKeyFile = COOLWSD::getPathFromConfigWithFallback("storage.ssl.key_file_path", "ssl.key_file_path");
sslClientParams.caLocation = COOLWSD::getPathFromConfigWithFallback("storage.ssl.ca_file_path", "ssl.ca_file_path");
sslClientParams.cipherList = COOLWSD::getPathFromConfigWithFallback("storage.ssl.cipher_list", "ssl.cipher_list");
sslClientParams.verificationMode = (sslClientParams.caLocation.empty() ? Poco::Net::Context::VERIFY_NONE : Poco::Net::Context::VERIFY_STRICT);
sslClientParams.loadDefaultCAs = true;
sslClientParams.verificationMode = Poco::Net::Context::VERIFY_NONE;
Poco::SharedPtr<Poco::Net::PrivateKeyPassphraseHandler> consoleClientHandler = new Poco::Net::KeyConsoleHandler(false);
Poco::SharedPtr<Poco::Net::InvalidCertificateHandler> invalidClientCertHandler = new Poco::Net::AcceptCertificateHandler(false);
Poco::Net::Context::Ptr sslClientContext = new Poco::Net::Context(Poco::Net::Context::CLIENT_USE, sslClientParams);
sslClientContext->disableProtocols(Poco::Net::Context::Protocols::PROTO_SSLV2 |
Poco::Net::Context::Protocols::PROTO_SSLV3 |
Poco::Net::SSLManager::instance().initializeClient(consoleClientHandler, invalidClientCertHandler, sslClientContext);
// Initialize our client SSL context.
sslClientParams.certificateFile, sslClientParams.privateKeyFile, sslClientParams.caLocation,
sslClientParams.caLocation.empty() ? ssl::CertificateVerification::Disabled
: ssl::CertificateVerification::Required);
if (!ssl::Manager::isClientContextInitialized())
LOG_ERR("Failed to initialize Client SSL.");
LOG_INF("Initialized Client SSL.");
FilesystemEnabled = true;
bool StorageBase::allowedWopiHost(const std::string& host)
return WopiEnabled && WopiHosts.match(host);
bool isLocalhost(const std::string& targetHost)
const std::string targetAddress = net::resolveHostAddress(targetHost);
if (net::isLocalhost(targetHost))
LOG_INF("WOPI host [" << targetHost << "] is on the same host as the WOPI client: \""
<< targetAddress << "\". Connection is allowed.");
return true;
LOG_INF("WOPI host [" << targetHost << "] is not on the same host as the WOPI client: \""
<< targetAddress << "\". Connection is not allowed.");
return false;
std::unique_ptr<StorageBase> StorageBase::create(const Poco::URI& uri, const std::string& jailRoot,
const std::string& jailPath, bool takeOwnership)
// FIXME: By the time this gets called we have already sent to the client three
// 'statusindicator:' messages: 'find', 'connect' and 'ready'. We should ideally do the checks
// here much earlier. Also, using exceptions is lame and makes understanding the code harder,
// but that is just my personal preference.
std::unique_ptr<StorageBase> storage;
if (UnitWSD::get().createStorage(uri, jailRoot, jailPath, storage))
LOG_INF("Storage create hooked.");
if (storage)
return storage;
else if (uri.isRelative() || uri.getScheme() == "file")
LOG_INF("Public URI [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(uri.toString()) << "] is a file.");
if (std::getenv("FAKE_UNAUTHORIZED"))
LOG_FTL("Faking an UnauthorizedRequestException");
throw UnauthorizedRequestException("No acceptable WOPI hosts found matching the target host in config.");
if (FilesystemEnabled || takeOwnership)
return std::unique_ptr<StorageBase>(
new LocalStorage(uri, jailRoot, jailPath, takeOwnership));
LOG_ERR("Local Storage is disabled by default. Enable in the config file or on the command-line to enable.");
else if (WopiEnabled)
LOG_INF("Public URI [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(uri.toString()) << "] considered WOPI.");
const auto& targetHost = uri.getHost();
bool allowed(false);
if (WopiHosts.match(targetHost) || isLocalhost(targetHost))
allowed = true;
if (!allowed)
// check if the IP address is in the list of allowed hosts
const auto hostAddresses(Poco::Net::DNS::resolve(targetHost));
for (auto &address : hostAddresses.addresses())
if (WopiHosts.match(address.toString()))
allowed = true;
if (allowed)
return std::unique_ptr<StorageBase>(new WopiStorage(uri, jailRoot, jailPath));
LOG_ERR("No acceptable WOPI hosts found matching the target host [" << targetHost << "] in config.");
throw UnauthorizedRequestException("No acceptable WOPI hosts found matching the target host [" + targetHost + "] in config.");
throw BadRequestException("No Storage configured or invalid URI.");
std::atomic<unsigned> LocalStorage::LastLocalStorageId;
std::unique_ptr<LocalStorage::LocalFileInfo> LocalStorage::getLocalFileInfo()
const Poco::Path path = getUri().getPath();
LOG_DBG("Getting info for local uri [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(getUri().toString()) << "], path [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(path.toString()) << "].");
const FileUtil::Stat stat(path.toString());
const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point lastModified = stat.modifiedTimepoint();
setFileInfo(FileInfo(path.getFileName(), "LocalOwner",
// Set automatic userid and username.
const std::string userId = std::to_string(LastLocalStorageId++);
std::string userNameString;
if (user_name != nullptr)
userNameString = std::string(user_name);
if (userNameString.size() == 0)
userNameString = "LocalUser#" + userId;
return std::unique_ptr<LocalStorage::LocalFileInfo>(
new LocalFileInfo({"LocalUser" + userId, userNameString}));
std::string LocalStorage::downloadStorageFileToLocal(const Authorization& /*auth*/,
LockContext& /*lockCtx*/,
const std::string& /*templateUri*/)
// /chroot/jailId/user/doc/childId/file.ext
const std::string filename = Poco::Path(getUri().getPath()).getFileName();
setRootFilePath(Poco::Path(getLocalRootPath(), filename).toString());
LOG_INF("Public URI [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(getUri().getPath()) <<
"] jailed to [" << getRootFilePathAnonym() << "].");
// Despite the talk about URIs it seems that _uri is actually just a pathname here
const std::string publicFilePath = getUri().getPath();
if (!Poco::File(publicFilePath).exists())
LOG_ERR("Local file URI [" << publicFilePath << "] invalid or doesn't exist.");
throw BadRequestException("Invalid URI: " + getUri().toString());
if (!FileUtil::checkDiskSpace(getRootFilePath()))
throw StorageSpaceLowException("Low disk space for " + getRootFilePathAnonym());
if (_isTemporaryFile)
// Neither link nor copy, just move, it's a temporary file.
// Cleanup the directory after moving.
const std::string dir = Poco::Path(publicFilePath).parent().toString();
if (FileUtil::isEmptyDirectory(dir))
catch (const Poco::Exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("Failed to move [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(publicFilePath) << "] to ["
<< getRootFilePathAnonym() << "]: " << exc.displayText());
if (!FileUtil::Stat(getRootFilePath()).exists())
// Try to link.
LOG_INF("Linking " << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(publicFilePath) << " to "
<< getRootFilePathAnonym());
if (!Poco::File(getRootFilePath()).exists()
&& link(publicFilePath.c_str(), getRootFilePath().c_str()) == -1)
// Failed
LOG_INF("link(\"" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(publicFilePath) << "\", \""
<< getRootFilePathAnonym() << "\") failed. Will copy. Linking error: "
<< Util::symbolicErrno(errno) << ' ' << strerror(errno));
// Fallback to copying.
if (!FileUtil::Stat(getRootFilePath()).exists())
FileUtil::copyFileTo(publicFilePath, getRootFilePath());
_isCopy = true;
catch (const Poco::Exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("copyTo(\"" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(publicFilePath) << "\", \""
<< getRootFilePathAnonym() << "\") failed: " << exc.displayText());
// Now return the jailed path.
if (COOLWSD::NoCapsForKit)
return getRootFilePath();
return Poco::Path(getJailPath(), filename).toString();
return getRootFilePath();
#else // MOBILEAPP
// In the mobile app we use no jail
return getRootFilePath();
LocalStorage::uploadLocalFileToStorage(const Authorization& /*auth*/, LockContext& /*lockCtx*/,
const std::string& /*saveAsPath*/,
const std::string& /*saveAsFilename*/, bool /*isRename*/)
const std::string path = getUri().getPath();
LOG_TRC("Copying local file to local file storage (isCopy: " << _isCopy << ") for "
<< getRootFilePathAnonym());
// Copy the file back.
if (_isCopy && Poco::File(getRootFilePathUploading()).exists())
FileUtil::copyFileTo(getRootFilePathUploading(), path);
// update its fileinfo object. This is used later to check if someone else changed the
// document while we are/were editing it
LOG_TRC("New FileInfo modified time in storage " << getFileInfo().getLastModifiedTime());
catch (const Poco::Exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("copyTo(\"" << getRootFilePathAnonym() << "\", \"" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(path)
<< "\") failed: " << exc.displayText());
return UploadResult(UploadResult::Result::FAILED, "Internal error.");
return UploadResult(UploadResult::Result::OK);
Poco::Net::HTTPClientSession* StorageBase::getHTTPClientSession(const Poco::URI& uri)
bool useSSL = false;
if (SSLAsScheme)
// the WOPI URI itself should control whether we use SSL or not
// for whether we verify vs. certificates, cf. above
useSSL = uri.getScheme() != "http";
// We decoupled the Wopi communication from client communication because
// the Wopi communication must have an independent policy.
// So, we will use here only Storage settings.
useSSL = SSLEnabled || COOLWSD::isSSLTermination();
// We decoupled the Wopi communication from client communication because
// the Wopi communication must have an independent policy.
// So, we will use here only Storage settings.
Poco::Net::HTTPClientSession* session = useSSL
? new Poco::Net::HTTPSClientSession(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort(),
: new Poco::Net::HTTPClientSession(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort());
// Set the timeout to the configured value.
static int timeoutSec = COOLWSD::getConfigValue<int>("net.connection_timeout_secs", 30);
session->setTimeout(Poco::Timespan(timeoutSec, 0));
return session;
std::shared_ptr<http::Session> StorageBase::getHttpSession(const Poco::URI& uri)
bool useSSL = false;
if (SSLAsScheme)
// the WOPI URI itself should control whether we use SSL or not
// for whether we verify vs. certificates, cf. above
useSSL = uri.getScheme() != "http";
// We decoupled the Wopi communication from client communication because
// the Wopi communication must have an independent policy.
// So, we will use here only Storage settings.
useSSL = SSLEnabled || COOLWSD::isSSLTermination();
const auto protocol
= useSSL ? http::Session::Protocol::HttpSsl : http::Session::Protocol::HttpUnencrypted;
// Create the session.
auto httpSession = http::Session::create(uri.getHost(), protocol, uri.getPort());
static int timeoutSec = COOLWSD::getConfigValue<int>("net.connection_timeout_secs", 30);
return httpSession;
static void addStorageDebugCookie(Poco::Net::HTTPRequest& request)
(void) request;
if (std::getenv("COOL_STORAGE_COOKIE"))
Poco::Net::NameValueCollection nvcCookies;
StringVector cookieTokens = Util::tokenize(std::string(std::getenv("COOL_STORAGE_COOKIE")), ':');
if (cookieTokens.size() == 2)
nvcCookies.add(cookieTokens[0], cookieTokens[1]);
LOG_TRC("Added storage debug cookie [" << cookieTokens[0] << '=' << cookieTokens[1] << "].");
// access_token must be decoded
void addWopiProof(Poco::Net::HTTPRequest& request, const Poco::URI& uri,
const std::string& access_token)
for (const auto& header : GetProofHeaders(access_token, uri.toString()))
request.set(header.first, header.second);
std::map<std::string, std::string> GetQueryParams(const Poco::URI& uri)
std::map<std::string, std::string> result;
for (const auto& param : uri.getQueryParameters())
return result;
} // anonymous namespace
#endif // !MOBILEAPP
void LockContext::initSupportsLocks()
_supportsLocks = false;
if (_supportsLocks)
// first time token setup
_supportsLocks = true;
_lockToken = "cool-lock" + Util::rng::getHexString(8);
bool LockContext::needsRefresh(const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point &now) const
static int refreshSeconds = COOLWSD::getConfigValue<int>("storage.wopi.locking.refresh", 900);
return _supportsLocks && _isLocked && refreshSeconds > 0 &&
(now - _lastLockTime).count() >= refreshSeconds;
void LockContext::dumpState(std::ostream& os) const
if (!_supportsLocks)
os << "\n LockContext:";
os << "\n locked: " << _isLocked;
os << "\n token: " << _lockToken;
os << "\n last locked: " << Util::getSteadyClockAsString(_lastLockTime);
void WopiStorage::initHttpRequest(Poco::Net::HTTPRequest& request, const Poco::URI& uri,
const Authorization& auth) const
request.set("User-Agent", WOPI_AGENT_STRING);
// TODO: Avoid repeated parsing.
std::map<std::string, std::string> params = GetQueryParams(uri);
const auto it = params.find("access_token");
if (it != params.end())
addWopiProof(request, uri, it->second);
// Helps wrt. debugging cluster cases from the logs
request.set("X-COOL-WOPI-ServerId", Util::getProcessIdentifier());
http::Request WopiStorage::initHttpRequest(const Poco::URI& uri, const Authorization& auth) const
http::Request httpRequest(uri.getPathAndQuery());
//FIXME: Hack Hack Hack! Use own version.
Poco::Net::HTTPRequest request;
initHttpRequest(request, uri, auth);
// Copy the headers, including the cookies.
for (const auto& pair : request)
httpRequest.header().set(pair.first, pair.second);
return httpRequest;
WopiStorage::getWOPIFileInfoForUri(Poco::URI uriObject, const Authorization& auth,
LockContext& lockCtx, unsigned redirectLimit)
ProfileZone profileZone("WopiStorage::getWOPIFileInfo", { {"url", _fileUrl} });
// update the access_token to the one matching to the session
const std::string uriAnonym = COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(uriObject.toString());
LOG_DBG("Getting info for wopi uri [" << uriAnonym << "].");
std::string wopiResponse;
std::chrono::milliseconds callDurationMs;
std::shared_ptr<http::Session> httpSession = getHttpSession(uriObject);
http::Request httpRequest = initHttpRequest(uriObject, auth);
const auto startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
Log::StreamLogger logger = Log::trace();
if (logger.enabled())
logger << "WOPI::CheckFileInfo request header for URI [" << uriAnonym << "]:\n";
for (const auto& pair : httpRequest.header())
logger << '\t' << pair.first << ": " << pair.second << " / ";
LOG_END(logger, true);
const std::shared_ptr<const http::Response> httpResponse
= httpSession->syncRequest(httpRequest);
callDurationMs = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - startTime);
if (httpResponse->statusLine().statusCode() == Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_FOUND ||
httpResponse->statusLine().statusCode() == Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY ||
httpResponse->statusLine().statusCode() == Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT ||
httpResponse->statusLine().statusCode() == Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_PERMANENT_REDIRECT)
if (redirectLimit)
const std::string& location = httpResponse->get("Location");
LOG_TRC("WOPI::CheckFileInfo redirect to URI [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(location) << "]");
Poco::URI redirectUriObject(location);
return getWOPIFileInfoForUri(redirectUriObject, auth, lockCtx, redirectLimit - 1);
LOG_WRN("WOPI::CheckFileInfo redirected too many times - URI [" << uriAnonym << "]");
// Note: we don't log the response if obfuscation is enabled, except for failures.
wopiResponse = httpResponse->getBody();
const bool failed
= (httpResponse->statusLine().statusCode() != Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_OK);
Log::StreamLogger logRes = failed ? Log::error() : Log::trace();
if (logRes.enabled())
logRes << "WOPI::CheckFileInfo " << (failed ? "failed" : "returned") << " for URI ["
<< uriAnonym << "]: " << httpResponse->statusLine().statusCode() << ' '
<< httpResponse->statusLine().reasonPhrase() << ". Headers: ";
for (const auto& pair : httpResponse->header())
logRes << '\t' << pair.first << ": " << pair.second << " / ";
if (failed)
logRes << "\tBody: [" << wopiResponse << "]";
LOG_END(logRes, true);
if (failed)
if (httpResponse->statusLine().statusCode() == Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_FORBIDDEN)
throw UnauthorizedRequestException(
"Access denied, 403. WOPI::CheckFileInfo failed on: " + uriAnonym);
throw StorageConnectionException("WOPI::CheckFileInfo failed: " + wopiResponse);
catch (const Poco::Exception& pexc)
LOG_ERR("Cannot get file info from WOPI storage uri [" << uriAnonym << "]. Error: " <<
pexc.displayText() << (pexc.nested() ? " (" + pexc.nested()->displayText() + ')' : ""));
catch (const BadRequestException& exc)
LOG_ERR("Cannot get file info from WOPI storage uri [" << uriAnonym << "]. Error: " << exc.what());
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr object;
if (JsonUtil::parseJSON(wopiResponse, object))
if (COOLWSD::AnonymizeUserData)
LOG_DBG("WOPI::CheckFileInfo (" << callDurationMs << "): anonymizing...");
LOG_DBG("WOPI::CheckFileInfo (" << callDurationMs << "): " << wopiResponse);
std::size_t size = 0;
std::string filename, ownerId, lastModifiedTime;
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "Size", size);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "OwnerId", ownerId);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "BaseFileName", filename);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "LastModifiedTime", lastModifiedTime);
FileInfo fileInfo = FileInfo({filename, ownerId, lastModifiedTime});
if (COOLWSD::AnonymizeUserData)
Util::mapAnonymized(Util::getFilenameFromURL(filename), Util::getFilenameFromURL(getUri().toString()));
auto wopiInfo = Util::make_unique<WopiStorage::WOPIFileInfo>(fileInfo, callDurationMs, object);
if (wopiInfo->getSupportsLocks())
// If FileUrl is set, we use it for GetFile.
_fileUrl = wopiInfo->getFileUrl();
return wopiInfo;
if (COOLWSD::AnonymizeUserData)
wopiResponse = "obfuscated";
LOG_ERR("WOPI::CheckFileInfo ("
<< callDurationMs
<< ") failed or no valid JSON payload returned. Access denied. Original response: ["
<< wopiResponse << "].");
throw UnauthorizedRequestException("Access denied. WOPI::CheckFileInfo failed on: " + uriAnonym);
std::unique_ptr<WopiStorage::WOPIFileInfo> WopiStorage::getWOPIFileInfo(const Authorization& auth,
LockContext& lockCtx)
Poco::URI uriObject(getUri());
return getWOPIFileInfoForUri(uriObject, auth, lockCtx, RedirectionLimit);
void WopiStorage::WOPIFileInfo::init()
_userCanWrite = false;
_enableOwnerTermination = false;
_hidePrintOption = false;
_hideSaveOption = false;
_hideExportOption = false;
_disablePrint = false;
_disableExport = false;
_disableCopy = false;
_disableInactiveMessages = false;
_downloadAsPostMessage = false;
_userCanNotWriteRelative = true;
_enableInsertRemoteImage = false;
_enableShare = false;
_supportsLocks = false;
_supportsRename = false;
_userCanRename = false;
_hideUserList = "false";
_disableChangeTrackingRecord = WOPIFileInfo::TriState::Unset;
_disableChangeTrackingShow = WOPIFileInfo::TriState::Unset;
_hideChangeTrackingControls = WOPIFileInfo::TriState::Unset;
WopiStorage::WOPIFileInfo::WOPIFileInfo(const FileInfo &fileInfo,
std::chrono::milliseconds callDurationMs,
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr &object)
const std::string &filename = fileInfo.getFilename();
const std::string &ownerId = fileInfo.getOwnerId();
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "UserId", _userId);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "UserFriendlyName", _username);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "TemplateSaveAs", _templateSaveAs);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "TemplateSource", _templateSource);
// UserFriendlyName is used as the Author when loading the document.
// If it's missing, document loading fails. Since the UserFriendlyName
// field is optional in WOPI specs, it's often left out by integrators.
if (_username.empty())
_username = "UnknownUser"; // Default to something sensible yet friendly.
if (!_userId.empty())
_username += '_' + _userId;
LOG_ERR("WOPI::CheckFileInfo does not specify a valid UserFriendlyName for the current "
"user. Temporarily ["
<< _username << "] will be used until a valid name is specified.");
std::ostringstream wopiResponse;
// Anonymize key values.
if (COOLWSD::AnonymizeUserData)
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "ObfuscatedUserId", _obfuscatedUserId, false);
if (!_obfuscatedUserId.empty())
Util::mapAnonymized(ownerId, _obfuscatedUserId);
Util::mapAnonymized(_userId, _obfuscatedUserId);
Util::mapAnonymized(_username, _obfuscatedUserId);
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr anonObject(object);
// Set anonymized version of the above fields before logging.
// Note: anonymization caches the result, so we don't need to store here.
if (COOLWSD::AnonymizeUserData)
anonObject->set("BaseFileName", COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(filename));
// If obfuscatedUserId is provided, then don't log the originals and use it.
if (COOLWSD::AnonymizeUserData && _obfuscatedUserId.empty())
anonObject->set("OwnerId", COOLWSD::anonymizeUsername(ownerId));
anonObject->set("UserId", COOLWSD::anonymizeUsername(_userId));
anonObject->set("UserFriendlyName", COOLWSD::anonymizeUsername(_username));
LOG_DBG("WOPI::CheckFileInfo (" << callDurationMs << "): " << wopiResponse.str());
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "UserExtraInfo", _userExtraInfo);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "WatermarkText", _watermarkText);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "UserCanWrite", _userCanWrite);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "PostMessageOrigin", _postMessageOrigin);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "HidePrintOption", _hidePrintOption);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "HideSaveOption", _hideSaveOption);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "HideExportOption", _hideExportOption);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "EnableOwnerTermination", _enableOwnerTermination);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "DisablePrint", _disablePrint);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "DisableExport", _disableExport);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "DisableCopy", _disableCopy);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "DisableInactiveMessages", _disableInactiveMessages);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "DownloadAsPostMessage", _downloadAsPostMessage);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "UserCanNotWriteRelative", _userCanNotWriteRelative);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "EnableInsertRemoteImage", _enableInsertRemoteImage);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "EnableShare", _enableShare);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "HideUserList", _hideUserList);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "SupportsLocks", _supportsLocks);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "SupportsRename", _supportsRename);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "UserCanRename", _userCanRename);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "BreadcrumbDocName", _breadcrumbDocName);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "FileUrl", _fileUrl);
bool booleanFlag = false;
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "IsUserLocked", booleanFlag);
booleanFlag = false;
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "IsUserRestricted", booleanFlag);
if (JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "DisableChangeTrackingRecord", booleanFlag))
_disableChangeTrackingRecord = (booleanFlag ? WOPIFileInfo::TriState::True : WOPIFileInfo::TriState::False);
if (JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "DisableChangeTrackingShow", booleanFlag))
_disableChangeTrackingShow = (booleanFlag ? WOPIFileInfo::TriState::True : WOPIFileInfo::TriState::False);
if (JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "HideChangeTrackingControls", booleanFlag))
_hideChangeTrackingControls = (booleanFlag ? WOPIFileInfo::TriState::True : WOPIFileInfo::TriState::False);
static const std::string overrideWatermarks
= COOLWSD::getConfigValue<std::string>("watermark.text", "");
if (!overrideWatermarks.empty())
_watermarkText = overrideWatermarks;
bool WopiStorage::updateLockState(const Authorization& auth, LockContext& lockCtx, bool lock)
if (!lockCtx._supportsLocks)
return true;
Poco::URI uriObject(getUri());
Poco::URI uriObjectAnonym(getUri());
const std::string uriAnonym = uriObjectAnonym.toString();
const std::string wopiLog(lock ? "WOPI::Lock" : "WOPI::Unlock");
LOG_DBG(wopiLog << " requesting: " << uriAnonym);
std::unique_ptr<Poco::Net::HTTPClientSession> psession(getHTTPClientSession(uriObject));
Poco::Net::HTTPRequest request(Poco::Net::HTTPRequest::HTTP_POST,
initHttpRequest(request, uriObject, auth);
request.set("X-WOPI-Override", lock ? "LOCK" : "UNLOCK");
request.set("X-WOPI-Lock", lockCtx._lockToken);
if (!getExtendedData().empty())
request.set("X-COOL-WOPI-ExtendedData", getExtendedData());
request.set("X-LOOL-WOPI-ExtendedData", getExtendedData());
// IIS requires content-length for POST requests: see
Poco::Net::HTTPResponse response;
std::istream& rs = psession->receiveResponse(response);
std::ostringstream oss;
Poco::StreamCopier::copyStream(rs, oss);
std::string responseString = oss.str();
LOG_INF(wopiLog << " response: " << responseString <<
" status " << response.getStatus());
if (response.getStatus() == Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_OK)
lockCtx._isLocked = lock;
lockCtx._lastLockTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
return true;
std::string sMoreInfo = response.get("X-WOPI-LockFailureReason", "");
if (!sMoreInfo.empty())
lockCtx._lockFailureReason = sMoreInfo;
sMoreInfo = ", failure reason: \"" + sMoreInfo + "\"";
LOG_ERR("Un-successful " << wopiLog << " with status " << response.getStatus() <<
sMoreInfo << " and response: " << responseString);
catch (const Poco::Exception& pexc)
LOG_ERR("Cannot " << wopiLog << " uri [" << uriAnonym << "]. Error: " <<
pexc.displayText() << (pexc.nested() ? " (" + pexc.nested()->displayText() + ')' : ""));
catch (const BadRequestException& exc)
LOG_ERR("Cannot " << wopiLog << " uri [" << uriAnonym << "]. Error: " << exc.what());
return false;
/// uri format: http://server/<...>/wopi*/files/<id>/content
std::string WopiStorage::downloadStorageFileToLocal(const Authorization& auth,
LockContext& /*lockCtx*/,
const std::string& templateUri)
ProfileZone profileZone("WopiStorage::downloadStorageFileToLocal", { {"url", _fileUrl} });
if (!templateUri.empty())
// Download the template file and load it normally.
// The document will get saved once loading in Core is complete.
const std::string templateUriAnonym = COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(templateUri);
LOG_INF("WOPI::GetFile template source: " << templateUriAnonym);
return downloadDocument(Poco::URI(templateUri), templateUriAnonym, auth,
catch (const std::exception& ex)
LOG_ERR("Could not download template from [" + templateUriAnonym + "]. Error: "
<< ex.what());
return std::string();
// First try the FileUrl, if provided.
if (!_fileUrl.empty())
const std::string fileUrlAnonym = COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(_fileUrl);
LOG_INF("WOPI::GetFile using FileUrl: " << fileUrlAnonym);
return downloadDocument(Poco::URI(_fileUrl), fileUrlAnonym, auth, RedirectionLimit);
catch (const std::exception& ex)
LOG_ERR("Could not download document from WOPI FileUrl [" + fileUrlAnonym
+ "]. Will use default URL. Error: "
<< ex.what());
// Try the default URL, we either don't have FileUrl, or it failed.
// WOPI URI to download files ends in '/contents'.
// Add it here to get the payload instead of file info.
Poco::URI uriObject(getUri());
uriObject.setPath(uriObject.getPath() + "/contents");
Poco::URI uriObjectAnonym(getUri());
uriObjectAnonym.setPath(COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(uriObjectAnonym.getPath()) + "/contents");
const std::string uriAnonym = uriObjectAnonym.toString();
LOG_INF("WOPI::GetFile using default URI: " << uriAnonym);
return downloadDocument(uriObject, uriAnonym, auth, RedirectionLimit);
catch (const Poco::Exception& ex)
LOG_ERR("Cannot download document from WOPI storage uri [" + uriAnonym + "]. Error: "
<< ex.displayText()
<< (ex.nested() ? " (" + ex.nested()->displayText() + ')' : ""));
catch (const std::exception& ex)
LOG_ERR("Cannot download document from WOPI storage uri [" + uriAnonym + "]. Error: "
<< ex.what());
return std::string();
std::string WopiStorage::downloadDocument(const Poco::URI& uriObject, const std::string& uriAnonym,
const Authorization& auth, unsigned redirectLimit)
const auto startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::shared_ptr<http::Session> httpSession = getHttpSession(uriObject);
http::Request httpRequest = initHttpRequest(uriObject, auth);
setRootFilePath(Poco::Path(getLocalRootPath(), getFileInfo().getFilename()).toString());
LOG_TRC("Downloading from [" << uriAnonym << "] to [" << getRootFilePath()
<< "]: " << httpRequest.header().toString());
const std::shared_ptr<const http::Response> httpResponse
= httpSession->syncDownload(httpRequest, getRootFilePath());
const std::chrono::milliseconds diff = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - startTime);
if (httpResponse->statusLine().statusCode() == Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_OK)
// Log the response header.
Log::StreamLogger logger = Log::trace();
if (logger.enabled())
logger << "WOPI::GetFile response header for URI [" << uriAnonym << "]:\n";
for (const auto& pair : httpResponse->header())
logger << '\t' << pair.first << ": " << pair.second << " / ";
LOG_END(logger, true);
else if (httpResponse->statusLine().statusCode() == Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_FOUND ||
httpResponse->statusLine().statusCode() == Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY ||
httpResponse->statusLine().statusCode() == Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT ||
httpResponse->statusLine().statusCode() == Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_PERMANENT_REDIRECT)
if (redirectLimit)
const std::string& location = httpResponse->get("Location");
LOG_TRC("WOPI::GetFile redirect to URI [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(location) << "]");
Poco::URI redirectUriObject(location);
return downloadDocument(redirectUriObject, uriAnonym, auth, redirectLimit - 1);
throw StorageConnectionException("WOPI::GetFile [" + uriAnonym
+ "] failed: redirected too many times");
const std::string responseString = httpResponse->getBody();
LOG_ERR("WOPI::GetFile [" << uriAnonym << "] failed with Status Code: "
<< httpResponse->statusLine().statusCode());
throw StorageConnectionException("WOPI::GetFile [" + uriAnonym
+ "] failed: " + responseString);
// Successful
const FileUtil::Stat fileStat(getRootFilePath());
const std::size_t filesize = (fileStat.good() ? fileStat.size() : 0);
LOG_INF("WOPI::GetFile downloaded " << filesize << " bytes from [" << uriAnonym << "] -> "
<< getRootFilePathAnonym() << " in " << diff);
// Now return the jailed path.
if (COOLWSD::NoCapsForKit)
return getRootFilePath();
return Poco::Path(getJailPath(), getFileInfo().getFilename()).toString();
/// A helper class to invoke the AsyncUploadCallback
/// when it exits its scope.
/// By default it invokes the callback with a failure state.
class ScopedInvokeAsyncUploadCallback
ScopedInvokeAsyncUploadCallback(StorageBase::AsyncUploadCallback asyncUploadCallback)
: _asyncUploadCallback(std::move(asyncUploadCallback))
, _arg(StorageBase::AsyncUpload(
if (_asyncUploadCallback)
/// Set a new callback argument.
void setArg(StorageBase::AsyncUpload arg) { _arg = std::move(arg); }
StorageBase::AsyncUploadCallback _asyncUploadCallback;
StorageBase::AsyncUpload _arg;
void WopiStorage::uploadLocalFileToStorageAsync(const Authorization& auth, LockContext& lockCtx,
const std::string& saveAsPath,
const std::string& saveAsFilename,
const bool isRename, SocketPoll& socketPoll,
const AsyncUploadCallback& asyncUploadCallback)
ProfileZone profileZone("WopiStorage::uploadLocalFileToStorage", { {"url", _fileUrl} });
// TODO: Check if this URI has write permission (canWrite = true)
// Always invoke the callback with the result of the async upload.
ScopedInvokeAsyncUploadCallback scopedInvokeCallback(asyncUploadCallback);
//TODO: replace with state machine.
if (_uploadHttpSession)
LOG_WRN("Upload is already in progress.");
const bool isSaveAs = !saveAsPath.empty() && !saveAsFilename.empty();
const std::string filePath(isSaveAs ? saveAsPath : getRootFilePathUploading());
const std::string filePathAnonym = COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(filePath);
const FileUtil::Stat fileStat(filePath);
if (!fileStat.good())
LOG_ERR("Cannot access file [" << filePathAnonym << "] to upload to wopi storage.");
UploadResult(UploadResult::Result::FAILED, "File not found.")));
const std::size_t size = (fileStat.good() ? fileStat.size() : 0);
Poco::URI uriObject(getUri());
uriObject.setPath(isSaveAs || isRename ? uriObject.getPath()
: uriObject.getPath() + "/contents");
const std::string uriAnonym = COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(uriObject.toString());
LOG_INF("Uploading " << size << " bytes from [" << filePathAnonym << "] to URI via WOPI ["
<< uriAnonym << "].");
const auto startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
assert(!_uploadHttpSession && "Unexpected to have an upload http::session");
_uploadHttpSession = getHttpSession(uriObject);
http::Request httpRequest = initHttpRequest(uriObject, auth);
http::Header& httpHeader = httpRequest.header();
// must include this header except for SaveAs
if (!isSaveAs && lockCtx._supportsLocks)
httpHeader.set("X-WOPI-Lock", lockCtx._lockToken);
if (!isSaveAs && !isRename)
// normal save
httpHeader.set("X-WOPI-Override", "PUT");
httpHeader.set("X-COOL-WOPI-IsModifiedByUser", isUserModified() ? "true" : "false");
httpHeader.set("X-LOOL-WOPI-IsModifiedByUser", isUserModified() ? "true" : "false");
httpHeader.set("X-COOL-WOPI-IsAutosave", isAutosave() ? "true" : "false");
httpHeader.set("X-LOOL-WOPI-IsAutosave", isAutosave() ? "true" : "false");
httpHeader.set("X-COOL-WOPI-IsExitSave", isExitSave() ? "true" : "false");
httpHeader.set("X-LOOL-WOPI-IsExitSave", isExitSave() ? "true" : "false");
if (isExitSave())
httpHeader.set("Connection", "close"); // Don't maintain the socket if we are exiting.
if (!getExtendedData().empty())
httpHeader.set("X-COOL-WOPI-ExtendedData", getExtendedData());
httpHeader.set("X-LOOL-WOPI-ExtendedData", getExtendedData());
if (!getForceSave())
// Request WOPI host to not overwrite if timestamps mismatch
httpHeader.set("X-COOL-WOPI-Timestamp", getFileInfo().getLastModifiedTime());
httpHeader.set("X-LOOL-WOPI-Timestamp", getFileInfo().getLastModifiedTime());
// the suggested target has to be in UTF-7; default to extension
// only when the conversion fails
std::string suggestedTarget = '.' + Poco::Path(saveAsFilename).getExtension();
//TODO: Perhaps we should cache this descriptor and reuse, as iconv_open might be expensive.
const iconv_t cd = iconv_open("UTF-7", "UTF-8");
if (cd == (iconv_t) -1)
LOG_ERR("Failed to initialize iconv for UTF-7 conversion, using '" << suggestedTarget << "'.");
std::vector<char> input(saveAsFilename.begin(), saveAsFilename.end());
std::vector<char> buffer(8 * saveAsFilename.size());
char* in = &input[0];
std::size_t in_left = input.size();
char* out = &buffer[0];
std::size_t out_left = buffer.size();
if (iconv(cd, &in, &in_left, &out, &out_left) == (size_t) -1)
LOG_ERR("Failed to convert '" << saveAsFilename << "' to UTF-7, using '" << suggestedTarget << "'.");
// conversion succeeded
suggestedTarget = std::string(&buffer[0], buffer.size() - out_left);
LOG_TRC("Converted '" << saveAsFilename << "' to UTF-7 as '" << suggestedTarget << "'.");
if (isRename)
// rename file
httpHeader.set("X-WOPI-Override", "RENAME_FILE");
httpHeader.set("X-WOPI-RequestedName", suggestedTarget);
// save as
httpHeader.set("X-WOPI-Override", "PUT_RELATIVE");
httpHeader.set("X-WOPI-Size", std::to_string(size));
LOG_TRC("Save as: suggested target is '" << suggestedTarget << "'.");
httpHeader.set("X-WOPI-SuggestedTarget", suggestedTarget);
http::Session::FinishedCallback finishedCallback =
[=](const std::shared_ptr<http::Session>& httpSession)
// Retire.
assert(httpSession && "Expected a valid http::Session");
const std::shared_ptr<const http::Response> httpResponse = httpSession->response();
_wopiSaveDuration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - startTime);
LOG_TRC("Finished async uploading in " << _wopiSaveDuration);
WopiUploadDetails details = { filePathAnonym,
isRename };
// Handle the response.
const StorageBase::UploadResult res =
handleUploadToStorageResponse(details, httpResponse->getBody());
// Fire the callback to our client (DocBroker, typically).
asyncUploadCallback(AsyncUpload(AsyncUpload::State::Complete, res));
LOG_DBG("Async upload request: " << httpRequest.header().toString());
// Make the request.
_uploadHttpSession->asyncRequest(httpRequest, socketPoll);
AsyncUpload(AsyncUpload::State::Running, UploadResult(UploadResult::Result::OK)));
catch (const Poco::Exception& ex)
LOG_ERR("Cannot upload file to WOPI storage uri ["
<< uriAnonym << "]. Error: " << ex.displayText()
<< (ex.nested() ? " (" + ex.nested()->displayText() + ')' : ""));
catch (const std::exception& ex)
LOG_ERR("Cannot upload file to WOPI storage uri [" + uriAnonym + "]. Error: " << ex.what());
AsyncUpload::State::Error, UploadResult(UploadResult::Result::FAILED, "Internal error.")));
StorageBase::UploadResult WopiStorage::uploadLocalFileToStorage(const Authorization&, LockContext&,
const std::string&,
const std::string&, const bool)
return UploadResult(UploadResult::Result::FAILED);
WopiStorage::handleUploadToStorageResponse(const WopiUploadDetails& details,
std::string responseString)
// Assume we failed, unless we have confirmation of success.
StorageBase::UploadResult result(UploadResult::Result::FAILED, responseString);
// Save a copy of the response because we might need to anonymize.
const std::string origResponseString = responseString;
const std::string wopiLog(details.isSaveAs
? "WOPI::PutRelativeFile"
: (details.isRename ? "WOPI::RenameFile" : "WOPI::PutFile"));
if (Log::infoEnabled())
if (COOLWSD::AnonymizeUserData)
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr object;
if (JsonUtil::parseJSON(responseString, object))
// Anonymize the filename
std::string url;
std::string filename;
if (JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "Url", url)
&& JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "Name", filename))
// Get the FileId form the URL, which we use as the anonymized filename.
std::string decodedUrl;
Poco::URI::decode(url, decodedUrl);
const std::string obfuscatedFileId = Util::getFilenameFromURL(decodedUrl);
obfuscatedFileId); // Identity, to avoid re-anonymizing.
const std::string filenameOnly = Util::getFilenameFromURL(filename);
Util::mapAnonymized(filenameOnly, obfuscatedFileId);
object->set("Name", COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(filename));
// Stringify to log.
std::ostringstream ossResponse;
responseString = ossResponse.str();
LOG_INF(wopiLog << " uploaded " << details.size << " bytes in " << _wopiSaveDuration
<< " from [" << details.filePathAnonym << "] -> [" << details.uriAnonym
<< "]: " << details.httpResponseCode << ' '
<< details.httpResponseReason << ": " << responseString);
if (details.httpResponseCode == Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_OK)
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr object;
if (JsonUtil::parseJSON(origResponseString, object))
const std::string lastModifiedTime
= JsonUtil::getJSONValue<std::string>(object, "LastModifiedTime");
LOG_TRC(wopiLog << " returns LastModifiedTime [" << lastModifiedTime << "].");
if (details.isSaveAs || details.isRename)
const std::string name = JsonUtil::getJSONValue<std::string>(object, "Name");
LOG_TRC(wopiLog << " returns Name [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(name) << "].");
const std::string url = JsonUtil::getJSONValue<std::string>(object, "Url");
LOG_TRC(wopiLog << " returns Url [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(url) << "].");
result.setSaveAsResult(name, url);
// Reset the force save flag now, if any, since we are done saving
// Next saves shouldn't be saved forcefully unless commanded
LOG_ERR("Invalid or missing JSON in " << wopiLog << " HTTP_OK response.");
else if (details.httpResponseCode == Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE)
else if (details.httpResponseCode == Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED
|| details.httpResponseCode == Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_FORBIDDEN)
else if (details.httpResponseCode == Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_CONFLICT)
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr object;
if (JsonUtil::parseJSON(origResponseString, object))
const unsigned coolStatusCode
= JsonUtil::getJSONValue<unsigned>(object, "COOLStatusCode");
const unsigned loolStatusCode
= JsonUtil::getJSONValue<unsigned>(object, "LOOLStatusCode");
if (coolStatusCode == static_cast<unsigned>(COOLStatusCode::DOC_CHANGED) ||
loolStatusCode == static_cast<unsigned>(COOLStatusCode::DOC_CHANGED))
LOG_ERR("Invalid or missing JSON in " << wopiLog << " HTTP_CONFLICT response.");
// Internal server error, and other failures.
LOG_ERR("Unexpected response to "
<< wopiLog << ". Cannot upload file to WOPI storage uri [" << details.uriAnonym
<< "]: " << details.httpResponseCode << ' ' << details.httpResponseReason
<< ": " << responseString);
catch (const Poco::Exception& pexc)
LOG_ERR("Cannot upload file to WOPI storage uri ["
<< details.uriAnonym << "]. Error: " << pexc.displayText()
<< (pexc.nested() ? " (" + pexc.nested()->displayText() + ')' : ""));
catch (const BadRequestException& exc)
LOG_ERR("Cannot upload file to WOPI storage uri [" + details.uriAnonym + "]. Error: "
<< exc.what());
return result;
#endif // !MOBILEAPP
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