Seemingly rejectUnauthorized doesn't make nodejs happy either for unknown reasons. Change-Id: I99299489ba6af98c4088ee7b95c4d55d1291dfc6 Signed-off-by: Michael Meeks <michael.meeks@collabora.com>
300 lines
9.5 KiB
300 lines
9.5 KiB
var vm = require("vm");
var fs = require("fs");
var tmp = require('tmp');
if (process.argv.length < 3 ||
process.argv[2] == '--help') {
console.debug('load.js <ssl_true_or_false> <abs_op_builddir> <abs-path-to-file> [bookmark] [port]');
var ssl_flag = process.argv[2];
var top_builddir = process.argv[3];
var to_load;
if (process.argv.length > 4) {
to_load = process.argv[4]
} else {
var content = fs.readFileSync(top_builddir + '/test/data/perf-test-edit.odt');
var tmpObj = tmp.fileSync({ mode: 0644, prefix: 'perf-test-', postfix: '.odt' });
to_load = tmpObj.name;
fs.writeFileSync(to_load, content);
var bookmark;
if (process.argv.length > 5) {
bookmark = process.argv[5];
let port = 9980;
if (process.argv.length > 6) {
port = process.argv[6];
let typing_speed = 30;
if (process.argv.length > 7) {
typing_speed = parseInt(process.argv[7]);
let typing_duration = 5000;
if (process.argv.length > 8) {
typing_duration = parseInt(process.argv[8]);
let record_stats = false;
if (process.argv.length > 9) {
record_stats = process.argv[9] === 'true';
let single_view = false;
if (process.argv.length > 10) {
single_view = process.argv[10] === 'true';
global.console = {
log: () => {},
error: () => {},
warn: () => {},
info: () => {},
debug: () => {},
log2: () => {}
// jsdom for browser emulation
const jsdom = require('jsdom');
const { JSDOM } = jsdom;
var data = fs.readFileSync(top_builddir + '/browser/dist/cool.html', {encoding: 'utf8'});
data = data.replace(/%SERVICE_ROOT%\/browser\/%VERSION%/g, top_builddir + '/browser/dist');
data = data.replace(/%SERVICE_ROOT%/g, '');
data = data.replace(/%VERSION%/g, 'dist');
if (ssl_flag === 'true')
data = data.replace(/%HOST%/g, `wss://localhost:${port}`);
data = data.replace(/%HOST%/g, `ws://localhost:${port}`);
data = data.replace(/%ACCESS_TOKEN%/g, '');
data = data.replace(/%ACCESS_TOKEN_TTL%/g, '0');
data = data.replace(/%ACCESS_HEADER%/g, '');
data = data.replace(/%BROWSER_LOGGING%/g, 'true');
data = data.replace(/%ENABLE_WELCOME_MSG%/g, 'false');
data = data.replace(/%AUTO_SHOW_WELCOME%/g, 'false');
data = data.replace(/%AUTO_SHOW_FEEDBACK%/g, 'false');
data = data.replace(/%USER_INTERFACE_MODE%/g, '');
data = data.replace(/%USE_INTEGRATION_THEME%/g, 'true');
data = data.replace(/%OUT_OF_FOCUS_TIMEOUT_SECS%/g, '1000000');
data = data.replace(/%IDLE_TIMEOUT_SECS%/g, '1000000');
data = data.replace(/%REUSE_COOKIES%/g, 'false');
data = data.replace(/%PROTOCOL_DEBUG%/g, 'true');
data = data.replace(/%FRAME_ANCESTORS%/g, '');
data = data.replace(/%SOCKET_PROXY%/g, 'false');
data = data.replace(/%UI_DEFAULTS%/g, '{}');
data = data.replace(/%HEXIFY_URL%/g, '""');
data = data.replace(/%GROUP_DOWNLOAD_AS%/g, 'false');
data = data.replace(/%DOCUMENT_SIGNING_URL%/g, '');
window = new JSDOM(data, {
runScripts: 'dangerously',
verbose: false,
pretendToBeVisual: false,
includeNodeLocations: false,
url: 'file:///tmp/notthere/cool.html?file_path=file:///' + to_load,
resources: 'usable',
beforeParse(window) {
console.debug('Before script parsing');
done(errors, window) {
console.debug('Errors ' + errors);
// Make it possible to mock sizing properties
Object.defineProperty(window.HTMLElement.prototype, "clientWidth", {
get: function() {
return this.___clientWidth || 0;
Object.defineProperty(window.HTMLElement.prototype, "clientHeight", {
get: function() {
return this.___clientHeight || 0;
process.stderr.write('Finished bootstrapping: mobile=' + window.L.Browser.mobile + ' desktop=' + window.mode.isDesktop() + ' now running\n');
console.debug('Window size ' + window.innerWidth + 'x' + window.innerHeight);
window.HTMLElement.prototype.getBoundingClientRect = function() {
// console.debug('getBoundingClientRect for ' + this.id);
return {
width: 0, height: 0, top: 0, left: 0
// nodejs requires rejectUnauthorized to be set to cope with our https
window.createWebSocket = function(uri) {
if ('processCoolUrl' in window) {
uri = window.processCoolUrl({ url: uri, type: 'ws' });
if (global.socketProxy) {
window.socketProxy = true;
return new global.ProxySocket(uri);
} else {
// FIXME: rejectUnauthorized: false for SSL?
return new WebSocket(uri);
function sleep(ms)
return new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms));
var docLoaded = false;
processedTiles = [];
let socketMessageCount = 0;
function dumpStats() {
let len = processedTiles.length;
let skipFirst = Math.floor(len * 0.1);
let delays = [];
const bucketCount = 10;
let buckets = new Array(bucketCount).fill(0);
const bucketSize = 20;
for (let i = skipFirst; i < len; ++i) {
let delay = processedTiles[i] - processedTiles[i-1];
buckets[Math.min(Math.trunc(delay / bucketSize), bucketCount-1)]++;
let output = '';
let now = new Date();
output += now.getTime() + '\n';
output += now.toUTCString() + '\n';
let delayList = `Delay list=${delays.join()}`;
output += delayList;
output += '\n';
for (var i = 0; i < bucketCount; i++) {
if (i == bucketCount - 1)
output += `>${i * 20}ms \t=${buckets[i]} elements\n`;
output += `${i * 20}-${(i+1)*20}ms \t=${buckets[i]} elements\n`;
output += '\n';
output += `Bucket count=${buckets.length}\n`;
output += `Bucket size=${bucketSize}ms\n`;
output += `Num of samples=${delays.length}\n`;
output += `Delay between each event=${typing_speed}ms\n`;
output += `Duration=${typing_duration}ms\n`;
output += `Total num of incoming socket messages=${socketMessageCount}\n`;
output += `Single view=${single_view}\n`;
fs.writeFile(top_builddir + '/browser/test/tilestats.txt', output, function (err) {
if (err) console.log('tilestats: error dumping stats to file!', err);
else console.log('tilestats: finished dumping the stats to file!');
window.onload = function() {
console.debug('socket ' + window.socket);
map = window.socket._map;
// no need to slurp since there's no actual layout rendering
var original = window.socket._onMessage.bind(window.socket);
var injectedOnMessage = function(e) {
if (record_stats)
let textMsg = e.textMsg;
if (!single_view) {
if (!textMsg) return;
if (textMsg.indexOf('.uno:ModifiedStatus') >= 0)
if (!record_stats) return;
// processing images takes significant amount of cpu time on JSDOM
if (textMsg.startsWith('tile:')) {
if (record_stats) {
processedTiles.push(new Date().getTime());
var command = window.socket.parseServerCmd(textMsg);
let sendMsg = `tileprocessed tile=0:${command.x}:${command.y}:${command.tileWidth}:${command.tileHeight}:0`;
if (!single_view && !record_stats)
window.socket.socket.onmessage = injectedOnMessage.bind(window.socket);
window.socket._emitSlurpedEvents = function() {}
console.debug('Initialize / size map pieces ' + map);
// Force some sizes onto key pieces:
map._container.___clientWidth = 1024;
map._container.___clientHeight = 768;
map.on('docloaded', function(){
if (docLoaded) return;
docLoaded = true;
console.debug('document loaded');
setTimeout(async function() {
if (bookmark)
let nodeIndex = parseInt(bookmark.substring(bookmark.lastIndexOf('_')+1));
nodeIndex = nodeIndex - 1; // starts from 1
console.debug('Jump to bookmark ' + bookmark);
var cmd = {
'Bookmark': { 'type': 'string', 'value': bookmark }
window.app.socket.sendMessage('uno .uno:JumpToMark ' + JSON.stringify(cmd));
// set a mixed zoom levels: %50, %100, %200
// tile sizes:
let tileSizes = [7963, 3840, 1852];
let zoomLevels = [50, 100, 200];
let index = nodeIndex % tileSizes.length;
// send zoom request
console.debug('sending zoom request: %', zoomLevels[index]);
let zoomMessage = `clientzoom tilepixelwidth=256 tilepixelheight=256 tiletwipwidth=${tileSizes[index]} tiletwipheight=${tileSizes[index]}`;
await sleep(500);
// mesh the keyboard:
let dummyInput = 'askdjf ,asdhflkas r;we f;akdn.adh ;o wh;fa he;qw e.fkahsd ;vbawe.kguday;f vas.,mdb kaery kejraerga';
let inputIndex = 0;
if (record_stats) {
console.log('tilestats: recording tile delays starting in one second..');
await sleep(1000);
console.log('tilestats: recording started..');
let timeStart = new Date().getTime();
let typing = setInterval(() => {
let now = new Date().getTime();
if (timeStart + typing_duration < now) {
if (record_stats) {
console.log('tilestats: recording ended..');
record_stats = false;
console.log('End typing simulation');
// console.debug('sending input text= ' + dummyInput[inputIndex]);
if (dummyInput.charCodeAt(inputIndex) === 32) { // space
'key' +
' type=' + 'input' +
' char=' + dummyInput.charCodeAt(inputIndex) + ' key=0\n'
} else {
window.socket._doSend(`textinput id=0 text=${dummyInput[inputIndex]}`);
inputIndex = (inputIndex + 1) % dummyInput.length;
}, typing_speed);
console.debug('No bookmark to jump to');
}, 500);