Signed-off-by: Paris Oplopoios <paris.oplopoios@collabora.com> Change-Id: I061e34af1a1676e5bba5d476ea9e7ff5758744a1
1849 lines
76 KiB
1849 lines
76 KiB
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#include <config.h>
#include "WebSocketSession.hpp"
#include <Poco/Net/AcceptCertificateHandler.h>
#include <Poco/Net/InvalidCertificateHandler.h>
#include <Poco/Net/SSLManager.h>
#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
#include <Common.hpp>
#include <Protocol.hpp>
#include <MessageQueue.hpp>
#include <Png.hpp>
#include <TileCache.hpp>
#include <kit/Delta.hpp>
#include <Unit.hpp>
#include <Util.hpp>
#include <countcoolkits.hpp>
#include <helpers.hpp>
#include <test.hpp>
#include <sstream>
#include <random>
using namespace helpers;
namespace CPPUNIT_NS
struct assertion_traits<std::vector<char>>
static bool equal(const std::vector<char>& x, const std::vector<char>& y)
return x == y;
static std::string toString(const std::vector<char>& x)
const std::string text = '"' + (!x.empty() ? std::string(x.data(), x.size()) : "<empty>") + '"';
return text;
/// TileCache unit-tests.
class TileCacheTests : public CPPUNIT_NS::TestFixture
const Poco::URI _uri;
Poco::Net::HTTPResponse _response;
std::shared_ptr<SocketPoll> _socketPoll;
// CPPUNIT_TEST(testTilesRenderedJustOnce); // unreliable
// CPPUNIT_TEST(testTilesRenderedJustOnceMultiClient); // always fails, seems complicated to fix
// temporarily disable
#if 0
// CPPUNIT_TEST(testTileInvalidatedOutside); // Disabled as it's failing locally on even very old commits.
#if 0
// unstable
void testDesc();
void testSimple();
void testSimpleCombine();
void testTileSubscription();
void testSize();
void testDisconnectMultiView();
void testUnresponsiveClient();
void testImpressTiles();
void testClientPartImpress();
void testClientPartCalc();
void testTilesRenderedJustOnce();
void testTilesRenderedJustOnceMultiClient();
void testSimultaneousTilesRenderedJustOnce();
void testLoad12ods();
void testTileInvalidateWriter();
void testTileInvalidateWriterPage();
void testWriterAnyKey();
void testTileInvalidateCalc();
void testTileInvalidatePartCalc();
void testTileInvalidatePartImpress();
void testTileRequestByInvalidation();
void testTileRequestByZoom();
void testTileWireIDHandling();
void testTileProcessed();
void testTileInvalidatedOutside();
void testTileBeingRenderedHandling();
void testWireIDFilteringOnWSDSide();
void testLimitTileVersionsOnFly();
void checkTiles(std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession>& socket, const std::string& docType,
const std::string& testname);
void requestTiles(std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession>& socket, const std::string& docType,
const int part, const int docWidth, const int docHeight,
const std::string& testname);
void checkBlackTiles(std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession>& socket, const int /*part*/,
const int /*docWidth*/, const int /*docHeight*/,
const std::string& testname);
void checkBlackTile(BlobData::const_iterator start, BlobData::const_iterator end);
bool getPartFromInvalidateMessage(const std::string& message, int& part);
: _uri(helpers::getTestServerURI())
, _socketPoll(std::make_shared<SocketPoll>("TileCachePoll"))
// Just accept the certificate anyway for testing purposes
Poco::SharedPtr<Poco::Net::InvalidCertificateHandler> invalidCertHandler = new Poco::Net::AcceptCertificateHandler(false);
Poco::Net::Context::Params sslParams;
Poco::Net::Context::Ptr sslContext = new Poco::Net::Context(Poco::Net::Context::CLIENT_USE, sslParams);
Poco::Net::SSLManager::instance().initializeClient(nullptr, invalidCertHandler, sslContext);
void setUp()
void tearDown()
bool TileCacheTests::getPartFromInvalidateMessage(const std::string& message, int& part)
StringVector tokens = StringVector::tokenize(message);
if (tokens.size() == 2 && tokens.equals(1, "EMPTY"))
part = -1;
return true;
if (tokens.size() > 2 && tokens.equals(1, "EMPTY,"))
return COOLProtocol::stringToInteger(tokens[2], part);
return COOLProtocol::getTokenInteger(tokens, "part", part);
void TileCacheTests::testDesc()
constexpr auto testname = __func__;
TileDesc descA = TileDesc(0, 0, 0, 256, 256, 0, 0, 3200, 3200, /* ignored in cache */ 0, 1234, 1);
TileDesc descB = TileDesc(0, 0, 0, 256, 256, 0, 0, 3200, 3200, /* ignored in cache */ 1, 1235, 2);
TileDescCacheCompareEq pred;
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("TileDesc versions do match", descA.getVersion() != descB.getVersion());
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("TileDesc should match, ignoring unimportant fields", pred(descA, descB));
void TileCacheTests::testSimple()
constexpr auto testname = __func__;
if (isStandalone())
if (!UnitWSD::init(UnitWSD::UnitType::Wsd, ""))
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to load wsd unit test library.");
// Create TileCache and pretend the file was modified as recently as
// now, so it discards the cached data.
TileCache tc("doc.ods", std::chrono::system_clock::time_point());
int nviewid = 0;
int part = 0;
int mode = 0;
int width = 256;
int height = 256;
int tilePosX = 0;
int tilePosY = 0;
int tileWidth = 3840;
int tileHeight = 3840;
TileDesc tile(nviewid, part, mode, width, height, tilePosX, tilePosY, tileWidth, tileHeight, -1, 0, -1);
// No Cache
Tile tileData = tc.lookupTile(tile);
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("found tile when none was expected", !tileData || !tileData->isValid());
// Cache Tile
const int size = 1024;
std::vector<char> data = genRandomData(size);
data[0] = 'Z'; // compressed pixels.
tc.saveTileAndNotify(tile, data.data(), size);
// Find Tile
tileData = tc.lookupTile(tile);
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("tile not found when expected", tileData && tileData->isValid());
const BlobData &keyframe = tileData->data();
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("cached tile corrupted", keyframe.size() == data.size() - 1 /* dropped Z */);
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size() - 1; ++i)
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("cached tile data", data[i+1] == keyframe[i]);
// Invalidate Tiles
tc.invalidateTiles("invalidatetiles: EMPTY", nviewid);
// No Cache
tileData = tc.lookupTile(tile);
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("found tile when none was expected", !tileData || !tileData->isValid());
void TileCacheTests::testSimpleCombine()
const std::string testname = "simpleCombine-";
std::string documentPath, documentURL;
getDocumentPathAndURL("hello.odt", documentPath, documentURL, testname);
// First.
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket1
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname + "1 ");
sendTextFrame(socket1, "tilecombine nviewid=0 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0,3840 tileposy=0,0 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840");
std::vector<char> tile1a = getResponseMessage(socket1, "tile:", testname + "1 ");
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("did not receive a tile: message as expected", !tile1a.empty());
std::vector<char> tile1b = getResponseMessage(socket1, "tile:", testname + "1 ");
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("did not receive a tile: message as expected", !tile1b.empty());
sendTextFrame(socket1, "tilecombine nviewid=0 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0,3840 tileposy=0,0 oldwid=42,42 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840");
tile1a = getResponseMessage(socket1, "delta:", testname + "1 ", std::chrono::seconds(10));
// TST_LOG("Response is: " + Util::dumpHex(tile1a) << "\n");
// no content in an update delta: - so ends with a '\n'
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("did not receive an update delta: message as expected", !tile1a.empty() && tile1a.back() == '\n');
tile1b = getResponseMessage(socket1, "delta:", testname + "1 ");
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("did not receive an update delta: message as expected", !tile1b.empty() && tile1b.back() == '\n');
// Second.
TST_LOG("Connecting second client.");
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket2
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname + "2 ");
sendTextFrame(socket2, "tilecombine nviewid=0 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0,3840 tileposy=0,0 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840");
std::vector<char> tile2a = getResponseMessage(socket2, "tile:", testname + "2 ");
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("did not receive a tile: message as expected", !tile2a.empty());
std::vector<char> tile2b = getResponseMessage(socket2, "tile:", testname + "2 ");
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("did not receive a tile: message as expected", !tile2b.empty());
// First - check force keyframe
sendTextFrame(socket1, "tilecombine nviewid=0 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0,3840 tileposy=0,0 oldwid=0,0 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840");
tile1a = getResponseMessage(socket1, "tile:", testname + "1 ");
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("did not receive a tile: message as expected", !tile1a.empty());
tile1b = getResponseMessage(socket1, "tile:", testname + "1 ");
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("did not receive a tile: message as expected", !tile1b.empty());
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket 1",
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket 2",
void TileCacheTests::testTileSubscription()
const std::string testname = "tileSubscription-";
std::string documentPath, documentURL;
getDocumentPathAndURL("hello.odt", documentPath, documentURL, testname);
// First.
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket1
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname + "1 ");
sendTextFrame(socket1, "tilecombine nviewid=0 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0,3840 tileposy=0,0 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840");
// std::shared_ptr<TileDesc>
auto tile1a = getResponseDesc(socket1, "tile:", testname + "1 ");
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("did not receive a tile: message as expected", !!tile1a);
auto tile1b = getResponseDesc(socket1, "tile:", testname + "1 ");
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("did not receive a tile: message as expected", !!tile1b);
// type a period
sendChar(socket1, '.', skNone, testname);
// no viewport set so we have to re-request:
sendTextFrame(socket1, "tilecombine nviewid=0 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0,3840 tileposy=0,0 oldwid=42,42 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840");
auto delta1a = getResponseDesc(socket1, "delta:", testname + "1 ");
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("did not receive a delta: message as expected", !!delta1a);
auto delta1b = getResponseDesc(socket1, "delta:", testname + "1 ");
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("did not receive a delta: message as expected", !!delta1b);
// ordering is undefined tiles arrive in so swap if needed:
if (tile1a->getTilePosX() != delta1a->getTilePosX())
std::swap(delta1a, delta1b);
TST_LOG("tiles re-ordered for once");
// check WIDs variously
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(tile1a->getWireId(), delta1a->getWireId());
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(tile1b->getWireId(), delta1b->getWireId());
// Second.
TST_LOG("Connecting second client.");
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket2
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname + "2 ");
// type a space - get an invalidate - but no change
sendChar(socket1, ' ', skNone, testname);
// we need to wait for the invalidation and message to get to the kit ->
// wsd and back - otherwise when we re-fetch tiles we get un-changed ones
// from the cache, since wsd has no idea it has changed yet.
// so wait for an invalidation
assertResponseString(socket1, "invalidatetiles:", testname);
// two subscriptions on a tile we hope from three requests
sendTextFrame(socket1, "tilecombine nviewid=0 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0,3840 oldwid=42,42 tileposy=0,0 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840");
sendTextFrame(socket1, "tilecombine nviewid=0 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0,3840 oldwid=42,42 tileposy=0,0 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840");
sendTextFrame(socket2, "tilecombine nviewid=0 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0,3840 tileposy=0,0 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840");
// User 2 should get tiles
auto tile2a = getResponseDesc(socket2, "tile:", testname + "1 ");
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("did not receive a tile: message as expected", !!tile2a);
auto tile2b = getResponseDesc(socket2, "tile:", testname + "1 ");
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("did not receive a tile: message as expected", !!tile2b);
// User 1 should get deltas
auto delta1c = getResponseDesc(socket1, "delta:", testname + "1 ");
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("did not receive a tile: message as expected", !!delta1c);
auto delta1d = getResponseDesc(socket1, "delta:", testname + "1 ");
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("did not receive a tile: message as expected", !!delta1d);
// ordering is undefined tiles arrive in so swap if needed:
if (tile2a->getTilePosX() != delta1c->getTilePosX())
std::swap(delta1c, delta1d);
TST_LOG("tiles re-ordered for once");
// are they the right tiles ?
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(tile2a->getTilePosX(), delta1c->getTilePosX());
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(tile2a->getTilePosY(), delta1c->getTilePosY());
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(tile2b->getTilePosX(), delta1d->getTilePosX());
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(tile2b->getTilePosY(), delta1d->getTilePosY());
// WIDs should match
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(tile2a->getWireId(), delta1c->getWireId());
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(tile2b->getWireId(), delta1d->getWireId());
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket 1",
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket 2",
void TileCacheTests::testSize()
constexpr auto testname = __func__;
// Create TileCache and pretend the file was modified as recently as
// now, so it discards the cached data.
TileCache tc("doc.ods", std::chrono::system_clock::time_point());
int nviewid = 0;
int part = 0;
int mode = 0;
int width = 256;
int height = 256;
int tilePosX = 0;
int tileWidth = 3840;
int tileHeight = 3840;
TileWireId id = 0;
const std::vector<char> data = genRandomData(4096);
// Churn the cache somewhat
size_t maxSize = (data.size() + sizeof (TileDesc)) * 10;
for (int tilePosY = 0; tilePosY < 20; tilePosY++)
TileDesc tile(nviewid, part, mode, width, height, tilePosX, tilePosY * tileHeight,
tileWidth, tileHeight, -1, 0, -1);
tc.saveTileAndNotify(tile, data.data(), data.size());
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("tile cache too big", tc.getMemorySize() < maxSize);
void TileCacheTests::testDisconnectMultiView()
const char* testname = "testDisconnectMultiView";
constexpr size_t repeat = 2;
for (size_t j = 1; j <= repeat; ++j)
std::string documentPath, documentURL;
getDocumentPathAndURL("setclientpart.ods", documentPath, documentURL, "disconnectMultiView ");
TST_LOG("disconnectMultiView try #" << j);
// Wait to clear previous sessions.
// Request a huge tile, and cancel immediately.
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket1
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, "disconnectMultiView-1 ");
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket2
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, "disconnectMultiView-2 ", true);
"tilecombine nviewid=0 part=0 width=256 height=256 "
"tileposx=0,3840,7680,11520,0,3840,7680,11520 "
"tileposy=0,0,0,0,3840,3840,3840,3840 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840",
"cancelTilesMultiView-1 ");
"tilecombine nviewid=0 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0,3840,7680,0 "
"tileposy=0,0,0,22520 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840",
"cancelTilesMultiView-2 ");
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
getTileMessage(socket2, "disconnectMultiView-2 ");
// Should never get more than 4 tiles on socket2.
getResponseString(socket2, "tile:", "disconnectMultiView-2 ",
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket 1",
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket 2",
void TileCacheTests::testUnresponsiveClient()
const std::string testname = "unresponsiveClient-";
std::string documentPath, documentURL;
getDocumentPathAndURL("hello.odt", documentPath, documentURL, testname);
TST_LOG("Connecting first client.");
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket1
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname + "1 ");
TST_LOG("Connecting second client.");
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket2
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname + "2 ");
// Pathologically request tiles and fail to read (say slow connection).
// Meanwhile, verify that others can get all tiles fine.
// TODO: Track memory consumption to verify we don't buffer too much.
std::ostringstream oss;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
oss << Util::encodeId(Util::rng::getNext(), 6);
const std::string documentContents = oss.str();
for (int x = 0; x < 8; ++x)
// Invalidate to force re-rendering.
sendTextFrame(socket2, "uno .uno:SelectAll", testname);
sendTextFrame(socket2, "uno .uno:Delete", testname);
assertResponseString(socket2, "invalidatetiles:", testname + "2 ");
sendTextFrame(socket2, "paste mimetype=text/html\n" + documentContents, testname + "2 ");
assertResponseString(socket2, "invalidatetiles:", testname + "2 ");
// Ask for tiles and don't read!
sendTextFrame(socket1, "tilecombine nviewid=0 part=0 width=256 height=256 "
"tileposx=0,3840,7680,11520,0,3840,7680,11520 "
"tileposy=0,0,0,0,3840,3840,3840,3840 tilewidth=3840 "
testname + "1 ");
// Verify that we get all 8 tiles.
sendTextFrame(socket2, "tilecombine nviewid=0 part=0 width=256 height=256 "
"tileposx=0,3840,7680,11520,0,3840,7680,11520 "
"tileposy=0,0,0,0,3840,3840,3840,3840 tilewidth=3840 "
testname + "2 ");
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
std::vector<char> tile = getResponseMessage(socket2, "tile:", testname + "2 ");
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Did not receive tile #" + std::to_string(i+1) + " of 8: message as expected", !tile.empty());
// FIXME: removed canceltiles here ...
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket 1",
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket 2",
void TileCacheTests::testImpressTiles()
const std::string testname = "impressTiles ";
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, "setclientpart.odp", _uri, testname);
"tile nviewid=0 part=0 width=180 height=135 tileposx=0 tileposy=0 "
"tilewidth=15875 tileheight=11906 id=0",
getTileMessage(socket, testname);
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket",
catch (const Poco::Exception& exc)
void TileCacheTests::testClientPartImpress()
const std::string testname = "clientPartImpress ";
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, "setclientpart.odp", _uri, testname);
checkTiles(socket, "presentation", testname);
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket",
catch (const Poco::Exception& exc)
void TileCacheTests::testClientPartCalc()
const std::string testname = "clientPartCalc ";
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, "setclientpart.ods", _uri, testname);
checkTiles(socket, "spreadsheet", testname);
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket",
catch (const Poco::Exception& exc)
void TileCacheTests::testTilesRenderedJustOnce()
const char* testname = "tilesRenderedJustOnce ";
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, "with_comment.odt", _uri, testname);
assertResponseString(socket, "statechanged: .uno:AcceptTrackedChange=", testname);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
// Get initial rendercount.
sendTextFrame(socket, "ping", testname);
const auto ping1 = assertResponseString(socket, "pong", testname);
int renderCount1 = 0;
LOK_ASSERT(COOLProtocol::getTokenIntegerFromMessage(ping1, "rendercount", renderCount1));
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(i * 3, renderCount1);
// Modify.
sendText(socket, "a", testname);
assertResponseString(socket, "invalidatetiles:", testname);
// Get 3 tiles.
sendTextFrame(socket, "tilecombine nviewid=0 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0,3840,7680 tileposy=0,0,0 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840", testname);
assertResponseString(socket, "tile:", testname);
assertResponseString(socket, "tile:", testname);
assertResponseString(socket, "tile:", testname);
// Get new rendercount.
sendTextFrame(socket, "ping", testname);
const auto ping2 = assertResponseString(socket, "pong", testname);
int renderCount2 = 0;
LOK_ASSERT(COOLProtocol::getTokenIntegerFromMessage(ping2, "rendercount", renderCount2));
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL((i+1) * 3, renderCount2);
// Get same 3 tiles.
sendTextFrame(socket, "tilecombine nviewid=0 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0,3840,7680 tileposy=0,0,0 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840", testname);
const auto tile1 = assertResponseString(socket, "tile:", testname);
// monotonically increasing id.
std::string wid1;
COOLProtocol::getTokenStringFromMessage(tile1, "wid", wid1);
const auto tile2 = assertResponseString(socket, "tile:", testname);
std::string wid2;
COOLProtocol::getTokenStringFromMessage(tile2, "wid", wid2);
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(wid1, wid2); // shouldn't have changed
const auto tile3 = assertResponseString(socket, "tile:", testname);
std::string wid3;
COOLProtocol::getTokenStringFromMessage(tile3, "wid", wid3);
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(wid3, wid2);
// Get new rendercount.
sendTextFrame(socket, "ping", testname);
const auto ping3 = assertResponseString(socket, "pong", testname);
int renderCount3 = 0;
LOK_ASSERT(COOLProtocol::getTokenIntegerFromMessage(ping3, "rendercount", renderCount3));
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(renderCount2, renderCount3);
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket",
void TileCacheTests::testTilesRenderedJustOnceMultiClient()
const std::string testname = "tilesRenderdJustOnceMultiClient";
const auto testname1 = testname + "-1 ";
const auto testname2 = testname + "-2 ";
const auto testname3 = testname + "-3 ";
const auto testname4 = testname + "-4 ";
std::string documentPath, documentURL;
getDocumentPathAndURL("with_comment.odt", documentPath, documentURL, testname);
TST_LOG("Connecting first client.");
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket1
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname1);
TST_LOG("Connecting second client.");
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket2
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname2);
TST_LOG("Connecting third client.");
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket3
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname3);
TST_LOG("Connecting fourth client.");
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket4
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname4);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
// No tiles at this point.
assertNotInResponse(socket1, "tile:", testname1);
assertNotInResponse(socket2, "tile:", testname2);
assertNotInResponse(socket3, "tile:", testname3);
assertNotInResponse(socket4, "tile:", testname4);
// Get initial rendercount.
sendTextFrame(socket1, "ping", testname1);
const auto ping1 = assertResponseString(socket1, "pong", testname1);
int renderCount1 = 0;
LOK_ASSERT(COOLProtocol::getTokenIntegerFromMessage(ping1, "rendercount", renderCount1));
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(i * 3, renderCount1);
// Modify.
sendText(socket1, "a", testname1);
assertResponseString(socket1, "invalidatetiles:", testname1);
// Get 3 tiles.
sendTextFrame(socket1, "tilecombine nviewid=0 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0,3840,7680 tileposy=0,0,0 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840", testname1);
assertResponseString(socket1, "tile:", testname1);
assertResponseString(socket1, "tile:", testname1);
assertResponseString(socket1, "tile:", testname1);
assertResponseString(socket2, "invalidatetiles:", testname2);
sendTextFrame(socket2, "tilecombine nviewid=0 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0,3840,7680 tileposy=0,0,0 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840", testname2);
assertResponseString(socket2, "tile:", testname2);
assertResponseString(socket2, "tile:", testname2);
assertResponseString(socket2, "tile:", testname2);
assertResponseString(socket3, "invalidatetiles:", testname3);
sendTextFrame(socket3, "tilecombine nviewid=0 part=0 nviewid=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0,3840,7680 tileposy=0,0,0 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840", testname3);
assertResponseString(socket3, "tile:", testname3);
assertResponseString(socket3, "tile:", testname3);
assertResponseString(socket3, "tile:", testname3);
assertResponseString(socket4, "invalidatetiles:", testname4);
sendTextFrame(socket4, "tilecombine nviewid=0 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0,3840,7680 tileposy=0,0,0 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840", testname4);
assertResponseString(socket4, "tile:", testname4);
assertResponseString(socket4, "tile:", testname4);
assertResponseString(socket4, "tile:", testname4);
// Get new rendercount.
sendTextFrame(socket1, "ping", testname1);
const auto ping2 = assertResponseString(socket1, "pong", testname1);
int renderCount2 = 0;
LOK_ASSERT(COOLProtocol::getTokenIntegerFromMessage(ping2, "rendercount", renderCount2));
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL((i+1) * 3, renderCount2);
// Get same 3 tiles.
sendTextFrame(socket1, "tilecombine nviewid=0 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0,3840,7680 tileposy=0,0,0 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840", testname1);
const auto tile1 = assertResponseString(socket1, "tile:", testname1);
std::string renderId1;
COOLProtocol::getTokenStringFromMessage(tile1, "renderid", renderId1);
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("cached"), renderId1);
const auto tile2 = assertResponseString(socket1, "tile:", testname1);
std::string renderId2;
COOLProtocol::getTokenStringFromMessage(tile2, "renderid", renderId2);
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("cached"), renderId2);
const auto tile3 = assertResponseString(socket1, "tile:", testname1);
std::string renderId3;
COOLProtocol::getTokenStringFromMessage(tile3, "renderid", renderId3);
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("cached"), renderId3);
// Get new rendercount.
sendTextFrame(socket1, "ping", testname1);
const auto ping3 = assertResponseString(socket1, "pong", testname1);
int renderCount3 = 0;
LOK_ASSERT(COOLProtocol::getTokenIntegerFromMessage(ping3, "rendercount", renderCount3));
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(renderCount2, renderCount3);
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket 1",
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket 2",
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket 3",
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket 4",
void TileCacheTests::testSimultaneousTilesRenderedJustOnce()
const std::string testname = "testSimultaneousTilesRenderedJustOnce-";
std::string documentPath, documentURL;
getDocumentPathAndURL("hello.odt", documentPath, documentURL, testname);
TST_LOG("Connecting first client.");
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket1
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname + "1 ");
TST_LOG("Connecting second client.");
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket2
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname + "2 ");
// Wait for the invalidatetile events to pass, otherwise they
// remove our tile subscription.
assertResponseString(socket1, "statechanged:", "client1 ");
assertResponseString(socket2, "statechanged:", "client2 ");
sendTextFrame(socket1, "tile nviewid=0 part=42 width=256 height=256 tileposx=1000 tileposy=2000 tilewidth=3000 tileheight=3000");
sendTextFrame(socket2, "tile nviewid=0 part=42 width=256 height=256 tileposx=1000 tileposy=2000 tilewidth=3000 tileheight=3000");
const auto response1 = assertResponseString(socket1, "tile:", "client1 ");
const auto response2 = assertResponseString(socket2, "tile:", "client2 ");
if (!response1.empty() && !response2.empty())
std::string renderId1;
COOLProtocol::getTokenStringFromMessage(response1, "renderid", renderId1);
std::string renderId2;
COOLProtocol::getTokenStringFromMessage(response2, "renderid", renderId2);
LOK_ASSERT(renderId1 == renderId2 ||
(renderId1 == "cached" && renderId2 != "cached") ||
(renderId1 != "cached" && renderId2 == "cached"));
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket 1",
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket 2",
void TileCacheTests::testLoad12ods()
const char* testname = "load12ods ";
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, "load12.ods", _uri, testname);
int docSheet = -1;
int docSheets = 0;
int docHeight = 0;
int docWidth = 0;
int docViewId = -1;
// check document size
sendTextFrame(socket, "status");
const auto response = assertResponseString(socket, "status:", testname);
parseDocSize(response.substr(7), "spreadsheet", docSheet, docSheets, docWidth, docHeight,
docViewId, testname);
checkBlackTiles(socket, docSheet, docWidth, docWidth, testname);
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket",
catch (const Poco::Exception& exc)
catch (...)
LOK_ASSERT_FAIL("Unexpected exception thrown during ods load");
void TileCacheTests::checkBlackTile(BlobData::const_iterator start, BlobData::const_iterator end)
constexpr auto testname = __func__;
size_t width = 256, height = 256, black = 0;
Blob zimg = std::make_shared<BlobData>(start, end);
Blob img = DeltaGenerator::expand(zimg);
png_bytep rows = (png_bytep)img->data();
for (size_t i = 0; i < img->size(); i += 4)
png_byte R = rows[i + 0];
png_byte G = rows[i + 1];
png_byte B = rows[i + 2];
png_byte A = rows[i + 3];
if (R == 0x00 && G == 0x00 && B == 0x00 && A == 0xff)
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("The tile is 100% black", black != height * width);
LOK_ASSERT(height * width != 0);
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("The tile is 90% black", (black * 100) / (height * width) < 90);
void TileCacheTests::checkBlackTiles(std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession>& socket,
const int /*part*/, const int /*docWidth*/,
const int /*docHeight*/, const std::string& testname)
// Check the last row of tiles to verify that the tiles
// render correctly and there are no black tiles.
// Current cap of table size ends at 257280 twips (for load12.ods),
// otherwise 2035200 should be rendered successfully.
const char* req = "tile nviewid=0 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0 tileposy=253440 "
"tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840";
sendTextFrame(socket, req);
const std::vector<char> tile = getResponseMessage(socket, "tile:", testname);
if (!tile.size())
LOK_ASSERT_FAIL("No tile returned to checkBlackTiles - failed load ?");
const std::string firstLine = COOLProtocol::getFirstLine(tile);
#if 0
std::fstream outStream("/tmp/black.z", std::ios::out);
outStream.write(tile.data() + firstLine.size() + 1, tile.size() - firstLine.size() - 1);
checkBlackTile(tile.begin() + firstLine.size() + 1, tile.end());
void TileCacheTests::testTileInvalidateWriter()
const char* testname = "tileInvalidateWriter ";
std::string documentPath, documentURL;
getDocumentPathAndURL("empty.odt", documentPath, documentURL, testname);
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname);
std::string text = "Test. Now go 3 \"Enters\":\n\n\nNow after the enters, goes this text";
for (char ch : text)
sendChar(socket, ch, skNone, testname); // Send ordinary characters and wait for response -> one tile invalidation for each
assertResponseString(socket, "invalidatetiles:", testname);
text = "\n\n\n";
for (char ch : text)
sendChar(socket, ch, skCtrl, testname); // Send 3 Ctrl+Enter -> 3 new pages
assertResponseString(socket, "invalidatetiles:", testname);
text = "abcde";
for (char ch : text)
sendChar(socket, ch, skNone, testname);
assertResponseString(socket, "invalidatetiles:", testname);
// While extra invalidates are not desirable, they are inevitable at the moment.
//LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("received unexpected invalidatetiles: message", getResponseMessage(socket, "invalidatetiles:").empty());
// TODO: implement a random-sequence "monkey test"
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket",
void TileCacheTests::testTileInvalidateWriterPage()
const char* testname = "tileInvalidateWriterPage ";
std::string documentPath, documentURL;
getDocumentPathAndURL("empty.odt", documentPath, documentURL, testname);
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname);
sendChar(socket, '\n', skCtrl, testname); // Send Ctrl+Enter (page break).
assertResponseString(socket, "invalidatetiles:", testname);
sendTextFrame(socket, "uno .uno:InsertTable { \"Columns\": { \"type\": \"long\",\"value\": 3 }, \"Rows\": { \"type\": \"long\",\"value\": 2 }}", testname);
const auto res = assertResponseString(socket, "invalidatetiles:", testname);
int part = -1;
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("No part# in invalidatetiles message.",
getPartFromInvalidateMessage(res, part));
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket",
// This isn't yet used
void TileCacheTests::testWriterAnyKey()
const char* testname = "writerAnyKey ";
std::string documentPath, documentURL;
getDocumentPathAndURL("empty.odt", documentPath, documentURL, testname);
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname);
// Now test "usual" keycodes (TODO: whole 32-bit range)
for (int i=0; i<0x1000; ++i)
std::stringstream ss("Keycode ");
ss << i;
std::string s = ss.str();
std::stringstream fn("saveas url=");
fn << documentURL << i << ".odt format= options=";
std::string f = fn.str();
const int istart = 474;
sendText(socket, "\n"+s+"\n", testname);
sendKeyEvent(socket, "input", 0, i, testname);
sendKeyEvent(socket, "up", 0, i, testname);
sendText(socket, "\nEnd "+s+"\n", testname);
if (i>=istart)
sendTextFrame(socket, f);
sendText(socket, "\n"+s+" With Shift:\n", testname);
sendKeyEvent(socket, "input", 0, i|skShift, testname);
sendKeyEvent(socket, "up", 0, i|skShift, testname);
sendText(socket, "\nEnd "+s+" With Shift\n", testname);
if (i>=istart)
sendTextFrame(socket, f);
sendText(socket, "\n"+s+" With Ctrl:\n", testname);
sendKeyEvent(socket, "input", 0, i|skCtrl, testname);
sendKeyEvent(socket, "up", 0, i|skCtrl, testname);
sendText(socket, "\nEnd "+s+" With Ctrl\n", testname);
if (i>=istart)
sendTextFrame(socket, f);
sendText(socket, "\n"+s+" With Alt:\n", testname);
sendKeyEvent(socket, "input", 0, i|skAlt, testname);
sendKeyEvent(socket, "up", 0, i|skAlt, testname);
sendText(socket, "\nEnd "+s+" With Alt\n", testname);
if (i>=istart)
sendTextFrame(socket, f);
sendText(socket, "\n"+s+" With Shift+Ctrl:\n", testname);
sendKeyEvent(socket, "input", 0, i|skShift|skCtrl, testname);
sendKeyEvent(socket, "up", 0, i|skShift|skCtrl, testname);
sendText(socket, "\nEnd "+s+" With Shift+Ctrl\n", testname);
if (i>=istart)
sendTextFrame(socket, f);
sendText(socket, "\n"+s+" With Shift+Alt:\n", testname);
sendKeyEvent(socket, "input", 0, i|skShift|skAlt, testname);
sendKeyEvent(socket, "up", 0, i|skShift|skAlt, testname);
sendText(socket, "\nEnd "+s+" With Shift+Alt\n", testname);
if (i>=istart)
sendTextFrame(socket, f);
sendText(socket, "\n"+s+" With Ctrl+Alt:\n", testname);
sendKeyEvent(socket, "input", 0, i|skCtrl|skAlt, testname);
sendKeyEvent(socket, "up", 0, i|skCtrl|skAlt, testname);
sendText(socket, "\nEnd "+s+" With Ctrl+Alt\n", testname);
if (i>=istart)
sendTextFrame(socket, f);
sendText(socket, "\n"+s+" With Shift+Ctrl+Alt:\n", testname);
sendKeyEvent(socket, "input", 0, i|skShift|skCtrl|skAlt, testname);
sendKeyEvent(socket, "up", 0, i|skShift|skCtrl|skAlt, testname);
sendText(socket, "\nEnd "+s+" With Shift+Ctrl+Alt\n", testname);
if (i>=istart)
sendTextFrame(socket, f);
// This is to allow server to process the input, and check that everything is still OK
sendTextFrame(socket, "status", testname);
getResponseMessage(socket, "status:", testname);
// sendTextFrame(socket, "saveas url=file:///tmp/emptyempty.odt format= options=");
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket",
void TileCacheTests::testTileInvalidateCalc()
const std::string testname = "tileInvalidateCalc ";
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, "empty.ods", _uri, testname);
std::string text = "Test. Now go 3 \"Enters\": Now after the enters, goes this text";
for (char ch : text)
sendChar(socket, ch, skNone, testname); // Send ordinary characters -> one tile invalidation for each
assertResponseString(socket, "invalidatetiles:", testname);
TST_LOG("Sending enters");
text = "\n\n\n";
for (char ch : text)
sendChar(socket, ch, skCtrl, testname); // Send 3 Ctrl+Enter -> 3 new pages; I see 3 tiles invalidated for each
assertResponseString(socket, "invalidatetiles:", testname);
text = "abcde";
for (char ch : text)
sendChar(socket, ch, skNone, testname);
assertResponseString(socket, "invalidatetiles:", testname);
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket",
void TileCacheTests::testTileInvalidatePartCalc()
const std::string filename = "setclientpart.ods";
const std::string testname = "tileInvalidatePartCalc";
const std::string testname1 = testname + "-1 ";
const std::string testname2 = testname + "-2 ";
std::string documentPath, documentURL;
getDocumentPathAndURL(filename, documentPath, documentURL, testname);
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket1
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname1);
sendTextFrame(socket1, "setclientpart part=2", testname1);
assertResponseString(socket1, "setpart:", testname1);
sendTextFrame(socket1, "mouse type=buttondown x=1500 y=1500 count=1 buttons=1 modifier=0", testname1);
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket2
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname2);
sendTextFrame(socket2, "setclientpart part=5", testname2);
assertResponseString(socket2, "setpart:", testname2);
sendTextFrame(socket2, "mouse type=buttondown x=1500 y=1500 count=1 buttons=1 modifier=0", testname2);
static const std::string text = "Some test";
for (char ch : text)
sendChar(socket1, ch, skNone, testname);
sendChar(socket2, ch, skNone, testname);
const auto response1 = assertResponseString(socket1, "invalidatetiles:", testname1);
int value1;
getPartFromInvalidateMessage(response1, value1);
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(2, value1);
const auto response2 = assertResponseString(socket2, "invalidatetiles:", testname2);
int value2;
getPartFromInvalidateMessage(response2, value2);
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(5, value2);
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket 1",
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket 2",
void TileCacheTests::testTileInvalidatePartImpress()
const std::string filename = "setclientpart.odp";
const std::string testname = "tileInvalidatePartImpress";
const std::string testname1 = testname + "-1 ";
const std::string testname2 = testname + "-2 ";
std::string documentPath, documentURL;
getDocumentPathAndURL(filename, documentPath, documentURL, testname);
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket1
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname1);
sendTextFrame(socket1, "setclientpart part=2", testname1);
assertResponseString(socket1, "setpart:", testname1);
sendTextFrame(socket1, "mouse type=buttondown x=1500 y=1500 count=1 buttons=1 modifier=0", testname1);
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket2
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname2);
sendTextFrame(socket2, "setclientpart part=5", testname2);
assertResponseString(socket2, "setpart:", testname2);
sendTextFrame(socket2, "mouse type=buttondown x=1500 y=1500 count=1 buttons=1 modifier=0", testname2);
// This should be short, as in odp the font is large and we leave the page otherwise.
static const std::string text = "Some test";
for (char ch : text)
sendChar(socket1, ch, skNone, testname);
sendChar(socket2, ch, skNone, testname);
const auto response1 = assertResponseString(socket1, "invalidatetiles:", testname1);
int value1;
getPartFromInvalidateMessage(response1, value1);
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(2, value1);
const auto response2 = assertResponseString(socket2, "invalidatetiles:", testname2);
int value2;
getPartFromInvalidateMessage(response2, value2);
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(5, value2);
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket 1",
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket 2",
void TileCacheTests::checkTiles(std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession>& socket,
const std::string& docType, const std::string& testname)
const std::string current = "current=";
const std::string height = "height=";
const std::string parts = "parts=";
const std::string type = "type=";
const std::string width = "width=";
int currentPart = -1;
int totalParts = 0;
int docHeight = 0;
int docWidth = 0;
// check total slides 10
sendTextFrame(socket, "status", testname);
const auto response = assertResponseString(socket, "status:", testname);
std::string line;
std::istringstream istr(response.substr(8));
std::getline(istr, line);
StringVector tokens(StringVector::tokenize(line, ' '));
if (docType == "presentation")
tokens.size()); // We have an extra field.
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_GREATEREQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(6), tokens.size());
if (docType == "presentation")
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(7), tokens.size()); // We have an extra field.
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(6), tokens.size());
// Expected format is something like 'type= parts= current= width= height='.
const std::string text = tokens[0].substr(type.size());
totalParts = std::stoi(tokens[1].substr(parts.size()));
currentPart = std::stoi(tokens[2].substr(current.size()));
docWidth = std::stoi(tokens[3].substr(width.size()));
docHeight = std::stoi(tokens[4].substr(height.size()));
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(docType, text);
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(10, totalParts);
LOK_ASSERT(currentPart > -1);
LOK_ASSERT(docWidth > 0);
LOK_ASSERT(docHeight > 0);
if (docType == "presentation")
// request tiles
TST_LOG("Requesting Impress tiles.");
requestTiles(socket, docType, currentPart, docWidth, docHeight, testname);
// random setclientpart
std::vector<int> vParts = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
std::mt19937 random;
std::shuffle(vParts.begin(), vParts.end(), random);
int requests = 0;
for (int it : vParts)
if (currentPart != it)
// change part
const std::string text = Poco::format("setclientpart part=%d", it);
sendTextFrame(socket, text, testname);
// Wait for the change to take effect otherwise we get invalidatetile
// which removes our next tile request subscription (expecting us to
// issue a new tile request as a response, which a real client would do).
assertResponseString(socket, "setpart:", testname);
requestTiles(socket, docType, it, docWidth, docHeight, testname);
if (++requests >= 3)
// No need to test all parts.
TST_LOG("Breaking checkTiles for " << testname);
currentPart = it;
void TileCacheTests::requestTiles(std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession>& socket,
const std::string&, const int part, const int docWidth,
const int docHeight, const std::string& testname)
// twips
const int tileSize = 3840;
// pixel
const int pixTileSize = 256;
int rows;
int cols;
int tileX;
int tileY;
int tileWidth;
int tileHeight;
std::string text;
std::string tile;
rows = docHeight / tileSize;
cols = docWidth / tileSize;
TST_LOG("requestTiles for " << testname << " will request " << rows << " rows and " << cols
<< " cols.");
// Note: this code tests tile requests in the wrong way.
// This code does NOT match what was the idea how the COOL protocol should/could be used. The
// intent was never that the protocol would need to be, or should be, used in a strict
// request/reply fashion. If a client needs n tiles, it should just send the requests, one after
// another. There is no need to do n roundtrips. A client should all the time be reading
// incoming messages, and handle incoming tiles as appropriate. There should be no expectation
// that tiles arrive at the client in the same order that they were requested.
// But, whatever.
for (int itRow = 0; itRow < rows; ++itRow)
for (int itCol = 0; itCol < cols; ++itCol)
tileWidth = tileSize;
tileHeight = tileSize;
tileX = tileSize * itCol;
tileY = tileSize * itRow;
= Poco::format("tile nviewid=0 part=%d width=%d height=%d tileposx=%d tileposy=%d "
"tilewidth=%d tileheight=%d",
part, pixTileSize, pixTileSize, tileX, tileY, tileWidth, tileHeight);
sendTextFrame(socket, text, testname);
tile = assertResponseString(socket, "tile:", testname);
// expected tile: part= width= height= tileposx= tileposy= tilewidth= tileheight=
StringVector tokens(StringVector::tokenize(tile, ' '));
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string("tile:"), tokens[0]);
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(1000, std::stoi(tokens[1].substr(std::string("nviewid=").size())));
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(part, std::stoi(tokens[2].substr(std::string("part=").size())));
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(tileX, std::stoi(tokens[5].substr(std::string("tileposx=").size())));
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(tileY, std::stoi(tokens[6].substr(std::string("tileposy=").size())));
TST_LOG("requestTiles for " << testname << " finished.");
void TileCacheTests::testTileRequestByInvalidation()
const char* testname = "tileRequestByInvalidation ";
std::string documentPath, documentURL;
getDocumentPathAndURL("empty.odt", documentPath, documentURL, testname);
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname);
// 1. use case: invalidation without having a valid visible area in wsd
// Type one character to trigger invalidation
sendChar(socket, 'x', skNone, testname);
// First wsd forwards the invalidation
assertResponseString(socket, "invalidatetiles:", testname);
// Since we did not set client visible area wsd won't send tile
std::vector<char> tile = getResponseMessage(socket, "tile:", testname);
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Not expected tile message arrived!", tile.empty());
// 2. use case: invalidation of one tile inside the client visible area
// Now set the client visible area
sendTextFrame(socket, "clientvisiblearea x=-4005 y=0 width=50490 height=72300");
sendTextFrame(socket, "clientzoom tilepixelwidth=256 tilepixelheight=256 tiletwipwidth=3840 tiletwipheight=3840");
// Type one character to trigger invalidation
sendChar(socket, 'x', skNone, testname);
// First wsd forwards the invalidation
assertResponseString(socket, "invalidatetiles:", testname);
// Then sends the new tile which was invalidated inside the visible area
assertResponseString(socket, "tile:", testname);
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket",
void TileCacheTests::testTileRequestByZoom()
// By zoom the client requests all the tile of the visible area
// Server should push all these tiles to the network, so tiles-on-fly should be bigger than this count
const char* testname = "testTileRequestByZoom ";
std::string documentPath, documentURL;
getDocumentPathAndURL("empty.odt", documentPath, documentURL, testname);
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname);
// Set the client visible area
sendTextFrame(socket, "clientvisiblearea x=-2662 y=0 width=16000 height=9875");
sendTextFrame(socket, "clientzoom tilepixelwidth=256 tilepixelheight=256 tiletwipwidth=3200 tiletwipheight=3200");
// Request all tile of the visible area (it happens by zoom)
sendTextFrame(socket, "tilecombine nviewid=0 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0,3200,6400,9600,12800,0,3200,6400,9600,12800,0,3200,6400,9600,12800,0,3200,6400,9600,12800 tileposy=0,0,0,0,0,3200,3200,3200,3200,3200,6400,6400,6400,6400,6400,9600,9600,9600,9600,9600 tilewidth=3200 tileheight=3200");
// Check that we get all the tiles without we send back the tileprocessed message
for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
std::vector<char> tile = getResponseMessage(socket, "tile:", testname);
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Did not get tile as expected!", !tile.empty());
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket",
void TileCacheTests::testTileWireIDHandling()
const char* testname = "testTileWireIDHandling ";
std::string documentPath, documentURL;
getDocumentPathAndURL("empty.odt", documentPath, documentURL, testname);
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname);
// Set the client visible area
sendTextFrame(socket, "clientvisiblearea x=-4005 y=0 width=50490 height=72300");
sendTextFrame(socket, "clientzoom tilepixelwidth=256 tilepixelheight=256 tiletwipwidth=3840 tiletwipheight=3840");
// Type one character to trigger invalidation
sendChar(socket, 'x', skNone, testname);
// First wsd forwards the invalidation
assertResponseString(socket, "invalidatetiles:", testname);
// For the first input wsd will send all invalidated tiles
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected at least two tiles.",
countMessages(socket, "tile:", testname, std::chrono::milliseconds(500))
> 1);
// Let WSD know we got these so it wouldn't stop sending us modified tiles automatically.
sendTextFrame(socket, "tileprocessed tile=0:0:0:3840:3840:0", testname);
sendTextFrame(socket, "tileprocessed tile=0:3840:0:3840:3840:0", testname);
sendTextFrame(socket, "tileprocessed tile=0:7680:0:3840:3840:0", testname);
// Type another character
sendChar(socket, 'y', skNone, testname);
assertResponseString(socket, "invalidatetiles:", testname);
// For the second input wsd will send one tile, since some of them are identical.
const int arrivedTiles
= countMessages(socket, "delta:", testname, std::chrono::milliseconds(500));
if (arrivedTiles == 1)
// Or, at most 2. The reason is that sometimes we get line antialiasing differences that
// are sub-pixel different, and that results in a different hash.
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(2, arrivedTiles);
// The third time, however, we shouldn't see anything but the tile we change.
sendChar(socket, 'z', skNone, testname);
assertResponseString(socket, "invalidatetiles:", testname);
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected exactly one tile.",
countMessages(socket, "delta:", testname, std::chrono::milliseconds(500))
== 1);
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket",
void TileCacheTests::testTileProcessed()
// FIXME: this test fails all the time with core distro/collabora/co-23.05 branch.
// Without the spinandwait: we get 34 tiles back. With spinandwait: we get 19 tiles back.
// If we request 25 tiles, we really should get them all back - but it may well be that
// in this case we get deltas, or somesuch based on the initially rendered tiles - so
// rather than tile: we'd get delta.
// The TileCache really needs someone to give it a very hard stare anyway.
// Test whether tileprocessed message removes the tiles from the internal tiles-on-fly list
const char* testname = "testTileProcessed ";
std::string documentPath, documentURL;
getDocumentPathAndURL("empty.odt", documentPath, documentURL, testname);
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname);
// Set the client visible area
sendTextFrame(socket, "clientvisiblearea x=-2662 y=0 width=10000 height=9000");
sendTextFrame(socket, "clientzoom tilepixelwidth=256 tilepixelheight=256 tiletwipwidth=3200 tiletwipheight=3200");
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
getResponseMessage(socket, "spinandwait:", testname, std::chrono::milliseconds(10));
// Request a lots of tiles ~25 ie. more than wsd can send back at once.
sendTextFrame(socket, "tilecombine nviewid=0 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0,3200,6400,9600,12800,0,3200,6400,9600,12800,0,3200,6400,9600,12800,0,3200,6400,9600,12800,0,3200,6400,9600,12800 tileposy=0,0,0,0,0,3200,3200,3200,3200,3200,6400,6400,6400,6400,6400,9600,9600,9600,9600,9600,12800,12800,12800,12800,12800 tilewidth=3200 tileheight=3200");
std::vector<std::string> tileIDs;
int arrivedTile = 0;
bool gotTile = false;
std::string tile = getResponseString(socket, "tile:", testname);
gotTile = !tile.empty();
// Store tileID, so we can send it back
StringVector tokens(StringVector::tokenize(tile, ' '));
std::string tileID = tokens[2].substr(std::string("part=").size()) + ':' +
tokens[5].substr(std::string("tileposx=").size()) + ':' +
tokens[6].substr(std::string("tileposy=").size()) + ':' +
tokens[7].substr(std::string("tileWidth=").size()) + ':' +
tokens[8].substr(std::string("tileHeight=").size()) + ':' +
} while(gotTile);
// Now that we force flushing invalidated tiles (Core 2cc955f9109c0fc8443c9f93c1bf6bd317043cb5),
// we get 28 tiles instead of the 25 we got previously.
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Expected exactly the requested number of tiles", 28, arrivedTile);
for(std::string& tileID : tileIDs)
sendTextFrame(socket, "tileprocessed tile=" + tileID, testname);
#if 0 // not needed since deltas + wsd: always subscribe when proactively rendering tiles
// Now we can get the remaining tiles
int arrivedTile2 = 0;
std::vector<char> tile = getResponseMessage(socket, "tile:", testname);
gotTile = !tile.empty();
if (arrivedTile2 > 1)
break; // We got what we expected.
} while(gotTile);
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("We expect one tile at least!", arrivedTile2 > 1);
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket",
void TileCacheTests::testTileInvalidatedOutside()
// Test whether wsd sends us the tiles which are hanging out the visible area
const char* testname = "testTileInvalidatedOutside ";
std::string documentPath, documentURL;
getDocumentPathAndURL("empty.odt", documentPath, documentURL, testname);
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname);
// Type one character to trigger invalidation and get the invalidation rectangle
sendChar(socket, 'x', skNone, testname);
// First wsd forwards the invalidation
const std::string sInvalidate = assertResponseString(socket, "invalidatetiles:", testname);
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected invalidatetiles message.", !sInvalidate.empty());
StringVector tokens(StringVector::tokenize(sInvalidate, ' '));
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected at least 6 tokens.", tokens.size() >= 6);
const int y = std::stoi(tokens[3].substr(std::string("y=").size()));
const int height = std::stoi(tokens[5].substr(std::string("height=").size()));
// Set client visible area to make it not having intersection with the invalidate rectangle, but having shared tiles
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "clientvisiblearea x=0 y=" << (y + height + 100) << " width=50490 height=72300";
sendTextFrame(socket, oss.str());
sendTextFrame(socket, "clientzoom tilepixelwidth=256 tilepixelheight=256 tiletwipwidth=3840 tiletwipheight=3840");
// Type one character to trigger invalidation
sendChar(socket, 'x', skNone, testname);
// First wsd forwards the invalidation
assertResponseString(socket, "invalidatetiles:", testname);
// Since the invalidation rectangle is outside the visible area
// wsd does not send a new tile even if some of the invalidated tiles
// are partly visible.
std::vector<char> tile = getResponseMessage(socket, "tile:", testname);
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Not expected tile message arrived!", tile.empty());
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket",
void TileCacheTests::testTileBeingRenderedHandling()
// The issue here was that we requested the tile of the same tile twice
// and so sometimes we got the same tile message twice from wsd.
const char* testname = "testTileBeingRenderedHandling ";
std::string documentPath, documentURL;
getDocumentPathAndURL("empty.odt", documentPath, documentURL, testname);
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname);
// Set the client visible area
sendTextFrame(socket, "clientvisiblearea x=-2662 y=0 width=16000 height=9875");
sendTextFrame(socket, "clientzoom tilepixelwidth=256 tilepixelheight=256 tiletwipwidth=3200 tiletwipheight=3200");
// Type one character to trigger invalidation
sendChar(socket, 'x', skNone, testname);
// First wsd forwards the invalidation
assertResponseString(socket, "invalidatetiles:", testname);
// For the first input wsd will send all invalidated tiles
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected at least two tiles.",
countMessages(socket, "tile:", testname, std::chrono::milliseconds(500))
> 1);
// For the later inputs wsd will send one tile, since other ones are identical
for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
sendTextFrame(socket, "tileprocessed tile=0:0:0:3200:3200:0", testname);
// Type another character
sendChar(socket, 'y', skNone, testname);
assertResponseString(socket, "invalidatetiles:", testname);
const int arrivedTiles
= countMessages(socket, "delta:", testname, std::chrono::milliseconds(500));
if (arrivedTiles != 1)
// Or, at most 2. The reason is that sometimes we get line antialiasing differences that
// are sub-pixel different, and that results in a different hash.
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected at most 3 tiles--though really there should be only 1", 3 <= arrivedTiles);
sendTextFrame(socket, "tileprocessed tile=0:0:0:3200:3200:0", testname);
// The third time, however, we shouldn't see anything but the tile we change.
sendChar(socket, 'z', skNone, testname);
assertResponseString(socket, "invalidatetiles:", testname);
"Expected exactly one tile.",
countMessages(socket, "delta:", testname, std::chrono::milliseconds(500)) == 1);
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket",
void TileCacheTests::testWireIDFilteringOnWSDSide()
const char* testname = "testWireIDFilteringOnWSDSide ";
std::string documentPath, documentURL;
getDocumentPathAndURL("empty.odt", documentPath, documentURL, testname);
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket1
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname);
// Set the client visible area
sendTextFrame(socket1, "clientvisiblearea x=-4005 y=0 width=50490 height=72300");
sendTextFrame(socket1, "clientzoom tilepixelwidth=256 tilepixelheight=256 tiletwipwidth=3840 tiletwipheight=3840");
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket2
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname, true);
// Set the client visible area
sendTextFrame(socket1, "clientvisiblearea x=-4005 y=0 width=50490 height=72300");
sendTextFrame(socket1, "clientzoom tilepixelwidth=256 tilepixelheight=256 tiletwipwidth=3840 tiletwipheight=3840");
//1. First make the first client to trigger the kit to filter out tiles based on identical wireIDs
// Type one character to trigger invalidation
sendChar(socket1, 'x', skNone, testname);
// First wsd forwards the invalidation
assertResponseString(socket1, "invalidatetiles:", testname);
// For the first input wsd will send all invalidated tiles
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected at least two tiles.",
countMessages(socket1, "tile:", testname, std::chrono::seconds(1)) > 1);
// Let WSD know we got these so it wouldn't stop sending us modified tiles automatically.
sendTextFrame(socket1, "tileprocessed tile=0:0:0:3840:3840:0", testname);
sendTextFrame(socket1, "tileprocessed tile=0:3840:0:3840:3840:0", testname);
sendTextFrame(socket1, "tileprocessed tile=0:7680:0:3840:3840:0", testname);
// Type another character
sendChar(socket1, 'y', skNone, testname);
assertResponseString(socket1, "invalidatetiles:", testname);
// For the second input wsd will send one tile, since some of them are identical.
const int arrivedTiles = countMessages(socket1, "tile:", testname, std::chrono::seconds(1));
if (arrivedTiles == 1)
// Or, at most 2. The reason is that sometimes we get line antialiasing differences that
// are sub-pixel different, and that results in a different hash.
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected at most 3 tiles.", arrivedTiles <= 3);
// The third time, however, we shouldn't see anything but the tile we change.
sendChar(socket1, 'z', skNone, testname);
assertResponseString(socket1, "invalidatetiles:", testname);
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected exactly one tile.",
countMessages(socket1, "delta:", testname, std::chrono::seconds(1)) == 1);
//2. Now request the same tiles by the other client (e.g. scroll to the same view)
sendTextFrame(socket2, "tilecombine nviewid=0 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0,3840,7680 tileposy=0,0,0 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840");
// We expect three tiles sent to the second client
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(3, countMessages(socket2, "tile:", testname, std::chrono::seconds(1)));
// wsd should not send tiles messages for the first client
const std::vector<char> tile
= getResponseMessage(socket1, "tile:", testname, std::chrono::seconds(1));
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Not expected tile message arrived!", tile.empty());
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket 1",
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket 2",
void TileCacheTests::testLimitTileVersionsOnFly()
// We have an upper limit (2) for the versions of the same tile wsd send out
// without getting the tileprocessed message for the first tile message.
const char* testname = "testLimitTileVersionsOnFly ";
std::string documentPath, documentURL;
getDocumentPathAndURL("empty.odt", documentPath, documentURL, testname);
std::shared_ptr<http::WebSocketSession> socket
= loadDocAndGetSession(_socketPoll, _uri, documentURL, testname);
// Set the client visible area
sendTextFrame(socket, "clientvisiblearea x=-2662 y=0 width=16000 height=9875");
sendTextFrame(socket, "clientzoom tilepixelwidth=256 tilepixelheight=256 tiletwipwidth=3200 tiletwipheight=3200");
// Type one character to trigger sending tiles
sendChar(socket, 'x', skNone, testname);
// Handle all tiles send by wsd
bool getTileResp = false;
const std::string tile
= getResponseString(socket, "tile:", testname, std::chrono::milliseconds(1000));
getTileResp = !tile.empty();
} while(getTileResp);
// Type another character to trigger sending tiles
sendChar(socket, 'x', skNone, testname);
// Handle all tiles sent by wsd
const std::string tile
= getResponseString(socket, "tile:", testname, std::chrono::milliseconds(1000));
getTileResp = !tile.empty();
} while(getTileResp);
// For the third invalidation wsd does not send the new tile since
// two versions of the same tile were already sent.
sendChar(socket, 'x', skNone, testname);
const std::vector<char> tile1
= getResponseMessage(socket, "tile:", testname, std::chrono::milliseconds(1000));
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Not expected tile message arrived!", tile1.empty());
// When the next tileprocessed message arrive with correct tileID
// wsd sends the delayed tile
sendTextFrame(socket, "tileprocessed tile=0:0:0:3200:3200:0", testname);
int arrivedTiles = 0;
bool gotTile = false;
const std::vector<char> tile
= getResponseMessage(socket, "tile:", testname, std::chrono::milliseconds(1000));
gotTile = !tile.empty();
} while(gotTile);
LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, arrivedTiles);
LOK_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected successful disconnection of the WebSocket",
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