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2001-03-15 05:30:43 -06:00
* $RCSfile: astexpression.cxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.1 $
* last change: $Author: jsc $ $Date: 2001-03-15 12:30:43 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
* - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
* Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
* Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
* =================================================
* The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
* Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
* License at
* Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
* See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
* obligations concerning the Software.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): _______________________________________
#include <idlc/astexpression.hxx>
#include <idlc/astconstant.hxx>
#include <idlc/astscope.hxx>
#include <idlc/errorhandler.hxx>
#include <limits.h>
#include <float.h>
#undef MAXCHAR
#define MAXCHAR 127
#undef MINCHAR
#define MINCHAR -128
#define MAXINT64 9223372036854775807
#define MININT64 -9223372036854775807-1
#define MAXUINT64 18446744073709551615
using namespace ::rtl;
AstExpression::AstExpression(AstExpression *pExpr, ExprType et)
: m_combOperator(EC_none)
, m_subExpr1(NULL)
, m_subExpr2(NULL)
, m_exprValue(NULL)
, m_pSymbolicName(NULL)
m_exprValue = pExpr->coerce(et);
if ( !m_exprValue)
idlc()->error()->coercionError(pExpr, et);
AstExpression::AstExpression(ExprComb c, AstExpression *pExpr1, AstExpression *pExpr2)
: m_combOperator(c)
, m_subExpr1(pExpr1)
, m_subExpr2(pExpr2)
, m_exprValue(NULL)
, m_pSymbolicName(NULL)
AstExpression::AstExpression(sal_Int16 s)
: m_combOperator(EC_none)
, m_subExpr1(NULL)
, m_subExpr2(NULL)
, m_exprValue(NULL)
, m_pSymbolicName(NULL)
m_exprValue = new AstExprValue();
m_exprValue->et = ET_short;
m_exprValue->u.sval = s;
AstExpression::AstExpression(sal_uInt16 us)
: m_combOperator(EC_none)
, m_subExpr1(NULL)
, m_subExpr2(NULL)
, m_exprValue(NULL)
, m_pSymbolicName(NULL)
m_exprValue = new AstExprValue();
m_exprValue->et = ET_ushort;
m_exprValue->u.usval = us;
AstExpression::AstExpression(sal_Int32 l)
: m_combOperator(EC_none)
, m_subExpr1(NULL)
, m_subExpr2(NULL)
, m_exprValue(NULL)
, m_pSymbolicName(NULL)
m_exprValue = new AstExprValue();
m_exprValue->et = ET_long;
m_exprValue->u.lval = l;
AstExpression::AstExpression(sal_Int32 l, ExprType et)
: m_combOperator(EC_none)
, m_subExpr1(NULL)
, m_subExpr2(NULL)
, m_exprValue(NULL)
, m_pSymbolicName(NULL)
m_exprValue = new AstExprValue();
m_exprValue->et = et;
m_exprValue->u.lval = l;
AstExpression::AstExpression(sal_uInt32 ul)
: m_combOperator(EC_none)
, m_subExpr1(NULL)
, m_subExpr2(NULL)
, m_exprValue(NULL)
, m_pSymbolicName(NULL)
m_exprValue = new AstExprValue();
m_exprValue->et = ET_ulong;
m_exprValue->u.ulval = ul;
AstExpression::AstExpression(sal_Int64 h)
: m_combOperator(EC_none)
, m_subExpr1(NULL)
, m_subExpr2(NULL)
, m_exprValue(NULL)
, m_pSymbolicName(NULL)
m_exprValue = new AstExprValue();
m_exprValue->et = ET_hyper;
m_exprValue->u.hval = h;
AstExpression::AstExpression(sal_uInt64 uh)
: m_combOperator(EC_none)
, m_subExpr1(NULL)
, m_subExpr2(NULL)
, m_exprValue(NULL)
, m_pSymbolicName(NULL)
m_exprValue = new AstExprValue();
m_exprValue->et = ET_uhyper;
m_exprValue->u.uhval = uh;
AstExpression::AstExpression(float f)
: m_combOperator(EC_none)
, m_subExpr1(NULL)
, m_subExpr2(NULL)
, m_exprValue(NULL)
, m_pSymbolicName(NULL)
m_exprValue = new AstExprValue();
m_exprValue->et = ET_float;
m_exprValue->u.fval = f;
AstExpression::AstExpression(double d)
: m_combOperator(EC_none)
, m_subExpr1(NULL)
, m_subExpr2(NULL)
, m_exprValue(NULL)
, m_pSymbolicName(NULL)
m_exprValue = new AstExprValue();
m_exprValue->et = ET_double;
m_exprValue->u.dval = d;
AstExpression::AstExpression(sal_Char c)
: m_combOperator(EC_none)
, m_subExpr1(NULL)
, m_subExpr2(NULL)
, m_exprValue(NULL)
, m_pSymbolicName(NULL)
m_exprValue = new AstExprValue();
m_exprValue->et = ET_char;
m_exprValue->u.cval = c;
AstExpression::AstExpression(::rtl::OString* s, sal_Bool bIsScopedName)
: m_combOperator(EC_none)
, m_subExpr1(NULL)
, m_subExpr2(NULL)
, m_exprValue(NULL)
, m_pSymbolicName(NULL)
if ( bIsScopedName )
m_pSymbolicName = s;
m_combOperator = EC_symbol;
} else
m_exprValue = new AstExprValue();
m_exprValue->et = ET_string;
m_exprValue->u.strval = s;
if ( m_exprValue )
delete m_exprValue;
if ( m_subExpr1 )
delete m_subExpr1;
if ( m_subExpr2 )
delete m_subExpr2;
if ( m_pSymbolicName )
delete m_pSymbolicName;
* Perform the coercion from the given AstExprValue to the requested
* ExprType. Return an AstExprValue if successful, NULL if failed.
* must be done for hyper, uhyper
static AstExprValue *
coerce_value(AstExprValue *ev, ExprType t)
if (ev == NULL)
return NULL;
switch (t)
case ET_short:
switch (ev->et)
case ET_short:
return ev;
case ET_ushort:
if ((sal_uInt16)ev->u.usval > SHRT_MAX)
return NULL;
ev->u.sval = (sal_Int16)ev->u.usval;
ev->et = ET_short;
return ev;
case ET_long:
if ((sal_Int16)ev->u.lval > SHRT_MAX || (sal_Int16)ev->u.lval < SHRT_MIN)
return NULL;
ev->u.sval = (sal_Int16)ev->u.lval;
ev->et = ET_short;
return ev;
case ET_ulong:
if ((sal_Int16)ev->u.ulval > SHRT_MAX)
return NULL;
ev->u.sval = (sal_Int16)ev->u.ulval;
ev->et = ET_short;
return ev;
case ET_hyper:
if ((sal_Int16)ev->u.hval > SHRT_MAX || (sal_Int16)ev->u.hval < SHRT_MIN)
return NULL;
ev->u.sval = (sal_Int16)ev->u.hval;
ev->et = ET_short;
return ev;
case ET_uhyper:
if ((sal_Int16)ev->u.uhval > SHRT_MAX)
return NULL;
ev->u.sval = (sal_Int16)ev->u.uhval;
ev->et = ET_short;
return ev;
case ET_boolean:
ev->u.sval = (sal_Int16)ev->u.bval;
ev->et = ET_short;
return ev;
case ET_float:
if ((sal_Int16)ev->u.fval > SHRT_MAX || (sal_Int16)ev->u.fval < SHRT_MIN)
return NULL;
ev->u.sval = (sal_Int16)ev->u.fval;
ev->et = ET_short;
return ev;
case ET_double:
if ((sal_Int16)ev->u.dval > SHRT_MAX || (sal_Int16)ev->u.dval < SHRT_MIN)
return NULL;
ev->u.sval = (sal_Int16)ev->u.dval;
ev->et = ET_short;
return ev;
case ET_char:
ev->u.sval = (sal_Int16)ev->u.cval;
ev->et = ET_short;
return ev;
case ET_byte:
ev->u.sval = (sal_Int16)ev->u.byval;
ev->et = ET_short;
return ev;
case ET_string:
case ET_any:
case ET_void:
case ET_type:
case ET_none:
return NULL;
case ET_ushort:
switch (ev->et)
case ET_short:
if (ev->u.sval < 0 && ev->u.sval != USHRT_MAX)
return NULL;
ev->u.usval = (sal_uInt16)ev->u.sval;
ev->et = ET_ushort;
return ev;
case ET_ushort:
return ev;
case ET_long:
if ((sal_uInt16)ev->u.lval > USHRT_MAX || ev->u.lval < 0)
return NULL;
ev->u.usval = (sal_uInt16)ev->u.lval;
ev->et = ET_ushort;
return ev;
case ET_ulong:
if ((sal_uInt16)ev->u.ulval > USHRT_MAX)
return NULL;
ev->u.usval = (sal_uInt16)ev->u.ulval;
ev->et = ET_ushort;
return ev;
case ET_hyper:
if ((sal_uInt16)ev->u.hval > USHRT_MAX || ev->u.hval < 0)
return NULL;
ev->u.usval = (sal_uInt16)ev->u.hval;
ev->et = ET_ushort;
return ev;
case ET_uhyper:
if ((sal_uInt16)ev->u.uhval > USHRT_MAX)
return NULL;
ev->u.usval = (sal_uInt16)ev->u.uhval;
ev->et = ET_ushort;
return ev;
case ET_boolean:
ev->u.usval = (sal_uInt16)ev->u.bval;
ev->et = ET_short;
return ev;
case ET_float:
if (ev->u.fval < 0.0 || (sal_uInt16)ev->u.fval > USHRT_MAX)
return NULL;
ev->u.usval = (sal_uInt16)ev->u.fval;
ev->et = ET_short;
return ev;
case ET_double:
if (ev->u.dval < 0.0 || (sal_uInt16)ev->u.dval > USHRT_MAX)
return NULL;
ev->u.usval = (sal_uInt16)ev->u.dval;
ev->et = ET_short;
return ev;
case ET_char:
if (ev->u.cval < 0)
return NULL;
ev->u.usval = (sal_uInt16)ev->u.cval;
ev->et = ET_ushort;
return ev;
case ET_byte:
ev->u.usval = (sal_uInt16)ev->u.byval;
ev->et = ET_ushort;
return ev;
case ET_string:
case ET_any:
case ET_void:
case ET_type:
case ET_none:
return NULL;
case ET_long:
switch (ev->et)
case ET_short:
ev->u.lval = (sal_Int32)ev->u.sval;
ev->et = ET_long;
return ev;
case ET_ushort:
ev->u.lval = (sal_Int32)ev->u.usval;
ev->et = ET_long;
return ev;
case ET_long:
return ev;
case ET_ulong:
if ((sal_Int32)ev->u.ulval > LONG_MAX)
return NULL;
ev->u.lval = (sal_Int32)ev->u.ulval;
ev->et = ET_long;
return ev;
case ET_hyper:
if ((sal_Int32)ev->u.hval > LONG_MAX || (sal_Int32)ev->u.hval < LONG_MIN)
return NULL;
ev->u.lval = (sal_Int32)ev->u.hval;
ev->et = ET_long;
return ev;
case ET_uhyper:
if ((sal_Int32)ev->u.uhval > LONG_MAX)
return NULL;
ev->u.lval = (sal_Int32)ev->u.uhval;
ev->et = ET_long;
return ev;
case ET_boolean:
ev->u.lval = (sal_Int32)ev->u.bval;
ev->et = ET_long;
return ev;
case ET_float:
if ((sal_Int32)ev->u.fval > LONG_MAX || (sal_Int32)ev->u.fval < LONG_MIN)
return NULL;
ev->u.lval = (sal_Int32)ev->u.fval;
ev->et = ET_long;
return ev;
case ET_double:
if ((sal_Int32)ev->u.dval > LONG_MAX || (sal_Int32)ev->u.dval < LONG_MIN)
return NULL;
ev->u.lval = (sal_Int32)ev->u.dval;
ev->et = ET_long;
return ev;
case ET_char:
ev->u.lval = (sal_Int32) ev->u.cval;
ev->et = ET_long;
return ev;
case ET_byte:
ev->u.lval = (sal_Int32) ev->u.byval;
ev->et = ET_long;
return ev;
case ET_string:
case ET_any:
case ET_void:
case ET_type:
case ET_none:
return NULL;
case ET_ulong:
switch (ev->et)
case ET_short:
if (ev->u.sval < 0)
return NULL;
ev->u.ulval = (sal_uInt32)ev->u.sval;
ev->et = ET_ulong;
return ev;
case ET_ushort:
ev->u.ulval = (sal_uInt32)ev->u.usval;
ev->et = ET_ulong;
return ev;
case ET_long:
if ((sal_uInt32)ev->u.lval < 0 && (sal_uInt32)ev->u.lval != ULONG_MAX)
return NULL;
ev->u.ulval = (sal_uInt32)ev->u.lval;
ev->et = ET_ulong;
return ev;
case ET_ulong:
return ev;
case ET_hyper:
if (ev->u.hval > (sal_Int64)ULONG_MAX || ev->u.hval < 0)
return NULL;
ev->u.lval = (sal_uInt32)ev->u.hval;
ev->et = ET_ulong;
return ev;
case ET_uhyper:
if (ev->u.uhval > (sal_uInt64)ULONG_MAX)
return NULL;
ev->u.ulval = (sal_uInt32)ev->u.uhval;
ev->et = ET_ulong;
return ev;
case ET_boolean:
ev->u.ulval = (sal_uInt32)ev->u.bval;
ev->et = ET_ulong;
return ev;
case ET_float:
if (ev->u.fval < 0.0 || (sal_uInt32)ev->u.fval > ULONG_MAX)
return NULL;
ev->u.ulval = (sal_uInt32)ev->u.fval;
ev->et = ET_ulong;
return ev;
case ET_double:
if (ev->u.dval < 0.0 || (sal_uInt32)ev->u.dval > ULONG_MAX)
return NULL;
ev->u.ulval = (sal_uInt32)ev->u.dval;
ev->et = ET_ulong;
return ev;
case ET_char:
if (ev->u.cval < 0)
return NULL;
ev->u.ulval = (sal_uInt32)ev->u.cval;
ev->et = ET_ulong;
return ev;
case ET_byte:
ev->u.ulval = (sal_uInt32)ev->u.byval;
ev->et = ET_ulong;
return ev;
case ET_string:
case ET_any:
case ET_void:
case ET_type:
case ET_none:
return NULL;
case ET_hyper:
switch (ev->et)
case ET_short:
ev->u.hval = (sal_Int64)ev->u.sval;
ev->et = ET_hyper;
return ev;
case ET_ushort:
ev->u.hval = (sal_Int64)ev->u.usval;
ev->et = ET_hyper;
return ev;
case ET_long:
ev->u.hval = (sal_Int64)ev->u.lval;
ev->et = ET_hyper;
return ev;
case ET_ulong:
ev->u.hval = (sal_Int64)ev->u.ulval;
ev->et = ET_hyper;
return ev;
case ET_hyper:
return ev;
case ET_uhyper:
if (ev->u.uhval > (sal_uInt64)MAXINT64)
return NULL;
ev->u.hval = (sal_Int64)ev->u.uhval;
ev->et = ET_long;
return ev;
case ET_boolean:
ev->u.hval = (sal_Int64)ev->u.bval;
ev->et = ET_hyper;
return ev;
case ET_float:
if ((sal_Int64)ev->u.fval > MAXINT64 || (sal_Int64)ev->u.fval < MININT64)
return NULL;
ev->u.hval = (sal_Int64)ev->u.fval;
ev->et = ET_hyper;
return ev;
case ET_double:
if ((sal_Int64)ev->u.dval > MAXINT64 || (sal_Int64)ev->u.dval < MININT64)
return NULL;
ev->u.hval = (sal_Int64)ev->u.dval;
ev->et = ET_hyper;
return ev;
case ET_char:
ev->u.hval = (sal_Int64)ev->u.cval;
ev->et = ET_hyper;
return ev;
case ET_byte:
ev->u.hval = (sal_Int64)ev->u.byval;
ev->et = ET_hyper;
return ev;
case ET_string:
case ET_any:
case ET_void:
case ET_type:
case ET_none:
return NULL;
case ET_uhyper:
switch (ev->et)
case ET_short:
if (ev->u.sval < 0)
return NULL;
ev->u.uhval = (sal_uInt64)ev->u.sval;
ev->et = ET_uhyper;
return ev;
case ET_ushort:
ev->u.uhval = (sal_uInt64)ev->u.usval;
ev->et = ET_uhyper;
return ev;
case ET_long:
if ((sal_uInt64)ev->u.lval < 0 && ev->u.lval != MAXUINT64)
return NULL;
ev->u.uhval = (sal_uInt64)ev->u.lval;
ev->et = ET_uhyper;
return ev;
case ET_ulong:
ev->u.uhval = (sal_uInt64)ev->u.ulval;
ev->et = ET_uhyper;
return ev;
case ET_hyper:
if ((sal_uInt64)ev->u.hval < 0 && ev->u.hval != MAXUINT64)
return NULL;
ev->u.uhval = (sal_uInt64)ev->u.hval;
ev->et = ET_uhyper;
return ev;
case ET_uhyper:
return ev;
case ET_boolean:
ev->u.uhval = (sal_uInt64)ev->u.bval;
ev->et = ET_uhyper;
return ev;
case ET_float:
if (ev->u.fval < 0.0 || (sal_uInt64)ev->u.fval > MAXUINT64)
return NULL;
ev->u.uhval = (sal_uInt64)ev->u.fval;
ev->et = ET_uhyper;
return ev;
case ET_double:
if (ev->u.dval < 0.0 || (sal_uInt64)ev->u.dval > MAXUINT64)
return NULL;
ev->u.uhval = (sal_uInt64)ev->u.dval;
ev->et = ET_uhyper;
return ev;
case ET_char:
if (ev->u.cval < 0)
return NULL;
ev->u.uhval = (sal_uInt64)ev->u.cval;
ev->et = ET_uhyper;
return ev;
case ET_byte:
ev->u.uhval = (sal_uInt64)ev->u.byval;
ev->et = ET_uhyper;
return ev;
case ET_string:
case ET_any:
case ET_void:
case ET_type:
case ET_none:
return NULL;
case ET_boolean:
switch (ev->et)
case ET_short:
ev->u.bval = (ev->u.sval == 0) ? sal_False : sal_True;
ev->et = ET_boolean;
return ev;
case ET_ushort:
ev->u.bval = (ev->u.usval == 0) ? sal_False : sal_True;
ev->et = ET_boolean;
return ev;
case ET_long:
ev->u.bval = (ev->u.lval == 0) ? sal_False : sal_True;
ev->et = ET_boolean;
return ev;
case ET_ulong:
ev->u.bval = (ev->u.ulval == 0) ? sal_False : sal_True;
ev->et = ET_boolean;
return ev;
case ET_hyper:
ev->u.bval = (ev->u.hval == 0) ? sal_False : sal_True;
ev->et = ET_boolean;
return ev;
case ET_uhyper:
ev->u.bval = (ev->u.uhval == 0) ? sal_False : sal_True;
ev->et = ET_boolean;
return ev;
case ET_boolean:
return ev;
case ET_float:
ev->u.bval = (ev->u.fval == 0.0) ? sal_False : sal_True;
ev->et = ET_boolean;
return ev;
case ET_double:
ev->u.bval = (ev->u.dval == 0.0) ? sal_False : sal_True;
ev->et = ET_boolean;
return ev;
case ET_char:
ev->u.bval = (ev->u.cval == 0) ? sal_False : sal_True;
ev->et = ET_boolean;
return ev;
case ET_byte:
ev->u.bval = (ev->u.byval == 0) ? sal_False : sal_True;
ev->et = ET_boolean;
return ev;
case ET_string:
case ET_any:
case ET_void:
case ET_type:
case ET_none:
return NULL;
case ET_float:
switch (ev->et)
case ET_short:
ev->u.fval = (float)ev->u.sval;
ev->et = ET_float;
return ev;
case ET_ushort:
ev->u.fval = (float)ev->u.usval;
ev->et = ET_float;
return ev;
case ET_long:
ev->u.fval = (float)ev->u.lval;
ev->et = ET_float;
return ev;
case ET_ulong:
ev->u.fval = (float)ev->u.ulval;
ev->et = ET_float;
return ev;
case ET_hyper:
ev->u.fval = (float)ev->u.hval;
ev->et = ET_float;
return ev;
case ET_uhyper:
if ((float)ev->u.ulval > FLT_MAX)
return NULL;
ev->u.fval = (float)ev->u.ulval;
ev->et = ET_float;
return ev;
return NULL;
case ET_boolean:
ev->u.fval = (ev->u.bval == sal_True) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
ev->et = ET_float;
return ev;
case ET_float:
return ev;
case ET_double:
if ((float)ev->u.dval > FLT_MAX || (float)ev->u.dval < -FLT_MAX)
return NULL;
ev->u.fval = (float)ev->u.dval;
ev->et = ET_float;
return ev;
case ET_char:
ev->u.fval = (float)ev->u.cval;
ev->et = ET_float;
return ev;
case ET_byte:
ev->u.fval = (float)ev->u.byval;
ev->et = ET_float;
return ev;
case ET_string:
case ET_any:
case ET_void:
case ET_type:
case ET_none:
return NULL;
case ET_double:
switch (ev->et)
case ET_short:
ev->u.dval = (double)ev->u.sval;
ev->et = ET_double;
return ev;
case ET_ushort:
ev->u.dval = (double)ev->u.usval;
ev->et = ET_double;
return ev;
case ET_long:
ev->u.dval = (double)ev->u.lval;
ev->et = ET_double;
return ev;
case ET_ulong:
ev->u.dval = (double)ev->u.ulval;
ev->et = ET_double;
return ev;
case ET_hyper:
ev->u.dval = (double)ev->u.hval;
ev->et = ET_double;
return ev;
case ET_uhyper:
if ((double)ev->u.dval > FLT_MAX || (double)ev->u.dval < -FLT_MAX)
return NULL;
ev->u.dval = (double)ev->u.ulval;
ev->et = ET_double;
return ev;
case ET_boolean:
ev->u.dval = (ev->u.bval == sal_True) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
ev->et = ET_double;
return ev;
case ET_float:
ev->u.dval = (double)ev->u.fval;
ev->et = ET_double;
return ev;
case ET_double:
return ev;
case ET_char:
ev->u.dval = (double)ev->u.cval;
ev->et = ET_double;
return ev;
case ET_byte:
ev->u.dval = (double)ev->u.byval;
ev->et = ET_double;
return ev;
case ET_string:
case ET_any:
case ET_void:
case ET_type:
case ET_none:
return NULL;
case ET_char:
switch (ev->et)
case ET_short:
if ((sal_Char)ev->u.sval > MAXCHAR || (sal_Char)ev->u.sval < MINCHAR)
return NULL;
ev->u.cval = (sal_Char)ev->u.sval;
ev->et = ET_char;
return ev;
case ET_ushort:
if ((sal_Char)ev->u.usval > MAXCHAR)
return NULL;
ev->u.cval = (sal_Char)ev->u.usval;
ev->et = ET_char;
return ev;
case ET_long:
if ((sal_Char)ev->u.lval > MAXCHAR || (sal_Char)ev->u.lval < MINCHAR)
return NULL;
ev->u.cval = (sal_Char)ev->u.lval;
ev->et = ET_char;
return ev;
case ET_ulong:
if ((sal_Char)ev->u.ulval > MAXCHAR)
return NULL;
ev->u.cval = (sal_Char)ev->u.ulval;
ev->et = ET_char;
return ev;
case ET_hyper:
if ((sal_Char)ev->u.hval > MAXCHAR || (sal_Char)ev->u.hval < MINCHAR)
return NULL;
ev->u.cval = (sal_Char)ev->u.hval;
ev->et = ET_char;
return ev;
case ET_uhyper:
if ((sal_Char)ev->u.ulval > MAXCHAR)
return NULL;
ev->u.cval = (sal_Char)ev->u.uhval;
ev->et = ET_char;
return ev;
case ET_boolean:
ev->u.cval = (sal_Char)ev->u.bval;
ev->et = ET_char;
return ev;
case ET_float:
if ((sal_Char)ev->u.fval > MAXCHAR || (sal_Char)ev->u.fval < MINCHAR)
return NULL;
ev->u.cval = (sal_Char)ev->u.fval;
ev->et = ET_char;
return ev;
case ET_double:
if ((sal_Char)ev->u.dval > MAXCHAR || (sal_Char)ev->u.dval < MINCHAR)
return NULL;
ev->u.cval = (sal_Char)ev->u.dval;
ev->et = ET_char;
return ev;
case ET_char:
return ev;
case ET_byte:
if ((sal_Char)ev->u.byval > MAXCHAR)
return NULL;
ev->u.cval = (sal_Char)ev->u.byval;
ev->et = ET_char;
return ev;
case ET_string:
case ET_any:
case ET_void:
case ET_type:
case ET_none:
return NULL;
case ET_byte:
switch (ev->et)
case ET_short:
if (ev->u.sval < 0 || (sal_uChar)ev->u.sval > (MAXCHAR << 1))
return NULL;
ev->u.byval = (sal_uChar)ev->u.sval;
ev->et = ET_byte;
return ev;
case ET_ushort:
if ((sal_uChar)ev->u.usval > (MAXCHAR << 1))
return NULL;
ev->u.byval = (sal_uChar)ev->u.usval;
ev->et = ET_byte;
return ev;
case ET_long:
if (ev->u.lval < 0 || (sal_uChar)ev->u.lval > (MAXCHAR << 1))
return NULL;
ev->u.byval = (sal_uChar) ev->u.lval;
ev->et = ET_byte;
return ev;
case ET_ulong:
if ((sal_uChar)ev->u.ulval > (MAXCHAR << 1))
return NULL;
ev->u.byval = (sal_uChar) ev->u.ulval;
ev->et = ET_byte;
return ev;
case ET_hyper:
if (ev->u.hval < 0 || (sal_uChar)ev->u.hval > (MAXCHAR << 1))
return NULL;
ev->u.byval = (sal_uChar) ev->u.hval;
ev->et = ET_byte;
return ev;
case ET_uhyper:
if ((sal_uChar)ev->u.uhval > (MAXCHAR << 1))
return NULL;
ev->u.byval = (sal_uChar) ev->u.uhval;
ev->et = ET_byte;
return ev;
case ET_boolean:
ev->u.byval = (ev->u.bval == sal_False) ? 1 : 0;
ev->et = ET_byte;
return ev;
case ET_float:
if (ev->u.fval < 0.0 || (sal_uChar)ev->u.fval > (MAXCHAR << 1))
return NULL;
ev->u.byval = (sal_uChar) ev->u.fval;
ev->et = ET_byte;
return ev;
case ET_double:
if (ev->u.dval < 0.0 || (sal_uChar)ev->u.dval > (MAXCHAR << 1))
return NULL;
ev->u.byval = (sal_uChar) ev->u.dval;
ev->et = ET_byte;
return ev;
case ET_char:
if (ev->u.cval < 0)
return NULL;
ev->u.byval = (sal_uChar) ev->u.cval;
ev->et = ET_byte;
return ev;
case ET_byte:
return ev;
case ET_string:
case ET_any:
case ET_void:
case ET_type:
case ET_none:
return NULL;
case ET_any:
switch (ev->et)
case ET_any:
return ev;
return NULL;
case ET_void:
switch (ev->et)
case ET_void:
return ev;
return NULL;
case ET_type:
switch (ev->et)
case ET_type:
return ev;
return NULL;
case ET_none:
return NULL;
case ET_string:
switch (ev->et)
case ET_string:
return ev;
return NULL;
return NULL;
* Evaluate the expression with the evaluation kind requested. Supported
* evaluation kinds are
* - EK_const: The expression must evaluate to a constant
* - EK_positive_int: The expression must further evaluate to a
* positive integer
static AstExprValue *
eval_kind(AstExprValue *ev, EvalKind ek)
if (ek == EK_const)
return ev;
if (ek == EK_positive_int)
return coerce_value(ev, ET_ulong);
return NULL;
AstExprValue* AstExpression::eval(EvalKind ek)
AstExprValue *v = NULL;
* Call internal evaluator which does not coerce value to
* EvalKind-expected format
v = eval_internal(ek);
* Then coerce according to EvalKind-expected format
return eval_kind(v, ek);
AstExprValue* AstExpression::coerce(ExprType t, sal_Bool bAssign)
AstExprValue *copy;
* Is it already of the right type?
if (m_exprValue != NULL && m_exprValue->et == t)
return m_exprValue;
* OK, must coerce
* First, evaluate it, then try to coerce result type
* If already evaluated, return the result
m_exprValue = eval_internal(EK_const);
if (m_exprValue == NULL)
return NULL;
* Create a copy to contain coercion result
copy = new AstExprValue;
copy->et = m_exprValue->et;
switch (m_exprValue->et)
case ET_void:
case ET_none:
case ET_any:
return NULL;
case ET_short:
copy->u.sval = m_exprValue->u.sval;
case ET_ushort:
copy->u.usval = m_exprValue->u.usval;
case ET_long:
copy->u.lval = m_exprValue->u.lval;
case ET_ulong:
copy->u.ulval = m_exprValue->u.ulval;
case ET_hyper:
copy->u.hval = m_exprValue->u.hval;
case ET_uhyper:
copy->u.uhval = m_exprValue->u.uhval;
case ET_boolean:
copy->u.bval = m_exprValue->u.bval;
case ET_float:
copy->u.fval = m_exprValue->u.fval;
case ET_double:
copy->u.dval = m_exprValue->u.dval;
case ET_char:
copy->u.cval = m_exprValue->u.cval;
case ET_byte:
copy->u.byval = m_exprValue->u.byval;
case ET_string:
copy->u.strval = m_exprValue->u.strval;
if (bAssign)
m_exprValue = coerce_value(copy, t);
return m_exprValue;
return coerce_value(copy, t);
void AstExpression::evaluate(EvalKind ek)
m_exprValue = eval_internal(ek);
m_exprValue = eval_kind(m_exprValue, ek);
sal_Bool AstExpression::operator==(AstExpression *pExpr)
if (m_combOperator != pExpr->getCombOperator())
return sal_False;
if (m_exprValue == NULL || pExpr->getExprValue() == NULL)
return sal_False;
if (m_exprValue->et != pExpr->getExprValue()->et)
return sal_False;
switch (m_exprValue->et)
case ET_short:
return (m_exprValue->u.sval == pExpr->getExprValue()->u.sval) ? sal_True : sal_False;
case ET_ushort:
return (m_exprValue->u.usval == pExpr->getExprValue()->u.usval) ? sal_True : sal_False;
case ET_long:
return (m_exprValue->u.lval == pExpr->getExprValue()->u.lval) ? sal_True : sal_False;
case ET_ulong:
return (m_exprValue->u.ulval == pExpr->getExprValue()->u.ulval) ? sal_True : sal_False;
case ET_hyper:
return (m_exprValue->u.hval == pExpr->getExprValue()->u.hval) ? sal_True : sal_False;
case ET_uhyper:
return (m_exprValue->u.uhval == pExpr->getExprValue()->u.uhval) ? sal_True : sal_False;
case ET_float:
return (m_exprValue->u.fval == pExpr->getExprValue()->u.fval) ? sal_True : sal_False;
case ET_double:
return (m_exprValue->u.dval == pExpr->getExprValue()->u.dval) ? sal_True : sal_False;
case ET_char:
return (m_exprValue->u.cval == pExpr->getExprValue()->u.cval) ? sal_True : sal_False;
case ET_byte:
return (m_exprValue->u.byval == pExpr->getExprValue()->u.byval) ? sal_True : sal_False;
case ET_boolean:
return (m_exprValue->u.lval == pExpr->getExprValue()->u.lval) ? sal_True : sal_False;
case ET_string:
if (m_exprValue->u.strval == NULL)
if (pExpr->getExprValue()->u.strval == NULL)
return sal_True;
return sal_False;
} else
if (pExpr->getExprValue()->u.strval == NULL)
return sal_False;
return (m_exprValue->u.strval == pExpr->getExprValue()->u.strval) ? sal_True : sal_False;
case ET_any:
case ET_void:
case ET_none:
return sal_False;
return sal_False;
sal_Bool AstExpression::compare(AstExpression *pExpr)
if (m_combOperator != pExpr->getCombOperator())
return sal_False;
if (m_exprValue == NULL || pExpr->getExprValue() == NULL)
return sal_False;
if (m_exprValue->et != pExpr->getExprValue()->et)
return sal_False;
switch (m_exprValue->et)
case ET_short:
return (m_exprValue->u.sval == pExpr->getExprValue()->u.sval) ? sal_True : sal_False;
case ET_ushort:
return (m_exprValue->u.usval == pExpr->getExprValue()->u.usval) ? sal_True : sal_False;
case ET_long:
return (m_exprValue->u.lval == pExpr->getExprValue()->u.lval) ? sal_True : sal_False;
case ET_ulong:
return (m_exprValue->u.ulval == pExpr->getExprValue()->u.ulval) ? sal_True : sal_False;
case ET_hyper:
return (m_exprValue->u.hval == pExpr->getExprValue()->u.hval) ? sal_True : sal_False;
case ET_uhyper:
return (m_exprValue->u.uhval == pExpr->getExprValue()->u.uhval) ? sal_True : sal_False;
case ET_float:
return (m_exprValue->u.fval == pExpr->getExprValue()->u.fval) ? sal_True : sal_False;
case ET_double:
return (m_exprValue->u.dval == pExpr->getExprValue()->u.dval) ? sal_True : sal_False;
case ET_char:
return (m_exprValue->u.cval == pExpr->getExprValue()->u.cval) ? sal_True : sal_False;
case ET_byte:
return (m_exprValue->u.byval == pExpr->getExprValue()->u.byval) ? sal_True : sal_False;
case ET_boolean:
return (m_exprValue->u.lval == pExpr->getExprValue()->u.lval) ? sal_True : sal_False;
case ET_string:
if (m_exprValue->u.strval == NULL)
if (pExpr->getExprValue()->u.strval == NULL)
return sal_True;
return sal_False;
} else
if (pExpr->getExprValue()->u.strval == NULL)
return sal_False;
return (m_exprValue->u.strval == pExpr->getExprValue()->u.strval) ? sal_True : sal_False;
case ET_any:
case ET_void:
case ET_none:
return sal_False;
return sal_False;
void AstExpression::fillDefinitionDetails()
m_pScope = idlc()->scopes()->depth() > 0 ? idlc()->scopes()->top() : NULL;
m_lineNo = idlc()->getLineNumber();
m_fileName = idlc()->getFileName();
AstExprValue* AstExpression::eval_internal(EvalKind ek)
* Already evaluated?
if ( m_exprValue != NULL )
return eval_kind(m_exprValue, ek);
* OK, must evaluate operator
switch (m_combOperator)
case EC_add:
case EC_minus:
case EC_mul:
case EC_div:
case EC_mod:
m_exprValue = eval_bin_op(ek);
return eval_kind(m_exprValue, ek);
case EC_or:
case EC_xor:
case EC_and:
case EC_left:
case EC_right:
m_exprValue = eval_bit_op(ek);
return eval_kind(m_exprValue, ek);
case EC_u_plus:
case EC_u_minus:
case EC_bit_neg:
m_exprValue = eval_un_op(ek);
return eval_kind(m_exprValue, ek);
case EC_symbol:
m_exprValue = eval_symbol(ek);
return eval_kind(m_exprValue, ek);
case EC_none:
return NULL;
return NULL;
AstExprValue* AstExpression::eval_bin_op(EvalKind ek)
AstExprValue *retval = NULL;
ExprType eType = ET_double;
if ( m_combOperator == EC_mod )
eType = ET_hyper;
if (ek != EK_const && ek != EK_positive_int)
return NULL;
if (m_subExpr1 == NULL || m_subExpr2 == NULL)
return NULL;
if (m_subExpr1->getExprValue() == NULL)
return NULL;
if (m_subExpr1->getExprValue() == NULL)
return NULL;
if (m_subExpr2->getExprValue() == NULL)
return NULL;
if (m_subExpr2->getExprValue() == NULL)
return NULL;
retval = new AstExprValue();
retval->et = eType;
switch (m_combOperator)
case EC_mod:
if (m_subExpr2->getExprValue()->u.hval == 0)
return NULL;
retval->u.hval = m_subExpr1->getExprValue()->u.hval % m_subExpr2->getExprValue()->u.hval;
case EC_add:
retval->u.dval = m_subExpr1->getExprValue()->u.dval + m_subExpr2->getExprValue()->u.dval;
case EC_minus:
retval->u.dval = m_subExpr1->getExprValue()->u.dval - m_subExpr2->getExprValue()->u.dval;
case EC_mul:
retval->u.dval = m_subExpr1->getExprValue()->u.dval * m_subExpr2->getExprValue()->u.dval;
case EC_div:
if (m_subExpr2->getExprValue()->u.dval == 0.0)
return NULL;
retval->u.dval = m_subExpr1->getExprValue()->u.dval / m_subExpr2->getExprValue()->u.dval;
return NULL;
return retval;
AstExprValue* AstExpression::eval_bit_op(EvalKind ek)
AstExprValue *retval = NULL;
if (ek != EK_const && ek != EK_positive_int)
return NULL;
if (m_subExpr1 == NULL || m_subExpr2 == NULL)
return NULL;
if (m_subExpr1->getExprValue() == NULL)
return NULL;
if (m_subExpr1->getExprValue() == NULL)
return NULL;
if (m_subExpr2->getExprValue() == NULL)
return NULL;
if (m_subExpr2->getExprValue() == NULL)
return NULL;
retval = new AstExprValue;
retval->et = ET_long;
switch (m_combOperator)
case EC_or:
retval->u.lval = m_subExpr1->getExprValue()->u.lval | m_subExpr2->getExprValue()->u.lval;
case EC_xor:
retval->u.lval = m_subExpr1->getExprValue()->u.lval ^ m_subExpr2->getExprValue()->u.lval;
case EC_and:
retval->u.lval = m_subExpr1->getExprValue()->u.lval & m_subExpr2->getExprValue()->u.lval;
case EC_left:
retval->u.lval = m_subExpr1->getExprValue()->u.lval << m_subExpr2->getExprValue()->u.lval;
case EC_right:
retval->u.lval = m_subExpr1->getExprValue()->u.lval >> m_subExpr2->getExprValue()->u.lval;
return NULL;
return retval;
AstExprValue* AstExpression::eval_un_op(EvalKind ek)
AstExprValue *retval = NULL;
if (m_exprValue != NULL)
return m_exprValue;
if (ek != EK_const && ek != EK_positive_int)
return NULL;
if (m_subExpr1 == NULL)
return NULL;
if (m_subExpr1->getExprValue() == NULL)
return NULL;
if (m_subExpr1->getExprValue() == NULL)
return NULL;
retval = new AstExprValue();
retval->et = ET_double;
switch (m_combOperator)
case EC_u_plus:
retval->u.lval = m_subExpr1->getExprValue()->u.lval;
case EC_u_minus:
retval->u.lval = -(m_subExpr1->getExprValue()->u.lval);
case EC_bit_neg:
if (m_subExpr1->getExprValue() == NULL)
return NULL;
retval->u.lval = ~m_subExpr1->getExprValue()->u.lval;
return NULL;
return retval;
AstExprValue* AstExpression::eval_symbol(EvalKind ek)
AstScope *pScope;
AstDeclaration *pDecl;
AstConstant *pConst;
* Is there a symbol stored?
if (m_pSymbolicName == NULL)
return NULL;
* Get current scope for lookup
if (idlc()->scopes()->depth() > 0)
pScope = idlc()->scopes()->topNonNull();
if ( !pScope )
return NULL;
* Do lookup
pDecl = pScope->lookupByName(*m_pSymbolicName);
if (pDecl == NULL)
return NULL;
* Is it a constant?
if (pDecl->getNodeType() != NT_const &&
pDecl->getNodeType() != NT_enum_val)
idlc()->error()->constantExpected(pDecl, *m_pSymbolicName);
return NULL;
* OK, now evaluate the constant we just got, to produce its value
pConst = reinterpret_cast< AstConstant* >(pDecl);
if (pConst == NULL)
return NULL;
return pConst->getConstValue()->eval_internal(ek);
OString AstExpression::toString()
OString exprStr;
if ( m_combOperator == EC_symbol )
return *m_pSymbolicName;
if ( m_exprValue )
switch (m_exprValue->et)
case ET_short:
return OString::valueOf((sal_Int32)m_exprValue->u.sval);
case ET_ushort:
return OString::valueOf((sal_Int32)m_exprValue->u.usval);
case ET_long:
return OString::valueOf(m_exprValue->u.lval);
case ET_ulong:
return OString::valueOf((sal_Int64)m_exprValue->u.ulval);
case ET_hyper:
return OString::valueOf(m_exprValue->u.hval);
case ET_uhyper:
return OString::valueOf((sal_Int64)m_exprValue->u.uhval);
case ET_float:
return OString::valueOf(m_exprValue->u.fval);
case ET_double:
return OString::valueOf(m_exprValue->u.dval);
case ET_char:
return OString::valueOf(m_exprValue->u.cval);
case ET_byte:
return OString::valueOf((sal_Int32)m_exprValue->u.byval);
case ET_boolean:
if ( m_exprValue->u.lval == 0)
return OString("FALSE");
return OString("TRUE");
case ET_string:
return *(m_exprValue->u.strval);
case ET_any:
case ET_void:
case ET_none:
return OString();
switch (m_combOperator)
case EC_u_plus:
exprStr += OString("+");
case EC_u_minus:
exprStr += OString("-");
case EC_bit_neg:
exprStr += OString("~");
if ( m_subExpr1 )
exprStr += m_subExpr1->toString();
switch (m_combOperator)
case EC_add:
exprStr += OString(" + ");
case EC_minus:
exprStr += OString(" - ");
case EC_mul:
exprStr += OString(" * ");
case EC_div:
exprStr += OString(" / ");
case EC_mod:
exprStr += OString(" % ");
case EC_or:
exprStr += OString(" | ");
case EC_xor:
exprStr += OString(" ^ ");
case EC_and:
exprStr += OString(" & ");
case EC_left:
exprStr += OString(" << ");
case EC_right:
exprStr += OString(" >> ");
if ( m_subExpr2 )
exprStr += m_subExpr2->toString();
return exprStr;
// Convert the type of an AST_Expression to a char *
sal_Char* SAL_CALL exprTypeToString(ExprType t)
switch (t)
case ET_short:
return "short";
case ET_ushort:
return "unsigned short";
case ET_long:
return "long";
case ET_ulong:
return "unsigned long";
case ET_hyper:
return "hyper";
case ET_uhyper:
return "unsigned hyper";
case ET_float:
return "float";
case ET_double:
return "double";
case ET_char:
return "char";
case ET_byte:
return "byte";
case ET_boolean:
return "boolean";
case ET_string:
return "string";
case ET_any:
return "any";
case ET_type:
return "type";
case ET_void:
return "void";
case ET_none:
return "none";
return ("unkown");