2005-06-21 09:02:46 -05:00
2005-09-09 05:46:40 -05:00
# OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
2005-06-21 09:02:46 -05:00
2005-09-09 05:46:40 -05:00
# $RCSfile: makefile.mk,v $
2005-06-21 09:02:46 -05:00
2008-01-04 07:13:25 -06:00
# $Revision: 1.24 $
2005-06-21 09:02:46 -05:00
2008-01-04 07:13:25 -06:00
# last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2008-01-04 14:13:25 $
2005-06-21 09:02:46 -05:00
2005-09-09 05:46:40 -05:00
# The Contents of this file are made available subject to
# the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
2005-06-21 09:02:46 -05:00
2005-09-09 05:46:40 -05:00
# GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
# =============================================
# Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
2005-06-21 09:02:46 -05:00
2005-09-09 05:46:40 -05:00
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
2005-06-21 09:02:46 -05:00
2005-09-09 05:46:40 -05:00
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
2005-06-21 09:02:46 -05:00
2005-09-09 05:46:40 -05:00
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
# MA 02111-1307 USA
2005-06-21 09:02:46 -05:00
# !!! FIXME !!!
# debian-menus file.
# --- Settings -----------------------------------------------------
.INCLUDE : settings.mk
# --- Product Version Information ----------------------------------
.INCLUDE : ../productversion.mk
# --- Files --------------------------------------------------------
2006-01-31 11:19:18 -06:00
.IF "$(PKGFORMAT)"!="$(PKGFORMAT:s/deb//)"
2005-06-21 09:02:46 -05:00
2007-05-10 09:21:47 -05:00
DEBFILES=$(foreach,i,{$(PRODUCTLIST)} $(PKGDIR)$/$i-$(TARGET)-menus_$(PKGVERSION.$i)-$(PKGREV)_all.deb)
2005-06-21 09:02:46 -05:00
# --- Targets -------------------------------------------------------
.INCLUDE : target.mk
2006-01-31 11:19:18 -06:00
.IF "$(PKGFORMAT)"!="$(PKGFORMAT:s/deb//)"
2005-06-21 09:02:46 -05:00
2007-05-10 09:21:47 -05:00
2005-06-21 09:02:46 -05:00
2007-05-10 09:21:47 -05:00
%/DEBIAN/control : $$(@:f)
@$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d) $*$/etc $*$/usr/share/applnk/Office $*$/usr/lib/menu
ln -sf /opt/$(UNIXFILENAME.$(*:f:s/-/ /:1)) $*$/etc$/
2007-11-06 08:57:20 -06:00
/bin/sh -c -x "cd $(COMMONMISC)$/$(*:f:s/-/ /:1) && DESTDIR=$(shell @cd $*; pwd) ICON_PREFIX=$(ICONPREFIX) KDEMAINDIR=/usr GNOMEDIR=/usr create_tree.sh"
2007-05-10 09:21:47 -05:00
@cat openoffice.org-debian-menus | sed -e 's/%PRODUCTNAME/$(PRODUCTNAME.$(*:f:s/-/ /:1)) $(PRODUCTVERSION.$(*:f:s/-/ /:1))/' -e 's/%PREFIX/$(UNIXFILENAME.$(*:f:s/-/ /:1))/' -e 's/%ICONPREFIX/$(ICONPREFIX.$(*:f:s/-/ /:1))/' > $*$/usr/lib/menu/$(*:f:s/_/ /:1)
echo "Package: $(*:f:s/_/ /:1)" > $@
2007-08-20 08:08:41 -05:00
cat $(@:f) | tr -d "\015" | sed "s/%productname/$(PRODUCTNAME.$(*:f:s/-/ /:1))/" >> $@
2007-05-10 09:21:47 -05:00
echo "Version: $(PKGVERSION.$(*:f:s/-/ /:1))-$(PKGREV)" >> $@
@du -k -s $* | awk -F ' ' '{ printf "Installed-Size: %s\n", $$1 ; }' >> $@
2006-12-18 09:37:21 -06:00
2007-05-10 09:21:47 -05:00
%/DEBIAN/postinst : $$(@:f)
@cat $< | tr -d "\015" | sed -e "s/%PREFIX/$(UNIXFILENAME.$(*:f:s/-/ /:1))/g" > $@
2005-06-21 09:02:46 -05:00
2007-05-10 09:21:47 -05:00
%/DEBIAN/postrm : $$(@:f)
@cat $< | tr -d "\015" | sed -e "s/%PREFIX/$(UNIXFILENAME.$(*:f:s/-/ /:1))/g" > $@
2005-07-18 07:58:27 -05:00
2007-05-10 09:21:47 -05:00
%/DEBIAN/prerm : $$(@:f)
@cat $< | tr -d "\015" | sed -e "s/%PREFIX/$(UNIXFILENAME.$(*:f:s/-/ /:1))/g" > $@
2005-07-18 07:58:27 -05:00
2005-06-21 09:02:46 -05:00
# --- packaging ---------------------------------------------------
# getuid.so fakes the user/group for us
2007-05-10 09:21:47 -05:00
$(DEBFILES) : makefile.mk control postinst postrm prerm
-$(RM) $(@:d)$(@:f:s/_/ /:1)_*
$(RM) -r $(MISC)$/$(@:b)
dmake $(MISC)$/$(@:b)$/DEBIAN$/{control postinst postrm prerm}
@chmod -R g-w $(MISC)$/$(@:b)
@chmod a+rx $(MISC)$/$(@:b)$/DEBIAN $(MISC)/$(@:b)/DEBIAN/post* $(MISC)/$(@:b)/DEBIAN/pre*
@chmod g-s $(MISC)/$(@:b)/DEBIAN
2007-07-11 08:31:03 -05:00
@mkdir -p $(PKGDIR)
2007-05-10 09:21:47 -05:00
/bin/bash -c "LD_PRELOAD=$(SOLARBINDIR)/getuid.so dpkg-deb --build $(MISC)/$(@:b) $@"
$(RM) -r $(MISC)$/$(@:b)
# @chmod -R g+w $(MISC)/$(TARGET)/$(DEBFILE:f)
2005-07-18 07:58:27 -05:00
2005-06-21 09:02:46 -05:00