2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
# $RCSfile: make_installer.pl,v $
2004-07-13 03:09:35 -05:00
# $Revision: 1.9 $
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
2004-07-13 03:09:35 -05:00
# last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2004-07-13 09:09:35 $
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
# The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
# either of the following licenses
# - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
# - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
# Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
# GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
# =============================================
# Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
# MA 02111-1307 USA
# Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
# =================================================
# The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
# Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
# License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html.
# Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
# See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
# obligations concerning the Software.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc..
# Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): _______________________________________
# use
use lib ( "$ENV{SOLARENV}/bin/modules" ) ;
use Cwd ;
use File::Copy ;
use installer::archivefiles ;
use installer::configuration ;
use installer::control ;
use installer::converter ;
use installer::copyproject ;
use installer::environment ;
use installer::epmfile ;
use installer::exiter ;
use installer::files ;
use installer::globals ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
use installer::languagepack ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
use installer::languages ;
use installer::logger ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
use installer::mail ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
use installer::packagelist ;
use installer::parameter ;
use installer::profiles ;
use installer::scppatchsoname ;
use installer::scpzipfiles ;
use installer::scriptitems ;
use installer::servicesfile ;
use installer::setupscript ;
use installer::sorter ;
use installer::strip ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
use installer::worker ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
use installer::systemactions ;
2004-07-12 07:09:08 -05:00
use installer::windows::assembly ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
use installer::windows::binary ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
use installer::windows::component ;
use installer::windows::createfolder ;
use installer::windows::directory ;
use installer::windows::feature ;
use installer::windows::featurecomponent ;
use installer::windows::file ;
use installer::windows::font ;
use installer::windows::icon ;
use installer::windows::idtglobal ;
use installer::windows::media ;
use installer::windows::msiglobal ;
use installer::windows::property ;
use installer::windows::removefile ;
use installer::windows::registry ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
use installer::windows::selfreg ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
use installer::windows::shortcut ;
use installer::windows::upgrade ;
use installer::ziplist ;
# Main program
# Part 1: The platform independent part
# Part 1a: The language independent part
# Checking the environment and setting
# most important variables
print "... checking environment variables ...\n" ;
my $ environmentvariableshashref = installer::control:: check_system_environment ( ) ;
installer::environment:: set_global_environment_variables ( $ environmentvariableshashref ) ;
# Check and output of parameter
installer::parameter:: saveparameter ( ) ;
installer::parameter:: getparameter ( ) ;
# debugging can start after function "getparameter"
if ( $ installer:: globals:: debug ) { installer::logger:: debuginfo ( "\nPart 1: The platform independent part\n" ) ; }
if ( $ installer:: globals:: debug ) { installer::logger:: debuginfo ( "\nPart 1a: The language independent part\n" ) ; }
installer::parameter:: control_fundamental_parameter ( ) ;
installer::parameter:: setglobalvariables ( ) ;
installer::parameter:: control_required_parameter ( ) ;
if ( ! ( $ installer:: globals:: languages_defined_in_productlist ) ) { installer::languages:: analyze_languagelist ( ) ; }
installer::parameter:: outputparameter ( ) ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
installer::control:: check_updatepack ( ) ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
$ installer:: globals:: build = uc ( $ installer:: globals:: build ) ; # using "SRC680" instead of "src680"
# Creating the log directory
my $ loggingdir = installer::systemactions:: create_directories ( "logging" , "" ) ;
$ loggingdir = $ loggingdir . $ installer:: globals:: separator ;
$ installer:: globals:: exitlog = $ loggingdir ;
# Checking the package list
my $ packages ;
if ( ( ! ( $ installer:: globals:: iswindowsbuild ) ) && ( ! ( $ installer:: globals:: is_copy_only_project ) ) )
$ packages = installer::control:: read_packagelist ( $ installer:: globals:: packagelist ) ;
installer::control:: check_packagelist ( $ packages ) ;
# Checking the system requirements
print "... checking required files ...\n" ;
installer::control:: check_system_path ( ) ;
my $ pathvariableshashref = installer::environment:: create_pathvariables ( $ environmentvariableshashref ) ;
# Analyzing the settings and variables in zip.lst
# if the ziplistname is not defined on the command line, it is defaulted
if ( $ installer:: globals:: use_default_ziplist ) { installer::ziplist:: set_ziplist_name ( $ pathvariableshashref ) ; }
installer::logger:: globallog ( "zip list file: $installer::globals::ziplistname" ) ;
my $ ziplistref = installer::files:: read_file ( $ installer:: globals:: ziplistname ) ;
print "... analyzing $installer::globals::ziplistname ... \n" ;
my $ productblockref = installer::ziplist:: getproductblock ( $ ziplistref , $ installer:: globals:: product ) ; # product block from zip.lst
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_file ( $ loggingdir . "productblock.log" , $ productblockref ) ; }
my $ settingsblockref = installer::ziplist:: getproductblock ( $ productblockref , "Settings" ) ; # settings block from zip.lst
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_file ( $ loggingdir . "settingsblock1.log" , $ settingsblockref ) ; }
$ settingsblockref = installer::ziplist:: analyze_settings_block ( $ settingsblockref ) ; # select data from settings block in zip.lst
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_file ( $ loggingdir . "settingsblock2.log" , $ settingsblockref ) ; }
my $ allsettingsarrayref = installer::ziplist:: get_settings_from_ziplist ( $ settingsblockref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_file ( $ loggingdir . "allsettings1.log" , $ allsettingsarrayref ) ; }
my $ allvariablesarrayref = installer::ziplist:: get_variables_from_ziplist ( $ settingsblockref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_file ( $ loggingdir . "allvariables1.log" , $ allvariablesarrayref ) ; }
$ allsettingsarrayref = installer::ziplist:: remove_multiples_from_ziplist ( $ allsettingsarrayref ) ; # the settings from the zip.lst
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_file ( $ loggingdir . "allsettings2.log" , $ allsettingsarrayref ) ; }
$ allvariablesarrayref = installer::ziplist:: remove_multiples_from_ziplist ( $ allvariablesarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_file ( $ loggingdir . "allvariables2.log" , $ allvariablesarrayref ) ; }
my $ allvariableshashref = installer::converter:: convert_array_to_hash ( $ allvariablesarrayref ) ; # the variables from the zip.lst
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_hash ( $ loggingdir . "allvariables3.log" , $ allvariableshashref ) ; }
installer::ziplist:: set_default_productversion_if_required ( $ allvariableshashref ) ;
# checking, whether this is an opensource product
if ( ! ( $ installer:: globals:: is_copy_only_project ) ) { installer::ziplist:: set_manufacturer ( $ allvariableshashref ) ; }
# Getting the include path from the settings in zip list
my $ includepathref = installer::ziplist:: getinfofromziplist ( $ allsettingsarrayref , "include" ) ;
if ( $$ includepathref eq "" )
installer::exiter:: exit_program ( "ERROR: Definition for \"include\" not found in $installer::globals::ziplistname" , "Main" ) ;
my $ includepatharrayref = installer::converter:: convert_stringlist_into_array ( $ includepathref , "," ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_file ( $ loggingdir . "allpatharray1.log" , $ includepatharrayref ) ; }
installer::ziplist:: replace_all_variables_in_pathes ( $ includepatharrayref , $ pathvariableshashref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_file ( $ loggingdir . "allpatharray2.log" , $ includepatharrayref ) ; }
installer::ziplist:: replace_minor_in_pathes ( $ includepatharrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_file ( $ loggingdir . "allpatharray3.log" , $ includepatharrayref ) ; }
2004-06-16 09:05:05 -05:00
installer::ziplist:: resolve_relative_pathes ( $ includepatharrayref ) ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_file ( $ loggingdir . "allpatharray3b.log" , $ includepatharrayref ) ; }
2004-06-16 09:05:05 -05:00
installer::ziplist:: remove_ending_separator ( $ includepatharrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_file ( $ loggingdir . "allpatharray3c.log" , $ includepatharrayref ) ; }
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
# Analyzing languages in zip.lst if required
# Now get info about the languages and the setup script (defined on command line or in product list)
if ( $ installer:: globals:: languages_defined_in_productlist ) { installer::languages:: get_info_about_languages ( $ allsettingsarrayref ) ; }
# Analyzing the setup script
if ( $ installer:: globals:: setupscript_defined_in_productlist ) { installer::setupscript:: set_setupscript_name ( $ allsettingsarrayref , $ includepatharrayref ) ; }
installer::logger:: globallog ( "setup script file: $installer::globals::setupscriptname" ) ;
2004-07-06 08:55:15 -05:00
print "... analyzing script: $installer::globals::setupscriptname ... \n" ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
2004-07-06 08:55:15 -05:00
my $ setupscriptref = installer::files:: read_file ( $ installer:: globals:: setupscriptname ) ; # Reading the setup script file
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
# Resolving variables defined in the zip list file into setup script
# All the variables are defined in $allvariablesarrayref
installer::scpzipfiles:: replace_all_ziplistvariables_in_file ( $ setupscriptref , $ allvariablesarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_file ( $ loggingdir . "setupscript1.log" , $ setupscriptref ) ; }
# Resolving %variables defined in the installation object
my $ allscriptvariablesref = installer::setupscript:: get_all_scriptvariables_from_installation_object ( $ setupscriptref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_file ( $ loggingdir . "setupscriptvariables.log" , $ allscriptvariablesref ) ; }
installer::setupscript:: replace_all_setupscriptvariables_in_script ( $ setupscriptref , $ allscriptvariablesref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_file ( $ loggingdir . "setupscript2.log" , $ setupscriptref ) ; }
# Adding all variables defined in the installation object into the hash of all variables.
# This is needed if variables are defined in the installation object, but not in the zip list file.
# If there is a definition in the zip list file and in the installation object, the installation object is more important
installer::setupscript:: add_installationobject_to_variables ( $ allvariableshashref , $ allscriptvariablesref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_hash ( $ loggingdir . "allvariables4.log" , $ allvariableshashref ) ; }
print "... analyzing directories ... \n" ;
# Collect all directories in the script to get the destination dirs
my $ dirsinproductarrayref = installer::setupscript:: get_all_items_from_script ( $ setupscriptref , "Directory" ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productdirectories1.log" , $ dirsinproductarrayref ) ; }
installer::scriptitems:: resolve_all_directory_names ( $ dirsinproductarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productdirectories2.log" , $ dirsinproductarrayref ) ; }
print "... analyzing files ... \n" ;
my $ filesinproductarrayref = installer::setupscript:: get_all_items_from_script ( $ setupscriptref , "File" ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productfiles1.log" , $ filesinproductarrayref ) ; }
$ filesinproductarrayref = installer::scriptitems:: remove_delete_only_files_from_productlists ( $ filesinproductarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productfiles2.log" , $ filesinproductarrayref ) ; }
$ filesinproductarrayref = installer::scriptitems:: remove_Setup_from_Installset ( $ filesinproductarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productfiles2a.log" , $ filesinproductarrayref ) ; }
print "... analyzing scpactions ... \n" ;
my $ scpactionsinproductarrayref = installer::setupscript:: get_all_items_from_script ( $ setupscriptref , "ScpAction" ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productscpactions1.log" , $ scpactionsinproductarrayref ) ; }
$ scpactionsinproductarrayref = installer::scriptitems:: remove_scpactions_without_name ( $ scpactionsinproductarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productscpactions2.log" , $ scpactionsinproductarrayref ) ; }
installer::scriptitems:: change_keys_of_scpactions ( $ scpactionsinproductarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productscpactions2a.log" , $ scpactionsinproductarrayref ) ; }
print "... analyzing shortcuts ... \n" ;
my $ linksinproductarrayref = installer::setupscript:: get_all_items_from_script ( $ setupscriptref , "Shortcut" ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productlinks1.log" , $ linksinproductarrayref ) ; }
$ linksinproductarrayref = installer::scriptitems:: remove_Setup_from_Installset ( $ linksinproductarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productlinks1a.log" , $ linksinproductarrayref ) ; }
print "... analyzing profile ... \n" ;
my $ profilesinproductarrayref = installer::setupscript:: get_all_items_from_script ( $ setupscriptref , "Profile" ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "profiles1.log" , $ profilesinproductarrayref ) ; }
print "... analyzing profileitems ... \n" ;
my $ profileitemsinproductarrayref = installer::setupscript:: get_all_items_from_script ( $ setupscriptref , "ProfileItem" ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "profileitems1.log" , $ profileitemsinproductarrayref ) ; }
print "... analyzing configurationitems ... \n" ;
my $ configurationitemsinproductarrayref = installer::setupscript:: get_all_items_from_script ( $ setupscriptref , "ConfigurationItem" ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "configurationitems1.log" , $ configurationitemsinproductarrayref ) ; }
installer::configuration:: analyze_path_of_configurationitem ( $ configurationitemsinproductarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "configurationitems2.log" , $ configurationitemsinproductarrayref ) ; }
my $ folderinproductarrayref ;
my $ folderitemsinproductarrayref ;
my $ registryitemsinproductarrayref ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: iswindowsbuild ) # Windows specific items: Folder, FolderItem, RegistryItem
print "... analyzing folders ... \n" ;
$ folderinproductarrayref = installer::setupscript:: get_all_items_from_script ( $ setupscriptref , "Folder" ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "folder1.log" , $ folderinproductarrayref ) ; }
print "... analyzing folderitems ... \n" ;
$ folderitemsinproductarrayref = installer::setupscript:: get_all_items_from_script ( $ setupscriptref , "FolderItem" ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "folderitems1.log" , $ folderitemsinproductarrayref ) ; }
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
installer::setupscript:: add_predefined_folder ( $ folderitemsinproductarrayref , $ folderinproductarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "folder1b.log" , $ folderinproductarrayref ) ; }
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
print "... analyzing registryitems ... \n" ;
$ registryitemsinproductarrayref = installer::setupscript:: get_all_items_from_script ( $ setupscriptref , "RegistryItem" ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "registryitems1.log" , $ registryitemsinproductarrayref ) ; }
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
$ registryitemsinproductarrayref = installer::scriptitems:: remove_uninstall_regitems_from_script ( $ registryitemsinproductarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "registryitems1b.log" , $ registryitemsinproductarrayref ) ; }
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
my $ modulesinproductarrayref ;
if ( ! ( $ installer:: globals:: is_copy_only_project ) )
print "... analyzing modules ... \n" ;
$ modulesinproductarrayref = installer::setupscript:: get_all_items_from_script ( $ setupscriptref , "Module" ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "modules1.log" , $ modulesinproductarrayref ) ; }
# Assigning the modules to the items
installer::scriptitems:: assigning_modules_to_items ( $ modulesinproductarrayref , $ filesinproductarrayref , "Files" ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productfiles3.log" , $ filesinproductarrayref ) ; }
if ( $ installer:: globals:: debug ) { installer::logger:: debuginfo ( "\nEnd of part 1a: The language independent part\n" ) ; }
# saving debug info, before staring part 1b
if ( $ installer:: globals:: debug ) { installer::logger:: savedebug ( $ installer:: globals:: exitlog ) ; }
# Part 1b: The language dependent part
# (still platform independent)
# Now starts the language dependent part, if more than one product is defined on the command line
# Example -l 01,33,49#81,82,86,88 defines two multilingual products
# Beginning of language dependent part
# The for iterates over all products, separated by an # in the language list
if ( $ installer:: globals:: debug ) { installer::logger:: debuginfo ( "\nPart 1b: The language dependent part\n" ) ; }
for ( my $ n = 0 ; $ n <= $# installer:: globals:: languageproducts ; $ n + + )
my $ languagesarrayref = installer::languages:: get_all_languages_for_one_product ( $ installer:: globals:: languageproducts [ $ n ] ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_file ( $ loggingdir . "languages.log" , $ languagesarrayref ) ; }
my $ languagestringref = installer::languages:: get_language_string ( $ languagesarrayref ) ;
print "------------------------------------\n" ;
print "... languages $$languagestringref ... \n" ;
# Beginning of language specific logging mechanism
# Until now only global logging into default: logfile.txt
@ installer:: globals:: logfileinfo = ( ) ; # new logfile array and new logfile name
installer::logger:: copy_globalinfo_into_logfile ( ) ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
$ installer:: globals:: logfilename = "logfile" . "_" . $ installer:: globals:: product . "_" . $ installer:: globals:: compiler . "_" . $ installer:: globals:: build . "_" . $ installer:: globals:: minor . "_" . $$ languagestringref . ".log" ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
$ loggingdir = $ loggingdir . $$ languagestringref . $ installer:: globals:: separator ;
installer::systemactions:: create_directory ( $ loggingdir ) ;
2004-07-13 03:09:35 -05:00
$ installer:: globals:: exitlog = $ loggingdir ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
# Determining the ship location, if this is an update pack
my $ shipinstalldir = "" ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: updatepack ) { $ shipinstalldir = installer::control:: determine_ship_directory ( $ languagestringref ) ; }
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
# Setting global code variables for Windows
if ( ! ( $ installer:: globals:: is_copy_only_project ) )
if ( $ installer:: globals:: iswindowsbuild )
installer::windows::msiglobal:: set_global_code_variables ( $ languagesarrayref ) ;
# Resolving include paths (language dependent)
$ includepatharrayref_lang = installer::ziplist:: replace_languages_in_pathes ( $ includepatharrayref , $ languagesarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_file ( $ loggingdir . "allpatharray4.log" , $ includepatharrayref_lang ) ; }
# Now all include paths are evaluated.
# All files in this include paths can be collected.
my $ allfilesinincludepatharrayref = installer::ziplist:: collect_all_files_from_include_path ( $ includepatharrayref_lang ) ; # needed for include path logging
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_file ( $ loggingdir . "allfiles.log" , $ allfilesinincludepatharrayref ) ; }
# Language dependent directory part
my $ dirsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref = installer::scriptitems:: resolving_all_languages_in_productlists ( $ dirsinproductarrayref , $ languagesarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productdirectories3.log" , $ dirsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
2004-06-16 09:05:05 -05:00
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productdirectories2a.log" , $ dirsinproductarrayref ) ; }
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
# A new directory array is needed ($dirsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref instead of $dirsinproductarrayref)
# because $dirsinproductarrayref is needed in get_Destination_Directory_For_Item_From_Directorylist
installer::scriptitems:: changing_name_of_langugage_dependent_keys ( $ dirsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productdirectories4.log" , $ dirsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
# files part, language dependent
print "... analyzing files ...\n" ;
my $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref = installer::scriptitems:: resolving_all_languages_in_productlists ( $ filesinproductarrayref , $ languagesarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productfiles4.log" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
installer::scriptitems:: changing_name_of_langugage_dependent_keys ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productfiles5.log" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
if ( $ installer:: globals:: iswin ) { installer::converter:: convert_slash_to_backslash ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productfiles6.log" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
$ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref = installer::scriptitems:: remove_non_existent_languages_in_productlists ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ languagestringref , "Name" , "file" ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productfiles7.log" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
installer::scriptitems:: get_Destination_Directory_For_Item_From_Directorylist ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ dirsinproductarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productfiles8.log" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
installer::scriptitems:: get_Source_Directory_For_Files_From_Includepathlist ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ includepatharrayref_lang , "Files" ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productfiles9.log" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
$ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref = installer::scriptitems:: remove_Files_Without_Sourcedirectory ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productfiles10.log" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
if ( $ installer:: globals:: product =~ /ada/i )
$ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref = installer::scriptitems:: remove_Files_For_Ada_Products ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productfiles10a.log" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
$ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref = installer::scriptitems:: add_License_Files_into_Installdir ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ languagesarrayref ) ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productfiles10b.log" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
2004-07-06 08:55:15 -05:00
# print "... calculating checksums ...\n";
# my $checksumfile = installer::worker::make_checksum_file($filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref, $includepatharrayref);
# if ( $installer::globals::globallogging ) { installer::files::save_file($loggingdir . $installer::globals::checksumfilename, $checksumfile); }
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
# Unzipping files with flag ARCHIVE and putting all included files into the file list
print "... analyzing files with flag ARCHIVE ...\n" ;
my @ additional_paths_from_zipfiles = ( ) ;
$ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref = installer::archivefiles:: resolving_archive_flag ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , \ @ additional_paths_from_zipfiles , $ languagestringref , $ loggingdir ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productfiles11.log" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_file ( $ loggingdir . "additional_paths.log" , \ @ additional_paths_from_zipfiles ) ; }
# packed files sometimes contain a $ in their name: HighlightText$1.class. epm conflicts with such files.
# Therefore these files are renamed for non-Windows builds at the moment:
if ( ! ( $ installer:: globals:: iswindowsbuild ) )
installer::scriptitems:: rename_illegal_filenames ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productfiles12.log" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
# Files with flag SCPZIP_REPLACE
print "... analyzing files with flag SCPZIP_REPLACE ...\n" ;
# Editing files with flag SCPZIP_REPLACE.
2004-07-06 08:55:15 -05:00
installer::scpzipfiles:: resolving_scpzip_replace_flag ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ allvariablesarrayref , "File" , $ languagestringref ) ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productfiles13.log" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
# Files with flag PATCH_SO_NAME
print "... analyzing files with flag PATCH_SO_NAME ...\n" ;
# Editing files with flag PATCH_SO_NAME.
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
installer::scppatchsoname:: resolving_patchsoname_flag ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ allvariableshashref , "File" , $ languagestringref ) ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productfiles13b.log" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
# Creating services.rdb
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
if ( ( ! ( $ installer:: globals:: is_copy_only_project ) ) && ( ! ( $ installer:: globals:: product =~ /ada/i ) ) )
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
# ATTENTION: For creating the services.rdb it is necessary to execute the native file
# "regcomp" or "regcomp.exe". Therefore this function can only be executed on the
# corresponding platform.
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
if ( $ installer:: globals:: servicesrdb_can_be_created )
print "... creating preregistered services.rdb ...\n" ;
installer::servicesfile:: create_services_rdb ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ includepatharrayref , $ languagestringref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productfiles14.log" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
# Collecting directories for epm list file
print "... analyzing all directories for this product ...\n" ;
# There are two ways for a directory to be included into the epm directory list:
# 1. Looking for all destination paths in the files array
# 2. Looking for directories with CREATE flag in the directory array
# Advantage: Many pathes are hidden in zip files, they are not defined in the setup script.
# It will be possible, that in the setup script only those directoies have to be defined,
# that have a CREATE flag. All other directories are created, if they contain at least one file.
my $ directoriesforepmarrayref = installer::scriptitems:: collect_directories_from_filesarray ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "directoriesforepmlist1.log" , $ directoriesforepmarrayref ) ; }
installer::scriptitems:: collect_directories_with_create_flag_from_directoryarray ( $ directoriesforepmarrayref , $ dirsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "directoriesforepmlist2.log" , $ directoriesforepmarrayref ) ; }
installer::sorter:: sorting_array_of_hashes ( $ directoriesforepmarrayref , "HostName" ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "directoriesforepmlist3.log" , $ directoriesforepmarrayref ) ; }
# language dependent scpactions part
my $ scpactionsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref = installer::scriptitems:: resolving_all_languages_in_productlists ( $ scpactionsinproductarrayref , $ languagesarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productscpactions3.log" , $ scpactionsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
installer::scriptitems:: changing_name_of_langugage_dependent_keys ( $ scpactionsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productscpactions4.log" , $ scpactionsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
installer::scriptitems:: get_Source_Directory_For_Files_From_Includepathlist ( $ scpactionsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ includepatharrayref_lang , "ScpActions" ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productscpactions5.log" , $ scpactionsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
# Editing scpactions with flag SCPZIP_REPLACE.
2004-07-06 08:55:15 -05:00
installer::scpzipfiles:: resolving_scpzip_replace_flag ( $ scpactionsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ allvariablesarrayref , "ScpAction" , $ languagestringref ) ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productscpactions6.log" , $ scpactionsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
# language dependent links part
print "... analyzing links ...\n" ;
my $ linksinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref = installer::scriptitems:: resolving_all_languages_in_productlists ( $ linksinproductarrayref , $ languagesarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productlinks2.log" , $ linksinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
installer::scriptitems:: changing_name_of_langugage_dependent_keys ( $ linksinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productlinks3.log" , $ linksinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
installer::scriptitems:: get_destination_file_path_for_links ( $ linksinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productlinks4.log" , $ linksinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
installer::scriptitems:: get_Destination_Directory_For_Item_From_Directorylist ( $ linksinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ dirsinproductarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productlinks5.log" , $ linksinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
# Now taking all links that have no FileID but a ShortcutID, linking to another link
installer::scriptitems:: get_destination_link_path_for_links ( $ linksinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productlinks6.log" , $ linksinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
$ linksinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref = installer::scriptitems:: remove_workstation_only_items ( $ linksinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productlinks7.log" , $ linksinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
installer::scriptitems:: resolve_links_with_flag_relative ( $ linksinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productlinks8.log" , $ linksinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
# language dependent part for profiles and profileitems
my $ profilesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ;
my $ profileitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
if ( ( ! ( $ installer:: globals:: is_copy_only_project ) ) && ( ! ( $ installer:: globals:: product =~ /ada/i ) ) )
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
print "... creating profiles ...\n" ;
$ profilesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref = installer::scriptitems:: resolving_all_languages_in_productlists ( $ profilesinproductarrayref , $ languagesarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "profiles2.log" , $ profilesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
$ profileitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref = installer::scriptitems:: resolving_all_languages_in_productlists ( $ profileitemsinproductarrayref , $ languagesarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "profileitems2.log" , $ profilesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
installer::scriptitems:: changing_name_of_langugage_dependent_keys ( $ profilesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "profiles3.log" , $ profilesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
installer::scriptitems:: changing_name_of_langugage_dependent_keys ( $ profileitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "profileitems3.log" , $ profileitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
installer::scriptitems:: replace_setup_variables ( $ profileitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ languagestringref , $ allvariableshashref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "profileitems4.log" , $ profileitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
installer::scriptitems:: get_Destination_Directory_For_Item_From_Directorylist ( $ profilesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ dirsinproductarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "profiles4.log" , $ profilesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
# Now the Profiles can be created
installer::profiles:: create_profiles ( $ profilesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ profileitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ languagestringref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productfiles15.log" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
# language dependent part for configurationitems
my $ configurationitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
if ( ( ! ( $ installer:: globals:: is_copy_only_project ) ) && ( ! ( $ installer:: globals:: product =~ /ada/i ) ) )
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
print "... creating configuration files ...\n" ;
$ configurationitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref = installer::scriptitems:: resolving_all_languages_in_productlists ( $ configurationitemsinproductarrayref , $ languagesarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "configurationitems3.log" , $ configurationitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
installer::scriptitems:: changing_name_of_langugage_dependent_keys ( $ configurationitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "configurationitems4.log" , $ configurationitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
$ configurationitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref = installer::scriptitems:: remove_non_existent_languages_in_productlists ( $ configurationitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ languagestringref , "Key" , "configurationitem" ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "configurationitems5.log" , $ configurationitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
$ configurationitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref = installer::scriptitems:: remove_workstation_only_items ( $ configurationitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "configurationitems6.log" , $ configurationitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
installer::scriptitems:: replace_setup_variables ( $ configurationitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ languagestringref , $ allvariableshashref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "configurationitems7.log" , $ configurationitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
installer::configuration:: create_configuration_files ( $ configurationitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ languagestringref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productfiles16.log" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
my $ registryitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ; # cannot be defined in the following "if ( $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild )"
my $ folderinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ; # cannot be defined in the following "if ( $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild )"
my $ folderitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ; # cannot be defined in the following "if ( $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild )"
if ( $ installer:: globals:: iswindowsbuild ) # Windows specific items: Folder, FolderItem, RegistryItem
# language dependent part for folder
print "... analyzing folder ...\n" ;
$ folderinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref = installer::scriptitems:: resolving_all_languages_in_productlists ( $ folderinproductarrayref , $ languagesarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "folder2.log" , $ folderinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
installer::scriptitems:: changing_name_of_langugage_dependent_keys ( $ folderinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "folder3.log" , $ folderinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
# language dependent part for folderitems
print "... analyzing folderitems ...\n" ;
$ folderitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref = installer::scriptitems:: resolving_all_languages_in_productlists ( $ folderitemsinproductarrayref , $ languagesarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "folderitems2.log" , $ folderitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
installer::scriptitems:: changing_name_of_langugage_dependent_keys ( $ folderitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "folderitems3.log" , $ folderitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
# language dependent part for registryitems
print "... analyzing registryitems ...\n" ;
$ registryitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref = installer::scriptitems:: resolving_all_languages_in_productlists ( $ registryitemsinproductarrayref , $ languagesarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "registryitems2.log" , $ registryitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
installer::scriptitems:: changing_name_of_langugage_dependent_keys ( $ registryitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "registryitems3.log" , $ registryitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
# language dependent part for modules
my $ modulesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ;
if ( ! ( $ installer:: globals:: is_copy_only_project ) )
print "... analyzing modules ...\n" ;
$ modulesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref = installer::scriptitems:: resolving_all_languages_in_productlists ( $ modulesinproductarrayref , $ languagesarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "modules2.log" , $ modulesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
installer::scriptitems:: changing_name_of_langugage_dependent_keys ( $ modulesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "modules3.log" , $ modulesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
# Copy-only projects can now start to copy all items File and ScpAction
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
if ( $ installer:: globals:: is_copy_only_project ) { installer::copyproject:: copy_project ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ scpactionsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ loggingdir , $ languagestringref , $ shipinstalldir , $ allsettingsarrayref ) ; }
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
# Language pack projects can now start to select the required information
if ( $ installer:: globals:: languagepack )
$ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref = installer::languagepack:: select_language_items ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ languagesarrayref , "File" ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productfiles16b.log" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
$ scpactionsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref = installer::languagepack:: select_language_items ( $ scpactionsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ languagesarrayref , "ScpAction" ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productscpactions6b.log" , $ scpactionsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
$ linksinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref = installer::languagepack:: select_language_items ( $ linksinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ languagesarrayref , "Shortcut" ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productlinks8b.log" , $ linksinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
if ( $ installer:: globals:: debug ) { installer::logger:: debuginfo ( "\nEnd of part 1b: The language dependent part\n" ) ; }
# saving debug info, before starting part 2
if ( $ installer:: globals:: debug ) { installer::logger:: savedebug ( $ installer:: globals:: exitlog ) ; }
# Part 2: The platform dependent part
if ( $ installer:: globals:: debug ) { installer::logger:: debuginfo ( "\nPart 2: The platform dependent part\n" ) ; }
# Part 2a: All non-Windows platforms
if ( $ installer:: globals:: debug ) { installer::logger:: debuginfo ( "\nPart 2a: All non-Windows platforms\n" ) ; }
# ... creating epm list file ...
# Only for non-Windows platforms
if ( ! ( $ installer:: globals:: iswindowsbuild ) )
# Writing log file before packages are packed
print "... creating log file " . $ loggingdir . $ installer:: globals:: logfilename . "\n" ;
installer::files:: save_file ( $ loggingdir . $ installer:: globals:: logfilename , \ @ installer:: globals:: logfileinfo ) ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
# Creating directories
2004-07-06 08:55:15 -05:00
my $ current_install_number = "" ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
2004-07-06 08:55:15 -05:00
my $ installdir = installer::worker:: create_installation_directory ( $ shipinstalldir , $ languagestringref , \ $ current_install_number ) ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
2004-07-06 08:55:15 -05:00
my $ listfiledir = installer::systemactions:: create_directories ( "listfile" , $ languagestringref ) ;
my $ installlogdir = installer::systemactions:: create_directory_next_to_directory ( $ installdir , "log" ) ;
# my $installchecksumdir = installer::systemactions::create_directory_next_to_directory($installdir, "checksum");
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
# Investigating the different RPMs, Packages, ... that shall be created.
# The module GIDs are defined in the input file
# Only for non-Windows platforms
2004-07-06 08:55:15 -05:00
print "... analyzing package list ...\n" ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
$ packages = installer::packagelist:: analyze_list ( $ packages , $ modulesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
installer::packagelist:: remove_multiple_modules_packages ( $ packages ) ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
my $ epmexecutable = "" ;
my $ found_epm = 0 ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
# iterating over all packages
for ( my $ k = 0 ; $ k <= $# { $ packages } ; $ k + + )
my $ onepackage = $ { $ packages } [ $ k ] ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
# checking, if this is a language pack or a project pack.
# Creating language packs only, if $installer::globals::languagepack is set. Parameter: -languagepack
if ( $ installer:: globals:: languagepack ) { installer::languagepack:: replace_languagestring_variable ( $ onepackage , $ languagestringref ) ; }
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
my $ onepackagename = $ onepackage - > { 'module' } ; # name of the top module (required)
my $ shellscriptsfilename = "" ;
if ( $ onepackage - > { 'script' } ) { $ shellscriptsfilename = $ onepackage - > { 'script' } ; }
# package name
my $ packagename = "" ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: issolarisbuild ) # only for Solaris
if ( $ onepackage - > { 'solarispackagename' } ) { $ packagename = $ onepackage - > { 'solarispackagename' } ; }
else # not Solaris
if ( $ onepackage - > { 'packagename' } ) { $ packagename = $ onepackage - > { 'packagename' } ; }
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
if ( ! ( $ packagename eq "" ) )
installer::packagelist:: resolve_packagevariables ( \ $ packagename , $ allvariableshashref , 1 ) ;
$ packagename =~ s/\-\-/\-/g ; # making "--" to "-", if %SHORT_PRODUCTEXTENSION is empty
$ packagename =~ s/\-\./\./g ; # making "-." to ".", if %SHORT_PRODUCTEXTENSION is empty
$ packagename =~ s/\.org//g ; # openoffice.org -> openoffice
# scp Todo: No need for packaging cde, kde and gnome. This can be removed
# if scp changes can be done after removal of old setup application
if ( ( $ packagename =~ /cde/ ) || ( $ packagename =~ /kde/ ) || ( $ packagename =~ /gnome/ ) ) { next ; }
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
# Root path, can be defined as parameter
my $ packagerootpath = "" ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: rootpath eq "" )
$ packagerootpath = $ onepackage - > { 'destpath' } ;
installer::packagelist:: resolve_packagevariables ( \ $ packagerootpath , $ allvariableshashref , 1 ) ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
$ packagerootpath =~ s/\.org//g ; # openoffice.org -> openoffice
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
$ packagerootpath = $ installer:: globals:: rootpath ;
# copying the collectors for each package
my $ filesinpackage = installer::converter:: copy_collector ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "files1_" . $ packagename . ".log" , $ filesinpackage ) ; }
my $ linksinpackage = installer::converter:: copy_collector ( $ linksinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "links1_" . $ packagename . ".log" , $ linksinpackage ) ; }
my $ dirsinpackage = installer::converter:: copy_collector ( $ directoriesforepmarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "dirs1_" . $ packagename . ".log" , $ dirsinpackage ) ; }
# setting the root path for the packages
installer::scriptitems:: add_rootpath_to_directories ( $ dirsinpackage , $ packagerootpath ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "dirs2_" . $ packagename . ".log" , $ dirsinpackage ) ; }
installer::scriptitems:: add_rootpath_to_files ( $ filesinpackage , $ packagerootpath ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "files2_" . $ packagename . ".log" , $ filesinpackage ) ; }
installer::scriptitems:: add_rootpath_to_links ( $ linksinpackage , $ packagerootpath ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "links2_" . $ packagename . ".log" , $ linksinpackage ) ; }
# collecting items for package
$ filesinpackage = installer::packagelist:: find_files_for_package ( $ filesinpackage , $ onepackage ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "files3_" . $ packagename . ".log" , $ filesinpackage ) ; }
$ linksinpackage = installer::packagelist:: find_links_for_package ( $ linksinpackage , $ filesinpackage ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "links3_" . $ packagename . ".log" , $ linksinpackage ) ; }
$ dirsinpackage = installer::packagelist:: find_dirs_for_package ( $ dirsinpackage , $ filesinpackage , $ linksinpackage , $ onepackagename ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "dirs3_" . $ packagename . ".log" , $ dirsinpackage ) ; }
# Stripping libraries
# Building for non Windows platforms in cws requires, that all files are stripped before packaging:
# 1. copy all files that need to be stripped locally
# 2. strip all these files
installer::strip:: strip_libraries ( $ filesinpackage , $ languagestringref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . $ packagename . "_files.log" , $ filesinpackage ) ; }
# Creating epm list file
# epm list file format:
# type mode owner group destination source options
# Example for a file: f 755 root sys /usr/bin/foo foo
# Example for a directory: d 755 root sys /var/spool/foo -
# Example for a link: l 000 root sys /usr/bin/linkname filename
# The source field specifies the file to link to
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
my $ epmfilename = "epm_" . $ installer:: globals:: product . "_" . $ onepackagename . "_" . $ installer:: globals:: compiler . "_" . $ installer:: globals:: build . "_" . $ installer:: globals:: minor . "_" . $$ languagestringref . ".lst" ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
print "... creating epm list file $epmfilename ... \n" ;
my $ completeepmfilename = $ listfiledir . $ installer:: globals:: separator . $ epmfilename ;
my @ epmfile = ( ) ;
my $ epmheaderref = installer::epmfile:: create_epm_header ( $ allvariableshashref , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ languagesarrayref , $ onepackage ) ;
installer::epmfile:: adding_header_to_epm_file ( \ @ epmfile , $ epmheaderref ) ;
# adding directories, files and links into epm file
installer::epmfile:: put_directories_into_epmfile ( $ dirsinpackage , \ @ epmfile ) ;
installer::epmfile:: put_files_into_epmfile ( $ filesinpackage , \ @ epmfile ) ;
installer::epmfile:: put_links_into_epmfile ( $ linksinpackage , \ @ epmfile ) ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
if ( ( ! ( $ shellscriptsfilename eq "" ) ) && ( ! ( $ installer:: globals:: iswindowsbuild ) ) ) { installer::epmfile:: adding_shellscripts_to_epm_file ( \ @ epmfile , $ shellscriptsfilename , $ packagerootpath , $ allvariableshashref ) ; }
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
installer::files:: save_file ( $ completeepmfilename , \ @ epmfile ) ;
# ... splitting the rootpath into a relocatable part and a static part, if possible
my $ staticpath = "" ;
my $ relocatablepath = "" ;
installer::epmfile:: analyze_rootpath ( $ packagerootpath , \ $ staticpath , \ $ relocatablepath ) ;
# ... replacing the variable PRODUCTDIRECTORYNAME in the shellscriptfile by $staticpath
installer::epmfile:: resolve_path_in_epm_list_before_packaging ( \ @ epmfile , $ completeepmfilename , "PRODUCTDIRECTORYNAME" , $ staticpath ) ;
installer::files:: save_file ( $ completeepmfilename , \ @ epmfile ) ;
# changing into the "install" directory to create installation sets
my $ currentdir = cwd ( ) ;
2004-07-06 08:55:15 -05:00
chdir ( $ installdir ) ; # changing into install directory
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
# Starting epm
# With a patched epm, it is now possible to set the relocatable directory, change
# the directory in which the packages are created, setting "requires" and "provides"
# (Linux) or creating the "depend" file (Solaris) and finally to begin
# the packaging process with standard tooling and standard parameter
# Linux: Adding into the spec file: Prefix: /opt
# Solaris: Adding into the pkginfo file: BASEDIR=/opt
# Attention: Changing of the path can influence the shell scripts
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
if ( ( $ installer:: globals:: call_epm ) && ( ! $ found_epm ) )
$ epmexecutable = installer::epmfile:: find_epm_on_system ( $ includepatharrayref ) ;
installer::epmfile:: set_patch_state ( $ epmexecutable ) ; # setting $installer::globals::is_special_epm
$ found_epm = 1 ; # searching only once
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
if ( ( $ installer:: globals:: is_special_epm ) && ( ( $ installer:: globals:: islinuxbuild ) || ( $ installer:: globals:: issolarisbuild ) ) ) # special handling only for Linux and Solaris
if ( $ installer:: globals:: call_epm ) # only do something, if epm is really executed
# ... now epm can be started, to create the installation sets
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
print "... starting patched epm ... \n" ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
installer::epmfile:: call_epm ( $ epmexecutable , $ completeepmfilename , $ allvariableshashref , $ packagename , $ includepatharrayref ) ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
my $ newepmdir = installer::epmfile:: prepare_packages ( $ loggingdir , $ packagename , $ staticpath , $ relocatablepath , $ onepackage , $ allvariableshashref ) ; # adding the line for Prefix / Basedir, include rpmdir
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
installer::epmfile:: create_packages_without_epm ( $ newepmdir , $ packagename ) ; # start to package
# finally removing all temporary files
installer::epmfile:: remove_temporary_epm_files ( $ newepmdir , $ loggingdir , $ packagename ) ;
# Installation:
# Install: pkgadd -a myAdminfile -d ./SUNWso8m34.pkg
# Install: rpm -i --prefix=/opt/special --nodeps so8m35.rpm
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
if ( $ k == $# { $ packages } ) # after the last package is packed
my $ newdir = installer::epmfile:: create_new_directory_structure ( $ newepmdir ) ;
if ( ( $ installer:: globals:: product =~ /office/i ) )
# Copying the cde, kde and gnome packages into the installation set
installer::epmfile:: put_systemintegration_into_installset ( $ newdir , $ includepatharrayref , $ allvariableshashref ) ;
# Adding child projects to installation dynamically
if ( $ installer:: globals:: addchildprojects ) { installer::epmfile:: put_childprojects_into_installset ( $ newdir ) ; }
# Copying the java installer into the installation set
if ( ! $ installer:: globals:: javafilespath eq "" ) { installer::epmfile:: put_java_installer_into_installset ( $ newdir ) ; }
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
else # this is the standard epm (not relocatable) or ( nonlinux and nonsolaris )
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
installer::epmfile:: resolve_path_in_epm_list_before_packaging ( \ @ epmfile , $ completeepmfilename , "\$\$PRODUCTINSTALLLOCATION" , $ relocatablepath ) ;
installer::files:: save_file ( $ completeepmfilename , \ @ epmfile ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: call_epm )
# ... now epm can be started, to create the installation sets
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
print "... starting unpatched epm ... \n" ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
if ( $ installer:: globals:: call_epm ) { installer::epmfile:: call_epm ( $ epmexecutable , $ completeepmfilename , $ allvariableshashref , $ packagename , $ includepatharrayref ) ; }
if ( ( $ installer:: globals:: islinuxbuild ) || ( $ installer:: globals:: issolarisbuild ) )
if ( $ k == $# { $ packages } ) # after the last package is packed
# determine the destination directory
my $ newepmdir = installer::epmfile:: determine_installdir_ooo ( ) ;
if ( ( $ installer:: globals:: product =~ /office/i ) )
# Copying the cde, kde and gnome packages into the installation set
installer::epmfile:: put_systemintegration_into_installset ( $ newepmdir , $ includepatharrayref , $ allvariableshashref ) ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
chdir ( $ currentdir ) ; # changing back into start directory
} # end of "for ( my $k = 0; $k <= $#{$allpackages}; $k++ )"
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
# Analyzing the log file
2004-07-06 08:55:15 -05:00
installer::worker:: clean_output_tree ( ) ; # removing directories created in the output tree
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
2004-07-06 08:55:15 -05:00
installer::worker:: analyze_and_save_logfile ( $ loggingdir , $ installdir , $ installlogdir , $ allsettingsarrayref , $ languagestringref , $ current_install_number ) ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
} # end of "if (!( $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild ))"
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
if ( $ installer:: globals:: debug ) { installer::logger:: debuginfo ( "\nEnd of part 2a: All non-Windows platforms\n" ) ; }
# Part 2b: The Windows platform
if ( $ installer:: globals:: debug ) { installer::logger:: debuginfo ( "\nPart 2b: The Windows platform\n" ) ; }
# ... creating idt files ...
# Only for Windows builds ($installer::globals::compiler is wntmsci)
if ( $ installer:: globals:: iswindowsbuild )
2004-07-06 08:55:15 -05:00
my $ current_install_number = "" ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
2004-07-06 08:55:15 -05:00
my $ installdir = installer::worker:: create_installation_directory ( $ shipinstalldir , $ languagestringref , \ $ current_install_number ) ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
2004-07-06 08:55:15 -05:00
my $ idtdirbase = installer::systemactions:: create_directories ( "idt_files" , $ languagestringref ) ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
my $ installlogdir = installer::systemactions:: create_directory_next_to_directory ( $ installdir , "log" ) ;
2004-07-06 08:55:15 -05:00
# my $installchecksumdir = installer::systemactions::create_directory_next_to_directory($installdir, "checksum");
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
# Begin of functions that are used for the creation of idt files
# This is only for Windows ($installer::globals::compiler, $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild)
# The following tables of the msi-database have to be created dynamically:
# 1. ActionTe.idt (localization)
# 2. Componen.idt (All components)
# 3. Control.idt (localization and license text)
# 4. Director.idt (All directories)
# 5. Error.idt (localization)
# 6. Feature.idt (All features)
# 7. FeatureC.idt ! (Features <-> Components)
# 8. File.idt (All files)
# 9. Font.idt
# 10. Icon.idt
# 11. Media.idt
# 12. Property.idt (defining some properties)
# 13. RadioBut.idt (localization)
# 14. Registry.idt Windows registry
# 15. Shortcut.idt (non advertised)
# 16. Shortcut.idt (advertised)
# 17. CreateFo.idt (empty directories)
# 18. UIText.idt (localization)
# 19. RemoveFi.idt (removal of OfficeMenuFolder)
# 10. Upgrade.idt
# All other tables are static!
print "... creating idt files ...\n" ;
installer::logger:: include_header_into_logfile ( "Creating idt files:" ) ;
my $ newidtdir = $ idtdirbase . $ installer:: globals:: separator . "00" ; # new files into language independent directory "00"
installer::systemactions:: create_directory ( $ newidtdir ) ;
my @ allfilecomponents = ( ) ;
my @ allregistrycomponents = ( ) ;
# Creating the important dynamic idt files
installer::windows::file:: create_files_table ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , \ @ allfilecomponents , $ newidtdir ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productfiles17.log" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
installer::windows::directory:: create_directory_table ( $ directoriesforepmarrayref , $ newidtdir , $ allvariableshashref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productfiles18.log" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "directoriesforidt1.log" , $ directoriesforepmarrayref ) ; }
# Attention: The table "Registry.idt" contains language specific strings -> parameter: $languagesarrayref !
installer::windows::registry:: create_registry_table ( $ registryitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , \ @ allregistrycomponents , $ newidtdir , $ languagesarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "registryitems4.log" , $ registryitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
installer::windows::component:: create_component_table ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ registryitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ directoriesforepmarrayref , \ @ allfilecomponents , \ @ allregistrycomponents , $ newidtdir ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productfiles19.log" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "registryitems5.log" , $ registryitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
# Attention: The table "Feature.idt" contains language specific strings -> parameter: $languagesarrayref !
installer::windows::feature:: create_feature_table ( $ modulesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ newidtdir , $ languagesarrayref ) ;
installer::windows::featurecomponent:: create_featurecomponent_table ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ registryitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ newidtdir ) ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
installer::windows::media:: create_media_table ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ newidtdir , $ allvariableshashref ) ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "productfiles20.log" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
installer::windows::font:: create_font_table ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ newidtdir ) ;
# Attention: The table "Shortcut.idt" contains language specific strings -> parameter: $languagesarrayref !
# Attention: Shortcuts (Folderitems) have icon files, that have to be copied into the Icon directory (last parameter)
my @ iconfilecollector = ( ) ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
if ( ! $ installer:: globals:: languagepack ) # the following tables not for language packs
installer::windows::shortcut:: create_shortcut_table ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ linksinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ folderinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ folderitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ directoriesforepmarrayref , $ newidtdir , $ languagesarrayref , \ @ iconfilecollector ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: globallogging ) { installer::files:: save_array_of_hashes ( $ loggingdir . "folderitems4.log" , $ folderitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ; }
installer::windows::icon:: create_icon_table ( \ @ iconfilecollector , $ newidtdir ) ; # creating the icon table with all iconfiles used as shortcuts (FolderItems)
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
# installer::windows::removefile::create_removefile_table($folderitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref, $newidtdir);
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
installer::windows::createfolder:: create_createfolder_table ( $ directoriesforepmarrayref , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ newidtdir ) ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
installer::windows::selfreg:: create_selfreg_table ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ newidtdir ) ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
installer::windows::upgrade:: create_upgrade_table ( $ newidtdir ) ;
2004-07-12 07:09:08 -05:00
# Adding Assemblies into the tables MsiAssembly and MsiAssemblyName dynamically
installer::windows::assembly:: create_msiassembly_table ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ newidtdir ) ;
installer::windows::assembly:: create_msiassemblyname_table ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ newidtdir ) ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
$ infoline = "\n" ;
push ( @ installer:: globals:: logfileinfo , $ infoline ) ;
# Localizing the language dependent idt files
# For every language there will be a localized msi database
# For multilingual installation sets, the differences of this
# databases have to be stored in transforms.
for ( my $ m = 0 ; $ m <= $# { $ languagesarrayref } ; $ m + + )
my $ onelanguage = $ { $ languagesarrayref } [ $ m ] ;
my $ languageidtdir = $ idtdirbase . $ installer:: globals:: separator . $ onelanguage ;
installer::systemactions:: create_directory ( $ languageidtdir ) ;
# Copy the template idt files and the new created idt files into this language directory
print "... copying idt files ...\n" ;
installer::logger:: include_header_into_logfile ( "Copying idt files to $languageidtdir:" ) ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
installer::windows::idtglobal:: prepare_language_idt_directory ( $ languageidtdir , $ newidtdir , $ onelanguage , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , \ @ iconfilecollector ) ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
# For multilingual installation sets, the dialog for the language selection can now be prepared, with
# a checkbox for each available language. This has to happen before the following translation.
# The new controls have to be added into the Control.idt
# if ( $installer::globals::ismultilingual)
# {
my $ controlidttablename = $ languageidtdir . $ installer:: globals:: separator . "Control.idt" ;
my $ controlidttable = installer::files:: read_file ( $ controlidttablename ) ;
installer::windows::idtglobal:: add_language_checkboxes_to_database ( $ controlidttable , $ languagesarrayref ) ;
installer::files:: save_file ( $ controlidttablename , $ controlidttable ) ;
$ infoline = "Added checkboxes for language selection dialog into table $controlidttablename\n" ;
push ( @ installer:: globals:: logfileinfo , $ infoline ) ;
# }
# Now all files are copied into a language specific directory
# The template idt files can be translated
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
print "... localizing idt files (language: $onelanguage) ...\n" ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
installer::logger:: include_header_into_logfile ( "Localizing idt files (Language: $onelanguage):" ) ;
my @ translationfiles = ( ) ; # all idt files, that need a translation
push ( @ translationfiles , "ActionTe.idt" ) ;
push ( @ translationfiles , "Control.idt" ) ;
push ( @ translationfiles , "Error.idt" ) ;
push ( @ translationfiles , "RadioBut.idt" ) ;
push ( @ translationfiles , "Property.idt" ) ;
push ( @ translationfiles , "UIText.idt" ) ;
my $ oneidtfilename ;
my $ oneidtfile ;
foreach $ oneidtfilename ( @ translationfiles )
my $ languagefilename = installer::windows::idtglobal:: get_languagefilename ( $ oneidtfilename , $ installer:: globals:: idtlanguagepath ) ;
my $ languagefile = installer::files:: read_file ( $ languagefilename ) ;
$ oneidtfilename = $ languageidtdir . $ installer:: globals:: separator . $ oneidtfilename ;
$ oneidtfile = installer::files:: read_file ( $ oneidtfilename ) ;
# Now the substitution can start
installer::windows::idtglobal:: translate_idtfile ( $ oneidtfile , $ languagefile , $ onelanguage ) ;
installer::files:: save_file ( $ oneidtfilename , $ oneidtfile ) ;
$ infoline = "Translated idt file: $oneidtfilename into language $onelanguage\n" ;
push ( @ installer:: globals:: logfileinfo , $ infoline ) ;
# include the license text into the table Control.idt
my $ licensefilesource = installer::windows::idtglobal:: get_licensefilesource ( $ onelanguage , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
my $ licensefile = installer::files:: read_file ( $ licensefilesource ) ;
my $ controltablename = $ languageidtdir . $ installer:: globals:: separator . "Control.idt" ;
my $ controltable = installer::files:: read_file ( $ controltablename ) ;
installer::windows::idtglobal:: add_licensefile_to_database ( $ licensefile , $ controltable ) ;
installer::files:: save_file ( $ controltablename , $ controltable ) ;
$ infoline = "Added licensefile $licensefilesource into database $controltablename\n" ;
push ( @ installer:: globals:: logfileinfo , $ infoline ) ;
# include the ProductCode and the UpgradeCode from codes-file into the Property.idt
installer::windows::property:: set_codes_in_property_table ( $ languageidtdir ) ;
# the language specific properties can now be set in the Property.idt
installer::windows::property:: update_property_table ( $ languageidtdir , $ onelanguage , $ allvariableshashref ) ;
# adding language specific properties for multilingual installation sets
installer::windows::property:: set_languages_in_property_table ( $ languageidtdir , $ languagesarrayref ) ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
# adding the files from the binary directory into the binary table
installer::windows::binary:: update_binary_table ( $ languageidtdir , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
# Adding Windows Installer CustomActions dynamically
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
my $ customactionidttablename = $ languageidtdir . $ installer:: globals:: separator . "CustomAc.idt" ;
my $ customactionidttable = installer::files:: read_file ( $ customactionidttablename ) ;
my $ installexecutetablename = $ languageidtdir . $ installer:: globals:: separator . "InstallE.idt" ;
my $ installexecutetable = installer::files:: read_file ( $ installexecutetablename ) ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
my $ installuitablename = $ languageidtdir . $ installer:: globals:: separator . "InstallU.idt" ;
my $ installuitable = installer::files:: read_file ( $ installuitablename ) ;
my $ binarytablename = $ languageidtdir . $ installer:: globals:: separator . "Binary.idt" ;
my $ binarytable = installer::files:: read_file ( $ binarytablename ) ;
my $ controleventtablename = $ languageidtdir . $ installer:: globals:: separator . "ControlE.idt" ;
my $ controleventtable = installer::files:: read_file ( $ controleventtablename ) ;
my $ controlconditiontablename = $ languageidtdir . $ installer:: globals:: separator . "ControlC.idt" ;
my $ controlconditiontable = installer::files:: read_file ( $ controlconditiontablename ) ;
# The following addition of Custom Actions has to be done by scp as soon as old setup is removed
# adding the custom action for the configuration into the product (CustomAc.idt and InstallE.idt)
2004-07-06 08:55:15 -05:00
my $ added_customaction = installer::windows::idtglobal:: set_custom_action ( $ customactionidttable , $ binarytable , "ExecutePkgchk" , "82" , "msi-pkgchk.exe" , "--quiet --shared" , 0 , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ customactionidttablename ) ;
if ( $ added_customaction ) { installer::windows::idtglobal:: add_custom_action_to_install_table ( $ installexecutetable , "msi-pkgchk.exe" , "ExecutePkgchk" , "Not REMOVE=\"ALL\"" , "end" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ installexecutetablename ) ; }
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
2004-07-09 05:33:01 -05:00
# adding the new custom action for the configuration into the product (CustomAc.idt and InstallE.idt)
$ added_customaction = installer::windows::idtglobal:: set_custom_action ( $ customactionidttable , $ binarytable , "ExecuteConfigimport" , "82" , "configimport.exe" , "--spool" , 0 , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ customactionidttablename ) ;
if ( $ added_customaction ) { installer::windows::idtglobal:: add_custom_action_to_install_table ( $ installexecutetable , "configimport.exe" , "ExecuteConfigimport" , "Not REMOVE=\"ALL\"" , "end" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ installexecutetablename ) ; }
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
# adding the custom action for the quickstarter into the product (CustomAc.idt and InstallE.idt)
# $added_customaction = installer::windows::idtglobal::set_custom_action($customactionidttable, $binarytable, "ExecuteQuickstart", "82", "install_quickstart.exe", "", 0, $filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref, $customactionidttablename);
# if ( $added_customaction ) { installer::windows::idtglobal::add_custom_action_to_install_table($installexecutetable, "install_quickstart.exe", "ExecuteQuickstart", "\&FEATURETEMPLATE=3", "end", $filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref, $installexecutetablename); }
# adding the custom action for the reg4msdoc in uisequence table into the product (CustomAc.idt and InstallU.idt)
$ added_customaction = installer::windows::idtglobal:: set_custom_action ( $ customactionidttable , $ binarytable , "Regmsdocmsidll1" , "1" , "reg4msdocmsi.dll" , "InstallUiSequenceEntry" , 1 , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ customactionidttablename ) ;
if ( $ added_customaction )
# conneting the custom action to a control in the controlevent table
installer::windows::idtglobal:: connect_custom_action_to_control ( $ controleventtable , $ controleventtablename , "SetupType" , "Next" , "DoAction" , "Regmsdocmsidll1" , "_IsSetupTypeMin = \"Typical\"" , "1" ) ;
installer::windows::idtglobal:: connect_custom_action_to_control ( $ controleventtable , $ controleventtablename , "CustomSetup" , "Next" , "DoAction" , "Regmsdocmsidll1" , "1" , "1" ) ;
installer::windows::idtglobal:: connect_condition_to_control ( $ controlconditiontable , $ controlconditiontablename , "FileTypeDialog" , "CheckBox1" , "Disable" , "(\!gm_p_Wrt_Bin=2 And \&gm_p_Wrt_Bin=-1) Or (\!gm_p_Wrt_Bin=3 And \&gm_p_Wrt_Bin=2)" ) ;
installer::windows::idtglobal:: connect_condition_to_control ( $ controlconditiontable , $ controlconditiontablename , "FileTypeDialog" , "CheckBox2" , "Disable" , "(\!gm_p_Calc_Bin=2 And \&gm_p_Calc_Bin=-1) Or (\!gm_p_Calc_Bin=3 And \&gm_p_Calc_Bin=2)" ) ;
installer::windows::idtglobal:: connect_condition_to_control ( $ controlconditiontable , $ controlconditiontablename , "FileTypeDialog" , "CheckBox3" , "Disable" , "(\!gm_p_Impress_Bin=2 And \&gm_p_Impress_Bin=-1) Or (\!gm_p_Impress_Bin=3 And \&gm_p_Impress_Bin=2)" ) ;
# adding the custom action for the reg4msdoc in executesequence table into the product (CustomAc.idt and InstallE.idt)
$ added_customaction = installer::windows::idtglobal:: set_custom_action ( $ customactionidttable , $ binarytable , "Regmsdocmsidll2" , "1" , "reg4msdocmsi.dll" , "InstallExecSequenceEntry" , 1 , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ customactionidttablename ) ;
if ( $ added_customaction ) { installer::windows::idtglobal:: add_custom_action_to_install_table ( $ installexecutetable , "reg4msdocmsi.dll" , "Regmsdocmsidll2" , "Not REMOVE=\"ALL\"" , "end" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ installexecutetablename ) ; }
# adding the custom action for the reg4msdoc in executesequence table into the product (CustomAc.idt and InstallE.idt)
$ added_customaction = installer::windows::idtglobal:: set_custom_action ( $ customactionidttable , $ binarytable , "Regmsdocmsidll3" , "1" , "reg4msdocmsi.dll" , "DeinstallExecSequenceEntry" , 1 , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ customactionidttablename ) ;
if ( $ added_customaction ) { installer::windows::idtglobal:: add_custom_action_to_install_table ( $ installexecutetable , "reg4msdocmsi.dll" , "Regmsdocmsidll3" , "REMOVE\<\>\"\"" , "end" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ installexecutetablename ) ; }
# adding the custom action for the pythonmsi in executesequence table into the product (CustomAc.idt and InstallE.idt)
$ added_customaction = installer::windows::idtglobal:: set_custom_action ( $ customactionidttable , $ binarytable , "Pythonmsidll1" , "1" , "pythonmsi.dll" , "InstallExecSequenceEntry" , 1 , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ customactionidttablename ) ;
if ( $ added_customaction ) { installer::windows::idtglobal:: add_custom_action_to_install_table ( $ installexecutetable , "pythonmsi.dll" , "Pythonmsidll1" , "\&FEATURETEMPLATE=3" , "end" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ installexecutetablename ) ; }
# adding the custom action for the pythonmsi in executesequence table into the product (CustomAc.idt and InstallE.idt)
$ added_customaction = installer::windows::idtglobal:: set_custom_action ( $ customactionidttable , $ binarytable , "Pythonmsidll2" , "1" , "pythonmsi.dll" , "DeinstallExecSequenceEntry" , 1 , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ customactionidttablename ) ;
if ( $ added_customaction ) { installer::windows::idtglobal:: add_custom_action_to_install_table ( $ installexecutetable , "pythonmsi.dll" , "Pythonmsidll2" , "\&FEATURETEMPLATE=2 And \!FEATURETEMPLATE=3" , "end" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ installexecutetablename ) ; }
# adding the custom action for the regactivex in executesequence table into the product (CustomAc.idt and InstallE.idt)
$ added_customaction = installer::windows::idtglobal:: set_custom_action ( $ customactionidttable , $ binarytable , "Regactivexdll1" , "1" , "regactivex.dll" , "InstallActiveXControl" , 1 , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ customactionidttablename ) ;
if ( $ added_customaction ) { installer::windows::idtglobal:: add_custom_action_to_install_table ( $ installexecutetable , "regactivex.dll" , "Regactivexdll1" , "\&FEATURETEMPLATE=3" , "end" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ installexecutetablename ) ; }
# adding the custom action for the regactivex in executesequence table into the product (CustomAc.idt and InstallE.idt)
$ added_customaction = installer::windows::idtglobal:: set_custom_action ( $ customactionidttable , $ binarytable , "Regactivexdll2" , "1" , "regactivex.dll" , "DeinstallActiveXControl" , 1 , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ customactionidttablename ) ;
if ( $ added_customaction ) { installer::windows::idtglobal:: add_custom_action_to_install_table ( $ installexecutetable , "regactivex.dll" , "Regactivexdll2" , "\&FEATURETEMPLATE=2 And \!FEATURETEMPLATE=3" , "end" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ installexecutetablename ) ; }
# adding the custom action for the javafilter in executesequence table into the product (CustomAc.idt and InstallE.idt)
$ added_customaction = installer::windows::idtglobal:: set_custom_action ( $ customactionidttable , $ binarytable , "Jfregcadll1" , "1" , "jfregca.dll" , "install_jf" , 1 , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ customactionidttablename ) ;
if ( $ added_customaction ) { installer::windows::idtglobal:: add_custom_action_to_install_table ( $ installexecutetable , "jfregca.dll" , "Jfregcadll1" , "\&FEATURETEMPLATE=3" , "end" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ installexecutetablename ) ; }
# adding the custom action for the javafilter in executesequence table into the product (CustomAc.idt and InstallE.idt)
$ added_customaction = installer::windows::idtglobal:: set_custom_action ( $ customactionidttable , $ binarytable , "Jfregcadll2" , "1" , "jfregca.dll" , "uninstall_jf" , 1 , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ customactionidttablename ) ;
if ( $ added_customaction ) { installer::windows::idtglobal:: add_custom_action_to_install_table ( $ installexecutetable , "jfregca.dll" , "Jfregcadll2" , "\&FEATURETEMPLATE=2 And \!FEATURETEMPLATE=3" , "end" , $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ installexecutetablename ) ; }
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
installer::files:: save_file ( $ customactionidttablename , $ customactionidttable ) ;
installer::files:: save_file ( $ installexecutetablename , $ installexecutetable ) ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
installer::files:: save_file ( $ installuitablename , $ installuitable ) ;
installer::files:: save_file ( $ controleventtablename , $ controleventtable ) ;
installer::files:: save_file ( $ controlconditiontablename , $ controlconditiontable ) ;
# Adding child projects to installation dynamically (also in feature table)
if ( $ installer:: globals:: addchildprojects )
my $ customactiontablename = $ languageidtdir . $ installer:: globals:: separator . "CustomAc.idt" ;
my $ customactiontable = installer::files:: read_file ( $ customactiontablename ) ;
my $ installuitablename = $ languageidtdir . $ installer:: globals:: separator . "InstallU.idt" ;
my $ installuitable = installer::files:: read_file ( $ installuitablename ) ;
my $ featuretablename = $ languageidtdir . $ installer:: globals:: separator . "Feature.idt" ;
my $ featuretable = installer::files:: read_file ( $ featuretablename ) ;
my $ directorytablename = $ languageidtdir . $ installer:: globals:: separator . "Director.idt" ;
my $ directorytable = installer::files:: read_file ( $ directorytablename ) ;
installer::windows::idtglobal:: add_childprojects ( $ customactiontable , $ installuitable , $ featuretable , $ directorytable , $ customactiontablename , $ installuitablename , $ featuretablename , $ directorytablename ) ;
installer::files:: save_file ( $ customactiontablename , $ customactiontable ) ;
installer::files:: save_file ( $ installuitablename , $ installuitable ) ;
installer::files:: save_file ( $ featuretablename , $ featuretable ) ;
installer::files:: save_file ( $ directorytablename , $ directorytable ) ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
# Then the language specific msi database can be created
if ( $ installer:: globals:: iswin ) # only possible on a Windows platform
my $ msidatabasename = installer::windows::msiglobal:: get_msidatabasename ( $ allvariableshashref , $ onelanguage ) ;
my $ msifilename = $ languageidtdir . $ installer:: globals:: separator . $ msidatabasename ;
print "... creating msi database (language $onelanguage) ... \n" ;
installer::windows::msiglobal:: set_uuid_into_component_table ( $ languageidtdir ) ; # setting new GUID for the components using the tool uuidgen.exe
installer::windows::msiglobal:: create_msi_database ( $ languageidtdir , $ msifilename ) ;
# validating the database # ToDo
2004-07-13 03:09:35 -05:00
my $ languagefile = installer::files:: read_file ( $ installer:: globals:: idtlanguagepath . $ installer:: globals:: separator . "SIS.ulf" ) ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
installer::windows::msiglobal:: write_summary_into_msi_database ( $ msifilename , $ onelanguage , $ languagefile ) ;
# copy msi database into installation directory
my $ msidestfilename = $ installdir . $ installer:: globals:: separator . $ msidatabasename ;
installer::systemactions:: copy_one_file ( $ msifilename , $ msidestfilename ) ;
# Creating transforms, if the installation set has more than one language
# renaming the msi database and generating the setup.ini file
my $ defaultlanguage = installer::languages:: get_default_language ( $ languagesarrayref ) ;
if ( $ installer:: globals:: iswin ) # only possible on a Windows platform
if ( $# { $ languagesarrayref } > 0 )
installer::windows::msiglobal:: create_transforms ( $ languagesarrayref , $ defaultlanguage , $ installdir , $ allvariableshashref ) ;
installer::windows::msiglobal:: rename_msi_database_in_installset ( $ defaultlanguage , $ installdir , $ allvariableshashref ) ;
print "... generating setup.ini ...\n" ;
installer::windows::msiglobal:: create_setup_ini ( $ languagesarrayref , $ defaultlanguage , $ installdir , $ allvariableshashref ) ;
# Analyzing the ScpActions and copying the files into the installation set
# At least the loader, instmsia.exe and instmsiw.exe
print "... copying files into installation set ...\n" ;
installer::windows::msiglobal:: copy_scpactions_into_installset ( $ defaultlanguage , $ installdir , $ scpactionsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref ) ;
# ... copying the setup.exe, instmsia.exe and instmsiw.exe
installer::windows::msiglobal:: copy_windows_installer_files_into_installset ( $ installdir ) ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
# ... copying the child projects
if ( $ installer:: globals:: addchildprojects )
installer::windows::msiglobal:: copy_child_projects_into_installset ( $ installdir ) ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
print "... creating ddf files ...\n" ;
# Creating all needed ddf files and generating a list
# for the package process containing all system calls
my $ ddfdir = installer::systemactions:: create_directories ( "ddf" , $ languagestringref ) ;
$ installer:: globals:: packjobref = installer::windows::msiglobal:: generate_cab_file_list ( $ filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref , $ installdir , $ ddfdir ) ;
$ infoline = "\n" ;
push ( @ installer:: globals:: logfileinfo , $ infoline ) ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
# Writing log file
# before cab files are packed
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
print "... creating log file $installer::globals::logfilename \n" ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
installer::files:: save_file ( $ loggingdir . $ installer:: globals:: logfilename , \ @ installer:: globals:: logfileinfo ) ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
# Finally really create the installation packages,
# Only for Windows and only on a windows platform.
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
if ( $ installer:: globals:: iswin ) # only possible on a Windows platform
print "... packaging installation set ... \n" ;
installer::windows::msiglobal:: execute_packaging ( $ installer:: globals:: packjobref , $ loggingdir ) ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
# Writing log file
# after cab files are packed
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
print "\n... creating log file $installer::globals::logfilename \n" ;
installer::files:: save_file ( $ loggingdir . $ installer:: globals:: logfilename , \ @ installer:: globals:: logfileinfo ) ;
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
# Analyzing the log file
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
2004-07-06 08:55:15 -05:00
installer::worker:: clean_output_tree ( ) ; # removing directories created in the output tree
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
2004-07-06 08:55:15 -05:00
installer::worker:: analyze_and_save_logfile ( $ loggingdir , $ installdir , $ installlogdir , $ allsettingsarrayref , $ languagestringref , $ current_install_number ) ;
2004-06-11 12:13:58 -05:00
} # end of "if ( $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild )"
if ( $ installer:: globals:: debug ) { installer::logger:: debuginfo ( "\nEnd of part 2b: The Windows platform\n" ) ; }
2004-04-20 06:24:55 -05:00
} # end of iteration for one language group
# saving debug info at end
if ( $ installer:: globals:: debug ) { installer::logger:: savedebug ( $ installer:: globals:: exitlog ) ; }
# Main program end