2008-08-18 07:10:52 -05:00
2007-05-10 09:10:04 -05:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Hacky little delta debug tool to figure out the proper includes for a pch file
# Usage:
# pchdelta.py <pch_target> <dir1> [<dir2> <dir3> ...]
# <pch_target> File to perform delta debugging on. The section to test
# is delimeted by '//---MARKER---' lines.
# <dir1> .. <dirn> Sequence of directories to run dmake in to test if the
# modification works
# Examples:
# pchdelta.py inc/pch/precompiled_sfx2.hxx inc source/dialog
# Run pchdelta inside sfx2 first building the pch files and then files in
# source/dialog
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import os.path
import sys
# C++
# dmake
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sequentially build all argument directories from scratch
def testSequenceBuild(dirlist):
cwd = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())
for path in dirlist:
buildcommand = "dmake -u"
buildcommand += " >>" + cwd + "/buildlog.txt 2>&1"
buildresult = os.system(buildcommand)
if buildresult != 0:
return False
return True
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Dump out the delta file with corresponding markers
def writePch(pchname, header, footer, acceptedlines, testlines):
outputfile = file(pchname, "w")
if len(testlines) > 0:
outputfile.write("\n\n//---Candidate marker---\n")
outputfile.write("\n".join(testlines) + "\n")
outputfile.write("//---Candidate marker end---\n")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Recursive tester routine. Test the segment given and if an error is
# encountered splits the segment into <fanout> subsegment and recurses. Failing
# one liners are rejected. The set of accepted lines are built sequentially from
# the beginning.
def binaryTest(dirlist, lines, pchname, header, footer, acceptedlines, indent, startpoint):
linecount = len(lines)
if linecount == 0:
# Test if this slice passes the buildtest
writePch(pchname, header, footer, acceptedlines, lines)
if testSequenceBuild(dirlist):
return acceptedlines + lines
# Reject one liners
if linecount == 1:
print indent + "Rejected: " + lines[0]
return acceptedlines
# Recurse with multiline slices
fanout = 4
splits = []
for i in range(3):
splits.append(linecount * (i + 1) / fanout)
splitstart = 0
for splitend in splits:
# avoid splitting in case we have no resulting lines
if (splitend - splitstart) == 0:
splitslice = lines[splitstart:splitend]
print indent + "[" + str(startpoint + splitstart) + ":" + str(startpoint + splitend) + "] (" + str(splitend - splitstart) + ")"
acceptedlines = binaryTest(dirlist, splitslice, pchname, header, footer, acceptedlines, indent + " ", startpoint + splitstart)
splitstart = splitend
return acceptedlines
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main entry point
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print "Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " <pch_target> <dir1> [<dir2> <dir3> ...]"
pchname = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
dirlist = sys.argv[2:]
# remove old build log file
if os.path.exists("buildlog.txt"):
# test for corner case of everything working from the start
if testSequenceBuild(dirlist):
print "pch working, nothing to do."
# Open the header file for reading
inputfile = file(pchname, "r+")
inputdata = inputfile.read()
segments = inputdata.split(MARKER)
header = segments[0]
footer = segments[2]
lines = segments[1].split("\n")
writePch(pchname + "_backup", header, footer, lines, [])
# test for corner case of no convergence possible
writePch(pchname, header, footer, [], [])
if not testSequenceBuild(dirlist):
writePch(pchname, header, footer, lines, [])
print "Building with no candidate lines failed. Convergence questionable, aborting."
# Starting pruning
print "Starting evaluation of " + str(len(lines)) + " lines"
acceptedlines = binaryTest(dirlist, lines, pchname, header, footer, [], "", 0)
writePch(pchname, header, footer, acceptedlines, [])