2004-02-26 07:51:54 -06:00
* $ RCSfile : depper . cxx , v $
2004-04-01 07:18:34 -06:00
* $ Revision : 1.2 $
2004-02-26 07:51:54 -06:00
2004-04-01 07:18:34 -06:00
* last change : $ Author : obo $ $ Date : 2004 - 04 - 01 14 : 18 : 33 $
2004-02-26 07:51:54 -06:00
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
* - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
* Sun Microsystems Inc . , October , 2000
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
* Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems , Inc .
* 901 San Antonio Road , Palo Alto , CA 94303 , USA
* This library is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1 , as published by the Free Software Foundation .
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library ; if not , write to the Free Software
* Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston ,
* MA 02111 - 1307 USA
* Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
* The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
* Source License Version 1.1 ( the " License " ) ; You may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License . You may obtain a copy of the
* License at http : //www.openoffice.org/license.html.
* Software provided under this License is provided on an " AS IS " basis ,
* See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
* obligations concerning the Software .
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is : Sun Microsystems , Inc .
* Copyright : 2000 by Sun Microsystems , Inc .
* All Rights Reserved .
* Contributor ( s ) : _______________________________________
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# include <stdio.h>
# include <tools/stream.hxx>
# include <tools/debug.hxx>
# include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
# include <svtools/prgsbar.hxx>
# include "depper.hxx"
# include "objwin.hxx"
# include "soldlg.hxx"
# include "math.h"
# include "time.h"
# include "stdlib.h"
# include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
# define MIN(a,b) (a)<(b)?(a):(b)
# define MAX(a,b) (a)>(b)?(a):(b)
ResMgr * DtSodResId : : pResMgr = NULL ;
DtSodResId : : DtSodResId ( USHORT nId ) :
ResId ( nId , pResMgr )
Depper : : Depper ( Window * pBaseWindow ) :
maDefPos ( 50 , 50 ) ,
maDefSize ( 60 , 25 ) ,
mpTravellerList ( NULL ) ,
nViewMask ( 1 ) ,
pMainBar ( NULL ) ,
pSubBar ( NULL ) ,
pMainText ( NULL ) ,
pSubText ( NULL )
mpProcessWin = pBaseWindow ;
mpGraphWin = new GraphWin ( mpProcessWin ) ;
mpBaseWin = new DepWin ( mpGraphWin - > GetBufferWindow ( ) , WB_NOBORDER | WB_SIZEABLE | WB_AUTOSIZE ) ;
2004-04-01 07:18:34 -06:00
mpGraphWin - > SetBackground ( Wallpaper ( Color ( COL_WHITE ) ) ) ;
mpBaseWin - > SetBackground ( Wallpaper ( Color ( COL_WHITE ) ) ) ;
2004-02-26 07:51:54 -06:00
mpBaseWin - > mpDepperDontuseme = this ;
mpGraphWin - > SetZOrder ( NULL , WINDOW_ZORDER_FIRST ) ;
mpBaseWin - > SetZOrder ( NULL , WINDOW_ZORDER_FIRST ) ;
mpGraphWin - > EnableClipSiblings ( ) ;
mpBaseWin - > mpPopup - > InsertItem ( DEPPOPUP_AUTOARRANGE , String : : CreateFromAscii ( " Autoarrange " ) ) ;
# ifdef HJS_TEST
// not realy working
// mpBaseWin->mpPopup->InsertItem( DEPPOPUP_LOAD, "Load" );
// mpBaseWin->mpPopup->InsertItem( DEPPOPUP_SAVE, "Save" );
# endif
# ifdef HJS_TEST
mpBaseWin - > mpPopup - > InsertItem ( DEPPOPUP_TEST , " TEST " ) ;
# endif
mpBaseWin - > Show ( ) ;
mnWinCount = 0 ;
mnLastId = 0 ;
nZoomed = 0 ;
mpBaseWin - > SetPopupHdl ( this ) ;
pObjectList = new ObjWinList ( ) ;
Depper : : ~ Depper ( )
delete pObjectList ;
delete mpBaseWin ;
delete mpGraphWin ;
void Depper : : SetViewMask ( ULONG nMask )
nViewMask = nMask ;
for ( ULONG i = 0 ; i < pObjectList - > Count ( ) ; i + + ) {
ObjectWin * pWin = pObjectList - > GetObject ( i ) ;
if ( pWin - > IsVisible ( ) )
pWin - > Show ( ) ;
pWin - > Hide ( ) ;
ULONG Depper : : AddObject ( ByteString & rBodyText , BOOL bInteract )
Point aPos ;
Size aSize = maDefSize ;
aPos = mpBaseWin - > LogicToPixel ( aPos ) ;
aSize = mpBaseWin - > LogicToPixel ( aSize ) ;
return AddObject ( rBodyText , aPos , aSize ) ;
ULONG Depper : : AddObject ( ByteString & rBodyText , Point & rPos , Size & rSize )
ObjectWin * pWin = new ObjectWin ( mpBaseWin , WB_BORDER ) ;
pWin - > mpDepperDontuseme = this ;
Size aNewSize ;
aNewSize . Width ( ) = pWin - > GetTextWidth ( String ( rBodyText , RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) ) ;
aNewSize . Height ( ) = pWin - > GetTextHeight ( ) ;
if ( aNewSize . Width ( ) > rSize . Width ( ) - 8 )
aNewSize . Width ( ) = aNewSize . Width ( ) + 8 ;
aNewSize . Height ( ) = rSize . Height ( ) ;
aNewSize = rSize ;
pWin - > SetPosSizePixel ( rPos , aNewSize ) ;
MapMode aMapMode = mpBaseWin - > GetMapMode ( ) ;
pWin - > SetMapMode ( aMapMode ) ;
pObjectList - > Insert ( pWin , LIST_APPEND ) ;
pWin - > SetId ( mnLastId ) ;
mnLastId + + ;
mnWinCount + + ;
pWin - > SetBodyText ( rBodyText ) ;
// pWin->Show();
return pWin - > GetId ( ) ;
ObjectWin * Depper : : RemoveObject ( USHORT nId , BOOL bDelete )
ObjectWin * pWin = ObjIdToPtr ( nId ) ;
if ( pWin )
pObjectList - > Remove ( pWin ) ;
mnWinCount - - ;
if ( bDelete )
delete pWin ;
return pWin ;
return NULL ;
void Depper : : RemoveAllObjects ( ObjWinList * pObjLst )
for ( i = pObjLst - > Count ( ) ; i > 0 ; i - - )
delete pObjLst - > GetObject ( i - 1 ) ;
pObjLst - > Clear ( ) ;
USHORT Depper : : AddConnector ( ULONG nStartId , ULONG nEndId )
ObjectWin * pStartWin = ObjIdToPtr ( nStartId ) ;
if ( ! pStartWin )
ObjectWin * pEndWin = ObjIdToPtr ( nEndId ) ;
if ( ! pEndWin )
return AddConnector ( pStartWin , pEndWin ) ;
USHORT Depper : : RemoveConnector ( ULONG nStartId , ULONG nEndId )
// DBG_ASSERT( FALSE , "noch nicht" );
ObjectWin * pStartWin = ObjIdToPtr ( nStartId ) ;
if ( ! pStartWin )
ObjectWin * pEndWin = ObjIdToPtr ( nEndId ) ;
if ( ! pEndWin )
return RemoveConnector ( pStartWin , pEndWin ) ;
USHORT Depper : : AddConnector ( ObjectWin * pStartWin , ObjectWin * pEndWin )
if ( pStartWin - > ConnectionExistsInAnyDirection ( pEndWin ) )
return 0 ;
Connector * pCon = new Connector ( mpBaseWin , WB_NOBORDER ) ;
pCon - > Initialize ( pStartWin , pEndWin ) ;
return 0 ;
USHORT Depper : : RemoveConnector ( ObjectWin * pStartWin , ObjectWin * pEndWin )
Connector * pCon = pStartWin - > GetConnector ( pStartWin - > GetId ( ) , pEndWin - > GetId ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pCon )
delete pCon ;
return DEP_OK ;
USHORT Depper : : Save ( const ByteString & rFileName )
DBG_ASSERT ( FALSE , " you are dead! " ) ;
SvFileStream aOutFile ( String ( rFileName , RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) , STREAM_WRITE ) ;
depper_head dh ;
ULONG nObjCount = pObjectList - > Count ( ) ;
ConnectorList * pConList = mpBaseWin - > GetConnectorList ( ) ;
ULONG nCnctrCount = pConList - > Count ( ) ;
dh . nID = DEPPER_ID ;
dh . nObjectCount = nObjCount ;
dh . nCnctrCount = nCnctrCount ;
aOutFile . Write ( & dh , sizeof ( dh ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < nObjCount ; i + + )
pObjectList - > GetObject ( i ) - > Save ( aOutFile ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < nCnctrCount ; i + + )
pConList - > GetObject ( i ) - > Save ( aOutFile ) ;
return 0 ;
USHORT Depper : : Load ( const ByteString & rFileName )
DBG_ASSERT ( FALSE , " you are dead! " ) ;
SvFileStream aInFile ( String ( rFileName , RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) , STREAM_READ ) ;
depper_head dh ;
ULONG nLoadOffs = mnLastId ;
ObjectWin * pNewWin ;
aInFile . Read ( & dh , sizeof ( dh ) ) ;
ULONG nObjCount = dh . nObjectCount ;
ULONG nCnctrCount = dh . nCnctrCount ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < nObjCount ; i + + )
ObjectWin * pWin = new ObjectWin ( mpBaseWin , WB_BORDER ) ;
pWin - > Load ( aInFile ) ;
pNewWin = ObjIdToPtr ( AddObject ( pWin - > GetBodyText ( ) , FALSE ) ) ;
pNewWin - > SetId ( nLoadOffs + pWin - > GetId ( ) ) ;
pNewWin - > SetPosPixel ( pWin - > GetPosPixel ( ) ) ;
pNewWin - > SetSizePixel ( pWin - > GetSizePixel ( ) ) ;
ULONG nStartId ;
ULONG nEndId ;
// ueber addconnector fuehren!
for ( i = 0 ; i < nCnctrCount ; i + + )
Connector * pCon = new Connector ( mpBaseWin , WB_NOBORDER ) ;
pCon - > Load ( aInFile ) ;
nStartId = nLoadOffs + pCon - > GetStartId ( ) ;
nEndId = nLoadOffs + pCon - > GetEndId ( ) ;
ObjectWin * pStartWin = ObjIdToPtr ( nStartId ) ;
ObjectWin * pEndWin = ObjIdToPtr ( nEndId ) ;
pCon - > Initialize ( pStartWin , pEndWin ) ;
return 0 ;
USHORT Depper : : WriteSource ( )
DBG_ASSERT ( FALSE , " overload it! " ) ;
return 0 ;
} ;
USHORT Depper : : ReadSource ( )
DBG_ASSERT ( FALSE , " overload it! " ) ;
return 0 ;
} ;
USHORT Depper : : OpenSource ( )
DBG_ASSERT ( FALSE , " overload it! " ) ;
return 0 ;
} ;
ObjectWin * Depper : : ObjIdToPtr ( ULONG nId )
ULONG nObjCount = pObjectList - > Count ( ) ;
ULONG i = 0 ;
ObjectWin * pWin ;
pWin = pObjectList - > GetObject ( i ) ;
i + + ;
while ( i < nObjCount & & pWin - > GetId ( ) ! = nId ) ;
if ( pWin - > GetId ( ) = = nId )
return pWin ;
return NULL ;
USHORT Depper : : Impl_Traveller ( ObjectWin * pWin , USHORT nDepth )
USHORT i = 0 ;
ObjectWin * pNewWin ;
Connector * pCon ;
nDepth + + ;
USHORT nMaxDepth = nDepth ;
pWin - > mbVisited = TRUE ;
pWin - > mnRootDist = Max ( nDepth , pWin - > mnRootDist ) ;
if ( nDepth > DEPPER_MAX_DEPTH )
DBG_ASSERT ( nDepth ! = DEPPER_MAX_DEPTH + 1 , " ring abh. " ) ;
nDepth + + ;
while ( pCon = pWin - > GetConnector ( i ) )
if ( pCon - > IsStart ( pWin ) & & pCon - > IsVisible ( ) )
pNewWin = pCon - > GetOtherWin ( pWin ) ;
nMaxDepth = Max ( Impl_Traveller ( pNewWin , nDepth ) , nMaxDepth ) ;
mpTravellerList - > Insert ( pWin , LIST_APPEND ) ;
i + + ;
pWin - > mnHeadDist = MAX ( pWin - > mnHeadDist , nMaxDepth - nDepth ) ;
return nMaxDepth ;
double Depper : : CalcDistSum ( ObjWinList * pObjList , DistType eDistType )
ObjectWin * pWin ;
Connector * pCon ;
ULONG nObjCount = pObjList - > Count ( ) ;
double dRetVal = 0 ;
double dWinVal ;
USHORT i , j ;
BOOL bIsStart ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < nObjCount ; i + + )
pWin = pObjList - > GetObject ( i ) ;
if ( pWin & & pWin - > IsVisible ( ) )
j = 0 ;
dWinVal = 0 ;
while ( pCon = pWin - > GetConnector ( j ) )
if ( pCon - > IsVisible ( ) ) {
bIsStart = pCon - > IsStart ( pWin ) ;
if ( eDistType ! = BOTH )
if ( eDistType = = TOPDOWN )
if ( bIsStart )
pCon - > UpdatePosition ( pWin , FALSE ) ;
dWinVal + = pCon - > GetLen ( ) * pWin - > mnHeadDist ;
if ( ! bIsStart )
pCon - > UpdatePosition ( pWin , FALSE ) ;
dWinVal + = pCon - > GetLen ( ) * pWin - > mnRootDist ;
pCon - > UpdatePosition ( pWin , FALSE ) ;
if ( ! bIsStart )
dWinVal + = pCon - > GetLen ( ) * ( pWin - > mnHeadDist + 1 ) ;
dWinVal + = pCon - > GetLen ( ) * pWin - > mnRootDist ;
j + + ;
// if ( j != 0 )
// dWinVal /= j;
dRetVal + = dWinVal ;
return dRetVal ;
ULONG Depper : : CalcXOffset ( ULONG nObjectsToFit )
long nDynXOffs ;
long nXMiddle ;
ULONG nTrigger ;
nXMiddle = mpBaseWin - > PixelToLogic ( mpBaseWin - > GetSizePixel ( ) ) . Width ( ) / 2 ;
if ( nObjectsToFit > DEPPER_MAX_WIDTH )
nTrigger = ( nObjectsToFit - 1 ) / 2 ;
nDynXOffs = ( maDefSize . Width ( ) + OBJWIN_X_SPACING ) * nTrigger ;
ULONG nXOffs = nXMiddle - nDynXOffs ;
if ( nXMiddle - nDynXOffs < mnMinDynXOffs )
mnMinDynXOffs = nXMiddle - nDynXOffs ;
return nXOffs ;
double Depper : : Impl_PermuteMin ( ObjWinList & rObjList , Point * pPosArray , ObjWinList & rResultList , double dMinDist , ULONG nStart , ULONG nSize , DistType eDistType )
ULONG i , j , l ;
ULONG nEnd = nStart + nSize ;
ObjectWin * pSwapWin ;
ULONG nLevelObjCount = rObjList . Count ( ) ;
//dont use full recusion for more than 6 objects
if ( nLevelObjCount > 6 )
srand ( ( unsigned ) time ( NULL ) ) ;
ULONG nIdx1 , nIdx2 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 101 ; i + + )
if ( pSubBar ) {
# ifndef SOLARIS
pSubBar - > SetValue ( i ) ;
# endif
pSubBar - > Update ( ) ;
GetpApp ( ) - > Reschedule ( ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < 100 ; j + + )
nIdx1 = ( ULONG ) ( double ( rand ( ) ) / RAND_MAX * nLevelObjCount ) ;
while ( rObjList . GetObject ( nIdx1 ) = = NULL )
nIdx1 = ( ULONG ) ( double ( rand ( ) ) / RAND_MAX * nLevelObjCount ) ;
nIdx2 = ( ULONG ) ( double ( rand ( ) ) / RAND_MAX * nLevelObjCount ) ;
while ( nIdx1 = = nIdx2 | | nIdx2 = = nLevelObjCount )
nIdx2 = ( ULONG ) ( double ( rand ( ) ) / RAND_MAX * nLevelObjCount ) ;
pSwapWin = rObjList . GetObject ( nIdx1 ) ;
if ( pSwapWin )
pSwapWin - > SetCalcPosPixel ( pPosArray [ nIdx2 ] ) ;
pSwapWin = rObjList . Replace ( pSwapWin , nIdx2 ) ;
if ( pSwapWin )
pSwapWin - > SetCalcPosPixel ( pPosArray [ nIdx1 ] ) ;
rObjList . Replace ( pSwapWin , nIdx1 ) ;
double dCurDist = CalcDistSum ( & rObjList , eDistType ) ;
if ( dCurDist < dMinDist )
dMinDist = dCurDist ;
rResultList . Clear ( ) ;
for ( l = 0 ; l < nLevelObjCount ; l + + )
pSwapWin = rObjList . GetObject ( l ) ;
rResultList . Insert ( pSwapWin , LIST_APPEND ) ;
// if ( dCurDist > dMinDist * 1.5 )
if ( dCurDist > dMinDist * 15 )
pSwapWin = rObjList . GetObject ( nIdx1 ) ;
if ( pSwapWin )
pSwapWin - > SetCalcPosPixel ( pPosArray [ nIdx2 ] ) ;
pSwapWin = rObjList . Replace ( pSwapWin , nIdx2 ) ;
if ( pSwapWin )
pSwapWin - > SetCalcPosPixel ( pPosArray [ nIdx1 ] ) ;
rObjList . Replace ( pSwapWin , nIdx1 ) ;
for ( i = nStart ; i < nEnd ; i + + )
if ( nSize > 1 )
pSwapWin = rObjList . GetObject ( i ) ;
pSwapWin = rObjList . Replace ( pSwapWin , nStart ) ;
rObjList . Replace ( pSwapWin , i ) ;
dMinDist = MIN ( dMinDist , Impl_PermuteMin ( rObjList , pPosArray , rResultList , dMinDist , nStart + 1 , nSize - 1 , eDistType ) ) ;
pSwapWin = rObjList . GetObject ( i ) ;
pSwapWin = rObjList . Replace ( pSwapWin , nStart ) ;
rObjList . Replace ( pSwapWin , i ) ;
for ( l = 0 ; l < nLevelObjCount ; l + + )
pSwapWin = rObjList . GetObject ( l ) ;
if ( pSwapWin )
pSwapWin - > SetCalcPosPixel ( pPosArray [ l ] ) ;
double dCurDist = CalcDistSum ( & rObjList , eDistType ) ;
if ( dCurDist < dMinDist )
dMinDist = dCurDist ;
rResultList . Clear ( ) ;
for ( l = 0 ; l < nLevelObjCount ; l + + )
pSwapWin = rObjList . GetObject ( l ) ;
rResultList . Insert ( pSwapWin , LIST_APPEND ) ;
return dMinDist ;
Point Depper : : CalcPos ( USHORT nSet , USHORT nIndex )
int nRowIndex = nIndex / DEPPER_MAX_WIDTH ;
ULONG nPosX = mnXOffset + nRowIndex % 3 * maDefSize . Width ( ) / 3 + ( nIndex - ( DEPPER_MAX_WIDTH * nRowIndex ) ) * ( maDefSize . Width ( ) + OBJWIN_X_SPACING ) ;
ULONG nPosY = ( nSet + mnLevelOffset + nRowIndex ) * ( maDefSize . Height ( ) + OBJWIN_Y_SPACING ) + OBJWIN_Y_SPACING ;
Point aPos ( nPosX , nPosY ) ;
return aPos ;
USHORT Depper : : AutoArrange ( ULONG nTopId , ULONG nBottmId )
SolAutoarrangeDlg aArrangeDlg ( mpProcessWin ) ;
pSubBar = aArrangeDlg . GetSubBar ( ) ;
pMainBar = aArrangeDlg . GetMainBar ( ) ;
pSubText = aArrangeDlg . GetSubText ( ) ;
pMainText = aArrangeDlg . GetMainText ( ) ;
pMainText - > SetText ( String : : CreateFromAscii ( " Overall status " ) ) ;
mpBaseWin - > Enable ( FALSE ) ;
OptimizePos ( GetStart ( ) , 0 ) ;
mpBaseWin - > Enable ( TRUE ) ;
pSubBar = NULL ;
pMainBar = NULL ;
pSubText = NULL ;
pMainText = NULL ;
return 0 ;
USHORT Depper : : OptimizePos ( ULONG nTopId , ULONG nBottmId )
ObjWinList aWorkList ;
ObjectWin * pWin ;
Connector * pCon ;
USHORT nRootDist = - 1 ;
USHORT i , j , k , l , nRetVal ;
ObjWinList * LevelList [ DEPPER_MAX_DEPTH ] ;
ObjWinList * LevelSecList [ DEPPER_MAX_DEPTH ] ;
mnMinDynXOffs = 0xffff ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < DEPPER_MAX_DEPTH ; i + + )
LevelUse [ i ] = 0 ;
LevelList [ i ] = NULL ;
LevelSecUse [ i ] = 0 ;
LevelSecList [ i ] = NULL ;
mpBaseWin - > EnablePaint ( FALSE ) ;
ULONG nObjCount = pObjectList - > Count ( ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < nObjCount ; i + + )
pWin = pObjectList - > GetObject ( i ) ;
if ( pWin - > IsVisible ( ) ) {
pWin - > mbVisited = FALSE ;
pWin - > mnHeadDist = 0 ;
pWin - > mnRootDist = 0 ;
// find initial objects which need to be connected with
// root object
j = 0 ;
USHORT nStartCount = 0 ;
USHORT nEndCount = 0 ;
while ( pCon = pWin - > GetConnector ( j ) )
if ( pCon - > IsVisible ( ) ) {
if ( pCon - > IsStart ( pWin ) )
nStartCount + + ;
nEndCount = 1 ;
break ;
j + + ;
if ( nStartCount > 0 & & nEndCount = = 0 )
if ( nTopId ! = pWin - > GetId ( ) )
Depper : : AddConnector ( nTopId , pWin - > GetId ( ) ) ;
pWin = ObjIdToPtr ( nTopId ) ;
if ( mpTravellerList )
mpTravellerList - > Clear ( ) ;
delete mpTravellerList ;
mpTravellerList = new ObjWinList ( ) ;
// set root and top distance
nRetVal = Impl_Traveller ( pWin , nRootDist ) ;
DBG_ASSERT ( nRetVal < DEPPER_MAX_DEPTH , " zu tief " ) ;
WarningBox aWBox ( mpBaseWin , WB_OK , String : : CreateFromAscii ( " graph too deep! dat geiht nich gut. \n look at depper.err in your Tmp-directory \n for list of objects " ) ) ;
aWBox . Execute ( ) ;
char * tmpdir = getenv ( " TMP " ) ;
char * errfilebasename = " depper.err " ;
char * ErrFileName = ( char * ) malloc ( strlen ( tmpdir ) + strlen ( errfilebasename ) + 3 ) ;
* ErrFileName = ' \0 ' ;
strcat ( ErrFileName , tmpdir ) ;
strcat ( ErrFileName , " \\ " ) ;
strcat ( ErrFileName , errfilebasename ) ;
FILE * pErrFile = fopen ( " depper.err " , " w+ " ) ;
if ( pErrFile )
for ( USHORT i = 0 ; i < mpTravellerList - > Count ( ) ; i + + )
pWin = mpTravellerList - > GetObject ( i ) ;
fprintf ( pErrFile , " %s -> \n " , ( pWin - > GetBodyText ( ) ) . GetBuffer ( ) ) ;
fclose ( pErrFile ) ;
return nRetVal ;
ULONG nUnvisited = 0 ;
ULONG nUnvisYOffs = 0 ;
// seperate mainstream, secondary and unconnected
for ( i = 0 ; i < nObjCount ; i + + )
pWin = pObjectList - > GetObject ( i ) ;
if ( pWin - > IsVisible ( ) ) {
if ( ( pWin - > mnHeadDist + pWin - > mnRootDist ) = = nRetVal )
if ( ! LevelList [ pWin - > mnHeadDist ] )
LevelList [ pWin - > mnHeadDist ] = new ObjWinList ;
LevelList [ pWin - > mnHeadDist ] - > Insert ( pWin ) ;
LevelUse [ pWin - > mnHeadDist ] + + ;
if ( pWin - > mbVisited )
if ( ! LevelSecList [ nRetVal - pWin - > mnRootDist ] )
LevelSecList [ nRetVal - pWin - > mnRootDist ] = new ObjWinList ;
LevelSecList [ nRetVal - pWin - > mnRootDist ] - > Insert ( pWin ) ;
LevelSecUse [ nRetVal - pWin - > mnRootDist ] + + ;
// need to be arranged more intelligent...
Point aPos ( 5 , nUnvisYOffs ) ;
pWin - > SetCalcPosPixel ( aPos ) ;
Point aTmpPos = pWin - > GetCalcPosPixel ( ) ;
pWin - > SetPosPixel ( mpBaseWin - > LogicToPixel ( aTmpPos ) ) ;
nUnvisYOffs + = pWin - > PixelToLogic ( pWin - > GetSizePixel ( ) ) . Height ( ) ;
nUnvisited + + ;
mnLevelOffset = 0 ;
USHORT nScaleVal ;
if ( nRetVal = = 0 )
nScaleVal = 1 ;
nScaleVal = nRetVal ;
i = 0 ;
USHORT nStep = 0 ;
while ( LevelList [ i ] )
if ( pMainBar ) {
# ifndef SOLARIS
pMainBar - > SetValue ( i * 50 / nScaleVal ) ;
# endif
pMainBar - > Update ( ) ;
String sText ( String : : CreateFromAscii ( " Optimize step " ) ) ;
sText + = String : : CreateFromInt32 ( + + nStep ) ;
pSubText - > SetText ( sText ) ;
DBG_ASSERT ( LevelUse [ i ] = = LevelList [ i ] - > Count ( ) , " level index im a... " ) ;
ObjectWin * pSwapWin ;
ULONG nLevelObjCount = LevelList [ i ] - > Count ( ) ;
if ( nLevelObjCount % 2 = = 0 )
LevelList [ i ] - > Insert ( NULL , LIST_APPEND ) ;
nLevelObjCount + + ;
// LevelUse bleibt orginal...
// LevelUse[ i ]++;
// catch too big lists
DBG_ASSERT ( nLevelObjCount < DEPPER_MAX_LEVEL_WIDTH * DEPPER_MAX_WIDTH , " graph zu breit! dat geiht nich gut. breaking " ) ;
WarningBox aWBox ( mpBaseWin , WB_OK , String : : CreateFromAscii ( " graph zu breit! dat geiht nich gut. breaking " ) ) ;
aWBox . Execute ( ) ;
break ;
mnXOffset = CalcXOffset ( nLevelObjCount ) ;
aWorkList . Clear ( ) ;
// initial positioning for mainstream
for ( j = 0 ; j < nLevelObjCount ; j + + )
pSwapWin = LevelList [ i ] - > GetObject ( j ) ;
aWorkList . Insert ( pSwapWin , LIST_APPEND ) ;
Point aPos = CalcPos ( i , j ) ;
aPosArray [ j ] = aPos ;
if ( pSwapWin )
pSwapWin - > SetCalcPosPixel ( aPosArray [ j ] ) ;
double dMinDist = CalcDistSum ( LevelList [ i ] ) ;
// optimize mainstream order and return best matching list in "aWorkList"
dMinDist = MIN ( dMinDist , Impl_PermuteMin ( * ( LevelList [ i ] ) , aPosArray , aWorkList , dMinDist , 0 , nLevelObjCount ) ) ;
// set optimized positions - may still be wrong from later tries
for ( j = 0 ; j < nLevelObjCount ; j + + )
pSwapWin = aWorkList . GetObject ( j ) ;
if ( pSwapWin )
pSwapWin - > SetCalcPosPixel ( aPosArray [ j ] ) ;
if ( LevelSecList [ i ] ! = NULL )
ULONG nLevelSecObjCount = LevelSecList [ i ] - > Count ( ) ;
// expand list for better positioning
while ( nLevelSecObjCount + LevelUse [ i ] < DEPPER_MAX_WIDTH - 1 )
LevelSecList [ i ] - > Insert ( NULL , LIST_APPEND ) ;
nLevelSecObjCount + + ;
if ( ( nLevelSecObjCount + LevelUse [ i ] ) % 2 = = 0 )
LevelSecList [ i ] - > Insert ( NULL , LIST_APPEND ) ;
nLevelSecObjCount + + ;
DBG_ASSERT ( nLevelSecObjCount < DEPPER_MAX_LEVEL_WIDTH * DEPPER_MAX_WIDTH , " graph zu breit! dat geiht nich gut. breaking " ) ;
WarningBox aWBox ( mpBaseWin , WB_OK , String : : CreateFromAscii ( " graph zu breit! dat geiht nich gut. breaking " ) ) ;
aWBox . Execute ( ) ;
break ;
mnXOffset = CalcXOffset ( LevelUse [ i ] + nLevelSecObjCount ) ;
aWorkList . Clear ( ) ;
l = 0 ;
BOOL bUsedPos ;
// find free positions for secondary objects
for ( j = 0 ; j < ( LevelUse [ i ] + nLevelSecObjCount ) ; j + + )
Point aPos = CalcPos ( i , j ) ;
bUsedPos = FALSE ;
// is already occupied?
for ( k = 0 ; k < nLevelObjCount ; k + + )
if ( LevelList [ i ] - > GetObject ( k ) )
if ( aPos = = LevelList [ i ] - > GetObject ( k ) - > GetCalcPosPixel ( ) )
bUsedPos = TRUE ;
// if its free, add to pool
if ( ! bUsedPos )
aPosArray [ l ] = aPos ;
l + + ;
// initial positioning for secodaries
for ( j = 0 ; j < nLevelSecObjCount ; j + + )
pSwapWin = LevelSecList [ i ] - > GetObject ( j ) ;
aWorkList . Insert ( pSwapWin , LIST_APPEND ) ;
if ( pSwapWin )
pSwapWin - > SetCalcPosPixel ( aPosArray [ j ] ) ;
dMinDist = CalcDistSum ( LevelSecList [ i ] ) ;
dMinDist = MIN ( dMinDist , Impl_PermuteMin ( * ( LevelSecList [ i ] ) , aPosArray , aWorkList , dMinDist , 0 , nLevelSecObjCount ) ) ;
// set optimized positions - may still be wrong from later tries
for ( j = 0 ; j < nLevelSecObjCount ; j + + )
pSwapWin = aWorkList . GetObject ( j ) ;
if ( pSwapWin )
pSwapWin - > SetCalcPosPixel ( aPosArray [ j ] ) ;
if ( LevelUse [ i ] + LevelSecUse [ i ] > DEPPER_MAX_WIDTH )
mnLevelOffset + + ;
if ( LevelUse [ i ] + LevelSecUse [ i ] > DEPPER_MAX_WIDTH )
mnLevelOffset + = ( LevelUse [ i ] + LevelSecUse [ i ] ) / DEPPER_MAX_WIDTH ;
i + + ;
mnMinDynXOffs = 0xffff ;
// and back again...
// get better results form already preoptimized upper and lower rows
// i--;
// while ( LevelList[ i ] && i < 60000 )
i - - ;
if ( pMainBar )
# ifndef SOLARIS
pMainBar - > SetValue ( 50 + ( nScaleVal - i ) * 50 / nScaleVal ) ;
# endif
pMainBar - > Update ( ) ;
String sText ( String : : CreateFromAscii ( " Optimize step " ) ) ;
sText + = String : : CreateFromInt32 ( + + nStep ) ;
pSubText - > SetText ( sText ) ;
if ( LevelUse [ i ] + LevelSecUse [ i ] > DEPPER_MAX_WIDTH )
mnLevelOffset - = ( LevelUse [ i ] + LevelSecUse [ i ] ) / DEPPER_MAX_WIDTH ;
ObjectWin * pSwapWin ;
ULONG nLevelObjCount = LevelList [ i ] - > Count ( ) ;
mnXOffset = CalcXOffset ( nLevelObjCount ) ;
aWorkList . Clear ( ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < nLevelObjCount ; j + + )
pSwapWin = LevelList [ i ] - > GetObject ( j ) ;
aWorkList . Insert ( pSwapWin , LIST_APPEND ) ;
Point aPos = CalcPos ( i , j ) ;
aPosArray [ j ] = aPos ;
//no need to do this stuff....... ?????
if ( pSwapWin )
pSwapWin - > SetCalcPosPixel ( aPosArray [ j ] ) ;
double dMinDist = CalcDistSum ( LevelList [ i ] , BOTH ) ;
dMinDist = MIN ( dMinDist , Impl_PermuteMin ( * ( LevelList [ i ] ) , aPosArray , aWorkList , dMinDist , 0 , nLevelObjCount , BOTH ) ) ;
// wrong position for remaping - keep old positions for comparing
for ( j = 0 ; j < nLevelObjCount ; j + + )
pSwapWin = aWorkList . GetObject ( j ) ;
if ( pSwapWin )
// pSwapWin->SetCalcPosPixel( mpBaseWin->LogicToPixel( aPosArray[ j ] ));
pSwapWin - > SetCalcPosPixel ( aPosArray [ j ] ) ;
if ( LevelSecList [ i ] ! = NULL )
ULONG nLevelSecObjCount = LevelSecList [ i ] - > Count ( ) ;
mnXOffset = CalcXOffset ( LevelUse [ i ] + nLevelSecObjCount ) ;
aWorkList . Clear ( ) ;
l = 0 ;
BOOL bUsedPos ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < ( LevelUse [ i ] + nLevelSecObjCount ) ; j + + )
Point aPos = CalcPos ( i , j ) ;
bUsedPos = FALSE ;
// could be faster
for ( k = 0 ; k < nLevelObjCount ; k + + )
if ( LevelList [ i ] - > GetObject ( k ) )
if ( aPos = = LevelList [ i ] - > GetObject ( k ) - > GetCalcPosPixel ( ) )
bUsedPos = TRUE ;
if ( ! bUsedPos )
aPosArray [ l ] = aPos ;
l + + ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < nLevelSecObjCount ; j + + )
pSwapWin = LevelSecList [ i ] - > GetObject ( j ) ;
aWorkList . Insert ( pSwapWin , LIST_APPEND ) ;
if ( pSwapWin )
pSwapWin - > SetCalcPosPixel ( aPosArray [ j ] ) ;
dMinDist = CalcDistSum ( LevelSecList [ i ] , BOTH ) ;
dMinDist = MIN ( dMinDist , Impl_PermuteMin ( * ( LevelSecList [ i ] ) , aPosArray , aWorkList , dMinDist , 0 , nLevelSecObjCount , BOTH ) ) ;
// wrong position for remaping - keep old positions for comparing
for ( j = 0 ; j < nLevelSecObjCount ; j + + )
pSwapWin = aWorkList . GetObject ( j ) ;
if ( pSwapWin )
pSwapWin - > SetCalcPosPixel ( aPosArray [ j ] ) ;
// i--;
} while ( i ! = 0 ) ;
if ( pMainBar ) {
# ifndef SOLARIS
pMainBar - > SetValue ( 100 ) ;
# endif
pMainBar - > Update ( ) ;
ULONG nNewXSize = ( DEPPER_MAX_WIDTH + 1 ) * ( OBJWIN_X_SPACING + maDefSize . Width ( ) ) ;
ULONG nNewYSize = ObjIdToPtr ( GetStart ( ) ) - > GetCalcPosPixel ( ) . Y ( ) + maDefSize . Height ( ) + 2 * OBJWIN_Y_SPACING ;
if ( ( nUnvisYOffs + maDefSize . Height ( ) ) > nNewYSize )
nNewYSize = nUnvisYOffs + maDefSize . Height ( ) ;
MapMode aMapMode = mpBaseWin - > GetMapMode ( ) ;
Size aTmpSize ( double ( nNewXSize ) * double ( aMapMode . GetScaleX ( ) ) , double ( nNewYSize ) * double ( aMapMode . GetScaleY ( ) ) ) ;
Size aNowSize ( mpGraphWin - > GetSizePixel ( ) ) ;
if ( mpBaseWin - > LogicToPixel ( aNowSize ) . Width ( ) > aTmpSize . Width ( ) )
aTmpSize . Width ( ) = mpBaseWin - > LogicToPixel ( aNowSize ) . Width ( ) ;
if ( mpBaseWin - > LogicToPixel ( aNowSize ) . Height ( ) > aTmpSize . Height ( ) )
aTmpSize . Height ( ) = mpBaseWin - > LogicToPixel ( aNowSize ) . Height ( ) ;
if ( nZoomed < = 0 )
// mpBaseWin->SetSizePixel( aTmpSize );
// mpGraphWin->SetTotalSize( aTmpSize );
// mpGraphWin->EndScroll( 0, 0 );
// now remap all objects
ULONG nAllObjCount = pObjectList - > Count ( ) ;
Point aTmpPos ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < nAllObjCount ; j + + )
pWin = pObjectList - > GetObject ( j ) ;
if ( pWin - > IsVisible ( ) ) {
aTmpPos = pWin - > GetCalcPosPixel ( ) ;
if ( pWin - > mbVisited )
// reserve space for unconnected
aTmpPos . X ( ) - = mnMinDynXOffs ;
aTmpPos . X ( ) + = maDefSize . Width ( ) + OBJWIN_X_SPACING ;
// center window
aTmpPos . X ( ) + = maDefSize . Width ( ) / 2 ;
aTmpPos . X ( ) - = pWin - > PixelToLogic ( pWin - > GetSizePixel ( ) ) . Width ( ) / 2 ;
pWin - > SetPosPixel ( mpBaseWin - > LogicToPixel ( aTmpPos ) ) ;
aWorkList . Clear ( ) ;
mpBaseWin - > EnablePaint ( TRUE ) ;
mpBaseWin - > Invalidate ( ) ;
//LevelListen loeschen
ObjectWin * pObject1 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < nObjCount ; i + + )
pObject1 = pObjectList - > GetObject ( i ) ;
if ( pObject1 - > IsVisible ( ) )
pObject1 - > UpdateConnectors ( ) ;
} ;
return 0 ;
ULONG Depper : : GetStart ( )
DBG_ASSERT ( FALSE , " overload it! " ) ;
return 0 ;
USHORT Depper : : Zoom ( MapMode & rMapMode )
ObjectWin * pWin ;
Point aPos ;
Size aSize ;
aSize = mpBaseWin - > GetSizePixel ( ) ;
mpGraphWin - > SetTotalSize ( aSize ) ;
mpGraphWin - > EndScroll ( 0 , 0 ) ;
for ( i = pObjectList - > Count ( ) ; i > 0 ; i - - )
pWin = pObjectList - > GetObject ( i - 1 ) ;
aPos = pWin - > PixelToLogic ( pWin - > GetPosPixel ( ) ) ;
aSize = pWin - > PixelToLogic ( pWin - > GetSizePixel ( ) ) ;
pWin - > SetMapMode ( rMapMode ) ;
aPos = pWin - > LogicToPixel ( aPos ) ;
aSize = pWin - > LogicToPixel ( aSize ) ;
pWin - > SetPosSizePixel ( aPos , aSize ) ;
mpBaseWin - > Invalidate ( ) ;
return 0 ;
IMPL_LINK ( Depper , PopupSelected , PopupMenu * , mpPopup )
USHORT nItemId = mpPopup - > GetCurItemId ( ) ;
ByteString sNew = ByteString ( " new " ) ;
switch ( nItemId )
// DBG_ASSERT( FALSE,"new");
AddObject ( sNew , TRUE ) ;
break ;
// DBG_ASSERT( FALSE,"autoarrange");
AutoArrange ( GetStart ( ) , 0 ) ;
} ;
break ;
Load ( ByteString ( " test.dep " ) ) ;
// DBG_ASSERT( FALSE,"load");
break ;
Save ( ByteString ( " test.dep " ) ) ;
// DBG_ASSERT( FALSE,"save");
break ;
WriteSource ( ) ;
// DBG_ASSERT( FALSE,"write source");
break ;
ReadSource ( ) ;
// DBG_ASSERT( FALSE,"read source");
break ;
OpenSource ( ) ;
// DBG_ASSERT( FALSE,"open source");
break ;
// DBG_ASSERT( FALSE,"zoomin");
MapMode aMapMode = mpBaseWin - > GetMapMode ( ) ;
aMapMode . SetScaleX ( aMapMode . GetScaleX ( ) * Fraction ( 1.25 ) ) ;
aMapMode . SetScaleY ( aMapMode . GetScaleY ( ) * Fraction ( 1.25 ) ) ;
mpBaseWin - > SetMapMode ( aMapMode ) ;
if ( nZoomed < 1 )
Size aZoomInSize ( mpBaseWin - > GetSizePixel ( ) ) ;
aZoomInSize . Width ( ) * = 1.25 ;
aZoomInSize . Height ( ) * = 1.25 ;
mpBaseWin - > SetSizePixel ( aZoomInSize ) ;
nZoomed - - ;
Zoom ( aMapMode ) ;
} ;
break ;
// DBG_ASSERT( FALSE,"zoomout");
MapMode aMapMode = mpBaseWin - > GetMapMode ( ) ;
if ( aMapMode . GetScaleX ( ) > Fraction ( 0.25 ) )
aMapMode . SetScaleX ( aMapMode . GetScaleX ( ) * Fraction ( 0.8 ) ) ;
aMapMode . SetScaleY ( aMapMode . GetScaleY ( ) * Fraction ( 0.8 ) ) ;
mpBaseWin - > SetMapMode ( aMapMode ) ;
if ( nZoomed < 0 )
Size aZoomOutSize ( mpBaseWin - > GetSizePixel ( ) ) ;
aZoomOutSize . Width ( ) * = 0.8 ;
aZoomOutSize . Height ( ) * = 0.8 ;
mpBaseWin - > SetSizePixel ( aZoomOutSize ) ;
nZoomed + + ;
Zoom ( aMapMode ) ;
} ;
break ;
// DBG_ASSERT( FALSE,"clear");
RemoveAllObjects ( pObjectList ) ;
break ;
// DBG_ASSERT( FALSE,"close");
CloseWindow ( ) ;
break ;
// DBG_ASSERT( FALSE,"help");
ShowHelp ( ) ;
break ;
// test();
break ;
default :
DBG_ASSERT ( FALSE , " default " ) ;
break ;
return 0 ;