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2000-09-29 10:16:04 -05:00
<!-- - a multi-platform office productivity suite
$RCSfile: chart.mod,v $
$Revision: 1.34 $
last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-09 12:29:20 $
The Contents of this file are made available subject to
the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
MA 02111-1307 USA
2000-09-29 10:16:04 -05:00
<!ENTITY % chart-class "(line|area|circle|ring|scatter|radar|bar|stock|add-in)">
2000-09-29 10:16:04 -05:00
<!ENTITY % chart-solid-type "(cuboid|cylinder|cone|pyramid)">
<!-- Chart element -->
<!ELEMENT chart:chart ( chart:title?, chart:subtitle?, chart:legend?,
table:table? )>
2000-09-29 10:16:04 -05:00
<!ATTLIST chart:chart
chart:class %chart-class; #REQUIRED
2000-12-04 02:10:50 -06:00
chart:add-in-name %string; #IMPLIED
chart:table-number-list %string; #IMPLIED
draw:name %string; #IMPLIED
chart:column-mapping %string; #IMPLIED
chart:row-mapping %string; #IMPLIED
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST chart:chart %presentation-class; >
<!ATTLIST chart:chart %zindex;>
<!ATTLIST chart:chart %draw-end-position; >
<!ATTLIST chart:chart draw:id %draw-shape-id; >
2001-01-30 06:55:21 -06:00
<!ATTLIST chart:chart draw:layer %layerName; #IMPLIED>
2000-09-29 10:16:04 -05:00
<!ATTLIST style:properties
2000-09-29 10:16:04 -05:00
chart:scale-text %boolean; "true"
chart:stock-updown-bars %boolean; "false"
chart:stock-with-volume %boolean; "false"
chart:three-dimensional %boolean; "false"
chart:deep %boolean; "false"
chart:lines %boolean; "false"
chart:percentage %boolean; "false"
chart:solid-type %chart-solid-type; "cuboid"
chart:splines %nonNegativeInteger; "0"
chart:stacked %boolean; "false"
chart:symbol %integer; "-1"
chart:vertical %boolean; "false"
chart:lines-used %nonNegativeInteger; "0"
chart:connect-bars %boolean; "false"
chart:spline-order %nonNegativeInteger; "2"
chart:spline-resolution %nonNegativeInteger; "20"
chart:pie-offset %nonNegativeInteger; "0">
2000-09-29 10:16:04 -05:00
<!-- Main/Sub Title -->
<!-- the cell-address attribute is currently not supported for titles -->
<!ELEMENT chart:title (text:p)?>
<!ATTLIST chart:title
table:cell-range %cell-address; #IMPLIED
svg:x %coordinate; #IMPLIED
svg:y %coordinate; #IMPLIED
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!ELEMENT chart:subtitle (text:p)?>
<!ATTLIST chart:subtitle
table:cell-range %cell-address; #IMPLIED
svg:x %coordinate; #IMPLIED
svg:y %coordinate; #IMPLIED
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!-- you must specify either a legend-position or both, x and y coordinates -->
<!ELEMENT chart:legend EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST chart:legend
chart:legend-position (top|left|bottom|right) "right"
svg:x %coordinate; #IMPLIED
svg:y %coordinate; #IMPLIED
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!-- Plot-Area specification -->
<!ELEMENT chart:plot-area (dr3d:light*,
2000-09-29 10:16:04 -05:00
2000-09-29 10:16:04 -05:00
chart:floor?) >
<!ATTLIST chart:plot-area
svg:x %coordinate; #IMPLIED
svg:y %coordinate; #IMPLIED
svg:width %length; #IMPLIED
svg:height %length; #IMPLIED
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED
2001-05-29 06:40:52 -05:00
table:cell-range-address %cell-range-address; #IMPLIED
2001-06-12 10:11:23 -05:00
chart:table-number-list %string; #IMPLIED
2001-05-29 06:40:52 -05:00
chart:data-source-has-labels (none|row|column|both) "none" >
2000-09-29 10:16:04 -05:00
<!-- 3d scene attributes on plot-area -->
<!ATTLIST chart:plot-area
dr3d:vrp %vector3D; #IMPLIED
dr3d:vpn %vector3D; #IMPLIED
dr3d:vup %vector3D; #IMPLIED
dr3d:projection (parallel|perspective) #IMPLIED
dr3d:transform CDATA #IMPLIED
dr3d:distance %length; #IMPLIED
dr3d:focal-length %length; #IMPLIED
dr3d:shadow-slant %nonNegativeInteger; #IMPLIED
dr3d:shade-mode (flat|phong|gouraud|draft) #IMPLIED
dr3d:ambient-color %color; #IMPLIED
dr3d:lighting-mode %boolean; #IMPLIED >
2001-04-25 10:32:36 -05:00
<!ATTLIST style:properties
2001-06-12 10:11:23 -05:00
chart:series-source (columns|rows) "columns" >
2000-09-29 10:16:04 -05:00
<!ELEMENT chart:wall EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST chart:wall
svg:width %length; #IMPLIED
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!ELEMENT chart:floor EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST chart:floor
svg:width %length; #IMPLIED
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!-- Stock chart elements -->
<!ELEMENT chart:stock-gain-marker EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST chart:stock-gain-marker
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!ELEMENT chart:stock-loss-marker EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST chart:stock-loss-marker
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!ELEMENT chart:stock-range-line EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST chart:stock-range-line
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
2000-09-29 10:16:04 -05:00
<!-- Axis -->
<!ELEMENT chart:axis (chart:title?, chart:grid*)>
<!ATTLIST chart:axis
chart:class (category|value|series|domain) #REQUIRED
chart:name %string; #IMPLIED
2000-09-29 10:16:04 -05:00
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!ATTLIST style:properties
chart:tick-marks-major-inner %boolean; "false"
chart:tick-marks-major-outer %boolean; "true"
chart:tick-marks-minor-inner %boolean; "false"
chart:tick-marks-minor-outer %boolean; "false"
chart:logarithmic %boolean; "false"
chart:maximum %float; #IMPLIED
chart:minimum %float; #IMPLIED
chart:origin %float; #IMPLIED
chart:interval-major %float; #IMPLIED
chart:interval-minor %float; #IMPLIED
chart:gap-width %integer; #IMPLIED
chart:overlap %integer; #IMPLIED
text:line-break %boolean; "true"
chart:display-label %boolean; "true"
chart:label-arrangement (side-by-side|stagger-even|stagger-odd) "side-by-side"
chart:text-overlap %boolean; "false"
chart:visible %boolean; "true"
chart:link-data-style-to-source %boolean; "true" >
2000-09-29 10:16:04 -05:00
<!ELEMENT chart:grid EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST chart:grid
chart:class (major|minor) "major"
2000-09-29 10:16:04 -05:00
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!ELEMENT chart:categories EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST chart:categories
table:cell-range-address %cell-range-address; #IMPLIED >
2000-09-29 10:16:04 -05:00
each series element must have an cell-range-address element that points
2000-09-29 10:16:04 -05:00
to the underlying table data.
Impl. Note: Internally all href elements are merged to one table range
that represents the data for the whole chart
<!ELEMENT chart:series ( chart:domain*,
2000-09-29 10:16:04 -05:00
chart:data-point* )>
<!ATTLIST chart:series
2001-06-12 10:11:23 -05:00
chart:values-cell-range-address %cell-range-address; #IMPLIED
2000-09-29 10:16:04 -05:00
chart:label-cell-address %cell-address; #IMPLIED
chart:class %chart-class; #IMPLIED
2000-09-29 10:16:04 -05:00
chart:attached-axis %string; #IMPLIED
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!ELEMENT chart:domain EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST chart:domain
table:cell-range-address %cell-range-address; #IMPLIED >
2000-09-29 10:16:04 -05:00
<!ELEMENT chart:data-point EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST chart:data-point
chart:repeated %nonNegativeInteger; #IMPLIED
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!-- statistical properties -->
<!ELEMENT chart:mean-value EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT chart:regression-curve EMPTY >
<!ELEMENT chart:error-indicator EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST chart:mean-value chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!ATTLIST chart:regression-curve chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!ATTLIST chart:error-indicator chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
2000-09-29 10:16:04 -05:00
<!ATTLIST style:properties
chart:mean-value %boolean; #IMPLIED
2000-12-13 10:03:09 -06:00
chart:error-category (none|variance|standard-deviation|percentage|error-margin|constant) "none"
chart:error-percentage %float; #IMPLIED
2000-09-29 10:16:04 -05:00
chart:error-margin %float; #IMPLIED
chart:error-lower-limit %float; #IMPLIED
chart:error-upper-limit %float; #IMPLIED
chart:error-upper-indicator %boolean; #IMPLIED
2000-12-13 10:03:09 -06:00
chart:error-lower-indicator %boolean; #IMPLIED
chart:regression-type (none|linear|logarithmic|exponential|power) "none" >
2000-09-29 10:16:04 -05:00
<!-- data label properties -->
<!ATTLIST style:properties
chart:data-label-number (none|value|percentage) "none"
chart:data-label-text %boolean; "false"
chart:data-label-symbol %boolean; "false" >
<!-- general text properties -->
<!ATTLIST style:properties
text:rotation-angle %integer; "0" >
<!-- symbol properties -->
<!ATTLIST style:properties
chart:symbol-width %nonNegativeLength; #IMPLIED
chart:symbol-height %nonNegativeLength; #IMPLIED
chart:symbol-image-name %string; #IMPLIED >