2010-01-12 03:43:45 -06:00
* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* $RCSfile: $
* $Revision: $
* This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
* OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see
* <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
#include <postithelper.hxx>
#include <SidebarWindowsTypes.hxx>
#include <vcl/window.hxx>
#include <swrect.hxx>
#include <tools/datetime.hxx>
#include <tools/date.hxx>
#include <vcl/lineinfo.hxx>
#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygon.hxx>
#include <svx/editstat.hxx>
class SwPostItMgr;
class SwPostItField;
class OutlinerView;
class Outliner;
class ScrollBar;
class SwEditWin;
class SwView;
class Edit;
class MenuButton;
//class SwRedline;
2010-02-02 08:11:26 -06:00
class SwFrm;
2010-01-12 03:43:45 -06:00
namespace sw { namespace sidebarwindows {
class SidebarTxtControl;
class AnchorOverlayObject;
class ShadowOverlayObject;
typedef sal_Int64 SwPostItBits;
#define PB_Preview ((SwPostItBits)0x00000001)
class SwSidebarWin : public Window
SwSidebarWin( SwEditWin& rEditWin,
WinBits nBits,
SwPostItMgr& aMgr,
2010-02-02 08:11:26 -06:00
SwPostItBits aBits,
SwSidebarItem& rSidebarItem );
2010-01-12 03:43:45 -06:00
virtual ~SwSidebarWin();
void SetSize( const Size& rNewSize );
void SetPosSizePixelRect( long nX,
long nY,
long nWidth,
long nHeight,
const SwRect &aRect,
const long PageBorder);
void SetPosAndSize();
void TranslateTopPosition(const long aAmount);
virtual void CheckMetaText();
inline Point GetAnchorPos() { return mAnchorRect.Pos(); }
SwEditWin* EditWin();
inline OutlinerView* GetOutlinerView() { return mpOutlinerView;}
bool HasScrollbar() const;
bool IsScrollbarVisible() const;
inline ScrollBar* Scrollbar() { return mpVScrollbar; }
inline ::sw::sidebarwindows::AnchorOverlayObject* Anchor() { return mpAnchor;}
inline ::sw::sidebarwindows::ShadowOverlayObject* Shadow() { return mpShadow;}
long GetPostItTextHeight();
void SwitchToPostIt(USHORT aDirection);
virtual void SwitchToFieldPos();
virtual sal_uInt32 MoveCaret() = 0;
virtual void UpdateData() = 0;
virtual void SetPostItText() = 0;
virtual void Delete();
virtual void GotoPos() = 0;
virtual String GetAuthor() = 0;
virtual Date GetDate() = 0;
virtual Time GetTime() = 0;
void ExecuteCommand(USHORT nSlot);
void InitControls();
void HidePostIt();
void DoResize();
void ResizeIfNeccessary(long aOldHeight, long aNewHeight);
void SetScrollbar();
void SetVirtualPosSize( const Point& aPoint, const Size& aSize);
const Point VirtualPos() { return mPosSize.TopLeft(); }
const Size VirtualSize() { return mPosSize.GetSize(); }
void ShowAnchorOnly(const Point &aPoint);
void ShowNote();
void HideNote();
void ResetAttributes();
void SetSidebarPosition(sw::sidebarwindows::SidebarPosition eSidebarPosition);
void SetReadonly(BOOL bSet);
BOOL IsReadOnly() { return mbReadonly;}
bool IsPreview() { return nFlags & PB_Preview;}
void SetColor(Color aColorDark,Color aColorLight, Color aColorAnchor);
2010-01-12 09:02:50 -06:00
const Color& ColorAnchor() { return mColorAnchor; }
const Color& ColorDark() { return mColorDark; }
const Color& ColorLight() { return mColorLight; }
2010-01-12 03:43:45 -06:00
void Rescale();
void SetViewState(::sw::sidebarwindows::ViewState bViewState);
bool IsFollow() { return mbIsFollow; }
void SetFollow( bool bIsFollow) { mbIsFollow = bIsFollow; };
virtual bool CalcFollow() = 0;
sal_Int32 GetMetaHeight();
sal_Int32 GetMinimumSizeWithMeta();
sal_Int32 GetMinimumSizeWithoutMeta();
sal_Int32 GetMetaButtonAreaWidth();
sal_Int32 GetScrollbarWidth();
void SetSpellChecking();
void ToggleInsMode();
virtual void ActivatePostIt();
virtual void DeactivatePostIt();
void SetChangeTracking( const SwPostItHelper::SwLayoutStatus aStatus,
const Color& aColor);
SwPostItHelper::SwLayoutStatus GetLayoutStatus() { return mLayoutStatus; }
Color GetChangeColor() { return mChangeColor; }
virtual bool IsProtected() {return mbReadonly;};
DECL_LINK( WindowEventListener, VclSimpleEvent* );
inline const bool IsMouseOverSidebarWin() const { return mbMouseOver; }
void SetLanguage(const SvxLanguageItem aNewItem);
2010-02-02 08:11:26 -06:00
void ChangeSidebarItem( SwSidebarItem& rSidebarItem );
virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessible > CreateAccessible();
2010-01-12 03:43:45 -06:00
virtual void DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& aEvent);
virtual void LoseFocus();
virtual void Paint( const Rectangle& rRect);
virtual void GetFocus();
virtual MenuButton* CreateMenuButton() = 0;
void SetSizePixel( const Size& rNewSize );
SfxItemSet DefaultItem();
DECL_LINK(ModifyHdl, void*);
DECL_LINK(ScrollHdl, ScrollBar*);
DECL_LINK(DeleteHdl, void*);
inline SwView& DocView() { return mrView;}
inline SwPostItMgr& Mgr() { return mrMgr; }
inline Outliner* Engine() { return mpOutliner;}
SwSidebarWin* GetTopReplyNote();
virtual SvxLanguageItem GetLanguage(void);
SwPostItMgr& mrMgr;
SwView& mrView;
const SwPostItBits nFlags;
ULONG mnEventId;
OutlinerView* mpOutlinerView;
Outliner* mpOutliner;
sw::sidebarwindows::SidebarTxtControl* mpSidebarTxtControl;
ScrollBar* mpVScrollbar;
Edit* mpMetadataAuthor;
Edit* mpMetadataDate;
MenuButton* mpMenuButton;
sw::sidebarwindows::AnchorOverlayObject* mpAnchor;
sw::sidebarwindows::ShadowOverlayObject* mpShadow;
Color mColorAnchor;
Color mColorDark;
Color mColorLight;
Color mChangeColor;
sw::sidebarwindows::SidebarPosition meSidebarPosition;
Rectangle mPosSize;
SwRect mAnchorRect;
long mPageBorder;
bool mbMouseOver;
SwPostItHelper::SwLayoutStatus mLayoutStatus;
bool mbReadonly;
bool mbIsFollow;
2010-02-02 08:11:26 -06:00
SwSidebarItem& mrSidebarItem;
2010-02-03 09:26:18 -06:00
const SwFrm* mpAnchorFrm;
2010-01-12 03:43:45 -06:00
} } // eof namespace sw::sidebarwindows
// implementation for change tracking comments, fully functional, but not yet used
class SwRedComment : public SwSidebarWin
SwRedline* pRedline;
virtual void MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt );
SwRedComment( Window* pParent, WinBits nBits,SwPostItMgr* aMgr,SwPostItBits aBits,SwRedline* pRed);
virtual ~SwRedComment() {};
virtual void UpdateData();
virtual void SetPostItText();
virtual void Delete();
virtual void GotoPos();
virtual void SetPopup();
virtual void ActivatePostIt();
virtual void DeactivatePostIt();
virtual String GetAuthor();
virtual Date GetDate();
virtual Time GetTime();
virtual bool IsProtected();