2004-07-13 08:05:02 -05:00
* $RCSfile: ViewShellManager.hxx,v $
2004-09-20 07:32:18 -05:00
* $Revision: 1.3 $
2004-07-13 08:05:02 -05:00
2004-09-20 07:32:18 -05:00
* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2004-09-20 13:32:18 $
2004-07-13 08:05:02 -05:00
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
* - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
* Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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* Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
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* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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* Contributor(s): _______________________________________
#include "ShellFactory.hxx"
#ifndef _LINK_HXX
#include <tools/link.hxx>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
class SfxShell;
class VclWindowEvent;
namespace sd {
class ViewShell;
class ViewShellBase;
class ViewShellCache;
/** The sub-shell manager has the responsibility to maintain the sub shells
stacked on a ViewShellBase object. They form a two level hierarchy. On
the first level there are the view shells which are managed directly by
this class. On the second level there are the object bars wrapped into
an SfxShell. They are managed by ObjectBarManager objects, one for each
view shell.
<p>View shell management consists of maintaining the correct order of
all stacked shells. Those that belong to the view shell that currently
has the focus have to be top-most to be considered first by the slot call
dispatcher. Object bars have to be on top of their view shells so that
the associated functions are called first.</p>
<p>This class uses pointers to the ::sd::ViewShell class instead of its
::SfxShell base class because it needs access to the object bar manager
of the ViewShell class so that that manager can be instructed to
activate or deactivate its object bars.</p>
class ViewShellManager
typedef ShellFactory<ViewShell> ViewShellFactory;
ViewShellManager (ViewShellBase& rBase);
2004-09-20 07:32:18 -05:00
/** Before the destructor is called the method Shutdown() has to have
been called.
2004-07-13 08:05:02 -05:00
~ViewShellManager (void);
2004-09-20 07:32:18 -05:00
/** Tell a ViewShellManager object to prepare to be deleted, i.e. to
destroy all of its resources.
void Shutdown (void);
2004-07-13 08:05:02 -05:00
/** Register the default factory that is called to create a new instance
of a shell for a given id when there is no factory that has been
registered specially for that id.
@param pFactory
The factory object that is called to create a new shell instance.
void RegisterDefaultFactory (::std::auto_ptr<ViewShellFactory> pFactory);
/** Register a factory that is called to create a shell for the
specified id. This takes precedence over the default factory.
void RegisterFactory (
ShellId nId,
::std::auto_ptr<ViewShellFactory> pFactory);
/** Create a new (or possibly recycle an existing) instance of a view
shell that is specified by the given id. When called multiple times
with the same id then multiple instances of the associated view
shell are created. Use the returned pointer to distinguish between
@param nId
The id of the shell to activate.
A pointer to the activated shell is returned. Use this pointer
to identify the shell in other method calls. When an activation
is not possible then NULL is returned.
ViewShell* ActivateViewShell (
ShellId nId,
::Window* pParentWindow,
FrameView* pFrameView);
/** Deactivate the specified shell, i.e. take it and all of its
object bars from the shell stack.
@param pShell
The shell to deactivate.
void DeactivateViewShell (const ViewShell* pShell);
2004-09-20 07:32:18 -05:00
/** Call this method when a 'secondary' shell is moved to or from the
stack, e.g. an object bar. As a result a pending
TakeShellsFromStack() is executed and at the next UnlockUpdate() to
lock level 0 the shells are asked about their secondary shells to
push on the shell stack.
void InvalidateShellStack (void);
2004-07-13 08:05:02 -05:00
/** Move the specified view shell to the top most position on the stack
of view shells in relation to the other view shells. After this the
only shells that are higher on the stack are its object bars.
<p>Call this method after a focus change to bring a view mode view
shell and ist associated tool bar shells to the top of the
@param nId
The id of the shell to move to the top.
void MoveToTop (const ViewShell* pShell);
/** Return the first, i.e. top most, view shell that has been activated
under the given id.
@param nId
The id of the shell for which to return a pointer.
When the specified shell is currently not active then NULL is
ViewShell* GetShell (ShellId nId);
/** Return the id of the given shell.
ShellId GetShellId (const ViewShell* pShell);
/** Prevent updates of the shell stack. While the sub shell manager is
locked it will update its internal data structures but not alter the
shell stack. Use this method when there are several modifications
to the shell stack to prevent multiple rebuilds of the shell stack
and resulting broadcasts.
void LockUpdate (void);
/** Allow updates of the shell stack. This method has to be called the
same number of times as LockUpdate() to really allow a rebuild of
the shell stack.
void UnlockUpdate (void);
2004-09-20 07:32:18 -05:00
/** Return the ViewShellBase for which objects of this class manage the
stacked view shells.
2004-07-13 08:05:02 -05:00
ViewShellBase& GetViewShellBase (void) const;
/** Deactivate the view shell manager so that it pretty much ignores all
subsequent calls. Use this when the owner of the view shell manager
is about being destroyed but the view shell manager itself can not
yet be deleted.
void ShutDown (void);
/** Use one of the registered factories to create the requested view
When a view shell of the requested type can not be created,
e.g. because no factory for it has been registered, NULL is
The returned view shell can be destroyed by the caller.
ViewShell* CreateViewShell (
ShellId nShellId,
::Window* pParentWindow,
FrameView* pFrameView);
2004-09-20 07:32:18 -05:00
/** Use this class to safely lock updates of the view shell stack.
2004-07-13 08:05:02 -05:00
class UpdateLocker
2004-09-20 07:32:18 -05:00
explicit UpdateLocker (ViewShellManager& rManager);
2004-07-13 08:05:02 -05:00
~UpdateLocker (void);
ViewShellBase& mrBase;
::std::auto_ptr<ViewShellFactory> mpDefaultFactory;
class SpecializedFactoryList;
::std::auto_ptr<SpecializedFactoryList> mpSpecializedFactories;
class ActiveShellList;
::std::auto_ptr<ActiveShellList> mpActiveViewShells;
::std::auto_ptr<ViewShellCache> mpCache;
int mnUpdateLockCount;
/** When this flag is set then the main view shell is always kept at the
top of the shell stack.
bool mbKeepMainViewShellOnTop;
/** This flag is <TRUE/> until ShutDown() is called. When it its value
is <FALSE/> then the internal structures may be updated by
subsequent method calls but no outside calls take place anymore.
bool mbIsValid;
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/** When this flag is set to <TRUE/> then before the next activation or
deactivation of a shell the shell stack is cleared. It is set to
<TRUE/> in LockUpdate(). This avoids unnecessary modifications of
the shell stack when no (de-)activation takes place in Lock/Unlock
bool mbTakeShellsFromStackPending;
2004-07-13 08:05:02 -05:00
void GatherActiveShells (::std::vector<SfxShell*>& aShellsList);
void TakeShellsFromStack (void);
/** This method rebuilds the stack of shells that are stacked upon the
view shell base.
void PushShellsOnStack (void);
2004-09-20 07:32:18 -05:00
/** Called from ActivateViewShell() and DeactivateViewShell() this
method calls TakeShellsFromStack() if necessary. It is necessary
when mbTakeShellsFromStackPending is <TRUE/>.
void PrepareStackModification (void);
2004-07-13 08:05:02 -05:00
DECL_LINK(WindowEventHandler, VclWindowEvent*);
} // end of namespace sd