225 lines
7.6 KiB
225 lines
7.6 KiB
* Obsolete notes ...
** Form XML format:
+ from the basic editor:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE dlg:window PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "dialog.dtd">
<dlg:window xmlns:dlg="http://openoffice.org/2000/dialog" xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" dlg:id="Dialog1" dlg:left="204" dlg:top="148" dlg:width="136" dlg:height="115" dlg:closeable="true" dlg:moveable="true">
<dlg:button dlg:id="OkButtonName" dlg:tab-index="0" dlg:left="86" dlg:top="92" dlg:width="44" dlg:height="19" dlg:value="OkButtonLabel"/>
<dlg:titledbox dlg:id="FrameControl1" dlg:tab-index="1" dlg:left="4" dlg:top="7" dlg:width="68" dlg:height="41">
<dlg:title dlg:value="FrameControl1"/>
<dlg:scrollbar dlg:id="ScrollBar1" dlg:tab-index="2" dlg:left="82" dlg:top="10" dlg:width="45" dlg:height="24"/>
<dlg:scrollbar dlg:id="ScrollBar2" dlg:tab-index="3" dlg:left="107" dlg:top="43" dlg:width="21" dlg:height="37" dlg:align="vertical"/>
<dlg:timefield dlg:id="TimeField1" dlg:tab-index="4" dlg:left="4" dlg:top="92" dlg:width="28" dlg:height="19"/>
<dlg:text dlg:id="Label1" dlg:tab-index="5" dlg:left="22" dlg:top="61" dlg:width="44" dlg:height="15" dlg:value="Label1"/>
+ code to read this & generate UIs is in:
+ DTD: xmlscript/dtd/dialog.dtd
+ xmlscript/source/xmldlg_imexp/imp_share.hxx, line 674
+ xmlscript/source/misc/unoservices.cxx
xmlscript/source/xmlflat_imexp/xmlbas_import.cxx (?)
+ the dialog piece seems separate ?
"importDialogModel" ...
+ cf. the interesting test code ...
+ cd xmlscript/test
../unxlngi6.pro/bin/imexp /opt/OOInstall ./test.xml
+ generates & renders a dialog ...
+ This code has ~all we need to get a simple impl.
+ compatibility wrappers [!]
// first create model:
Reference< container::XNameContainer > xModel( xContext->getServiceManager()->createInstanceWithContext(
OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogModel" ) ), xContext ), UNO_QUERY );
// NB. xmldlg_addfunc.cxx not xmldlg_import.cxx [!?] ;-)
::xmlscript::importDialogModel( ::xmlscript::createInputStream( bytes ),
xModel, xContext );
// second create view of model:
Reference< awt::XControl > xDlg( xMSF->createInstance(
OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialog" ) ) ), UNO_QUERY );
xDlg->setModel( Reference< awt::XControlModel >::query( xModel ) );
// third - associate toolkit / peer ...
Reference< awt::XToolkit> xToolkit( xMSF->createInstance(
OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.awt.ExtToolkit" ) ) ), UNO_QUERY );
xDlg->createPeer( xToolkit, 0 );
// fourth - execute [ nasty ... ]
Reference< awt::XDialog > xD( xDlg, UNO_QUERY );
** Basic dialog editor:
+ basctl/source/dlged/dlged.cxx
+ dialog editor (?)
+ basctl/source/basicide/basobj3.cxx
+ basctl/source/basicide/basides3.cxx
+ BasicIDEShell:CreateDlgWin ...
+ createPeer - when called is always passed
the toplevel [ it seems ... ]
+ we need to pass a container instead ...
+ or have some separate hint / method ?
+ or call the 'setChild' inside the model
construction bits ? [!?]
+ only caller to 'setContext'
+ sets the 'Parent' for peers ...
Dialog is an UnoControlContainer ...
+ hmm ...
+ 'XControlContainer'
+ perhaps just what we need ... [!]
+ our VBox should be one ...
+ Other things: tab widgets are 'UnoControlContainers' ...
+ finally remembered: xml foo ...
+ FIXME: it -seems- that we don't store
much hierarchy in the model [ any ? ]
+ UnoControlModel -> ?
+ UnoControlDialogModel - has an XNameContainer ...
+ but ... only the UnoControl-Dialog-Model has this ...
+ Wow - even the percieved hierarchy:
+ 'exportDialogModel'
+ achieved by 'getElementNames'
-> flat set of names ... [urgh]
+ So - we need to add more structure:
+ XNameContainers ...
+ that we insert into [!?]
+ we also need to retain order for packing.
+ need a list of sillies to reverse / revert (?) ...
+ back-compat:
+ kill bogus nesting eg. radiogroup ...
[ have a group/tag instead - or hierarchical names ? ]
+ ditto for 'titledbox' ...
+ menulists - seem rather unrelated / bogus anyway.
+ Add into toplevel & child ...
+ copy Dialog bits into unocontrolcontainer.cxx ...
+ re-using unocontrolcontainer ...
+ we need property introspection on the awt widgets:
+ but they have no property interfaces [!] -
interestingly the UnoControl's don't either
only the UnoControlModel foo ...
+ unocontrols.cxx:
+ source/helper/property.cxx
+ has all the type information ...
+ but no information on what properties are
valid for a type ... - implicit in the UnoControlModel's
code ...
+ ImplGetPropertyInfos ...
+ add to vclxwindow.cxx:
+ inc/toolkit/helper/property.hxx
+ 'getProperties' static ...
** It seems that things like UnoControlComboBoxModel are missing
some derived properties: EchoChar (etc.)
UnoControlDateFieldModel - missing ... EchoChar too (?) - deliberate ?
+ query these ... [!?]
layout container - start child 'combobox'
missing property 46 (EchoChar)
missing property 48 (HardLineBreaks)
missing property 12 (HScroll)
missing property 104 (LineEndFormat)
missing property 10 (MultiLine)
missing property 13 (VScroll)
+ add regression test:
+ count number of properties ...
add 'XPropertySetInfo' to VCLXWindow:
+ trivial to implement :-)
+ hook it to Ricardo's parser ... [!] :-)
* xmlscript
+ xmldlg_import.cxx -
+ xml_helper/xml_impctx.cxx - foo ...
* plan:
+ hard-code container hooks into the xmlscript/ parser ...
+ create a layout object in toolkit/
+ populate it with good things ...
+ coupling to toolkit - widget instantiation: how ...
+ ComponentInfos
+ vclxtoolkit.cxx:
+ has a 'hook function' for 'fnSvtCreateWindow'
for SVT widgets :-) [ grotesque ;-]
+ [ wow - fetched by dlopen! ;-]
+ A little app - a-la solver: using awt (?)
+ XMessageBoxFactory ...
+ XToolkit:
+ CreateWindow ...
+ ** how does the xml code generate these guys ? **
+ what APIs does the xmlimporter use ? not 'createWindow' seemingly.
+ existing xml import uses: property bag a -lot-:
Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xProps(
_pImport->_xDialogModel, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
* we do _xDialogModel->insertByName (new any<XControlModel>())
+ to build hierarchy ( cf. ~ControlImportContext )
css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameContainer > _xDialogModel;
Reference< container::XNameContainer > xModel( xContext->getServiceManager()->createInstanceWithContext(
OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogModel" ) ), xContext ), UNO_QUERY );
+ UnoControlButtonModel (eg.)
+ service 'UnoControlModel' ...
+ poke at 'titledbox' or 'radiogroup' to see how containment works there ...
+ how will child widget properties work ?
+ bug with a 'vbox' inside a 'titledbox' ...
+ titledbox - acts as a container (interesting)
- offsetting child positions
+ how will pseudo-containers eg. "radiogroup" cope ?
+ propose new syntax: [ with child properties a-la glade ]:
<hbox id="baa" flange="true">
<child padding="0" expand="false" fill="false">
<radio id="foo" value="..."/>
<radio id="foo" value="..."/>
+ if 'child' element omitted - default properties used ...
+ if multiple elements in same 'child' set: all have the same props.