2000-09-18 11:07:07 -05:00
* $RCSfile: drawdoc.hxx,v $
2001-03-19 02:53:25 -06:00
* $Revision: 1.7 $
2000-09-18 11:07:07 -05:00
2001-03-19 02:53:25 -06:00
* last change: $Author: cl $ $Date: 2001-03-19 09:47:07 $
2000-09-18 11:07:07 -05:00
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
* - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
* Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
* Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
* =================================================
* The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
* Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
* License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html.
* Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
* See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
* obligations concerning the Software.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): _______________________________________
#ifndef _DRAWDOC_HXX
#define _DRAWDOC_HXX
2001-03-19 02:53:25 -06:00
#include <com/sun/star/frame/XModel.hdl>
2000-09-18 11:07:07 -05:00
#ifndef _SV_PRINT_HXX
#include <vcl/print.hxx>
#include <svx/fmmodel.hxx>
#include "pres.hxx"
#ifndef _SVX_PAGEITEM_HXX //autogen
#include <svx/pageitem.hxx>
#include <unotools/charclass.hxx>
#include <tools/intn.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/Locale.hpp>
#ifdef SVX_LIGHT
#define SdOutliner Outliner
#ifndef _RSCSFX_HXX
#include <rsc/rscsfx.hxx>
class Timer;
class SfxObjectShell;
class SdPage;
class FrameView;
class SdDrawDocShell;
class SdOutliner;
class SdAnimationInfo;
class SdIMapInfo;
class IMapObject;
class SdStyleSheetPool;
class SfxMedium;
class SvxSearchItem;
class SdrOle2Obj;
class EditStatus;
class Graphic;
class Point;
class Window;
struct SpellCallbackInfo;
struct StyleRequestData;
#ifndef SVX_LIGHT
struct StyleReplaceData
SfxStyleFamily nFamily;
SfxStyleFamily nNewFamily;
String aName;
String aNewName;
enum DocCreationMode
#ifdef SVX_LIGHT
class SvStream;
2001-03-19 02:53:25 -06:00
class SdDrawDocument;
2000-09-18 11:07:07 -05:00
2001-03-19 02:53:25 -06:00
/** this is a dummy SdDrawDocShell that is used by the Player */
2000-09-18 11:07:07 -05:00
class SdDrawDocShell
SvStream* pStream;
Printer* pPrinter;
2001-03-19 02:53:25 -06:00
SdDrawDocument* mpDoc;
::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XModel > mxModel;
2000-09-18 11:07:07 -05:00
2001-03-19 02:53:25 -06:00
SdDrawDocShell( SvStream* pS ) : pPrinter(NULL), pStream( pS ) {}
2000-09-18 11:07:07 -05:00
~SdDrawDocShell() { delete pPrinter; }
virtual void SetPrinter( Printer* pPrntr ) { pPrinter = pPrntr; }
virtual Printer* GetPrinter( BOOL bCreate ) { if( pPrinter == NULL && bCreate ) pPrinter = new Printer(); return pPrinter; }
2000-12-03 10:02:17 -06:00
virtual SvStream* GetDocumentStream(SdrDocumentStreamInfo& rStreamInfo) const { return pStream; }
2001-03-19 02:53:25 -06:00
::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XModel > GetModel();
void SetDoc( SdDrawDocument* pDoc ) { mpDoc = pDoc; }
SdDrawDocument* GetDoc() const { return mpDoc; }
2000-09-18 11:07:07 -05:00
class SdDrawDocument : public FmFormModel
2000-11-26 12:11:00 -06:00
virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface > createUnoModel();
2000-09-18 11:07:07 -05:00
static SdDrawDocument* pDocLockedInsertingLinks; // static to prevent recursions while resolving links
SdOutliner* pOutliner; // Lokaler Outliner fuer den Gliederungsmodus
SdOutliner* pInternalOutliner; // Interner Outliner zum Erzeugen von Textobjekten
Timer* pWorkStartupTimer;
Timer* pOnlineSpellingTimer;
List* pOnlineSpellingList;
List* pDeletedPresObjList;
SvxSearchItem* pOnlineSearchItem;
List* pFrameViewList;
List* pCustomShowList;
SdDrawDocShell* pDocSh;
BOOL bHasOnlineSpellErrors;
BOOL bInitialOnlineSpellingEnabled;
String aBookmarkFile; // Zum Laden von Bookmarks
#ifndef SVX_LIGHT
SdDrawDocShellRef xBookmarkDocShRef; // Zum Laden von Bookmarks
String aPresPage;
BOOL bNewOrLoadCompleted;
BOOL bPresAll;
BOOL bPresEndless;
BOOL bPresManual;
BOOL bPresMouseVisible;
BOOL bPresMouseAsPen;
BOOL bStartPresWithNavigator;
BOOL bAnimationAllowed;
BOOL bPresLockedPages;
BOOL bPresAlwaysOnTop;
BOOL bPresFullScreen;
ULONG nPresPause;
BOOL bPresShowLogo;
BOOL bSdDataObj;
BOOL bOnlineSpell;
BOOL bHideSpell;
BOOL bCustomShow;
ULONG nPresFirstPage;
LanguageType eLanguage;
2000-11-27 02:13:01 -06:00
LanguageType eLanguageCJK;
LanguageType eLanguageCTL;
2000-09-18 11:07:07 -05:00
SvxNumType ePageNumType;
Link aOldNotifyUndoActionHdl;
#ifndef SVX_LIGHT
SdDrawDocShellRef xAllocedDocShRef; // Fuer AllocModel()
BOOL bAllocDocSh; // Fuer AllocModel()
DocumentType eDocType;
UINT16 nFileFormatVersion;
void UpdatePageObjectsInNotes(USHORT nStartPos);
DECL_LINK(NotifyUndoActionHdl, SfxUndoAction*);
DECL_LINK(WorkStartupHdl, Timer*);
DECL_LINK(OnlineSpellingHdl, Timer*);
DECL_LINK(OnlineSpellEventHdl, EditStatus*);
void FillOnlineSpellingList(SdPage* pPage);
void SpellObject(SdrTextObj* pObj);
International* mpInternational;
::com::sun::star::lang::Locale* mpLocale;
CharClass* mpCharClass;
SdDrawDocument(DocumentType eType, SfxObjectShell* pDocSh);
virtual SdrModel* AllocModel() const;
virtual SdrPage* AllocPage(FASTBOOL bMasterPage);
#ifndef SVX_LIGHT
virtual const SdrModel* LoadModel(const String& rFileName);
virtual void DisposeLoadedModels();
virtual FASTBOOL IsReadOnly() const;
SfxItemPool& GetPool() { return( *pItemPool ); }
SdOutliner* GetOutliner(BOOL bCreateOutliner=TRUE);
SdOutliner* GetInternalOutliner(BOOL bCreateOutliner=TRUE);
2001-01-11 09:16:37 -06:00
SdDrawDocShell* GetDocSh() const { return(pDocSh) ; }
2000-09-18 11:07:07 -05:00
2000-12-08 06:31:46 -06:00
LanguageType GetLanguage( const USHORT nId ) const;
void SetLanguage( const LanguageType eLang, const USHORT nId );
2000-09-18 11:07:07 -05:00
SvxNumType GetPageNumType() const { return ePageNumType; }
void SetPageNumType(SvxNumType eType) { ePageNumType = eType; }
String CreatePageNumValue(USHORT nNum) const;
DocumentType GetDocumentType() const { return eDocType; }
#ifndef SVX_LIGHT
void SetAllocDocSh(BOOL bAlloc);
void CreatingDataObj(BOOL bDataObj) { bSdDataObj = bDataObj; }
void CreateFirstPages();
BOOL CreateMissingNotesAndHandoutPages();
void MovePage(USHORT nPgNum, USHORT nNewPos);
void InsertPage(SdrPage* pPage, USHORT nPos=0xFFFF);
void DeletePage(USHORT nPgNum);
SdrPage* RemovePage(USHORT nPgNum);
void RemoveUnnessesaryMasterPages( SdPage* pMaster=NULL, BOOL bOnlyDuplicatePages=FALSE, BOOL bUndo=TRUE );
void SetMasterPage(USHORT nSdPageNum, const String& rLayoutName,
SdDrawDocument* pSourceDoc, BOOL bMaster, BOOL bCheckMasters);
SdDrawDocument* OpenBookmarkDoc(const String& rBookmarkFile);
SdDrawDocument* OpenBookmarkDoc(SfxMedium& rMedium);
BOOL InsertBookmark(List* pBookmarkList, List* pExchangeList, BOOL bLink,
BOOL bReplace, USHORT nPgPos, BOOL bNoDialogs,
SdDrawDocShell* pBookmarkDocSh, BOOL bCopy,
Point* pObjPos);
BOOL InsertBookmarkAsPage(List* pBookmarkList, List* pExchangeList,
BOOL bLink, BOOL bReplace, USHORT nPgPos,
BOOL bNoDialogs, SdDrawDocShell* pBookmarkDocSh,
BOOL bCopy, BOOL bMergeMasterPages);
BOOL InsertBookmarkAsObject(List* pBookmarkList, List* pExchangeListL,
BOOL bLink, SdDrawDocShell* pBookmarkDocSh,
Point* pObjPos);
void CloseBookmarkDoc();
SdrObject* GetObj(const String& rObjName) const;
USHORT GetPageByName(const String& rPgName) const;
SdPage* GetSdPage(USHORT nPgNum, PageKind ePgKind) const;
USHORT GetSdPageCount(PageKind ePgKind) const;
void SetSelected(SdPage* pPage, BOOL bSelect);
BOOL MovePages(USHORT nTargetPage);
SdPage* GetMasterSdPage(USHORT nPgNum, PageKind ePgKind);
USHORT GetMasterSdPageCount(PageKind ePgKind) const;
USHORT GetMasterPageUserCount(SdrPage* pMaster) const;
void SetPresPage( const String& rPresPage ) { aPresPage = rPresPage; }
const String& GetPresPage() const { return aPresPage; }
void SetPresAll(BOOL bNewPresAll);
BOOL GetPresAll() const { return bPresAll; }
void SetPresEndless(BOOL bNewPresEndless);
BOOL GetPresEndless() const { return bPresEndless; }
void SetPresManual(BOOL bNewPresManual);
BOOL GetPresManual() const { return bPresManual; }
void SetPresMouseVisible(BOOL bNewPresMouseVisible);
BOOL GetPresMouseVisible() const { return bPresMouseVisible; }
void SetPresMouseAsPen(BOOL bNewPresMouseAsPen);
BOOL GetPresMouseAsPen() const { return bPresMouseAsPen; }
void SetPresFirstPage (ULONG nNewFirstPage);
ULONG GetPresFirstPage() const { return nPresFirstPage; }
void SetStartPresWithNavigator (BOOL bStart);
BOOL GetStartPresWithNavigator() const { return bStartPresWithNavigator; }
void SetAnimationAllowed (BOOL bAllowed) { bAnimationAllowed = bAllowed; }
BOOL IsAnimationAllowed() const { return bAnimationAllowed; }
void SetPresPause( ULONG nSecondsToWait ) { nPresPause = nSecondsToWait; }
ULONG GetPresPause() const { return nPresPause; }
void SetPresShowLogo( BOOL bShowLogo ) { bPresShowLogo = bShowLogo; }
BOOL IsPresShowLogo() const { return bPresShowLogo; }
void SetPresLockedPages (BOOL bLock);
BOOL GetPresLockedPages() const { return bPresLockedPages; }
void SetPresAlwaysOnTop (BOOL bOnTop);
BOOL GetPresAlwaysOnTop() const { return bPresAlwaysOnTop; }
void SetPresFullScreen (BOOL bNewFullScreen);
BOOL GetPresFullScreen() const { return bPresFullScreen; }
#ifndef SVX_LIGHT
void SetOnlineSpell( BOOL bIn );
BOOL GetOnlineSpell() const { return bOnlineSpell; }
void StopOnlineSpelling();
void StartOnlineSpelling(BOOL bForceSpelling=TRUE);
DECL_LINK(OnlineSpellCallback, SpellCallbackInfo*);
void InsertObject(SdrObject* pObj, SdPage* pPage);
void RemoveObject(SdrObject* pObj, SdPage* pPage);
void SetHideSpell( BOOL bIn );
BOOL GetHideSpell() const { return bHideSpell; }
ULONG GetLinkCount();
List* GetFrameViewList() const { return pFrameViewList; }
List* GetCustomShowList(BOOL bCreate = FALSE);
void SetCustomShow(BOOL bCustShow) { bCustomShow = bCustShow; }
BOOL IsCustomShow() const { return bCustomShow; }
friend SvStream& operator << (SvStream& rOut, SdDrawDocument& rDoc);
friend SvStream& operator >> (SvStream& rIn, SdDrawDocument& rDoc);
virtual void SetChanged(FASTBOOL bFlag = TRUE);
virtual void NbcSetChanged(FASTBOOL bFlag = TRUE) { bChanged = bFlag; }
2000-12-03 10:02:17 -06:00
virtual SvStream* GetDocumentStream(SdrDocumentStreamInfo& rStreamInfo) const;
2000-09-18 11:07:07 -05:00
void SetTextDefaults() const;
void CreateLayoutTemplates();
void RenameLayoutTemplate(const String& rOldLayoutName, const String& rNewName);
void StopWorkStartupDelay();
void NewOrLoadCompleted(DocCreationMode eMode);
BOOL IsNewOrLoadCompleted() const {return bNewOrLoadCompleted; }
FrameView* GetFrameView(ULONG nPos)
{ return (FrameView*) pFrameViewList->GetObject(nPos); }
SdAnimationInfo* GetAnimationInfo(SdrObject* pObject) const;
SdIMapInfo* GetIMapInfo( SdrObject* pObject ) const;
IMapObject* GetHitIMapObject( SdrObject* pObject, const Point& rWinPoint, const Window& rCmpWnd );
Graphic GetGraphicFromOle2Obj( const SdrOle2Obj* pOle2Obj );
List* GetDeletedPresObjList();
CharClass* GetCharClass() const { return mpCharClass; }
International* GetInternational() const { return mpInternational; }
#ifndef SVX_LIGHT
void RestoreLayerNames();
void MakeUniqueLayerNames();
#endif // _DRAWDOC_HXX