2007-04-16 07:45:29 -05:00
eval 'exec perl -wS $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0 ;
2008-04-10 10:51:12 -05:00
2007-04-16 07:45:29 -05:00
2008-04-10 10:51:12 -05:00
# Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
2007-04-16 07:45:29 -05:00
2008-04-10 10:51:12 -05:00
# OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
2007-04-16 07:45:29 -05:00
2008-04-10 10:51:12 -05:00
# $RCSfile: make_ext_update_info.pl,v $
2007-04-16 07:45:29 -05:00
2008-04-10 10:51:12 -05:00
# $Revision: 1.3 $
2007-04-16 07:45:29 -05:00
2008-04-10 10:51:12 -05:00
# This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
2007-04-16 07:45:29 -05:00
2008-04-10 10:51:12 -05:00
# OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
# only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
2007-04-16 07:45:29 -05:00
2008-04-10 10:51:12 -05:00
# OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
# (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
2007-04-16 07:45:29 -05:00
2008-04-10 10:51:12 -05:00
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see
# <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
# for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
2007-04-16 07:45:29 -05:00
#here the definition for d would be written into dependencies. The reason is that when the event handler
#for the element is called, we can only find out the namespace but not the prefix. So we cannot
#distinguish if the namespace is used because the element was prefixed or because it uses the default
use warnings ;
use strict ;
use XML::Parser ;
use Getopt::Long ;
use Carp ;
sub getUpdateInfoFileName ($) ;
sub writeUpdateInformationData ($) ;
sub findAttribute ($$) ;
sub getNotDefPrefs ($$$) ;
sub collectPrefixes ($$$$) ;
sub determineNsDefinitions ($$$) ;
sub determineNsDefinitionForItem ($$$) ;
my $ inDescription = 0 ;
my $ inDependencies = 0 ;
my $ inIdentifier = 0 ;
my $ inVersion = 0 ;
my $ descNS = "http://openoffice.org/extensions/description/2006" ;
my $ indent ;
my $ identifier ;
my $ version ;
#contains prefixes and the corresponding namespaces which are used in the <dependencies>
#element and all children of the description.xml
my @ usedNsInDependencies ;
#Maps prefix to namespaces which are valid in <dependencies>. That is, they are
#either defined in <dependencies> or in the hirarchy above <dependencies>
my % validPrefsInDep ;
#Contains the prefixes which are defined in <dependencies>
my @ newPrefsInDep ;
#Contains the prefixes/namespaces which need to be defined in <dependencies> but which are currently
#not. For example a prefix is defined in the parent and is used in a child of <dependencies>
my % notDefInDep ;
#prefix used in start and end element
my $ prefix ;
#The default namespace valid in <dependencies>
my $ defNsInDep ;
#The prefix which we use for the default namespace used in <dependencies>
my $ generatedPrefix ;
my $ helptext =
"make_ext_update_info.pl produces an update information file for an extension. " .
"It will use a dummy URL as URL for the extension update unless a URL has been " .
"provided with the --update_url option. The name of the update " .
"information file, which must be provided with the --out switch, should be formed " .
"according to this scheme: \n\n" .
"extension_identifier.update.xml\n\n" .
"extension_identifier should correspond to the extension identifier. In some cases " .
"this may not be possible because the identifier may contain characters which are not " .
"allowd in file names.\n\n" .
"usage:\n" .
"perl make_ext_update_info.pl [--help][--update_url url] --out update_information_file description.xml \n\n" .
"Options: \n" .
"--help - prints the help message and exits \n" .
"--out file - the update information file to be written including the path \n" .
"--update-url url - inserts the url under the <update-download> element. It may be necessary to enclose the urls in quotes in case they contain characters such as \"?\". " .
"It can be used multiple times\n\n" ;
#handling of arguments
my $ help = 0 ;
my $ out ;
my @ update_urls ;
if ( ! GetOptions ( 'help|?' = > \ $ help ,
'out=s' = > \ $ out ,
'update-url=s' = > \ @ update_urls ) )
print $ helptext ;
exit - 1 ;
my $ cArgs = scalar @ ARGV ;
die "You need to provide a description.xml\n\n$helptext" if $ cArgs == 0 ;
die "You need to provide the name of the update information file " .
"with the --out switch.\n" unless ( $ out ) ;
die "Too many arguments. \n\n$helptext" if $ cArgs > 1 ;
print $ helptext if $ help ;
#open the update information file for writing
my $ FH ;
open $ FH , "> $out" or die $! ;
#write the xml header and root element
print $ FH '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' , "\n" ;
print $ FH '<description xmlns="http://openoffice.org/extensions/update/2006"' , "\n" ;
print $ FH ' xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">' , "\n" ;
#obtain from description.xml the data for the update information
writeUpdateInformationData ( $ ARGV [ 0 ] ) ;
#We will die if there is no <version> or <identifier> in the description.xml
die "Error: The description.xml does not contain a <identifier> element.\n" unless $ identifier ;
die "Error: The description.xml does not contain a <version> element. \n" unless $ version ;
#write the write the update-download element and the children.
#the indention of <update-download> corresponds to that of <version>
print $ FH ' ' x $ indent , '<update-download>' , "\n" ;
#check if update-urls have been provided through --update-url option
if ( scalar @ update_urls )
my $ urlIndent = $ indent > 8 ? 8 : 2 * $ indent ;
#use provided urls
for ( @ update_urls )
print $ FH ' ' x $ urlIndent , '<src xlink:href="' . $ _ . '" />' , "\n" ;
#use dummy update url
print $ FH ' ' x8 , '<src xlink:href="http://extensions.openoffice.org/testarea/dummy.oxt" />' , "\n" ;
print $ FH ' ' x $ indent , '</update-download>' , "\n" ;
print $ FH '</description>' , "\n" ;
close $ FH ;
exit 0 ;
sub start_handler
my $ parser = shift ;
my $ name = shift ;
if ( $ name eq "description"
&& $ descNS eq $ parser - > namespace ( $ name ) )
$ inDescription = 1 ;
elsif ( $ inDescription
&& $ name eq "version"
&& $ descNS eq $ parser - > namespace ( $ name ) )
$ inVersion = 1 ;
$ version = 1 ;
$ indent = $ parser - > current_column ( ) ;
print $ FH " " x $ indent , $ parser - > original_string ( ) ;
elsif ( $ inDescription
&& $ name eq "identifier"
&& $ descNS eq $ parser - > namespace ( $ name ) )
$ inIdentifier = 1 ;
$ identifier = 1 ;
print $ FH " " x $ parser - > current_column ( ) , $ parser - > original_string ( ) ;
elsif ( $ inDescription
&& $ name eq "dependencies"
&& $ descNS eq $ parser - > namespace ( $ name ) )
$ inDependencies = 1 ;
my $ dep = $ parser - > original_string ( ) ;
#add the additional namespace definitions, which we have discovered during the first
#cut of the closing > or /> from the start element, so we can append the namespace definitions
$ dep =~ /(\s*<.*) ((\s*\/>)|(\s*>))/x ;
my $ dep1 = $ 1 ;
$ dep1 . = " xmlns:" . $ _ . '="' . $ notDefInDep { $ _ } . '"' for ( keys % notDefInDep ) ;
$ dep1 . = $ 2 ;
print $ FH " " x $ parser - > current_column ( ) , $ dep1 ;
elsif ( $ inDependencies )
#$prefix is global because we need to use it in the end element as well.
$ prefix = "" ;
my $ fullString ;
my $ orig = $ parser - > original_string ( ) ;
#Split up the string so we can insert the prefix for the element.
# <OpenOffice.org-minimal-version>
# <d:OpenOffice.org-minimal-version>
$ orig =~ /(\s*<)(.*?)\s/x ;
#in $2 is the element name, look for the prefix
if ( $ 2 !~ /(.*?):/ && $ parser - > namespace ( $ name ) ) {
#no prefix, that is element uses default namespace.
#Now check if the default namespace in <dependencies> is the same as the one in this
#element. If not, then the default ns was defined "after" <dependencies>. Because all
#children of <dependencies> are copied into the update information, so will this default
#namespace definition. Hence this element will have the same default namespace in the
#update information.
my $ defNsDep = $ validPrefsInDep { "#default" } ;
#we must have #default, see the if statement above
my $ defNsCur = $ parser - > expand_ns_prefix ( "#default" ) ;
if ( $ defNsDep eq $ defNsCur ) {
#Determine if there is in <dependency> a prefix defined (only valid there and need not
#directly defined in this element). If there is no prefix defined then we will
#add a new definition to <dependencies>.
for ( keys % validPrefsInDep ) {
if ( ( $ validPrefsInDep { $ _ } eq $ defNsDep ) && $ _ ne "#default" ) {
$ prefix = $ _ ; last ;
if ( ! $ prefix ) {
#If there was no prefix, we will add new prefix definition to <dependency>
#Which prefix this is has been determined during the first parsing.
for ( keys % notDefInDep ) {
if ( ( $ notDefInDep { $ _ } eq $ defNsCur ) && $ _ ne "#default" ) {
$ prefix = $ _ ; last ;
#die if we have no prefix
confess "No prefix defined for default namespace " unless $ prefix ;
#get the full part after <
$ orig =~ /(\s*<)(.*)/x ;
$ fullString = $ 1 . $ prefix . ":" . $ 2 ;
$ fullString = $ orig unless $ fullString ;
# We record anything within <dependencies> </dependencies>.
print $ FH $ fullString ;
sub end_handler
my $ parser = shift ;
my $ name = shift ;
if ( $ name eq "description"
&& $ descNS eq $ parser - > namespace ( $ name ) )
$ inDescription = 0 ;
elsif ( $ inDescription
&& $ name eq "version"
&& $ descNS eq $ parser - > namespace ( $ name ) )
$ inVersion = 0 ;
print $ FH $ parser - > original_string ( ) , "\n" ;
elsif ( $ inDescription
&& $ name eq "identifier"
&& $ descNS eq $ parser - > namespace ( $ name ) )
$ inIdentifier = 0 ;
print $ FH $ parser - > original_string ( ) , "\n" ;
elsif ( $ inDescription
&& $ name eq "dependencies"
&& $ descNS eq $ parser - > namespace ( $ name ) )
$ inDependencies = 0 ;
print $ FH $ parser - > original_string ( ) , "\n" ;
elsif ( $ inDependencies )
my $ orig = $ parser - > original_string ( ) ;
#$orig is empty if we have tags like this: <name />
if ( $ orig && $ prefix ) {
$ orig =~ /(\s*<\/)(.*)/x ;
$ orig = $ 1 . $ prefix . ":" . $ 2 ;
print $ FH $ orig ;
#We write the complete content between start and end tags of
# <identifier>, <version>, <dependencies>
sub default_handler
my $ parser = shift ;
my $ name = shift ;
if ( $ inIdentifier || $ inVersion ) {
print $ FH $ parser - > original_string ( ) ;
} elsif ( $ inDependencies ) {
print $ FH $ parser - > original_string ( ) ;
} # End of default_handler
#sax handler used for the first parsing to recognize the used prefixes in <dependencies > and its
#children and to find out if we need to define a new prefix for the current default namespace.
sub start_handler_infos
my $ parser = shift ;
my $ name = shift ;
if ( $ name eq "description"
&& $ descNS eq $ parser - > namespace ( $ name ) ) {
$ inDescription = 1 ;
elsif ( $ inDescription
&& $ name eq "dependencies"
&& $ descNS eq $ parser - > namespace ( $ name ) ) {
$ inDependencies = 1 ;
#build the map of prefix/namespace which are valid in <dependencies>
my @ cur = $ parser - > current_ns_prefixes ( ) ;
for ( @ cur ) {
$ validPrefsInDep { $ _ } = $ parser - > expand_ns_prefix ( $ _ ) ;
#remember the prefixes defined in <dependencies>
@ newPrefsInDep = $ parser - > new_ns_prefixes ( ) ;
collectPrefixes ( $ parser , $ name , \ @ _ , \ @ usedNsInDependencies ) ;
return if $ generatedPrefix ;
#determine if need to create a new prefix for the current element if it uses a default ns.
#Split up the string so we can see if there is a prefix used
# <OpenOffice.org-minimal-version>
# <d:OpenOffice.org-minimal-version>
my $ orig = $ parser - > original_string ( ) ;
$ orig =~ /(\s*<)(.*?)\s/x ;
#in $2 is the element name, look for the prefix
if ( $ 2 !~ /(.*?):/ && $ parser - > namespace ( $ name ) ) {
#no prefix, that is element uses default namespace.
#Now check if the default namespace in <dependencies> is the same as the one in this
#element. If not, then the default ns was defined "after" <dependencies>. Because all
#children of <dependencies> are copied into the update information, so will this default
#namespace definition. Hence this element will have the same default namespace in the
#update information.
my $ defNsDep = $ validPrefsInDep { "#default" } ;
#we must have #default, see the if statement above
my $ defNsCur = $ parser - > expand_ns_prefix ( "#default" ) ;
if ( $ defNsDep eq $ defNsCur ) {
#Determine if there is in <dependency> a prefix defined (only valid there and need not
#directly defined in this element). If there is no prefix defined then we will
#add a new definition to <dependencies>.
for ( keys % validPrefsInDep ) {
if ( ( $ validPrefsInDep { $ _ } eq $ defNsDep ) && $ _ ne "#default" ) {
$ prefix = $ _ ; last ;
if ( ! $ prefix ) {
#define a new prefix
#actually there can be only onle prefix, which is the case when the element
#uses the same default namespace as <dependencies> otherwise, the default
#namespace was redefined by the children of <dependencies>. These are completely
#copied and still valid in the update information file
$ generatedPrefix = "a" ;
$ defNsInDep = $ defNsDep ;
elsif ( $ inDependencies ) {
determineNsDefinitions ( $ parser , $ name , \ @ _ ) ;
collectPrefixes ( $ parser , $ name , \ @ _ , \ @ usedNsInDependencies ) ;
#sax handler used for the first parsing to recognize the used prefixes in <dependencies > and its
sub end_handler_infos
my $ parser = shift ;
my $ name = shift ;
if ( $ name eq "description"
&& $ descNS eq $ parser - > namespace ( $ name ) ) {
$ inDescription = 0 ;
elsif ( $ inDescription
&& $ name eq "dependencies"
&& $ descNS eq $ parser - > namespace ( $ name ) ) {
$ inDependencies = 0 ;
sub writeUpdateInformationData ($)
my $ desc = shift ;
#parse description xml to collect information about all used
#prefixes and names within <dependencies>
my $ parser = new XML:: Parser ( ErrorContext = > 2 ,
Namespaces = > 1 ) ;
$ parser - > setHandlers ( Start = > \ & start_handler_infos ,
End = > \ & end_handler_infos ) ;
$ parser - > parsefile ( $ desc ) ;
#remove duplicates in the array containing the prefixes
if ( $ generatedPrefix ) {
my % hashtmp ;
@ usedNsInDependencies = grep ( ! $ hashtmp { $ _ } + + , @ usedNsInDependencies ) ;
#check that the prefix for the default namespace in <dependencies> does not clash
#with any other prefixes
my $ clash ;
do {
$ clash = 0 ;
for ( @ usedNsInDependencies ) {
if ( $ _ eq $ generatedPrefix ) {
$ generatedPrefix + + ;
$ clash = 1 ; last ;
} while ( $ clash ) ;
$ notDefInDep { $ generatedPrefix } = $ defNsInDep ;
#if $notDefInDep contains the prefix #default then we need to add the generated prefix as well
#add the special prefix for the default namespace into the map of prefixes that will be
#added to the <dependencies> element in the update information file
( $ inDependencies , $ inDescription ) = ( 0 , 0 ) ;
my $ parser = new XML:: Parser ( ErrorContext = > 2 ,
Namespaces = > 1 ) ;
$ parser - > setHandlers (
Start = > \ & start_handler ,
End = > \ & end_handler ,
Default = > \ & default_handler ) ;
$ parser - > parsefile ( $ desc ) ;
# param 1: name of the attribute we look for
# param 2: array of name value pairs, the first subscript is the attribute and the second
# is the value.
sub findAttribute ($$)
my ( $ name , $ args_r ) = @ _ ;
my @ args = @ { $ args_r } ;
my $ value ;
while ( my $ attr = shift ( @ args ) )
if ( $ attr eq $ name ) {
$ value = shift ( @ args ) ;
die "href attribut has no valid URL" unless $ value ;
last ;
} else { # shift away the following value for the attribute
shift ( @ args ) ;
return $ value ;
#collect the prefixes used in an xml element
#param 1: parser,
#param 2: element name,
#param 3: array of name and values of attributes
#param 4: out parameter, the array containing the prefixes
sub collectPrefixes ($$$$)
my $ parser = shift ;
my $ name = shift ;
my $ attr_r = shift ;
my $ out_r = shift ;
#get the prefixes which are currently valid
my @ cur = $ parser - > current_ns_prefixes ( ) ;
my % map_ns ;
#get the namespaces for the prefixes
for ( @ cur ) {
if ( $ _ eq '#default' ) {
next ;
my $ ns = $ parser - > expand_ns_prefix ( $ _ ) ;
$ map_ns { $ ns } = $ _ ;
#investigat ns of element
my $ pref = $ map_ns { $ parser - > namespace ( $ name ) } ;
push ( @ { $ out_r } , $ pref ) if $ pref ;
#now go over the attributes
while ( my $ attr = shift ( @ { $ attr_r } ) ) {
my $ ns = $ parser - > namespace ( $ attr ) ;
if ( ! $ ns ) {
shift ( @ { $ attr_r } ) ;
next ;
$ pref = $ map_ns { $ ns } ;
push ( @ { $ out_r } , $ pref ) if $ pref ;
shift ( @ { $ attr_r } ) ;
#also add newly defined prefixes
my @ newNs = $ parser - > new_ns_prefixes ( ) ;
for ( @ newNs ) {
if ( $ _ eq '#default' ) {
next ;
push ( @ { $ out_r } , $ _ ) ;
#The function is called for each child element of dependencies. It finds out the prefixes
#which are used by the children and which are defined by the parents of <dependencies>. These
#would be lost when copying the children of <dependencies> into the update information file.
#Therefore these definitions are collected so that they then can be written in the <dependencies>
#element of the update information file.
#param 1: parser
#param 2: namsepace
#param 3: the @_ received in the start handler
sub determineNsDefinitions ($$$)
my ( $ parser , $ name , $ attr_r ) = @ _ ;
my @ attr = @ { $ attr_r } ;
determineNsDefinitionForItem ( $ parser , $ name , 1 ) ;
while ( my $ attr = shift ( @ attr ) ) {
determineNsDefinitionForItem ( $ parser , $ attr , 0 ) ;
shift @ attr ;
#do not call this function for the element that does not use a prefix
#param 1: parser
#param 2: name of the element or attribute
#param 3: 1 if called for an elment name and 0 when called for attribue
sub determineNsDefinitionForItem ($$$)
my ( $ parser , $ name ) = @ _ ;
my $ ns = $ parser - > namespace ( $ name ) ;
if ( ! $ ns ) {
return ;
#If the namespace was not kwown in <dependencies> then it was defined in one of its children
#or in this element. Then we are done since this namespace definition is copied into the
#update information.
my $ bNsKnownInDep ;
for ( keys % validPrefsInDep ) {
if ( $ validPrefsInDep { $ _ } eq $ ns ) {
$ bNsKnownInDep = 1 ;
last ;
#If the namespace of the current element is known in <dependencies> then check if the same
#prefix is used. If not, then the prefix was defined in one of the children of <dependencies>
#and was assigned the same namespace. Because we copy of children into the update information,
#this definition is also copied.
if ( $ bNsKnownInDep ) {
#create a map of currently valid prefix/namespace
my % curPrefToNs ;
my @ curNs = $ parser - > current_ns_prefixes ( ) ;
for ( @ curNs ) {
$ curPrefToNs { $ _ } = $ parser - > expand_ns_prefix ( $ _ ) ;
#find the prefix used in <dependencies> to define the namespace of the current element
my $ validDepPref ;
for ( keys % validPrefsInDep ) {
if ( $ validPrefsInDep { $ _ } eq $ ns ) {
#ignore #default
next if $ _ eq "#default" ;
$ validDepPref = $ _ ;
last ;
#find the prefix defined in the current element used for the namespace of the element
my $ curPref ;
for ( keys % curPrefToNs ) {
if ( $ curPrefToNs { $ _ } eq $ ns ) {
#ignore #default
next if $ _ eq "#default" ;
$ curPref = $ _ ;
last ;
if ( $ curPref && $ validDepPref && ( $ curPref eq $ validDepPref ) ) {
#If the prefixes and ns are the same, then the prefix definition of <dependencies> or its
#parent can be used. However, we need to find out which prefixed are NOT defined in
#<dependencies> so we can add them to it when we write the update information.
my $ bDefined = 0 ;
for ( @ newPrefsInDep ) {
if ( $ curPref eq $ _ ) {
$ bDefined = 1 ;
last ;
if ( ! $ bDefined ) {
$ notDefInDep { $ curPref } = $ ns ;