Fixes for merge #87134#
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 888 additions and 3 deletions
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: redlopt.src,v $
* $Revision: 1.33 $
* $Revision: 1.34 $
* last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2001-07-31 20:57:51 $
* last change: $Author: nf $ $Date: 2001-08-01 13:04:35 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@ -260,4 +260,889 @@ TabPage TP_REDLINE_OPT
< "ÄéðëÞ õðïãñÜììéóç" ; > ;
< "ÄéáêñéôÞ äéáãñáöÞ" ; > ;
< "Êåöáëáßá" ; > ;
< "ÐåæÜ
< "ÐåæÜ" ; > ;
< "ÌéêñÜ êåöáëáßá" ; > ;
< "ÃñáììáôïóåéñÜ ôßôëïõ" ; > ;
< "×ñþìá öüíôïõ" ; > ;
StringList [ dutch ] =
< "[Geen]" ; > ;
< "Vet" ; > ;
< "Cursief" ; > ;
< "Onderstreept" ; > ;
< "Dubbel onderstrepen" ; > ;
< "Doorstrepen" ; > ;
< "Hoofdletters" ; > ;
< "Kleine letters" ; > ;
< "Klein-kapitaal" ; > ;
< "Letterype titel" ; > ;
< "Achtergrondkleur" ; > ;
StringList [ french ] =
< "[Aucun(e)]" ; > ;
< "Gras" ; > ;
< "Italique" ; > ;
< "Soulignage" ; > ;
< "Soulignage : double" ; > ;
< "Barré" ; > ;
< "Majuscules" ; > ;
< "Minuscules" ; > ;
< "Petites majuscules" ; > ;
< "Caractères du titre" ; > ;
< "Couleur d'arrière-plan" ; > ;
StringList [ spanish ] =
< "[Ninguno]" ; > ;
< "Negrita" ; > ;
< "Cursiva" ; > ;
< "Subrayado" ; > ;
< "Subrayado doble" ; > ;
< "Tachar" ; > ;
< "Mayúsculas" ; > ;
< "Minúsculas" ; > ;
< "Versalitas" ; > ;
< "Caracteres de título" ; > ;
< "Color de fondo" ; > ;
StringList [ italian ] =
< "[nessuno]" ; > ;
< "Grassetto" ; > ;
< "Corsivo" ; > ;
< "Sottolineato" ; > ;
< "Sottolineatura doppia" ; > ;
< "Barrato" ; > ;
< "Maiuscolo" ; > ;
< "Maiuscoletto" ; > ;
< "Maiuscoletto" ; > ;
< "Carattere del titolo" ; > ;
< "Colore di sfondo" ; > ;
StringList [ danish ] =
< "[Ingen]" ; > ;
< "Fed" ; > ;
< ", Kursiv" ; > ;
< "Understreget" ; > ;
< "Dobbelt understreget" ; > ;
< "Store bogstaver" ; > ;
< "Små bogstaver" ; > ;
< "Kapitæler" ; > ;
< "Titelskrift" ; > ;
< "Baggrundsfarve" ; > ;
< "Baggrundsfarve" ; > ;
StringList [ swedish ] =
< "[Inget]" ; > ;
< "Fet" ; > ;
< "Kursiv" ; > ;
< "Understruken" ; > ;
< "Dubbelt understruken" ; > ;
< "Genomstruken" ; > ;
< "Versaler" ; > ;
< "Gemener" ; > ;
< "Kapitäler" ; > ;
< "Titel" ; > ;
< "Bakgrundsfärg" ; > ;
StringList [ polish ] =
< "[Brak]" ; > ;
< "Pogrubienie" ; > ;
< "Kursywa" ; > ;
< "Podkreœlenie" ; > ;
< "Podwójne podkreœlenie" ; > ;
< "Przekreœlenie" ; > ;
< "Wersaliki" ; > ;
< "Ma³e litery" ; > ;
< "Kapitaliki" ; > ;
< "Czcionka tytu³u" ; > ;
< "Kolor t³a" ; > ;
StringList [ portuguese_brazilian ] =
< "[Keine]" ; > ;
< "Fett" ; > ;
< "Kursiv" ; > ;
< "Unterstrichen" ; > ;
< "Doppelt unterstrichen" ; > ;
< "Versalien" ; > ;
< "Gemeine" ; > ;
< "Kapit?lchen" ; > ;
< "Titelschrift" ; > ;
< "Hintergrundfarbe" ; > ;
< "Hintergrundfarbe" ; > ;
StringList [ japanese ] =
< "[‚È‚µ]" ; > ;
< "‘¾Žš" ; > ;
< "ŽÎ‘Ì" ; > ;
< "‰º<E280B0>ü" ; > ;
< "“ñ<E2809C>d‰º<E280B0>ü" ; > ;
< "Žæ‚è<E2809A>Á‚µ<E2809A>ü" ; > ;
< "‘啶Žš" ; > ;
< "<22>¬•¶Žš" ; > ;
< "<22>¬Œ^‘啶Žš" ; > ;
< "À²ÄÙ•¶Žš" ; > ;
< "”wŒi<C592>F" ; > ;
StringList [ korean ] =
< "[¾øÀ½]" ; > ;
< "±½°Ô" ; > ;
< "ÀÌÅŸ¯Ã¼" ; > ;
< "¹ØÁÙ" ; > ;
< "ÀÌÁß ¹ØÁÙ" ; > ;
< "¸»¼Ò" ; > ;
< "´ë¹®ÀÚ" ; > ;
< "¼Ò¹®ÀÚ" ; > ;
< "½º¸ôĸ" ; > ;
< "Á¦¸ñ ±Û²Ã" ; > ;
< "¹è°æ Ä÷¯" ; > ;
StringList [ chinese_simplified ] =
< "[ÎÞ]" ; > ;
< "´ÖÌå" ; > ;
< "бÌå" ; > ;
< "Ï»®Ïß" ; > ;
< "Ë«Ï»®Ïß" ; > ;
< "ɾ³ýÏß" ; > ;
< "´óд×Öĸ" ; > ;
< "Сд×Öĸ" ; > ;
< "СÐÍ´óд×Öĸ" ; > ;
< "±êÌâÎÄ×Ö" ; > ;
< "±³¾°ÑÕÉ«" ; > ;
StringList [ chinese_traditional ] =
< "[µL]" ; > ;
< "²ÊÅé" ; > ;
< "±×Åé" ; > ;
< "©³½u" ; > ;
< "Âù©³½u" ; > ;
< "§R°£½u" ; > ;
< "¤j¼g¦r¥À" ; > ;
< "¤p¼g¦r¥À" ; > ;
< "¤p«¬¤j¼g¦r¥À" ; > ;
< "¼ÐÃD¤å¦r" ; > ;
< "I´ºÃC¦â" ; > ;
StringList [ turkish ] =
< "[Yok]" ; > ;
< "Kalýn" ; > ;
< "Ýtalik" ; > ;
< "Altý çizili" ; > ;
< "Altý çift çizili" ; > ;
< "Büyük harflerle" ; > ;
< "Küçük harflerle" ; > ;
< "Küçük büyük harf" ; > ;
< "Baþlýk yazýtipi" ; > ;
< "Artalan rengi" ; > ;
< "Artalan rengi" ; > ;
StringList [ arabic ] =
< "[ÈÏæä]" ; > ;
< "ÚÑíÖ" ; > ;
< "ãÇÆá" ; > ;
< "ÊÍÊå ÎØ" ; > ;
< "ÎØ ÊÍÊí ãÒÏæÌ" ; > ;
< "ÃÍÑÝ ßÈíÑÉ" ; > ;
< "ÃÍÑÝ ÕÛíÑÉ" ; > ;
< "ÍÑÝ ÈÏÇíÉ ÃßÈÑ" ; > ;
< "ÎØ ÇáÚäæÇä" ; > ;
< "áæä ÇáÎáÝíÉ" ; > ;
< "áæä ÇáÎáÝíÉ" ; > ;
StringList [ catalan ] =
< "[Ninguno]" ; > ;
< "Negrita" ; > ;
< "Cursiva" ; > ;
< "Subrayado" ; > ;
< "Subrayado doble" ; > ;
< "Mayúsculas" ; > ;
< "Minúsculas" ; > ;
< "Versalitas" ; > ;
< "Caracteres del título" ; > ;
< "Color de fondo" ; > ;
< "Hintergrundfarbe" ; > ;
StringList [ finnish ] =
< "[Tuntematon]" ; > ;
< "Lihavointi" ; > ;
< "Kursivointi" ; > ;
< "Alleviivaa" ; > ;
< "Alleviivaus: kaksinkertainen" ; > ;
< "Yliviivaus" ; > ;
< "Kirjaimet" ; > ;
< "Pienet kirjaimet" ; > ;
< "Pienet alkukirjaimet" ; > ;
< "Otsikon fontti" ; > ;
< "Taustaväri" ; > ;
FixedText FT_INS_COL
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 18 , 42 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 70 , 8 ) ;
Text = "~Farbe" ;
Text [ English ] = "Color" ;
Text [ portuguese ] = "~Cor" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "Color" ;
Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Farbe" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "~Färg" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Farve" ;
Text [ italian ] = "~Colore" ;
Text [ spanish ] = "~Color" ;
Text [ french ] = "~Couleur" ;
Text [ dutch ] = "~Kleur" ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ÑÕÉ«";
Text[ russian ] = "Öâåò";
Text[ polish ] = "Kolor";
Text[ japanese ] = "<22>F";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ÃC¦â";
Text[ arabic ] = "Çááæä";
Text[ greek ] = "×ñþìá";
Text[ korean ] = "»ö";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Renk";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Color";
Text[ finnish ] = "~Sävy";
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Window WIN_INS
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Text = "Einfügen" ;
Text [ English ] = "Insert" ;
Text[ english_us ] = "Insert";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Inserir";
Text[ russian ] = "Âñòàâèòü";
Text[ greek ] = "ÅéóáãùãÞ";
Text[ dutch ] = "Invoegen";
Text[ french ] = "Insérer";
Text[ spanish ] = "Insertar";
Text[ italian ] = "Inserisci";
Text[ danish ] = "Insert";
Text[ swedish ] = "Infoga";
Text[ polish ] = "Wstaw";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Insert";
Text[ japanese ] = "‘}“ü";
Text[ korean ] = "»ðÀÔ";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "²åÈë";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "´¡¤J";
Text[ turkish ] = "Insert";
Text[ arabic ] = "ÅÏÑÇÌ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Insert";
Text[ finnish ] = "Lisää";
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Text = "Löschen" ;
Text [ English ] = "Delete" ;
Text[ english_us ] = "Deletions";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Eliminar";
Text[ russian ] = "Óäàëèòü";
Text[ greek ] = "ÄéáãñáöÞ";
Text[ dutch ] = "Delete";
Text[ french ] = "Supprimer";
Text[ spanish ] = "Eliminar";
Text[ finnish ] = "Delete";
Text[ italian ] = "Elimina";
Text[ danish ] = "Delete";
Text[ swedish ] = "Radera";
Text[ polish ] = "Usuñ";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Delete";
Text[ japanese ] = "<22>í<EFBFBD>œ";
Text[ korean ] = "»èÁ¦";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ɾ³ý";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "§R°£";
Text[ turkish ] = "Delete";
Text[ arabic ] = "Delete";
Text[ catalan ] = "Delete";
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Text = "Attrib~ute" ;
Text [ English ] = "Attributes" ;
Text[ english_us ] = "Attributes";
Text[ portuguese ] = "A~tributos";
Text[ russian ] = "Àòðèáóòû";
Text[ greek ] = "Éäéüôçôåò";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Attributen";
Text[ french ] = "Attributs";
Text[ spanish ] = "~Atributos";
Text[ italian ] = "Attributi";
Text[ danish ] = "Attributes";
Text[ swedish ] = "Attrib~ut";
Text[ polish ] = "Atrybuty";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Attributes";
Text[ japanese ] = "‘®<E28098>«";
Text[ korean ] = "¾îÆ®¸®ºäÆ®!";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ÊôÐÔ";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ÄÝ©Ê";
Text[ turkish ] = "Attributes";
Text[ arabic ] = "ÇáÓãÇÊ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Attributes";
Text[ finnish ] = "Määritteet";
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Text[ english_us ] = "Color";
Text[ portuguese ] = "~Cor";
Text[ russian ] = "Öâåò";
Text[ greek ] = "×ñþì~á";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Kleur";
Text[ french ] = "Couleur";
Text[ spanish ] = "~Color";
Text[ italian ] = "~Colore";
Text[ danish ] = "Color";
Text[ swedish ] = "F~ärg";
Text[ polish ] = "Kolor";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Color";
Text[ japanese ] = "<22>F";
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Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "²ÊÉ«";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "±m¦â";
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Window WIN_DEL
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Text[ english_us ] = "Delete";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Eliminar";
Text[ russian ] = "Óäàëèòü";
Text[ greek ] = "ÄéáãñáöÞ";
Text[ dutch ] = "Wissen";
Text[ french ] = "Supprimer";
Text[ spanish ] = "Eliminar";
Text[ italian ] = "Elimina";
Text[ danish ] = "Delete";
Text[ swedish ] = "Radera";
Text[ polish ] = "Usuñ";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Delete";
Text[ japanese ] = "<22>í<EFBFBD>œ";
Text[ korean ] = "»èÁ¦";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ɾ³ý";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "§R°£";
Text[ turkish ] = "Delete";
Text[ arabic ] = "ÍÐÝ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Delete";
Text[ finnish ] = "Poista";
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Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 70 , 8 ) ;
Text = "Attributänderung" ;
Text [ English ] = "Attributes changed" ;
Text[ english_us ] = "Changed attributes";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Modificar atributos";
Text[ russian ] = "Èçìåíåíèå àòðèáóòîâ";
Text[ greek ] = "Ôñïðïðïßçóç éäéüôçôáò";
Text[ dutch ] = "Attributes changed";
Text[ french ] = "Modification des attributs";
Text[ spanish ] = "Modificación de atributos";
Text[ finnish ] = "Attributes changed";
Text[ italian ] = "Cambia attributi";
Text[ danish ] = "Attributes changed";
Text[ swedish ] = "Attributändring";
Text[ polish ] = "Modyfikacja atrybutów";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Attributes changed";
Text[ japanese ] = "‘®<E28098>«‚Ì•Ï<E280A2>X";
Text[ korean ] = "¼Ó¼ºÀÌ º¯°æµÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ÊôÐÔ¸ü¸Ä";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ÄÝ©ÊÅܧó";
Text[ turkish ] = "Attributes changed";
Text[ arabic ] = "Attributes changed";
Text[ catalan ] = "Attributes changed";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 18 , 113 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 70 , 8 ) ;
Text = "Attribut~e" ;
Text [ English ] = "Attributes" ;
Text[ english_us ] = "Attributes";
Text[ portuguese ] = "A~tributos";
Text[ russian ] = "Àòðèáóòû";
Text[ greek ] = "Éäéüôçô~åò";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Attributen";
Text[ french ] = "Attributs";
Text[ spanish ] = "~Atributos";
Text[ italian ] = "Attributi";
Text[ danish ] = "Attributes";
Text[ swedish ] = "Attri~but";
Text[ polish ] = "Atrybuty";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Attributes";
Text[ japanese ] = "‘®<E28098>«";
Text[ korean ] = "¾îÆ®¸®ºäÆ®";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ÊôÐÔ";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ÄÝ©Ê";
Text[ turkish ] = "Attributes";
Text[ arabic ] = "ÇáÓãÇÊ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Attributes";
Text[ finnish ] = "Määritteet";
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Text[ portuguese ] = "~Cor";
Text[ russian ] = "Öâåò";
Text[ greek ] = "×~ñþìá";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Kleur";
Text[ french ] = "Couleur";
Text[ spanish ] = "~Color";
Text[ italian ] = "~Colore";
Text[ danish ] = "Color";
Text[ swedish ] = "Fä~rg";
Text[ polish ] = "Kolor";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Color";
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Text[ korean ] = "Ä÷¯";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "²ÊÉ«";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "±m¦â";
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Text[ arabic ] = "Çááæä";
Text[ catalan ] = "Color";
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Window WIN_CHG
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Text = "Attribute" ;
Text [ English ] = "Attributes" ;
Text[ english_us ] = "Attributes";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Atributos";
Text[ russian ] = "Àòðèáóòû";
Text[ greek ] = "Éäéüôçôåò";
Text[ dutch ] = "Attributen";
Text[ french ] = "Attributs";
Text[ spanish ] = "Atributos";
Text[ italian ] = "Attributi";
Text[ danish ] = "Attributes";
Text[ swedish ] = "Attribut";
Text[ polish ] = "Atrybuty";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Attributes";
Text[ japanese ] = "‘®<E28098>«";
Text[ korean ] = "¼Ó¼º";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ÊôÐÔ";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ÄÝ©Ê";
Text[ turkish ] = "Attributes";
Text[ arabic ] = "ÇáÓãÇÊ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Attributes";
Text[ finnish ] = "Määritteet";
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Text = "Geänderte Zeilen" ;
Text [ English ] = "Changed lines" ;
Text [ portuguese ] = "Linhas modificadas" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "Lines changed" ;
Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ge?nderte Zeilen" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Ändrade rader" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Ændrede rækker" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Righe modificate" ;
Text [ spanish ] = "Líneas modificadas" ;
Text [ french ] = "Lignes modifiées" ;
Text [ dutch ] = "Gewijzigde regels" ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ÒѾ¸ü¸ÄµÄÐÐ";
Text[ russian ] = "Èçìåíåííûå ñòðîêè";
Text[ polish ] = "Zmienione wiersze";
Text[ japanese ] = "•Ï<E280A2>X‰Ó<E280B0>Š‚Ì‚ ‚é<E2809A>s‚ðŽ¦‚·";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "¤w¸gÅܧ󪺦æ";
Text[ arabic ] = "ÃÓØÑ ãÚÏáÉ";
Text[ greek ] = "ÔñïðïðïéçìÝíåò ãñáììÝò";
Text[ korean ] = "º¯°æµÈ¡¡Çà.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Deðiþtirilen satýrlar";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Líneas modificadas";
Text[ finnish ] = "Muutetut viivat ";
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Text [ portuguese ] = "Ma~rca" ;
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Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Markierung" ;
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Text [ danish ] = "Markering" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Contrassegno" ;
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Text [ french ] = "Marque" ;
Text [ dutch ] = "Ma~rkering" ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "񈬀(~K)";
Text[ russian ] = "Âûäåëåíèå";
Text[ polish ] = "Zaznaczenie";
Text[ japanese ] = "ˆó‚ð•t‚¯‚é(~K)";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "¼Ð°O(~K)";
Text[ arabic ] = "ÇáÊÍÏíÏ";
Text[ greek ] = "ÓÞìá~íóç";
Text[ korean ] = "¸¶Å© Ç¥½Ã(~K)";
Text[ turkish ] = "Ýþaret";
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Text[ finnish ] = "Mark";
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< "Innenrand" ; > ;
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< "Innenrand" ; > ;
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< "[Ingen]" ; > ;
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< "Højre margen" ; > ;
< "Ydermargen" ; > ;
< "Indermargen" ; > ;
stringlist [ italian ] =
< "[nessuno]" ; > ;
< "Bordo sinistro" ; > ;
< "Bordo destro" ; > ;
< "Bordo esterno" ; > ;
< "Bordo interno" ; > ;
stringlist [ spanish ] =
< "[Ninguno]" ; > ;
< "Margen izquierdo" ; > ;
< "Margen derecho" ; > ;
< "Margen exterior" ; > ;
< "Margen interior" ; > ;
stringlist [ french ] =
< "[Aucun(e)]" ; > ;
< "Marge gauche" ; > ;
< "Marge droite" ; > ;
< "Marge extérieure" ; > ;
< "Marge intérieure" ; > ;
stringlist [ dutch ] =
< "[Geen]" ; > ;
< "Linker rand" ; > ;
< "Rechter rand" ; > ;
< "Buitenste rand" ; > ;
< "Binnenste rand" ; > ;
StringList [ chinese_simplified ] =
< "[ÎÞ]" ; > ;
< "×ó·½Ò³±ß¾à" ; > ;
< "ÓÒ·½Ò³±ß¾à" ; > ;
< "Íâ²àÒ³±ß¾à" ; > ;
< "ÄÚ²àÒ³±ß¾à" ; > ;
StringList [ russian ] =
< "[Áåç]" ; > ;
< "Ëåâûé êðàé" ; > ;
< "Ïðàâûé êðàé" ; > ;
< "Íàðóæíûé êðàé" ; > ;
< "Âíóòðåííèé êðàé" ; > ;
StringList [ polish ] =
< "[Brak]" ; > ;
< "Lewy margines" ; > ;
< "Prawy margines" ; > ;
< "Margines zewnêtrzny" ; > ;
< "Margines wewnêtrzny" ; > ;
StringList [ japanese ] =
< "[‚È‚µ]" ; > ;
< "<22>¶—]”’" ; > ;
< "‰E—]”’" ; > ;
< "ŠO‘¤‚Ì—]”’" ; > ;
< "“à‘¤‚Ì—]”’" ; > ;
StringList [ chinese_traditional ] =
< "[µL]" ; > ;
< "¥ªÃä®Ø" ; > ;
< "¥kÃä®Ø" ; > ;
< "Ãä®Ø¥~°¼" ; > ;
< "Ãä®Ø¤º°¼" ; > ;
StringList [ arabic ] =
< "[ÈÏæä]" ; > ;
< "ÇáåÇãÔ ÇáÃíÓÑ" ; > ;
< "ÇáåÇãÔ ÇáÃíãä" ; > ;
< "ÇáåÇãÔ ÇáÎÇÑÌí" ; > ;
< "ÇáåÇãÔ ÇáÏÇÎáí" ; > ;
StringList [ greek ] =
< "[Êáìßá]" ; > ;
< "Áñéóôåñü ðåñéèþñéï" ; > ;
< "Äåîéü ðåñéèþñéï" ; > ;
< "Åîùôåñéêü ðåñéèþñéï" ; > ;
< "Åóùôåñéêü ðåñéèþñéï" ; > ;
StringList [ korean ] =
< "[¾øÀ½]" ; > ;
< "¿ÞÂÊ ¿©¹é" ; > ;
< "¿À¸¥ÂÊ ¿©¹é" ; > ;
< "¹Ù±ùÂÊ ¿©¹é" ; > ;
< "¾ÈÂÊ ¿©¹é" ; > ;
StringList [ turkish ] =
< "[Yok]" ; > ;
< "Sol kenar" ; > ;
< "Sað kenar" ; > ;
< "Dýþ kenar" ; > ;
< "Ýç kenar" ; > ;
StringList [ language_user1 ] =
< " " ; > ;
< " " ; > ;
< " " ; > ;
< " " ; > ;
< " " ; > ;
StringList [ catalan ] =
< "[Ninguno]" ; > ;
< "Margen izquierdo" ; > ;
< "Margen derecho" ; > ;
< "Margen exterior" ; > ;
< "Margen interior" ; > ;
StringList [ finnish ] =
< "[Ei mitään]" ; > ;
< "Vasen marginaali" ; > ;
< "Oikea marginaali" ; > ;
< "Ulkomarginaali" ; > ;
< "Sisämarginaali" ; > ;
FixedText FT_LC_COL
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 172 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 70 , 8 ) ;
Text = "Far~be" ;
Text [ English ] = "Color" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "~Color" ;
Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Farbe" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Fär~g" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Farve" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Colore" ;
Text [ spanish ] = "~Color" ;
Text [ french ] = "~Couleur" ;
Text [ dutch ] = "~Kleur" ;
Text [ portuguese ] = "Co~r" ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ÑÕÉ«(~C)";
Text[ russian ] = "Öâåò";
Text[ polish ] = "Kolor";
Text[ japanese ] = "<22>F(~C)";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ÃC¦â(~C)";
Text[ arabic ] = "Çááæä";
Text[ greek ] = "×ñþìá";
Text[ korean ] = "»ö»ó(~C)";
Text[ turkish ] = "Renk";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Color";
Text[ finnish ] = "Color";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 90 , 170 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 80 , 80 ) ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
DropDown = TRUE ;
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 178 , 155 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 70 , 27 ) ;
Text = "Nach Autor" ;
Text [ English ] = "By author" ;
Text [ portuguese ] = "Por autor" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "By author" ;
Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nach Autor" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Efter författare" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Efter forfatter" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Secondo autore" ;
Text [ spanish ] = "Según autor" ;
Text [ french ] = "Par auteur" ;
Text [ dutch ] = "Naar auteur" ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ÒÀ×÷ÕßÉ趨";
Text[ russian ] = "Ïî àâòîðó";
Text[ polish ] = "Wed³ug autora";
Text[ japanese ] = "<22>ì<EFBFBD>¬ŽÒ‚ׂÂ";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "¨Ì§@ªÌ³]©w";
Text[ arabic ] = "ÍÓÈ ÇáãÄáÝ";
Text[ greek ] = "ÊáôÜ óõíôÜêôç";
Text[ korean ] = "ÀÛ¼ºÀÚ¿¡ µû¶ó";
Text[ turkish ] = "Yazana göre";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Según autor";
Text[ finnish ] = "Laatijan mukaan";
Text = "[Keine]" ;
Text [ English ] = "[None]" ;
Text [ portuguese ] = "[nenhum]" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "[None]" ;
Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "[Keine]" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "[Ingen]" ;
Text [ danish ] = "[Ingen]" ;
Text [ italian ] = "[senza]" ;
Text [ spanish ] = "[Ningún]" ;
Text [ french ] = "[Aucun(e)]" ;
Text [ dutch ] = "[Geen]" ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "[ÎÞ]";
Text[ russian ] = "[Áåç]";
Text[ polish ] = "[Brak]";
Text[ japanese ] = "[‚È‚µ]";
Text[ greek ] = "[ÊáíÝíá]";
Text[ korean ] = "[¾øÀ½]";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "[µL]";
Text[ arabic ] = "[ÈÏæä]";
Text[ turkish ] = "[Yok]";
Text[ catalan ] = "[Ningún]";
Text[ finnish ] = "[Ei mitään]";
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