automationdev300m87: #i112208# - Modified tDocumentFilename and tDocumentTemplate to make them compatible with hFileOpenLocally(). Need to verify on Windows though, Linux is good.

This commit is contained in:
Joerg Skottke [jsk] 2010-09-15 13:04:51 +02:00
parent 6347f601e9
commit 139b369673

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@ -386,7 +386,8 @@ endcase
testcase tDocumentFilename
if bAsianLan = true then
if ( bAsianLan ) then
QaErrorLog "No testing with Asian language. Aborting."
goto endsub
end if
@ -395,12 +396,12 @@ testcase tDocumentFilename
Dim sFilename(4) as String
Dim i as Integer
sTestFile = gTesttoolpath & "writer\optional\input\fields\pageTest.sxw"
sTestFile = convertpath( gTesttoolPath & "writer\optional\input\fields\pageTest.sxw" )
sFilename(0) = "pageTest.sxw"
sFilename(1) = "pageTest"
sFilename(2) = Convertpath( gOfficepath + "user\work\" )
sFilename(3) = sTestFile
sFilename(2) = hGetWorkPath()
sFilename(3) = hFileGetLocalPath( sTestFile )
printlog "Insert/Fields/Other/Document / File name"
@ -917,13 +918,13 @@ testcase tDocumentTemplate
Dim i as Integer
sLanguage = fGetDirLanguage()
sTestFile = gTesttoolpath + "writer\optional\input\fields\"
sTestFile = convertpath( gTesttoolpath + "writer\optional\input\fields\" )
sResult(0) = fGetCateGory()
sResult(0) = fGetCategory()
sResult(1) = ""
sResult(2) = "diploma"
sResult(3) = Convertpath (gOfficepath + "user\work")
sResult(4) = sTestFile
sResult(3) = convertpath( gOfficePath & "user/work" )
sResult(4) = hGetWorkFile( sResult( 1 ) )
sResult(5) = fGetStyle()
printlog "Insert/Fields/Other/Document / Template"
@ -964,9 +965,7 @@ testcase tDocumentTemplate
Kontext "TabDokumentFeldbefehle"
Do Until GetDocumentCount = 0
Call hCloseDocument