Removed: obsolete impl. of [Put|Query]Value(...).

This commit is contained in:
Kai Sommerfeld 2000-10-11 06:31:01 +00:00
parent 0ecd03f2ef
commit 2705ad2550

View file

@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: wallitem.cxx,v $
* $Revision: $
* $Revision: 1.2 $
* last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:59:01 $
* last change: $Author: kso $ $Date: 2000-10-11 07:31:01 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@ -74,9 +74,6 @@
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chaos/WallPaper.hpp>
#include <unotools/processfactory.hxx>
@ -295,13 +292,7 @@ SfxPoolItem* SfxWallpaperItem::Clone( SfxItemPool* ) const
BOOL SfxWallpaperItem::QueryValue( com::sun::star::uno::Any& rVal,
BYTE nMemberId ) const
com::sun::star::chaos::WallPaper aVal;
aVal.Style = (com::sun::star::chaos::WallpaperStyle)_aWallpaper.GetStyle();
aVal.Color = (sal_Int32) _aWallpaper.GetColor().GetColor();
aVal.ImageURL = GetBitmapURL();
rVal <<= aVal;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -309,19 +300,6 @@ BOOL SfxWallpaperItem::QueryValue( com::sun::star::uno::Any& rVal,
BOOL SfxWallpaperItem::PutValue( const com::sun::star::uno::Any& rVal,
BYTE nMemberId )
com::sun::star::chaos::WallPaper aVal;
if ( rVal >>= aVal )
if ( aVal.ImageURL.getLength() )
SetBitmapURL( aVal.ImageURL, GetBitmapFilter() );
SetColor( aVal.Color );
SetStyle( (WallpaperStyle)aVal.Style );
return TRUE;
DBG_ERROR( "SfxWallpaperItem::PutValue - Wrong type!" );
return FALSE;
@ -647,48 +625,3 @@ void SAL_CALL WallpaperSink_Impl::closeOutput()
_aSource = com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
com::sun::star::io::XActiveDataSource >();
$Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
Revision 1.23 2000/09/18 14:13:36 willem.vandorp
OpenOffice header added.
Revision 1.22 2000/08/31 13:41:29 willem.vandorp
Header and footer replaced
Revision 1.21 2000/06/30 11:35:56 pb
chg: GetAppWindow() replaced
Revision 1.20 2000/04/12 08:01:40 sb
Adapted to Unicode.
Revision 1.19 2000/03/22 11:49:38 kso
Removed: SmartUno leftovers.
Revision 1.18 2000/03/21 11:37:55 kso
Added: [Put|QueryValue( ... com::sun::star::uno::Any ... )
Revision 1.17 2000/02/09 16:24:16 hr
#70473# changes for unicode ( patched by automated patchtool )
Revision 1.16 2000/01/28 11:23:43 dv
#70466# Changed service name
Revision 1.15 1999/11/19 17:12:36 sb
Module structure transposition.
Revision 1.14 1999/10/26 12:46:30 dv
Don't use GetGlobalServiceMgr() any longer
Revision 1.13 1999/08/23 13:30:58 dv
The CntWallpaperItem now uses the class Color
Revision 1.12 1999/08/18 14:14:21 dv
added: include cntwall.hxx
Revision 1.11 1999/08/18 09:12:51 dv
#66082# The WallpaperLoader is now constructed with a CntWallpaperItem