INTEGRATION: CWS presentationengine01 (1.73.30); FILE MERGED
2004/11/16 17:47:41 sj #i37188# fixed some problems with defaultFill, valueType and indefinite duration 2004/11/16 16:54:04 thb #i37188# Final fix for endianness issue under Solaris 2004/11/16 16:25:16 sj #i37188# fixed some problems with defaultFill, valueType and indefinite duration 2004/11/16 14:51:03 sj #i37188# fixed some problems with defaultFill, valueType and indefinite duration 2004/10/12 22:55:56 thb RESYNC: (1.77-1.78); FILE MERGED 2004/08/31 14:10:09 thb #i33391#, #i33359# Merged from sj10 2004/07/07 01:01:10 thb RESYNC: (1.73-1.77); FILE MERGED 2004/07/02 16:56:03 sj enhanced animations can now be properly exported 2004/07/01 11:50:52 sj added some animation export improvements
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 78 additions and 38 deletions
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: epptso.cxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.79 $
* $Revision: 1.80 $
* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2004-11-26 14:12:28 $
* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2004-11-26 19:49:30 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@ -226,28 +226,6 @@ using namespace vos;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int16 EncodeAnyTosal_Int16( ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rAny )
sal_Int16 nVal = 0;
switch( rAny.getValueType().getTypeClass() )
case ::com::sun::star::uno::TypeClass_SHORT :
case ::com::sun::star::uno::TypeClass_UNSIGNED_SHORT : nVal = *((short*)rAny.getValue() ); break;
case ::com::sun::star::uno::TypeClass_LONG :
case ::com::sun::star::uno::TypeClass_UNSIGNED_LONG : nVal = (sal_Int16)(*((long*)rAny.getValue() ) ); break;
case ::com::sun::star::uno::TypeClass_ENUM :
nVal = (sal_Int16)(*( ::com::sun::star::drawing::TextAdjust*)rAny.getValue() ); break;
nVal = *((sal_Int16*)rAny.getValue());
return nVal;
@ -2869,10 +2847,10 @@ void ParagraphObj::ImplGetParagraphValues( PPTExBulletProvider& rBuProv, sal_Boo
if ( ImplGetPropertyValue( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "ParaTabStops" ) ), bGetPropStateValue ) )
maTabStop = *( ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::style::TabStop>*)mAny.getValue();
::com::sun::star::style::ParagraphAdjust eTextAdjust( ::com::sun::star::style::ParagraphAdjust_LEFT );
if ( ImplGetPropertyValue( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "ParaAdjust" ) ), bGetPropStateValue ) )
eTextAdjust = (::com::sun::star::style::ParagraphAdjust)EncodeAnyTosal_Int16( mAny );
switch ( eTextAdjust )
sal_Int16 eTextAdjust( ::com::sun::star::style::ParagraphAdjust_LEFT );
if ( GetPropertyValue( aAny, mXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "ParaAdjust" ) ), bGetPropStateValue ) )
aAny >>= eTextAdjust;
switch ( (::com::sun::star::style::ParagraphAdjust)eTextAdjust )
case ::com::sun::star::style::ParagraphAdjust_CENTER :
mnTextAdjust = 1;
@ -3410,6 +3388,8 @@ void PPTWriter::ImplWriteObjectEffect( SvStream& rSt,
::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationEffect eTe,
sal_uInt16 nOrder )
ppt::ExContainer aAnimationInfo( rSt, EPP_AnimationInfo );
ppt::ExAtom aAnimationInfoAtom( rSt, EPP_AnimationInfoAtom, 0, 1 );
sal_uInt32 nDimColor = 0x7000000; // color to use for dimming
sal_uInt32 nFlags = 0x4400; // set of flags that determine type of build
sal_uInt32 nSoundRef = 0; // 0 if storage is from clipboard. Otherwise index(ID) in SoundCollection list.
@ -3911,9 +3891,7 @@ void PPTWriter::ImplWriteObjectEffect( SvStream& rSt,
if ( ImplGetPropertyValue( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "DimColor" ) ) ) )
nDimColor = mpPptEscherEx->GetColor( *((sal_uInt32*)mAny.getValue()) ) | 0xfe000000;
rSt << (sal_uInt32)( ( EPP_AnimationInfo << 16 ) | 0xf ) << (sal_uInt32)36
<< (sal_uInt32)( ( EPP_AnimationInfoAtom << 16 ) | 1 )<< (sal_uInt32)28
<< nDimColor << nFlags << nSoundRef << nDelayTime
rSt << nDimColor << nFlags << nSoundRef << nDelayTime
<< nOrder // order of build ( 1.. )
<< nSlideCount << nBuildType << nFlyMethod << nFlyDirection
<< nAfterEffect << nSubEffect << nOleVerb
@ -3922,7 +3900,7 @@ void PPTWriter::ImplWriteObjectEffect( SvStream& rSt,
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void PPTWriter::ImplWriteClickAction( SvStream& rSt, ::com::sun::star::presentation::ClickAction eCa )
void PPTWriter::ImplWriteClickAction( SvStream& rSt, ::com::sun::star::presentation::ClickAction eCa, sal_Bool bMediaClickAction )
sal_uInt32 nSoundRef = 0; // a reference to a sound in the sound collection, or NULL.
sal_uInt32 nHyperLinkID = 0;// a persistent unique identifier to an external hyperlink object (only valid when action == HyperlinkAction).
@ -3957,7 +3935,9 @@ void PPTWriter::ImplWriteClickAction( SvStream& rSt, ::com::sun::star::presentat
EndShow 6
switch( eCa )
if ( bMediaClickAction )
nAction = 6;
else switch( eCa )
case ::com::sun::star::presentation::ClickAction_STOPPRESENTATION :
nJump += 2;
@ -4226,6 +4206,7 @@ void PPTWriter::ImplWritePage( const PHLayout& rLayout, EscherSolverContainer& a
if ( ImplGetShapeByIndex( GetCurrentGroupIndex(), TRUE ) )
sal_Bool bIsSound;
sal_Bool bMediaClickAction = sal_False;
::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationEffect eAe;
::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationEffect eTe;
@ -4243,7 +4224,6 @@ void PPTWriter::ImplWritePage( const PHLayout& rLayout, EscherSolverContainer& a
sal_Bool bPolyPolygon = mType == "drawing.PolyPolygon";
sal_Bool bPolyLine = mType == "drawing.PolyLine";
List aAdjustmentList;
Rectangle aPolyBoundRect;
@ -4259,7 +4239,7 @@ void PPTWriter::ImplWritePage( const PHLayout& rLayout, EscherSolverContainer& a
aXIndexAccess( mXShape, ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY );
if ( EnterGroup( aXIndexAccess ) )
if ( bEffect )
if ( bEffect && !mbUseNewAnimations )
pTmp = new SvMemoryStream( 0x200, 0x200 );
ImplWriteObjectEffect( *pTmp, eAe, eTe, ++nEffectCount );
@ -4268,7 +4248,7 @@ void PPTWriter::ImplWritePage( const PHLayout& rLayout, EscherSolverContainer& a
if ( !pTmp )
pTmp = new SvMemoryStream( 0x200, 0x200 );
ImplWriteClickAction( *pTmp, eCa );
ImplWriteClickAction( *pTmp, eCa, bMediaClickAction );
mpPptEscherEx->EnterGroup( &maRect, pTmp );
delete pTmp;
@ -5082,6 +5062,65 @@ void PPTWriter::ImplWritePage( const PHLayout& rLayout, EscherSolverContainer& a
if ( aPropOpt.CreateGraphicProperties( mXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Bitmap" ) ), sal_False ) )
aPropOpt.AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_LockAgainstGrouping, 0x800080 );
else if ( mType == "drawing.Media" )
mnAngle = 0;
mpPptEscherEx->OpenContainer( ESCHER_SpContainer );
ADD_SHAPE( ESCHER_ShpInst_PictureFrame, 0xa00 );
::com::sun::star::uno::Any aAny;
if ( PropValue::GetPropertyValue( aAny, mXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "MediaURL" ) ), sal_True ) )
rtl::OUString aMediaURL;
if ( (aAny >>= aMediaURL ) && aMediaURL.getLength() )
// SJ: creating the Media RefObj
sal_uInt32 nRefId = ++mnExEmbed;
*mpExEmbed << (sal_uInt16)0xf
<< (sal_uInt16)EPP_ExMCIMovie // PPT_PST_ExAviMovie
<< (sal_uInt32)0;
sal_uInt32 nSize, nStart = mpExEmbed->Tell();
*mpExEmbed << (sal_uInt16)0
<< (sal_uInt16)EPP_ExObjRefAtom
<< (sal_uInt32)4
<< nRefId;
*mpExEmbed << (sal_uInt16)0xf
<< (sal_uInt16)EPP_ExVideo
<< (sal_uInt32)0;
*mpExEmbed << (sal_uInt16)0
<< (sal_uInt16)EPP_ExMediaAtom
<< (sal_uInt32)8
<< nRefId
<< (sal_uInt16)0
<< (sal_uInt16)0x435;
sal_uInt16 i, nStringLen = (sal_uInt16)aMediaURL.getLength();
*mpExEmbed << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_CString << 16 ) << (sal_uInt32)( nStringLen * 2 );
for ( i = 0; i < nStringLen; i++ )
sal_Unicode nChar = aMediaURL[ i ];
*mpExEmbed << nChar;
nSize = mpExEmbed->Tell() - nStart;
mpExEmbed->SeekRel( - ( (sal_Int32)nSize + 4 ) );
*mpExEmbed << nSize; // size of PPT_PST_ExMCIMovie
mpExEmbed->SeekRel( 0x10 );
nSize -= 20;
*mpExEmbed << nSize; // PPT_PST_ExMediaAtom
mpExEmbed->SeekRel( nSize );
if ( !pClientData )
pClientData = new SvMemoryStream( 0x200, 0x200 );
*pClientData << (sal_uInt16)0
<< (sal_uInt16)EPP_ExObjRefAtom
<< (sal_uInt32)4
<< nRefId;
else if ( mType == "drawing.dontknow" )
mnAngle = 0;
@ -5170,14 +5209,15 @@ void PPTWriter::ImplWritePage( const PHLayout& rLayout, EscherSolverContainer& a
eAe = eTe;
ImplWriteObjectEffect( *pClientData, eAe, eTe, ++nEffectCount );
if ( !mbUseNewAnimations )
ImplWriteObjectEffect( *pClientData, eAe, eTe, ++nEffectCount );
if ( eCa != ::com::sun::star::presentation::ClickAction_NONE )
if ( !pClientData )
pClientData = new SvMemoryStream( 0x200, 0x200 );
ImplWriteClickAction( *pClientData, eCa );
ImplWriteClickAction( *pClientData, eCa, bMediaClickAction );
if ( ( mnTextStyle == EPP_TEXTSTYLE_TITLE ) || ( mnTextStyle == EPP_TEXTSTYLE_BODY ) )
Reference in a new issue