added: style:column-sep (DTD copied from the specification)

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Vogelheim 2000-12-05 14:16:17 +00:00
parent e391ef4a62
commit 3d1fd4122f

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$Id: style.mod,v 1.14 2000-12-04 12:15:09 sab Exp $
$Id: style.mod,v 1.15 2000-12-05 15:16:17 dvo Exp $
The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
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@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
style:cell-protect CDATA #IMPLIED
fo:wrap-option (no-wrap | wrap) #IMPLIED
<!ELEMENT style:columns (style:column*)>
<!ELEMENT style:columns (style:column-sep?,style:column*)>
<!ATTLIST style:columns fo:column-count %nonNegativeInteger; #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT style:column EMPTY>
@ -321,6 +321,14 @@
<!ATTLIST style:column fo:margin-left %positiveLength; #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST style:column fo:margin-right %positiveLength; #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT style:column-sep EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST style:column-sep style:style (none|solid|dotted|dashed|dot-dashed)
<!ATTLIST style:column-sep style:width %length; #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST style:column-sep style:height %percentage; "100%">
<!ATTLIST style:column-sep style:vertical-align (top|middle|bottom) "top">
<!ATTLIST style:column-sep style:color %color; "#000000">
<!-- page master properties -->
<!ELEMENT style:page-master (style:properties?, style:header-style?, style:footer-style?, style:footnote-layout?)>
<!ATTLIST style:page-master style:name %styleName; #REQUIRED>