2008/01/14 06:23:52 mav RESYNC: (1.67-; FILE MERGED
2007/12/18 09:34:53 cd #i84351# Fix wrong assertion code
2007/12/10 10:50:08 cd #i84351# Small code refactoring to prevent duplicate entries in user interface element list
2007/12/07 17:49:26 cd #i84351# Don't insert a ui element more than once into the element vector
This commit is contained in:
Rüdiger Timm 2008-01-29 14:23:11 +00:00
parent 38f563199d
commit 4b14ea272d

View file

@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
* $RCSfile: layoutmanager.cxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.68 $
* $Revision: 1.69 $
* last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2008-01-04 16:22:38 $
* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2008-01-29 15:23:11 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ struct UIElementVisibility
bool bVisible;
bool LayoutManager::UIElement::operator< ( const UIElement& aUIElement ) const
bool LayoutManager::UIElement::operator< ( const LayoutManager::UIElement& aUIElement ) const
if ( ! && )
return false;
@ -329,6 +329,29 @@ bool LayoutManager::UIElement::operator< ( const UIElement& aUIElement ) const
LayoutManager::UIElement& LayoutManager::UIElement::operator= ( const LayoutManager::UIElement& rUIElement )
m_aType = rUIElement.m_aType;
m_aName = rUIElement.m_aName;
m_aUIName = rUIElement.m_aUIName;
m_xUIElement = rUIElement.m_xUIElement;
m_bFloating = rUIElement.m_bFloating;
m_bVisible = rUIElement.m_bVisible;
m_bUserActive = rUIElement.m_bUserActive;
m_bCreateNewRowCol0 = rUIElement.m_bCreateNewRowCol0;
m_bDeactiveHide = rUIElement.m_bDeactiveHide;
m_bMasterHide = rUIElement.m_bMasterHide;
m_bContextSensitive = rUIElement.m_bContextSensitive;
m_bContextActive = rUIElement.m_bContextActive;
m_bNoClose = rUIElement.m_bNoClose;
m_bSoftClose = rUIElement.m_bSoftClose;
m_bStateRead = rUIElement.m_bStateRead;
m_nStyle = rUIElement.m_nStyle;
m_aDockedData = rUIElement.m_aDockedData;
m_aFloatingData = rUIElement.m_aFloatingData;
return *this;
static Reference< XModel > impl_getModelFromFrame( const Reference< XFrame >& rFrame )
// Query for the model to get check the context information
@ -1048,7 +1071,7 @@ void LayoutManager::implts_createAddonsToolBars()
aNewToolbar.m_aUIName = aGenericAddonTitle;
implts_writeWindowStateData( aNewToolbar.m_aName, aNewToolbar );
m_aUIElements.push_back( aNewToolbar );
implts_insertUIElement( aNewToolbar );
Reference< css::awt::XWindow > xWindow( xDockWindow, UNO_QUERY );
@ -1121,14 +1144,16 @@ void LayoutManager::implts_createNonContextSensitiveToolBars()
if ( aElementType.equalsIgnoreAsciiCaseAscii( "toolbar" ) &&
aElementName.indexOf( m_aCustomTbxPrefix ) == -1 )
UIElement aNewToolbar( aElementName, aElementType, xUIElement );
aNewToolbar.m_aName = aName;
implts_readWindowStateData( aName, aNewToolbar );
UIElement aNewToolbar( aName, aElementType, xUIElement );
bool bFound = implts_findElement( aName, aNewToolbar );
if ( !bFound )
implts_readWindowStateData( aName, aNewToolbar );
if ( aNewToolbar.m_bVisible &&
!aNewToolbar.m_bContextSensitive )
m_aUIElements.push_back( aNewToolbar );
if ( !bFound )
implts_insertUIElement( aNewToolbar );
aMakeVisibleToolbars.push_back( aName );
@ -1300,6 +1325,33 @@ LayoutManager::UIElement& LayoutManager::impl_findElement( const rtl::OUString&
return aEmptyElement;
sal_Bool LayoutManager::implts_insertUIElement( const UIElement& rUIElement )
UIElement aTempData;
bool bFound = implts_findElement( rUIElement.m_aName, aTempData );
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
if ( bFound )
char aBuffer[256];
const sal_Int32 MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 128;
::rtl::OString aName = ::rtl::OUStringToOString( rUIElement.m_aName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
aName = aName.copy( ::std::min( MAX_NAME_LENGTH, aName.getLength() ));
sprintf( aBuffer, "Try to insert an already existing user interface element (%s) into the list\n", aName.getStr() );
DBG_ASSERT( bFound, aBuffer );
bool bResult( false );
if ( !bFound )
WriteGuard aWriteLock( m_aLock );
m_aUIElements.push_back( rUIElement );
bResult = true;
return bResult;
void LayoutManager::implts_writeNewStateData( const rtl::OUString aName, const Reference< css::awt::XWindow >& xWindow )
css::awt::Rectangle aPos;
@ -2000,6 +2052,9 @@ void LayoutManager::implts_sortUIElements()
pIter->m_bUserActive = sal_False;
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
@ -4184,7 +4239,7 @@ throw (RuntimeException)
UIElement aNewToolbar( aName, aElementType, xUIElement );
implts_readWindowStateData( aName, aNewToolbar );
implts_setElementData( aNewToolbar, xDockWindow );
m_aUIElements.push_back( aNewToolbar );
implts_insertUIElement( aNewToolbar );
bVisible = aNewToolbar.m_bVisible;
@ -4484,23 +4539,27 @@ throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
if ( m_bVisible )
bool bFound( sal_False );
bool bFound( false );
bool bShowElement( false );
for ( pIter = m_aUIElements.begin(); pIter != m_aUIElements.end(); pIter++ )
if ( pIter->m_aName == ResourceURL )
bFound = sal_True;
bShowElement = ( pIter->m_bVisible && !pIter->m_bMasterHide && m_bParentWindowVisible );
Reference< css::awt::XWindow2 > xContainerWindow( m_xContainerWindow, UNO_QUERY );
if ( && pIter->m_bFloating )
bShowElement = ( bShowElement && xContainerWindow->isActive() );
if ( pIter-> )
Reference< css::awt::XWindow > xWindow( pIter->m_xUIElement->getRealInterface(), UNO_QUERY );
Reference< css::awt::XDockableWindow > xDockWindow( xWindow, UNO_QUERY );
Reference< css::awt::XWindow2 > xContainerWindow( m_xContainerWindow, UNO_QUERY );
sal_Bool bShowElement( pIter->m_bVisible &&
!pIter->m_bMasterHide &&
m_bParentWindowVisible );
if ( && && xDockWindow->isFloating() )
bShowElement &= xContainerWindow->isActive();
if ( && xDockWindow->isFloating() )
bShowElement = ( bShowElement && xContainerWindow->isActive() );
if ( && && bShowElement )
@ -4525,9 +4584,6 @@ throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
bFound = sal_True;
@ -4540,7 +4596,7 @@ throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
UIElement aNewToolbar( aElementName, aElementType, xUIElement );
aNewToolbar.m_aName = ResourceURL;
implts_readWindowStateData( ResourceURL, aNewToolbar );
m_aUIElements.push_back( aNewToolbar );
implts_insertUIElement( aNewToolbar );
@ -4549,7 +4605,7 @@ throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
bResult = sal_True;
bNotify = sal_True;
else if ( pIter->m_bVisible )
else if ( bShowElement )
@ -7024,6 +7080,29 @@ IMPL_LINK( LayoutManager, AsyncLayoutHdl, Timer *, EMPTYARG )
return 0;
void LayoutManager::implts_checkElementContainer()
/* SAFE AREA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ReadGuard aReadLock( m_aLock );
BaseHash< sal_Int32 > aUIElementHash;
UIElementVector::iterator pIter;
for ( pIter = m_aUIElements.begin(); pIter != m_aUIElements.end(); pIter++ )
BaseHash< sal_Int32 >::const_iterator pCheckIter = aUIElementHash.begin();
for ( ; pCheckIter != aUIElementHash.end(); pCheckIter++ )
if ( pCheckIter->second > 1 )
::rtl::OString aName = ::rtl::OUStringToOString( pCheckIter->first, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
DBG_ASSERT( "More than one element (%s) with the same name found!", aName.getStr() );
// XFrameActionListener