INTEGRATION: CWS warnings01 (1.4.180); FILE MERGED

2005/09/23 01:31:41 sb RESYNC: (1.4-1.5); FILE MERGED
2005/09/20 12:57:23 sb #i53898# Globally disable problematic warnings.
This commit is contained in:
Jens-Heiner Rechtien 2006-06-20 03:31:25 +00:00
parent 46140bd370
commit 5975fcc943

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@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
* $RCSfile: ustrbuf.c,v $
* $Revision: 1.5 $
* $Revision: 1.6 $
* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-08 16:07:18 $
* last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2006-06-20 04:31:25 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
@ -164,12 +164,12 @@ void rtl_uStringbuffer_insertUtf32(
sal_Int32 len;
OSL_ASSERT(c <= 0x10FFFF && !(c >= 0xD800 && c <= 0xDFFF));
if (c <= 0xFFFF) {
buf[0] = c;
buf[0] = (sal_Unicode) c;
len = 1;
} else {
c -= 0x10000;
buf[0] = (c >> 10) | 0xD800;
buf[1] = (c & 0x3FF) | 0xDC00;
buf[0] = (sal_Unicode) ((c >> 10) | 0xD800);
buf[1] = (sal_Unicode) ((c & 0x3FF) | 0xDC00);
len = 2;
rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pThis, capacity, offset, buf, len);