tdf#97448 Add helper script to generate Addons.xcu

This patch adds a new Python helper script to generate Addons.xcu for
LibreOffice extensions. The script works like a wizard, and asks user
about the needed details. It provides these options for the application
module context:

    1. Writer
    2. Spreadsheet
    3. Presentation
    4. Draw
    5. Formula
    6. Chart
    7. Bibliography

After selection of the module, appropriate Addons.xcu is generated, and
user is asked to choose between 'desktop' or a custom folder to save the
resulting file.

Change-Id: I22a878f0bde19a870674a357d7085ad3c12fc50c
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Hossein <>
This commit is contained in:
varshneydevansh 2024-02-14 21:01:55 +05:30 committed by Hossein
parent 0f7f0ba510
commit 5e8813b22a
4 changed files with 410 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -920,6 +920,7 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Helper_register_packages_for_install,sdk,\
odk_javadoc \
odk_uno_loader_classes \
) \
odk_scripts \

View file

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Module_add_targets,odk,\
Package_settings_generated \
Package_share_readme \
Package_share_readme_generated \
Package_scripts \
ifeq ($(OS),WNT)

odk/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# -*- Mode: makefile-gmake; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
# This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
$(eval $(call gb_Package_Package,odk_scripts,$(SRCDIR)/odk/source/helper))
$(eval $(call gb_Package_set_outdir,odk_scripts,$(INSTDIR)))
$(eval $(call gb_Package_add_file,odk_scripts,$(SDKDIRNAME)/bin/,
# vim: set noet sw=4 ts=4:

View file

@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
# This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import os
from prompt_toolkit import prompt
import xml.dom.minidom
#-------------------------- generating the xml functions --------------------------
def generate_menu_fragment(addon_name, merge_name, merge_point, merge_command, merge_fallback, merge_context, menu_items):
return ''.join(x for x in [
'<node oor:name="OfficeMenuBar">',
f'<node oor:name="{addon_name}" oor:op="replace" xmlns:oor="">',
f'<node oor:name="{merge_name}" oor:op="replace">',
f'<prop oor:name="MergePoint"><value>{merge_point}</value></prop>' if merge_point else '',
f'<prop oor:name="MergeCommand"><value>{merge_command}</value></prop>' if merge_command else '',
f'<prop oor:name="MergeFallback"><value>{merge_fallback}</value></prop>' if merge_fallback else '',
f'<prop oor:name="Context" oor:type="xs:string"><value>{merge_context}</value></prop>' if merge_context else '',
'<node oor:name="MenuItems">',
] if x)
def generate_menu_item_fragment(item_name, title, url, image_path, target, submenus=None):
submenu_fragment = None
if submenus:
submenu_items = ''.join(submenus)
submenu_fragment = f'<node oor:name="Submenus">{submenu_items}</node>'
return ''.join(x for x in [
f'<node oor:name="{item_name}" oor:op="replace">',
f'<prop oor:name="Title"><value xml:lang="en-US">{title}</value></prop>' if title else '',
f'<prop oor:name="URL"><value>{url}</value></prop>' if url else '',
f'<prop oor:name="ImageIdentifier"><value>{image_path}</value></prop>' if image_path else '',
f'<prop oor:name="Target" oor:type="xs:string"><value>{target}</value></prop>' if target else '',
submenu_fragment or '',
] if x)
def generate_submenu_item_fragment(submenu_name, title, url, image_path, target):
return ''.join(x for x in [
f'<node oor:name="{submenu_name}" oor:op="replace">',
f'<prop oor:name="Title"><value xml:lang="en-US">{title}</value></prop>' if title else '',
f'<prop oor:name="URL"><value>{url}</value></prop>' if url else '',
f'<prop oor:name="ImageIdentifier"><value>{image_path}</value></prop>' if image_path else '',
f'<prop oor:name="Target" oor:type="xs:string"><value>{target}</value></prop>' if target else '',
] if x)
def generate_toolbar_fragment(addon_name, merge_name, merge_toolbar, merge_point, merge_command, merge_fallback, merge_context, toolbar_items):
return ''.join(x for x in [
'<node oor:name="OfficeToolBar">',
f'<node oor:name="{addon_name}" oor:op="replace" xmlns:oor="">',
f'<node oor:name="{merge_name}" oor:op="replace">',
f'<prop oor:name="MergeToolBar"><value>{merge_toolbar}</value></prop>' if merge_toolbar else '',
f'<prop oor:name="MergePoint"><value>{merge_point}</value></prop>' if merge_point else '',
f'<prop oor:name="MergeCommand"><value>{merge_command}</value></prop>' if merge_command else '',
f'<prop oor:name="MergeFallback"><value>{merge_fallback}</value></prop>' if merge_fallback else '',
f'<prop oor:name="Context" oor:type="xs:string"><value>{merge_context}</value></prop>' if merge_context else '',
'<node oor:name="ToolBarItems">',
] if x)
def generate_toolbar_item_fragment(item_name, title, url, image_path, target, separator_position=None):
return ''.join(x for x in [
f'<node oor:name="{item_name}" oor:op="replace" xmlns:oor="">',
f'<prop oor:name="Title" oor:type="xs:string"><value xml:lang="en-US">{title}</value></prop>' if title else '',
f'<prop oor:name="URL" oor:type="xs:string"><value>{url}</value></prop>' if url else '',
f'<prop oor:name="ImageIdentifier" oor:type="xs:string"><value>{image_path}</value></prop>' if image_path else '',
f'<prop oor:name="Target" oor:type="xs:string"><value>{target}</value></prop>' if target else '',
f'<prop oor:name="SeparatorPosition"><value>{separator_position}</value></prop>' if separator_position else '',
] if x)
def generate_images_fragment(image_small, image_big, image_small_hc, image_big_hc):
return ''.join(x for x in [
'<node oor:name="Images" oor:op="replace">',
f'<prop oor:name="ImageSmall"><value>{image_small}</value></prop>' if image_small else '',
f'<prop oor:name="ImageBig"><value>{image_big}</value></prop>' if image_big else '',
f'<prop oor:name="ImageSmallHC"><value>{image_small_hc}</value></prop>' if image_small_hc else '',
f'<prop oor:name="ImageBigHC"><value>{image_big_hc}</value></prop>' if image_big_hc else '',
] if x)
def generate_addon_menu_fragment(addon_menu_name, title, url, image_path, target):
return ''.join(x for x in [
f'<node oor:name="{addon_menu_name}" oor:op="replace">',
f'<prop oor:name="Title"><value xml:lang="en-US">{title}</value></prop>' if title else '',
f'<prop oor:name="URL"><value>{url}</value></prop>' if url else '',
f'<prop oor:name="ImageIdentifier"><value>{image_path}</value></prop>' if image_path else '',
f'<prop oor:name="Target" oor:type="xs:string"><value>{target}</value></prop>' if target else '',
] if x)
def generate_help_menu_fragment(help_menu_name, title, url, image_path, target):
return ''.join(x for x in [
f'<node oor:name="{help_menu_name}" oor:op="replace">',
f'<prop oor:name="Title"><value xml:lang="en-US">{title}</value></prop>' if title else '',
f'<prop oor:name="URL"><value>{url}</value></prop>' if url else '',
f'<prop oor:name="ImageIdentifier"><value>{image_path}</value></prop>' if image_path else '',
f'<prop oor:name="Target" oor:type="xs:string"><value>{target}</value></prop>' if target else '',
] if x)
def stitching_xcu(addon_name, merge_type, merge_name, merge_point, merge_command, merge_fallback, items, merge_toolbar, merge_context):
if merge_type == 'menu':
menu_items = ''.join(items)
merge_fragment = generate_menu_fragment(addon_name, merge_name, merge_point, merge_command, merge_fallback, merge_context, menu_items=menu_items)
elif merge_type == 'toolbar':
toolbar_items = ''.join(items)
merge_fragment = generate_toolbar_fragment(addon_name, merge_name, merge_toolbar, merge_point, merge_command, merge_fallback, merge_context, toolbar_items=toolbar_items)
merge_fragment = ''
return merge_fragment
def generate_xcu(merge_fragment, output_dir, addon_menu_fragment, help_menu_fragment, images_fragment):
# Determine the output directory
if not output_dir:
while True:
choice = input("\n\nSave Addons.xcu file to desktop or specify a path to custom directory? (d/c): ").lower()
if choice in ("d", "desktop"):
output_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Desktop')
elif choice == "c":
custom_dir = input("\nEnter custom directory path: ")
output_dir = validate_directory(custom_dir)
if output_dir:
print("\nInvalid choice. Please choose 'd' or 'c'.")
final_fragment = f"""<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<oor:component-data oor:package="org.openoffice.Office" oor:name="Addons"
xmlns:oor="" xmlns:xs="">
<node oor:name="AddonUI">
file_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'Addons.xcu')
with open(file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(final_fragment)
pretty_xml_as_string = dom.toprettyxml()
# Post-process to remove unnecessary newlines
pretty_xml_as_string = os.linesep.join([s for s in pretty_xml_as_string.splitlines() if s.strip()])
#-------------------------- prompt message functions --------------------------
def prompt_merge_context():
print("\nSelect the application module context for the merge instruction:")
print("1. Writer")
print("2. Spreadsheet")
print("3. Presentation")
print("4. Draw")
print("5. Formula")
print("6. Chart")
print("7. Bibliography")
choice = input("Enter your choice (1-7): ").strip()
if choice == '1':
return ""
elif choice == '2':
return ""
elif choice == '3':
return ""
elif choice == '4':
return ""
elif choice == '5':
return ""
elif choice == '6':
return ""
elif choice == '7':
return ""
print("Invalid choice. Please select again.")
return prompt_merge_context()
def prompt_images():
print("\nPlease provide paths to the [ .bmp ] images (type 'skip' to skip providing an image):")
image_small = input("Path to small image: ").strip()
if image_small.lower() == 'skip':
image_small = None
image_small = validate_image_path(image_small)
image_big = input("Path to big image: ").strip()
if image_big.lower() == 'skip':
image_big = None
image_big = validate_image_path(image_big)
image_small_hc = input("Path to small high-contrast image: ").strip()
if image_small_hc.lower() == 'skip':
image_small_hc = None
image_small_hc = validate_image_path(image_small_hc)
image_big_hc = input("Path to big high-contrast image: ").strip()
if image_big_hc.lower() == 'skip':
image_big_hc = None
image_big_hc = validate_image_path(image_big_hc)
return image_small, image_big, image_small_hc, image_big_hc
def prompt_addon_name():
addon_name = prompt("\nEnter addon name (extID name, e.g., com.<companyname>.<company-namespace>.<extension-namespace>): ").strip()
return addon_name
def prompt_menu_title(menu_type):
title = prompt(f"\nEnter {menu_type} item title (use '~' before the accelerator key, e.g., '~File'): ").strip()
return title
def prompt_button_separator():
print("\nDo you want to add a button separator?")
print("1. Before the first button")
print("2. Between the buttons")
print("3. No separator")
choice = input("Enter your choice (1-3): ").strip()
if choice == '1':
return "before_first"
elif choice == '2':
return "between_buttons"
elif choice == '3':
return "none"
print("Invalid choice. Please select again.")
return prompt_button_separator()
def prompt_image_path(merge_type):
while True:
image_path = prompt(f"\nEnter path to {merge_type} item image (optional, enter 'skip' to skip): ").strip().lower()
if image_path == 'skip':
return None
image_path = validate_image_path(image_path)
if image_path:
return image_path
print("Invalid file type. Please try again or enter 'skip' to skip.")
#-------------------------- validating provided path --------------------------
def validate_directory(directory_path):
if not directory_path:
return None # No output directory provided
if not os.path.isdir(directory_path):
raise ValueError("\nInvalid directory: Path is not a directory")
# Additional validations can be added here if needed
except ValueError as e:
print(f"Error: {e}")
return None
return directory_path
def validate_image_path(image_path):
if not image_path:
return None # No image path provided
if not os.path.exists(image_path):
raise ValueError("\nInvalid path: Path does not exist")
_, ext = os.path.splitext(image_path)
if ext.lower() != '.bmp':
raise ValueError("\nInvalid file type: Only .bmp files are allowed")
# Additional validations can be added here if needed
except ValueError as e:
print(f"Error: {e}")
return None
return image_path
#-------------------------- MAIN --------------------------
def main():
print("\nWelcome to the LibreOffice Addons Configuration Tool!\n")
merge_fragment = ''
addon_name = prompt_addon_name()
addon_menu_fragment = ''
help_menu_fragment = ''
images_fragment = ''
# Prompt for addon menu item
choice = prompt("\nDo you want to create the 'AddonMenu' item (Tools > Add-ons)? (y/n): ").strip().lower()
if choice == 'y':
addon_menu_name = prompt("\nEnter addon menu item name (Tools > Add-ons): ").strip()
addon_menu_title = prompt_menu_title("addon menu")
addon_menu_url = prompt("\nEnter addon menu item URL: ").strip()
addon_menu_target = prompt("\nEnter addon menu item target (_self, _default, _top, _parent, or _blank): ").strip()
addon_menu_image_path = prompt("\nEnter path to addon menu item image (optional): ").strip()
addon_menu_image_path = validate_image_path(addon_menu_image_path)
addon_menu_fragment = generate_addon_menu_fragment(addon_menu_name, addon_menu_title, addon_menu_url, addon_menu_image_path, addon_menu_target)
# Prompt for help menu item
choice = prompt("\nDo you want to create the 'OfficeHelp' item (Help menu)? (y/n): ").strip().lower()
if choice == 'y':
help_menu_name = prompt("\nEnter help menu item name (Help menu): ").strip()
help_menu_title = prompt_menu_title("help menu")
help_menu_url = prompt("\nEnter help menu item URL: ").strip()
help_menu_target = prompt("\nEnter help menu item target (_self, _default, _top, _parent, or _blank): ").strip()
help_menu_image_path = prompt("\nEnter path to help menu item image (optional): ").strip()
help_menu_image_path = validate_image_path(help_menu_image_path)
help_menu_fragment = generate_help_menu_fragment(help_menu_name, help_menu_title, help_menu_url, help_menu_image_path, help_menu_target)
# Prompt for images
choice = prompt("\nImages attribute defines the icons that appear next to the text in the menu and toolbar items.\nDo you want to provide images? (y/n): ").strip().lower()
if choice == 'y':
image_small, image_big, image_small_hc, image_big_hc = prompt_images()
images_fragment = generate_images_fragment(image_small, image_big, image_small_hc, image_big_hc)
while True: # Outer loop for gathering input for each merge
items = [] # Initialize items list for each merge type
merge_type = prompt("\n\nEnter merge type (menu or toolbar): ").strip()
while merge_type not in ['menu', 'toolbar']:
merge_type = prompt("\nInvalid input. \nEnter merge type (menu or toolbar): ").strip()
# Gather input for merge
if merge_type == 'menu':
merge_name = prompt("\nEnter merge name (m<No> name for menu): \nFor example:\nFor a menu merge operation, you could enter something like 'm1' or 'm_print_options': ").strip()
merge_name = prompt("\nEnter merge name (label[] for toolbar): \nFor a toolbar merge operation, you could enter something like [PrintButton] or [FormatToolbar]: ").strip()
merge_point = prompt("\nEnter merge point: ").strip()
merge_command = prompt("\nEnter merge command (possible merge commands are: AddAfter, AddBefore, Replace, Remove): ").strip()
merge_fallback = prompt("\nEnter merge fallback (possible merge fallbacks are: AddAfter, AddBefore, Replace, Remove): ").strip()
merge_toolbar = None
output_dir = None
merge_context = prompt_merge_context()
while True: # Inner loop for gathering input for items
item_name = prompt(f"\nEnter {merge_type} item name (or 'done' to finish): ").strip().lower()
if item_name.lower() == 'done':
title = prompt_menu_title(f"{merge_type} item")
url = prompt(f"\nEnter {merge_type} item URL (can be a macro path or dispatch command): ").strip()
target = prompt(f"\nEnter {merge_type} item target (_self, _default, _top, _parent, or _blank): ").strip()
image_path = prompt_image_path(merge_type)
# Prompt for submenus
submenus = []
add_submenu = prompt(f"\nAdd submenu for this {merge_type} item? (y/n): ").strip().lower()
if add_submenu == 'y':
while True:
submenu_name = prompt("\nEnter submenu name (or 'done' to finish): ").strip().lower()
if submenu_name.lower() == 'done':
submenu_title = prompt_menu_title("submenu")
submenu_url = prompt("\nEnter submenu URL: ").strip()
submenu_target = prompt("\nEnter submenu target (_self, _default, _top, _parent, or _blank): ").strip()
submenu_image_path = prompt("\nEnter path to submenu image (optional): ").strip()
submenu_image_path = validate_image_path(submenu_image_path)
submenus.append(generate_submenu_item_fragment(submenu_name, submenu_title, submenu_url, submenu_image_path, submenu_target))
# Generate item fragment based on merge type
if merge_type == 'menu':
items.append(generate_menu_item_fragment(item_name, title, url, image_path, target, submenus))
elif merge_type == 'toolbar':
merge_toolbar = prompt("\nEnter the Merge ToolBar name\n(specifies the appearance of the floating toolbar reached via View > Toolbars > Add-on) : ").strip()
separator_position = prompt_button_separator()
items.append(generate_toolbar_item_fragment(item_name, title, url, image_path, target, separator_position))
merge_fragment += stitching_xcu(addon_name, merge_type, merge_name, merge_point, merge_command, merge_fallback, items, merge_toolbar, merge_context)
keep_merging = prompt("\n\n\nContinue to modify Menu or Toolbar? ( y or n ): ").strip().lower()
if keep_merging == 'n':
# Generate .xcu file
generate_xcu(merge_fragment, output_dir, addon_menu_fragment, help_menu_fragment, images_fragment)
print("Thank you for using the Addons.xcu file generation. Have a Nice Day!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# vim: set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: