INTEGRATION: CWS residcleanup (1.11.230); FILE MERGED

2007/02/21 22:04:08 pl #i74635# get rid of global ResMgr
This commit is contained in:
Rüdiger Timm 2007-04-26 06:35:04 +00:00
parent d2bf7d0dcc
commit 5f6f889341

View file

@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
* $RCSfile: insdlg.cxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.11 $
* $Revision: 1.12 $
* last change: $Author: mav $ $Date: 2006-10-16 07:24:35 $
* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2007-04-26 07:35:04 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
@ -121,6 +121,20 @@ using namespace ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs;
#include <svtools/svstdarr.hxx>
static String impl_getSvtResString( sal_uInt32 nId )
String aRet;
com::sun::star::lang::Locale aLocale = Application::GetSettings().GetUILocale();
ResMgr* pMgr = ResMgr::CreateResMgr( CREATEVERSIONRESMGR_NAME(svt), aLocale );
if( pMgr )
aRet = String( ResId( nId, *pMgr ) );
delete pMgr;
return aRet;
BOOL InsertObjectDialog_Impl::IsCreateNew() const
return FALSE;
@ -233,18 +247,18 @@ SvInsertOleDlg::SvInsertOleDlg
const Reference < embed::XStorage >& xStorage,
const SvObjectServerList* pServers
: InsertObjectDialog_Impl( pParent, ResId( MD_INSERT_OLEOBJECT, DIALOG_MGR() ), xStorage ),
aRbNewObject( this, ResId( RB_NEW_OBJECT ) ),
aRbObjectFromfile( this, ResId( RB_OBJECT_FROMFILE ) ),
aLbObjecttype( this, ResId( LB_OBJECTTYPE ) ),
aEdFilepath( this, ResId( ED_FILEPATH ) ),
aBtnFilepath( this, ResId( BTN_FILEPATH ) ),
aCbFilelink( this, ResId( CB_FILELINK ) ),
aGbObject( this, ResId( GB_OBJECT ) ),
aOKButton1( this, ResId( 1 ) ),
aCancelButton1( this, ResId( 1 ) ),
aHelpButton1( this, ResId( 1 ) ),
aStrFile( ResId( STR_FILE ) ),
: InsertObjectDialog_Impl( pParent, SVX_RES( MD_INSERT_OLEOBJECT ), xStorage ),
aRbNewObject( this, SVX_RES( RB_NEW_OBJECT ) ),
aRbObjectFromfile( this, SVX_RES( RB_OBJECT_FROMFILE ) ),
aLbObjecttype( this, SVX_RES( LB_OBJECTTYPE ) ),
aEdFilepath( this, SVX_RES( ED_FILEPATH ) ),
aBtnFilepath( this, SVX_RES( BTN_FILEPATH ) ),
aCbFilelink( this, SVX_RES( CB_FILELINK ) ),
aGbObject( this, SVX_RES( GB_OBJECT ) ),
aOKButton1( this, SVX_RES( 1 ) ),
aCancelButton1( this, SVX_RES( 1 ) ),
aHelpButton1( this, SVX_RES( 1 ) ),
aStrFile( SVX_RES( STR_FILE ) ),
m_pServers( pServers )
@ -345,7 +359,7 @@ short SvInsertOleDlg::Execute()
// Objekt konnte nicht aus Datei erzeugt werden
// global Resource from svtools (former so3 resource)
String aErr( impl_getSvtResString( STR_ERROR_OBJNOCREATE_FROM_FILE ) );
aErr.SearchAndReplace( String( '%' ), aFileName );
ErrorBox( this, WB_3DLOOK | WB_OK, aErr ).Execute();
@ -353,7 +367,7 @@ short SvInsertOleDlg::Execute()
// Objekt konnte nicht erzeugt werden
// global Resource from svtools (former so3 resource)
String aErr( ResId( STR_ERROR_OBJNOCREATE ) );
String aErr( impl_getSvtResString( STR_ERROR_OBJNOCREATE ) );
aErr.SearchAndReplace( String( '%' ), aServerName );
ErrorBox( this, WB_3DLOOK | WB_OK, aErr ).Execute();
@ -406,7 +420,7 @@ short SvInsertOleDlg::Execute()
// Objekt konnte nicht aus Datei erzeugt werden
// global Resource from svtools (former so3 resource)
String aErr( impl_getSvtResString( STR_ERROR_OBJNOCREATE_FROM_FILE ) );
aErr.SearchAndReplace( String( '%' ), aFileName );
ErrorBox( this, WB_3DLOOK | WB_OK, aErr ).Execute();
@ -478,15 +492,15 @@ IMPL_LINK( SvInsertPlugInDialog, BrowseHdl, PushButton *, EMPTYARG )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
SvInsertPlugInDialog::SvInsertPlugInDialog( Window* pParent, const uno::Reference < embed::XStorage >& xStorage )
: InsertObjectDialog_Impl( pParent, ResId( MD_INSERT_OBJECT_PLUGIN, DIALOG_MGR() ), xStorage ),
aEdFileurl( this, ResId( ED_FILEURL ) ),
aBtnFileurl( this, ResId( BTN_FILEURL ) ),
aGbFileurl( this, ResId( GB_FILEURL ) ),
aEdPluginsOptions( this, ResId( ED_PLUGINS_OPTIONS ) ),
aGbPluginsOptions( this, ResId( GB_PLUGINS_OPTIONS ) ),
aOKButton1( this, ResId( 1 ) ),
aCancelButton1( this, ResId( 1 ) ),
aHelpButton1( this, ResId( 1 ) ),
: InsertObjectDialog_Impl( pParent, SVX_RES( MD_INSERT_OBJECT_PLUGIN ), xStorage ),
aEdFileurl( this, SVX_RES( ED_FILEURL ) ),
aBtnFileurl( this, SVX_RES( BTN_FILEURL ) ),
aGbFileurl( this, SVX_RES( GB_FILEURL ) ),
aEdPluginsOptions( this, SVX_RES( ED_PLUGINS_OPTIONS ) ),
aGbPluginsOptions( this, SVX_RES( GB_PLUGINS_OPTIONS ) ),
aOKButton1( this, SVX_RES( 1 ) ),
aCancelButton1( this, SVX_RES( 1 ) ),
aHelpButton1( this, SVX_RES( 1 ) ),
@ -564,7 +578,7 @@ short SvInsertPlugInDialog::Execute()
// PlugIn konnte nicht erzeugt werden
// global Resource from svtools (former so3 resource)
String aErr( impl_getSvtResString( STR_ERROR_OBJNOCREATE_PLUGIN ) );
aErr.SearchAndReplace( String( '%' ), aURL );
ErrorBox( this, WB_3DLOOK | WB_OK, aErr ).Execute();
@ -622,18 +636,18 @@ IMPL_LINK( SvInsertAppletDialog, BrowseHdl, PushButton *, EMPTYARG )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
SvInsertAppletDialog::SvInsertAppletDialog( Window* pParent, const uno::Reference < embed::XStorage >& xStorage )
: InsertObjectDialog_Impl( pParent, ResId( MD_INSERT_OBJECT_APPLET, DIALOG_MGR() ), xStorage ),
aFtClassfile( this, ResId( FT_CLASSFILE ) ),
aEdClassfile( this, ResId( ED_CLASSFILE ) ),
aFtClasslocation( this, ResId( FT_CLASSLOCATION ) ),
aEdClasslocation( this, ResId( ED_CLASSLOCATION ) ),
aBtnClass( this, ResId( BTN_CLASS ) ),
aGbClass( this, ResId( GB_CLASS ) ),
aEdAppletOptions( this, ResId( ED_APPLET_OPTIONS ) ),
aGbAppletOptions( this, ResId( GB_APPLET_OPTIONS ) ),
aOKButton1( this, ResId( 1 ) ),
aCancelButton1( this, ResId( 1 ) ),
aHelpButton1( this, ResId( 1 ) ),
: InsertObjectDialog_Impl( pParent, SVX_RES( MD_INSERT_OBJECT_APPLET ), xStorage ),
aFtClassfile( this, SVX_RES( FT_CLASSFILE ) ),
aEdClassfile( this, SVX_RES( ED_CLASSFILE ) ),
aFtClasslocation( this, SVX_RES( FT_CLASSLOCATION ) ),
aEdClasslocation( this, SVX_RES( ED_CLASSLOCATION ) ),
aBtnClass( this, SVX_RES( BTN_CLASS ) ),
aGbClass( this, SVX_RES( GB_CLASS ) ),
aEdAppletOptions( this, SVX_RES( ED_APPLET_OPTIONS ) ),
aGbAppletOptions( this, SVX_RES( GB_APPLET_OPTIONS ) ),
aOKButton1( this, SVX_RES( 1 ) ),
aCancelButton1( this, SVX_RES( 1 ) ),
aHelpButton1( this, SVX_RES( 1 ) ),
@ -641,18 +655,18 @@ SvInsertAppletDialog::SvInsertAppletDialog( Window* pParent, const uno::Referenc
SvInsertAppletDialog::SvInsertAppletDialog( Window* pParent, const uno::Reference < embed::XEmbeddedObject >& xObj )
: InsertObjectDialog_Impl( pParent, ResId( MD_INSERT_OBJECT_APPLET, DIALOG_MGR() ), uno::Reference < embed::XStorage >() ),
aFtClassfile( this, ResId( FT_CLASSFILE ) ),
aEdClassfile( this, ResId( ED_CLASSFILE ) ),
aFtClasslocation( this, ResId( FT_CLASSLOCATION ) ),
aEdClasslocation( this, ResId( ED_CLASSLOCATION ) ),
aBtnClass( this, ResId( BTN_CLASS ) ),
aGbClass( this, ResId( GB_CLASS ) ),
aEdAppletOptions( this, ResId( ED_APPLET_OPTIONS ) ),
aGbAppletOptions( this, ResId( GB_APPLET_OPTIONS ) ),
aOKButton1( this, ResId( 1 ) ),
aCancelButton1( this, ResId( 1 ) ),
aHelpButton1( this, ResId( 1 ) ),
: InsertObjectDialog_Impl( pParent, SVX_RES( MD_INSERT_OBJECT_APPLET ), uno::Reference < embed::XStorage >() ),
aFtClassfile( this, SVX_RES( FT_CLASSFILE ) ),
aEdClassfile( this, SVX_RES( ED_CLASSFILE ) ),
aFtClasslocation( this, SVX_RES( FT_CLASSLOCATION ) ),
aEdClasslocation( this, SVX_RES( ED_CLASSLOCATION ) ),
aBtnClass( this, SVX_RES( BTN_CLASS ) ),
aGbClass( this, SVX_RES( GB_CLASS ) ),
aEdAppletOptions( this, SVX_RES( ED_APPLET_OPTIONS ) ),
aGbAppletOptions( this, SVX_RES( GB_APPLET_OPTIONS ) ),
aOKButton1( this, SVX_RES( 1 ) ),
aCancelButton1( this, SVX_RES( 1 ) ),
aHelpButton1( this, SVX_RES( 1 ) ),
m_xObj = xObj;
@ -697,7 +711,7 @@ short SvInsertAppletDialog::Execute()
SetAppletOptions( aList.GetCommands() );
String aText( ResId( STR_EDIT_APPLET, DIALOG_MGR() ) );
String aText( SVX_RES( STR_EDIT_APPLET ) );
SetText( aText );
@ -763,31 +777,31 @@ short SvInsertAppletDialog::Execute()
SfxInsertFloatingFrameDialog::SfxInsertFloatingFrameDialog( Window *pParent,
const com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XStorage >& xStorage )
: InsertObjectDialog_Impl( pParent, ResId( MD_INSERT_OBJECT_IFRAME, DIALOG_MGR() ), xStorage )
, aFTName ( this, ResId( FT_FRAMENAME ) )
, aEDName ( this, ResId( ED_FRAMENAME ) )
, aFTURL ( this, ResId( FT_URL ) )
, aEDURL ( this, ResId( ED_URL ) )
, aBTOpen ( this, ResId(BT_FILEOPEN ) )
, aRBScrollingOn ( this, ResId( RB_SCROLLINGON ) )
, aRBScrollingOff ( this, ResId( RB_SCROLLINGOFF ) )
, aRBScrollingAuto ( this, ResId( RB_SCROLLINGAUTO ) )
, aFLScrolling ( this, ResId( GB_SCROLLING ) )
, aFLSepLeft( this, ResId( FL_SEP_LEFT ) )
, aRBFrameBorderOn ( this, ResId( RB_FRMBORDER_ON ) )
, aRBFrameBorderOff ( this, ResId( RB_FRMBORDER_OFF ) )
, aFLFrameBorder( this, ResId( GB_BORDER ) )
, aFLSepRight( this, ResId( FL_SEP_RIGHT ) )
, aFTMarginWidth ( this, ResId( FT_MARGINWIDTH ) )
, aNMMarginWidth ( this, ResId( NM_MARGINWIDTH ) )
, aCBMarginWidthDefault( this, ResId( CB_MARGINHEIGHTDEFAULT ) )
, aFTMarginHeight ( this, ResId( FT_MARGINHEIGHT ) )
, aNMMarginHeight ( this, ResId( NM_MARGINHEIGHT ) )
, aCBMarginHeightDefault( this, ResId( CB_MARGINHEIGHTDEFAULT ) )
, aFLMargin( this, ResId( GB_MARGIN ) )
, aOKButton1( this, ResId( 1 ) )
, aCancelButton1( this, ResId( 1 ) )
, aHelpButton1( this, ResId( 1 ) )
: InsertObjectDialog_Impl( pParent, SVX_RES( MD_INSERT_OBJECT_IFRAME ), xStorage )
, aFTName ( this, SVX_RES( FT_FRAMENAME ) )
, aEDName ( this, SVX_RES( ED_FRAMENAME ) )
, aFTURL ( this, SVX_RES( FT_URL ) )
, aEDURL ( this, SVX_RES( ED_URL ) )
, aBTOpen ( this, SVX_RES(BT_FILEOPEN ) )
, aRBScrollingOn ( this, SVX_RES( RB_SCROLLINGON ) )
, aRBScrollingOff ( this, SVX_RES( RB_SCROLLINGOFF ) )
, aRBScrollingAuto ( this, SVX_RES( RB_SCROLLINGAUTO ) )
, aFLScrolling ( this, SVX_RES( GB_SCROLLING ) )
, aFLSepLeft( this, SVX_RES( FL_SEP_LEFT ) )
, aRBFrameBorderOn ( this, SVX_RES( RB_FRMBORDER_ON ) )
, aRBFrameBorderOff ( this, SVX_RES( RB_FRMBORDER_OFF ) )
, aFLFrameBorder( this, SVX_RES( GB_BORDER ) )
, aFLSepRight( this, SVX_RES( FL_SEP_RIGHT ) )
, aFTMarginWidth ( this, SVX_RES( FT_MARGINWIDTH ) )
, aNMMarginWidth ( this, SVX_RES( NM_MARGINWIDTH ) )
, aCBMarginWidthDefault( this, SVX_RES( CB_MARGINHEIGHTDEFAULT ) )
, aFTMarginHeight ( this, SVX_RES( FT_MARGINHEIGHT ) )
, aNMMarginHeight ( this, SVX_RES( NM_MARGINHEIGHT ) )
, aCBMarginHeightDefault( this, SVX_RES( CB_MARGINHEIGHTDEFAULT ) )
, aFLMargin( this, SVX_RES( GB_MARGIN ) )
, aOKButton1( this, SVX_RES( 1 ) )
, aCancelButton1( this, SVX_RES( 1 ) )
, aHelpButton1( this, SVX_RES( 1 ) )
@ -807,31 +821,31 @@ SfxInsertFloatingFrameDialog::SfxInsertFloatingFrameDialog( Window *pParent,
SfxInsertFloatingFrameDialog::SfxInsertFloatingFrameDialog( Window *pParent, const uno::Reference < embed::XEmbeddedObject >& xObj )
: InsertObjectDialog_Impl( pParent, ResId( MD_INSERT_OBJECT_IFRAME, DIALOG_MGR() ), uno::Reference < embed::XStorage >() )
, aFTName ( this, ResId( FT_FRAMENAME ) )
, aEDName ( this, ResId( ED_FRAMENAME ) )
, aFTURL ( this, ResId( FT_URL ) )
, aEDURL ( this, ResId( ED_URL ) )
, aBTOpen ( this, ResId(BT_FILEOPEN ) )
, aRBScrollingOn ( this, ResId( RB_SCROLLINGON ) )
, aRBScrollingOff ( this, ResId( RB_SCROLLINGOFF ) )
, aRBScrollingAuto ( this, ResId( RB_SCROLLINGAUTO ) )
, aFLScrolling ( this, ResId( GB_SCROLLING ) )
, aFLSepLeft( this, ResId( FL_SEP_LEFT ) )
, aRBFrameBorderOn ( this, ResId( RB_FRMBORDER_ON ) )
, aRBFrameBorderOff ( this, ResId( RB_FRMBORDER_OFF ) )
, aFLFrameBorder( this, ResId( GB_BORDER ) )
, aFLSepRight( this, ResId( FL_SEP_RIGHT ) )
, aFTMarginWidth ( this, ResId( FT_MARGINWIDTH ) )
, aNMMarginWidth ( this, ResId( NM_MARGINWIDTH ) )
, aCBMarginWidthDefault( this, ResId( CB_MARGINHEIGHTDEFAULT ) )
, aFTMarginHeight ( this, ResId( FT_MARGINHEIGHT ) )
, aNMMarginHeight ( this, ResId( NM_MARGINHEIGHT ) )
, aCBMarginHeightDefault( this, ResId( CB_MARGINHEIGHTDEFAULT ) )
, aFLMargin( this, ResId( GB_MARGIN ) )
, aOKButton1( this, ResId( 1 ) )
, aCancelButton1( this, ResId( 1 ) )
, aHelpButton1( this, ResId( 1 ) )
: InsertObjectDialog_Impl( pParent, SVX_RES( MD_INSERT_OBJECT_IFRAME ), uno::Reference < embed::XStorage >() )
, aFTName ( this, SVX_RES( FT_FRAMENAME ) )
, aEDName ( this, SVX_RES( ED_FRAMENAME ) )
, aFTURL ( this, SVX_RES( FT_URL ) )
, aEDURL ( this, SVX_RES( ED_URL ) )
, aBTOpen ( this, SVX_RES(BT_FILEOPEN ) )
, aRBScrollingOn ( this, SVX_RES( RB_SCROLLINGON ) )
, aRBScrollingOff ( this, SVX_RES( RB_SCROLLINGOFF ) )
, aRBScrollingAuto ( this, SVX_RES( RB_SCROLLINGAUTO ) )
, aFLScrolling ( this, SVX_RES( GB_SCROLLING ) )
, aFLSepLeft( this, SVX_RES( FL_SEP_LEFT ) )
, aRBFrameBorderOn ( this, SVX_RES( RB_FRMBORDER_ON ) )
, aRBFrameBorderOff ( this, SVX_RES( RB_FRMBORDER_OFF ) )
, aFLFrameBorder( this, SVX_RES( GB_BORDER ) )
, aFLSepRight( this, SVX_RES( FL_SEP_RIGHT ) )
, aFTMarginWidth ( this, SVX_RES( FT_MARGINWIDTH ) )
, aNMMarginWidth ( this, SVX_RES( NM_MARGINWIDTH ) )
, aCBMarginWidthDefault( this, SVX_RES( CB_MARGINHEIGHTDEFAULT ) )
, aFTMarginHeight ( this, SVX_RES( FT_MARGINHEIGHT ) )
, aNMMarginHeight ( this, SVX_RES( NM_MARGINHEIGHT ) )
, aCBMarginHeightDefault( this, SVX_RES( CB_MARGINHEIGHTDEFAULT ) )
, aFLMargin( this, SVX_RES( GB_MARGIN ) )
, aOKButton1( this, SVX_RES( 1 ) )
, aCancelButton1( this, SVX_RES( 1 ) )
, aHelpButton1( this, SVX_RES( 1 ) )
@ -1069,7 +1083,7 @@ IMPL_STATIC_LINK( SfxInsertFloatingFrameDialog, OpenHdl, PushButton*, EMPTYARG )
sfx2::FileDialogHelper aFileDlg( WB_OPEN | SFXWB_PASSWORD, String() );
// set the title
aFileDlg.SetTitle( OUString( String( ResId( MD_INSERT_OBJECT_IFRAME, DIALOG_MGR() ) ) ) );
aFileDlg.SetTitle( OUString( String( SVX_RES( MD_INSERT_OBJECT_IFRAME ) ) ) );
// show the dialog
if ( aFileDlg.Execute() == ERRCODE_NONE )