#i28464# ooo native installer

This commit is contained in:
Ingo Schmidt 2004-05-24 17:23:59 +00:00
parent cf96b373ad
commit 68d28e2534
22 changed files with 1673 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
Action Description Template
s72 L0 L0
1252 ActionText Action
CostFinalize OOO_ACTIONTEXT_11
CostInitialize OOO_ACTIONTEXT_12
InstallValidate OOO_ACTIONTEXT_35
LaunchConditions OOO_ACTIONTEXT_36
ProcessComponents OOO_ACTIONTEXT_43
PublishProduct OOO_ACTIONTEXT_48
RemoveEnvironmentStrings OOO_ACTIONTEXT_69 OOO_ACTIONTEXT_70
RemoveExistingProducts OOO_ACTIONTEXT_71 OOO_ACTIONTEXT_72
UnpublishComponents OOO_ACTIONTEXT_100 OOO_ACTIONTEXT_101
UnpublishProduct OOO_ACTIONTEXT_104
UnregisterExtensionInfo OOO_ACTIONTEXT_109 OOO_ACTIONTEXT_110
UnregisterTypeLibraries OOO_ACTIONTEXT_117 OOO_ACTIONTEXT_118
WriteEnvironmentStrings OOO_ACTIONTEXT_119 OOO_ACTIONTEXT_120

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Action Condition Sequence
s72 S255 I2
AdminExecuteSequence Action
CostFinalize 150
CostInitialize 50
FileCost 100
InstallAdminPackage 300
InstallFiles 350
InstallFinalize 400
InstallInitialize 250
InstallValidate 200

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Action Condition Sequence
s72 S255 I2
AdminUISequence Action
AdminWelcome 250
CostFinalize 200
CostInitialize 100
ExecuteAction 350
FileCost 150
SetupCompleteError -3
SetupCompleteSuccess -1
SetupInitialization 50
SetupInterrupted -2
SetupProgress 300

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Action Condition Sequence
s72 S255 I2
AdvtExecuteSequence Action
CostFinalize 100
CostInitialize 50
CreateShortcuts 250
InstallFinalize 700
InstallInitialize 200
InstallValidate 150
MsiPublishAssemblies 575
PublishComponents 550
PublishFeatures 600
PublishProduct 650
RegisterClassInfo 300
RegisterExtensionInfo 350
RegisterMIMEInfo 450
RegisterProgIdInfo 400
RegisterTypeLibraries 500

View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Name Data
s72 v0
Binary Name
ImageBmp Image.bmp
BannerBmp Banner.bmp
CautionIco caution.ico
DontInstallIco dontinstall.ico
OpenFolderIco openfolder.ico
InstallIco install.ico
InstallFirstUseIco installfirstuse.ico
InstallPartialIco installpartial.ico
InstallStateMenuIco installstatemenu.ico
NetworkInstallIco networkinstall.ico
NewFolderIco newfolder.ico
SetupCompleteIco setupcomplete.ico
SetupIco setup.ico
SetupPartialIco setuppartial.ico
SetupRepairIco setuprepair.ico
TrashcanIco trashcan.ico
UpIco up.ico

View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Property Value
s72 S64
CheckBox Property

View file

@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
Dialog_ Control Type X Y Width Height Attributes Property Text Control_Next Help
s72 s50 s20 i2 i2 i2 i2 I4 S50 L0 S50 L50
Control Dialog_ Control
AdminChangeFolder Banner Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 BannerBmp
AdminChangeFolder BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
AdminChangeFolder Branding1 Text 4 229 75 13 3 OOO_CONTROL_1
AdminChangeFolder Branding2 Text 3 228 75 13 65537 OOO_CONTROL_2
AdminChangeFolder Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_3 ComboText
AdminChangeFolder Combo DirectoryCombo 21 64 277 80 458755 TARGETDIR OOO_CONTROL_4 Up
AdminChangeFolder ComboText Text 21 50 99 14 3 OOO_CONTROL_5 Combo
AdminChangeFolder DlgDesc Text 21 23 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_6
AdminChangeFolder DlgLine Line 77 234 326 0 1
AdminChangeFolder DlgTitle Text 13 6 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_7
AdminChangeFolder List DirectoryList 21 90 332 97 7 TARGETDIR OOO_CONTROL_8 TailText
AdminChangeFolder NewFolder PushButton 335 66 19 19 3670019 NewFolderIco List OOO_CONTROL_9
AdminChangeFolder OK PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_10 Cancel
AdminChangeFolder Tail PathEdit 21 207 332 17 3 TARGETDIR OOO_CONTROL_11 OK
AdminChangeFolder TailText Text 21 193 99 13 3 OOO_CONTROL_12 Tail
AdminChangeFolder Up PushButton 310 66 19 19 3670019 UpIco NewFolder OOO_CONTROL_13
AdminNetworkLocation Back PushButton 164 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_14 InstallNow
AdminNetworkLocation Banner Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 BannerBmp
AdminNetworkLocation BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
AdminNetworkLocation Branding1 Text 4 229 75 13 3 OOO_CONTROL_15
AdminNetworkLocation Branding2 Text 3 228 75 13 65537 OOO_CONTROL_16
AdminNetworkLocation Browse PushButton 286 124 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_17 Back
AdminNetworkLocation Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_18 SetupPathEdit
AdminNetworkLocation DlgDesc Text 21 23 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_19
AdminNetworkLocation DlgLine Line 77 234 326 0 1
AdminNetworkLocation DlgText Text 21 51 326 40 3 OOO_CONTROL_20
AdminNetworkLocation DlgTitle Text 13 6 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_21
AdminNetworkLocation InstallNow PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_22 Cancel
AdminNetworkLocation LBBrowse Text 21 90 100 10 3 OOO_CONTROL_23
AdminNetworkLocation SetupPathEdit PathEdit 21 102 330 17 3 TARGETDIR Browse
AdminWelcome Back PushButton 164 243 66 17 1 OOO_CONTROL_24 Next
AdminWelcome Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_25 Back
AdminWelcome DlgLine Line 0 234 326 0 1
AdminWelcome Image Bitmap 0 0 374 234 1 ImageBmp
AdminWelcome Next PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_26 Cancel
AdminWelcome TextLine1 Text 135 8 225 45 65539 OOO_CONTROL_27
AdminWelcome TextLine2 Text 135 55 228 45 65539 OOO_CONTROL_28
CancelSetup Icon Icon 15 15 24 24 5242881 CautionIco
CancelSetup No PushButton 135 57 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_29 Yes
CancelSetup Text Text 48 15 194 30 3 OOO_CONTROL_30
CancelSetup Yes PushButton 62 57 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_31 No
CustomerInformation Back PushButton 164 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_32 Next
CustomerInformation Banner Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 BannerBmp
CustomerInformation BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
CustomerInformation Branding1 Text 4 229 75 13 3 OOO_CONTROL_33
CustomerInformation Branding2 Text 3 228 75 13 65537 OOO_CONTROL_34
CustomerInformation Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_35 NameLabel
CustomerInformation CompanyEdit Edit 21 100 237 17 3 COMPANYNAME OOO_CONTROL_36 SerialLabel
CustomerInformation CompanyLabel Text 21 89 75 10 3 OOO_CONTROL_37 CompanyEdit
CustomerInformation DlgDesc Text 21 23 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_38
CustomerInformation DlgLine Line 77 234 326 0 1
CustomerInformation DlgRadioGroupText Text 21 161 300 14 3 OOO_CONTROL_39
CustomerInformation DlgTitle Text 13 6 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_40
CustomerInformation NameEdit Edit 21 63 237 17 3 USERNAME OOO_CONTROL_41 CompanyLabel
CustomerInformation NameLabel Text 21 52 75 10 3 OOO_CONTROL_42 NameEdit
CustomerInformation Next PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_43 Cancel
CustomerInformation RadioGroup RadioButtonGroup 63 170 300 50 3 ApplicationUsers OOO_CONTROL_44 Back
CustomerInformation SerialLabel Text 21 127 109 10 2 OOO_CONTROL_45 SerialNumber
CustomerInformation SerialNumber MaskedEdit 21 138 237 17 2 ISX_SERIALNUM RadioGroup
CustomSetup Back PushButton 164 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_46 Next
CustomSetup Banner Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 BannerBmp
CustomSetup BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
CustomSetup Branding1 Text 4 229 75 13 3 OOO_CONTROL_47
CustomSetup Branding2 Text 3 228 75 13 65537 OOO_CONTROL_48
CustomSetup Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_49 Tree
CustomSetup ChangeFolder PushButton 301 203 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_50 Help
CustomSetup Details PushButton 93 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_51 Back
CustomSetup DlgDesc Text 17 23 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_52
CustomSetup DlgLine Line 77 234 326 0 1
CustomSetup DlgText Text 9 51 360 10 3 OOO_CONTROL_53
CustomSetup DlgTitle Text 9 6 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_54
CustomSetup FeatureGroup GroupBox 235 67 131 120 1 OOO_CONTROL_55
CustomSetup Help PushButton 22 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_56 Details
CustomSetup InstallLabel Text 8 190 360 10 3 OOO_CONTROL_57
CustomSetup ItemDescription Text 241 80 120 50 3 OOO_CONTROL_58
CustomSetup Location Text 8 203 291 20 3 OOO_CONTROL_59
CustomSetup Next PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_60 Cancel
CustomSetup Size Text 241 133 120 50 3 OOO_CONTROL_61
CustomSetup Tree SelectionTree 8 70 220 118 7 _BrowseProperty ChangeFolder
CustomSetupTips Banner Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 BannerBmp
CustomSetupTips BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
CustomSetupTips Branding1 Text 4 229 75 13 3 OOO_CONTROL_62
CustomSetupTips Branding2 Text 3 228 75 13 65537 OOO_CONTROL_63
CustomSetupTips DlgDesc Text 21 23 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_64
CustomSetupTips DlgLine Line 77 234 326 0 1
CustomSetupTips DlgTitle Text 13 6 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_65
CustomSetupTips DontInstall Icon 21 155 24 24 5242881 DontInstallIco
CustomSetupTips DontInstallText Text 60 155 300 20 3 OOO_CONTROL_66
CustomSetupTips FirstInstallText Text 60 180 300 20 3 OOO_CONTROL_67
CustomSetupTips Install Icon 21 105 24 24 5242881 InstallIco
CustomSetupTips InstallFirstUse Icon 21 180 24 24 5242881 InstallFirstUseIco
CustomSetupTips InstallPartial Icon 21 130 24 24 5242881 InstallPartialIco
CustomSetupTips InstallStateMenu Icon 21 52 24 24 5242881 InstallStateMenuIco
CustomSetupTips InstallStateText Text 21 91 300 10 3 OOO_CONTROL_68
CustomSetupTips InstallText Text 60 105 300 20 3 OOO_CONTROL_69
CustomSetupTips MenuText Text 50 52 300 36 3 OOO_CONTROL_70
CustomSetupTips NetworkInstall Icon 21 205 24 24 5242881 NetworkInstallIco
CustomSetupTips NetworkInstallText Text 60 205 300 20 3 OOO_CONTROL_71
CustomSetupTips OK PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_72
CustomSetupTips PartialText Text 60 130 300 20 3 OOO_CONTROL_73
DatabaseFolder Back PushButton 164 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_74 Next
DatabaseFolder Banner Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 BannerBmp
DatabaseFolder BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
DatabaseFolder Branding1 Text 4 229 75 13 3 OOO_CONTROL_75
DatabaseFolder Branding2 Text 3 228 75 13 65537 {&Tahoma8}OOO_CONTROL_76
DatabaseFolder Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_77 ChangeFolder
DatabaseFolder ChangeFolder PushButton 301 65 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_78 Back
DatabaseFolder DatabaseFolder Icon 21 52 24 24 5242881 OpenFolderIco
DatabaseFolder DlgDesc Text 21 23 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_79
DatabaseFolder DlgLine Line 77 234 326 0 1
DatabaseFolder DlgTitle Text 13 6 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_80
DatabaseFolder Location Text 57 65 240 40 3 _BrowseProperty OOO_CONTROL_81
DatabaseFolder LocLabel Text 57 52 290 10 3 OOO_CONTROL_82
DatabaseFolder Next PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_83 Cancel
DestinationFolder Back PushButton 164 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_84 Next
DestinationFolder Banner Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 BannerBmp
DestinationFolder BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
DestinationFolder Branding1 Text 4 229 75 13 3 OOO_CONTROL_85
DestinationFolder Branding2 Text 3 228 75 13 65537 OOO_CONTROL_86
DestinationFolder Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_87 ChangeFolder
DestinationFolder ChangeFolder PushButton 301 65 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_88 Back
DestinationFolder DestFolder Icon 21 52 24 24 5242881 OpenFolderIco
DestinationFolder DlgDesc Text 21 23 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_89
DestinationFolder DlgLine Line 77 234 326 0 1
DestinationFolder DlgTitle Text 13 6 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_90
DestinationFolder Location Text 57 65 240 40 3 _BrowseProperty OOO_CONTROL_91
DestinationFolder LocLabel Text 57 52 290 10 3 OOO_CONTROL_92
DestinationFolder Next PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_93 Cancel
DiskSpaceRequirements Banner Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 BannerBmp
DiskSpaceRequirements BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
DiskSpaceRequirements Branding1 Text 4 229 75 13 3 OOO_CONTROL_94
DiskSpaceRequirements Branding2 Text 3 228 75 13 65537 OOO_CONTROL_95
DiskSpaceRequirements DlgDesc Text 17 23 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_96
DiskSpaceRequirements DlgLine Line 77 234 326 0 1
DiskSpaceRequirements DlgText Text 10 185 358 41 3 OOO_CONTROL_97
DiskSpaceRequirements DlgTitle Text 9 6 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_98
DiskSpaceRequirements List VolumeCostList 8 55 358 125 393223 OOO_CONTROL_99{120}{70}{70}{70}{70}
DiskSpaceRequirements OK PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_100
FilesInUse Banner Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 BannerBmp
FilesInUse BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
FilesInUse Branding1 Text 4 229 75 13 3 OOO_CONTROL_101
FilesInUse Branding2 Text 3 228 75 13 65537 OOO_CONTROL_102
FilesInUse DlgDesc Text 21 23 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_103
FilesInUse DlgLine Line 77 234 326 0 1
FilesInUse DlgText Text 21 51 348 29 3 OOO_CONTROL_104
FilesInUse DlgTitle Text 13 6 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_105
FilesInUse Exit PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_106 List
FilesInUse Ignore PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_107 Exit
FilesInUse List ListBox 21 87 331 135 7 FileInUseProcess Retry
FilesInUse Retry PushButton 164 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_108 Ignore
FileTypeDialog Back PushButton 164 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_135 Next
FileTypeDialog Banner Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 BannerBmp
FileTypeDialog BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
FileTypeDialog Branding1 Text 4 229 50 13 3 OOO_CONTROL_1
FileTypeDialog Branding2 Text 3 228 50 13 65537 OOO_CONTROL_2
FileTypeDialog Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_138 CheckBox1
FileTypeDialog CheckBox1 CheckBox 41 86 200 10 3 SELECT_WORD OOO_CONTROL_270 CheckBox2
FileTypeDialog CheckBox2 CheckBox 41 111 200 10 3 SELECT_EXCEL OOO_CONTROL_271 CheckBox3
FileTypeDialog CheckBox3 CheckBox 41 136 200 10 3 SELECT_POWERPOINT OOO_CONTROL_272 Back
FileTypeDialog DlgDesc Text 21 23 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_274
FileTypeDialog DlgLine Line 48 234 326 0 1
FileTypeDialog DlgText Text 21 56 326 10 3 OOO_CONTROL_275
FileTypeDialog DlgTitle Text 13 6 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_278
FileTypeDialog Next PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_134 Cancel
InstallChangeFolder Banner Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 BannerBmp
InstallChangeFolder BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
InstallChangeFolder Branding1 Text 4 229 75 13 3 OOO_CONTROL_109
InstallChangeFolder Branding2 Text 3 228 75 13 65537 OOO_CONTROL_110
InstallChangeFolder Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_111 ComboText
InstallChangeFolder Combo DirectoryCombo 21 64 277 80 4128779 _BrowseProperty OOO_CONTROL_112 Up
InstallChangeFolder ComboText Text 21 50 99 14 3 OOO_CONTROL_113 Combo
InstallChangeFolder DlgDesc Text 21 23 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_114
InstallChangeFolder DlgLine Line 77 234 326 0 1
InstallChangeFolder DlgTitle Text 13 6 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_115
InstallChangeFolder List DirectoryList 21 90 332 97 15 _BrowseProperty OOO_CONTROL_116 TailText
InstallChangeFolder NewFolder PushButton 335 66 19 19 3670019 NewFolderIco List OOO_CONTROL_117
InstallChangeFolder OK PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_118 Cancel
InstallChangeFolder Tail PathEdit 21 207 332 17 15 _BrowseProperty OOO_CONTROL_119 OK
InstallChangeFolder TailText Text 21 193 99 13 3 OOO_CONTROL_120 Tail
InstallChangeFolder Up PushButton 310 66 19 19 3670019 UpIco NewFolder OOO_CONTROL_121
InstallWelcome Back PushButton 164 243 66 17 1 OOO_CONTROL_122 Copyright
InstallWelcome Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_123 Back
InstallWelcome Copyright Text 135 144 228 73 65539 OOO_CONTROL_124 Next
InstallWelcome DlgLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
InstallWelcome Image Bitmap 0 0 374 234 1 ImageBmp
InstallWelcome Next PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_125 Cancel
InstallWelcome TextLine1 Text 135 8 225 45 65539 OOO_CONTROL_126
InstallWelcome TextLine2 Text 135 55 228 45 65539 OOO_CONTROL_127
LanguageSelection Back PushButton 164 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_122 CheckBox1
LanguageSelection Banner Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 BannerBmp
LanguageSelection BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
LanguageSelection Branding1 Text 4 229 75 13 3 OOO_CONTROL_129
LanguageSelection Branding2 Text 3 228 75 13 65537 OOO_CONTROL_130
LanguageSelection Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_131 Back
LanguageSelection DlgDesc Text 21 23 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_267
LanguageSelection DlgLine Line 77 234 326 0 1
LanguageSelection DlgTitle Text 13 6 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_268
LanguageSelection Next PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_134 Cancel
LicenseAgreement Agree RadioButtonGroup 8 190 330 40 3 AgreeToLicense Back
LicenseAgreement Back PushButton 164 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_128 Next
LicenseAgreement Banner Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 BannerBmp
LicenseAgreement BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
LicenseAgreement Branding1 Text 4 229 75 13 3 OOO_CONTROL_129
LicenseAgreement Branding2 Text 3 228 75 13 65537 OOO_CONTROL_130
LicenseAgreement Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_131 Agree
LicenseAgreement DlgDesc Text 21 23 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_132
LicenseAgreement DlgLine Line 77 234 326 0 1
LicenseAgreement DlgTitle Text 13 6 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_133
LicenseAgreement Memo ScrollableText 8 54 358 130 7
LicenseAgreement Next PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_134 Cancel
MaintenanceType Back PushButton 164 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_135 Next
MaintenanceType Banner Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 BannerBmp
MaintenanceType BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
MaintenanceType Branding1 Text 4 229 75 13 3 OOO_CONTROL_136
MaintenanceType Branding2 Text 3 228 75 13 65537 OOO_CONTROL_137
MaintenanceType Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_138 RadioGroup
MaintenanceType DlgDesc Text 21 23 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_139
MaintenanceType DlgLine Line 77 234 326 0 1
MaintenanceType DlgTitle Text 13 6 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_140
MaintenanceType Ico1 Icon 35 75 24 24 5242881 SetupPartialIco
MaintenanceType Ico2 Icon 35 135 24 24 5242881 SetupRepairIco
MaintenanceType Ico3 Icon 35 195 24 24 5242881 TrashcanIco
MaintenanceType Next PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_141 Cancel
MaintenanceType RadioGroup RadioButtonGroup 21 55 290 170 3 _IsMaintenance OOO_CONTROL_142 Back
MaintenanceType Text1 Text 80 72 260 35 3 OOO_CONTROL_143
MaintenanceType Text2 Text 80 135 260 35 3 OOO_CONTROL_144
MaintenanceType Text3 Text 80 192 260 35 3 OOO_CONTROL_145
MaintenanceWelcome Back PushButton 164 243 66 17 1 OOO_CONTROL_146 Next
MaintenanceWelcome Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_147 Back
MaintenanceWelcome DlgLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
MaintenanceWelcome Image Bitmap 0 0 374 234 1 ImageBmp
MaintenanceWelcome Next PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_148 Cancel
MaintenanceWelcome TextLine1 Text 135 8 225 45 65539 OOO_CONTROL_149
MaintenanceWelcome TextLine2 Text 135 55 228 50 65539 OOO_CONTROL_150
OutOfSpace Banner Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 BannerBmp
OutOfSpace BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
OutOfSpace Branding1 Text 4 229 75 13 3 OOO_CONTROL_151
OutOfSpace Branding2 Text 3 228 75 13 65537 OOO_CONTROL_152
OutOfSpace DlgDesc Text 21 23 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_153
OutOfSpace DlgLine Line 77 234 326 0 1
OutOfSpace DlgText Text 21 51 326 43 3 OOO_CONTROL_154
OutOfSpace DlgTitle Text 13 6 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_155
OutOfSpace List VolumeCostList 21 95 332 120 393223 OOO_CONTROL_156
OutOfSpace Resume PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_157
PatchWelcome Back PushButton 164 243 66 17 1 OOO_CONTROL_158 Next
PatchWelcome Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_159 Back
PatchWelcome DlgLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
PatchWelcome Image Bitmap 0 0 374 234 1 ImageBmp
PatchWelcome Next PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_160 Cancel
PatchWelcome TextLine1 Text 135 8 225 45 65539 OOO_CONTROL_161
PatchWelcome TextLine2 Text 135 54 228 45 65539 OOO_CONTROL_162
ReadyToInstall Back PushButton 164 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_163 InstallNow
ReadyToInstall Banner Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 BannerBmp
ReadyToInstall BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
ReadyToInstall Branding1 Text 4 229 75 13 3 OOO_CONTROL_164
ReadyToInstall Branding2 Text 3 228 75 13 65537 OOO_CONTROL_165
ReadyToInstall Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_166 Back
ReadyToInstall DlgDesc Text 21 23 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_167
ReadyToInstall DlgLine Line 77 234 374 0 1
ReadyToInstall DlgText Text 21 51 326 20 3 OOO_CONTROL_168
ReadyToInstall DlgText1 Text 21 70 330 24 3 OOO_CONTROL_169
ReadyToInstall DlgTitle Text 13 6 292 25 65538 OOO_CONTROL_170
ReadyToInstall DlgTitle2 Text 13 6 292 25 65538 OOO_CONTROL_171
ReadyToInstall DlgTitle3 Text 13 6 292 25 65538 OOO_CONTROL_172
ReadyToInstall InstallNow PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_173 Cancel
ReadyToRemove Back PushButton 164 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_174 RemoveNow
ReadyToRemove Banner Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 BannerBmp
ReadyToRemove BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
ReadyToRemove Branding1 Text 4 229 75 13 3 OOO_CONTROL_175
ReadyToRemove Branding2 Text 3 228 75 13 65537 OOO_CONTROL_176
ReadyToRemove Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_177 Back
ReadyToRemove DlgDesc Text 21 23 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_178
ReadyToRemove DlgLine Line 77 234 326 0 1
ReadyToRemove DlgText Text 21 51 326 24 3 OOO_CONTROL_179
ReadyToRemove DlgText1 Text 21 79 330 23 3 OOO_CONTROL_180
ReadyToRemove DlgText2 Text 21 102 330 24 3
ReadyToRemove DlgTitle Text 13 6 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_181
ReadyToRemove RemoveNow PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_182 Cancel
SetupCompleteError Back PushButton 164 243 66 17 1 OOO_CONTROL_183 Finish
SetupCompleteError Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 1 OOO_CONTROL_184 Back
SetupCompleteError DlgLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
SetupCompleteError Finish PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_185 Cancel
SetupCompleteError FinishText1 Text 135 80 228 50 65539 OOO_CONTROL_186
SetupCompleteError FinishText2 Text 135 135 228 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_187
SetupCompleteError Image Bitmap 0 0 374 234 1 ImageBmp
SetupCompleteError RestContText1 Text 135 80 228 50 65539 OOO_CONTROL_188
SetupCompleteError RestContText2 Text 135 135 228 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_189
SetupCompleteError TextLine1 Text 135 8 225 45 65539 OOO_CONTROL_190
SetupCompleteError TextLine2 Text 135 55 228 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_191
SetupCompleteSuccess Back PushButton 164 243 66 17 1 OOO_CONTROL_192 OK
SetupCompleteSuccess Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 1 OOO_CONTROL_193 Image
SetupCompleteSuccess CheckBoxUpdates CheckBox 135 164 10 9 2 ISCHECKFORPRODUCTUPDATES CheckBox1 Back
SetupCompleteSuccess CheckForUpdatesText Text 152 162 190 30 65538 OOO_CONTROL_194
SetupCompleteSuccess CheckLaunchProgram CheckBox 151 114 10 9 2 LAUNCHPROGRAM
SetupCompleteSuccess CheckLaunchReadme CheckBox 151 148 10 9 2 LAUNCHREADME
SetupCompleteSuccess DlgLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
SetupCompleteSuccess Image Bitmap 0 0 374 234 1 ImageBmp CheckBoxUpdates
SetupCompleteSuccess LaunchProgramText Text 164 112 198 15 65538 OOO_CONTROL_195
SetupCompleteSuccess LaunchReadmeText Text 164 148 198 13 65538 OOO_CONTROL_196
SetupCompleteSuccess OK PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_197 Cancel
SetupCompleteSuccess TextLine1 Text 135 8 225 45 65539 OOO_CONTROL_198
SetupCompleteSuccess TextLine2 Text 135 55 228 45 65538 OOO_CONTROL_199
SetupCompleteSuccess TextLine3 Text 135 55 228 45 65538 OOO_CONTROL_200
SetupCompleteSuccess UpdateTextLine1 Text 135 30 228 45 65538 OOO_CONTROL_201
SetupCompleteSuccess UpdateTextLine2 Text 135 80 228 45 65538 OOO_CONTROL_202
SetupCompleteSuccess UpdateTextLine3 Text 135 120 228 45 65538 OOO_CONTROL_203
SetupError A PushButton 192 80 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_204
SetupError C PushButton 192 80 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_205
SetupError ErrorText Text 50 15 200 50 3 OOO_CONTROL_206
SetupError I PushButton 192 80 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_207
SetupError N PushButton 192 80 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_208
SetupError O PushButton 192 80 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_209
SetupError R PushButton 192 80 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_210
SetupError WarningIcon Icon 15 15 24 24 5242881 CautionIco
SetupError Y PushButton 192 80 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_211
SetupInitialization ActionData Text 135 125 228 12 65539 OOO_CONTROL_212
SetupInitialization ActionText Text 135 109 220 36 65539 OOO_CONTROL_213
SetupInitialization Back PushButton 164 243 66 17 1 OOO_CONTROL_214
SetupInitialization Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_215
SetupInitialization DlgLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
SetupInitialization Image Bitmap 0 0 374 234 1 ImageBmp
SetupInitialization Next PushButton 230 243 66 17 1 OOO_CONTROL_216
SetupInitialization TextLine1 Text 135 8 225 45 65539 OOO_CONTROL_217
SetupInitialization TextLine2 Text 135 55 228 30 65539 OOO_CONTROL_218
SetupInterrupted Back PushButton 164 243 66 17 1 OOO_CONTROL_219
SetupInterrupted Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 1 OOO_CONTROL_220
SetupInterrupted DlgLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
SetupInterrupted Finish PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_221
SetupInterrupted FinishText1 Text 135 80 228 50 65539 OOO_CONTROL_222
SetupInterrupted FinishText2 Text 135 135 228 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_223
SetupInterrupted Image Bitmap 0 0 374 234 1 ImageBmp
SetupInterrupted RestContText1 Text 135 80 228 50 65539 OOO_CONTROL_224
SetupInterrupted RestContText2 Text 135 135 228 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_225
SetupInterrupted TextLine1 Text 135 8 225 45 65539 OOO_CONTROL_226
SetupInterrupted TextLine2 Text 135 55 228 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_227
SetupProgress ActionProgress95 ProgressBar 59 113 275 12 65537 OOO_CONTROL_228
SetupProgress ActionText Text 59 100 275 12 3 OOO_CONTROL_229
SetupProgress Back PushButton 164 243 66 17 1 OOO_CONTROL_230 Next
SetupProgress Banner Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 BannerBmp
SetupProgress BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
SetupProgress Branding1 Text 4 229 75 13 3 OOO_CONTROL_231
SetupProgress Branding2 Text 3 228 75 13 65537 OOO_CONTROL_232
SetupProgress Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_233 Back
SetupProgress DlgDesc Text 21 23 292 25 65538 OOO_CONTROL_234
SetupProgress DlgDesc2 Text 21 23 292 25 65538 OOO_CONTROL_235
SetupProgress DlgLine Line 77 234 326 0 1
SetupProgress DlgText Text 59 51 275 30 65538 OOO_CONTROL_236
SetupProgress DlgText2 Text 59 51 275 30 65538 OOO_CONTROL_237
SetupProgress DlgTitle Text 13 6 292 25 65538 OOO_CONTROL_238
SetupProgress DlgTitle2 Text 13 6 292 25 65538 OOO_CONTROL_239
SetupProgress LbSec Text 172 139 32 12 2 OOO_CONTROL_240
SetupProgress LbStatus Text 59 85 70 12 3 OOO_CONTROL_241
SetupProgress Next PushButton 230 243 66 17 1 OOO_CONTROL_242 Cancel
SetupProgress SetupIcon Icon 21 51 24 24 5242881 SetupIco
SetupProgress ShowTime Text 155 139 17 12 2 OOO_CONTROL_243
SetupProgress TextTime Text 59 139 96 12 2 OOO_CONTROL_244
SetupResume Back PushButton 164 243 66 17 1 OOO_CONTROL_245 Next
SetupResume Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_246 Back
SetupResume DlgLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
SetupResume Image Bitmap 0 0 374 234 1 ImageBmp
SetupResume Next PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_247 Cancel
SetupResume PreselectedText Text 135 55 228 45 65539 OOO_CONTROL_248
SetupResume ResumeText Text 135 46 228 45 65539 OOO_CONTROL_249
SetupResume TextLine1 Text 135 8 225 45 65539 OOO_CONTROL_250
SetupType Back PushButton 164 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_251 Next
SetupType Banner Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 BannerBmp
SetupType BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
SetupType Branding1 Text 4 229 75 13 3 OOO_CONTROL_252
SetupType Branding2 Text 3 228 75 13 65537 OOO_CONTROL_253
SetupType Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_254 RadioGroup
SetupType CompleteIco Icon 34 94 24 24 5242881 SetupCompleteIco
SetupType CompText Text 80 94 246 35 3 OOO_CONTROL_255
SetupType CustomIco Icon 34 154 24 24 5242881 SetupPartialIco
SetupType CustText Text 80 154 246 35 3 OOO_CONTROL_256
SetupType DlgDesc Text 21 23 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_257
SetupType DlgLine Line 77 234 326 0 1
SetupType DlgText Text 21 51 326 10 3 OOO_CONTROL_258
SetupType DlgTitle Text 13 6 292 25 65539 OOO_CONTROL_259
SetupType Next PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_260 Cancel
SetupType RadioGroup RadioButtonGroup 21 79 264 120 3 _IsSetupTypeMin OOO_CONTROL_261 Back
SplashBitmap Back PushButton 164 243 66 17 1 OOO_CONTROL_262 Next
SplashBitmap Branding1 Text 4 229 75 13 3 OOO_CONTROL_263
SplashBitmap Branding2 Text 3 228 75 13 65537 OOO_CONTROL_264
SplashBitmap Cancel PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_265 Back
SplashBitmap DlgLine Line 77 234 374 0 1
SplashBitmap Image Bitmap 13 12 349 211 1 ImageBmp
SplashBitmap Next PushButton 230 243 66 17 3 OOO_CONTROL_266 Cancel

View file

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
Dialog_ Control_ Action Condition
s72 s50 s50 s255
ControlCondition Dialog_ Control_ Action Condition
CustomerInformation DlgRadioGroupText Hide NOT Privileged
CustomerInformation DlgRadioGroupText Hide ProductState > 0
CustomerInformation DlgRadioGroupText Hide Version9X
CustomerInformation RadioGroup Hide NOT Privileged
CustomerInformation RadioGroup Hide ProductState > 0
CustomerInformation RadioGroup Hide Version9X
CustomerInformation SerialLabel Show SERIALNUMSHOW
CustomerInformation SerialNumber Show SERIALNUMSHOW
CustomSetup ChangeFolder Hide Installed
CustomSetup Details Hide Installed
CustomSetup InstallLabel Hide Installed
InstallWelcome Copyright Hide SHOWCOPYRIGHT="No"
InstallWelcome Copyright Show SHOWCOPYRIGHT="Yes"
LicenseAgreement Next Disable AgreeToLicense <> "Yes"
LicenseAgreement Next Enable AgreeToLicense = "Yes"
ReadyToInstall DlgTitle Show ProgressType0="Modify"
ReadyToInstall DlgTitle2 Show ProgressType0="Repair"
ReadyToInstall DlgTitle3 Show ProgressType0="install"
SetupCompleteError Back Default UpdateStarted
SetupCompleteError Back Disable NOT UpdateStarted
SetupCompleteError Back Enable UpdateStarted
SetupCompleteError Cancel Disable NOT UpdateStarted
SetupCompleteError Cancel Enable UpdateStarted
SetupCompleteError Finish Default NOT UpdateStarted
SetupCompleteError FinishText1 Hide UpdateStarted
SetupCompleteError FinishText1 Show NOT UpdateStarted
SetupCompleteError FinishText2 Hide UpdateStarted
SetupCompleteError FinishText2 Show NOT UpdateStarted
SetupCompleteError RestContText1 Hide NOT UpdateStarted
SetupCompleteError RestContText1 Show UpdateStarted
SetupCompleteError RestContText2 Hide NOT UpdateStarted
SetupCompleteError RestContText2 Show UpdateStarted
SetupCompleteSuccess CheckBoxUpdates Show ISENABLEDWUSFINISHDIALOG And NOT Installed And ACTION="INSTALL"
SetupCompleteSuccess CheckForUpdatesText Show ISENABLEDWUSFINISHDIALOG And NOT Installed And ACTION="INSTALL"
SetupCompleteSuccess TextLine2 Show ProgressType2="installed" And ((ACTION<>"INSTALL") OR (NOT ISENABLEDWUSFINISHDIALOG) OR (ISENABLEDWUSFINISHDIALOG And Installed))
SetupCompleteSuccess TextLine3 Show ProgressType2="uninstalled" And ((ACTION<>"INSTALL") OR (NOT ISENABLEDWUSFINISHDIALOG) OR (ISENABLEDWUSFINISHDIALOG And Installed))
SetupCompleteSuccess UpdateTextLine1 Show ISENABLEDWUSFINISHDIALOG And NOT Installed And ACTION="INSTALL"
SetupCompleteSuccess UpdateTextLine2 Show ISENABLEDWUSFINISHDIALOG And NOT Installed And ACTION="INSTALL"
SetupCompleteSuccess UpdateTextLine3 Show ISENABLEDWUSFINISHDIALOG And NOT Installed And ACTION="INSTALL"
SetupInterrupted Back Default UpdateStarted
SetupInterrupted Back Disable NOT UpdateStarted
SetupInterrupted Back Enable UpdateStarted
SetupInterrupted Cancel Disable NOT UpdateStarted
SetupInterrupted Cancel Enable UpdateStarted
SetupInterrupted Finish Default NOT UpdateStarted
SetupInterrupted FinishText1 Hide UpdateStarted
SetupInterrupted FinishText1 Show NOT UpdateStarted
SetupInterrupted FinishText2 Hide UpdateStarted
SetupInterrupted FinishText2 Show NOT UpdateStarted
SetupInterrupted RestContText1 Hide NOT UpdateStarted
SetupInterrupted RestContText1 Show UpdateStarted
SetupInterrupted RestContText2 Hide NOT UpdateStarted
SetupInterrupted RestContText2 Show UpdateStarted
SetupProgress DlgDesc Show ProgressType2="installed"
SetupProgress DlgDesc2 Show ProgressType2="uninstalled"
SetupProgress DlgText Show ProgressType3="installs"
SetupProgress DlgText2 Show ProgressType3="uninstalls"
SetupProgress DlgTitle Show ProgressType1="Installing"
SetupProgress DlgTitle2 Show ProgressType1="Uninstalling"
SetupResume PreselectedText Hide RESUME
SetupResume PreselectedText Show NOT RESUME
SetupResume ResumeText Hide NOT RESUME
SetupResume ResumeText Show RESUME

View file

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
Dialog_ Control_ Event Argument Condition Ordering
s72 s50 s50 s255 S255 I2
ControlEvent Dialog_ Control_ Event Argument Condition
AdminChangeFolder Cancel EndDialog Return 1 2
AdminChangeFolder Cancel Reset 0 1 1
AdminChangeFolder NewFolder DirectoryListNew 0 1 0
AdminChangeFolder OK EndDialog Return 1 0
AdminChangeFolder OK SetTargetPath TARGETDIR 1 1
AdminChangeFolder Up DirectoryListUp 0 1 0
AdminNetworkLocation Back NewDialog AdminWelcome 1 0
AdminNetworkLocation Browse SpawnDialog AdminChangeFolder 1 0
AdminNetworkLocation Cancel SpawnDialog CancelSetup 1 0
AdminNetworkLocation InstallNow EndDialog Return OutOfNoRbDiskSpace <> 1 3
AdminNetworkLocation InstallNow NewDialog OutOfSpace OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 1 2
AdminNetworkLocation InstallNow SetTargetPath TARGETDIR 1 1
AdminWelcome Cancel SpawnDialog CancelSetup 1 0
AdminWelcome Next NewDialog AdminNetworkLocation 1 0
CancelSetup No EndDialog Return 1 0
CancelSetup Yes EndDialog Exit 1 2
CustomerInformation Back NewDialog LicenseAgreement 1 1
CustomerInformation Cancel SpawnDialog CancelSetup 1 0
CustomerInformation Next [ALLUSERS] {} ApplicationUsers = "OnlyCurrentUser" And Privileged 2
CustomerInformation Next [ALLUSERS] 1 ApplicationUsers = "AllUsers" And Privileged 1
CustomSetup Back NewDialog MaintenanceType Installed 0
CustomSetup Back NewDialog SetupType NOT Installed 0
CustomSetup Cancel SpawnDialog CancelSetup 1 0
CustomSetup ChangeFolder SelectionBrowse InstallChangeFolder 1 0
CustomSetup Details SelectionBrowse DiskSpaceRequirements 1 1
CustomSetup Help SpawnDialog CustomSetupTips 1 1
CustomSetup Next [_IsSetupTypeMin] Custom 1 0
CustomSetup Next NewDialog OutOfSpace OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 1 0
CustomSetup Next NewDialog FileTypeDialog OutOfNoRbDiskSpace <> 1 0
CustomSetupTips OK EndDialog Return 1 1
DatabaseFolder Back NewDialog CustomerInformation 1 1
DatabaseFolder Cancel SpawnDialog CancelSetup 1 1
DatabaseFolder ChangeFolder [_BrowseProperty] DATABASEDIR 1 2
DatabaseFolder ChangeFolder SpawnDialog InstallChangeFolder 1 1
DatabaseFolder Next NewDialog SetupType 1 1
DestinationFolder Back NewDialog CustomerInformation 1 0
DestinationFolder Cancel SpawnDialog CancelSetup 1 1
DestinationFolder ChangeFolder [_BrowseProperty] INSTALLDIR 1 2
DestinationFolder ChangeFolder SpawnDialog InstallChangeFolder 1 1
DestinationFolder Next NewDialog SetupType 1 0
DiskSpaceRequirements OK EndDialog Return 1 0
FilesInUse Exit EndDialog Exit 1 0
FilesInUse Ignore EndDialog Ignore 1 0
FilesInUse Retry EndDialog Retry 1 0
FileTypeDialog Back NewDialog CustomSetup Installed OR _IsSetupTypeMin = "Custom" 2
FileTypeDialog Back NewDialog SetupType NOT Installed AND _IsSetupTypeMin <> "Custom" 1
FileTypeDialog Cancel SpawnDialog CancelSetup 1 0
FileTypeDialog Next NewDialog ReadyToInstall 1 0
InstallChangeFolder Cancel EndDialog Return 1 2
InstallChangeFolder Cancel Reset 0 1 1
InstallChangeFolder NewFolder DirectoryListNew 0 1 0
InstallChangeFolder OK EndDialog Return 1 3
InstallChangeFolder OK SetTargetPath [_BrowseProperty] 1 2
InstallChangeFolder Up DirectoryListUp 0 1 0
InstallWelcome Back NewDialog SplashBitmap Display_IsBitmapDlg 1
InstallWelcome Cancel SpawnDialog CancelSetup 1 0
InstallWelcome Next NewDialog LicenseAgreement 1 0
LanguageSelection Back NewDialog CustomerInformation 1 1
LanguageSelection Cancel SpawnDialog CancelSetup 1 1
LanguageSelection Next NewDialog SetupType 1 1
LicenseAgreement Back NewDialog InstallWelcome 1 0
LicenseAgreement Cancel SpawnDialog CancelSetup 1 0
LicenseAgreement Next NewDialog CustomerInformation AgreeToLicense = "Yes" 0
MaintenanceType Back NewDialog MaintenanceWelcome 1 0
MaintenanceType Cancel SpawnDialog CancelSetup 1 0
MaintenanceType Next [ProgressType0] Modify _IsMaintenance = "Change" 2
MaintenanceType Next [ProgressType0] Repair _IsMaintenance = "Reinstall" 1
MaintenanceType Next [ProgressType1] Modifying _IsMaintenance = "Change" 3
MaintenanceType Next [ProgressType1] Repairing _IsMaintenance = "Reinstall" 4
MaintenanceType Next [ProgressType2] modified _IsMaintenance = "Change" 6
MaintenanceType Next [ProgressType2] repairs _IsMaintenance = "Reinstall" 5
MaintenanceType Next [ProgressType3] modifies _IsMaintenance = "Change" 7
MaintenanceType Next [ProgressType3] repairs _IsMaintenance = "Reinstall" 8
MaintenanceType Next NewDialog CustomSetup _IsMaintenance = "Change" 12
MaintenanceType Next NewDialog ReadyToInstall _IsMaintenance = "Reinstall" 13
MaintenanceType Next NewDialog ReadyToRemove _IsMaintenance = "Remove" 11
MaintenanceType Next Reinstall ALL _IsMaintenance = "Reinstall" 10
MaintenanceType Next ReinstallMode [ReinstallModeText] _IsMaintenance = "Reinstall" 9
MaintenanceWelcome Cancel SpawnDialog CancelSetup 1 0
MaintenanceWelcome Next NewDialog MaintenanceType 1 0
OutOfSpace Resume NewDialog AdminNetworkLocation ACTION = "ADMIN" 0
OutOfSpace Resume NewDialog CustomSetup ACTION <> "ADMIN" 0
PatchWelcome Back NewDialog SplashBitmap Display_IsBitmapDlg 0
PatchWelcome Cancel SpawnDialog CancelSetup 1 1
PatchWelcome Next EndDialog Return 1 3
PatchWelcome Next Reinstall ALL PATCH And REINSTALL="" 1
PatchWelcome Next ReinstallMode omus PATCH And REINSTALLMODE="" 2
ReadyToInstall Back NewDialog FileTypeDialog Installed OR _IsSetupTypeMin = "Custom" 2
ReadyToInstall Back NewDialog MaintenanceType Installed AND _IsMaintenance = "Reinstall" 3
ReadyToInstall Back NewDialog FileTypeDialog NOT Installed AND _IsSetupTypeMin <> "Custom" 1
ReadyToInstall Cancel SpawnDialog CancelSetup 1 0
ReadyToInstall InstallNow [ProgressType1] Installing 1 0
ReadyToInstall InstallNow [ProgressType2] installed 1 0
ReadyToInstall InstallNow [ProgressType3] installs 1 0
ReadyToInstall InstallNow EndDialog Return OutOfNoRbDiskSpace <> 1 0
ReadyToInstall InstallNow NewDialog OutOfSpace OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 1 0
ReadyToRemove Back NewDialog MaintenanceType 1 0
ReadyToRemove Cancel SpawnDialog CancelSetup 1 0
ReadyToRemove RemoveNow [ProgressType1] Uninstalling 1 0
ReadyToRemove RemoveNow [ProgressType2] uninstalled 1 0
ReadyToRemove RemoveNow [ProgressType3] uninstalls 1 0
ReadyToRemove RemoveNow EndDialog Return OutOfNoRbDiskSpace <> 1 2
ReadyToRemove RemoveNow NewDialog OutOfSpace OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 1 2
ReadyToRemove RemoveNow Remove ALL 1 1
SetupCompleteError Back [Suspend] {} 1 1
SetupCompleteError Back EndDialog Return 1 2
SetupCompleteError Cancel [Suspend] 1 1 1
SetupCompleteError Cancel EndDialog Return 1 2
SetupCompleteError Finish EndDialog Exit 1 2
SetupCompleteSuccess OK EndDialog Exit 1 2
SetupError A EndDialog ErrorAbort 1 0
SetupError C EndDialog ErrorCancel 1 0
SetupError I EndDialog ErrorIgnore 1 0
SetupError N EndDialog ErrorNo 1 0
SetupError O EndDialog ErrorOk 1 0
SetupError R EndDialog ErrorRetry 1 0
SetupError Y EndDialog ErrorYes 1 0
SetupInitialization Cancel SpawnDialog CancelSetup 1 0
SetupInterrupted Back [Suspend] {} 1 1
SetupInterrupted Back EndDialog Exit 1 2
SetupInterrupted Cancel [Suspend] 1 1 1
SetupInterrupted Cancel EndDialog Exit 1 2
SetupInterrupted Finish EndDialog Exit 1 2
SetupProgress Cancel SpawnDialog CancelSetup 1 0
SetupResume Cancel SpawnDialog CancelSetup 1 0
SetupResume Next EndDialog Return OutOfNoRbDiskSpace <> 1 0
SetupResume Next NewDialog OutOfSpace OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 1 0
SetupType Back NewDialog CustomerInformation isMulti=0 0
SetupType Back NewDialog LanguageSelection isMulti=1 0
SetupType Cancel SpawnDialog CancelSetup 1 0
SetupType Next AddLocal ALL _IsSetupTypeMin = "Typical" 0
SetupType Next NewDialog CustomSetup _IsSetupTypeMin = "Custom" 0
SetupType Next NewDialog FileTypeDialog _IsSetupTypeMin <> "Custom" 0
SplashBitmap Cancel SpawnDialog CancelSetup 1 0
SplashBitmap Next NewDialog InstallWelcome 1 0

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Action Type Source Target
s72 i2 S64 S255
CustomAction Action
ISInitAllUsers 307 ALLUSERS 1
SetAllUsersProfileNT 51 ALLUSERSPROFILE [%SystemRoot]\Profiles\All Users

View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
Dialog HCentering VCentering Width Height Attributes Title Control_First Control_Default Control_Cancel
s72 i2 i2 i2 i2 I4 L128 s50 S50 S50
Dialog Dialog
AdminChangeFolder 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] - Install Wizard Tail OK Cancel
AdminNetworkLocation 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] - Install Wizard InstallNow InstallNow Cancel
AdminWelcome 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] - Install Wizard Next Next Cancel
CancelSetup 50 50 260 85 3 [ProductName] [Setup] No No No
CustomerInformation 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] - Install Wizard NameEdit Next Cancel
CustomSetup 50 50 374 266 35 [ProductName] - Install Wizard Tree Next Cancel
CustomSetupTips 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] - Install Wizard OK OK OK
DatabaseFolder 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] - Install Wizard Next Next Cancel
DestinationFolder 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] - Install Wizard Next Next Cancel
DiskSpaceRequirements 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] - Install Wizard OK OK OK
FilesInUse 50 50 374 266 19 [ProductName] - Install Wizard Retry Retry Exit
FileTypeDialog 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] - Install Wizard CheckBox1 Next Cancel
InstallChangeFolder 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] - Install Wizard Tail OK Cancel
InstallWelcome 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] - Install Wizard Next Next Cancel
LanguageSelection 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] - Install Wizard Next Next Cancel
LicenseAgreement 50 50 374 266 2 [ProductName] - Install Wizard Agree Next Cancel
MaintenanceType 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] - Install Wizard RadioGroup Next Cancel
MaintenanceWelcome 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] - Install Wizard Next Next Cancel
OutOfSpace 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] - Install Wizard Resume Resume Resume
PatchWelcome 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] Patch - Install Wizard Next Next Cancel
ReadyToInstall 50 50 374 266 35 [ProductName] - Install Wizard InstallNow InstallNow Cancel
ReadyToRemove 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] - Install Wizard RemoveNow RemoveNow Cancel
SetupCompleteError 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] - Install Wizard Finish Finish Finish
SetupCompleteSuccess 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] - Install Wizard OK OK OK
SetupError 50 10 270 110 65543 [ProductName] Installerinformationen ErrorText O C
SetupInitialization 50 50 374 266 5 [ProductName] - Install Wizard Cancel Cancel Cancel
SetupInterrupted 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] - Install Wizard Finish Finish Finish
SetupProgress 50 50 374 266 5 [ProductName] - Install Wizard Cancel Cancel Cancel
SetupResume 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] - Install Wizard Next Next Cancel
SetupType 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] - Install Wizard RadioGroup Next Cancel
SplashBitmap 50 50 374 266 3 [ProductName] - Install Wizard Next Next Cancel

View file

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
Error Message
i2 L0
1252 Error Error
1101 OOO_ERROR_25
1301 OOO_ERROR_26
1302 OOO_ERROR_27
1303 OOO_ERROR_28
1304 OOO_ERROR_29
1305 OOO_ERROR_30
1306 OOO_ERROR_31.
1307 OOO_ERROR_32
1308 OOO_ERROR_33
1309 OOO_ERROR_34
1310 OOO_ERROR_35
1311 OOO_ERROR_36
1312 OOO_ERROR_37
1313 OOO_ERROR_38
1314 OOO_ERROR_39
1315 OOO_ERROR_40
1316 OOO_ERROR_41.
1317 OOO_ERROR_42
1318 OOO_ERROR_43
1319 OOO_ERROR_44
1320 OOO_ERROR_45
1321 OOO_ERROR_46
1322 OOO_ERROR_47
1323 OOO_ERROR_48
1324 OOO_ERROR_49
1325 OOO_ERROR_50
1326 OOO_ERROR_51
1327 OOO_ERROR_52
1328 OOO_ERROR_53
1401 OOO_ERROR_54
1402 OOO_ERROR_55
1403 OOO_ERROR_56
1404 OOO_ERROR_57
1405 OOO_ERROR_58
1406 OOO_ERROR_59
1407 OOO_ERROR_60
1408 OOO_ERROR_61
1409 OOO_ERROR_62
1410 OOO_ERROR_63
1500 OOO_ERROR_64
1501 OOO_ERROR_65
1502 OOO_ERROR_66
1503 OOO_ERROR_67
1601 OOO_ERROR_68
1602 OOO_ERROR_69
1603 OOO_ERROR_70
1604 OOO_ERROR_71
1605 OOO_ERROR_72
1606 OOO_ERROR_73
1607 OOO_ERROR_74
1608 OOO_ERROR_75
1701 OOO_ERROR_76
1702 OOO_ERROR_77
1703 OOO_ERROR_78
1704 OOO_ERROR_79
1705 OOO_ERROR_80
1706 OOO_ERROR_81
1707 OOO_ERROR_82
1708 OOO_ERROR_83
1709 OOO_ERROR_84
1710 OOO_ERROR_85
1711 OOO_ERROR_86
1712 OOO_ERROR_87
1713 OOO_ERROR_88
1714 OOO_ERROR_89
1801 OOO_ERROR_90
1802 OOO_ERROR_91
1803 OOO_ERROR_92
1804 OOO_ERROR_93
1805 OOO_ERROR_94
1806 OOO_ERROR_95
1807 OOO_ERROR_96
1901 OOO_ERROR_97
1902 OOO_ERROR_98
1903 OOO_ERROR_99
1904 OOO_ERROR_100.
1905 OOO_ERROR_101
1906 OOO_ERROR_102
1907 OOO_ERROR_103
1908 OOO_ERROR_104
1909 OOO_ERROR_105
1910 OOO_ERROR_106
1911 OOO_ERROR_107
1912 OOO_ERROR_108
1913 OOO_ERROR_109
1914 OOO_ERROR_110
1915 OOO_ERROR_111
1916 OOO_ERROR_112
1917 OOO_ERROR_113
1918 OOO_ERROR_114
1919 OOO_ERROR_115
1920 OOO_ERROR_116
1921 OOO_ERROR_117
1922 OOO_ERROR_118
1923 OOO_ERROR_119
1924 OOO_ERROR_120
1925 OOO_ERROR_121
1926 OOO_ERROR_122
1927 OOO_ERROR_123
1928 OOO_ERROR_124
1929 OOO_ERROR_125
1930 OOO_ERROR_126
1931 OOO_ERROR_127
1932 OOO_ERROR_128
1933 OOO_ERROR_129
1934 OOO_ERROR_130

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Dialog_ Control_ Event Attribute
s72 s50 s50 s50
EventMapping Dialog_ Control_ Event
CustomSetup ItemDescription SelectionDescription Text
CustomSetup Location SelectionPath Text
CustomSetup Size SelectionSize Text
SetupInitialization ActionData ActionData Text
SetupInitialization ActionText ActionText Text
SetupProgress ActionProgress95 AdminInstallFinalize Progress
SetupProgress ActionProgress95 InstallFiles Progress
SetupProgress ActionProgress95 MoveFiles Progress
SetupProgress ActionProgress95 RemoveFiles Progress
SetupProgress ActionProgress95 RemoveRegistryValues Progress
SetupProgress ActionProgress95 SetProgress Progress
SetupProgress ActionProgress95 UnmoveFiles Progress
SetupProgress ActionProgress95 WriteIniValues Progress
SetupProgress ActionProgress95 WriteRegistryValues Progress
SetupProgress ActionText ActionText Text

View file

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
Action Condition Sequence
s72 S255 I2
InstallExecuteSequence Action
AllocateRegistrySpace NOT Installed 750
AppSearch 25
BindImage 2100
CCPSearch CCP_TEST 200
CostFinalize 500
CostInitialize 350
CreateFolders 1850
CreateShortcuts 2150
DeleteServices VersionNT 1000
DuplicateFiles 2050
FileCost 400
FindRelatedProducts NOT ISSETUPDRIVEN 100
InstallFiles 1950
InstallFinalize 3150
InstallInitialize 700
InstallODBC 2600
InstallServices VersionNT 2750
InstallValidate 650
ISInitAllUsers VersionNT And NOT Installed And Privileged 525
IsolateComponents 450
LaunchConditions 50
MigrateFeatureStates 600
MoveFiles 1900
MsiPublishAssemblies 3025
MsiUnpublishAssemblies 875
PatchFiles 2000
ProcessComponents 800
PublishComponents 3000
PublishFeatures 3050
PublishProduct 3100
RegisterClassInfo 2200
RegisterComPlus 2700
RegisterExtensionInfo 2250
RegisterFonts 2550
RegisterMIMEInfo 2350
RegisterProduct 2950
RegisterProgIdInfo 2300
RegisterTypeLibraries 2650
RegisterUser 2900
RemoveDuplicateFiles 1700
RemoveEnvironmentStrings 1650
RemoveExistingProducts 675
RemoveFiles 1750
RemoveFolders 1800
RemoveIniValues 1550
RemoveODBC 1200
RemoveRegistryValues 1300
RemoveShortcuts 1600
ScheduleReboot ISSCHEDULEREBOOT 3125
SelfRegModules 2850
SelfUnregModules 1100
SetODBCFolders 550
StartServices VersionNT 2800
StopServices VersionNT 950
UnpublishComponents 850
UnpublishFeatures 900
UnregisterClassInfo 1350
UnregisterComPlus 1050
UnregisterExtensionInfo 1400
UnregisterFonts 1250
UnregisterMIMEInfo 1500
UnregisterProgIdInfo 1450
UnregisterTypeLibraries 1150
ValidateProductID 300
WriteEnvironmentStrings 2500
WriteIniValues 2450
WriteRegistryValues 2400

View file

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
Action Condition Sequence
s72 S255 I2
InstallUISequence Action
AppSearch 25
CCPSearch CCP_TEST 250
CostFinalize 550
CostInitialize 400
ExecuteAction 850
FileCost 450
FindRelatedProducts 150
InstallWelcome Not Installed And (Not PATCH Or IS_MAJOR_UPGRADE) 650
ISInitAllUsers VersionNT And NOT Installed And Privileged 575
IsolateComponents 500
LaunchConditions 50
MaintenanceWelcome Installed And Not RESUME And Not Preselected And Not PATCH 750
MigrateFeatureStates 600
PatchWelcome PATCH And Not IS_MAJOR_UPGRADE 625
ResolveSource Not Installed And Not PATCH 525
setAllUsersProfile2K VersionNT >= 500 512
SetAllUsersProfileNT VersionNT = 400 511
SetupCompleteError -3
SetupCompleteSuccess -1
SetupInitialization 100
SetupInterrupted -2
SetupProgress 800
SetupResume Installed And (RESUME Or Preselected) And Not PATCH 700
setUserProfileNT VersionNT 510
ValidateProductID 350

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Property Order Value Text
s72 i2 s64 L64
ListBox Property Order

View file

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
Property Value
s72 l0
1252 Property Property
_IsMaintenance Change
_IsSetupTypeMin Typical
AgreeToLicense No
ApplicationUsers AllUsers
DefaultUIFont Tahoma8
DialogCaption Windows Installer
DiskPrompt [1]
Display_IsBitmapDlg 1
ErrorDialog SetupError
InstallChoice AR
PIDTemplate 12345<###-%%%%%%%>@@@@@
ProductID none
ProgressType0 install
ProgressType1 Installing
ProgressType2 installed
ProgressType3 installs
RebootYesNo Yes
ReinstallModeText omus
SetupType Typical

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Property Order Value X Y Width Height Text Help
s72 i2 s64 i2 i2 i2 i2 L64 L50
1252 RadioButton Property Order
_IsMaintenance 1 Change 0 0 290 14 OOO_RADIOBUTTON_1
_IsMaintenance 2 Reinstall 0 60 290 14 OOO_RADIOBUTTON_2
_IsMaintenance 3 Remove 0 120 290 14 OOO_RADIOBUTTON_3
_IsSetupTypeMin 1 Typical 0 0 264 14 OOO_RADIOBUTTON_4
_IsSetupTypeMin 2 Custom 0 60 264 14 OOO_RADIOBUTTON_5
AgreeToLicense 1 No 0 15 295 15 OOO_RADIOBUTTON_6
AgreeToLicense 2 Yes 0 0 295 15 OOO_RADIOBUTTON_7
ApplicationUsers 1 AllUsers 1 7 290 14 OOO_RADIOBUTTON_8
ApplicationUsers 2 OnlyCurrentUser 1 23 290 14 OOO_RADIOBUTTON_9

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
TextStyle FaceName Size Color StyleBits
s72 s32 i2 I4 I2
TextStyle TextStyle
Arial8 Arial 8
Arial9 Arial 9
ArialBlue10 Arial 10 16711680
ArialBlueStrike10 Arial 10 16711680 8
CourierNew8 Courier New 8
CourierNew9 Courier New 9
MSGothic9 MS Gothic 9
MSSansBold8 Tahoma 8 1
MSSansSerif8 MS Sans Serif 8
MSSansSerif9 MS Sans Serif 9
MSSGreySerif8 MS Sans Serif 8 8421504
MSSWhiteSerif8 Tahoma 8 16777215
Tahoma10 Tahoma 10
Tahoma8 Tahoma 8
Tahoma9 Tahoma 9
TahomaBold10 Tahoma 10 1
TahomaBold8 Tahoma 8 1
Times8 Times New Roman 8
Times9 Times New Roman 9
TimesItalic12 Times New Roman 12 2
TimesItalicBlue10 Times New Roman 10 16711680 2
TimesRed16 Times New Roman 16 255

View file

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
Key Text
s72 L255
1252 UIText Key
bytes OOO_UITEXT_1
MenuAbsent OOO_UITEXT_5
MenuAdvertise OOO_UITEXT_6
MenuAllLocal OOO_UITEXT_8
MenuAllNetwork OOO_UITEXT_9
MenuLocal OOO_UITEXT_11
MenuNetwork OOO_UITEXT_12
NewFolder OOO_UITEXT_13
SelAbsentAbsent OOO_UITEXT_14
SelAbsentAdvertise OOO_UITEXT_15
SelAbsentLocal OOO_UITEXT_17
SelAbsentNetwork OOO_UITEXT_18
SelAdvertiseAbsent OOO_UITEXT_19
SelAdvertiseAdvertise OOO_UITEXT_20
SelAdvertiseCD OOO_UITEXT_21
SelAdvertiseLocal OOO_UITEXT_22
SelAdvertiseNetwork OOO_UITEXT_23
SelCDAdvertise OOO_UITEXT_25
SelChildCostNeg OOO_UITEXT_28
SelChildCostPos OOO_UITEXT_29
SelCostPending OOO_UITEXT_30
SelLocalAbsent OOO_UITEXT_31
SelLocalAdvertise OOO_UITEXT_32
SelLocalLocal OOO_UITEXT_34
SelLocalNetwork OOO_UITEXT_35
SelNetworkAbsent OOO_UITEXT_36
SelNetworkAdvertise OOO_UITEXT_37
SelNetworkLocal OOO_UITEXT_38
SelNetworkNetwork OOO_UITEXT_39
SelParentCostNegNeg OOO_UITEXT_40
SelParentCostNegPos OOO_UITEXT_41
SelParentCostPosNeg OOO_UITEXT_42
SelParentCostPosPos OOO_UITEXT_43
TimeRemaining OOO_UITEXT_44
VolumeCostAvailable OOO_UITEXT_45
VolumeCostDifference OOO_UITEXT_46
VolumeCostRequired OOO_UITEXT_47
VolumeCostSize OOO_UITEXT_48
VolumeCostVolume OOO_UITEXT_49

View file

@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
Table Column Nullable MinValue MaxValue KeyTable KeyColumn Category Set Description
s32 s32 s4 I4 I4 S255 I2 S32 S255 S255
_Validation Table Column
_Validation Category Y Text;Formatted;Template;Condition;Guid;Path;Version;Language;Identifier;Binary;UpperCase;LowerCase;Filename;Paths;AnyPath;WildCardFilename;RegPath;KeyFormatted;CustomSource;Property;Cabinet;Shortcut;URL String category
_Validation Column N Identifier Name of column
_Validation Description Y Text Description of column
_Validation KeyColumn Y 1 32 Column to which foreign key connects
_Validation KeyTable Y Identifier For foreign key, Name of table to which data must link
_Validation MaxValue Y -2147483647 2147483647 Maximum value allowed
_Validation MinValue Y -2147483647 2147483647 Minimum value allowed
_Validation Nullable N Y;N;@ Whether the column is nullable
_Validation Set Y Text Set of values that are permitted
_Validation Table N Identifier Name of table
ActionText Action N Identifier Name of action to be described.
ActionText Description Y Text Localized description displayed in progress dialog and log when action is executing.
ActionText Template Y Template Optional localized format template used to format action data records for display during action execution.
AdminExecuteSequence Action N Identifier Name of action to invoke, either in the engine or the handler DLL.
AdminExecuteSequence Condition Y Condition Optional expression which skips the action if evaluates to expFalse.If the expression syntax is invalid, the engine will terminate, returning iesBadActionData.
AdminExecuteSequence Sequence Y -4 32767 Number that determines the sort order in which the actions are to be executed. Leave blank to suppress action.
AdminUISequence Action N Identifier Name of action to invoke, either in the engine or the handler DLL.
AdminUISequence Condition Y Condition Optional expression which skips the action if evaluates to expFalse.If the expression syntax is invalid, the engine will terminate, returning iesBadActionData.
AdminUISequence Sequence Y -4 32767 Number that determines the sort order in which the actions are to be executed. Leave blank to suppress action.
AdvtExecuteSequence Action N Identifier Name of action to invoke, either in the engine or the handler DLL.
AdvtExecuteSequence Condition Y Condition Optional expression which skips the action if evaluates to expFalse.If the expression syntax is invalid, the engine will terminate, returning iesBadActionData.
AdvtExecuteSequence Sequence Y -4 32767 Number that determines the sort order in which the actions are to be executed. Leave blank to suppress action.
AdvtUISequence Action N Identifier Name of action to invoke, either in the engine or the handler DLL.
AdvtUISequence Condition Y Condition Optional expression which skips the action if evaluates to expFalse.If the expression syntax is invalid, the engine will terminate, returning iesBadActionData.
AdvtUISequence Sequence Y -4 32767 Number that determines the sort order in which the actions are to be executed. Leave blank to suppress action.
AppId ActivateAtStorage Y 0 1
AppId AppId N Guid
AppId DllSurrogate Y Text
AppId LocalService Y Text
AppId RemoteServerName Y Formatted
AppId RunAsInteractiveUser Y 0 1
AppId ServiceParameters Y Text
AppSearch Property N Identifier The property associated with a Signature
AppSearch Signature_ N Signature;RegLocator;IniLocator;DrLocator;CompLocator 1 Identifier The Signature_ represents a unique file signature and is also the foreign key in the Signature, RegLocator, IniLocator, CompLocator and the DrLocator tables.
BBControl Attributes Y 0 2147483647 A 32-bit word that specifies the attribute flags to be applied to this control.
BBControl BBControl N Identifier Name of the control. This name must be unique within a billboard, but can repeat on different billboard.
BBControl Billboard_ N Billboard 1 Identifier External key to the Billboard table, name of the billboard.
BBControl Height N 0 32767 Height of the bounding rectangle of the control.
BBControl Text Y Text A string used to set the initial text contained within a control (if appropriate).
BBControl Type N Identifier The type of the control.
BBControl Width N 0 32767 Width of the bounding rectangle of the control.
BBControl X N 0 32767 Horizontal coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle of the control.
BBControl Y N 0 32767 Vertical coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle of the control.
Billboard Action Y Identifier The name of an action. The billboard is displayed during the progress messages received from this action.
Billboard Billboard N Identifier Name of the billboard.
Billboard Feature_ N Feature 1 Identifier An external key to the Feature Table. The billboard is shown only if this feature is being installed.
Billboard Ordering Y 0 32767 A positive integer. If there is more than one billboard corresponding to an action they will be shown in the order defined by this column.
Binary Data N Binary The unformatted binary data.
Binary Name N Identifier Unique key identifying the binary data.
BindImage File_ N File 1 Identifier The index into the File table. This must be an executable file.
BindImage Path Y Paths A list of ; delimited paths that represent the paths to be searched for the import DLLS. The list is usually a list of properties each enclosed within square brackets [] .
CCPSearch Signature_ N Signature;RegLocator;IniLocator;DrLocator;CompLocator 1 Identifier The Signature_ represents a unique file signature and is also the foreign key in the Signature, RegLocator, IniLocator, CompLocator and the DrLocator tables.
CheckBox Property N Identifier A named property to be tied to the item.
CheckBox Value Y Formatted The value string associated with the item.
Class AppId_ Y AppId 1 Guid Optional AppID containing DCOM information for associated application (string GUID).
Class Argument Y Formatted optional argument for LocalServers.
Class Attributes Y 32767 Class registration attributes.
Class CLSID N Guid The CLSID of an OLE factory.
Class Component_ N Component 1 Identifier Required foreign key into the Component Table, specifying the component for which to return a path when called through LocateComponent.
Class Context N Identifier The numeric server context for this server. CLSCTX_xxxx
Class DefInprocHandler Y Filename 1;2;3 Optional default inproc handler. Only optionally provided if Context=CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER. Typically "ole32.dll" or "mapi32.dll"
Class Description Y Text Localized description for the Class.
Class Feature_ N Feature 1 Identifier Required foreign key into the Feature Table, specifying the feature to validate or install in order for the CLSID factory to be operational.
Class FileTypeMask Y Text Optional string containing information for the HKCRthis CLSID) key. If multiple patterns exist, they must be delimited by a semicolon, and numeric subkeys will be generated: 0,1,2...
Class Icon_ Y Icon 1 Identifier Optional foreign key into the Icon Table, specifying the icon file associated with this CLSID. Will be written under the DefaultIcon key.
Class IconIndex Y -32767 32767 Optional icon index.
Class ProgId_Default Y ProgId 1 Text Optional ProgId associated with this CLSID.
ComboBox Order N 1 32767 A positive integer used to determine the ordering of the items within one list.The integers do not have to be consecutive.
ComboBox Property N Identifier A named property to be tied to this item. All the items tied to the same property become part of the same combobox.
ComboBox Text Y Formatted The visible text to be assigned to the item. Optional. If this entry or the entire column is missing, the text is the same as the value.
ComboBox Value N Formatted The value string associated with this item. Selecting the line will set the associated property to this value.
CompLocator ComponentId N Guid A string GUID unique to this component, version, and language.
CompLocator Signature_ N Identifier The table key. The Signature_ represents a unique file signature and is also the foreign key in the Signature table.
CompLocator Type Y 0 1 A boolean value that determines if the registry value is a filename or a directory location.
Complus Component_ N Component 1 Identifier Foreign key referencing Component that controls the ComPlus component.
Complus ExpType Y 0 32767 ComPlus component attributes.
Component Attributes N Remote execution option, one of irsEnum
Component Component N Identifier Primary key used to identify a particular component record.
Component ComponentId Y Guid A string GUID unique to this component, version, and language.
Component Condition Y Condition A conditional statement that will disable this component if the specified condition evaluates to the 'True' state. If a component is disabled, it will not be installed, regardless of the 'Action' state associated with the component.
Component Directory_ N Directory 1 Identifier Required key of a Directory table record. This is actually a property name whose value contains the actual path, set either by the AppSearch action or with the default setting obtained from the Directory table.
Component KeyPath Y File;Registry;ODBCDataSource 1 Identifier Either the primary key into the File table, Registry table, or ODBCDataSource table. This extract path is stored when the component is installed, and is used to detect the presence of the component and to return the path to it.
Condition Condition Y Condition Expression evaluated to determine if Level in the Feature table is to change.
Condition Feature_ N Feature 1 Identifier Reference to a Feature entry in Feature table.
Condition Level N 0 32767 New selection Level to set in Feature table if Condition evaluates to TRUE.
Control Attributes Y 0 2147483647 A 32-bit word that specifies the attribute flags to be applied to this control.
Control Control N Identifier Name of the control. This name must be unique within a dialog, but can repeat on different dialogs.
Control Control_Next Y Control 2 Identifier The name of an other control on the same dialog. This link defines the tab order of the controls. The links have to form one or more cycles!
Control Dialog_ N Dialog 1 Identifier External key to the Dialog table, name of the dialog.
Control Height N 0 32767 Height of the bounding rectangle of the control.
Control Help Y Text The help strings used with the button. The text is optional.
Control Property Y Identifier The name of a defined property to be linked to this control.
Control Text Y Formatted A string used to set the initial text contained within a control (if appropriate).
Control Type N Identifier The type of the control.
Control Width N 0 32767 Width of the bounding rectangle of the control.
Control X N 0 32767 Horizontal coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle of the control.
Control Y N 0 32767 Vertical coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle of the control.
ControlCondition Action N Default;Disable;Enable;Hide;Show The desired action to be taken on the specified control.
ControlCondition Condition N Condition A standard conditional statement that specifies under which conditions the action should be triggered.
ControlCondition Control_ N Control 2 Identifier A foreign key to the Control table, name of the control.
ControlCondition Dialog_ N Dialog 1 Identifier A foreign key to the Dialog table, name of the dialog.
ControlEvent Argument N Formatted A value to be used as a modifier when triggering a particular event.
ControlEvent Condition Y Condition A standard conditional statement that specifies under which conditions an event should be triggered.
ControlEvent Control_ N Control 2 Identifier A foreign key to the Control table, name of the control
ControlEvent Dialog_ N Dialog 1 Identifier A foreign key to the Dialog table, name of the dialog.
ControlEvent Event N Formatted An identifier that specifies the type of the event that should take place when the user interacts with control specified by the first two entries.
ControlEvent Ordering Y 0 2147483647 An integer used to order several events tied to the same control. Can be left blank.
CreateFolder Component_ N Component 1 Identifier Foreign key into the Component table.
CreateFolder Directory_ N Directory 1 Identifier Primary key, could be foreign key into the Directory table.
CustomAction Action N Identifier Primary key, name of action, normally appears in sequence table unless private use.
CustomAction Source Y CustomSource The table reference of the source of the code.
CustomAction Target Y Formatted Excecution parameter, depends on the type of custom action
CustomAction Type N 1 4095 The numeric custom action type, consisting of source location, code type, entry, option flags.
Dialog Attributes Y 0 2147483647 A 32-bit word that specifies the attribute flags to be applied to this dialog.
Dialog Control_Cancel Y Control 2 Identifier Defines the cancel control. Hitting escape or clicking on the close icon on the dialog is equivalent to pushing this button.
Dialog Control_Default Y Control 2 Identifier Defines the default control. Hitting return is equivalent to pushing this button.
Dialog Control_First N Control 2 Identifier Defines the control that has the focus when the dialog is created.
Dialog Dialog N Identifier Name of the dialog.
Dialog HCentering N 0 100 Horizontal position of the dialog on a 0-100 scale. 0 means left end, 100 means right end of the screen, 50 center.
Dialog Height N 0 32767 Height of the bounding rectangle of the dialog.
Dialog Title Y Formatted A text string specifying the title to be displayed in the title bar of the dialog's window.
Dialog VCentering N 0 100 Vertical position of the dialog on a 0-100 scale. 0 means top end, 100 means bottom end of the screen, 50 center.
Dialog Width N 0 32767 Width of the bounding rectangle of the dialog.
Directory DefaultDir N DefaultDir The default sub-path under parent's path.
Directory Directory N Identifier Unique identifier for directory entry, primary key. If a property by this name is defined, it contains the full path to the directory.
Directory Directory_Parent Y Directory 1 Identifier Reference to the entry in this table specifying the default parent directory. A record parented to itself or with a Null parent represents a root of the install tree.
DrLocator Depth Y 0 32767 The depth below the path to which the Signature_ is recursively searched. If absent, the depth is assumed to be 0.
DrLocator Parent Y Identifier The parent file signature. It is also a foreign key in the Signature table. If null and the Path column does not expand to a full path, then all the fixed drives of the user system are searched using the Path.
DrLocator Path Y AnyPath The path on the user system. This is a either a subpath below the value of the Parent or a full path. The path may contain properties enclosed within [ ] that will be expanded.
DrLocator Signature_ N Identifier The Signature_ represents a unique file signature and is also the foreign key in the Signature table.
DuplicateFile Component_ N Component 1 Identifier Foreign key referencing Component that controls the duplicate file.
DuplicateFile DestFolder Y Identifier Name of a property whose value is assumed to resolve to the full pathname to a destination folder.
DuplicateFile DestName Y Filename Filename to be given to the duplicate file.
DuplicateFile File_ N File 1 Identifier Foreign key referencing the source file to be duplicated.
DuplicateFile FileKey N Identifier Primary key used to identify a particular file entry
Environment Component_ N Component 1 Identifier Foreign key into the Component table referencing component that controls the installing of the environmental value.
Environment Environment N Identifier Unique identifier for the environmental variable setting
Environment Name N Text The name of the environmental value.
Environment Value Y Formatted The value to set in the environmental settings.
Error Error N 0 32767 Integer error number, obtained from header file IError(...) macros.
Error Message Y Template Error formatting template, obtained from user ed. or localizers.
EventMapping Attribute N Identifier The name of the control attribute, that is set when this event is received.
EventMapping Control_ N Control 2 Identifier A foreign key to the Control table, name of the control.
EventMapping Dialog_ N Dialog 1 Identifier A foreign key to the Dialog table, name of the Dialog.
EventMapping Event N Identifier An identifier that specifies the type of the event that the control subscribes to.
Extension Component_ N Component 1 Identifier Required foreign key into the Component Table, specifying the component for which to return a path when called through LocateComponent.
Extension Extension N Text The extension associated with the table row.
Extension Feature_ N Feature 1 Identifier Required foreign key into the Feature Table, specifying the feature to validate or install in order for the CLSID factory to be operational.
Extension MIME_ Y MIME 1 Text Optional Context identifier, typically "type/format" associated with the extension
Extension ProgId_ Y ProgId 1 Text Optional ProgId associated with this extension.
Feature Attributes N 0;1;2;4;5;6;8;9;10;16;17;18;20;21;22;24;25;26;32;33;34;36;37;38;48;49;50;52;53;54 Feature attributes
Feature Description Y Text Longer descriptive text describing a visible feature item.
Feature Directory_ Y Directory 1 UpperCase The name of the Directory that can be configured by the UI. A non-null value will enable the browse button.
Feature Display Y 0 32767 Numeric sort order, used to force a specific display ordering.
Feature Feature N Identifier Primary key used to identify a particular feature record.
Feature Feature_Parent Y Feature 1 Identifier Optional key of a parent record in the same table. If the parent is not selected, then the record will not be installed. Null indicates a root item.
Feature Level N 0 32767 The install level at which record will be initially selected. An install level of 0 will disable an item and prevent its display.
Feature Title Y Text Short text identifying a visible feature item.
FeatureComponents Component_ N Component 1 Identifier Foreign key into Component table.
FeatureComponents Feature_ N Feature 1 Identifier Foreign key into Feature table.
File Attributes Y 0 32767 Integer containing bit flags representing file attributes (with the decimal value of each bit position in parentheses)
File Component_ N Component 1 Identifier Foreign key referencing Component that controls the file.
File File N Identifier Primary key, non-localized token, must match identifier in cabinet. For uncompressed files, this field is ignored.
File FileName N Filename File name used for installation, may be localized. This may contain a "short name|long name" pair.
File FileSize N 0 2147483647 Size of file in bytes (long integer).
File Language Y Language List of decimal language Ids, comma-separated if more than one.
File Sequence N 1 32767 Sequence with respect to the media images; order must track cabinet order.
File Version Y File 1 Version Version string for versioned files; Blank for unversioned files.
FileSFPCatalog File_ N File 1 Identifier File associated with the catalog
FileSFPCatalog SFPCatalog_ N SFPCatalog 1 Filename Catalog associated with the file
Font File_ N File 1 Identifier Primary key, foreign key into File table referencing font file.
Font FontTitle Y Text Font name.
Icon Data N Binary Binary stream. The binary icon data in PE (.DLL or .EXE) or icon (.ICO) format.
Icon Name N Identifier Primary key. Name of the icon file.
IniFile Action N 0;1;3 The type of modification to be made, one of iifEnum
IniFile Component_ N Component 1 Identifier Foreign key into the Component table referencing component that controls the installing of the .INI value.
IniFile DirProperty Y Identifier Foreign key into the Directory table denoting the directory where the .INI file is.
IniFile FileName N Filename The .INI file name in which to write the information
IniFile IniFile N Identifier Primary key, non-localized token.
IniFile Key N Formatted The .INI file key below Section.
IniFile Section N Formatted The .INI file Section.
IniFile Value N Formatted The value to be written.
IniLocator Field Y 0 32767 The field in the .INI line. If Field is null or 0 the entire line is read.
IniLocator FileName N Filename The .INI file name.
IniLocator Key N Text Key value (followed by an equals sign in INI file).
IniLocator Section N Text Section name within in file (within square brackets in INI file).
IniLocator Signature_ N Identifier The table key. The Signature_ represents a unique file signature and is also the foreign key in the Signature table.
IniLocator Type Y 0 2 An integer value that determines if the .INI value read is a filename or a directory location or to be used as is w/o interpretation.
InstallExecuteSequence Action N Identifier Name of action to invoke, either in the engine or the handler DLL.
InstallExecuteSequence Condition Y Condition Optional expression which skips the action if evaluates to expFalse.If the expression syntax is invalid, the engine will terminate, returning iesBadActionData.
InstallExecuteSequence Sequence Y -4 32767 Number that determines the sort order in which the actions are to be executed. Leave blank to suppress action.
InstallUISequence Action N Identifier Name of action to invoke, either in the engine or the handler DLL.
InstallUISequence Condition Y Condition Optional expression which skips the action if evaluates to expFalse.If the expression syntax is invalid, the engine will terminate, returning iesBadActionData.
InstallUISequence Sequence Y -4 32767 Number that determines the sort order in which the actions are to be executed. Leave blank to suppress action.
IsolatedComponent Component_Application N Component 1 Identifier Key to Component table item for application
IsolatedComponent Component_Shared N Component 1 Identifier Key to Component table item to be isolated
LaunchCondition Condition N Condition Expression which must evaluate to TRUE in order for install to commence.
LaunchCondition Description N Formatted Localizable text to display when condition fails and install must abort.
ListBox Order N 1 32767 A positive integer used to determine the ordering of the items within one list..The integers do not have to be consecutive.
ListBox Property N Identifier A named property to be tied to this item. All the items tied to the same property become part of the same listbox.
ListBox Text Y Text The visible text to be assigned to the item. Optional. If this entry or the entire column is missing, the text is the same as the value.
ListBox Value N Formatted The value string associated with this item. Selecting the line will set the associated property to this value.
ListView Binary_ Y Binary 1 Identifier The name of the icon to be displayed with the icon. The binary information is looked up from the Binary Table.
ListView Order N 1 32767 A positive integer used to determine the ordering of the items within one list..The integers do not have to be consecutive.
ListView Property N Identifier A named property to be tied to this item. All the items tied to the same property become part of the same listview.
ListView Text Y Text The visible text to be assigned to the item. Optional. If this entry or the entire column is missing, the text is the same as the value.
ListView Value N Identifier The value string associated with this item. Selecting the line will set the associated property to this value.
LockPermissions Domain Y Formatted Domain name for user whose permissions are being set. (usually a property)
LockPermissions LockObject N Identifier Foreign key into Registry or File table
LockPermissions Permission Y -2147483647 2147483647 Permission Access mask. Full Control = 268435456 (GENERIC_ALL = 0x10000000)
LockPermissions Table N Identifier Directory;File;Registry Reference to another table name
LockPermissions User N Formatted User for permissions to be set. (usually a property)
Media Cabinet Y Cabinet If some or all of the files stored on the media are compressed in a cabinet, the name of that cabinet.
Media DiskId N 1 32767 Primary key, integer to determine sort order for table.
Media DiskPrompt Y Text Disk name: the visible text actually printed on the disk. This will be used to prompt the user when this disk needs to be inserted.
Media LastSequence N 0 32767 File sequence number for the last file for this media.
Media Source Y Property The property defining the location of the cabinet file.
Media VolumeLabel Y Text The label attributed to the volume.
MIME CLSID Y Guid Optional associated CLSID.
MIME ContentType N Text Primary key. Context identifier, typically "type/format".
MIME Extension_ N Extension 1 Text Optional associated extension (without dot)
ModuleAdminExecuteSequence Action N Identifier Action to insert
ModuleAdminExecuteSequence After Y 0 1 Before (0) or After (1)
ModuleAdminExecuteSequence BaseAction Y ModuleAdminExecuteSequence 1 Identifier Base action to determine insert location.
ModuleAdminExecuteSequence Condition Y Condition
ModuleAdminExecuteSequence Sequence Y -4 32767 Standard Sequence number
ModuleAdminUISequence Action N Identifier Action to insert
ModuleAdminUISequence After Y 0 1 Before (0) or After (1)
ModuleAdminUISequence BaseAction Y ModuleAdminUISequence 1 Identifier Base action to determine insert location.
ModuleAdminUISequence Condition Y Condition
ModuleAdminUISequence Sequence Y -4 32767 Standard Sequence number
ModuleAdvtExecuteSequence Action N Identifier Action to insert
ModuleAdvtExecuteSequence After Y 0 1 Before (0) or After (1)
ModuleAdvtExecuteSequence BaseAction Y ModuleAdvtExecuteSequence 1 Identifier Base action to determine insert location.
ModuleAdvtExecuteSequence Condition Y Condition
ModuleAdvtExecuteSequence Sequence Y -4 32767 Standard Sequence number
ModuleAdvtUISequence Action N Identifier Action to insert
ModuleAdvtUISequence After Y 0 1 Before (0) or After (1)
ModuleAdvtUISequence BaseAction Y ModuleAdvtUISequence 1 Identifier Base action to determine insert location.
ModuleAdvtUISequence Condition Y Condition
ModuleAdvtUISequence Sequence Y -4 32767 Standard Sequence number
ModuleComponents Component N Component 1 Identifier Component contained in the module.
ModuleComponents Language N ModuleSignature 2 Default language ID for module (may be changed by transform).
ModuleComponents ModuleID N ModuleSignature 1 Identifier Module containing the component.
ModuleDependency ModuleID N ModuleSignature 1 Identifier Module requiring the dependency.
ModuleDependency ModuleLanguage N ModuleSignature 2 Language of module requiring the dependency.
ModuleDependency RequiredID N String.GUID of required module.
ModuleDependency RequiredLanguage N LanguageID of the required module.
ModuleDependency RequiredVersion Y Version Version of the required version.
ModuleExclusion ExcludedID N String.GUID of excluded module.
ModuleExclusion ExcludedLanguage N Language of excluded module.
ModuleExclusion ExcludedMaxVersion Y Version Maximum version of excluded module.
ModuleExclusion ExcludedMinVersion Y Version Minimum version of excluded module.
ModuleExclusion ModuleID N ModuleSignature 1 Identifier String.GUID of module with exclusion requirement.
ModuleExclusion ModuleLanguage N ModuleSignature 2 LanguageID of module with exclusion requirement.
ModuleIgnoreTable Table N Identifier Table name to ignore during merge operation.
ModuleInstallExecuteSequence Action N Identifier Action to insert
ModuleInstallExecuteSequence After Y 0 1 Before (0) or After (1)
ModuleInstallExecuteSequence BaseAction Y ModuleInstallExecuteSequence 1 Identifier Base action to determine insert location.
ModuleInstallExecuteSequence Condition Y Condition
ModuleInstallExecuteSequence Sequence Y -4 32767 Standard Sequence number
ModuleInstallUISequence Action N Identifier Action to insert
ModuleInstallUISequence After Y 0 1 Before (0) or After (1)
ModuleInstallUISequence BaseAction Y ModuleInstallUISequence 1 Identifier Base action to determine insert location.
ModuleInstallUISequence Condition Y Condition
ModuleInstallUISequence Sequence Y -4 32767 Standard Sequence number
ModuleSignature Language N Default decimal language of module.
ModuleSignature ModuleID N Identifier Module identifier (String.GUID).
ModuleSignature Version N Version Version of the module.
MoveFile Component_ N Component 1 Identifier If this component is not "selected" for installation or removal, no action will be taken on the associated MoveFile entry
MoveFile DestFolder N Identifier Name of a property whose value is assumed to resolve to the full path to the destination directory
MoveFile DestName Y Filename Name to be given to the original file after it is moved or copied. If blank, the destination file will be given the same name as the source file
MoveFile FileKey N Identifier Primary key that uniquely identifies a particular MoveFile record
MoveFile Options N 0 1 Integer value specifying the MoveFile operating mode, one of imfoEnum
MoveFile SourceFolder Y Identifier Name of a property whose value is assumed to resolve to the full path to the source directory
MoveFile SourceName Y WildCardFilename Name of the source file(s) to be moved or copied. Can contain the '*' or '?' wildcards.
MsiAssembly Attributes Y Assembly attributes
MsiAssembly Component_ N Component 1 Identifier Foreign key into Component table.
MsiAssembly Feature_ N Feature 1 Identifier Foreign key into Feature table.
MsiAssembly File_Application Y File 1 Identifier Foreign key into File table, denoting the application context for private assemblies. Null for global assemblies.
MsiAssembly File_Manifest Y File 1 Identifier Foreign key into the File table denoting the manifest file for the assembly.
MsiAssemblyName Component_ N Component 1 Identifier Foreign key into Component table.
MsiAssemblyName Name N Text The name part of the name-value pairs for the assembly name.
MsiAssemblyName Value N Text The value part of the name-value pairs for the assembly name.
MsiDigitalCertificate CertData N Binary A certificate context blob for a signer certificate
MsiDigitalCertificate DigitalCertificate N Identifier A unique identifier for the row
MsiDigitalSignature DigitalCertificate_ N MsiDigitalCertificate 1 Identifier Foreign key to MsiDigitalCertificate table identifying the signer certificate
MsiDigitalSignature Hash Y Binary The encoded hash blob from the digital signature
MsiDigitalSignature SignObject N Text Foreign key to Media table
MsiDigitalSignature Table N Identifier Reference to another table name (only Media table is supported)
MsiFileHash File_ N File 1 Identifier Primary key, foreign key into File table referencing file with this hash
MsiFileHash HashPart1 N Size of file in bytes (long integer).
MsiFileHash HashPart2 N Size of file in bytes (long integer).
MsiFileHash HashPart3 N Size of file in bytes (long integer).
MsiFileHash HashPart4 N Size of file in bytes (long integer).
MsiFileHash Options N 0 32767 Various options and attributes for this hash.
ODBCAttribute Attribute N Text Name of ODBC driver attribute
ODBCAttribute Driver_ N ODBCDriver 1 Identifier Reference to ODBC driver in ODBCDriver table
ODBCAttribute Value Y Text Value for ODBC driver attribute
ODBCDataSource Component_ N Component 1 Identifier Reference to associated component
ODBCDataSource DataSource N Identifier Primary key, non-localized.internal token for data source
ODBCDataSource Description N Text Text used as registered name for data source
ODBCDataSource DriverDescription N Text Reference to driver description, may be existing driver
ODBCDataSource Registration N 0 1 Registration option: 0=machine, 1=user, others t.b.d.
ODBCDriver Component_ N Component 1 Identifier Reference to associated component
ODBCDriver Description N Text Text used as registered name for driver, non-localized
ODBCDriver Driver N Identifier Primary key, non-localized.internal token for driver
ODBCDriver File_ N File 1 Identifier Reference to key driver file
ODBCDriver File_Setup Y File 1 Identifier Optional reference to key driver setup DLL
ODBCSourceAttribute Attribute N Text Name of ODBC data source attribute
ODBCSourceAttribute DataSource_ N ODBCDataSource 1 Identifier Reference to ODBC data source in ODBCDataSource table
ODBCSourceAttribute Value Y Text Value for ODBC data source attribute
ODBCTranslator Component_ N Component 1 Identifier Reference to associated component
ODBCTranslator Description N Text Text used as registered name for translator
ODBCTranslator File_ N File 1 Identifier Reference to key translator file
ODBCTranslator File_Setup Y File 1 Identifier Optional reference to key translator setup DLL
ODBCTranslator Translator N Identifier Primary key, non-localized.internal token for translator
Patch Attributes N 0 32767 Integer containing bit flags representing patch attributes
Patch File_ N Identifier Primary key, non-localized token, foreign key to File table, must match identifier in cabinet.
Patch Header N Binary Binary stream. The patch header, used for patch validation.
Patch PatchSize N 0 2147483647 Size of patch in bytes (long integer).
Patch Sequence N 0 32767 Primary key, sequence with respect to the media images; order must track cabinet order.
PatchPackage Media_ N 0 32767 Foreign key to DiskId column of Media table. Indicates the disk containing the patch package.
PatchPackage PatchId N Guid A unique string GUID representing this patch.
ProgId Class_ Y Class 1 Guid The CLSID of an OLE factory corresponding to the ProgId.
ProgId Description Y Text Localized description for the Program identifier.
ProgId Icon_ Y Icon 1 Identifier Optional foreign key into the Icon Table, specifying the icon file associated with this ProgId. Will be written under the DefaultIcon key.
ProgId IconIndex Y -32767 32767 Optional icon index.
ProgId ProgId N Text The Program Identifier. Primary key.
ProgId ProgId_Parent Y ProgId 1 Text The Parent Program Identifier. If specified, the ProgId column becomes a version independent prog id.
Property Property N Identifier Name of property, uppercase if settable by launcher or loader.
Property Value N Text String value for property. Never null or empty.
PublishComponent AppData Y Text This is localisable Application specific data that can be associated with a Qualified Component.
PublishComponent Component_ N Component 1 Identifier Foreign key into the Component table.
PublishComponent ComponentId N Guid A string GUID that represents the component id that will be requested by the alien product.
PublishComponent Feature_ N Feature 1 Identifier Foreign key into the Feature table.
PublishComponent Qualifier N Text This is defined only when the ComponentId column is an Qualified Component Id. This is the Qualifier for ProvideComponentIndirect.
RadioButton Height N 0 32767 The height of the button.
RadioButton Help Y Text The help strings used with the button. The text is optional.
RadioButton Order N 1 32767 A positive integer used to determine the ordering of the items within one list..The integers do not have to be consecutive.
RadioButton Property N Identifier A named property to be tied to this radio button. All the buttons tied to the same property become part of the same group.
RadioButton Text Y Text The visible title to be assigned to the radio button.
RadioButton Value N Formatted The value string associated with this button. Selecting the button will set the associated property to this value.
RadioButton Width N 0 32767 The width of the button.
RadioButton X N 0 32767 The horizontal coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle of the radio button.
RadioButton Y N 0 32767 The vertical coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle of the radio button.
Registry Component_ N Component 1 Identifier Foreign key into the Component table referencing component that controls the installing of the registry value.
Registry Key N RegPath The key for the registry value.
Registry Name Y Formatted The registry value name.
Registry Registry N Identifier Primary key, non-localized token.
Registry Root N -1 3 The predefined root key for the registry value, one of rrkEnum.
Registry Value Y Formatted The registry value.
RegLocator Key N RegPath The key for the registry value.
RegLocator Name Y Formatted The registry value name.
RegLocator Root N 0 3 The predefined root key for the registry value, one of rrkEnum.
RegLocator Signature_ N Identifier The table key. The Signature_ represents a unique file signature and is also the foreign key in the Signature table. If the type is 0, the registry values refers a directory, and _Signature is not a foreign key.
RegLocator Type Y 0 2 An integer value that determines if the registry value is a filename or a directory location or to be used as is w/o interpretation.
RemoveFile Component_ N Component 1 Identifier Foreign key referencing Component that controls the file to be removed.
RemoveFile DirProperty N Identifier Name of a property whose value is assumed to resolve to the full pathname to the folder of the file to be removed.
RemoveFile FileKey N Identifier Primary key used to identify a particular file entry
RemoveFile FileName Y WildCardFilename Name of the file to be removed.
RemoveFile InstallMode N 1;2;3 Installation option, one of iimEnum.
RemoveIniFile Action N 2;4 The type of modification to be made, one of iifEnum.
RemoveIniFile Component_ N Component 1 Identifier Foreign key into the Component table referencing component that controls the deletion of the .INI value.
RemoveIniFile DirProperty Y Identifier Foreign key into the Directory table denoting the directory where the .INI file is.
RemoveIniFile FileName N Filename The .INI file name in which to delete the information
RemoveIniFile Key N Formatted The .INI file key below Section.
RemoveIniFile RemoveIniFile N Identifier Primary key, non-localized token.
RemoveIniFile Section N Formatted The .INI file Section.
RemoveIniFile Value Y Formatted The value to be deleted. The value is required when Action is iifIniRemoveTag
RemoveRegistry Component_ N Component 1 Identifier Foreign key into the Component table referencing component that controls the deletion of the registry value.
RemoveRegistry Key N RegPath The key for the registry value.
RemoveRegistry Name Y Formatted The registry value name.
RemoveRegistry RemoveRegistry N Identifier Primary key, non-localized token.
RemoveRegistry Root N -1 3 The predefined root key for the registry value, one of rrkEnum
ReserveCost Component_ N Component 1 Identifier Reserve a specified amount of space if this component is to be installed.
ReserveCost ReserveFolder Y Identifier Name of a property whose value is assumed to resolve to the full path to the destination directory
ReserveCost ReserveKey N Identifier Primary key that uniquely identifies a particular ReserveCost record
ReserveCost ReserveLocal N 0 2147483647 Disk space to reserve if linked component is installed locally.
ReserveCost ReserveSource N 0 2147483647 Disk space to reserve if linked component is installed to run from the source location.
SelfReg Cost Y 0 32767 The cost of registering the module.
SelfReg File_ N File 1 Identifier Foreign key into the File table denoting the module that needs to be registered.
ServiceControl Arguments Y Formatted Arguments for the service. Separate by [~].
ServiceControl Component_ N Component 1 Identifier Required foreign key into the Component Table that controls the startup of the service
ServiceControl Event N 0 187 Bit field: Install: 0x1 = Start, 0x2 = Stop, 0x8 = Delete, Uninstall: 0x10 = Start, 0x20 = Stop, 0x80 = Delete
ServiceControl Name N Formatted Name of a service. /, \, comma and space are invalid
ServiceControl ServiceControl N Identifier Primary key, non-localized token.
ServiceControl Wait Y 0 1 Boolean for whether to wait for the service to fully start
ServiceInstall Arguments Y Formatted Arguments to include in every start of the service, passed to WinMain
ServiceInstall Component_ N Component 1 Identifier Required foreign key into the Component Table that controls the startup of the service
ServiceInstall Dependencies Y Formatted Other services this depends on to start. Separate by [~], and end with [~][~]
ServiceInstall Description Y Text Description of service.
ServiceInstall DisplayName Y Formatted External Name of the Service
ServiceInstall ErrorControl N -2147483647 2147483647 Severity of error if service fails to start
ServiceInstall LoadOrderGroup Y Formatted LoadOrderGroup
ServiceInstall Name N Formatted Internal Name of the Service
ServiceInstall Password Y Formatted password to run service with. (with StartName)
ServiceInstall ServiceInstall N Identifier Primary key, non-localized token.
ServiceInstall ServiceType N -2147483647 2147483647 Type of the service
ServiceInstall StartName Y Formatted User or object name to run service as
ServiceInstall StartType N 0 4 Type of the service
SFPCatalog Catalog N Binary SFP Catalog
SFPCatalog Dependency Y Formatted Parent catalog - only used by SFP
SFPCatalog SFPCatalog N Filename File name for the catalog.
Shortcut Arguments Y Formatted The command-line arguments for the shortcut.
Shortcut Component_ N Component 1 Identifier Foreign key into the Component table denoting the component whose selection gates the the shortcut creation/deletion.
Shortcut Description Y Text The description for the shortcut.
Shortcut Directory_ N Directory 1 Identifier Foreign key into the Directory table denoting the directory where the shortcut file is created.
Shortcut Hotkey Y 0 32767 The hotkey for the shortcut. It has the virtual-key code for the key in the low-order byte, and the modifier flags in the high-order byte.
Shortcut Icon_ Y Icon 1 Identifier Foreign key into the File table denoting the external icon file for the shortcut.
Shortcut IconIndex Y -32767 32767 The icon index for the shortcut.
Shortcut Name N Filename The name of the shortcut to be created.
Shortcut Shortcut N Identifier Primary key, non-localized token.
Shortcut ShowCmd Y 1;3;7 The show command for the application window.The following values may be used.
Shortcut Target N Shortcut The shortcut target. This is usually a property that is expanded to a file or a folder that the shortcut points to.
Shortcut WkDir Y Identifier Name of property defining location of working directory.
Signature FileName N Filename The name of the file. This may contain a "short name|long name" pair.
Signature Languages Y Language The languages supported by the file.
Signature MaxDate Y 0 2147483647 The maximum creation date of the file.
Signature MaxSize Y 0 2147483647 The maximum size of the file.
Signature MaxVersion Y Text The maximum version of the file.
Signature MinDate Y 0 2147483647 The minimum creation date of the file.
Signature MinSize Y 0 2147483647 The minimum size of the file.
Signature MinVersion Y Text The minimum version of the file.
Signature Signature N Identifier The table key. The Signature represents a unique file signature.
TextStyle Color Y 0 16777215 A long integer indicating the color of the string in the RGB format (Red, Green, Blue each 0-255, RGB = R + 256*G + 256^2*B).
TextStyle FaceName N Text A string indicating the name of the font used. Required. The string must be at most 31 characters long.
TextStyle Size N 0 32767 The size of the font used. This size is given in our units (1/12 of the system font height). Assuming that the system font is set to 12 point size, this is equivalent to the point size.
TextStyle StyleBits Y 0 15 A combination of style bits.
TextStyle TextStyle N Identifier Name of the style. The primary key of this table. This name is embedded in the texts to indicate a style change.
TypeLib Component_ N Component 1 Identifier Required foreign key into the Component Table, specifying the component for which to return a path when called through LocateComponent.
TypeLib Cost Y 0 2147483647 The cost associated with the registration of the typelib. This column is currently optional.
TypeLib Description Y Text
TypeLib Directory_ Y Directory 1 Identifier Optional. The foreign key into the Directory table denoting the path to the help file for the type library.
TypeLib Feature_ N Feature 1 Identifier Required foreign key into the Feature Table, specifying the feature to validate or install in order for the type library to be operational.
TypeLib Language N 0 32767 The language of the library.
TypeLib LibID N Guid The GUID that represents the library.
TypeLib Version Y 0 16777215 The version of the library. The major version is in the upper 8 bits of the short integer. The minor version is in the lower 8 bits.
UIText Key N Identifier A unique key that identifies the particular string.
UIText Text Y Text The localized version of the string.
Upgrade ActionProperty N UpperCase The property to set when a product in this set is found.
Upgrade Attributes N 0 2147483647 The attributes of this product set.
Upgrade Language Y Language A comma-separated list of languages for either products in this set or products not in this set.
Upgrade Remove Y Formatted The list of features to remove when uninstalling a product from this set. The default is "ALL".
Upgrade UpgradeCode N Guid The UpgradeCode GUID belonging to the products in this set.
Upgrade VersionMax Y Text The maximum ProductVersion of the products in this set. The set may or may not include products with this particular version.
Upgrade VersionMin Y Text The minimum ProductVersion of the products in this set. The set may or may not include products with this particular version.
Verb Argument Y Formatted Optional value for the command arguments.
Verb Command Y Formatted The command text.
Verb Extension_ N Extension 1 Text The extension associated with the table row.
Verb Sequence Y 0 32767 Order within the verbs for a particular extension. Also used simply to specify the default verb.
Verb Verb N Text The verb for the command.

View file

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